TheBuddha ago

This thread needs two more comments, @nadesh @crazy_eyes.

It needed three. It now needs two.

crazy_eyes ago

so what did you ever do with those guitar kits you found?

answer that and you have two

TheBuddha ago

They are still in the garage.

I think we're at 600 posts now.

crazy_eyes ago

I thought you were going to have a contest on playguitar for one of em

TheBuddha ago

I'd like to, but I'm concerned with potential drama.

crazy_eyes ago

Hmm ok, im not sure what to say about that

TheBuddha ago

Me either. :-(

That's why I haven't acted on it so far.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Well guitar Goats, Here's Walking Blues on a 6 string acoustic tuned to open G.

I tape the soundhole shut on my acoustic so I can play it all night without waking up my kid or bugging the neighbours. So it doesn't sound as "full" as it should. I like it though.

poptical-illusionist ago

I like that sound, them open tunings are awesome for this style. I thought it sounded pretty good, Was that with the tape on the sound hole? Might be a good recording trick, as I haven't really recorded from my acoustic. Great job!

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Yup that's taped shut, honestly I think the guitar still sounds great, the sound resonates through the wood just fine, it's a big guitar too really loud it's a dreadnaught, I don't need to fill a stadium, just my livingroom. I'd rather be able to play it with some decent attack rather then always trying to baby it so it'll be semi quiet. I use the metal tape for ducting(I'm an HVAC guy) it's thin tape and resonates, I'm sure thick foam or duct tape would silence it too much. I would recommend the metal tape or maybe packing tape, just remember to heatr it up with a hair dryer when your going to peel it off so you don;t ruin your paint.

poptical-illusionist ago

Cool, It's nice to learn a few tips to try if I set up the acoustic for recording. Sometimes getting good sounding recordings takes a little "engineering" work, along with meticulous technique.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I'm not a pro on recording, but I have a tip for recording electrics. I have these amps called Smokey Amps, they run off a 9v battery and are like .5Watts, not buttons no switches nothing just input and Ext speaker ports(it'll power a 4x12 cabinet), you control it with your guitar, your tone knobs control the tone, and your volume controls the distortion and it has awesome distortion, anyways stick one of these and a mic into a box(I use the cabinet in my coffee table) and it records amazing tones, like a big amp in a big room only its a tiny amp in a tiny room.

poptical-illusionist ago

Yeah, you have to try different things based on your equipment, room, and mics. Normally I just hung a mic off my amp handle right in front of the speaker. I live by an airport now so a method such as yours would workout better. Sometimes they drown out my music in my earbuds, so I know I would need to setup a more direct input than my other method.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

FYI though the smokey amps are like maybe 40$, you really can't go wrong investing in one, you could busk for a night and pay it off.

Camels-n-Miller ago

Great playing and feel! Slide on the ring or pinky? I can't keep one on my pinky, so I can't usually do fingering and slide at the same time.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I put the slide on my ring finger so I can use my pinky to fret with

crazy_eyes ago

Thats some pretty cool rhythm slide guitar work

MrHarryReems ago

Very cool... What are you using for a slide?

Mustard_of_puppets ago

3/4" socket. I've tried bone slides glass slides bottle slides etc... 3/4" socket beats them all in every way.

poptical-illusionist ago

Craziest thing I've ever used was a beer bottle, just messing around. I like your idea with the socket, but my favorite real one was a small glass slide.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Pocket knives work great in a pinch too and have nice tone, the old school type with a wooden handle with the brass ends. Bic lighters will do in a pinch too.

I used to have a little glass bottle slide, coricidin bottle. I liked it, I used to make them out of glass bottlenecks too, smash a bottle and then sand it down on a wet brick so it wouldnt cut me.

3/4 socket is the champ though because it's dense and heavy, and the part where the wrench drive goes fits your fingertip perfectly so it's not just sitting loose you're actually wearing it on your fingertip.

cyclops1771 ago

I love hearing the blues like that, just that simple beat just leads itself to making up silly blues lyrics.

A buddy of mine back in the 80's was with a group of artists who all shared a warehouse loft and did their sculptures and other material work (anything that wasn't paint or pencil). They had a few musician friends and they would set up one Friday a month when they did their "open house" shows, where people in the art world could do walkhroughs of their work. At the end of the night, we're all so pissdrunk giddy and stupid, they would play a blues lick liek that, and we'd take turns going upo and making stupid things up.

Good memories! Thanks, man!

cynicaloldfart ago

Silly, just plug your headphones into it and no else will be able hear it. x-(

Mustard_of_puppets ago

My acoustic almost predates headphones. It's a Cortez guitar, I don't even think they exist anymore. It's older then I am and I'm 35.

TheBuddha ago

"You guys are great."

That's in reference to her having me check and seeing that tonight's track was listened to 23 time and downloaded once.

Like always, all music that I submit - of myself personally and I suppose with EH's participation - is hereby released to the public domain and I absolve myself of all rights, inasmuch as is legally allowed. You may use these files for any purpose you see fit, up to and including financial gain. I do not need credit, nor is any recognition asked for. You can, but it's not required.

Enjoy 'em.

cynicaloldfart ago

I'm hanging on to that download. It's going to be worth a fortune in about 15-20 years "Rare EH recording from her younger years".

TheBuddha ago


I asked her if she was hungry and she said she was. So, I went to make us food. I came back and she's out cold.

cyclops1771 ago

Oh, damn. Good call.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Didn't have too much time to work on something this week so I busted out an old classic. Here's some Dust my broom on the cigar box.

It's a nice little 12 bar blues, great for beginner guitarist and even great to learn to play slide with open G tuning. It's a combination of a simple fretted blues shuffle and slided notes. but you could play it all fretted or even all slide if you want to.

Just detune your A string down to G, just like you would drop D a guitar, then just play with the Gdg strings is all you really need, but if you want to get fancy drop both E strings down a step to D's as well and have something DGdgbd, I recommend a 3/4 inch socket as a slide and then everythings on open, 2nd 3rd 5th and 7th frets and slide up 10th to 12. That's pretty much how to play every blues song in the universe.

MrHarryReems ago

Kickass!!! Cigar boxes are tres' cool! Love the buzzsaw tone of this!

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Ya she's got a dirty dkrty tone, but it really cleans up nice too and plays acoustically really nice 75% of the time I play it acoustic even.

cynicaloldfart ago

I found it interesting the sonogram on instaud had some signatures in that piece I haven't noticed before.

Made me think of the Stones version of "You Gotta Move".

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Same tuning probably hit some same chords, stones played a lot in open G and had huge blues influence. They even spent time travelling the remote deep south learning blues from the old guys like muddy waters n bo diddley. I thunk Rock music is general was a product of blues, the format is different but the grit and emotion is the same.

cynicaloldfart ago

This is my opening sentence on the About page on :

The Blues and Jazz of the 1900 – 1950’s had a child and named it Rock N Roll. Birthed in the ’50’s, it went through its puberty during the ’60’s. Wild, crazy, impetuous, and rebellious (sound familiar?).

Nadeshda ago

Awesome yes and you should have made it longer for real man, that was sooo groovy!

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I made another post with a 6 string acoustic, and played more reps. Walking blues this time

Nadeshda ago

Schweet as chocolate, heck I can’t help it but lurve rhythm and blues, dude that is just such a nice share... oh yes the life right there in a couple of sounds, rhythms a’rolling, cruising and just plain cool man...

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Thank you, blues is always good for a nice groove.

Nadeshda ago

Yip, kinda like soul food... soothing in a cool way :)

Mustard_of_puppets ago

It should be a perfect loop if you put it on repeat but that doesn't have the same soul as different repetitions, I used a Ditto looper pedal to play it and then record because I was smoking a joint and couldnt do 17 things at once, then I just recorded the loop, Next weekend I'll play something non blues, and I'll play a 12 bar song 2 or 4 times through, maybe walking blues, or death letter blues or something. Blues is easy on this thing maybe I'll even make up my own.

Nadeshda ago

Sounds like a good plan, did I read its been awfully busy here scan over an article that you guys had snow up there somewhere? Like misplaced Autumn in some places? Did you get snow? Is fishing season over?

Mustard_of_puppets ago

We've had frost a couple mornings but that's it, fishng still going strong for a bit I hope, check out v/TheGreatOutdoors to see what I been up to, me and my boy caught 10 trout in 2 hours tonight and had to come home early. I did some perch fishing and caught some gigantic minnows on a rod n reel.

Nadeshda ago

I will check it out indeed, been tooooo busy.

I love trout, one of my favorites! Yummy!

I have never tasted a minnow before, what’s it like? I was speaking to an elderly gentleman I work with who used to go spear fishing and he is adamant that the hogfish is the tastiest fish he has ever had. Another one I have not tried. Do you have a favorite?

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I have I think 6 soaking in brine that I'm going to smoke tomorrow. 4 in the fridge to cook for dinner. Lots in the freezer too and it's supposed to rain all weekend but I plan on getting out again this weekend and catching 10 more.

Tomorrow after I smoke them I'll probably make a post about the recipe and results. I'm going to smoke them on a cheap charcoal bbq, probably with applewood chips.

crazy_eyes ago

I just love that raunchy blues sound you get with that little and and the cigar box, sounds like it should be laying in some seedy bar in the back woods

Mustard_of_puppets ago

She's got tone, I'm actually thinking of buying a tube amp and really seeing what she can do. I just play it through one of these

crazy_eyes ago


crazy_eyes ago

put a space between the period and the link in your post its not clickable

TheBuddha ago

Fixed link:

Not the cigar box this weekend. Neat.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

That was the cigar box.

TheBuddha ago

Didn't you list 6 strings for it?

Mustard_of_puppets ago

No I just mentioned how to tune a whole 6 string to open G for if anyone wants to. This songs just played on the 3, all you need to do to learn it is detune the A to G, I just mentioned detuning the E's to D because it'll unlock the full power of open G. Try it out. Then you can learn all the good Rolling Stones and Black Crowes tunes.

TheBuddha ago

Oh, good. You were confusing the hell out of me.

Stupid wine!

