Lifein12keys ago

I'm a working Pro.. started a website a while back. I'd love some feedback from the group

TheBuddha ago

Wait until tonight.

There's a new thread every Friday. It starts at 20:00 Eastern US time. @crazy_eyes will answer any questions, eventually. Ol' Buddha is gonna be working.

Have a great day.

crazy_eyes ago

is it friday?

TheBuddha ago

No, and everyone let me think it was Friday without telling me.

I forgot the band sets up on Thursday. It was Friday, in my head, until like 14:00. I was all set to go to work tonight.

I do drugs.

crazy_eyes ago

I wasn't sure myself. So umm its not Friday

TheBuddha ago

No. It's Thursday. I made sure!

crazy_eyes ago

I thought so, I was supposed to work on Thursday and I got up at 4AM and went and did it, nobody said anything but it was at walmart, so they dont even know im coming till i get there

TheBuddha ago

I had EH rush to do a song, got out outfits, and told people I'd be there at 18:00.

None of them said a fucking word. They just let me think it was Friday.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL Thats funny

TheBuddha ago

It's horrible! I'm selling the lot of them to the next passing slave trader.

crazy_eyes ago

You get a lot of slave traders there? I never see any around here, or I would probably have me a couple slaves playing drums and bass

TheBuddha ago

No, none so far. I can hope, however. Some guy offered to buy them, here on Voat. He offered like 50 euro. He can't even afford the chocolate budget. So, I didn't take his offer.

TheBuddha ago

Sometime, I'll have to get you a picture from when I'm above the storm clouds.

It's pretty sweet! You'll like it.

crazy_eyes ago

that bright line going across the sky ahead of the storm is pretty freaky looking

TheBuddha ago

You'll probably survive.

crazy_eyes ago

Its pouring rain right now, the temperature dropped 20 degrees in a matter of minutes

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, that's always kinda neat. You should be fine! No hail or anything?

crazy_eyes ago

no just heavy rain and lightning and thunder, the heavy rain has passed already and its just sprinkling now

TheBuddha ago

Well, you do live near some water.

crazy_eyes ago

theres a great lake a mile away

TheBuddha ago

Yup. That's gotta have an impact on the weather. It's a big fucking lake. I've touched it.

crazy_eyes ago

Yes it sure does, in a good way, no tornado has ever touched down in the area that I live as long as people have been keeping track back in the 1700s, so I think I'm pretty safe from them. They do get them 40 miles and more inland, but never over here. There has been a couple sighted in the area but they never touch down till they get over the water. Man I remember back when I was married and we lived in a house on the beach one day there was a huge waterspout tornado out in the water, the thing looked like it was a mile wide, but it never came to land thankfully. That was a hell of a sight

TheBuddha ago

That'd be sweet!

crazy_eyes ago

It was cool, but it made me nervous

TheBuddha ago

I love it when Mother Nature gets pissed. It's one of the reasons I like it here.

It helps to have a house that is pretty tough. She get mad and throws stuff around, buries you in snow, or drives down rain and hail and shit. It's awesome.

crazy_eyes ago

I enjoy all that kind of stuff as well. As long as it doesnt knock a tree over into my house

TheBuddha ago

I haven't got any trees near my house that will get large enough to do any damage. Also, my windows are supposed to be good at not letting shit through them, like blown trees. My son never broke any, so I think they work. It's not like I actually tested this with a 2x4, but I guess it'll withstand a full 2x4 at pretty high speeds.

It's got extra J bolts and a wide sill plate and shit. It ain't going anywhere. It's buttoned up pretty tight.

I figured if I was going to live here, I should not fuck around. I already knew 'bout the winds and snow. I spent the first year in the house across the road. It was horrible. It was awesome, but horrible. I made sure this place did no such thing!

It didn't help that I was pretty wasted. I'd start a fire. It'd roast me out. I'd open the doors. The house would be frozen when I woke up. My oil furnace died at like 30 below. Ain't nobody coming to fix it that day. So, I heated with this giant old wood boiler in the basement. I filled it and filled it and filled it. It'd get to be like 100 in the house. I'd be drunk and open doors and windows.

My son'd be waking me up telling me the toilet froze and that I'm an idiot.

crazy_eyes ago

Freezing pipes is not a good thing, that means you got water leaking. Your son calls you an idiot? Hmm, I dont think mine have done that yet

TheBuddha ago

My son has called me an idiot, many times - rightfully so. I reciprocate when he does stupid things.

He's seen me do some stupid things. 'Dad, you got drunk last night and brought home three chicks from the bar and then yelled at them until passing out at three in the morning. You're an idiot."

"Dad, you left a snowmobile running all night. You're an idiot."

"Dad, you hit the woodshed with the tractor."

The list goes on.

I was so pissed at that old house, I planned on tearing it down. I had it rehabbed. It grew on me. So didn't Maine. Learning to live here was a bit of a journey. Back then, I'd never even so much as killed a chicken for dinner, never mind dress a deer.

crazy_eyes ago

I've never killed a chicken for dinner, or dressed a deer, but I have cleaned ducks and geese and pheasant and the like, as well as rabbits and squirrels and fish

TheBuddha ago

I'd never done any of that. I used to find people doing stuff and ask to help or pay them to teach me. I even spent a winter learning to harvest trees.

crazy_eyes ago

You led a sheltered life!

Christmas trees?

TheBuddha ago

Still never. I don't have a tree. Fuck that. Go decorate a tree in the yard with strings of popcorn and clean up the strings when it is gone.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL, I havent had a christmas tree since my sons were both minors

TheBuddha ago

Fuck that shit. Go decorate a tree outside. I'm not putting a fucking tree in my house. I live in a house because I don't want to live in the trees. Trees belong outside. Feed the birds.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL I havent had one since I moved into this house, it will be 4 years ago Sunday

TheBuddha ago

I've been here for over a decade now. It's weird to say that. I never lived a decade in one house before.

I like this one so much, that I have one I never go to. I should sell it. I sold the other one at a good profit. It wasn't bought as an investment, it was bought cause I was on a bender. Somehow, I made a profit.

crazy_eyes ago

Where is the one you never go to?

TheBuddha ago

Panama City Beach, Florida.

crazy_eyes ago

That's where my mom goes every winter! LoL

I never been to that part of Florida

TheBuddha ago

It's great. That's where spring break really is.

So many college girls... Why yes, yes you can use my beach. I'll even throw a party!

crazy_eyes ago

Well hell yeah! Throw a party!

