MadWorld ago

XD You forgot your Friday sticky!!

TheBuddha ago

It's not time yet. 20:00 Eastern. 8pm, my time. About another hour.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Just for the record, is this the most posts ever in a FNGT? @searchvoat

cynicaloldfart ago

Having just finished this archive, I now do believe that this one did have the most tracks submitted. I'll know for sure once I tally all threads for that stat (it will be quite a while until I can do that though).

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Awesome job, man.

cynicaloldfart ago

Thank you.

cynicaloldfart ago

I'm not sure, but I think there have been other threads with more tracks submitted (I'm in the middle of archiving last FNGT right now). But it by far is the most viewed and commented. I can pretty well guess that @crazy_eyes is the most prolific submitter though overall.

When I get time maybe I'll go back through and tally up the number of tracks submitted by thread. I do have a list of comment/views here.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Crazy uploads a lot, so I can believe that! Thanks for the info, as always. You do good work for the cause.

crazy_eyes ago

its easy when i get to whore out my friends

cynicaloldfart ago

Thanks. As my performing days are long since past, I'll gladly support you others in whatever way I can. The child is grown, the dream is gone.

All the world's indeed a stage
And we are merely players
Performers and portrayers
Each another's audience
Outside the gilded cage

CheeseboogerHimself ago

the dream is gone.

I feel that way some days. It's actually kinda sad. I miss the good times from the old days. Nobody partied like us kids of the 70's and 80's.

cynicaloldfart ago

Oh, I don't know. I'm glad for all that was, settled my regrets for some of it, content with where I am now, and enjoy watching my kids, and theirs, go through their lives. I've received more than I ever expected so I'm happy for where I am. Thankful because it could have been so much worse, appreciative that it turned out so well.

SearchVoat ago

Indeed it is. Second most was back in September (757 comments).

cynicaloldfart ago

With "posts" being somewhat ambiguous, see my clarification.

TheBuddha ago

Just ask @cynicaloldfart!

We have like archives now and he's our official archivist. He pretty much deserves a parade.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Indeed! Some people are just born to do and he's one of them.

crazy_eyes ago

he is a great archivist, that is for certain. Amazing

OoklaTheMok111 ago

This weeks submissions are just fantastic. I ran out of upgoats to give. They cut me off at I was hoping MrHarryReems would show up to see this. Great job everyone.

TheBuddha ago

Thanks! If you see him, tell 'em he missed a great thread!

Putt stickied it globally, so we got tons of participation. It's almost my favorite thread in the history of these.

OoklaTheMok111 ago

Yeah, i need to get some decent recording equipment. I tried the cell phone and it sounded like shit. lol. I was here last night, drinking beers and just listening to what everyone was posting. Best guitar thread in long time. Denied - Vote limit exceeded based on CCP. Available votes per 24 hours: 426 (Vote Throttle 4.0). I tried to upvoat and forgot.

TheBuddha ago

It's all good. I'm not in it for the votes.

I'm pondering doing more originals, but they sure take up a lot of time.

I'm strangely tired. I had rehearsal this afternoon. Four hours of false starts, missed cues, and tweaking. Good times!

TheBuddha ago


Thanks to all who came, shared, and enjoyed. The thread keeps on going, but I do not. I'm going to sleep after one final refresh.

Rock on, goats. Rock on.

crazy_eyes ago

Thanks for getting this going Buddha man! Its fucking awesome!

TheBuddha ago

You're all welcome and yeah, I'm glad we're not still stickied! LOL That was way busy. I've only been awake for like three hours.

cynicaloldfart ago

In just 6 hours, this thread is the most viewed FNGT EVER, and already the 2nd most commented. Those numbers will increase over the next few days. What great night, thanks to all the talented musicians and interested parties.

crazy_eyes ago

What was the most viewed prior to this?

cynicaloldfart ago

3/23/18 had 827 and 3/30/18 had 800. Those totals were taken when I archived the threads, so months and months later.

TheBuddha ago

It has been a great turnout.

It has been going very, very well.

crazy_eyes ago

Since I'm still here I am going to throw one more song at you all. This is an original by me singing about having a good old time with my friends.

Here's Backyard

TheBuddha ago

To try to steal a line from rap music...

"The party don't stop 'till the casket drop."

crazy_eyes ago

damned right!

TheBuddha ago

I'm alone and going to shuffle to the couch now. It's not very far.

crazy_eyes ago

A rock star doesnt shuffle to the couch! A rock star gets in bed with a groupie or two! or three~!

TheBuddha ago

The missus would be mad. She might eat my face.

crazy_eyes ago

She's not in the crate yet?

TheBuddha ago

No, I didn't drink enough to attempt that.

crazy_eyes ago

LOL Now thats funny.

TheBuddha ago

I bet I could trap her in a box by using honey as bait.

crazy_eyes ago

You read my mind

LegalPERSON ago

Well it’s late, but I finally was able to string up a guitar I’ve been slowly building in my spare time. My playing was pretty sloppy, and the tone isn’t as good as it should sound. It’s too late to crank this amp, but screw it. I wanted to at least post something up. I’m happy that my guitar plays surprisingly well. I’ll likely mess with the “finish” a little more, and coat it with Tru-oil once I’m happy.

Scaryhurt ago

Tight playing, and your guitar looks sexy. Cool to see another headless player here

LegalPERSON ago

Thanks! What kind of headless do you play?

Scaryhurt ago

I have a Carvin HH2. Love it. I thought yours was a Kiesel until I read your comment

LegalPERSON ago

Oh tight. I have an Aries multi scale and my other guitarist has a Carvin TL60 and a Kiesel Zeus headless now. Great guitars.

Scaryhurt ago

oh you’re a Carvin/Kiesel guy too, badass! They’re such an underrated brand. Are you able to get the strings nice and slinky on your headless guitars? The strings on mine have always been a little stiff.

LegalPERSON ago

I actually prefer a good amount of tension, so I use .011-.056 strings, but if I threw some 9’s on I’m sure it would be pretty slinky

cynicaloldfart ago

Excellent as usual. Is there a name for the tune?

LegalPERSON ago

It’s called “Epithets for Canticles” and thanks for listening COF!

cynicaloldfart ago

Thanks. I always want to archive everything with proper credit. Since my personal preferences run to the older genres, I sometimes spend a lot of time tracking down some of the newer covers people put up, and originals have to be asked for. The thread has slowed for the evening, but I'm sure there will be interest tomorrow also. It was a crazy fast night since Putt stickied, and I know I, Buddha, and crazy_eyes haven't even had a chance to hear them all yet. It is already the 2nd most commented FNGT ever and we've still a few days until it peaks. Glad you could make it.

LegalPERSON ago

Happy to be here! We’ve been swamped with shows lately and I’m writing a new record with my free time, so unfortunately my recordings have to wait until my writing wraps up.

cynicaloldfart ago

Understandable. Harry is in the same place and only had a few comments last week. The good thing is we'll be here, so when the time comes we'll be waiting for your tunes. Glad you're out there keeping people groovin'. Keep on rockin'.

LegalPERSON ago

Yes indeed! I’ve spoken with Harry a couple times and it sounds like he’s hard at work mixing his new record. Can’t wait to hear that all finished.

TheBuddha ago

Sweet! The guitar, tone and looks, fits you well.

LegalPERSON ago

Thanks man! I’ve got a few headless guitars now, so I thought it would be fun to make one. Turns out it’s very time consuming and really easy to mess it up. I learned a ton making it, though I’m not sure I want to make any more. Maybe in retirement haha

TheBuddha ago

I want to get into making guitars, but I don't want to take the time and learn the skills.

I kinda want to make my own acoustic. I won't, but I want to. In my imagination, I'd build a pretty sweet guitar. It'd never get beyond my imagination, even if I order a kit.

So, kudos!

LegalPERSON ago

You quickly realize how many templates, jigs, and special tools you need to really do precision work. I started out great, then the small mistakes started to compound and I eventually shelved it for a long time. I slowly started working on it again as I’d buy new tools. I certainly didn’t save much money building it vs buying one, but in the end; it’s pretty damn cool to plug in a guitar that I made, and have it actually play great and sound pretty good.

TheBuddha ago

I have a pretty well stocked wood shop, except that's another thing I never do.

I have four kit guitars and would like to find a way to gift them without drama and fairly.

LegalPERSON ago

Best way to do it fairly is to ship them off to Seattle so you can take advantage of my Drama Free Guarantee haha

TheBuddha ago

LOL I'll eventually come up with a plan. I had six, but gave two away already.

crazy_eyes ago

drop one half the way to seattle

crazy_eyes ago

The party is still going strong, you're not late, you're right on time. Glad you could make it!

Thats some sweet fucking prog metal you got going on there.

The missing headstock, I think that would bother me, that looks freaky

LegalPERSON ago

Thanks crazy. It’s certainly a little different playing without a headstock. I’ve been playing headless in my metal band for a couple years now, and the balance and weight is just incredible. My lightest headless is about 4 lbs. my heaviest is about 5.75 lbs. They are perfect for gigging because they never wear on your shoulder like a Les Paul does after an hour. I still love my regular guitars, but the headless stuff definitely has a prominent place in my arsenal.

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah I can understand the weight issue. I know I have one strat copy that weighs like 16 pounds, its so fucking heavy, it only gets played if theres no other guitars available, which is a shame cause it sounds really nice. But the thing is too much.

The missing headstock would draw my attention. I think I would have to practice quite a while to get used to that. The body is kind of chopped too on that guitar isnt it?

LegalPERSON ago

Yeah without the headstock, the body needs to be pretty light for proper balance, so basically everything behind the bridge gets chopped off. It sits in basically the same spot as any other guitar, so it’s very seamless to switch back and forth. This is also a multi scale, which might throw off someone for a few minutes, but most players can adjust pretty quickly.

crazy_eyes ago

what do you mean multiscale?

LegalPERSON ago

Each string is a different scale length. This one is mild, as I used my Strandberg guitar for all my measurements and templates. So my high E string is 25” from nut to bridge, and my low E string is 25.5”. My main custom shop headless is 25.5 high E to 26.5 low E. It allows for really nice tension when we tune down a full step to D standard

crazy_eyes ago

Is that where the frets are angled a bit different from each other?

LegalPERSON ago

Yeah you pick a parallel fret, and then they all angle away from there, according to the distance determined by the scale length. So they are all angled except for 1.

crazy_eyes ago

Ok thanks, I have seen that before, and now I understand it, with the D tuning, and the string tension, it makes sense

crazy_eyes ago

Nice! Some good fingerpicking there

TheBuddha ago

Sweet! EH says to add that she looked at that tab and passed over it and that Roxanne was one she almost picked.

Scaryhurt ago

Wrote this with my crooner friend back in 2014.

Feel free to check out the other stuff on my page. I cover a pretty broad range of styles, from hard rock to lo-fi hip hoppy instrumentals

crazy_eyes ago

That was pretty cool. His voice went well with that music in that song, excellent contrast

cynicaloldfart ago

That's really interesting. You're certainly pushing a lot of low end. The last half started sounding like Zappa gone metal. Thanks for sharing and be sure to come back with more.

Scaryhurt ago

Hahaha that makes sense. I recently “remastered” the track by slapping an EQ on it and boosting the low end. It’s hard for me to judge how much is too much because I don’t have a subwoofer lol. Thanks for the comment

cynicaloldfart ago

I really like a lot of bass in my music, so that was great.

TheBuddha ago

His voice strikes the "Jim Morrison" chord in my head.

Which instrument is you?

Scaryhurt ago

I’m on the guitars/bass/drum programming. I’m gonna tell him you said that, he loves Morrison!!

TheBuddha ago

It was meant as a compliment. It had the wispy flow and rich overtones that show a careful attention. I'd need to hear more variation to know their range, but that was pretty snazzy.

Scaryhurt ago

Thank you, thank you

TheBuddha ago

How long have you played?

Scaryhurt ago

I’ve played for about 10 years now. I acquired my playing skills over a 3-4 year period where I kinda challenged myself by learning hard songs. Now I’m not worried about really refining my technical skills because I’m comfortable with my playing ability. I’m sure you’ve answered this before, but how long have you been at it?

TheBuddha ago

I have been playing for a bit over 5 decades. I've played percussion even longer.

Your influences are?

Scaryhurt ago

5 decades? Am I actually speaking to The Buddha himself? Lol that would explain why you’re so talented. I guess my main guitar influences are Queens of the Stone Age, My Bloody Valentine, Deftones, and The Smiths. I’m inspired by all kinds of music though!

TheBuddha ago

I'm a trained classical guitarist, but I've never really been paid to play classical.

I'm pretty old. I got my first guitar on 12/25/1967. My first formal lessons began right after. I've maintained pretty diligent practice since then.

Yup... I've just put my hours in. I don't have any innate skills. I'm not a virtuoso. I'm just chaing sound, to borrow a phrase. It's what I do.

My influences include Les Paul, Chet Akins, Django Reinhardt, and more.

Planning on sticking around weekly?

SkrutinizeYou ago

This is awesome. Thanks for all the shred, goats.

thewebofslime ago

Here you go Voat... I never share my music with anybody. I'm usually miserly about it.

Blues Am C G

I played a track, then played another track over it.

SandHog ago

Awesome. Thank you for sharing that. I really enjoyed it!

cynicaloldfart ago

How very nice. A little SRVish with a little Gilmour-type tone, but still your own. Hope to hear more from you in the coming weeks.

crazy_eyes ago

Sounds great. I like it. You should share more, this is too good to hoard to yourself

TheBuddha ago

It gets my thumbs up.

thewebofslime ago

Appreciate it. :)

crazy_eyes ago

Here is one with my friend Chris and my friend Verle singing together wil me playing bass and Chris on Guitar, an old classic. The house of the rising sun

16818829? ago

That's pretty fucking cool. I like the contrasts of it all.

crazy_eyes ago

Thanks! We were pretty drunk for this one. Verle has a very distinct voice and it is quite the contrast from Chris' singing

16818068? ago

I've been working on my Fur Elise... need to learn how to play the whole fucking song.... I ain't the greatest at the piano. Never was, but then never put any real effort into it like I did with the guitar.

Haven't pulled my keyboard out in forever... so forgive me for the shitty rendition of a great and beautiful song:

By the way, really cool Putt has this as a sticky on the front page. That awesome niggerfaggot, I love him. Shh, don't tell him.

LegalPERSON ago

Such a wonderful song. Keep working on it and you’ll be playing it in no time!

cynicaloldfart ago

Does clypit keep your submissions for as long as you want?

16819081? ago

If you sign up to it it does, it offers me up to 370 or so minutes of recording before I have to start paying. I am sure if I opt out of paying, the clips still remain.

cynicaloldfart ago

Thanks. I'll put those in the archives and hope they stay up.