"Bottle of wine, fruit of the vine. When you gonna let me get sober? Leave me alone, let me go home. Let me go home and start over!"

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I think you just bhelped me fugure out a song to learn "one bourbon, one scotch and one beer"

TheBuddha ago

eyeballs a guitar and amp

EH is still trying to pick out next week's song. That one might be a little bit past her level. I suppose I can do the lead for it.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

It's a 12 bar, teach her the fundamentals and it just might click. Blues is great for pattern people, I'm not a pattern person, it took me ages to get the 12 bar blues, like I understood it in my head, but it didn't feel natural to me because I grew up on verse chorus verse bridge[maybe solo] chorus and maybe another verse my whole life.

She might pick up on the patterns and be a natural at it. Or she could be hopelessly awkward with it like I am.

Also coming up in a few minutes I did walking blues real quick on an open G 6 string just for you.

TheBuddha ago

Oh, she doesn't yet have the speed for the song with her vibrato and bends.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Good vibrato is hard to learn, to do it properly is a hidden muscle you never use for anything else and have to develope, no shame in using 2 fingers to learn to bend though.

TheBuddha ago

She also doesn't do her own interpretations. The goal is faithful reproduction. So, it'll be a while before she gets there.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

She's lucky to have a great teacher, I had to figure it all out myself relentlessly rewinding and replaying cassette tapes and buying guitar world and guitar one magazines every month and hammering it out myself, interpretations were really all I had to work with until the internet came up north and I could use websites like Harmony-Central.

TheBuddha ago

Our ultimate goal, hers and mine, is to have her ready for a top tier university as a music major, but I've only got about two years to do this in.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

That's an awesome goal and I wish you both the best in achieving it.

TheBuddha ago

We shall see. If I'd gotten to her by the age of eight, I'd have been able to give a good foundation and maybe gotten her into Berklee, or similar.

Time and dedication will tell.

cyclops1771 ago

That was on the cigar box? Cool sound, as usual!

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Ya it was a quick bang out on the ole box. I'm tempted to try and write a song this week if I have time for next friday or I'll learn something cool. I can easily bang out classic 1 bars like this all day, but it would get redundant pretty fast, I like trying to show the versitility of this little box. I want to learn hand in my pocket by alanis morrisette on it because I have a harmonica and made a holder for it out of coat hanger. Or do the complete AC/DC rock n roll ain't noise pollution or just all the riffs and the solo. I don't have patience for repetition and structure unless someones singing(I can't sing).

clamhurt_legbeard ago

hey everybody

thebuddha says i have to post my ukulele jam as a top level comment or hell continue cursing at me

MrHarryReems ago

Damn. I can't upvoat you twice....

clamhurt_legbeard ago

ya dont do it

ill upvote you tho for doing the right thing

TheBuddha ago

Damned right. Everyone should see that! It's pretty awesome!

Two weeks in a row with a uke!

(Or was the uke the week before that? Stupid wine!)

clamhurt_legbeard ago

i mean i can come fool around with a ukulele real easily

i guess thats how ill end my friday practices

but not playing the thing i practiced lol

TheBuddha ago

There's still time!

crazy_eyes ago

well would you look at this! That was missing the words! The uke playing was cool, thanks for joining in!!!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

hell i just made stuff up lol

feel free to add words tho

maybe about a happy palm tree or something

Nadeshda ago


Happy palm tree, sounds about right!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

all ukulele music is based around passing time in a warm place singing about the scenery in your shorts and sandals

Nadeshda ago

Lol.., this is true or a coconut brazier or two thrown in for good measure... yeah happy music indeed, you nearly got me playing the harmonica for funsies but all are in bed and I aint in the mood for causing a ruckus... I just ain’t got the energy tonight, no siree.

LegalPERSON ago

Okay it finally loaded! Another really quick video. I had pasta boiling downstairs so I couldn’t be too picky about the cleanliness of my playing. It’s my old trusty Taylor acoustic and a new purpleheart Forever Pick that arrived in the mail today. So far I like the pick! It’s smooth like my typical Tortex Jazz iii. I also got an Ebony and Pau Ferro Pick as well, but haven’t tried them out.

poptical-illusionist ago

What a classic! Great singing and picking some not so easy chords.

LegalPERSON ago

Thanks for listening!

poptical-illusionist ago

Wasn't that written for piano? That's been my thought anyway. That would make it a greater achievement to play it on another instrument while also singing so well.

LegalPERSON ago

Yeah it’s a piano tune that I adapted to guitar utilizing some jazzy 7th and half diminished chords to try and fill in the sound that the piano creates.

Camels-n-Miller ago

you can sing! (and play at the same time, something I can't do). Impressive vid, thanks for sharing!

LegalPERSON ago

Thanks for listening

MrHarryReems ago

Wow man, really dig your voice!! Very well done!

NoTrueScotsman ago


LegalPERSON ago

Thanks NTS!

Nadeshda ago

That was really good and your voice and playing was relaxed and so very nice to listen to.

The song suits you so well, man what a hit, you are star, dude! :)

LegalPERSON ago

Thanks Nadeshda! With my children, and now you, I’ve skyrocketed to a fan base of 3 lol

MrHarryReems ago

Count me in! That's 4!!

LegalPERSON ago

Well shit, if Deep Throat is a fan, I’ve officially made it!

MrHarryReems ago

Hehe.. So few folks get the reference these days.

Nadeshda ago

That is adorable my 3 children are my greatest fans too! So snap dude! :D

crazy_eyes ago

I like your voice in this song. The guitar sounds so nice

LegalPERSON ago

Thanks crazy, the guitar has aged wonderfully and really opened up over the years. Hard to believe it’s been 17 years already! It was my first serious purchase after high school.

TheBuddha ago

I like it. I'm a bit impressed with your wielding of the giant thick pick!

I'm a thin pick (when I am able to get away with it - replication imposes different demands on me) kind of guy. I also consider picks disposable. I throw 'em out to the audience (when I have an audience) and sometimes will go sign 'em afterwards. I use a ultra-fine green felt-tip pen for that. Always green. Always felt tip.

I don't actually know why people want me to sign picks.

I play in a cover band. I'm not actually famous. 99% of them are going to forget my name by Sunday and the remaining 1% will have forgotten it by Monday - which is sad, because I sometimes personally know 5% of the audience!

But, they like it. I toss out several dozen per show, at least.

Hmm... I like it - and I like your voice.

Also... Hmm... Pasta...

LegalPERSON ago

Yeah my usual pick is like 1.4mm or something, and these are a bit thicker, but their comfortable. I usually play my acoustic fingerstyle but wanted to really hear what a wooden pick does. Also Washington State over here not Washington DC haha, I was boiling angel hair pasta for the kiddos. I forget this is Voat and things like pizza and pasta could mean different things!

TheBuddha ago

Oh, I was thinking real pasta. I'm not one of the PG people. No, I have the munchies.

It's not just wine - it's also copious amounts of weed. I smoke a whole lot of pot. I ain't scared!

LegalPERSON ago

Got ya! We have more pot stores than liquor stores around here, which is cool. I think the streets are better off with people unwinding with a little herb. I myself don’t drink or smoke; but I would probably be more inclined to use pot than alcohol, plus it smells so much nicer!

TheBuddha ago

I don't actually spent much time sober. I've been this way most of my life and I've had pretty damned good results! It seems unlikely that I'll change now!

I do avoid use to excess, as a general rule.

I fucking love cocaine, for example. I just can't actually picture myself getting addicted to it. After about day two, I really just kinda want a nap and all the idiots around me won't shut the fuck up.

I do avoid opiates. Opiates are just too good. Opiates are fucking awesome. Which is why I avoid them. Opiates are pretty much the most awesome thing on the planet! Unfortunately, they're just too awesome.

Most of the time, I just smoke pot. I don't even drink that often. I used to drink a lot more but i started getting sloppy - and no longer being a functional drinker. So, I stopped drinking for a long time.

I fucking love drugs! I don't even have a bad life or anything to fix. I just love getting high.

Strange, I admit... But, seeing as we're already down the path of this conversation!

LegalPERSON ago

Shit I see nothing wrong with that at all. I had my fun when I was younger but got burnt out on it pretty quickly. Too many mushrooms I suppose haha.

TheBuddha ago

Hmm... I'm not sure it's possible to have too many mushrooms!

LOL One of these days, I have to type out and edit the complete story of when I once drove around with an entire (straight up federal felony level of illegal) mushroom grow op in my car.

In my life, that's not that extraordinary. What makes it stand out is that it was a Volvo wagon - so you could see the whole thing. Plus, we were shitfaced,

The good news is I haven't driven fucked up in years. I've never (I have no idea how) had an OUI. I've never been busted for driving trashed - and I'm 60. My memory is a bit fuzzy, but I'm pretty sure I drove trashed for most of those years.

But, I had a couple of close calls and no longer drive while intoxicated. I'm not worried about me - I drive a BMW, I'm as safe as safe can get. I'm worried about hurting someone else.

So, I don't drive - even after a single drink. (I do smoke pot and drive, but it's not like the moose mind. It's Maine, we all smoke pot!)

LegalPERSON ago

Once upon a time I didn’t believe I could eat too many mushrooms; but when the space time continuum ceases to exist and you start experiencing other people’s lives and deaths, it can become a bit burdensome. I don’t regret a single experience though. It just got a bit too intense for me

TheBuddha ago

I suppose it's too late now, but my philosophy is that bad trips don't happen - they just get more interesting. So, it's along those lines.

I'm kinda surprised I've done this well in life.

crazy_eyes ago

So I am going to have to leave out of here pretty soon, i am going to leave you with one more song. This was a few weeks back when Chris stopped over and we indulged in some fungi as that is not easily testable. We didn't play a lot of what you would call songs, but we had our guitars in our hands most of the evening and here in this snippet Chris was explaining the workings of the universe, some deep thoughts, with musical accompaniment. Listen to the nature of Reality

Camels-n-Miller ago

I want to comment, but can't. Love ya bro!

crazy_eyes ago

Is that cause you're confused or laughing too hard?