TheBuddha ago

Damned right. I even ended up in jail. I paid both our bails the following morning and went back to the party. It was a fight. I was drunk and he was an idiot. We both agreed it was good fun, as they trundled us off into the cruiser. They even let me finish my drink.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL drunken idiots, Fucking Opie strikes again

TheBuddha ago

We were shitfaced. I don't even remember why I punched him, but we were spotted by beach patrol. I only hit him once, as I recall.

crazy_eyes ago

sounds like bad timing

TheBuddha ago

They pull in thousands of extra officers. It's always bad timing on the beach.

crazy_eyes ago

see, when I lived on the beach the only time the cops came was when my wifes mom called them on me, there was never cops on that beach, but there wasn't spring break parties with college girls on my beach either unless I throw it, though I did meed this gorgeous supermodel chick on that beach in my back yard that ended up getting me thrown out of the beach house and divorced

TheBuddha ago

I'm completely faithful with this missus. I wasn't even remotely committed when I bought that place.

We had an office not far away from there and I used to pretty much live at the Econo Lodge on 98.

crazy_eyes ago

I am too now, I'm not even interested in anybody else, though three of them still call. But im not about to cheat, it makes my day to come walking in to my house and have her here, just that makes me so happy

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty content. I heard two vehicles in the driveway. They must be home.

crazy_eyes ago

I'm pretty content too, i really like the way things been going around here.

TheBuddha ago

I have been kinda missing days without drama. I used to have no drama.

My house is also noisier than it used to be.

crazy_eyes ago

Mine is definitely a lot noisier than it was just a little over two months ago, busier too. With her daughters coming around all the time, and then their friends come over. Sometimes I throw them all out LoL

TheBuddha ago

I can't really throw any of them out. Well, I can - but they haven't actually done anything to justify doing so.

I close a door if I'm not in the mood for people.

crazy_eyes ago

Well her daughters dont live here, so they can go home

TheBuddha ago

They all live here or are family or are damned near family.

crazy_eyes ago

I dont want a bunch of people living here, though her daughters are trying to call me their step dad

TheBuddha ago

Are they cute?

crazy_eyes ago

They are not ugly, but honestly neither one of them is anywhere near as pretty as their mother, the older one is cuter than the younger one

TheBuddha ago

Today included the eldest hoodlum getting into it with my son and his friend. It was mostly harmless. I didn't actually find out the details. I don't actually care.

I didn't even hear about it until after. I made it a point to appear busy.

I'm going to sleep soon. They're home. I only heard two sets of feet go by, so they didn't sneak anyone in with them.

crazy_eyes ago

Well, give them a great show tomorrow night! I'm going to have to record something tomorrow, I came up with a new awesome riff. I think I'll see if I can make something out of that, i think its great, but I'll find out tomorrow

TheBuddha ago

I gave COF a recording this morning. I thought it was Friday.

crazy_eyes ago

You get two Fridays this week!

TheBuddha ago

Damned right!

crazy_eyes ago

Hell yeah!!

TheBuddha ago

EH and going to wear her little black dress and spike her hair, and drive me to tonight's show.

We were gonna take the 911, but to get out of it she said she'd end up showing her panties. I pointed out she wears a bikini but my logic was lost on her.

crazy_eyes ago

Showing her panties to who?

TheBuddha ago

Anyone that looks when she gets out of the car.

crazy_eyes ago

Oh like the Brittany Spears cooch photo thing. LoL

TheBuddha ago

Yup. I didn't suggest that she could avoid it entirely by not wearing panties. That would be inappropriate.

crazy_eyes ago

I dont know about inappropriate, that would be hilarious! But I can imagine that she would not see the humor

TheBuddha ago

She's getting pretty good at witty comebacks.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL I can imagine, after living with you for over a year now.

TheBuddha ago

With my luck, she'd call me a perv and then ask if I wanted to see her panties.

She's entirely too clever. Damned kid.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL thats a lot better than being entirely too dumb

TheBuddha ago

I'm not entirely sure I can agree!

I have to live with her.

crazy_eyes ago

You don't have to do anything!

TheBuddha ago

No, I do. I said she could stay.

I obligated myself.

Besides, she's adorable. Just ask, she will tell you she is.

crazy_eyes ago

She can think what she wants, but you could always throw her out, you're not that obligated. LoL

TheBuddha ago

No, I'm that obligated. She'd have to do something REALLY bad for me to throw her out, and even then I'd look after her. I can't even imagine what she'd have to do.

I've grown pretty find of the hoodlum.

crazy_eyes ago

Thats cool. I wasn't implying that you should throw her out or anything like that at all. She's your protege! Why would you throw her out?!?!?

So I took this song that Chris and I were working on the other day and added the ghost sounds my son was fucking with us with to it for the FNGT tonight LoL

TheBuddha ago

I'll try to peak in, but I'll be busy.

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah, I am sure you will be busy. That's all right, you can listen in at your leisure

TheBuddha ago

Did you get a PM from COF?

crazy_eyes ago

yeah, I hope his mother is all right

TheBuddha ago

Time will tell and maybe delete that as he's said nothing about that in public.

crazy_eyes ago

i edited it away

TheBuddha ago

Thanks. PMs stay in PM, at least with me. I figured you'd like to follow suit.

I'm 100% certain he won't mind.

I'm 100% certain that I keep PMs private. That's actually all that bugged me with the late voat drama. Too many people were revealing private messages. They were violating confidentiality.

crazy_eyes ago

yeah, for sure, Im stoned, I wasnt really thinking, just answering your question

TheBuddha ago

He'd not actually care, but principles are principles.

Amusingly, one of the goats involved was talking with me about the band at one point. I said I'd let them hear me but I didn't think they'd keep my private information private. They assured me that they would. I dropped it and didn't share.

Good choice!

crazy_eyes ago

yeah the only ones i share your private tracks with are the people in the room listening along with me at the time

at least this all happened in a week old post so not too many people will look at this I wouldnt think

TheBuddha ago

Probably just COF, at some point. LOL He will eventually see this!

waves hi

I ain't even gonna ping him. He will find it eventually and know we were thinking of him.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL thats funny cause it's true! Hi cof! Hope this brings a smile to your face!

TheBuddha ago

Yup. I'm pretty confident he will someday see this.

EH came in, a little while ago, and demanded I tell her she's adorable. She's got blue spiked hair and is wearing a little black dress with boots on.

I've created a monster.

crazy_eyes ago

see now, being demanding isn't really all that adorable

TheBuddha ago

She's sometimes pretty demanding. She's always telling me to give her a hug.

Tonight, she'll drape on my arm and make all the other women jealous while I make the guys jealous. The missus knows its just a part of our act.

Oh, sure enough, yesterday's drama with her and my son was him telling her she should grow 'tits' before wearing a bikini top. She said she started it, but didn't tell me what she did.

They behave like siblings.


crazy_eyes ago

Why would all the other women be jealous?

Yeah that is good

TheBuddha ago

I'm devilishly good looking and well known, and she's draped on my arm or attached at my hip. She's got my ear and attention, and they do not.