Fur Elise is one of my favorites, as the classic it is. You can still feel the emotion he must have had centuries later. Was good to hear from you again.

crazy_eyes ago

Awesome, you do need to learn the rest of the song, cause my brain is jonesing for the rest of the song now

16818753? ago

I'll do my best. Probably be easier if I learned it on the guitar instead, though. Everything I've learned on the piano was more by ear compared to reading guitar tabs - I got frustrated learning this song throughout my childhood, ended up giving up cuz well guitar > piano.

TheBuddha ago

See? We've got chicks!

And, that's not terrible. Give yourself some credit. I can even tell what it is. Pretty sweet!

16818625? ago

I adore the shit out of you, fucking niggerfaggot.

It's shit onthe airwaves, pissing on the memory of Beethoven. You know it, we all know it, but that's what I got for now. We've had a decent snowstorm plow through NorCal these last few days, and my power has been out after I just got home from housesitting and having the fucking power out down there and then dealing with an ungrateful brother, but I digress. Expect better next Friday. I'ma peruse all this amazing music!

TheBuddha ago

Y'all have made it a fantastic thread. It has been pretty impressive. I haven't even tried to read all the comments.

TheBuddha ago

Reposted 'cause @cheeseboogerhimself didn't see this.

Get some!

crazy_eyes ago

Love It!

TheBuddha ago

Thanks! You've heard it recently.

crazy_eyes ago

Hell yeah, I remember

TheBuddha ago

Hell, you've probably heard it at least three times!

crazy_eyes ago

Way more than that!

TheBuddha ago


CheeseboogerHimself ago

Yeah I heard this bitchin' rendition back last year when you uploaded it! It's fuckin' killer, and I wouldn't tell too many people that when it comes to VH.

TheBuddha ago

Dude, I did Beat It, not too long ago!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

No shit?? Link please

TheBuddha ago

I redid Starry Night, as well.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Nice job. Steve Lukather is a monster. That solo that Eddie did was wicked for back then. Starry night is a great tune. Link please haha

CheeseboogerHimself ago

wow that's a nice job. Is that a Strat? This is one song I never learned but love.

TheBuddha ago

Good ears. That was two of them.

99887766 ago

No comment huh, not even hey that's pretty damn good. I've been playing since I was six yeah, let's see your video now.

TheBuddha ago

Those weren't you. Sheesh.

99887766 ago

Yes it actually is. I swear to Jesus Christ that really is me. Pick a song and i will play/post audio here when i get home. Any song you want, i can play anyting.

TheBuddha ago

I don't believe you and I'm busy.

99887766 ago

Honestly I offered to let you pick any song you want and I play it on the same equipment and you don't believe me

cynicaloldfart ago

Post a video of you writing FNGT and the date.

SolomonPapermaster ago

Why is a guitar sticky sticky everywhere?

crazy_eyes ago

The Guitar Cabal Has Assumed Control

TheBuddha ago

Because it is fucking awesome.

You're welcome, by they way!

SolomonPapermaster ago

I'm a piano guy myself, not that I practice enough though. I once had a guitar when I was young, ask the guitar guy at my church to teach me and he showed me his fingers. They were messed up because of the strings. I gave up on guitar that day.

TheBuddha ago

Mine are pretty much impervious to anything but a blowtorch or a hammer. My fingers have had some wear and tear. I also have to have perfect nails, as classical guitar is really where my training is and I still play some. Wanna hear some?

SolomonPapermaster ago

Why not, go ahead.

TheBuddha ago

Here you go:

Classical is fun to play.

SolomonPapermaster ago

Chopin Nocturne op.9 No.2 is actually one of my favorite songs! Can't say I heard n20 before. The style makes me think a bit of Carlos Santana. I love classical Spanish style guitar. Seriously though, are your fingers really messed up?

TheBuddha ago

Not really. In time, you learn a light touch is enough. I use the least amount of pressure possible for the tone.

SolomonPapermaster ago

Then maybe the guy was not as good as he pretended. He had miniature canyons in his fingertips.

TheBuddha ago

It sounds like someone with bad habits. EH laughed and said she's past the heavy callous stage.

You do have callouses build up, but there shouldn't be furrows in them.

SolomonPapermaster ago

Good to know and now I carry a bit more of respect for guitarists (since I used to think they were mutilating their own fingers) but I still prefer piano. It just feels more graceful. Maybe it has something to do with the way we are wired, some people respond better to guitar music, some piano, but I just feel a lot more relaxed with piano.

TheBuddha ago

Music is a very personal thing. What you enjoy is what you enjoy.

Music appears to be an integral part of being human. Every single society has developed music. The history is as fascinating as it is rich.

SolomonPapermaster ago

If only the field wasn't populated by such a large amount of liberal faggots. I love the arts but I hate most people attracted to said arts.

heygeorge ago

Start posting here! FNGT would love some more piano. It doesn’t all have to be guitar.

Mayhawk ago

Late to the party, but I thought I'd share this hot mess I made after a 6 pack of Red Stripe shortly after getting my Gibson SG many years ago. It's sloppy, it's heavy, it's funny.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Awesome. Frank was ahead of his time.

cynicaloldfart ago

You look vaguely familiar.

crazy_eyes ago

Thats Frank Zappa

cynicaloldfart ago

Yeah, I know. I was just giving him crap. That level of dementia is still a few more years away.

SandHog ago

I liked it enough to listen to it twice. Good shit man!

Mayhawk ago

Awesome, thank you! I really appreciate it.

crazy_eyes ago

I like it. Just a jamming away. Sounds like fun to me

TheBuddha ago

Don't be bashful or ashamed. It's better than you probably think. We don't need excuses, it's not a competition. ;-)

Rock on. You've got a big ol' audience tonight. Get more drunk and record something new for us!

Also, why haven't you recorded since? Or have you?

Mayhawk ago

Thanks for the support. I hope someone likes the recording, I had a blast making it.

Most of my old studio is inoperable these days. I do have a 16 track for demos but I haven't written anything in awhile.

As far as making new stuff, it comes and goes. I play more when I find a band, but it's been awhile. I have been working on a song for several years actually, and now I'm starting to forget exactly how it goes and I haven't even finished it yet! I try not to rush things when it comes to playing. Sometimes I'll come home from work and just noodle on the couch until something develops but then I'll go take a shower and forget all about it.

TheBuddha ago

Man, you gotta put your hours in. You know that, however.

How can we help motivate you?

Mayhawk ago

Showing me the instaudio site and letting me share a few old tunes is helping. I need to find some people to jam with again.

TheBuddha ago

It's hard to find good people to play with. I'm very fortunate to have capable and motivated people around me.

Nadeshda ago

Hi everyone :D

See my meeting ran late and I am moving which is super busy stuff! BUT, I made it and I found a song that I submitted last year and perhaps @cynicaloldfart did not capture it in the archives, so I thought I would upload it to again.

My kids and I were messing around, I played a backing track on the pc, recorded it with my phone, gave the kids some tambourines and castanets. Grabbed my guitar and played, and also changed the words.

Without further babbling here is These Goats were made for Talking - by the Nadettes 2018

Enjoy!! Now I run away and perhaps hide... yeah sounds like a good plan...

poptical-illusionist ago

Amazing job! I always liked this song.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

That was good, I liked it a lot:)

Nadeshda ago

Thank you so much for listening!

You know it was joking around and very low key?

I have been super busy and I am sorry for the late reply...

CrustyBeaver52 ago

It's one of my favorite songs. Your version was also good - some people can do it, others can't, you are in the can do category:)

Nadeshda ago

Ooh wee you should hear when I am not distracted by out of time muzos... lol

LegalPERSON ago

Nice one Desh :)

Nadeshda ago

You!!!!!!!! So nice to see you and thank you Sir!! Having a quick browse before my day gets super busy again... Did I say it was nice to see you? Lol, it’s true!

16818711? ago

Holy shit. I love it! You're a badass. Bona fide. Damned right them goats gonna walk all over 'em xD. You have such an awesome voice.

Nadeshda ago

Oh Mam that is sooooo nice to say! You are like honey my dear and I like honey, a lot! :D

Sorry for the late reply, super busy... but I really appreciate your support and encouragement my dear! Maybe later I will get more time, but for now I need to skedaddle...

SandHog ago

Haha, that was great! Nicely done.

Nadeshda ago

Thanking you kind Sir... it was fun and worth saving... giggles

SandHog ago

Really cool you got the kiddos involved and have a recording of it. It's like a little smile you can put in your pocket and pull out years on down the road.

Nadeshda ago

Lol, it’s definitely a soundtrack in my journey, now when I hear the original I can’t help but smirk and laugh internally about it all.

I have shared more here, the kids love being a part of it. I see more shares coming once my move is settled.

On that note; hehe... I am going to bed, I will listen more when I get a chance, have a very busy weekend ahead though. Take care!

SandHog ago

That's awesome. Hope everything goes smoothly with the move!

Nadeshda ago

Thank you Sir, I hope it goes smooth to...

crazy_eyes ago

Awesome, I loved the rhythm section playing along!

I got something for you. Its me ruining one of your songs. I just love this song. I put it on cd and listen to it in my car. I always sing along too. I had asked you if you wouldnt mind me singing along and you said no, so I did, I think I ruined it, but I'm going to let you hear it anyways. Nadeshda's song

Nadeshda ago

crazy are you sure that link and song is my song? lol, check it quick and come back to me, it's the link to she's a whore? urm... hmmm your confusing me nau... lol

crazy_eyes ago

I played it and it played your song. It wasnt she's a whore, thats not your song!

Nadeshda ago

lol, I am so glad that She's a Whore is not my song.... Lordy, Lord that is something to be happy about!!!

I can't stop laughing at how funny this is... wow crazy you did something crazy...

crazy_eyes ago

LoL I was horrified when you said thats what came up, and I had linked as nadeshdas song. Oh my god! That is crazy !!!

Nadeshda ago

so where is my song? What have you done with it? lol

SandHog ago

Lmfao, this was the funniest read of the entire thread!

Nadeshda ago

It was something all right...

nigger_plz ago

Great. World class. Good ear girl, good song writing man.

Nadeshda ago

It’s a Tracy Chapman song, a good song, glad you enjoyed it.

crazy_eyes ago

Nadeshda wrote that one

Nadeshda ago

Oh Crazy this was super touching... aw shucks man... I would love to sing with you for real! We should make this happen one day... 2019 somewhere at @thebuddha place is looking a possibility... ;)

crazy_eyes ago

Thank you. That would be just simply awesome to do. 2019 is pretty soon! Lets do it!

Nadeshda ago

Crazy we are in 2019, it’s this year!!! Yay!!!!!

crazy_eyes ago

Yes. I know LoL

TheBuddha ago

It'd be pretty sweet!

Nadeshda ago

Yes it would be in the category of bestest bestest days ever!

TheBuddha ago

Maybe when the leg is better, I'll cruise around America again. Who knows?

crazy_eyes ago

you didnt hear it?

what the heck is going on?

dont tell me its still linked to she's a whore

Nadeshda ago

I got it and thanks it was great and worth the confuddy duddling... mistakes happen, lol that was an epic oversight but it's rather funny too... :)

crazy_eyes ago

You're welcome. I'm glad that you are so understanding

Nadeshda ago

I know you crazy and I know you would never insinuate that and it was a genuine mistake and that’s why. :)

I want to stay more but I am exhausted. I pray for all those visiting the site that they are blessed, protected and nourished with truth!

I hope the thread continues to go super well, look like it is already... I will try pop in this weekend, but it’s unlikely as the last push of my move is this weekend so maybe next week I can get a chance to breathe.

Good night y’all!

@thebuddha @cynicaloldfart and everyone I have missed, my head just doesn’t even want to work anymore... forgive me.

Take care!

crazy_eyes ago

Thank you Nadeshda, and you are right, I would never ever do anything to insinuate that.

I hope you get through the move in one piece and are able to get your stuff out of storage and can make some more beautiful music

cynicaloldfart ago

Sweet dreams, you wonderfully talented lady.

TheBuddha ago


crazy_eyes ago

oh shit did i fuck up?

Nadeshda ago


Oh wow... it was surprise though, I'll give you that!

Don't do it again, m'kay.. :)

crazy_eyes ago

I wont LoL

cynicaloldfart ago

Did you call it that back then? You're right it's not in the archives under that. I have Food Blues, Do Re Mi, Lullaby, Bed and Fish. Hmmm, I can't imagine why I didn't see that, unless it was on vocaroo. I can't archive any post to there 'cause they auto-delete. If I did miss it keep it on the down low, I need this job and I've already spent the meager wages I was paid.

Nadeshda ago

lol, nope I think I am not sure what it was called, I found it on my phone and it merely had the date on it, which was... 19.03.2018... wow so long ago, I venture it was on voceroo as I did not have instaudio yet..

I am so happy to see you here! We really have been doing this for such a long time. When was the first guitar thread @thebuddha?

cynicaloldfart ago

Also, your first archived submission was on 4/27/2018. It was Waltzing Matilda.

Nadeshda ago

Here is my first ever song shared here... @thebuddha members.... I dragged it into Auditions and cut the silence at the beginning and end and amplified it a bit for you. Recorded on my phone sitting on my bed...

01.19.2018 Shinedown version of Lynyrd Skynyrd song - Simple Man

cynicaloldfart ago

Sweet. I do remember that at first I was griping about your volume levels and that those tunes were indeed on vocaroo. Now it sounds great. Thanks so much for re-doing this.

Nadeshda ago

I will slowly try work through them and amplify the early ones that were recorded and delete the silences and add the dates to.

Thanks so much for all that you do!

TheBuddha ago

Heh! You were shy. You shared by PM first. A few weeks later, I think, you shared it in a thread.

I think. You were in early with the thread. Shit, I think you've made more threads than Harry.

Then again, Verle has made more threads than @mrharryreems.

Nadeshda ago

Lol... it’s been over a year, wow how time flies...

TheBuddha ago

It's been a lovely bit of history. The thread has turned into something fantastic.

Nadeshda ago

Yes it has, just a quick peek in before my day get super dooper busy! Thank you for all you do!

TheBuddha ago

The first one was in like August of 2017, except it wasn't weekly. The title was something like, "Is this where we share our work?" I was a bit reluctant to share much personal information in the thread, as I recall.

In the end, I indicated that it could be a weekly thing and someone agreed. A little while would pass and it'd be a weekly thing ever since. I think that might have been sometime around November 2017, or maybe December?

I think... I dunno? I smoke pot.

The amusing thing is there are archives and I could actually look this up!

Nadeshda ago

This is pretty cool! It was nice to see my first submission in Jan 2018... Wow what lovely thing this has become. I haven’t even made it through all the comments. Lol, I have tried through odd moments when I get a breather but it really came at a busy time for me. So I will have to resign myself to doing it next werk.

I want to write too but this must wait... at least I got my music equipment out of storage!!!!! Just yesterday, the first thing... lol... still have to set it up and settle in... thinking it’s safer to just keep them in their gator cases for now till the dust settles... :)

TheBuddha ago

I love me some good cases. (Note that I don't recommend specific brands.)