Camels-n-Miller ago

a bit of both.

cyclops1771 ago

I was chilling and holding forth at the airport bar a few weeks ago, and was talking to the guy next to me - he was a mushroom farmer, yeah, THOSE kind of mushrooms. Was a really cool guy and had some great stories. I love the airport bar. No pressure, because you;ll never see them again, and if they are annoying, they'll be leaving in an hour or two at the most.

Plus, easy as hell to start up a conversation - Where you headed? Going home, or leaving home? 99% of the time, you've got enough information from these answers to kill 45 miniutes of conversation.

So much better than staring down at the rectangle for 2 hours.

crazy_eyes ago

I rarely fly, but I will remember that for in the future

cyclops1771 ago

It's the only good thing about flying. Seriously. The ONLY thing.

TheBuddha ago

Man... Have you heard the stuff Jim Morrison put out near the end of his life, including his spoken word stuff?

It's like that - only it makes even LESS sense!

That's fucking awesome!

And, if you're leaving for the night - beat it!

Nah, have a great and safe adventure. Voat may be down tomorrow, and I may not be back until Sunday. I have to head out tomorrow afternoon and do a show tomorrow - and it's a bit of a drive. Fortunately, I don't have to be there until soundcheck!

I always say that - and then show up early. I fucking suck being retired!

crazy_eyes ago

I am not leaving for another twenty minutes or so. I been getting berated cause I rebuffed the kidnapping attempt earlier today. I been putting other people off tonight too, so I figure I have made them all wait long enough and I will go give her what she needs, maybe she will quit bitching then, but I doubt it. LoL

And no, I have not listened to the Jim Morrison spoken word stuff. I was never really a doors fan. I will have to check it out some time. The stuff Chris was saying I think was pretty much true. I was kind of impressed by that LoL

TheBuddha ago

Chris has been way too sober lately!

crazy_eyes ago

yeah, he said last night that he was going to be sober until March. Holy fuck, I am sure we could get him to break that in January

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, he's not escaping a visit from me with his sobriety intact. He'll be hard pressed to even escape with his sanity intact!

crazy_eyes ago

I am finding it hard to leave tonight, this thread is so great. I am having to much fun, those botches can wait.

This music sharing thing really seems to let people get to know each other than just the sharing of comments like every other page on this site has. It really is a wonderful thing you've created here.

cyclops1771 ago

Good call - this is one of my favorite things all week.

You never know what's going to show up, we all kind of have something in common already, and it's not "fake" like everything else on the interwebz. No catfishing, no shilling, no LARPing. Just straight up people doing real people things without all the fuss.

You probably don;t remember the internet back in the 90's and even early 2000's - most of the internet was like this thread - people were generally pretty nice to each other, and the fear of sharing was so much less.

cynicaloldfart ago

I think some of that is in the oft-quoted "Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast" or something in that line of thought. Music, and musicians, seem to exist in a dimension that doesn't care much about the daily chaos of the world. I know many here look forward to Friday nights to just chill here.

cyclops1771 ago

That's a good point, too.

Also, there's no "sides" here, just sharing a little bit of our time.

crazy_eyes ago

I was born in the 60s so I remember the internet in the 80 with the modem we had to put the phone handpeice on top of. LoL. I just like like Dick Clark did, endlessly young

MrHarryReems ago

I was also born in the 60's. I wake up with all kinds of aches and pains, but life is certainly grand!

crazy_eyes ago

I am lucky I dont usually wake up with aches and pains unless I did something to cause it

cyclops1771 ago

You're old like me! Ha! I don;t know why I assume everyone is a young'un!

crazy_eyes ago

You might be old, but I am in my prime LoL

cyclops1771 ago

Hey now, be nice!

To me, old IS prime. Life gets better every year I get older.

crazy_eyes ago

If I'm in my prime you must be too, maybe i'm in denial!

cyclops1771 ago

Can you see the Pyramids from there?

If not, you're not in da Nile. (sorry, Saturday morning tequila hangover made that seem funny.)

crazy_eyes ago

I do not see any pyramids!

TheBuddha ago

Thanks! I do have some pride in my creation - but I couldn't have created it without you folks.

Otherwise, it'd just be "Listen to TheBuddha Play Guitar."

LOL Some early threads were kinda pretty much just that!

Look how far it has come and this thread is a very, very good example of how far it has come.

I kinda miss @cheeseboogersghost - he'd have liked this thread. Too bad he died! (Not really. I dunno where he is, but I don't think he's dead.)

crazy_eyes ago

I think @cheeseboogersghost is on a super secret scooby doo mystery tour somewhere

Nadeshda ago

Lol, I think he is here, for real man. I thought he was someone who he isn’t if only he would say hello if he is here, even if just pm dude. Come on already...

crazy_eyes ago

I hope he PM's you

Nadeshda ago

I hope he does too, just not like the first pm he sent me... lololol... he is a bit crazy like you, he will know exactly what I am on about... CHEESEBOOGER WHERE ARE YOU?

crazy_eyes ago

you have sent my imagination into overdrive with that comment about booger first PM

Nadeshda ago

Well if he gets his butt in here, I will let him tell you... okay?

crazy_eyes ago

all right!

TheBuddha ago

He better have a damned good story when he gets back!

crazy_eyes ago

yeah, he better get back soon

TheBuddha ago

It's pure selfishness when I say I miss 'em. I do, too.

I'm almost grumpy that he left! Almost...

crazy_eyes ago

i do, too

NoTrueScotsman ago

Here's the Scotland The Brave set on bagpipes. Tunes are Scotland The Brave, The Rowan Tree, and No Awa Tae Bide Awa.

The usual high hand screechy tone issues are present.

poptical-illusionist ago

I must have missed the high hand screechy tone issues for it falls right into my hearing loss range. I'll take your word for it. I'm definitely interested in hearing more. My ignorance of the bagpipes doesn't really allow me to be too critical. Thanks for sharing!

Camels-n-Miller ago

GREAT job, and thanks for sharing! I always equate that to the movie "Dead Poets Society" and the mentally anguished scenes. It really has an emotional feel, and you nailed it.

NoTrueScotsman ago


Nadeshda ago

Noice so much and yes the tempo is great, tell hubbie he is darling for helping you! You guys make a great team! Awesome listen, one of my favorites and you do it well!

NoTrueScotsman ago

Thanks! I'm glad you like it. Yes, he is a darling for sure!

crazy_eyes ago

You know, before you joined us in sharing your music here six months ago or whenever it was, I had never really listened to bagpipes. Now I crank them through my PA at least once a months and my kids think I'm nuts! LoL. You are sounding better and better and better, I really enjoyed listening to this one, I think it was the best one yet

NoTrueScotsman ago

Haha, sweet, thanks!

I had my husband marching with me to keep tempo, since I still struggle with that, and we ended up pushing the speed a little fast. I think the added stress helps my pressure stay just a little steadier lol

crazy_eyes ago

There are a bunch of 16, 17, 18 year olds directly above my studio and I crank the pipes so loud that they cant even talk to each other up there. It's glorious!

NoTrueScotsman ago


TheBuddha ago

Are those titles listed in order?

NoTrueScotsman ago

Yes, they're in order.

TheBuddha ago

Ha! I now know the name of the first tune you played!

I have heard it many times, but didn't know the name until just now. Thanks!

NoTrueScotsman ago

That's one of the most played bagpipe tunes. It's one of the unofficial national anthems of Scotland.

TheBuddha ago

LOL Yeah, I've heard it more times than I can remember - but never knew the name until now.

See? I'm learning stuff!

NoTrueScotsman ago


I think I've played all the tunes we play most often in the band now. I'll have to figure out what to play for next week. I have, like 3 more sets I know but am maybe shaky with, and a couple of slow aires, then I'm learning another set and another Piobaireachd. The tunes just get more fun from here, if I can get them out right :P

TheBuddha ago

Does the thread motivate you to practice and learn?

NoTrueScotsman ago

Yeah, I think it does help get me out to practice more. I made a special trip to the park today to practice and record, I've been too busy this week to do it, so that's one extra practice :P We played in a parade Saturday, I had my lesson Monday, then we performed at an out of town memorial on Tuesday, and had band practice Thursday, and I couldn't really record at any of those. Busy week. And we've got an out of town performance again tomorrow.

My instructor was very happy when I told him I'd started recording myself. It makes me a lot more aware of my tone, so hopefully it will help me get steadier faster and get my high hand notes into tune. It's much easier to hear those issues on a recording than when I'm playing, so it helps me figure out what to listen for. I'll be very pleased when I can stop screeching on F through high A.

TheBuddha ago

That's awesome - and you do a whole lot of parades.

Camels-n-Miller ago

OK, here's an oldie, but a great back-story.

Inspired by Live - The Dam at Otter Creek I tried to write my first single note, or multi-note riff. So this came out in early 1994, and I wrote this in the fall of 1994. I had a great electric version of the main riff, but couldn't move past it. I was stuck on it, and wanted to go real heavy with the rest of the song.

One late fall night I was at a friends house with a dozen really close friends drinking gallons of beer. With friends that close who all knew each other for years there is bound to be drama. Of course there were people who had dated each other and mingled in the group over time. The dichotomy of that circle of friends is astounding, and would take hours to explain. Essentially think about 6 people being as close as family, then throw in the associated people they were currently dating.

As things go in the course of a night of exceptional drinking arguments happen. He-said-she-said, and all that 23 year old angst of the mid-90's pouring out. During all that I was alone. My girlfriend at the time was yelling at some random guy that did something bad to her best friend, and in the end everyone was in a corner of the giant apartment in heated arguments, and "heart-to-heart" conversations. I was the ONLY one not pissed of at anyone, or in an argument.

I picked up my friends acoustic guitar and started playing my riff to try and work out the rest of the song. I was sad no one cared enough to argue with, or fight me like everyone else was doing. LIGHT BULB, this became an incredibly sad acoustic song, and I wrote most of the rest that night.

I REALLY struggled with the drum composition, but it turned out ok I guess. My guitar friend says my "solo" is horrific and off time. I was really proud at the time. I had a few beers and "saw" the fret board. 1 take, and every pluck was 2 notes on separate strings.