She sometimes scowls at the cute ones that ask for an autograph. That's not part of the plan, mind you. That's just her. It's what she does. I'm pretty sure she thinks I belong to her, in some regards. She has a painfully obvious crush on me. Fortunately, the missus takes it in stride.

crazy_eyes ago

if you say so

TheBuddha ago

I know so, I've seen it plenty of times already.

The town is REALLY close to Rangeley. So, we are expecting quite a few locals and probably some band fans to show up.

To us, it's just a small outdoor show of maybe 500 people. I estimated 300, but it's not going to rain. This is the town's big event. To them, it's not just another show. To them, it's what they've waited weeks for.

It's gonna be sweet!

I love these types of events. I'll be back next year and we can do it all again!

crazy_eyes ago

I was talking about you being devishly handsome.

That sounds like you get to have fun tonight, and you cant beat that! This is the event of the year in the town so everyone is going to be there! That sounds like a hell of a good day! Almost like the best day ever!

TheBuddha ago

I'm devilishly handsome. Not even for an old guy. I'm legitimately good looking.

And, yup... It's pretty much gonna be the best day ever! I bet people even keep and cherish the picks and shirts I give away. We've got t shirt canons even, so we're gonna give a bunch away.

crazy_eyes ago

I've seen a picture of you, didnt do it for me.

That sounds like its going to be awesome

TheBuddha ago

I should hope it didn't do it for you, I have a penis.

And, it's gonna be a good time. In fact, that's how I'll be opening. I'll be asking if they're ready for a good time - at very, very high volume. People are going to wince from the volume levels. They might as well get used to it, because we're only getting louder from there!

crazy_eyes ago

What song you opening up with?

TheBuddha ago

AC/DC "For Those About To Rock."

crazy_eyes ago

Nice one. You got cannons?

TheBuddha ago

Yup. We rented four of them, plus the tank to refill them.

I should just fucking buy some. We've even got some pyro tonight, which is a last minute thing and being done by my son and his buddy. He's done this before, so probably won't burn anything important down. They're just multicolored smoke and sparkler come things. They shoot sparks and smoke like 20' in the air.

It's a small village. They'll eat it up and think this is the best day ever. We make 'em feel special.

crazy_eyes ago

That's fucking awesome!

I wish I could be there

TheBuddha ago

I'd say you've got a car, but you can't make it in time. I need to leave in like three hours. We go on at dark.

These are some of my favorite types of shows.

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah I can understand why!

I'll never make it

TheBuddha ago

Drive REALLY fast! Technically, it's on the way to your house from here. You don't even have to come all this way!

Err... It's like 45 miles down the road.

crazy_eyes ago

Its a long fucking drive. I drove 400 miles yesterday, I'm not going to make it

TheBuddha ago

Oh, what was your car's problem? Coil?

crazy_eyes ago


TheBuddha ago

It's running okay again?

crazy_eyes ago

yeah but I got still got to change the valve cover gaskets

TheBuddha ago

That's probably gonna be a bitch.

crazy_eyes ago

I dont know, it doesnt seem to be to tough to get at anything

TheBuddha ago

No? I'm surprised. Watch you have to torque the valve covers in a specific order or some shit. I hope not, but look first!

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah i do have to torque the bolts down in a specific order and a specific ftlbs

TheBuddha ago

I figured. My new one has some bizarre wants. Pretty much everything has a torque spec, even stuff like the mirrors. My guess is they are expecting a lot of people to put it on a track. Like, the mirror brackets have torque specs. Really.

crazy_eyes ago

That's kind of ridiculous. The mirror, I mean you dont want it rattling but what the hell?

TheBuddha ago

I bought the service technicians manual. It's huge. It does have good data, which is nice.

crazy_eyes ago

That may come in handy some day if you're ever working on your car

TheBuddha ago

It actually applies fairly well to the M6 GT3, the homologated version. So, it'll come in handy. I won't even know how to work on it. Fortunately, we'll meet at a track and they'll have a few folks there to actually teach me what the fuck I'm doing. I've never owned a complete purpose-built race car before, except the M1 and even that was meant for the street.

crazy_eyes ago

Im sure that you're smart enough to manage. A car is a car, isnt it?

TheBuddha ago

Oh, fuck no. I won't even know how to start it.

crazy_eyes ago

I guess I never even thought about those kind of things

TheBuddha ago

There's racing in your area this weekend.

I have to go be polite.

crazy_eyes ago

Every weekend. Have a great night man, knock their socks off!

TheBuddha ago

It's big racing this weekend. I don't go on for like an hour. We are going on after it starts to get dark.

crazy_eyes ago

I was thinking I should PM cof and see if he's going to be around. I got the house to myself for the first time I can remember since she moved in here. She went with her daughter to visit her mother and her grand daughter. I didnt go. LoL Im sure she'll be back in an hour. This is different.

TheBuddha ago

I think it's all you tonight. I asked booger to stop by for you all..

crazy_eyes ago

COF hasn't responded, so I will go ahead and start the FNGT momentarily here

TheBuddha ago


crazy_eyes ago

I will when she gets back home! LoL

Break a leg!

crazy_eyes ago

OK so I got this other song here to share with you all tonight, Im not really sure what this is, I was just walking around in my back yard playing this while I was super stoned, I had the speakers cranked and this was just filling the air, and I was feeling it while it was happening. It sounded cool to me at the time. Its kind of bluesy. Its just an idea I had and I was running with it. Here I am walking around in my back yard playing guitar

cynicaloldfart ago

That sounds like some '60's stuff. Both the actual sound and style. Just some good, straight forward rock. The main riff reminds sorta of Wild Thing.

crazy_eyes ago

Its interesting that you mention that, I kind of had wild thing enter my mind at some point. Its not really like the riff but wild thing but it is. If you know what I mean. Thats one of those ones that I would have remembered what noted I was playing but that rhythm would have escaped me forever.

cynicaloldfart ago

The part I was thinking of was the chords like the ones here at 0:18

Funny how there are so many subliminal influences we gather across the years.

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah, I can hear that in there

nigger_plz ago

This is some arrangement I got in my Tabledit files. Cool tune. Written by Leiber and Spector. No, not Leiber and Stoller. Suprised me too. Ben E. King made it famous. Aretha Franklin has a better version. Swings like a mother fucker and she be singin' man. She had some whiz producers.

Spanish Harlem

Nadeshda ago

Beautifully played! Love this song! So glad you are here, so much! Such fun!

InsurrilliantAgain ago

That sounds too tricky for me! Nicely done.

LegalPERSON ago

Great song and nice playing!

cynicaloldfart ago

"You're going to put me out of a job" ;).

That's some nice playing, you captured the feel well.

crazy_eyes ago

That sounds nice, sounds familiar but I can quite place it. Nice playing man

heygeorge ago

If you think this is cool, pls like and subscribe

@PuttItOut, thank you in advance for globally stickying this sick sample of executed talent, presented here royalty free. You don’t have to be so serious about dumb things that people do on this amazing site.