I should coin a phrase, like... Hmm...

"Putting a $50 case on a $5000 guitar."

I wonder how many times I can work that into a conversation!

Nadeshda ago

Haha, my electric piano case is a beast with wheels, lol... I fit so much in there and the padding and extra’s are wonderful and has endured some shipping too. So yeah I would recommend :p

TheBuddha ago

My instruments are tools. I need them to be in their best condition. So, I keep them safe - both at home and elsewhere.

Now, I do have some instruments that I just don't care about. Like, I've got a number of the Ibanez guitars with various model designations. The vast majority? I give no shits about them. I have no shits to give. They're easily replaced.

Those still get stored and kept reasonably safe, but I let drunk people play 'em and just leave them around the house while they're playing them. I've gotten more than the $600 fun out of them. So, if they get broken I'm not even going to be mad. I've got spares!

crazy_eyes ago

I should share some Verle

TheBuddha ago

Damned right, you should!

Nadeshda ago

okay I found some more links from voceroo, so anything before 4/27 is not there?

I am going to use the opportunity tonight to upload them to instaudio and share more stuffses... Hold on we need to fulfill the obligation to keep the archives accurate! I am on it... here I go... :)

cynicaloldfart ago

That's the earliest I could find. There were many that I couldn't get in the early, long-ago times by a lot of people. There's a link to each thread in each archive that will show what was submitted, but those vocaroo links are all dead. Maybe in the weeks to come, if you want to and have time, you can go back through the threads and see what you had.

I'm sure Buddha had no idea what a monster he was creating back then. At Least from here on out we live and learn. So glad you'll be resubmitting yours, you've had so many great tunes that need to be saved.

cynicaloldfart ago

8/20/2017 (in freedom date format). It was actually a Sunday. The very first song was Cliffs Of Dover by Buddha of course. However, he also used vocaroo at that time, so that version is also lost to history.

TheBuddha ago

2017, late in the year. That's a @cynicaloldfart question. Sheesh! He knows all that stuff. It was long before you joined in. :-/

Nadeshda ago

well I took part but didn't share until early 2018... yeah and guess what??? I have some guitars to play with... I can't wait to get my gear out of storage... I am possibly going to be writing an article about it so I don't want to speak to much, but you'll see... :D

TheBuddha ago

I wait with bated breath.

TheBuddha ago

I love that song!

I'm honored that you could make it. I hope you can squeeze in some time. This thread is magnificent! The goats pulled out all the stops and we got almost zero bitching and nobody important bitched.

Nadeshda ago

First you want to throw me a parade... then you are honored that I am here... wow... very touching Sir, I am the one honored to be here... thank you so much! And... BIG Thanks to @puttitout and @atko for Voat!


PuttItOut ago

You're too nice. What's wrong with you? /s

Antiracist10 ago

You know, there's NO REASON, why EVERYONE shouldn't be able to post in their own private subverse.

Go on, give me one reason.

Censorship king.

PuttItOut ago

That is most likely an oversight in code. I'll fire the idiot who is responsible.

Nadeshda ago

No you! :)

Yip next answer, YOU! :P

Oh you...

TheBuddha ago

Share something from your archives. Go on... You've got a big stage tonight. I'll watch. You go make 'em emote.

Nadeshda ago

:D you make me smile and then I am like, well... is it the right time? I am not the attention seeking type you know, I like low profile but I enjoy my music and like you taught me, these gifts are made for sharing... You are such an encourager Mister...

Lemme see...

TheBuddha ago

Take a little taste. That spotlight is for you to fill.

Nadeshda ago

heeheee... geez mister I am so happy I can be here, this is legendary man!!! I have had such a good week; in terms of development and progress, and now this... I am just over the moon... Now I have some time to settle into the thread... wooooo!

This is shaping up to be a very good week...

TheBuddha ago

Pretty much the best day ever!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I think everybody, except for @TheBuddha -because his song is fairly bitchin', ;) would agree that THIS should be the FNGT theme song!! Awesome.

TheBuddha ago

We can't even put it to a vote. She's got boobs. She'll win!

Nadeshda ago

Oi, no pass this is Voat! :p

TheBuddha ago

Sadly, I am lacking boobs. If I had boobs, I'd be playin' with 'em all the time. I'd never be bored.

Nadeshda ago

WhAAAAAAAAAA...... HUGS!!!! slaps Where have you been? :)

SIR, YES, SIR!!! :p

I am just now getting time to sit down and start listening and tell me mister that you shared something? :D

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Nice to see you again, me lady. I'm back, for better or worse. I uploaded Van Halen - Humans Being. Its around hither somewheres.

Nadeshda ago

YES! this is such good news... I like it when you are here... :)

CheeseboogerHimself ago

aww thank you

ThepowerofQ ago

Maybe one of U talented music writers can put some music to this and we would have our first #1 hit.   Written using Q's one-liners to Huey Lewis and The News - The Power of Love


THE POWER of Q, is a cipher string,

makes clowns freak, and spooky sing.

Busted Five Eyes, (turning a blind eye),

their true feeling, (thinly veiled disguise).

Hmm, (hmm)


Everything has meaning, (this it's not a game).

Internet Bill Of Rights, (It’s a twitter thing).

Make a bad one good, (Blow up Epstein's neighborhood).

serve up justice (to the brotherhood).



Open your eyes, sit back and enjoy the show.

Patriots don’t sleep on DTs train.

Panic mode keeps them, starved stupid and blind,

nobody escapes this time. . .

It’s the power of Q

it's the power of Q


Future proves past, Oh! baby it's Jumpin’ Jack Flash.

Down she goes, never gonna to see her ass.

Enjoy your stay at Guantanamo Bay,

where all Renegades go, (by the way).



Open your eyes, Sit back and enjoy the show.

Patriots don’t sleep on DTs train.

Panic mode keep them, starved stupid and blind,

nobody escapes this ti. . . me.


They never thought they were going. . to lose. .

(They thought the Sheep don't care).


WE THE PEOPLE (know what to do),

when evil takes a hold of you,

and with help of, Anon clues, you too,

can feel The power. . of Q.

Feel the power of Q.

(boom boom boom - boom boom)

Can you feel it.

(Boom - Boom - Boom)

Hmm h . . mm


Instrumental (TRUST THE PLAN)


DJ trumps bait, forgoes a Payday.

Won’t take no BS from Deep State Dossier. [däsēˌā]

Tougher than a jackass, and stronger than Steele,

blue pills won't feel nothin', until they feel,

the hammer coming down,

on all the DC clowns.

Trust the plan of,

Trust the plan of Q.

Feel the power of Q

(Boom Boom Boom)

Feel the power of Q

(Boom Boom Boom)

It’s the power of Q . .

crazy_eyes ago

Here is a song that I wrote and sang in honor of one of my x-girlfriends. The intro is an 1860 cornish pump organ that i got for $8 at an estate auction, here's She's A Whore

CheeseboogerHimself ago

This is one of my favs from you. I remember it from a long time ago!

crazy_eyes ago

Thank you cheesy!

TheBuddha ago

I think that might have been one of the first songs you shared with me.

crazy_eyes ago

I think it was, I'm pretty sure.

TheBuddha ago

It's easy, ask @cynicaloldfart! He knows!

cynicaloldfart ago

Yep, it was the second song ever submitted but the first one in the archives because somebody used vocaroo for the first track. 8/20/2017.


crazy_eyes ago


TheBuddha ago

See? I knew you'd know this stuff!

You're a real treasure. You know that, right?

cynicaloldfart ago

I'm a fuckin' ray of sunshine, you can bet your ass!

(You're a horrible influence but you know that).

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty much the kid your mama warned you to not hang around with.

She wasn't wrong!

Nadeshda ago

woooo, rock it... I loved this share and still do... soooo cool... Glad you are here tonight, I am fading had a long day....

SandHog ago

Thanks, Nadeshda. I always look forward to hearing to your stuff!

cynicaloldfart ago

Remember, vocaroo auto-deletes your stuff after a few days (or weeks). I can't archive it unless you put it on something like or soundcloud and we really want to have it saved for posteriors.

SandHog ago

It's an old incomplete one of mine. I plan on redoing here soon anyway. Was kinda surprised it was still there myself.

TheBuddha ago

When you get time, I'd recommend uploading to, as they appear to not delete a damned thing. Ol' Bugger heard about that and uploaded stuff with Nigger in the title. It was still there the last time I looked. So, they don't appear to care a bit. I sent 'em a donation not too long ago, as I'm pretty sure we're hammering on their bandwidth and disk space.

SandHog ago

Yeah. I was kinda surprised it was still there. I'll probably just re-do it sometime and record the full song when I do.

TheBuddha ago

There's still time for more! ;-)

I'm not actually able to see the thread. Are you getting a lot of replies and stuff?

SandHog ago

Yeah some, mostly the usual crowd, couple new people. There'll be more rolling through over the weekend and checking the thread since it's gotten a decent amount of voats. Some of the more paranoid folks seem to think that this is some kind of doxxing trap or something lmao.

TheBuddha ago

I just tell 'em it's 'cause I'm a national treasure, or some shit like that.

It's a lot less drama than I expected.

SandHog ago

Haha, yeah it's gone well. I'm curious to see if we get to hear some new players next week.

TheBuddha ago

Me too! I think I may make reminders during the week. I believe we are going to sticky it next week. It went well this week.

SandHog ago

It probably shouldn't be an every Friday night thing as far as the global sticky goes. I could see people getting pissed over that but a couple weeks of saying 'Hey, there's cool stuff going on over here. If you enjoy music come participate or even just hang out and shoot the shit!'

I think a lot of people weren't even aware it's been a weekly thing that's going on for a year plus.

TheBuddha ago

I dunno, I think we want to test it and see how it goes. If it gets stale after a week or two, we can stop it. I think playing it by ear is the best thing to do, in this case.

SandHog ago

I agree with that. I think if it starts annoying people they'll just start trolling it or shitting on people which would really kill the vibe and that wouldn't be good.

TheBuddha ago

A few kinda tried that, which is expected. This is Voat.

I'm biased but I think the idea is brilliant.

crazy_eyes ago

Awesome, i loved it. Wish you would have played longer!

SandHog ago

Thanks, think that was my first dip into the Friday threads. I couldn't remember the song structure even though I know the riffs so I kinda petered out lol.

crazy_eyes ago

You forgot which part came next? I hate that when that happens

SandHog ago

Haha, yeah. I hadn't practiced it in a long time and always just used the lyrics as a guide for when the changes were coming when I'd play along with it.

crazy_eyes ago

Here is one more song by my friend with me accompanying again, by request leadbelly in the pines

SandHog ago

Great song. Haven't heard that tune in a long time.

TheBuddha ago

That's a good choice. I like that one, a great deal.

Did you already do She's a Whore?

crazy_eyes ago

No I haven't, you think should I throw it out there?

TheBuddha ago

Damned right.

NosebergShekelman ago

oy vey I would upload something but I'd have to figure out a way to charge you all a ten dollar cover charge!! haha shaloms

TheBuddha ago

Music is best when shared!

Kirbyrambo ago

Very nice rendition of Aqualung my friend. Barre would definetly approve:)

TheBuddha ago

She says, "Thank you!" I, of course, also say thanks. That was from a while ago. She's still very much in the paint-by-numbers mode, but she's learning and getting much better.

She puts in about six hours a day. It's a long story, as so many things are.

What is your favorite genre of music?

Kirbyrambo ago

70's Rock & Roll. Nothing better. Keep up the good work!

cynicaloldfart ago

You might be interested in our other side venture, We're attempting to preserve and document the 'golden age' of rock from the late 50's thru the early 70's.

99887766 ago

Hey Buddha I'm going to out myself to the whole world on voat. Check out my channel in my latest video I'll jam with you.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

If you are going to play, might as well play the very best:)

That was excellent.

SandHog ago

One of my favorite Floyd tunes. If that really is you that's gotta be the funniest fucking trolling I have ever seen on Voat, lol. Beautiful playing.

crazy_eyes ago

Thats not you

99887766 ago

How much do you want to bet? I just posted that vid like 9 hours ago.

crazy_eyes ago

I dont want to bet, I just assumed with all the crazy shit you post on voat that you were just larping here, if not, my apologies, nice jamming man!

99887766 ago

It's really me. The only reason I even posted is because I know it'll get buried in that sub and my identity still basically stays a secret except with the few people who might respect music

crazy_eyes ago

what do you have that tuned to?

99887766 ago

I put some new strings on the other day as in new gauge. I usually was using lights but went for light top medium bottoms (Daddario EJ19) as I wanted more tension on the lower strings. Well the guitar sounded good the first day but as it settled with the new strings it started sounding worse and worse. First position chords were ringing sour...well everywhere was sounding sour. I know that it takes a few days for the change in tension to take effect and this effect was bad.

I recall someone here once saying that they tuned their guitar down half a step and it sounded better. So I tuned it down to Eb and it sounded better! Chords were more in tune. Hmmmmmm.

So last night I dropped it down to D (not drop D tuning, standard tuning all a whole step down). WOW!! My guitar has never sounded that nice. All the chords sounded great. I actually liked how the higher strings felt a little spongier. I could get more inflections out of the strings. I started capoing different positions and partial capoing and that sounded good and more in tune as well.

crazy_eyes ago

Here is a song sung by a good friend of mine with me accompanying him on the bass. motorcycle song

TheBuddha ago

Damned right!!!

I love it.

I haven't actually seen the main thread, at all. I'm pretty busy.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL, thats awesome!

cof is going to have to spend more time on the archiving and reading through this whole thing

cynicaloldfart ago

I can't even keep up with all the tunes tonight. I have already had that thought but it will be a labor of love. Hopefully now that more people know we're here, we'll have even more great music in the coming weeks. If that works out, I think we need to raise the cover charge.

crazy_eyes ago

I hope we get more and more and more contributors, the more the merrier

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, he's gonna be busy. He loves it, don't you @cynicaloldfart?

cynicaloldfart ago

Oh hells yes. I get to listen to these tunes several times before I get done. How sweet it is.

TheBuddha ago

I haven't actually seen the full thread yet. There's always a new comment to check first.

It has been like this for almost four hours. Make it stop!!! (Not really. I've got no problem just going to sleep when I damned well feel like it. I consider this thread a job well done! (I love my ego!)

99887766 ago

I can play the piano better than anyone you've ever met in your whole life

TheBuddha ago

Don't say, do.