It has a title that is mixed. I was reading a thesaurus at the time that had a French phrase: Beneath the Stars (À la belle étoile). I still have the thesaurus and can take a picture if needed, but anyway. I used Google translate to see if that is legit, and (Sotto le stelle) is more accurate according to Google. I think the first name is more sonorous off the tongue.

poptical-illusionist ago

This is great work! I would listen to music like this often, I'm sure. Like every guitar player that does lead guitar stuff, "I would have done it different" but that's just my opinion, and this is your creation to express that lead in your fashion. I really want to hear more when you post again!

cynicaloldfart ago

I enjoyed that a lot. Very mood-inducing. Thanks for sharing the backstory. I'm a big fan of knowing the story behind the music.

Camels-n-Miller ago

Thank you! I really appreciate you reading that whole mess!

crazy_eyes ago

Im three quarters of the way through. This is great man. Interesting as hell. I like it

Camels-n-Miller ago

actually, of all I've written this song is the one I am most proud of in sheer composition and feeling. It's pure sadness, and looking into the sky knowing how insignificant you really are.

Nadeshda ago

Wow, such a great tune with emotion and the back story too. It tells a tale indeed, I hear ya brother through the notes on this one and can relate. Thanks so much for sharing, really, really...

cynicaloldfart ago

That is an excellent portrayal and that is exactly the mood I can feel in it. Great job.

Camels-n-Miller ago

Thank you!

Camels-n-Miller ago

Thank you. My simple mind only wants to hear someone in the world likes what I've written. I'm not a good guitarist, or musician, but I think my feelings have shown in what I've composed.

crazy_eyes ago

That's what is so awesome about this thread, theBuddha has given us all an audience. And it is a wonderful thing. If one person listens and tells me about listening to a song I put together that makes it all worth it. Even if they fucking hated it, just getting a reaction from people is seemingly hard to find, but not here. I love this thread

Camels-n-Miller ago

Yup! This is my sole outlet for appreciation and positive reinforcement. As you know I'm a pretty fucked-up guy, and have issues. This is like Tony Robbins life-reaffirming shit when I post a song and people like it. My life wasn't a waste, and people like something I've done. Try and post this stuff to any mainstream or other social outlet, and you'll either get zero response, or always negative response.

Seriously VOAT is the only positive reinforcement outlet I have in my life, and this weekly thread specifically.

Nadeshda ago


@PuttItOut please read this and know how much Voat means to us. Thanks for all you do and put up with!

PuttItOut ago

Nades, Thanks for sharing this with me.

@Camels-n-Miller, I read your story and listened to your song and I have to say you fully captured the emotion of that evening in the composition of this song. It was lovely. Thank you for being vulnerable enough to share it.

Camels-n-Miller ago

Thank you for the comment, and appreciation. It truly means a lot to me!

Nadeshda ago

You’re the best around these parts Sir! hugs

crazy_eyes ago

I am amazed that you have putt at your beck and call.

Nadeshda ago

Oh gee no I don’t, Putt is just a very, very nice person and just like you and I he needs to know about all the good work he does by giving us this platform. I took a chance and he was around as simple as that.

Seriously though it took me a year to even build up the courage just to speak to him, even though we all worked together on the preview site. This really allowed me to see his wonderful outlook about things and get to know him as a person but I was still awfully shy at the time.

Crazy_eyes if it wasn’t for Putts we would not have this Friday night deal going on and we would never even know each other. This thought just makes me sad. I have met some of the most treasured people here on Voat, so I am forever grateful to him and many others who work towards keeping Voat kicking. :)

crazy_eyes ago

LoL I like putt, we were supposed to trade usernames. Now that would throw everybody for a loop here! And I agree with you we are all grateful to him!

crazy_eyes ago

You should get out there and do a gig

Camels-n-Miller ago

Last "gig" I did was at church, and my fingers nearly sweated through my fingerboard.

That's a Looooooooooooooooooooong story, and I won't bother. I'm not disciplined enough to learn a cover, and who wants to hear some dude play a original song with no lyrics? I honestly can't stress this enough: I can't sing and play at the same time. I don't know what it is, but I lose all track of time and fingering. I'm infuriated with people that can strum and sing. Now my horrific voice is another matter, but even beyond that I literally can't separate the voice and guitar. I tried for years just simple things. "Every rose has it's thorns" and I have to double strum to keep time. I'll NEVER sing while playing. I can't figure it out, and I've tried for 25+ years.

Also my voice is tone-deaf.

crazy_eyes ago

You could maybe get a gig at a restaurant playing some ambience music on an acoustic guitar and get away with playing all your own stuff

Camels-n-Miller ago

I appreciate the idea, but I don't know if I would have enough music (others compositions) or my own to play.

I have a life plan, and I am working on it. If I succeed I'll have a gun, guitar, and motorcycle trifecta of hobbies, and places to do those things. Once set, I'll be able to focus on guitar in the winter, and guns / motorcycles in the summer.

crazy_eyes ago

Well there you go, follow your plan.

TheBuddha ago

If I may be so bold, never take guitar friends too seriously!

They play guitar. It's obvious they've made a whole fucking series of bad choices with their lives!

Camels-n-Miller ago

Thanks, and know it's cool. He's a great friend, and I appreciate his input.

What do you think of the track and story? I'm the low-voat guy tonight with 0, and I'm really honestly wondering what people this of this track.

TheBuddha ago

It almost as a Jimmy Buffet feel to it.

Camels-n-Miller ago

Really? It's like the saddest song I've written, and I think of Buffet as like happy and party songs.

Is it the style, or phrasing? Should I re-record it somehow?

TheBuddha ago

Don't change it on my account. It almost as a Hawaiian sound - though I suppose @MrHarryReems would know more about it than I.

Camels-n-Miller ago

hmm, never thought about that. Yeah I hear the Hawaiian sound a bit. It's about 8 layered guitars, all the same JCPenny acoustic, mic'd and the built in pickup. Maybe the recording adds that "ukulele" sound. I always wanted to try adding a mandolin to the recording. I almost bought one of those Amazon combos just to get a mandolin.

MrHarryReems ago

This is really cool... The progression gives a seriously dark feel. One of the greatest things a musician can do is evoke feeling.

Camels-n-Miller ago

Thank you

crazy_eyes ago

Chris and I learned a song last night, it was one that was requested for us to learn by @theBuddha I believe some weeks back. I just made a shitty phone recording of it because I really think we need to include Verle in this song, we absolutely need to include Verle in this song. But he wasn't here last night. It is a lot easier if Chris and I have practiced the songs before the times when Verle is here over trying to learn new stuff in the middle of a party, so we were getting this one together for the next time Verle comes over to jam with us. It took a bit of practice, I know how the EH feels, but we kind of got it somewhat down. There will be a better version of this one coming some time in the future, but here is a teaser, in the Summertime

poptical-illusionist ago

Nice! That seemed to fit in well with your style. Can't wait to hear the next version.

Nadeshda ago

This is certainly a song well suited to y’all! Awesome and yes Verle would certainly add a festive vibe to it. I do like this version though, pretty cool indeed!

crazy_eyes ago

Thank you for listening. I love that you like it!

cynicaloldfart ago

I can hear the sideburns from here. Great version.

crazy_eyes ago

Thank you cof, can't you just imagine how much more awesome this song will be with Verle included?

cynicaloldfart ago

Well, every artist needs to rest their instrument from time to time.

crazy_eyes ago

I suppose...

Camels-n-Miller ago

Have a drink and a drive! ALWAYS makes me wish I was born in 1963 instead of 73 LOL. Such a different time and lifestyle.

Great cover bud, but need to hear the jug and beat-box next time ;)

crazy_eyes ago

Verle would have that part covered, this was just us getting ready and learning it to play it with him next time he is here, he has the sound effects, there is no doubt about that

TheBuddha ago

That's fucking awesome! I knew damned well that it'd be a good song for you guys!

I'm so glad y'all did it.

Hmm... Need to get Verle a jug to play! I bet Verle can play a jug!

I loved it! Thanks for making it!

crazy_eyes ago

we have an old clay baked jug sitting here waiting for him, even a couple washboards. Just think of the noises Verle would put in the intro to that song!

TheBuddha ago

Oh my!

That should be fucking glorious!

MrHarryReems ago

I've been thinking recently that a jug band might be a fun side project...

Like I've got room for that!

TheBuddha ago

LOL @crazy_eyes has jugs and washboards!

I have a relative that plays washboard in a band that tours mostly Quebec. He's from NS, but that's what he does. He wears it, like with a halter.

crazy_eyes ago

I do not know how to play the washboard, just bang it and scrape it I guess, I am always too busy playing guitar though

TheBuddha ago

I'm not sure there's a formal way to play one? I can't say I've ever seen anyone givin' washboard lessons. So, I presume you're right? It's what it looks like to me.

I don't think I've ever felt compelled to play with one while I was sober.

crazy_eyes ago

if I were drunk and someone was here playing some kind of music where a washboard seems like it would fit, I could see being compelled to play it!!!

TheBuddha ago

Oh, I've beat on one while shitfaced. I'm not sure I'd say that I played it. I played it with thimbles and a wooden stick that was rounded on one end and had a knob on the other end.

I'm not actually sure if it was any good. I do seem to recall that I had a good time. Thus ends my entire experience with a washboard - as far as I can remember.

Two days from now, I'll probably wake up and say, "Wait a minute!"

crazy_eyes ago

wait a minute?

TheBuddha ago

That's when I'll probably remember another time when I played a washboard. It seems like something I'd have to have done more than just that, kinda like riding in a hot air balloon.

I know damned well that I've been in multiple hot air balloons but, for the life of me, I only remember once.

MrHarryReems ago

It's funny that you mention hot air balloons... I sometimes lie awake at night stressing about random things... Last night it was hot air balloons. I'm severely acrophobic!

TheBuddha ago


I can't say that I've ever stressed over hot air balloons before!

I've been to a number of balloon festivals. I know damned well I must have gotten on a balloon at some point other than the one time I can remember. I even know people with hot air balloons! (I'd not call them friends, but I know some - as in multiple.)