Nadeshda ago

Ooooh hear that beat, feel

That rhythm

Repeat... doem doem dah, dadah dadah daah... yeah funky!

Love it and now I want more! It’s not polite to keep a lady waiting... ;) just a reminder... :p

heygeorge ago

I’m not always polite, although I was raised well enough to know better.

Maybe next week I’ll find the gumption to contribute another snippet of some variety.

Nadeshda ago

Yay, best day ever... really cool beats! The sound was good! It’s nice when you are here!

crazy_eyes ago

I dont really know what to say about that, sounds weird.

heygeorge ago

It’s ok. There’s nothing to like or subscribe to!

crazy_eyes ago

LoL, it sounds almost like you played it in reverse

heygeorge ago

That I had not considered, but maybe I should have!

crazy_eyes ago

I was thinking what music could I play over that and it seems to kind of fit part of this other song I made up yesterday. the quiet part would do good with that beat there I think. At least it does in my imagination

heygeorge ago

I could hear these ideas merging, and it could be cool

crazy_eyes ago

hell yeah it would be cool. add a whole other texture to the sounds

LegalPERSON ago

Nice little hip hop vibe to it. I like it!

heygeorge ago

Thanks! I just sat down then hit record on the phone for a few seconds to see what might come of it. I came away with a similar conclusion that the first half could be a hiphop loop.

LegalPERSON ago

Totally! We need some goats to write some voat inspired lyrics and make a track

cynicaloldfart ago

Sweet beats.

heygeorge ago


InsurrilliantAgain ago

Well it's rock tonight so I'm diggin' into the archive as I edge closer to actually recording and uploading some of my new acoustic stuff.

I'd like to share a song called Hey Man, I was quite happy with how it turned out and wish someone actually heard it!

Full disclaimer none of the fine guitar on this is me!

Timmy2 ago

Have you tried to get this played on any Internet radio stations?

InsurrilliantAgain ago

Sorry, didn't log in till now. It's on iTunes, Spotify, a few others. Radio stations unfortunately mostly all get their music from a digital central source so our local rock station just wouldn't play it because they don't set the programming.

Nadeshda ago

Oooohbyeah! Noice!!! Rocka rocka ruck ruck! Nice recording and finely done! Thanks for sharing!

InsurrilliantAgain ago

Thanks for enjoying!

Nadeshda ago

It was hard not to, very good Sir!

crazy_eyes ago

Thats cool as a cold beer. Delicious

LegalPERSON ago

Excellent recording! I’m guessing that was a pro studio? Very nicely done

InsurrilliantAgain ago

Thanks. Yes this was in the studio :)

LegalPERSON ago

Sounds excellent. Everything is clear and sits in its own space nicely

LegalPERSON ago

This is just a quick little jam I made last night with my Splawn Super Comp (modded Marshall JCM800 type amp) and my new Two-Notes Torpedo Studio. I didn’t have to mic cabs with the Torpedo Studio as they are all built into the unit. Really awesome box that takes the speaker load of tube amps; so I was able to crank my head and do this at midnight without making any noise!

Nadeshda ago

Oh my wow!!!! This is so cool to be able to do at midnight all quiet like a mouse... so nice! You are so fast! Nice jam or should be call it a ram instead?! :)

LegalPERSON ago

All I have left to do is write a bridge, chorus, and lyrics and it’ll be a song! It’s a start as I just wanted to try the thing out lol

Nadeshda ago

Very smart and talented you are!

LegalPERSON ago

No you lol

Nadeshda ago


nigger_plz ago

Man alive that's really good.

LegalPERSON ago

Thanks dude!

heygeorge ago

That’s a nice piece! I am very into amp sinks, and this just strengthens my resolve that they are a great studio/live tool.

LegalPERSON ago

It will be getting a ton of use in the studio for sure! For playing live: most venues now adays get real pissy when you try to crank amps on stage. Having a load box and IRs is nice because you get flawless cab sound to FOH and your IEM’s while the cab thru function still allows you to have stage volume from the cabinet.

InsurrilliantAgain ago

It sounded like really rocking video game music, loved it! It could end with an explosion and the words "GAME OVER".

LegalPERSON ago

Haha totally! Especially with the little solo harmony but I added. Super 80’s video game style haha

cynicaloldfart ago

That's like that Metal music you young'uns are playing nowadays, huh? Sounds very hectic and wild. Makes my heart beat faster listening to that.

LegalPERSON ago

You need to listen to @nadeshda new piano piece to lower that heart rate again lol

Nadeshda ago

So you be saying that I be a bit slow? hmmm... well good thing we can balance things out around here then... lol... :p

cynicaloldfart ago

I hope you didn't take it that way. Several people seem to agree the slower tempo was a good thing.

Nadeshda ago

Naw, lol, I was just messing with @legalperson that’s all... bless your heart... you are always so kind to me it’s just a wonderful thing that is precious! No need to be concerned but thank you that you are... :)

cynicaloldfart ago

In the immortal, brainwashed tv generation of us stupid Americans viewers:

"It's nice to be nice to the nice" Frank Burns - MASH.

Nadeshda ago

It is nice!

I am thinking that’s me done if I don’t go sleep soon, my carriage may turn into a pumpkin or something... lol

Nighty night!

cynicaloldfart ago

Sweet dreams

There'll be icicles and birthday clothes and sometimes There'll be sorrow

LegalPERSON ago

Team work :)

Nadeshda ago

Team work makes the dream work! corny! Bah haha!

cynicaloldfart ago

I'm just frying your bacon. That was some sweet tapping. That new device sounds like a really great thing to have, gives you more tools to use with your talent.

crazy_eyes ago

Thats hilarious!

crazy_eyes ago

Hell yeah, that sounds fucking great

LegalPERSON ago

Thanks! Yeah I’m really happy with that thing so far. I’ve tried attenuators before, but they seem to cut all the high end out so it gets muddy and woofy without making drastic changes to my amp settings. With this thing I can just turn my amp up and play. Then I can choose which digital cabinet and mics I want to use and where I want to place the mic.

crazy_eyes ago

That's really cool, its just too bad that you aren't allowed to make noise at midnight. That would annoy me

LegalPERSON ago

I can make some noise, but not cranked Marshall noise haha. I would love to live out in the country where I don’t have a neighbor for miles

crazy_eyes ago

I live right on the edge of town with only one neighbor nearby and he says he has never heard any music coming from my place. Anywhere else around here I would have to turn it down by 10PM but where I am located i can crank it all I want, theres a cemetery across the street and a forest to one side and behind me. I love it

LegalPERSON ago

Man that’s the dream. I used to have no neighbor living in the house to the right of me, and my neighbor’s house, to the left of me, is completely offset to my backyard. Behind the house is commercial businesses; so before someone moved in next door, I could play pretty loud as late as I wanted. I still play late, but typically only using amps with a good master volume so that my house doesn’t rumble.

crazy_eyes ago

Actually where my house is its zoned commercial so there is no noise ordinance, I should get a marshall stack. I used to have a JCM 900 with one 4x12. That was loud as fuck. Hmm, I should get another one. I just play through my PA speakers now, they are loud but not quite as loud as that Marshall was. Though theres a little tiny marshal practice amp here. LoL

LegalPERSON ago

And yes you NEED to get another JCM900, or and 800 or a JVM50 or something!

crazy_eyes ago

haha, you're right!