99887766 ago

I just posted a link to a vid i put up yesterday of me playing. Let's play together.

crazy_eyes ago

This one is for all the goats that havent seen the FNGT before. I think the folks that have been listening regularly might remember this one. I just love this riff. I came up with this song after reading one of the Buddas guitarist better than Hendrix articles. It was one about some old time blues player, and immediately after reading the article I went to the studio and this riff was in my head, inspired by what I had just read. I didnt have any words for it, but I was practicing and practicing it, cause its pretty damn hard to play, and I saw these lyrics sitting on a music stand that my friend Christopher has written down one time when he was here. The words fit my song perfectly. I didnt have to change a note, or change a word. It was like they were supposed to be in the song. So I put them in, I think it turned out awesome. Coca

TheBuddha ago

throws beers

I ain't chuckin' roses!

Also, I wanna hear some Chris singing Woody or Leadbelly!

cynicaloldfart ago

Lead Belly! We've been over this and I was right. Nanny nanny poo poo.

TheBuddha ago

Fuck you, I'm a rock star!

cynicaloldfart ago

Yes I know, we all know! (eye-roll).

TheBuddha ago

Do you see this thread?

Damned right, I'm a rock star. You too, what with your official archival ability and memorization of facts.

It's why you make the big bucks!

cynicaloldfart ago

I'm so glad Putt did this. Hope many will return, with tracks, now they know we're here.

BTW, you should've had this catered. I can't even listen to everything yet. But since it'll be stickied in v/guitar, we've got plenty of time for that. I'd ask about tomorrows show, but I know how busy it is. Be sure to keep us informed when you get time.

TheBuddha ago

I don't have a show tomorrow. Next Saturday, or Sunday. EH says Saturday. J says Sunday. I really need to synch calendars and smoke less pot.

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah I got to get Chris involved. Verle too!

TheBuddha ago

Dig into your archives and pick your favorites, if you want.

Why not? Do a Greatest Hits night!

I'm eating my damned sleeping pills soon. Y'all can party all night without me, after I go to bed! You don't need my help.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL Im not sure which ones are the greatest hits. I love them all!

TheBuddha ago

Rock on, crazy. Rock on.

crazy_eyes ago

hell yeah!

TheBuddha ago

You getting a lot of comments on your stuff? I can't see! I have no idea.

crazy_eyes ago

I am getting comments

TheBuddha ago

Sweet. Play 'em a bitchin' solo!

crazy_eyes ago

I got one more new thing for you all tonight, I dont know what the hell this is, i dont know if its cool or stupid, all I know is I like it. I just called it deedlydeedley cause thats how it sounds

nigger_plz ago

I get in those loops too. It's hard to get out of them. I'm amazed at how those cats come up with a loop and then they move to the next part of the song.

Pretty good riff. I was playing Batman in my head when you were playing those descending riffs.

crazy_eyes ago

Thanks, batman? the neeener neener neener Bat Man! thing?

nigger_plz ago

Yeah. Adam West show.

crazy_eyes ago

Thats funny. its does fit, doesnt it

SandHog ago

Haha, that is the perfect name for it. Good stuff.

crazy_eyes ago

Thank you! I just got to figure out some more to go with that, some more deeldleys LoL

SandHog ago

Deedley, deedley, deedley all the live-long day! Haha

crazy_eyes ago

Hell yeah hahahaha

TheBuddha ago

Don't be bashful, you've got some in the archives and some you've never shared. I know it.

crazy_eyes ago

You're saying I should put more on the thread tonight?

go1dfish ago

This thread got me to pick up and play my guitar and play for a bit for the first time in a while but wasn’t happy enough with the result to upload.

I need to play more.

Shits_on_old_synths ago

I'm a bass player and people seem to like my guitar stuff on here,

(don't share my secret that it's all just distorted powerchords doubling the bass part though)

crazy_eyes ago

We want to hear it anyways, I fuck up all the time, then in the future you can practice it and share it again and show everyone your progress!

MadWorld ago

Plentiful of opportunities. Friday, every week!

TheBuddha ago

Share it anyway.

Go on, you've got a stage. Get up on it.

This thread is really for you. Don't be bashful. Instead, "I worked to get this good. I will get better."

And play us the most bitchin' solo you can! Just rock it like we're not here.

We don't care if you suck. Tonight, you're a motherfucking rock star.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Dang you're awful gabby tonight, David!!! haha Howdy friends! Been a while. Hope all is well. i'm going through now and listening and making my way down the list. I'll go as long as I can before I pass out. I have a quickie I recorded the other day. Its Van Halen - Humans Being from the movie Twister.

SandHog ago

Smokin'! Plus goats!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Thanks. I add goats 99% of the time.

SandHog ago

Haha, yeah I always listen for the goats. I never know where they'll be hiding but I know they'll be in there somewhere.

TheBuddha ago

It's about fucking time, asshole.

Also, there's a great big stage - take advantage of it. ;-)

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I'm lost and don't even know what's going on Haha

cynicaloldfart ago

Now we're rockin. Fantastic work there.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Thanks, Cyn.

PuttItOut ago

Hey @Cynabuns... Someone is using your nickname for someone else!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Dang me, dang me, they oughta get a rope and hang me lol

I blame it on....drugs, booze and rock n roll!

cynicaloldfart ago

Most 'round these here parts just call me COF fer short. I thought of the great 'Buns too when I first saw that. Just don't call me......late fer dinner!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I'll have to be careful in the future. I wouldn't want to get jailed to the back-up site only! lol

crazy_eyes ago

Hey cheesey! Fuck yeah man! Sounds tremendous, just like Ed!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Thanks, man. I love me some VH. It's usually what I warm up to.

crazy_eyes ago

I love VH too, they were always my very favorite, at least until the 2000's

Anarchy99 ago

I decided to start building my own guitars a couple years ago. To my own specs. This is one of the first sound test. YouTube finally decided to let me upload the chincy video. This is a 28 in baritone neck through the body. Seymour Duncan Distortion Plus a Seymorizer in the neck. I did things to the guitar to get more tone out of it. I definitely changed the design a bit. Sorry for the sloppy playing I wasn't really warmed up. It's mostly a sound check to see if I could upload a video to YouTube. The Raven amp is an excellent amp for a solid state. The guitar and the amp both work great together. This is the second guitar guitar I've built. I notice a lot more tone and sustain, it's crunchier

nigger_plz ago

Oh Well. Hey play Rebel Rebel on that guitar to see what it sounds like.

crazy_eyes ago

Sounds pretty sweet man!

TheBuddha ago

Why the length?

Anarchy99 ago

To be different it's not as common

TheBuddha ago

You're unique, just like everybody else!

SandHog ago

Sounds great! I've always thought building guitars seemed like a really cool hobby. Gotta be a sweet feeling playing something you built yourself to the specs you want.

Anarchy99 ago

It's a good feeling. Of accomplishing something that you've done yourself. It's a bit complicated and it took me awhile to get around to doing it. Just guitar does things other guitars don't do. Like certain fretz I can make ring. I have a video on that too. I'll post it at some point. I wanted to build a guitar with higher resonance. I think I met and exceeded my goal. The necks on my guitars are twice as thick as regular next and feels more comfortable because there's more to hang my thumb on. If that makes sense. in other words with the skinnier neck you have to scrunch your hand. So you don't really notice any difference. There was a message behind all my madness which was getting all the moving Parts out of the desig which was getting all the moving Parts out of the design. Like I removed the tone controls for a cleaner circuit. It made a difference.

SandHog ago

Cool shit. It's something I'd like to get into and tinker around with at some point i the future. Is this one your favorite so far?

cynicaloldfart ago

Do you have a pic of that beauty?

Anarchy99 ago

I'll have to dig one up there's one around somewhere. I tend to delete photos because it takes up memory

25Lighters ago

Awesome! I love this!

TheBuddha ago

Go on...

The thread is building up speed now. It always takes an hour or two to really get going.

Take a taste. Join us up here on the stage.

Sing us a song.

16818510? ago

I. Love. This. SONG! Fuck How have I forgotten about it's existence!

Love how you play it too!

SandHog ago

Thanks Kat! I didn't even know that you played piano too. You kick butt! If only I could draw you over to the Dog side. Sigh.

16818806? ago

I love dogs! I hang out with one all the time. I often pet sit for a few family member's as well - them doggies love me. Piano I am meh at, but I ain't in the mood to drag my guitars out after this last week of decently crippling snowstorms.

SandHog ago

Oh wow, I always just assumed you were a cat supremacist lol. Ugh, yeah. We've been getting hammered with snow where I'm at too. I need to do another round of shoveling before the next storm rolls in or it will really suck.

16818951? ago

I love all animals. Except niggers, ok well, there are a few exceptions but that's family. Gotta love family - they're all we really have in this world.

Love and hate this weather. Hope your power doesn't go out! Shit sucks and reminds me I need to prepare better.

SandHog ago

Lol. True that. No power issues so far although we had a decent storm roll through yesterday so I went to the store to stock up on some things. Get home and one of my dogs had knocked over the dog food bin and got it open. So I had to trek back out into the damn blizzard to get more dog food just in case. I considered trading her for a cat right then but just for a moment.

Hope your power stays on too. And that maybe when spring comes you can drag out your guitars!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Nice! I'm sitting here headbanging

SandHog ago


TheBuddha ago

Listening again and if you ever get here to Maine, I'm gonna put you on the stage with us.

SandHog ago

Lol, thanks.

TheBuddha ago

Get some!

Go take another taste. I guarantee you have people other than me responding, or will. The thread's busy. Take advantage of the audience. Tonight's awesome. More archive stuff, if you want. I liked it.

TheBuddha ago

Don't be bashful. Dig stuff up from your archives. Hell, tell 'em a story about it when you post it!

The stage is yours.

Basically_Hitler ago

A riff so nice i had to play it twice

Haven't played for years. Pigs were here last night.

TheBuddha ago

You're a young one!

How long have you been paying?

Basically_Hitler ago

Nah that was years ago. Probably about 10 years ago. I got real into it for a few years wrote a bunch of songs but then life happened and i moved onto fishing and kids.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, being a musician sucks and it pays like shit.

Basically_Hitler ago

I want to be creative though. I want to get back into stand up. Have to be careful what you say though.

TheBuddha ago

I have to be exceptionally careful and I do get to say a lot, even being a comic. I never bring politics to the stage. There are songs I don't do, because I can't afford the social liability of doing them.

We do include 'faggot' in Money For Nothing but we won't do One In A Million, for example.

Basically_Hitler ago

That's pretty wild anyway the way things are now. You don't do rednecks by Randy Newman?

TheBuddha ago

Nah, not really popular enough.

antiliberalsociety ago

I miss the days of lugging my drums around to play at a German bar to only our crowd. It wasn't packed but it was fun. I don't have the means to play nowadays but this is a good idea. Keep real talent alive.

TheBuddha ago

There's a surprising amount of musical talent on Voat.

crazy_eyes ago

Hello everybody. Happy Friday!

I been pretty busy this week, so I havent had much time to work on anything for tonight. I sat down this afternoon and played this song I been working on writing, you might have heard parts of this before. I shared it a few weeks ago when i came up with it, well I added more and got better at playing it. I dont know what the hell I'm doing but I think it sounds cool dang thing

16818430? ago

Reminds me of mushroomhead, the chill lets hang out with the guitar type playing.

I really like this song. Also sorta reminds me of old school Metallica.

crazy_eyes ago

Thanks Kat! I've never really listened to any mushroomhead, but yeah that one part kind of reminds me of metallica somewhat too

16818536? ago

I've only heard a few songs and keep reminding myself to continue listening to his music.

I am an asshole. Not mushroomhead! Buckethead. Please, call me an asshole I think I need another edible.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL, I dont know any buckethead songs either. I've seen pitcures of the guy with the KFC bucket on his head and that never really made me want to listen, so Im not sure if I ever have heard anything by him. People have told me he's great though, so I probably should check him out some time. But mushroomhead and buckethead may as well be the same thing to me, I dont know a thing about either of their music

16818786? ago

Fair enough! I do suggest buckethead, he's very interesting and plays beautifully. I agree for a very very long time I was put off by the KFC bucket - until few years ago my nephew who listens to rap introduced me to him while we took a road trip. I like a few songs from Mushroomhead too.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Hey Crazy! I dig this. Its passionate. at the end, though, I think you should've smashed the guitar over Verle's head haha ;)

crazy_eyes ago

Verle wasn't there or I wouldl have

CheeseboogerHimself ago

haha You guys legit crack me up and make me wish I was there partying with you. As soon as I get a wicked buzz on I will sing Radiohead's Creep. Then probably puke in the bushes haha

crazy_eyes ago

I puked in the bushes last night, I had not done that for a while

CheeseboogerHimself ago

fuckin' draft beer will do that shit to me every time. I projectile vomit but then I'm fine. Drunk, but fine. Luckily I'm a happy drunk.

crazy_eyes ago

I didnt choose the beer but it was damned Bud Ice, shits nasty

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I don't do ICE beer no more. It makes me feel like hell the next day. i stay with full flavor or lite

crazy_eyes ago

I felt like hell today. If I drink just regular Budweiser I dont feel like this

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I like Bud. It's usually what I get. Ya just can't beat a good, cold Bud after work or on a hot summer day.

crazy_eyes ago

Damned right, that would be my favorite

SandHog ago

I really like that one crazy. Got a lot of cool tension in it then it kinda opens up into an almost spanish-sounding vibe. You should come up with some lyrics for it!

crazy_eyes ago

Thanks SandHog! I have no idea what to sing over that yet

SandHog ago

Something will come to ya.

crazy_eyes ago

yeah I have no doubt about it. Its probably going to change a lot before im done

dawnbandit1 ago

The Jews Control the Globe.

A somber song of explaining the Jewish annihilation of Western culture and how Hitler was a good man.

crazy_eyes ago

That is a good idea, and I did have some thoughts something like that in mind for a future song. My friends Chris and Verle and I have wrote one called The slave is gonna do what they're told, that we have never finished, we should finish that one and record it. Its a commentary about how americans are basically slaves to the system

TheBuddha ago

It's about damned time that you got here! ;-)

EH and J say they like it so far, though one of them said it sounds like a 60s intro and called it old people music.

(Glad ya made it. The thread is hopping. I think I dealt with the naysayers, and the majority like the idea.)

crazy_eyes ago

I got a little waylayed for a couple of hours here, But I made it!

cynicaloldfart ago

More like waylaid, amiright?

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah! That's it!

TheBuddha ago

I knew you'd make it, come hell or highwater.

It'd be nice if the thread slowed down, so I could have some wine!

crazy_eyes ago

you hate it when its slow!

TheBuddha ago

This is very fast.

That's okay. You have a stage. Go get some. Go take a taste.

PuttItOut ago

I love your stuff, the variance, the tempo. Just makes my ears wet. Going to play your music on repeat tonight.

crazy_eyes ago

Awesome! Thanks Putt! I been practicing!

TemetNosce ago

"""Harmony Central""" ( . com?) was shut down years ago. (2007?) Was shut down due to bull shit copy write crap. "Guitar tabs" are good now, but never had the in depth of Harmony central. Any one out there have tabs that used to be as good as harmony central? (they were simple dots on fret board told you where left finger notes were + right hand #'s for your right hand fingers to pick.