Shit, I was at a balloon festival like three years ago - it's in Auburn, Maine. I'm hoping to contact the promoters and get a gig there next year - depending on what they pay.

But, I only remember one balloon ride.

I dunno? It's a damned mystery.

MrHarryReems ago

A gig at a hot air balloon festival would be fun, as long as you're playing on the ground!

TheBuddha ago

Heights scare me quite a bit, which is why I do them. I can't let a fear cripple me. I still hate heights. I don't even like looking out of tall buildings - and videos of such sometimes give me vertigo. I will not let my fear control me. So, I do them. I reserve the right to piss and moan.

crazy_eyes ago

I was in a balloon once, or was it twice?

TheBuddha ago

I dunno? I don't even know how many times I've been in a balloon.

crazy_eyes ago

i think i was in the basket actually

TheBuddha ago

Valid point.

crazy_eyes ago

Christopher brought them over here, they are hanging on the wall just waiting for someone to play em. He also brought in an iron ring from a wagon wheel to bang on. He wears it when he gets drunk, it weighs him down to keep him on the ground. Or something. I have lots of toys that make nose, with tamborines and a bongo and maraccas and guitars and drums and microphones! There is no noise ordinance here, anywhere else around me I would not be able to play after 10 PM but my location allows me 24s to be as loud as I want and believe me I take advantage of it. In fact just the other day an old buddy of mine stopped by with a box of beer and I cranked up the guitars and he says knock it off, thats a sure way to get the cops here in ten minutes

TheBuddha ago

LOL That's awesome. My house is similar - in that there's something to make noise with in every room. Well, almost every room.

No, wait... It is every room, but you might have to get creative!

TheBuddha ago

LOL We do this every Friday night - and have for quite a long time now.

It's Voat's best kept secret!

Do you play?

crazy_eyes ago

we are here every week!

White_pride_cis ago

@TheBuddha I got a free POS guitar called an Opal, and I thought it would be fun to learn to play. What/where would you recommend to begin this journey? I got forced to play in the Air Force marching band while in BMT, because they needed big guys for the base drum. I didn't realize that until 2 weeks in, when I was the average sized guy. I was asked how many beats are in a four count beat, and after being called an idiot, I said four. That is pretty much my musical career. Thanks in advance!

TheBuddha ago

Well, the first question is where do you want to end the journey? If we don't know where you want to end, we can't tell you what direction to go.

Opal's are nice guitars, by the way.

White_pride_cis ago

I want to be that annoying guy that constantly fucks up, has to go back a couple of chords, and sings off key the entire time... Kidding. Does one ever end the journey? Do you ever hit a certain level and say, "eh... this is it. I can go no further"? Right now, the basics would be good, but where ever the journey takes me.

I thought that since it was free, it was a pos. I don't even know how to tune it. I think a couple of years ago, I got drunk and tried to tune it... which means I messed it up more. I thought they were cheap Korean garbage guitars.

TheBuddha ago

Check this link:

No, the journey is never ended, but it always has a destination - if one wants to actually make progress. I strive for perfect replication. Your goals are for you to figure out.

That's where your journey begins.

White_pride_cis ago

Ha! Mine is no where near that nice, and once I opened the old case, I see it is a Cort and not an Opal. I apologize. I haven't seen it in years. I dug it out, just for you though! Photo

TheBuddha ago

I was kinda surprised that someone would just toss away a $3500 guitar, but the Corts (I'm not sure what model that is - it says inside the sticker in the sound hole - you can look in there and I'll be able to tell you more about it) are actually also good guitars.

They're less expensive, but that's 'cause they're made in Korea. They sell for $400 to 600, as I recall.

Your first step would be to get a tuner app for your phone and then to learn the standard tuning. E A D G B E - from fat string to skinniest string.

Once you get that far, I'd suggest learning the major scale. That's just E F G A B C D E (and up through the rest of the strings, following that same format).

If you're REALLY interested, then it may be worth signing up for 1 to 6 months worth of lessons.

Learning to play guitar is hard work. It will suck and you will suck. You will not be very good - until after you've put hours in. It's a lot of hours.

When you hear this thread, there's hundreds of thousands of hours of practice.

It's a fuckton of work and dedication.

You can also learn G D C E A Am and Em - and get along pretty well with just those. Learn those and fluidly transfer between them.

Guitar is mostly muscle memory. You will find your fingers do not do what you tell them to do. There are almost no exceptions to this rule. Pretty much everyone sucks and has to put their hours in.

That's really what it takes to learn to play a guitar - many, many hours of dedication. They're hours you will want to spend doing other things. It will take ungodly amounts of effort to get your fingers to behave.

White_pride_cis ago

I appreciate the help! Thank God the GA guys didn't learn there were actually decent people here... They might've lasted 3 days instead of 2... I will look into getting a tuner app and start from there!

TheBuddha ago

I think two of 'em are in the thread, actually!

I almost put a "Q" comment in my title for this submission. I chose not to - as I didn't want to attract that attention. I still think it'd have been funny, but this is serious business!

Nadeshda ago

Lol, cheeky but nice restraint going on Sir! Top marks :)

TheBuddha ago

I was sorely tempted.

Nadeshda ago

I nearly shared a song based on the week and the PDF you sent me earlier this week, lol SHHHHH about it... you know right, egh the muscle memory not bad for playing on an accoustic but the tiredness seems to only be allowing my thoughts and a few fingers tonight to typy typy typy and nothing else... it doesn’t help I had a busy busy week, but I have tomorrow offf, yay!!!! Hmmm...

TheBuddha ago

It's not too late, but it's to late for me. I have a gig tomorrow. I need to hit the rack. Sleep well and may you dream of fire breathing monster trucks taking sweet, sweet jumps!

Nadeshda ago

It’s too late for me I am officially on my last cylinders... I hope tomorrow goes well, I am sure it will. Take care and it would be nice to catch up again soon, maybe next week?

TheBuddha ago

Maybe! I've been up since like 05:00, so I'm pretty much ready to head out - except I don't leave for hours.

Nadeshda ago

Morning :) such a spring chicken you are... are you excited? I know you get up early anyway, it is nice and quiet at that time, I bet :) did you sleep okay?

TheBuddha ago

I did sleep well and I do get up early. I don't sleep much, but the sleep I get is pretty solid. I wake up like a cat, but don't go back to sleep like one. I often wake up as little as 1.5 hours later - sometimes 4.5 hours. I seldom sleep more than that.

I spent this morning preparing for the show. I have to leave in like 3.5 hours, but I'll probably leave sooner. I could stretch it to 4 hours, but that'd mean the missus would have to drive quickly and she's an old lady - and drives like one. I'm pretty sure it'd be like Mr. Toad's Wild Ride.

guitarchump ago

A little bit of Travis picking

poptical-illusionist ago

When I started learning the only people to play music with were the local bluegrass and country music players. So, I like this one... the recording is great and the playing is so clean. Sounds great!

NoTrueScotsman ago

Nice, I really enjoyed that!

LegalPERSON ago

Love it. This is right up my alley! Well, I suppose most music is, but this is no exception haha! Nice job

Camels-n-Miller ago

I wish I could be that good. Thanks for sharing!

crazy_eyes ago

That was some sweet sounding guitar picking there chump. Thanks for joining in and sharing that with is all! Terrific!

Nadeshda ago

Lovely track, such nice picking, thoroughly enjoyed!

TheBuddha ago

Chet Atkins fan?

guitarchump ago

ohhhhh yeah :)

TheBuddha ago

Huh... I don't have any Chet recorded. I thought I did, but I can't seem to find it.

I've been writing a list of guitarists who are better than Hendrix (speaking from a technical standpoint) and trying to keep it objective - though placing them in a specific order is difficult. But, Chet Atkins was the second guitarist on my list.

The site is - if you're curious. There's something new, every single day. It's usually a little informative - but I don't ever really get into the mechanics of playing guitar. There are other sites that do that, and do it better than I would. I don't really want to duplicate their effort and making video is out of the question with my upload speeds - and I don't actually make very good graphics.

No, I pretty much suck at making graphics - and I have no idea how to edit video!

So, lacking any Atkins to share...

That's some of what I'm actually trained to do. I'm a classical guitarist by training. There wasn't actually much call for it!

crazy_eyes ago

beautiful nylon string playing there

guitarchump ago

This is fantastic!! I love classical guitar. Great list btw :)

TheBuddha ago

Thanks, glad ya liked it.

That's what I learned to play for my formal training. I played classical guitar for many years but then I branched out into the other genres.

In another post, in this thread, I shared a bit more about my experiences, so I won't duplicate the content.

I try to not show off - too much. (I am a performing musician, so I'm gonna do some of it! It's what we do!)

The thread is more about everyone else. I just facilitate it. It's not about me. If there's one thing I get more of than I need, it's attention. This gets you folks an audience, a chance to share, and things like that. It gives a small community the chance to do something constructive on a site that's mostly about things people want to do that are destructive.

Someone said it well, recently. I forget who - but v/Guitar is about the things we love, while voat is mostly about the things people hate.

MrHarryReems ago

This is so nice to listen to... instantly relaxing!

TheBuddha ago

LOL Glad ya like it!

We've got lots of tracks and people sharing lately, so I haven't needed to submit a bunch and show off!

It's turning into a great thread. Or, I guess I should say that it's continuing to be a great thread. The number of participants is fantastic - and there's so many more sharing their work now. They've reached the point where they're comfortable doing so. I think that's a good thing.

MrHarryReems ago

Agreed. I especially like that we're starting to see beginners. I love hearing people progress!

TheBuddha ago

It's an awesome thing to witness.

I even get to be kinda lazy! I no longer need to submit two or three tracks.

Though I do end up answering a hell of a lot more comments. I still listen to every track and respond to each one.