LegalPERSON ago

They’re talking about zoning my half of the street commercial, which would be awesome. I’d officially host band rehearsals down stairs every week at that point, plus be able to sell my house for enough to move into the country haha!

crazy_eyes ago

Moving to the country would be awesome. Thats what I'll do if I ever sell this place

Nadeshda ago

Hey good evening dear guitar subverse people!

Just wanted to drop in and share a piano piece I am working on, this is page one and there is seven pages more.. 😲

So my boss is away and I have way to much to do at work and promised my kiddos some time tonight.

Here is part one on piano Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven by Nadeshda

I will be back later!

Sorry I have been quiet this week...

heygeorge ago

Very lovely performance! We need to have our long overdue talk about ‘gain staging’ to get your recordings to the next level.

Nadeshda ago

Well then this must be done, you say when okay?

heygeorge ago

We will simply have to find a time when life doesn’t interfere.

Nadeshda ago

Good luck with that, I think it’s safe to say we have to make time or it’ll never happens...

InsurrilliantAgain ago

Wow that awkward last dance at high school made even longer! haha

Definitely agree that the slow pace works well. Once you get it mastered you'll really be able to play with the 'space'.

Nadeshda ago

Thank you and yeah that moment when you don’t want it to stop? :) I hope that’s what you mean or the moment where you danced with a person that wasn’t your first pick and the song just won’t end? Lol...

Yeah, I like space in music, this is true!

Thanks for listening... :)

nigger_plz ago

I love this. I like to play that song real slow like that too. Especially the first part. That other part where the drums kick in kinda destroys the mood. Can't wait to hear the continuation.

You're a pretty good piano player.

Nadeshda ago

Ah wow thank you... yes to me Jacobs ladder comes to mind and he was sleeping so more of a lullaby as we view the portal of heavens open with angels ascending and descending in a beautiful array... yes the piece gets intricate, can’t wait to play it so much it becomes memory all 7 pages. That’s what makes piano pieces so fun. To believe I only played 24 bars, nearly one page, slowly and it was 2 minutes long... lol

LegalPERSON ago

I actually like it slow too ;) Nice playing Desh!

Nadeshda ago

Ah flanks mister... always nice when you like it! :)

Just got back in here for a moment, lemme see what you good folks did around here...

cynicaloldfart ago

Wow, the piano and slower tempo really takes a new approach. I think your version would sound great on a harpsichord.

Nadeshda ago

Yeah you are right about the harpischord. It’s early days and I will speed it up, barely spent an hour on it and it has some amazing 10 note stretches (chords) going on, so actually a good practice song so far...

cynicaloldfart ago

I like the slower tempo, gives it a more "serious" trait. Not sure that's the right word but it gives it a little more weight and ponderance.

crazy_eyes ago

Sounds really melancholy

Nadeshda ago

Sawry, didn’t mean to make you sad’ish...

crazy_eyes ago

Im not sad, ish or otherwise, hope you're not sad either

crazy_eyes ago

A Good Friday Evening to you all. This week I dont know what to say. I dont got much, but I got something. So I shared a riff or a song I made up a few weeks back, well I came up with another part to add to it, and I was playing that last night in my back yard so I thought about Friday and recorded it, and I like it, i think it sounds cool. So this afternoon I had a half hour or so of free time and I went out to the studio and tired to play that same thing with two guitar parts, so it can sound more the way it does in my head, for the rest of you to hear it that way. I kept fucking up and starting over then I was running out of time, so I didnt make it all the way through the song, but I think my test of the two guitars doing that riff were very successful, I think it sounds great now, I'm going to have to put it together sometime soon here and come up with some lyrics for it. Anyways, here's the same thing you heard earlier, only 1:47 of it, though before I fucked up and gave up. Nevertheless, I like the way it sounds here better than the other one boogie test

heygeorge ago

Very cool! I like it both ways

crazy_eyes ago


Nadeshda ago

Boogie test is great! Much enjoyed!

crazy_eyes ago

Thank you. I like it too. The test was a success. LoL I'm going to be working on getting that recorded all together as a song and try to get Verle to sing it. I am happy that you enjoyed it!

Nadeshda ago

Man it was very good! I can’t wait to see it grow some more... so exciting!

crazy_eyes ago

I just keep on coming up with more and more and more. That's exciting to me!

InsurrilliantAgain ago

That's a nice groove, I could see that played like an AC/DC song; real chunky riff. Any vocals in the works for it?

crazy_eyes ago

Thanks. I dont have anything for vocals yet. But i will be working on it. I thought it had kind of an acdc vibe to it too.

nigger_plz ago

That's damn good. I really like that part at 4:33-4:46. Brings up an image of a bunch of bank robbers who gotta hurry up, and gather all the money they can so they can get the fuck out of there before the cops show. Dude is saying, "come on, hurry up, we gotta get outta here, pronto" as the song is playing.

Or it also could be used for a rocket on the pad about ready to launch with the countdown about ready to start. Cool riff, conjures up various images.

crazy_eyes ago

Thanks. I like that part of it a lot too. I should throw that in there more than once

cynicaloldfart ago

You need to teach your sweetie to play bass. Talking Heads had one, Buddha's got a drop-dead gorgeous one, now you need one too. It's all the rage.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL She announced to me today that she no longer likes music. LoL

cynicaloldfart ago

Oh man, how are you doing? That's some serious shit to say, especially to someone like you. The first cut is the deepest.

crazy_eyes ago

Don't bother me, she's still going to hear music.

cynicaloldfart ago

That's the spirit. But my god, just how many wonderful traits she must have to override something like that. I don't know much of anything worse a woman could say to me that wouldn't end it all right there (at least the next morning :) ).

crazy_eyes ago

I dont care if she likes music or not, as long as she likes me

TheBuddha ago

I am gonna be high.

crazy_eyes ago

Going to be? Did you eat some seeds?

TheBuddha ago

We were in a bit of a mood. It was whiskey for me. I don't think she drank much.

crazy_eyes ago


TheBuddha ago

We got drunk.

crazy_eyes ago

Nothing wrong with that!

virge ago

Boycotting posts by niggers from now on. Shower me with downvotes, SBBH.

TheBuddha ago

I won't DV ya. It's the guitar thread.

virge ago

There are no borders on Voat, according to SBBH.