TheBuddha ago

Search 'song name guitar tab +pdf'

TexasInfidel ago

Ole Lady just ripped a severely wet one on a metal folding chair that lasted many good seconds.How do I upload MP3?

TheBuddha ago


>stickied TheBuddha thread

What voodoo is this

TheBuddha ago

Putt stickied it because I'm a national treasure, of course!


MadWorld ago

:-) Also remember you cheated death!!

TheBuddha ago

Death don't scare me none! Death is a pussy! Next time I see 'em, I'm gonna punch 'em right in the nose - and I'm going to try to protect my legs better.

TheBuddha ago

Now, you get a second track this weekend...

Umm... Hmm... I'm not quite sure how to say this. This next one is, well... Let's just say they're working on it!

The next one was made by EH and J. I had nothing to do with this. I didn't even sit in the studio and make faces as them.

I will say that they bit off way more than they can chew. I will also say that they did better than one might expect. However... It's not their best work!

They did, too. Lacking time, and it's difficult, they managed to get this out the door.

Yes, they're aware that they made mistakes. They stil want to share it. However, last week someone asked when they were both going to play together again, and, they put that together.

So, if two young ladies can share something less than perfect, you can too!

crazy_eyes ago

Well all fucking right! That sounds great! I love it!

TheBuddha ago

Thanks, from both.

It's pretty much the best day ever.

crazy_eyes ago

It sure is! This thing is going to be over a thousand comments

TheBuddha ago

LOL My bedtime was an hour ago.

crazy_eyes ago

Do you have a show this weekend?

TheBuddha ago

No. I have one next weekend. I'm high as balls and not going to go look. It's Saturday or Sunday. I'm 99% confident that it's Saturday afternoon, but I smoke pot.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL Then who gives you a bed time?

TheBuddha ago

Me, in theory.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL Thats good, I guess it depends what the plans are for the next day as to my bedtime

TheBuddha ago

I got to read the thread, at least partially!

crazy_eyes ago

Its huge. its awesome. Almost a thousand views! The most ever for a FNGT!

TheBuddha ago

It's pretty awesome.

I'm still impressed that there was as little bitching as there was.

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah that faded fast

TheBuddha ago

And over 1000 views!

This was a good thread to test this sort of thing. It's a thread that's relatively benign. We have a very clear history of not censoring anything. We don't have any real drama in this sub.

So, it doesn't give folks much to bitch about, except to say they don't like it.

crazy_eyes ago

but if you dont like, its easy enough to ignore and continue down the list of other submissions. why bitch? right

but the best part about it all is the complete lack of drama in this thread ever really

thats rare it seems in the world

TheBuddha ago

This is voat. Someone will always bitch and someone will always think it s nefarious. I was expecting more pushback, but it has gone great.

And, this thread is a treasure. It's you folks who make it that way.

crazy_eyes ago

Hell Fucking Yeah!

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty sure we get to cruise voat in a limo now.

Why? Because we are big rock stars!

crazy_eyes ago

Woot Woot

Of course

Flash Me!

TheBuddha ago

"We are big rock singers. We've got golden fingers. We're loved everywhere we go."

crazy_eyes ago

Best Day Ever!

TheBuddha ago

It's going to be hard to top this thread.

crazy_eyes ago

maybe. I'm hoping that this inspires some folks to practice and maybe we will get even more people contributing. You know, some people might have felt like playing but didnt know this was going to happen. So they didnt have anything ready, but if they went through and read along and see that we do it every week, they might decide to try and see if they can record something to share too. That what Im hoping

TheBuddha ago

This thread has inspired quite a few people. I enjoy that aspect.

We're pretty much drug pushers. Ten years from now, they'll all be divorced and still spending more money than they make with their music!

It's my diabolical plan.

crazy_eyes ago

We been un-stickied

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Very nice. So glad to see the torch passed on. Listen, I think I can only make ten comments until I get my account up to par so if I cut out that's why. I will be back tomorrow. I'm home, baby!

TheBuddha ago

It's about damned time and the ladies say thanks. One of them giggled. I am not sure why, but my immediate guess is wine.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I love that young chics are rockin' out. They'll probably create the female GNR and take over the world!! I'll have to tell you about me and my sons performing at the school talent contest sometime in another thread. We're planning and practicing right now. We're gonna blow the lid off their grade school!

TheBuddha ago

I just couldn't make it through School Of Rock. I just didn't enjoy it.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I don't think much of it, either! How the fuck did they not mention sir Edward in that movie? The video game 'Brutal Legend' with Jack is actually cool. Its what the movie should've been.

TheBuddha ago

I consider Pick of Destiny to be research and homework.

cynicaloldfart ago

The Two Young Ladies Band rawks! That was great. J, your bass work just keeps getting better and better. That was some pretty fancy fingering. EH, you nailed the sound and I barely noticed anything wrong. I was wondering how you two would do on the "solo" break but both of you rocked it. I broke a stick airdrumming then my lighter ran out of fuel.

TheBuddha ago

EH: You don't have to lie! (Then she smiled.)

J: Thanks, but it was full of fuck ups. I'm getting better. It is just a big guitar.

I do have my archive version, if anyone is interested:

And, to be frank, they bit off more than they can chew. It's not an easy song to play and it's damned hard getting the tone right. I helped 'em exactly zero! They'll figure it out.

cynicaloldfart ago

I'll never lie to you. Buddha's perfectionism has its place and is important to strive for that. But to an average listener it was great. Remember crunky is an attitude also. If you were playing at a bar I'd be hooting and hollerin and ordering another beer.

TheBuddha ago

They were absolutely having fun while recording it. They don't actually care that it's not perfect, I'm pretty sure.

On stage, we must (mostly) be perfect. Though, the audience does allow us some leeway, sometimes.

cynicaloldfart ago

That was outright salacious and bordering on pornography back in the day. For quite a while when he was on TV, they would only shoot him from the waist up. Now we get Miley with a strap-on for the kids to watch. My definition of progress seems a little different than some.

Cooking_with_Alf ago

My mom and all 5 of her sisters loved him. Their mom loved him too. Sluts man. I guess they were around back in the day too eh?

TheBuddha ago

Way back when I played for only a few years and thought I was good, I probably looked like that!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I'm just glad that we didn't have smartphones back then. I dyed my beautiful, long black hair blonde once, didn't like it, tried to dye it back and it glowed in the dark. There's still a many video, though. My dad bought some fancy VHS camera that looked like something a news crew today uses. It got used a lot. At 15 I was doing my best Angus Young impersonation mixed with Eddie Van Halen while on stage. I let it rip!

TheBuddha ago


I may never be able to jump again.

How weird is that?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

That sucks. Are you not gonna be 100% again? I'm having problems, too. I can jump if my ass is on fire but if I take the stage again I doubt I get too crazy like I used to. It sucks getting old, injured and all that. At least we're somehow still alive, though. Based on what I've heard about your wreck, you got lucky. Glad of that, man.

TheBuddha ago

No, probably not. Do you know how weird it is to not be able to jump, as a stage performer?

Dude, that's fucking weird. A couple of weeks ago, I stayed inside a 10' x 10' safe zone, marked with tape. I stood for it, and it sucked. We lived it up, however. It's a big bar we've played multiple times now. I had to stand for them. They were owed that. I was in my chair for a few days afterwards, but I did it. Not to worry, I've got shittons of drugs. I've got enough legal opiates to me Keith Richards jealous.

I can't jump! As a performer?!!

I've been jumping up and off shit for a lot of years. Weird.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Pain meds make everything better. and fuzzy! lol I would listen to the docs if I were you. I didn't and that's why I suffer. It's hard not to get into the music. If I went out on stage right now I would mostly do a serpentine walk. I might jump one time and no more because I know I'm gonna pay for that shit. Ya gotta listen to your body but that's hard when you got a buzz and shitloads of people cheering. As you can tell I dont listen very well to doctors either hahaha.

TheBuddha ago

I have complete permission to do this.

I've got some REALLY good medical staff. I have whole teams of physicians, still. They're all in agreement. "Weight bearing as tolerated."

I'm not allowed to fall or have any sudden impacts, but I can stand and hobble around. If it hurts, get back in my chair. If I fall over, or whack it hard, go get imaged immediately.

If my health wouldn't allow it, I'd not do it. I wanna dance again!

Cooking_with_Alf ago

Played through middle school and high school. Haven't touched it since. I most definitely looked like a fool. Played piano in the military. Haven't touched that in 10 years. Probably looked like a fool then too.

TheBuddha ago

I'd suggest a good keyboard, if you're looking for choices.

I have a sorta qualified multi-instrumentalist who is more up to date with keyboard than myself and she pipes up, "Yamaha and pawn shops." She adds to test them, but they can be had at a steal. Again, most any model. They're all good. She's more qualified than I am, but is not our main keyboard player.

Cooking_with_Alf ago

I want to get the kids into piano. We were looking at Yamaha. Helps that we live in Japan too and lots of folks are pawning off their junk online quite frequently. Though the Roland at the store nearby sounds clean and feels real nice. We will probably settle on a used Yamaha and see if the kids take to it. Hopefully tax season is good to us. Enjoy your guitar night, sounds like fun :D

TheBuddha ago

Roland is also excellent. They all have similar capabilities today. I guess it's kind of a glory-days of used keyboard buying, according to J. She does have a few and not a lot of money, she's a college student. So, I'm not the expert. ;-)

Kirbyrambo ago

Great idea==have a blast you young Patriots!! About 40 years ago I would rockin with you all! :)

cynicaloldfart ago

That's ageism!!! Heck, 40 years ago a couple of us would have been there with you. Maybe this would be a good time to get back to playing.

Kirbyrambo ago

LOL===Arthritis is too bad. Plus I just gave my guitars and key board to my grand kids:)

TheBuddha ago

I'm 61 and have a smashed femur.

It's not too late.

Shits_on_old_synths ago

I find that hard to believe, old folks aren't supposed to djent this hard!

TheBuddha ago

I've been playing since 1967. I've played percussion even longer. I'm actually classically trained. I love to play flamenco or classical.

Don't make me show off. I'll do it, you know.

Kirbyrambo ago

65 here. Arthritis is too bad. Plus I just gave my guitars and key board to my grand kids:) Rock ON!!

TheBuddha ago

LOL I'm much more retarded than that.

Even with my smashed femur, I've performed twice. Once, I performed from in my wheelchair!

Nobody's too old to rock and roll. (Ian Anderson - Jethro Tull)

Kirbyrambo ago

On a side note>>>Taking CBD oil for the arthritis==seems to be working ===who knows I might go get those guitars back soon:)

TheBuddha ago

I've been using Votaren Gel. My femur was snapped in half at just below the ball in a spectacular automobile wreck. It's a long story and this thread is busy.

Kirbyrambo ago

Sorry to hear

TheBuddha ago

Oh, don't be sorry. It's a pretty small penalty for all the stupid shit I've done in my life and that episode was pretty stupid.

In reality, I'm lucky to be alive. I'm not exaggerating, but don't have time to type it all out. Put it this way, I'll see if @cynicaloldfart can describe the wreck for me. That'll save me some time and explains it nicely.

I'm not sorry, 'cause I should be dead. I really should.

I got out of this one pretty light, considering the circumstances. There's nothing to be sorry about.

cynicaloldfart ago

I'll try to give you a quick run through. He was riding with a friend in a new Mustang. They were both "enjoying" the day fairly well and Buddha was giving him (good heartedly) crap about his car and his driving.

The police said they left the road "in excess of 120 mph". They went through a telephone pole, a few trees, and finally found a tree and a rock big enough to stop them a few hundred feet into the forest.

The driver climbed out of what was left of said car with very minor injuries. Buddha broke several bones throughout his body, the worst being his femur. Cue rescue, ambulances, local hospital said nope we can't deal with that. Bring in the chopper and off to a major hospital. 3 weeks later his leg is a little shorter and has 2 lbs of titanium holding it together. This was back in Oct 2018. He's just recently gotten to the point of being able to hobble around without too much trouble. He's got another year to year and a half until it will be pretty stable.

As for the car. It wound up being 3 separate pieces that appear to have been put through a car crusher one time. It doesn't appear to even resemble much more than scrap metal or have any part that is salvageable.

I was a paramedic for many years in my youth. I have seen much less damage result in grotesque deaths. It truly is a miracle they survived, and that's not a statement I offer lightly.

TheBuddha ago

This is why you're a national treasure and our official archivist!

What do you think of the thread?

cynicaloldfart ago

It's great having all these people. Hopefully, they'll remember to come back with some tracks in the coming weeks now they know it's a thing. Never can have too much music.

And no, at most I'm an under secretary to your acclaimed office. I mean, somebodies got to do the Charlie work and we can't have the talent wasting their time on the mundane. The crowd is always roaring for more ;-) .

TheBuddha ago

I busted out laughing. Not fair.

And, I'm up for stickying it next week, as well. We'll see how it goes. There were remarkably few complaints and they settled in with a few precise responses.

I think making it a global sticky was a brilliant idea. More people should listen to me!

Kirbyrambo ago

Can't beat Tull == Hows about some == Deep Purple, Zeppelin, Stones and of course Steppenwolf

TheBuddha ago

The guitar you hear will be myself and my guitar student. She's just 16.

This is something you'll want to hear.

Kirbyrambo ago

Just heard your rendition of Satriani's - Starry Night===Nice pickin my friend!

TheBuddha ago

Thanks. I'm not actually being cocky when I answer, "I know."

I'm not actually a skilled guitarist, like most people think. What I am is a well-practiced guitarist. I've put tens of thousands, about 55,000 hours, into playing the guitar.

I'm rewarded with that time investment. It was poorly spent time, but it was rewarding! I still practice 2 to 4 hours, every single day. I'll never even make minimum wage for all those hours.

Kirbyrambo ago

Aqualung was superb!!! Barre would be proud of you!

TheBuddha ago

Glad ya liked it! I could have sworn I typed that already?

Kirbyrambo ago

I liked it so much that I had to hit you twice. It is not the beer:)

TheBuddha ago

Feel free to download anything I share in public. I release all rights. inasmuch as allowed by law. Use 'em, mash them up, add to them. I don't mind. Hell, lie and say they belong to you and sell 'em. Umm... That legal liability is on you, but I give no shits.

Kirbyrambo ago


cynicaloldfart ago

Did you forget a link?

TheBuddha ago


cynicaloldfart ago

Opera? That would be great, and a first here. That takes some serious talent. @Nadeshda is a trained vocal coach, I'm sure she will also be interested.

TheBuddha ago


When you're on a cell AND you're around a lot of people is pretty much the perfect time to belt out some arias!

middle_path ago

Rock on London, Rock on Chicago. Wheaties - breakfast of champions.

TheBuddha ago

The guitar thread has made it to the big time!

We'll remember all you little people!