MrHarryReems ago

Well played!! This is excellent!

guitarchump ago

Thank you! I wish I had more ideas to add to it

nigger_plz ago

The piece is perfect. You don't have to mess with it. Maybe sing along if it's possible that way you can sing/riff/sing/riff round and round. That's a big time fingerpicking song. Elizabeth Cotton does it pretty good.

crazy_eyes ago

Happy Friday Everybody!!! I got one here to share with you all that includes myself and my friends Verle and Chris, It's sort of an impromptu medley of three songs that I am sure never before and never again have been grouped together in a medley. Verle didn't know the words to the last song so he decided to try to be a beat box. Fucking Verle MoJo Blitz Nothing

poptical-illusionist ago

I like the way the vocal came through on the last section. I'm starting to get used to these, now so I know what to expect. This is the most fun way to perform for sure!

cynicaloldfart ago

Alternate factoid: Mr Mojo Risin' is an anagram of his name - Jim Morrison.

crazy_eyes ago

Seriously! It IS! Wow! that is cool as can be. I never knew that. Thanks for educating me tonight!

Camels-n-Miller ago

You guys have too much fun recording! I WISH I could be as carefree and do that. Great work!

crazy_eyes ago

Well, we are not really recording. It's more like we are getting drunk together with guitars and mics around and I just hit record and let it go till we're done. It's fun as hell to listen back later, sometimes its not for over a week or more till i get the time, and I get to laugh and laugh all over again. I am glad that you enjoy it as well. I wasnt sure if it comes through for everyone like it does for me cause I know them, but apparently it does, and I think thats awesome

Camels-n-Miller ago

It does come through! I'm like a NAZI when recording, gotta have the click, and it has to be able to use in a future situation. I always what to write a drum track, and with a software, or drum machine there is no improvisation.

If I can't record something I can't add a drum machine to I don't record it.

That said I have hundreds of phone recordings for ideas, but I won't commit them to a real track

Nadeshda ago

Yes!!! The fun is always wonderful to enjoy! Nice one and really enjoyed the transition, geez Chris well sung that was touching then giggle from Verle and whoops back to reality...

Is that Verle in the background and may ask what is he doing?

crazy_eyes ago

That is Verle in the background and I have no clue whatsoever as to what he is doing, he is trying to makes noises to enhance the sound of the song LoL

Nadeshda ago

It's pretty cool and you guys are such fun together it's so addictive... lol

crazy_eyes ago

I am a lucky man, I get to have great fun most every day with people that i love!

TheBuddha ago

I fucking love Verle with the passion of a thousand fiery suns.

Tell him that I want to bear his children - or hear him play a harmonica - whichever he prefers!

Also, I see you figured out how to put text at the bottom of that.

Yes, Verle sometimes needs subtitles.

crazy_eyes ago

Verle wants to know if you're a chick, to bear his children.

How are you going to pull this off?

TheBuddha ago

I don't have a plan... Yet...

crazy_eyes ago

well what am i supposed to tell Verle. He asked me to ask you

TheBuddha ago

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Or, you could just play a harmonica."

crazy_eyes ago

I think he wants more kids

TheBuddha ago

Alright, but I insist on being married first.

We are gonna get drunk and throw the gayest wedding to ever gay wedding - you're invited! We're gonna have a fucking parade and even ring some bells!

crazy_eyes ago

wow. That will be the wedding of the year!!!!

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty sure there will be cocaine - and hookers.

It must be a place with a bell tower and bells set for 'change ringing.' I am starting to formulate a plan!

crazy_eyes ago

Verle is going to love this. I can't wait to tell him about it

How was the show last night anyways?

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'What happens when musicians break the rules?' was posted in v/guitar by @TheBuddha and includes this reply from @TheBuddha:

Long, tiring, good, exciting. I'm not really typing more than that today. I'm kinda shitfaced.

Thanks for asking! I might answer some short questions, if you have any. I'm just aware of how long it'd take me to truly answer that question - and I'm not doing that today. Nothing personal - so please don't take it personally.

This comment was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this cross-link notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

TheBuddha ago


SearchVoat ago

Thank you, very pleased to hear you like it!

TheBuddha ago

If you switch to opt-in, can I ask to be left as-is, that is opted in?

SearchVoat ago

So far I think the only control will be choosing to add a query to the link like so which suppresses the notification. Will look at opt-in/-out by user later maybe if there is demand, but not sure what the benefit would be. However I can suppress the ping you get from the notification - might look at doing that on user request.

TheBuddha ago

Goats - maybe the more active ones, might bitch if they get inundated with notifications and want it to be opt-in.

If it does swamp the active thread-linkers, they might have a valid complaint.

I'm merely throwing this out there. Personally, I like it - for now.

crazy_eyes ago

what just happened there?

TheBuddha ago

New feature from @searchvoat.

crazy_eyes ago

so if someone searched for something in a thread it shows you ?

TheBuddha ago

No, I linked to this conversation in a different conversation.

I'd declined to type more about last night's show and redirected them here. The bot notified the thread.

crazy_eyes ago

verle says he wants brain food

TheBuddha ago

There are tons and tons of mousetrap designs - some of them are fucking awesome, and remarkably effective.

crazy_eyes ago

Verls says Mm wow

TheBuddha ago

No, seriously!

Want me to show you one?!? It's fucking awesome!

crazy_eyes ago

Verle says I'm the cheese LOL 😁

TheBuddha ago

"Come in and welcome, said the spider to the fly!"

crazy_eyes ago

you are a serial killer as my son still maintains

TheBuddha ago

I'd say he's wrong, but that's exactly what a serial killer would say!

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah, it's a viscous circle

TheBuddha ago

I can accurately state that I only have the standard number of kidneys in my home, at this exact moment in time. Everyone here has the same kidneys they were born with and ONLY the kidneys they were born with.

crazy_eyes ago

You ate them all already?

TheBuddha ago

My lawyer has advised me to not answer that question!

crazy_eyes ago

That's why you're so smart, you assimilate all the wisdom of the victims when you eat them. Stranger in a strange land groked me that

TheBuddha ago

You're a Heinlien fan?

crazy_eyes ago

I read a whole lot of his books when i was in jail back some years ago

TheBuddha ago

Jail seems like a great place to read. If they let me access the Internet, and life were shittier, I'd consider it a retirement option.

The worse you behave, the more likely it is that they wait on you! If you're bad enough in jail, they'll bring your food right to your door! Fuck yeah!

crazy_eyes ago

yeah, they didnt give me internet access, but they had a lot of books, and half the time I was in there I was in the situation where they brought my food to my room and I was all by myself most of the time, so reading was a nice escape

TheBuddha ago

Add Internet, and it'd not be that bad.

crazy_eyes ago

I agree, If I had internet access I wouldnt really have minded at all.

TheBuddha ago

I'd expect the violence levels to drop.

Hmm... If I go to bed soon, I can get laid.

I'm kinda ready for bed.

crazy_eyes ago

Thats not going to happen, then they wouldnt be able to charge a dollar a minute for skype calls in the jail, they would lose too much money

I'd have been in bed already. It's one of my girlfriends birthday today and I am waiting for her to get home from her moms house so that we can celebrate like that!

TheBuddha ago

Yeah... It should just be free, paid for as a way to reduce violence and to help prevent recidivism - though I'd probably ask for supporting data before rolling it out universally. Maybe grant it for being well behaved. There's a local jail that gives inmates headphones and radios. They're not actually a rough jail, or anything. Still, it's a county lockup - just a small county. They might hold a few hundred, at max capacity - probably much less.

Tonight is not the night, but a long time ago, my MOS was as a transportation officer - I dealt with federal inmates, specifically military inmates. I was a 'chaser.' I worked at the brig, 'cause the Marines are a Dept. of the Navy.

crazy_eyes ago

i was in a jail years back that had for sale on their canteen transistor radios with earbuds. When i was in jail the talk between the inmates was what a waste of manpower, most of the guys would have like to have something productive to do all day other than sit around killing time. They could have chain gangs cleaning the roads or whatever and it would be better than sitting there doing nothing

TheBuddha ago

Most of those programs are for sentenced prisoners, for a variety of reasons such as security and propensity to make escape attempts. Strangely, more inmates try to escape pre-trial than after they've been sentenced. They do usually have 'trustee' types of things that will get you out of your cell, keep you busy, and enable you to make a few bucks moving contraband around the compound!

crazy_eyes ago

I never tried to escape but I thought about it a lot. One of the guards did ask me if I wanted to be something one day, I didn't know what he said so I said no, later I found out he was asking if I wanted to be a trustee, but since I refused that ship had sailed. That would have cut into my reading time. One thing I found surprising was the volume of romance novels in the book bins, it was something like 80% of the books in there were romance novels. I was not about to read that shit. The next most popular variety of book were Louis L'Amour books, so I read quite a few westerns.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, I also saw (remember, I did work in a prison) a lot of Remo Williams books, Mack Bolan books, and things like that.

Danielle Steel, the romance novelist, was also quite popular - as was the westerns that you mention. I'd expect jails to be similar reading material, with less concentration on good educational material. Prisons, and I suspect jails, also often have remarkably good law libraries. By rights, they must provide access and it's more secure to do it in the institution. I believe that's true with all Territories and States, an inalienable right.

crazy_eyes ago

There were some book bins that had such a poor choice of books that I sent a note to the chaplain and requested some Buddhism books. They would rotate the bins through the different pods once a week. There were a few Dean Koontz and Stephen King books, I found maybe ten Heinlen books. Yeah the people waiting for trial would be in the law books constantly, trying to find a loop hole to get themselves off

TheBuddha ago

Sounds about right. I've seldom made it much past holding. I've spent a while in holding.