TheBuddha ago

Wait, what?

Do you think SBBH is some uniform group that agrees and acts as one?

virge ago

Leave it to a nigger to not understand guilt by association. Hilariously ironic.

TheBuddha ago

Guilt by association is a simpleton outlook.

Maybe don't be a binary thinker.

virge ago

Then you're no better than cannon fodder used to shield their activities, which makes you complicit either way.

Like I said, I wouldn't expect a nigger to see the problem.

TheBuddha ago

You're not very smart and I don't have patience for stupidity today. Have a nice day.

virge ago

Something tells me you're slowly starting to figure out whats happening, either way.

We aren't enemies, your eyes are just closed and you think otherwise.

TheBuddha ago

You're literally retarded.

You have way too much emotion invested.

See a qualified doctor.

virge ago

You have way too much emotion invested.

Consider the possibility you have far too little.

TheBuddha ago


Also, from now on you will have to use my honorary. You will call me Dr. TheBuddha or I will not respond. Dr. Nigger is also acceptable.

virge ago

Nah. If that gets you to stop responding it's a win/win. This dialogue between us is only poisoning the well in my post data in the first place, I'm not actually engaged in the conversation. I do appreciate your willingness to be helpful, however, most don't bother responding as many times as you and it makes it extremely inconvenient to run around and pick random fights when I'm acting on my own Type 5.

WhiteRonin ago

Hey! What’s up Jew Bitch?

Nadeshda ago

Thank you for contributing your faggotry for all to see, have an upvote virgil! Come on now, play us a song! I know you can make noice, now record it!

virge ago

Funny how SBBH faggots only care about free speech when it's their free speech, isn't it?

Nadeshda ago

Not sure if you are talking to me or someone else... care to elaborate what ails you tonight?

cynicaloldfart ago

He was invited (challenged?) to be here by Buddha.

Nadeshda ago

Lol... so umm he took the challenge and came and said that? Lol... life is strange... he be reeeing without recording it... this needs to be fixed!

cynicaloldfart ago

The ripples seem to go even deeper. I just saw this:

Where do we go from here
It doesn't have to be like this
All we need to do is make sure we keep talking

WhiteRonin ago

She’s a Jew. That famous one!

Nadeshda ago

Naw, can’t be that Virgil is that famous Jew? Yer just pulling my leg, can’t be...

WhiteRonin ago

I’ve been on and off. I thought this through. ADHD ferret was a thought because of guns and FBI bust but nah, not him.

Virge is missing early post history. Why? To cover up her maniacal tendencies. Srayzie we know had issues. Not just sexting issues.

Virge slipped up on some info. And I figured the guns are larping or maybe not. But watch how she writes. She also palettes out but those rants are deleted.

Who else has a serious I need to remove from voat their history problems? One does it via deletes and the other method through manipulation.

The Qews is just a larp too. She’s posting in GA land happily but never mentions Qews there obviously.

This was a tough one.

Nadeshda ago

Hmmm, not sure at all. Surely putts would not nominate the same person twice? Naw, I think Virgil reminds me of someone else, but still watching, someone with tech skills that rarely posts in the wild.

What is interesting though is that the shew (that crazie jew) was posting private pm’s even 10 months ago * while playing lick ass guitar riffs on her harpsichord geez WR this is the guitar subverse, I nearly forgot... TB loves music here and not drama and secondly he hates pm’s being disclosed, so why the hell didn’t anyone call the shew out ten months ago for breaking confidentiality and leaking pm’s back then?

I was in a typhoon of personal circumstances and only recently has things started settling for me. But tell me why would goats really be that naive to think that it would not also be used against them?

Anyway we should be sharing music here ya now... did you ever get to buy that darn guitar you wanted so long ago?

WhiteRonin ago

Bought a reverse neck squire. Been to busy driving to have fun with it. Plus it’s too damn hot!

I only commented about Virge because they are attacking this sub. Fuck them. Putt could have been fooled. I was for a while.

Nadeshda ago

It’s stinking hot, swam for several hours earlier, it had to be done! Well, there is something about him that does not make me think it’s Shew... think voat testers for a minute...This is along the lins I am thinking... but I have spent a lot time on preview in the past so there’s that...still watching and eating popcorn occasionally... :)

WhiteRonin ago

I’m an eagles fan and some Japanese bands. B’z are pretty stream. Still fun to listen to.

I’m starting into the local indie stuff finally. Didn’t know some major musicians came out of my new city. Damn!

I’m majoring in instigating right now. It’s fun finding out all kinds of shenanigans that is going on.

Nadeshda ago

I remember when we first spoke you have wonderful experiences with people close to you that made beautiful touching music! I don’t forget, lol. That was like easily a year and half ago. Yeah some majour musicians have come from this area, its wonderful to explore... I am fairly new to a lot of music around here and often find myself finding something new and wonderful to listen to, but almost always older music or redo’s of older music.

I can’t wait to hear your beautiful geetar make a ting around here!

And on another note...Yip, you are mayoring in stuffses that make some jiggle in their seat, this is true! Lol... poke and prod and poke some more I see... now you have to dedicate 10 minutes a day to strum, strum, pick some more... but all things in their proper time I get it... :)

heygeorge ago

Seemingly, he does not. I imagine it’s a lifelong sort of affliction.

WhiteRonin ago

Not a He! A she! A Jew she!

heygeorge ago

All of your ex-lovers are right about you

WhiteRonin ago

Of course they are!

Nadeshda ago

Could be a birth defect Mister George, now my parents said it ain’t polite to make fun of those who with special tendencies.

I hope he gets relief!

heygeorge ago

Likewise. I’m not trying to poke fun or excuse, just to explain.

Nadeshda ago

We have good upbringing, I can tell... :)

KatHarzso ago

Sucha builder attitude.

virge ago

12 minutes is a slow response time. You SBBH faggots are worse than the local PD!

When seconds count, SBBH subversives are minutes away!

KatHarzso ago

Lol you're a dork.

virge ago

Lol you're a dork.

It's true, it's true.

TheBuddha ago

Hello and welcome to another FNGT. Like most weeks, I'll go ahead and get you started.

"This is bullsit." Said the eldest hoodlum.

She's not the least bit happy about this.

Trust me... She's mad.

This is too easy and she thinks the request should have asked someone else to do it. I'm not kidding, she wanted to not do this.

Here you go...

Or you can lisen to this!

This is "It's So Easy" and I'm not even gonna try to figure that out. It's what she wants to do! I played drum and J did bass. Umm...

Just trust me... Listen to it.

I'm uploading it now and it's being a cunt.


I'll meet you at the tablet.

Nadeshda ago

GNR was fun, hope she is not missing the point here about playing for the enjoyment of others! It was fun and a nice selection Sir, much enjoyed!