See, what Voat doesn't get is that I perform for thousands of people. I've dealt with hecklers before!

middle_path ago

I'll have you know it was a compliment. I was quoting the great Wesley Willis.

TheBuddha ago

I will have to believe you, as I have no idea what it was you said. This thread is busy. Holy balls.

middle_path ago

When things calm down, take a moment.

TheBuddha ago

Sadly, I've heard that before.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I might need to be brought up to speed. What is going on --ifns you dont mind?

TheBuddha ago

I asked Putt to sticky the thread last week. He said he would. We agreed we'd do it on Friday(s). He said plural, I did not agree to any such thing!

That said, it looks like the majority like it.

Glad you're home. How you feeling?

My leg is still right fucked. It's gonna be right fucked for a while. I'm done with my vacation. We're back to performing. EH is improving. J is still here. The missus is still grumpy. The dog still thinks he's a lapdog. The winter has been strange and all the snow falls and then gets melted.

There. You're caught up. You?

Also, I'm buying a new car, but trust me... DO NOT GET ME TALKING ABOUT CARS TONIGHT.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I see now. That's awesome. Congratulations, man. All of you do a lot to bring this awesomeness to Voat and I and many others are very grateful. I've said it before and I'll proudly say it again: This is the best sub on Voat -in my humble opinion. It's happenin'!

TheBuddha ago

We've finally hit the big time! Great night for you to return!

We didn't just rock Voat, we set the bitch on fire and had a party. 'Bout damned time I got some fucking recognition as a national treasure. Finally, this world has justice - even if just a little bit!

Also, I got the guitar goats a bigger stage. It went over better than I expected, actually.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Somebody needs to throw you a parade!! haha This is the best shit going on here.

TheBuddha ago

My ego is large enough, already!

I've been grinning this whole time. It's wine and enjoyment. Mostly enjoyment, but the wine helps.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Hell yeah!

TheBuddha ago

It's a big old stage. Get on up there. Hell, you should dig something out of the archives, even if you shared it recently.

Lemme find something to dig out too.

TheBuddha ago

DO IT!!!!!!!!

a100167 ago

Such a cool idea!

cynicaloldfart ago

One of the best kept secrets on Voat. It's been going on for well over a year, every Friday night at 8pm eastern. There are quite a few really great musicians who are here regularly, and frequently someone new drops by and shares a tune. Even if you don't play, it's great to hear what everyone contributes. It stays stickied in v/guitar for days after tonight so you can always go back and listen later.

Welcome to the camp, we all know why you're here.

a100167 ago

Awesome man

TheBuddha ago

We're going on two years of doing this thread.

See our archives, if you want:

a100167 ago

Right on man, I've been on voat for years and I always seem to find new things. Thanks!

TheBuddha ago

You're welcome. Thanks to Putt for helping bring it to folk's attention.

Like I expected, a few folks were unhappy about it being stickied but they'll tire themselves out and the majority will support it. We've had quite a few goats come play with us. The thread is still slow. It tends to last for 6 hours on Saturday night and then stays busy until Sunday, but I don't see any reason for it to be stickied that long.

TheBuddha ago

That's not you!

kingdomhearts123 ago

C’est moi

TheBuddha ago

Is that singer even legal?

cynicaloldfart ago

Are you playing or singing in that?

kingdomhearts123 ago


TheBuddha ago

Do you play?

TheBuddha ago


Wanna sing us a song? C'mon!

It usually takes about an hour to warm up, but the thread then gets really busy - even without it stickied. Jump on in and sing us a tune!

SearchVoatBot ago

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Posted automatically (#23679) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Nadeshda ago

Oh wow @puttitout you rawk and so do all of you!!!!

I have one more meeting tonight, but I should be here in the next hour or so. Can’t wait! Soooooo exciting!!!!

PuttsMum ago

Happy Friday!

Nadeshda ago

YAY!!!!!!! it's you!... MUM!!!! Lol...

Dang I can't wait to get back to myself and actually sing some of the suggestions people have giving me... that one song you sent me, can you remember it, you thought it perfect for my voice and I may need you to remind me of the name again...

GOOD news I get my recording gear maybe in two weeks from now... geez moving is tough...

Your son did something very special tonight... ;)

PuttsMum ago

I can't remember either but i want to hear your version of 'somewhere over the rainbow' because I have been thinking of my late mother a lot lately. She used to sing me that song when I was a little boy and I would love to hear it again if you don't think it's too lame :)

And yes , great to see putts global sticky the thread so forgetful people like myself find it!

Nadeshda ago

This is beautiful and touching. Just yesterday I was asked to sing this song for a future function at work. Wow, so timely! I would be honored to sing this. In the process of moving and I hope in a couple of weeks able to settle a bit.

I see sharing this song with you very likely! :)

It is a beautiful song and I would be honored to sing it for you! :)

PuttsMum ago

Well that is fantastic, thank you so much!

Good luck with moving, I hope it goes smoothly for you :)

cynicaloldfart ago

Be sure and share on a Friday, as we all would love to hear it.

Nadeshda ago

Will do Sir! :)

PuttsMum ago

For sure, I'm sure she will share it with all of us :)

cynicaloldfart ago

Heck yes, that would be a great song for her. Her wonderful voice would do it justice. Good idea.


TheBuddha ago


We've got chicks!

Vrblpollushin ago

Yeeeeah!! Chicks!

TheBuddha ago

If you're curious, check the archives. We've had @nadeshda sing for us and it is lovely.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

It is lovely. I love listening to her. One of her songs is still in rotation on my Ipod

Nadeshda ago

aw... I have missed you... geez you have to make me a pinkie promise that when you go low key you still kinda keep in touch somehow.. or at least let me know you are back.. geez I know it's not common but I can actually keep a secret... I think you know this though.. :)

TheBuddha ago

"Which one?"

CheeseboogerHimself ago

"Time". I think that song is great. I like it better than 99.9% of the nonsense on the radio. I do listen to the version that I added this creepy hall-type of reverb to and it gives it some sort of....I dont just makes it, in my humble opinion.

Nadeshda ago

it did make it and I would still like you to record some more stuff with me.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I'd be honored to. It is something that is definitely doable!

Nadeshda ago

this is awesome news... does @gabara know yet? We both missed you so much!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

No, I doubt it. I'm gonna pop in to SBBH when i get time. I have much shitposting to do!

Nadeshda ago

Sounds about normal... I just know he missed you that's all...

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Really? hmm well that makes me feel good. He used to make me laugh my ass off!

Nadeshda ago

@gabara is actually a tender soul and has a big heart, the rest is pure monster and shhh don’t tell anyone I said that... he is sooooo funny, so talented, so darn smart and witty... he makes me laugh too...

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I've never seen anybody post as much quality content as he. Fuckin' mind blowing monster robot

TheBuddha ago


AmazingAutist ago

Can this not be stickied? Why favor one sub over another, this is not a crucial announcement.

Mittermeyer ago

Money and doxable info on goats for investors. No matter how you look at it the sticky shows some bad shit is going down.

sheepsexplode ago

There used to be a Featured Sub stickied. Be good to get that back!

C_Corax ago

To try something different. It's not a whole lot you have to scroll past if you aren't interested you know.

TheBuddha ago

Because we've done this every single Friday night for well over a year and have a history of making this place special.

Also, because I'm a national treasure.

TheBuddha ago

Just call me angel in the morning?

cynicaloldfart ago

Holy crap!!!! That's totally insane. I don't know what else to say, I'm uber-gobsmacked. As if the playing isn't enough, the production values are out of this world, great work EH. I'm thinking this will need to be stickied to the front page on the FNGT site.

A big Thanks to @Puttitout for the interest. This is one thread on Voat where we have always come to enjoy something we like instead of complaining about what we hate. So let's get in the spirit, enjoy and encourage. If all you got is being a downer, there's plenty of other threads. If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything. It's really not hard.

Oh, and I found a picture of EH's daily practice. She's a snazzy dresser.

TheBuddha ago



I had to tell 'em to cut it short. It's gonna be a busy thread. Wanna jump in and start helping? We've got guests!

cynicaloldfart ago

Howdy-ho to the beauties and the old guy. I've listened to that 3 times, so I haven't had time to catch up yet.

So glad most of the new people here are enjoying themselves. Let's hear what y'all got. Any instrument, any level of playing. I know hearing Buddha's track might make it a little intimidating, but it's not a competition. So grab a noise-maker, hit up or soundcloud, and put your link in here. You know you wanna, and we wanna hear it.

TheBuddha ago

When it slows down, EH and J have a track to share.

SchwazaRifleCoffeeCo ago

This is some nigger level abuse of the global sticky.

TheBuddha ago

Damned right it is.

It's 'cause I'm pretty much a national treasure!

wt1984yb ago

You’re a fag.

TheBuddha ago

Shit, I'll vote that comment up.

Dude, you've got nothing on performing for teenage girls. Try as you might, you can't be a whinier cunt than they can be.

I've dealt with hecklers before.

16818866? ago


Sorry, couldn't help but heckle you now that ya mentioned you've been heckled before.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, I don't get riled up over much.

16818918? ago

Your mother smells of elderberries!

TheBuddha ago

If you're sniffing my mother, wipe the ashes off your nose and it won't get you high.

16819005? ago

Damn it... I was hoping it was a cocaine stash... Shit. My apologies.

TheBuddha ago

No, that'd e like the first place people would look!

SchwazaRifleCoffeeCo ago

Yeah, just like Detroit.

TheBuddha ago

I confess, I don't actually remember what your complaint was.

If you'd like to register a formal complaint, please fill out form 3b and have it on Putt's desk by morning.

SchwazaRifleCoffeeCo ago

Fuck I filled out 7a. Damn Jew bureaucracy.

TheBuddha ago

$20.00 (US - not ten of your loonies) and I'll let you slip to the front of the line.

SchwazaRifleCoffeeCo ago

What the fuck is a loonie? You?

TheBuddha ago

Canadian money.

wt1984yb ago

What kind of gay shit is this?

heygeorge ago

If you dox yourself to @thebuddha, he express mails you tasty pudding! 100% worth it.

TheBuddha ago

Maybe blueberry syrup.

heygeorge ago

I am 100% taking you up on that, and thank you for the kind offer.

TheBuddha ago

Alright. I believe I've even got extra in the pantry! If not, I can have it shipped to you direct. I'm pretty sure, but this is gonna be a busy thread, methinks.

Putt stikying this is irking a few, but that's expected. I suspect the vast majority will support it. And they'll have a damned good time!

heygeorge ago

I love it, every bit of it. I’ll try to get back on point in the thread and see what more contributions have come in!

TheBuddha ago

I can't think of a more suitable thread for putt to try this out on and we worked hard to get here. So, it's pretty awesome.

It's less drama than I expected, but the night is young.

Diggernicks ago

Pudding is code word in your world for semen right?

TheBuddha ago

LOL No, don't dox yourself!

(I have the private information of many, many goats - and have met some in real life. Many of us are easily doxxed. Most of the regulars know my name, address, and probably even phone number.)

drstrangegov ago

I have a song request. Do you know "my ding-a-ling"?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

"I'm gonna sing'r a song, I'm gonna show'r my ding dong".

That shit has been played drunkenly in front of people before. That's all I'l lsay

TheBuddha ago

I do! But, I have no time to play it.

That's perfect for @crazy_eyes. He'll be here, don't worry.

drstrangegov ago

Also a dedication. "secret agent man" as a tip of the hat to all of our cia buddies on voat. They took a pretty big hit today with the whole Muller thing.

ribble ago


is cool as hell

TheBuddha ago

Damned right. Don't thank me - thank @puttitout and your fellow goats! I just put it here and get it started. You do all the work. We've been doing this quietly for well over a year.

Diggernicks ago

You dont seem very quiet

TheBuddha ago

Not anymore!

You are correct.

Shits_on_old_synths ago

hey guys, I haven't checked in here for a while (because of wierd euro-timing, either I'm way early or way late) but I'm on vacation right now, so I'm right on time :D

not sure if I've shared this sketch before on here, but it's something me and a vocalist have been working on, would love to get some feedback/comments

crazy_eyes ago

Sounds pretty damn cool to me!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Good job on that. I can hear James Hetfield in your voice. Very cool.

Shits_on_old_synths ago

thanks, I wish I could take credit for the vocals, but that's the only part of the song that's not me ;)

SandHog ago

You guys sound good. I liked it!

Witsend ago

Right on.

one_dim_tim ago

Fun guitar riffs!

Shits_on_old_synths ago

thanks, next week I'll probably be sharing some synth based stuff, as I don't have a guitar with me but have got a laptop and MIDI controller

Vrblpollushin ago

Good riffs. The guitar is excellent.

Shits_on_old_synths ago

thanks man, all of the guitar tone is Grindmachine2 by Audio Assault, (which I got on sale for literally 10 dollars)

everytime I use it I'm blown away by the sound I'm getting for the price of a big-mac meal

TheBuddha ago

It reminds me, as I listen, to a 90s band. Somewhere near the death of grunge but just before it. It's got a very Seattle sound with a touch of metal - maybe a bit like some of mid-career Pearl Jam.

Those are compliments, by the way. Thanks for sharing!

Shits_on_old_synths ago

thanks man, the singer is into rock/grunge and I'm trying to put as much metal into it as I can get away with

(which is why it's got the sneaky octatonic riff in there)

TheBuddha ago

I'd be interested in hearing it polished a bit more and I'd love to hear more frequent contributions.

How long have you been making music? Who are your influences?

Shits_on_old_synths ago

been playing bass for the last 8 years, about 1 or 2 years of learning production (recording, trying to mix songs to sound tight etc) big influences of mine is stuff like Rammstein or NIN, being Euro I'm also genetically predisposed to EDM/house, so love me some Overwerk and Tipper,

I got into using a DAW because I wanted to make electronic music, but then used my new-found tricks to start recording an old band of mine, recording vocals is a pain though, and I'm still very much in the dark on how to get a good vocal sound (besides multi band compression and drowning it in reverb)

that djent song you posted sounds tight man, on guitar I don't really get much further than doubling and multitracking my bass line

TheBuddha ago

We aren't very fancy here. We pretty much exclusively use Audacity. I do have a lot of fancy hardware, that's too much to try to cover all in one post.

I was retired. I now have a band that I'm obligated to. We're a high end, high production cover band. I suck at being retired.

Shits_on_old_synths ago

oh I do love me some fancy hardware (mostly synths though)

the track I posted I did with just software though, (straight into the interface with a cab/amp sim for the guitar)

if I knew just how good software had gotten, I would have never bothered bringing my pedalboard to all those years of band practice...

TheBuddha ago

I don't use a pedal board. I use a pedal station. When the thread dies down, I'll maybe PM you some tracks of us performing.

I'm not cocky. We're good. We really are. Well, alright... I am cocky - but we're still good.