crazy_eyes ago

Well they kept me there for five months once, and 45 days another time, that is the extent of my experience. I know they don't treat people right in those places. Afret about three months in I was sentenced and granted huber which I took advantage of for child care, I would go hang out with my kids for 12 hours a day five days a week. Well about two weeks into that, I was driving home from the jail in a terrible blizzard and it was a complete white out, i could barely tell where the road was. I'm driving down a two lane county highway about 15 miles per hour just a mile or two from home, and suddenly out of the snow directly in front of me a huge giant V-plow appears, it must have been 20 feet high, it is in my lane heading directly towards me. Fuck! So I attempted to turn and avoid the thing but it caught the passenger side of my car and flipped me upside down, in the process of flipping me the passenger side window was smashed out and my car became instantly filled with snow. So the snow held me in place in my seat. The next thing I knew, I was upside down in my car just encased in snow. I stuck my arm out to see if the drivers window was still there, there was no window, so i dug my way out and crawled out the window in the door, and the plow driver starts freaking out. "You're alive?" he says. "Fuck you" I said. "what the fuck are you driving down the wrong side of the road for? My car ended up in the oncoming traffic lane laying on its roof. The plow had to be in my lane to flip me off to the left and have me land in the opposite lane, if I were in the wrong lane i would have been thrown into the ditch. So here comes the police. They fill out the police report stating that I was in the oncoming traffic lane, they completely lied about the accident on the report. So now traffic is starting to come down the highway and the police decide that they need to direct traffic until a wrecker gets there and can remove my car. One cop was standing touching the front bumper of my car while the other one was standing touching the rear bumper of my car and the whiteout was so bad that they could not see each other from that distance. Finally the wrecker comes and demands 500 dollars to do anything, and he needs it now on the spot. Like I have 500 dollars on me coming from the jail. So they impound my car. Then the cop gives me a ride the rest of the way home. I got a ride back to jail that night as my car was wrecked, and upon return to the jail they throw me in the hole because I was not driving the same car that I said I would drive when I got the huber. So I get to the cell and lay down and try to sleep, but my scapula is sending me terrible pains whenever I lay down on it. Fuck. I think I broke it in the accident. So I put in a request to see a doctor, explaining that I was in an accident and I believe that I may have a broken scapula. They denied my request saying that they have no record of me being in any accident. The jail is run by the county sheriff, the accident report was made by one of the county sheriffs deputies. So I send in another request saying that the jail is run by the sheriff and the sheriff deputies were on site of the accident and made a report, that they are both run by the sheriffs department and they should be able to communicate within the sheriffs department with no issues. They had no trouble finding out about the accident to throw me in the hole and take away my huber and my good time, but they had no record of an accident when i requested medical attention. This went on for six weeks. I put in a medical request every day for those six weeks and was rejected every day. How long does it generally take a bone to heal? About six weeks. So finally a full six weeks after the accident they bring me to see a nurse, and I tell the nurse what happened and they bring me for x-rays, wouldn't you know, the x-rays showed a fractured scapula that has healed, there is nothing they can do. I believe this was intentional. It is inhumane to treat people that way. So i got nothing for my car, the insurance says the accident was my fault, per the accident report that the cops lied on. I got to stay in jail an extra month cause my good time was taken away. And I got to suffer in pain for a month begging for medical attention but denied. I do not ever want to step foot in a fucking jail again

TheBuddha ago

I do not ever want to step foot in a fucking jail again

There exist people on Voat who'd say that's justification enough for your ill-treatment at the hands of the Sheriff or their official representatives.

I personally think you can tell a lot about a society by the way they treat their condemned and infirm.

crazy_eyes ago

Those people exist everywhere. Shouldn't do the crime if you dont want to live in those conditions. They say. Little do they know, if you piss off the wrong person they can railroad you through the system so fast theres no escape. Like in my case. Never one single time did anybody at all ever ask me what happened, they didn't care what my side of the story was or even if I had a side of a story. It was ridiculous. The accusations were a bunch of made up bullshit that the DA and the judges just believed verbatim. Even when it was not even physically possible for me to have done it. That didn't matter at all. All that mattered was they wanted their pound of flesh. I was charged with battery to a judge. There was no judge present at 3AM when I was arrested, there was no judge anywhere that I had any contact with except for in a courtroom. And I certainly did not commit batter to a judge in court. I did not commit battery to a judge anywhere. Yet still I was charged, they convened a grand jury, and found evidence to hold me for trial, all based on one cops lies. That was quite an education in the the justice system. Not to be trusted. At all

TheBuddha ago

I confess, I've been guilty of every crime accused formally by the State - and then some!

I have, so far, never been falsely (formally) accused by the State. In fact, they tend to charge me with significantly less than they would have if they'd known the truth of the situation.

However, I can appreciate what it's like to be falsely accused in a court of law.

I can not understand it. I've never experienced it. It'd be grossly unfair for me to say that I understand.

I've had lots of false accusations! Just never in a court of law. I've been on the narrowed down suspect list, way too many times! (My lawyer would suggest I not give details!)

Oh, fuck... The list of shit they could charge me with is endless! They'd probably be right, too! 'Snot like I spent my life cleaning up evidence. No, I left my DNA pretty much all across the goddamned world. But, most of my shit has been pretty harmless and/or victimless. Most of it... (Snip. I'll edit that out. My lawyer would not approve.)

crazy_eyes ago

Let me tell you it sucks. I rationalized it as I'm just getting punished for all of the things that I did not get caught for, that kept me from holding on to that anger letting it eat away at me

TheBuddha ago

Oh, I'd be right pissed. I'm not actually sure how I'd end up dealing with it.

I do keep myself pretty well insulted, these days. I figure my luck is bound to eventually run out.

If I want drugs, for example... Well, let's just say that they get delivered. I don't go seeking them out, travel with large quantities, or anything like that. I keep things pretty well insulated and have some things done on my behalf. It's worth the additional expense.

I probably shouldn't type that into a public forum, but fuck 'em. Nothing I do is really a felony, just possession more or less.

crazy_eyes ago

And who is going to read the Friday night guitar thread on Monday anyways?

cynicaloldfart ago

Well, Roy Orbison did have that song "Only the Lonely". And people who need a distraction from their own problems, so there's that.

crazy_eyes ago

Thats awesome, do you listen through all the songs again too?

cynicaloldfart ago

All of yours because some are damned fine tunes, and the others because they just get funnier each time. Just 1 or 2 parties like yours would, for the rest of us mere mortals, be memories of a lifetime.You 3 seem to do it more than any one sane could stand. Of course TB and EH are required listening for the sheer talent they bring. Harry is a professional that I would love to be able to see live. His genre and ballads are not something I get to hear much, and the historical import is something I value.

I find all of the tunes of interest as we get so much variety of styles. Since my passion and writing on the MFU site keeps me somewhat locked into that period and genre, I like getting exposed to all the variety since modern commercial crap is unlistenable.

Add in the fact that since my performing and playing days are long over, it helps me to re-live those days, the best of my life. Cue Babs Streisand "They way we were". Sigh.

crazy_eyes ago

Sometimes it seems to me as though the exploits of Verle, Chris and myself, and our friends has become some kind of serial radio show of sorts. And none of us has ever claimed to be sane, so you don't have to worry about that. I think it's just awesome as hell that other people get to laugh at us and along with us. I laugh every time I hear a lot of the party time stuff with Verle. That shit cracks me up. It makes my day to know that you enjoy listening in

TheBuddha ago

Surprisingly a couple of people - including that Cyclops fella.

cynicaloldfart ago

I'm always watching! No one is safe.

TheBuddha ago

LOL See, @crazy_eyes!

Damn it... We're busted!

What's kinda awesome is the thread's active - on Monday. That's a very, very rare thing.

crazy_eyes ago

well damn, here i thought when we conversed in these aged threads that nobody would ever see what we were talking about LoL, I guess I was totally wrong, which never happens to me

TheBuddha ago

LOL When I finally got to the computer today, there were two new replies in this thread.

crazy_eyes ago

The ones I posted?

TheBuddha ago

Only one was you. There have since been more.

The thread is huge.

crazy_eyes ago

Finding one new comment in here is like finding a needle in a haystack!

TheBuddha ago

Yup. Was not advising you to go look. No, don't fucking do that - unless you're bored.

Going to look for them is a horrible idea - and will consume a lot of time.

crazy_eyes ago

What the hell. I got a distinctly weird vibe from that like there was something that you don't want someone to see. Odd

TheBuddha ago

Oh, no... It's just huge and will eat up time. You've already seen the most damning of my posts!

I'm also having a hurricane conversation. Sorta.

crazy_eyes ago

I figured I seen most of it. There were two new comments from people that weren't you to me in here yesterday, and I was notified of those.

I haven't got to read the play guitar thread today yet. I been kind of obsessed with this fucking riff that I made up a week ago got some reason. I can't get it out of my head and keep adding notes to it. It was hard to play when I made it up. Now I'm adding 16th notes and I like it even better which then I have to go figure out how to play them. So I just spent the day figuring out what those fucking notes are in my head and learning how to play them and practicing. My fingers don't usually have so fucking many notes to play like this but the more I do the better it sounds so I got to go play it again before I forget

TheBuddha ago

Damned right!

crazy_eyes ago

Im not sure what im right about but I'll take it

TheBuddha ago

I sometimes think a good test for music is if it can be played satisfactorily on an acoustic.

If it can't be reasonably emulated on an acoustic, maybe it's just not that good?

Dunno if that will help.

crazy_eyes ago

you tell me,

its riddles with mistakes as i try to play it, its not even in the right order exactly but you get the jist, i think its awesome

TheBuddha ago

It's about god damned time!

It reminds me of a jangle of riffs and my critique would be to narrow that down to some chunks you like and then connect them melodically. This has potential.

It's your best yet - in my opinion. We need to get your guitar's output dirty. Do you have a good distortion pedal? That'd give it a different tone, that I think would suit it well.

There are some parts that reminded me very much of Red Hot Chili Peppers, who are actually kinda adept. I like it.

crazy_eyes ago

Thanks, I like to work out the notes and learn it straight clean before I put any effects to it. Kind of like what you said about playing on an acoustic earlier. I will play it wilt a hundred different effects to find what sounds the best when i get it down. theres going to be singing over most of it, and I kind of have an idea of ordering it, depending on how the words work out, i was thinking maybe using my dads words that were in the envelope, they kind of fit, at least what i remember. i got to find it, but it will be like a bitching guitar solo going on through the whole song when im done. Its fucking hard for me to play man . but the only way i get to listen to it is if o play it, so here i go again

TheBuddha ago

I often write to take advantage of certain effects.

Notably: Do not count on me for expertise with regards to composition. I am not an expert. I don't do many originals, remember?

crazy_eyes ago

I like to see how the effects change the music when i play it. As far as composition, I just follow my ears, the next note is in my head and i just got to find it on the guitar.

TheBuddha ago

I can't tell you what is right or wrong.