TheBuddha ago

That's not always the point. ;-)

Sometimes we just wanna rock! She also doesn't like Simple Man. It's okay. If she's going to be in the industry, she's going to have to play stuff she doesn't like.

Nadeshda ago

Too true.

TheBuddha ago

We sat on the porch and shared conversation and cheap whiskey. I'm a horrible influence.

Nadeshda ago

Not sure about being all a horrible influence. Seemed like she needed some conversation hope she doesn’t become a heavy drinker though.

It’s hard for a man to teach a woman to be a lady but I am sure you can muster that too.

You are basically the only mayor influence she has and her broken relationship with her mom helps nothing. How is the youngest hoodlum doing?

TheBuddha ago

She's only sometimes a lady!

We're racing tomorrow. Ain't no ladies on the track!

Nadeshda ago

Enjoy and be safe!

TheBuddha ago

The most she can hit is cones. It's not fair for me to compete, so I'll drive a few hot laps and co-drive, as well as do reccy.

Nadeshda ago

Sounds like a heck of a load of fun! Cool!

TheBuddha ago

This might amuse you, except for the end.

Nadeshda ago

Did you just call me a faggot?

I’ll have you know...

Thanks for the song! See no one believed me that you sang me sweet sweet hymns... :)

Best day ever!!! So is this a point for EH or just a gift for gifts sake? Either way, Ill have it!

@legalperson @cynicaloldfart check this out! :)

Can I link it to my v/crusades sub?

TheBuddha ago

You can. It was for COF so he's heard it already.

Nadeshda ago

Yeah you sang it to me on the phone, I remember now... best day it was!

TheBuddha ago

Best day ever! I was too busy to call the other day.

I'm watching a race at the moment.

I'm also thinking about your question. It's a harder question than you might think! Let me PM!

Nadeshda ago

It’s okay, call me later? I read the pm, half hoping the thingamabob comes early and then possibly be able grab your show? But honestly, it’s okay... we’ll work something out and hopefully it’s the start of many more...

TheBuddha ago

By the way, everyone knows I have a grandkid coming.

That's why COF calls me GRANDPA. I'm not yet, but soon!!!

I'm so gonna spoil that child rotten. It's payback, really.

TheBuddha ago

It kinda sucks! That's okay - I'll find and send you to the perfect destination. I just need you two to answer that question. No, you really should answer. It's a pretty damned varied answer.

I could write for days about it... Or, you can see and write 'bout it your damned self. Ol' Buddha has stomped all around this State of Maine. Shit, I know a lake that's actually a flooded old town. They flooded it when they put the dam in. 'Snot far away, by Maine standards. It's just up in Eustis. It's right on the corner where 16 smashes into Eustis and Stratton - take a left if you're coming by my house. Etc...

I dunno how late I'll be up, but the race is now in the dark so I can spare some time. I think... I'm not sure.

Tell me if this is too personal in public and I'll redact it!

Nadeshda ago


TheBuddha ago

Well, answer the damned question and gimme some time to think 'fore I gotta call.

Nadeshda ago

Asking him to pm ya, you guys know way better then I do... I am learning and have no clue what to be looking for...

TheBuddha ago

Alright. I'll let ya know!

Nadeshda ago

Thank you kind Sir! I hope and pray I get to see you, somehow but I totally understand! Can I come and drive your tractor while you are away and feed your chickens pizza? And see Jenny? Is that the horses name, darn we should talk more, this much is true...

TheBuddha ago

Jess will be here!

But she's not gonna let you in. Not even if I ask her nicely. She's probably going to hide and call the cops. Don't worry, you'd have like 45 minutes before they showed up. I kinda hope she doesn't grab a firearm.

Nadeshda ago

So 45 minutes to dodge bullets, climb a tree, feed some chickens and run... totally doable!

TheBuddha ago

And try to figure out how to drive a modern tractor. (It's got a whole lot of buttons and levers.)

You should be fine.

Nadeshda ago

We’ll take pictures!!! :D

TheBuddha ago

When the cops call me, and they will, I'm gonna deny even knowing you! That'd be funny. I'll call 'em up later and tell 'em I was just fucking with them and that I know you.

I'm not sure they'd actually arrest you. They'd want to know what the hell you were doing. A neighbor would arrive long 'fore the cops do. You would be up there grinning and grinding the damned starter out of my tractor trying to take a lap! Someone's gonna ask questions. If they like ya, they might show you how to start the tractor, or have you arrested.

Nadeshda ago

Sounds fun! Okay going swimming now, I will message you when I get back, maybe chat later about getting that darn tractor started...:)

TheBuddha ago

Alright and I have given an answer. I should let him know he's free to decline that answer. I have other options.

Nadeshda ago

Sure redact, keep it in pm’s... but this is really cool!

TheBuddha ago

Damned right! It's tons of fun. She's still got to wear a helmet, and I also insist on a cage and HANS device. But only the helmet is mandatory. We even have a sponsor. Just one sponsor, but it's a sponsor. (The rally school sponsored us.)

Nadeshda ago

Beautiful regardless of protest and thank you for sharing this, now I can sing to it and I will, you know it!

heygeorge ago

Which of you played the clean intro? And which was the dirty? (Simple Man)

[This is to be read as high praise for EH.]

TheBuddha ago

See the #. The # follows the tab. In almost all instances, #1 is the first guitar you hear.

heygeorge ago

I found it particularly confusing upon listsbeing and don’t have the tab handy else I wouldn’t have asked.

Are you hurting this morning?

TheBuddha ago

Nope. I've got opiates.

My stomach was a bit rough but I still have some tummy meds.

nigger_plz ago

Shit man I thought it was Buddy Holly's It's So Easy. I like this. I don't know the song but I can just hear Axl Rose singing it. Sounds like a real good song.

EH did outstanding for not having her heart in it. Real pro.

TheBuddha ago

She's not a fan of the first song, Simple Man.

sguevar ago

Thanks for the effort on Simple Man! Will record me singing it and pass it to you!

TheBuddha ago

Sweet. Gonna have it for next Friday?

sguevar ago


TheBuddha ago

I will not be here but I will check it out when time allows. I look forward to it.

sguevar ago

I will ping you on it so you can check it out.

I will add a few others. ;)

TheBuddha ago

Alright. i will be performing.

Nadeshda ago

Sweet had no idea you sang! Awesome!

sguevar ago

Meh.... not that good but love that song so worth trying... I m kind of a karaoke fun time guy XD

Nadeshda ago

Still it would be a blessing and bring us good cheer! Do it! :D

cynicaloldfart ago

That would be great, looking forward to hearing it.

InsurrilliantAgain ago

Well that rocked.

TheBuddha ago

Of course!

LegalPERSON ago

Love that GNR song! Nice job on both

TheBuddha ago

Thanks. We straight up left and sat on the porch.