Shits_on_old_synths ago

I sold off almost all of my pedalboard to pay for my newfound synth-addiction, especially after figuring out after 6 years of playing bass that a giant pedalboard doesn't come close to the rock-solid low end of a bass-guitar with flatwounds

if you've got some stuff from your band you'd like to share, feel free to PM me, I'd love to hear it :)

TheBuddha ago

I will do so, but the band pretty much despises Voat and I'm a quasi public figure. So, ne'er public voat may meat the band. I PM links all the time. Shh! The band won't be mad so long as you keep it private. I'm obligated to this band. It's a long story. The band can't be associated with Voat. I'm pretty selective about who I share with.

Once upon a time, Ol' Buddha was retired.

knightwarrior41 ago

i wish i could buy an electric guitar or even an acoustic one but i currently lack the funds to do so

SparkyOutrage ago

Orangewood guitars; good quality, low price ($195-$295) ; the guitars come with a "set-up" (a relative thing, but ...); bone nut and saddle (these two items alone would cost about $300 for after-market modifications); but with Orangewood they are standard (any/all other acoustic & most electric guitars come with plastic bone/saddle (even the high-end ones)); bone nut & saddle will give any acoustic guitar the richest sound possible ...)
Orangewood guitars

$295 vs $7000 Guitar | Cheap vs Expensive | That big a difference?

Paul Davids

There was a utube video by Paul Davids with above title, but it's not showing up here

i have zero affiliation with this guitar biz

buy an intro guitar lessons book (cheap ones as a good as costly); practice that basic book 'til you can play everything in the book in one setting; move to next level, practice every day or more good luck

knightwarrior41 ago

thanks a bunch

CheeseboogerHimself ago

You can get guitars for cheap on Ebay.

knightwarrior41 ago

oh dude you are back lol

there's a guitar that is for beginners that just costs 37 bucks......

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I am black!! I mean back!

I've seen strats on there go for $100 or less. Many other brand name guitars, too. Of course they wont be high quality but still damn playable.

knightwarrior41 ago


70times7 ago

Tuning a guitar, especially with the internet is brain dead easy.

Tuning is the least of worries mate. Can do it in 30 seconds with little practice.

Adjusting the action (distance between the strings and the frets) is something you wont need to do unless you are pretty unlucky or want to dial it in to your tastes. But that would be well down the road after you had advance in your playing.

TheBuddha ago

You can get very playable acoustic guitars for not a lot of money. Anything with Yamaha or Ibanez or even Epiphone on it is, new, good enough to play.

I do not recommend new players buy used.

knightwarrior41 ago

hmm okay thanks for the rapid response

TheBuddha ago

I've answered that question 10,000 times. It has changed over the years.

Today, you can get great instruments at a great price. It wasn't always like that. I can blindly say any one of those three brands and you'll get a guitar that rewards your effort.

Vrblpollushin ago

I roll with an electric ibanez acoustic. One the best, if not the best guitars I have ever owned.

TheBuddha ago

Damned right. I have an insane collection - worth more money than I'd like to share in public. (I went a wee bit crazy when I sold my company and retired. I have a whole studio in my house and a collection of guitars.)

You didn't see me saying to get a Martin, PRS, Fender, or Gibson. You didn't see me recommend anything expensive, 'cause those inexpensive guitars are good enough.

Some people look to me as an expert and value my opinion (those fools!). So, I don't endorse anything I'm not confident about and I endorse all three of those brands. (There's some fidelity and some of their guitars may be more expensive than they're worth, but you're still not going to be bitten by one.)

70times7 ago

Guess I wont tell him to get a 50$ one from cl or a pawn shop then.

TheBuddha ago

No, please don't. They don't know what to pick from and playing with a shitty guitar is the easiest way to make someone not interested in practicing.

The guitar must be rewarding. To be so, it should meet minimal quality standards.

TheBuddha ago

Come on, you know you wanna sing us a song!

Do it!!!!

Diggernicks ago

This doesnt deserve to be sticky

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty sure I'm biased.

Mittermeyer ago

How much did you habe to pay Putt for it?

TheBuddha ago

Working on two years of having this thread every single Friday night, including hosting it on the beta server when this server was out for a few days.

So, quite a lot of hours.

dudelol ago

Why not gun clean Friday?

whisky_cat ago

I have no personal interest in guitars but I like this type of sticky (something that might make some of me/you/us a lil' less hateful constantly). I love mostly everything in 60s-90s rock, which might pop up here.

But gun clean Friday will almost certainly result in a pro-gun circle jerk every time. I'm not anti-gun at all, but it would be the same cycle most of the time with high fives about how much gun knowledge people have. I mean, you can listen to a few gun shots and get what a gun is. You can listen to a thousand guitar efforts and find all kinds of moods, techniques, and individuals gaining pride in their effort to entertain others.

dudelol ago


Why are you so anti gun?

Shits_on_old_synths ago

because you can't share being creative with a firearm without getting arrested in Cuckistan

Diggernicks ago

Id be more interested in that.

Sticky that thread

Forget this one

dudelol ago

Anything other than gay MUSEic

N0_NaMe_NoSNaM_aNoN ago

Love the beginning dude! Was that you recording under your duvet, having a wank???

dudelol ago


What are you gay?

dudelol ago

TheBuddha ago

Because this is a guitar thread. Gun cleaning is three doors down and on the left.

Rotteuxx ago

@Clamhurt_legbeard, this is your new calling on Voat

Rotteuxx ago

@puttitout should definitely give you next Tuesday's post a schticky.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

ok but right now its only one tuesday a month lol

i miiiiight throw in a bonus one for the months with a fifth tuesday tho

Rotteuxx ago

Understandable, not as many guns around as there are tunes.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

no thats not it

look how much writing i have to do lol

i wonder if u/thebuddha spends as much time getting the guitar thread ready

u/thebuddha do you spend as much time getting the guitar thread ready

TheBuddha ago

I spent a lot of time getting the guitar thread ready. That time includes teaching EH, for example. That time includes my recording, my typing, and my keeping up with the associated sites.

I invest a significant amount of time.

I do not have time to read the parent comment, so I'm replying only to you. Don't have time to read that. Busy!

clamhurt_legbeard ago


ya i figured the recording took a lot of time but i hadnt thought about teaching time too

im so busy i couldnt even respond for two hours

TheBuddha ago

I'm so busy that I haven't left. The thread is pretty awesome.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

dude of course it is

its you

then again i got a husbo parade earlier tonight

that was pretty awesome too lol

TheBuddha ago

Sweet. Did you get drunk and laid?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

i got tipsy but now im just sleepy lol

TheBuddha ago

I ate my sleepy pill a while ago. I have wine. Sleepy pill hasn't kicked in yet.

It has been insanely busy. When you asked about how much time it takes, it's a lot. I don't do it every week. Sometimes crazy does... Wait, no... You know all that. I'm not deleting shit.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

wine is great

i should get some port

i love port

im getting ready for a road trip

but id bet five dollars youre still a little busier

TheBuddha ago

I'm absolutely busier.

I fucking suck at being retired. I really do.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

sorry i was busy sleeping and didnt have time to respond til now

im sure youre busy already being awake tho

TheBuddha ago

I am. But, I slept in until about 07:00.

What a wonderful thread this was.

Rotteuxx ago

Entertain me !

TheBuddha ago

Click the link in my comment. Turn the volume up and read the comment while you listen.

You're welcome!

Rotteuxx ago

Oh I did... fucking show off ! Lol

That was awesome, can you play Mary Had a Little Goat next ?

httbmc ago


16813967? ago

@TheBuddha seconded!

TheBuddha ago

I love this thread so much!

We're gonna get some complaints, but what better place for putt to test it out than this thread?

16814250? ago

Baby was a but confused by your intro song but I loved it! I just put on your Hey Diddle Diddle again and baby is now asleep! :) you're such professional, if I bought CDs, I'd buy yours :p. You'd need to do an A and B side one, one side classical, one metal.

TheBuddha ago

You can download anything for free. I don't need your money.

You can find a whole treasure trove here:

Look in "Archives."

If you need any help, @cynicaloldfart is our official archivist.

TheBuddha ago

Not gonna have time for that tonight, bud. This thread is gonna be REALLY busy.

Rotteuxx ago

Awww... I thought you were a human jukebox :(

TheBuddha ago

Close, but not quite - and you have no money.

Rotteuxx ago

I'll e-transfer you a quarter.

TheBuddha ago

You're gonna have to take a number.

Ol' Buddha is typing like a man man.

I barely have time for my wine!

Rotteuxx ago

Alright, fair enough but next Friday I expect to hear Mary had a little goat à la Stevie Ray Vaughan.

TheBuddha ago

I can play that. I can not only play that, I have and Voat has already heard it:

PayPal is [email protected]

Rotteuxx ago

Yeah... that a pretty cute version I guess :/ kinda slow.

I was thinking more along the lines of Live at Austin City Limits in 1989.

TheBuddha ago

Nobody ever wrote the tab for that. What you heard was the album version. I have the tab from that.

Rotteuxx ago

Oh, so mister guitar God needs tabs, huh ! No playing it by ear I see, ffs you can even watch the video on YouTube and emulate his movements. Some rock star you are !

I forgive you though, even I need blueprints to build awesome shit.

... I must admit I'm a huge fan of his and ripped the audio from every song I could find from that performance. He was truly on top of his game for that show.

TheBuddha ago

I'm a professional. I play exactly what it says to play. That's my job.

(I do veer off script, but that's pretty seldom.)

I also owe it to my audience to play it how they remember it.

Rotteuxx ago

See, we're the same. I build it like it's designed. That's my job.

(I do improvise, but that's on artsy projects.)

I also owe it to my customers to build it like they envisioned it.

You're a master creator of the immaterial where as I kick ass at creating material things. That's why I can bear to cohabitate with you on Voat, you don't suck.

TheBuddha ago

My job is much more difficult than those that get to sound their own way. I have to sound like 40 different artists per show, and I have to do it flawlessly in a live environment.

That's my job. I'm the great entertainer.

I get so many people laid. I do, too. I provide the entertainment while they get fucked up and then leave to have sex with each other. 'Snot all it's cracked up to be.

TheBuddha ago

Welcome to another FNGT! Like normal, I'll go ahead and get you started.

It seems like it may be a bit different in here this week. First, I need to see if @PuttItOut is around to work his magic on the thread. (Much appreciated, Putt!)

That being out of the way, it might be a bit busy in here tonight and I've actually planned ahead!

There are two people you can thank for this next submission. The first is @crazy_eyes for having come up with the idea that I should author an original song as the Friday Night Guitar Thread Theme Song. The second is EH, who worked her magic on the mix, including inverting the drum, adding effects, fading the drum in, and a bunch of other crazy things. She's getting better!

As expected, the theme song pretty much turns into, "TheBuddha Shows Off and Makes Your Ears Bleed (In A Good Way)."

Umm... Were you expecting something different? I pulled out all the stops and pretty much used every appropriate technique in the book. There's tapping, hammering, plucking, harmonics, resonation manipulation, slides, bends, and more vibrato than any song really needs. Then, the drum is me hammering on it while thinking I needed a full body workout. In other words, it's pretty much entirely a bitchin' solo. I ain't sorry for that!

I mean, come on now!

Of course it's pretty much all a bitchin' solo? That's kinda what I do. You weren't expecting anything else, were you? I kinda tied to channel my inner Rush and maybe make them a little bit more Industrial, a little bit more modern. Rush should get far more credit than they do, but I digress.

Let's just get on with it, shall we? (Yes, yes I did play it passionately and yes, that's just one guitar track.)

There is another recording to come, but I want to get this one out of the way. I won't be ever revisiting this song again. It is what it is.

Also, I have things to do tomorrow, so I'm not sure how late I'm able to be here tonight. I'll aim for four hours, but I'll be taking my sleepy pills at like 22:00 Eastern.)

crazy_eyes ago

I been listening to this all weekend. Man. How the fuck do you play all that in one track?

TheBuddha ago

By staying pretty busy! At one point, I'm thumping my thumb's knuckle on the E string to toss in a bit of a bass line.

I pretty much just wanted to play a really fucking complex bitchin' solo. I told you that it was hard even for me to play.

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah, after listening a few times through that, I can see what you were talking about. How thats too hard to play. It's just incredible that you could get the rhythm going while you're playing a melody thats completely different. Incredible. I would probably have to have three guitar tracks to have it sound like that

TheBuddha ago

I'm a classical guitarist, by training. I'm pretty used to being able to get my fingers into different complex patterns and how to create a melody covered with accents. I pretty much had to play it through about twenty times and then picture the entirety and play it with the drum in my headphones.

Then, I pretty much had to forget how I had been thinking about it and play it more or less without much thought while keeping drum count in my head, trusting that I had figured it out. Then, I pretty much said to myself I was gonna play a bitchin' solo. That's not the first track, actually. That's the first track of the second version. I had to change it as it just wasn't working. That's when I made it really complicated.

It's what I do, I guess.

I'm day drinking. I should record something.

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah. Th classical influence really comes through with the bass line at the same time as the melody. I am an untrained guitar player, i bought a guitar and a van halen and rush music book back in 82, the ones with the musical notation, not tab, and I figured out the noted from there. I already knew how to read music from playing clarinet in the school band. So thats how I learned where the notes were on the fretboard. I had no clue of the positions, as you know there are many different places you can play the same notes. So as I slowly went through those songbooks I tried the notes in many positions till I found which one worked easiest for me with the notes that preceded and followed the one I was trying to play. It was a long slow process, and it hard as hell, but I wanted to know how to play guitar so fucking bad I did it.

I just got home from work and i burned some ganje, but I'm not drinking. yet. Christopher is on his way over here. He said after this week is over he will be able to rink again!


TheBuddha ago

I expect some drunken singing.

And, there's an average of three possible places for a note to be played on the guitar fretboard that goes to 24 frets. So, that narrows it down significantly.

crazy_eyes ago

yeah, the three diferent places for each same exact note. A lot of times the positions depended on the notes that followed when i was figuring it all out from the music notation. There were no chord charts or anything in those books. They were stupid books for guitar. I learned to play the piano pretty much the same way, but that was a lot easier, and I was being paid at the time. I had a job cleaning the high school in the summer, and they put me on second shift by myself in the school and only gave me an hour of work to do. So I would sit in the auditorium plinking away trying to learn Mozart on their grand stage piano. I loved that job

TheBuddha ago

That sounds like a delightful job.

I can say that I've been paid pretty poorly to learn how to play! If I add all those hours up, it won't even equal minimum wage.


crazy_eyes ago

I think that's what I was getting at the time, minimum wage, but i didn't give a shit. I am sure if all the hours counted on my guitar playing and compared to the money I made playing vs the amount I have spent on guitars and strings and equipment, I am sure I am in the hole. But I dont care. I'd do it all over again

TheBuddha ago

Me too!

I don't even do the math to find out what I spend on gear. Outfitting the band was a six figure sum, for example. I try REALLY hard to not think about that.

