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TheBuddha ago

Hello and welcome to another FNGT. Like most weeks, I'll go ahead and get you started.

"This is bullsit." Said the eldest hoodlum.

She's not the least bit happy about this.

Trust me... She's mad.

This is too easy and she thinks the request should have asked someone else to do it. I'm not kidding, she wanted to not do this.

Here you go...

Or you can lisen to this!

This is "It's So Easy" and I'm not even gonna try to figure that out. It's what she wants to do! I played drum and J did bass. Umm...

Just trust me... Listen to it.

I'm uploading it now and it's being a cunt.


I'll meet you at the tablet.

TheBuddha ago

@squever I think is the name.

Just trust me. I have sihit to do.

sguevar ago

sguevar with a G as in george XD thanks man

heygeorge ago

sguevar with a G as in george XD thanks man

Confirmed as my alt, thanks for blowing us (I mean me) out of the water

sguevar ago

LMAO... I just self doxxed us NOOOOOOOO

heygeorge ago

Show them our tits!

Nadeshda ago

Oh hell no!