Vrblpollushin ago

Fucking excellent @TheBuddha! Made me sing!

cynicaloldfart ago

I know it's ok to not like all the songs, and I suppose you now have license to do so (lol). You have progressed so far so fast but remember that there are many people who wish they could play that cleanly and precise even after a long time of playing.

Since I'm relying on y'all to drag me into this century with people like Gnr, I don't know this song but I really enjoyed that. Crunky is always a good thing. Add in J's great bass work and some drums for a change really made this pop. It reminds some of an early Aerosmith type sound. Hmmm, I know of another Aerosmith song that may be a little "unnecessarily complicated", but it's like really hard to play. It would take a lot of talent to pull that one off. ;-).

Now I've 'got stuff to do in the garage'. It's where I always went when my girls were in a mood.

TheBuddha ago

The lyrics of the song are fantastic.

I'm not sure where EH is. I'm sure she is in the house.

crazy_eyes ago

Fucking its so easy got me singing loud!!!

TheBuddha ago

Damn right!

crazy_eyes ago

It got me to sing! Cleared the room!! You guys sounded great, I'm a terrible singer. I like it, but tell EH that it doesnt matter how hard a song is to play all that matters is how it sounds, thats what matters. Its not a challenge to play the most difficult music, I could write an impossible song to play but it would sound like crap. Just make it sound great!

TheBuddha ago

She doesn't like Simple Man, either.

crazy_eyes ago

That's her problem

TheBuddha ago

She gave you the finger.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL she's not the first!

TheBuddha ago

She waived her finger again.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL I'm number one!

TheBuddha ago

She is not in agreement.

crazy_eyes ago

does that matter?

TheBuddha ago

From her perspective, yes.

Oh shit...

She just said, "We're gonna have a guitar contest to see if you can even keep up with me! Ha! I will show you crunky."

crazy_eyes ago

show me!!

TheBuddha ago

She said, "Tell him I said wait patiently. My final exam is coming. He already heard my midterm!"

crazy_eyes ago

I'm waiting...

TheBuddha ago

"Tell him that I'm waiting. I've already shown him crunky. Tell him to play 'It's So Easy' note-for-note and get it all right in one take! Ha! CRUNKY!"

I'm pretty sure that's verbatim.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL its so easy? well that shouldnt be to difficult based on the title

TheBuddha ago

"Play it. Play Izzy's part!"

She's feisty today.

TheBuddha ago


crazy_eyes ago

Thank you

doesnt appear too difficult

TheBuddha ago

It's not too terrible. Getting the tone right is tricky.

crazy_eyes ago

Tone? Just grab a les paul and crank it through a marshall stack

TheBuddha ago

He's fond of distortion, so you'll need a pedal.

I'd ask her what she used but I am in bed.

crazy_eyes ago

the marshall stack comes with a pedal, or a switch

TheBuddha ago

You might want to Google it.

crazy_eyes ago

i dont care LoL

TheBuddha ago

LOL He's used a ton of shit. He's also not very polite about telling a publisher about his rig rundown.

crazy_eyes ago

he doesn't want you to know what he uses?

TheBuddha ago

I think he just hates journalists. Slash is good about it.

crazy_eyes ago

That's understandable

TheBuddha ago

It is what it is. At least you can get official tab, some never do that.

crazy_eyes ago

what does official tab mean? someone paid them to say it was official?

TheBuddha ago

Pretty much, yes. Some artists are pretty good about it, however.

crazy_eyes ago

I would hope they at least look them over to make sure they are accurate

TheBuddha ago

I suspect many don't even do that. I find what sounds like errors, fairly often. I don't care. It says it's official! If it's really wrong, I'll maybe fix it. If its missing something, I might add it back. I hate playing by ear, however. So, I hate fixing them.

crazy_eyes ago

She sure seems to be

TheBuddha ago

Tell him I'm adorable.

crazy_eyes ago

Modest too LoL

TheBuddha ago

Modesty is for people who aren't as good as me.

Her words, not mine.

crazy_eyes ago

wow, such a humble girl, you never see that!

TheBuddha ago

She's not humble, she's a rock star.

crazy_eyes ago

fuck me, she's a rock star!?

TheBuddha ago

She's not very ladylike today. Good. She races tomorrow. Ladies don't race. Women race. Ladies don't.

crazy_eyes ago

Thats right, you have to be aggressive to win a race

TheBuddha ago

I kinda want to see how she'd do in some am series on a track and with other drivers. I'd have to send her to school first. Most drivers her age have been driving for 10 years, and competing. They drive karts that go anywhere from 45 mph to GT4 and GT3 cars that go 180 mph.

EH's favorite driver is Jessica Bäckman. She's a 20 year old girl from Sweden who came up racing kart races and then races rallycross. She's now racing TCR as a professional.

EH isn't ever gonna have that kinda skill, so it has to be a hobby. I can't really try sending her off racing as a professional. The neighbors are gonna frown if I do that.

crazy_eyes ago

As long as she has fun doing it, is all that really matters

TheBuddha ago

She left for food, methinks. She does have fun. She's happy she's beating the boys. She wears a fireproof suit. She wears a HANS device.

We show up at the kinda rallycross you've seen.

She'd tell me to tell you she's cute in her race suit. She's not bashful.

Anyhow, she has a blast. We show up and we're good community members. We're winning but that's because we're passionate. We put our hours in. The cars that we race against, can be driven at times that'd compete with our times. They're qualified to compete against us.

But, she's been to school and has learned only from the start. All of her driver's ed has been professionals or me. She only knows the "right" way to operate a vehicle, which is to have car control and to operate it in a safe manner.

The closer you can get to making the vehicle fail catastrophically, the faster you can go. But, it's risk vs. reward! We're plenty safe. It's just cones and she's wearing more equipment than any other driver. (None of them have a dedicated car with race seats and a harness. They will. Give them time. They've got the bug.)

crazy_eyes ago

I bet she is cute in her race suit, and her swim suit and her birthday suit and umm what was I saying?

TheBuddha ago

Oh man..

She batted her eyes and said she's just 16.

@cynicaloldfart, it's tough raising girls.

crazy_eyes ago

I dont know

TheBuddha ago

"I'm adorable."

I didn't make breakfast, lunch, or dinner. The race is on.

crazy_eyes ago

You're adorable! We all adore you

TheBuddha ago

She is in bed. We race tomorrow.

I'm waiting for the meds to kick in.

An all female crew are changing an engine.

TheBuddha ago

@squever I think is the name.

Just trust me. I have sihit to do.

sguevar ago

sguevar with a G as in george XD thanks man

heygeorge ago

sguevar with a G as in george XD thanks man

Confirmed as my alt, thanks for blowing us (I mean me) out of the water

sguevar ago

LMAO... I just self doxxed us NOOOOOOOO

heygeorge ago

Show them our tits!

Nadeshda ago

Oh hell no!