Also, that price doesn't include the stage. That's mine!

crazy_eyes ago

Thats just insane, you must have all top of the line equipment

TheBuddha ago

We're outfitted quite well, yes. The soundboard alone was a mere $19,000. I got a discount.

We even have a backup projector. We have spares for six of the stacks, or we can unload them all in fill a small stadium or large outdoor event. We've got light racks, wireless hubs, computers, tons of smaller amps used for tones, at least a dozen mics on stage, wireless earpieces, programmable lights, LED and laser lights, a giant projector screen, two video cameras that can project live, etc...

It's a giant box truck, from International, that hauls it. The truck was used, of course.

crazy_eyes ago

Thats awesome. Sounds like heaven to me.

It is time for me to go get Chris, have a good afternoon!

TheBuddha ago

I'm gonna drink wine. Might record. Swing back if you are bored.

crazy_eyes ago

how would i be bored when I'm jamming with Chris?

TheBuddha ago

I dunno. I wrote an article, but you're not sober either!

crazy_eyes ago

got any requests for chris to sing while hes here?

TheBuddha ago


I'm thinking.

Big Rock Candy Mountain.

crazy_eyes ago

all right, we know that one now!!

crazy_eyes ago

im sober from alcohol

TheBuddha ago

I wrote a drunkish article. It asks for feedback.

Annelise ago

I downloaded that and put it on my husband's new music queue. I know he'll like it :-)

TheBuddha ago

Excellent! That's what I share the music for. One of these days, I'll try to get back into a better studio and make an album. One of these days. Don't wanna sell it, so I'll just give it away. It'd be a fun project.

Annelise ago

I'll bet. But maybe asking them to donate to research projects would be a good alternative, too.

TheBuddha ago

My usual go to for asking for donations is AWAP. So, that may work.

Annelise ago

On Long Island? Really?

TheBuddha ago

No, Abused Women's Advocacy Program.

Annelise ago

Oh, okay. The other was "A Wing and A Prayer" animal rescue. I like yours better.

TheBuddha ago

They're among my three favorites to donate to. I'm also fond of the local food bank and animal shelter. I'm a sucker for good charitable organizations and alum fund raising.

Annelise ago

I have a standing donation to the Navy Relief and to the Salvation Army. I always grab a few community foodbank donation tickets at the supermarket, too. It's not like I'm spending any money.

TheBuddha ago

You sound a lot like the missus. A lot.

Annelise ago

LOLS, I'm not. Trust me. She'd tell you.

Or not. LOLS. I had a very stressful event and a suggestion to have a drink was made but I didn't know how strong the drinks were. After four mugs, I was g-o-n-e.

thewebofslime ago

Alright, I've always been more of a blues guy.

Here you go Voat... I never share my music with anybody. I'm usually miserly about it.

Blues Am C G

I played a track, then played another track over it.

TheBuddha ago

You might want to submit it as a comment to the submission, and not as a comment that replies to my comment. You'll get more people to see it that way.

You ever play with a looper? I can grove to this. I love me some blues.

thewebofslime ago


Will do.

I haven't bought a new piece of gear in years. Loopers look fun, though.

TheBuddha ago

They're a lot of fun and you can always tell people that you're playing with yourself. That joke never gets old!

Either way, you might enjoy one.

thewebofslime ago

I'm pretty old fashioned, but I was definitely inspired by Kishi Bashi and Tash Sultana and have bene dreaming of owning a decent one, for a while.

TheBuddha ago

I keep pretty up to date. My goal is to replicate the artist precisely. I use any tool I can to meet that goal.

Yes, I'm aware how insane that sounds. I prefer the difficulty of faithful replication, if that makes sense?

thewebofslime ago

Definitely. I am of the opposite camp where I prefer to never play the same thing the same way twice and I usually do well playing with musicians who are more like you.

TheBuddha ago

In my case, at the end of the day the audience has expectations and I give them what we told them they will give them.

At a show not long ago, we had guests on stage and basically jammed the last set for us and the audience was happy with it. So, it really depends. Most of the time, you can check my work with a metronome.

thewebofslime ago

I haven't done any gigs in years. My last go at it was a country band in Dallas, which was tons of fun. Getting to play with other musicians is always a treat for me. I started in junior high playing DK covers, then graduated to metal, then branched out from there. I suppose I should try to get back out there, again, in some way, shape or form.

TheBuddha ago

I get the great joy of having a skilled group of fellow musicians and getting to perform.

I've got it pretty cushy. I don't even carry my own guitars. We just do a few specific type of events, ideally.

16818130? ago

Theme song reminds me of a good opening scene to a badass war movie...

I love it.

TheBuddha ago

It was a riot to play. For a while, I was asking crazy if it was possible to write something too tough to myself play.

It is just sheer wanton showing off. Not gonna lie, I kinda did that on purpose.

16818560? ago

I liked it. I kinda want it. I like how it makes me thing and imagine.

Is instaudio site free to join? That clypt site has me clocked at 350 minutes left of recording so sooner or later I gotta figure out another source.

TheBuddha ago

It was a fun project. I may do some more originals.

crazy_eyes ago

hell yeah you should!

TheBuddha ago

Don't tell anyone, but I enjoyed it.

crazy_eyes ago

awesome, fuck yeah

TheBuddha ago

We shall see.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Buddha my friend, sorry I couldn't make it until now, got called out to work all night. That tune is amazing, so many riffs. I love it Cheers.

And I'll try to pre-prepare something for next week.

TheBuddha ago

Glad ya liked it.

Dig out a few from your archives and share them? That's an option.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I'm probably just going to chill this one out and listen to everyone elses stuff tonight. I'm thinking of doing a few tunes by the misfits, maybe even some with bass and guitar and my looping pedal. Or I might bust out the cigar box and harmonica and do some blues.

Seriously though the tune is great, tonnes of wicked leads and there was always an awesome pumping groove going with the rhythm riffing. The tones on the guitars are sick too, the distortion on the rhythm reminds me of old fear factory or something.

TheBuddha ago

That was a PRS some model or another. Custom 24, I think is the name. I'd have to go double check. EH says it is. That'll save me some time.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

It sounds awesome.

I have a piezo pickup, a volume and tone knob, I'm thinking of making a tin can mic to go with my cigar box guitar. I was going to build another guitar, but why bother when mines already perfect.

TheBuddha ago

They make brilliant guitars and I'm way past the too many guitars stage. I crossed that limit a long time ago.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I've always wanted a PRS even since I was 13 reading GuitarWorld, the ads were literally art. But I have to settle for my custom built partscaster, its a fat strat body with a charvel neck and humbucker

TheBuddha ago

They're definitely worth the money - to me. They have all been a joy to play.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I was also always a big fan of Carvin, they liked to use natural wood finishing, I've never seen one in person though but the ads were in every magazine. Have you ever played one?

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty sure I have and I know I've played through Carvin amps.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I completley forgot that they made amps too, now that you mention it I can even remember what they looked like.

My friend named Michael Kelly had a Michael Kelly guitar, it was probably the nicest guitar I've ever had the opportunity to play. It was like a wierd mix between a les paul and a telecaster.

TheBuddha ago

There are so many guitar brands and models. Once upon a time, Epiphone was actually the premier brand.

A lot has changed over the years. Today's guitars are pretty fantastic. There's some great kit out there that's not a lot of money.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I'm cheap in a way, I have a do it yourself attitude, I've always wanted a kit guitar, but I would want to pick all the hardware myself, just buy an unfinished neck and body and go from there. probably wouldn't be hard to get a blank from any company that's out there, just write them and ask for a b grade blank. I'll add filler if I have to and finish it myself.

TheBuddha ago

You can just buy bodies with various completion levels, including aged and moisture stable tone woods.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Hardware is a piece of cake, I've wired many guitars, I figured out how to rig mine with a jumper wire so I have tone control over all 3 pickups, usually fenders middle pickup is uncontrollable, it shares with the neck pickup though so the resistance is cut in half, I'm thinking getting a push/pull knob instead but the middle and neck pickups don't really need much variance they sound great no matter how you set them.

TheBuddha ago

Les Paul push/pull knobs are the best I've used. They're solid and seem to be indestructible.

Fixing and building is a large part of guitar, though I avoid that these days. I do sort of want to build my own amp, but I know it's a project I'll never finish.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Depending on how sophisticated you want the amp to be and what bells and whistles you think it needs it might not be that hard of a project. getting parts is east these days

TheBuddha ago

I've known a number of folks who built some pretty good amps. I'll never actually do it.

Shotinthedark ago

That's badass!

TheBuddha ago

Thanks! Do you play?

Shotinthedark ago

If you consider a pistol or a bong an instrument then yes.

TheBuddha ago

If it makes noise, it can be played!

Shotinthedark ago

I can also play the dachshund then.

TheBuddha ago

Miniature, or full size?

Shotinthedark ago

Tweeny and a standard. The tweeny oinks when squeezed or is happy or is petted. basically the damn pet store sold me a pig that looks like a Weiner dog!

TheBuddha ago

@crazy_eyes has had a dog bark in a song, but I'm not sure the breed. I seem to recall someone else has too. Maybe it was him, twice.

crazy_eyes ago

shar pei

TheBuddha ago

Got the like purple tongue?

crazy_eyes ago

a purple spot on his tongue is all

TheBuddha ago

They're neat looking dogs. I've known a few. I don't think I've met one that was mean.

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah he was a friendly doggy. Too bad he ran away

TheBuddha ago

That does suck.

crazy_eyes ago

yeah, it does. My cat came back after two months and stayed for a week and left again too. I dont know what the deal is

TheBuddha ago

Maybe they don't like you?

Did you try feeding them delicious blueberries? It seems to work for bears.

crazy_eyes ago

I dont have a blueberry field.

TheBuddha ago

That's probably why you don't have a bear!

crazy_eyes ago

probably is, I do have whitetail deer that like to sleep outside my bedroom window

TheBuddha ago

She's sleeping. Now is a good time to get her into a shipping crate.

We can solve your deer problem!

crazy_eyes ago


GoogleStoleMyBike ago

That intro is bad ass man.

TheBuddha ago

Thanks. Glad ya liked it! Do you play?

GoogleStoleMyBike ago

I do indeed. I'm primarily a bassist, but I play guitar as well. You've inspired me to bust out the Musicman. I'd like to lay some bass down with you sometime, but I'm not too sure how I'd record it to upload. I have a badass pedal (Line 6 Bass Pod XT), so I might be able to interface that to my PC, unless you have any suggestions.

TheBuddha ago

I have often just used an amp and then a mic with my sound card.

nigger_plz ago

To quote the great Dick Clark, that's got a good beat and it's easy to dance to, I'll give it a 10.

TheBuddha ago

Much appreciated!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

ooohhh me likey! Sounds excellent! It reminds me of Dragonforce.

TheBuddha ago

Of course you like it. The thread was being stickied. I had to show the fuck off! You know better than that!

man hugs ya

How ya been?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I finished up and am alive. Got paid. Time to relax. How's that leg?

crazy_eyes ago


TheBuddha ago

Of course! ;-)

crazy_eyes ago

Of course! Ha!

TheBuddha ago

Damned right!

Like the thread?

Get some! You've got a big stage tonight, crazy.

Megaface ago

Awesome track. Awesome thread. Thank you for both!

TheBuddha ago

The pleasure is all ours. We're honored to have an audience.

SandHog ago

Kick ass, plus a global sticky! Very nice! Sounds like you're on the mend if you are banging around on the drums. Now you just gotta find a pipe organ somewhere because that's something I'm sure we all want to hear! Any luck on that front yet?

TheBuddha ago

I sent out a few emails asking to play pipe organs. Nobody took me serious and responded.

This world has no justice.

I can sit on my drum stool and I use a block of wood under my heel so that I can rock my left foot into a bounce position that doesn't hurt much. It's not too uncomfortable.

SandHog ago

I sent out a few emails asking to play pipe organs. Nobody took me serious and responded

Aww, that's a shame. You'll have to get a little more creative in your emails, I suppose.

TheBuddha ago

I think that's the problem. I was a bit too creative, and honest, with my emails.

Share something with the thread. I got you guys a huge audience. Take advantage of it!

SandHog ago

I think that's the problem. I was a bit too creative, and honest, with my emails.

Lol, that might be a possibility too. I don't have anything to share otnight. I've had a lot of shit going on lately so haven't even really had time to play around with my new interface. I'm hoping things calm down a little bit here soon so I can get back into some sort of routine.

TheBuddha ago

Share old stuff. They've never heard it.

SandHog ago

Ok, lemme go look for something.

TheBuddha ago

Thanks! I'm sure it'll be enjoyed! Make sure to share it in a top level comment!

Vrblpollushin ago

Cool jam, bud. A sepultura type vibe.

TheBuddha ago

Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it. That's our new theme song.

Artofchoke ago


TheBuddha ago

Me too! But, I'm biased!

Le_Squish ago

Please tell me you spent much time wandering through the forest making sullen faces in preparation for making the metal?

TheBuddha ago

I did not, sadly. I can't stomp through the woods for a long time. Also, it's snowy and I definitely should not be on snowshoes.

16813906? ago

This is awesome!

TheBuddha ago

I am, once again, forced to admit I'm biased! ;-)

I am, too! I agree with you entirely!

LegalPERSON ago

Did not expect a djent song! Nice tune man

TheBuddha ago


Glad ya liked it. Got anything new for us? If not, post some stuff from your archives. Show the fuck off. Show the goats that you're a hell of a musician!

Trfsrfr ago

It's funny. People like to throw that word "musician" around. I used to call myself one as well. But after 34 years of playing, I have learned that I'm nothing more than a really good hack guitarist, and a horrible musician. But my kid, and my friends and family all think I'm awesome. I'm now learning how awesome I'm not.

TheBuddha ago

Not me. I've got a giant ego!

To steal a line from Sublime: "I can play the guitar like a motherfucking riot."

The only real skill I'm lacking is sight reading from sheet. I can read and play tab with pretty good fluidity. I understand the theory, I understand the mechanisms, I understand the skills requited to reach the desired tones.

It was a whole lot of years of dedicated practice.

I took a group of younger musicians from a shitty lead guitarist. I made a band out of them. We do high end, high production covers - which is a pretty lucrative niche. My obligation to them is that I'd enable them to make their living solely through their musicianship. Yeah...

I am not a bright man.

So, last weekend was some shitty hall where we played for wallowing reunion-attendees. The venue paid our price and the band wants to eat...

Best part about it? I didn't even take the stage. Ol' Buddha did the heavy looking on.

I told 'em I'd get them there and they've now all quit their regular jobs and make all their income from the band. I'm gonna be pretty busy.

Hey_Sunshine ago

Dude... I never would have expected The Buddha to be a metal head. Rock on!

TheBuddha ago

I'm actually a classical guitarist by training.

(This is gonna be a busy fucking thread!)