I can only tell you my perspective. This one is just so personal, that I don't even always like opining on these types of matters - which is kinda silly considering I do, in fact, have responsibility to the very thread where people ask that question - or imply the question!

I don't like telling someone their work sucks. I can almost always find something nice to say about it.

So, it's hard to be objective in these threads/conversations.

I fully expect that you ask because you value my opinions. I furthermore expect that you know where statements of opinions end and statements of facts begin.

Which is to say, I interpreted your sharing as you wanting my true opinion and not just me to say something nice!

It was a very long way, but you're used to that!

I like it. I really do. I'd knock it down into 4 riffs and check to find a more melodic route up through to the keys to move between them.

Right now, it sounds like you just said, "I'm gonna write the most bitchin'est collection of riffs and cram 'em all into something so awesome that it makes heads explode and girls orgasm from 500' away!"

I highly recommend against trying that. It just makes things needlessly complicated and difficult for you to replicate. There's some wonderful melodies and transitions in there - and they're lost in the noise. I like the runs, but I'd define them more by using fewer total riffs - aiming for a consistency that someone wants to hum when they walk away.

That's just me - and probably why I fucking hate (as a general rule) doing my own compositions.

It also depends on who you're writing it for. I can't answer that question, or offer any opinion on how you answer that. 'Snot my box of crayons.

crazy_eyes ago

I write it for myself, first and foremost, plus the woman that it's about. And yeah it's really not going to be like what I showed you. That was mostly me practicing playing those parts that might just appear once in the song to add a bit of variety. It's going to mostly be that main riff part and a chorus, what I sent you just a jumbled mess of me trying to play some of the variations on the riff that might appear just once.

TheBuddha ago

I do like it, regardless and legitimately. You're one of the few people in these threads that I'd come right out and say, "That kinda sucked."

You're a big boy. You can handle it.

I like that it showed an effort at complexity and difficulty. I like that it is a challenge that puts you out there and able to risk making mistakes. I like it that you incorporated some single note runs and made some pretty sweet tones.

I really do think it has potential. It almost sounds like you jumbled enough for a half dozen songs in there. If there was a consistent theme, or really 'grove', then I was unable to find it.

I'm really liking what I heard in this one. It's the most impressive piece you've shown me so far, from my perspective. It shows a significant effort and almost like it did have a vision - something to say legitimately with the music. It has the potential to be emotionally evocative, but those neurons are most triggered when music behaves with certain patterns.

Think of a riot.

Ever notice how the chants are, more or less, in unison - across all those people? Those are our basic 'lizard brains' exposing themselves - and it holds true in music. A clear cadence and varied degrees of repetition appeal to our base urges.

Here's a little secret... Shh!

It's actually the rhythm guitar that mostly drives a song. It's the rhythm guitar that people hum when they think back on a song.

So, I'd want to put that in there - and make great use of it. A clear beat marker, an audio clue, can help that significantly.

And, again, these are very personal things and this is not, by any means, saying what the correct choices are. You're not writing it for me. I don't get a say.

crazy_eyes ago

I don't think I mentioned but the basic rythim guitar part plays in my head and it's simple enough that Christopher can play it. Most of my songs are too much for him to play along with me for him but this one I just tell him and he can play it, no problem. That was in my mind when I sat down to write this. Make something easy for Chris to play along with.

TheBuddha ago

See? Helpful information! I can't wait to hear the finished product. Got lyrics?

crazy_eyes ago

I have a couple of ideas for lyrics but nothing written down yet

TheBuddha ago

I hope it includes, "It's a good day to smoke crack and worship Satan!"

crazy_eyes ago

Umm. That really wasn't what I had in mind for the lyrics. Holy moley. I might be able to work that in

TheBuddha ago

"I hope your nipple starts a forest fire!"

crazy_eyes ago

now thats some imagery

TheBuddha ago

I like to think I'm a big helper!

crazy_eyes ago

The first line I think I could squeeze in there somewhere but Iam not sure how I would ever get that last line into a song

TheBuddha ago

I bet Verle would be a big helper for that!

crazy_eyes ago

i sent a version of that song to verle and told him it needs words, he has hard drives full of lyrics he comes up with, he writes lines down every single day

TheBuddha ago

I am not even remotely surprised and was not really kidding when I said I bet Verle could help! Verle's got enough extra creativity to share!

crazy_eyes ago

I was talking to Chris last night and he told me he wrote a song and he's going to show me wednesday when he comes over. That should be interesting, its called cocaine. Thats all i know

TheBuddha ago

If it becomes a hit, little girls are going to run around telling people, "I love Cocaine!"


crazy_eyes ago

im not sure little girls listen to his style of music

TheBuddha ago

They do in my imagination, crazy_eyes. Yes, they do.

crazy_eyes ago

I told chris about you wanting to bear verles children and he said maybe Verle can just get some chick pregnant and buddah can carry her around for 9 months

TheBuddha ago

That's brilliant!

Except I'm lazy and not very strong. I'm not sure how long I can carry her.

crazy_eyes ago

find a skinny midget woman for verle

TheBuddha ago

I'm permanently banned from contacting again. They told me to stop emailing them.

It's a long story.

crazy_eyes ago

what did you do to those little people?

TheBuddha ago

Nothing! I pretty much just asked for some quotes to rent some midgets... While shitfaced.

They stripped an innocent man of his liberty to rent midgets, depriving me of the glory that is surely rented midgets.

I can't think of a single damned situation that wouldn't benefit from adding rented midgets. I shared some of my brilliant rented midget ideas and they told me to never contact them again. Didn't even take very long, just two emails as I recall!

It's a fucking injustice.

Now, I will never know the joys of rented midgets. This is a hole in my life. I'm pretty sure rented midgets turn an ordinary day into the best day ever, but I'll never know. I torched that bridge and danced in the ashes. I regret that choice but I still think they're a little harsh!

They never even sent me one single quote for my requested services, either! Bastards.

crazy_eyes ago

about 25 years ago a good friend of mine rented a midget for a party and ended up putting the midget on his album cover

TheBuddha ago


I knew you'd understand my plight. Fuck, dude... Even the simple task of mowing the lawn gets made awesome by adding singing and dancing rented midgets doing slapstick!

crazy_eyes ago

I honestly do not know exactly even how that came about, but there that midget is on the wall of my studio

TheBuddha ago

That's pretty sweet!

I don't have any good midget stories. That's not really my fault. They just won't rent me midgets!

crazy_eyes ago

I remember seeing a Kid Rock concert back 20 years ago and he had that midget Joe C and four strippers on stage with him that was pretty cool

TheBuddha ago

See? A goddamned rented midget.

They even have a KISS tribute rented midget band, that wears the complete makeup and itty bitty outfits!

I'll never know those joys, crazy eyes. That's just not okay.

crazy_eyes ago

there has got to be more than one midget rental company

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty sure they're a cabal. Like a midget mafia. I did find some midgets to rent in Australia.

I don't want a midget show. I want to rent them to do the activities that I request, like chasing my chickens for 8 hours straight. I bet that'd be a merry day!

crazy_eyes ago

that sounds like fun

TheBuddha ago

Damned right!!

crazy_eyes ago

you know an anagram of theBuddha is bathed duh

TheBuddha ago

LOL Well, I do shower an awful lot. I sometimes take four to six quick showers in a day. Most days, I take two or three showers.

Yes, it's weird. Yes, I'm okay with it. It takes like five minutes and I feel delightful afterwards! I don't primp and preen, I just give a quick toweling of my hair instead of actually doing anything with it. I may not even brush it. In the winter, my hair sometimes freezes when I go outside - it's kinda awesome feeling.

crazy_eyes ago

I know, thats why I brought it up, thats funny

TheBuddha ago

Was it you that didn't know the anagram trivia with Mr. Mojo Risson?

I think that was this thread. I love me some Doors!

crazy_eyes ago

that was me that was this thread. I looked at anagrams for all my girlfriends and they are all descriptive

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, our lizard brains are good at finding patterns. It's what helped us survive and evolve! It's pretty sweet!

It's much like the cadence and rhythm thing I was typing about earlier.

crazy_eyes ago

i like it a lot better when i dream the whole song in my sleep, its a lot easier on me that way, my subconscious does all the hard work when im asleep. and i dont have to entertain all these thoughts i feel like something aint right with me sometimes

TheBuddha ago

I've never experienced that.

crazy_eyes ago

I experience it with women and with music

TheBuddha ago

If I dream, I seldom remember it.

crazy_eyes ago

yeah i dont remember very many anymore, its rare

TheBuddha ago

I'd say that I don't dream - but I'm told that everyone does and we do so pretty much every time we fall asleep.

Except, 'cause of reasons, I don't really enter and remain in deep sleep long - or even always get there. I've been to a number of sleep studies and they offer me a ton of different drugs to aid with my sleeping. This is compounded by sleep apnea. Except sleep apnea is not actually the cause, it's just annoying. I have a CPAP machine but I don't ever use it. It does no good.

The only thing that helps is drugs.

The drugs that work, that the doctor gives me, make me feel murky and tired the following day. I'm currently prescribed monster doses of both Ambien and Seroquil (for sleep - sadly, I'm not crazy, so they don't give me crazy pills).

I don't usually take either. Low doses don't work. Medium doses work for like three days before my tolerance kicks in. High doses work for like a week or two - but they make me groggy as fuck, and pretty much useless the following day. Then, I have to not take any ('cause taking them is a waste) for a week or two - and then I can take 'em again! I get revolved around, if I want.

I'm afraid you might get the wrong impression from this.

No, no...

I don't actually mind this.

The idea of sleeping 8 hours a day means that I'd have spent 1/3 of my life asleep! At 60 years, that'd mean I'd fucking have slept for 20 fucking years!

Fuck that! Not sleeping well has made me very, very productive over the course of my life. My insomnia is pretty much my best fucking feature! I can stay awake for days, Even without drugs, I can stay awake! Drugs just help pass the time better!

I just like the drugs that they give me. I don't actually much care if I sleep. If I could realistically have spent my life awake, I'd possibly have tried it - and slept very little.

They do, too... They load me right up with whatever sleep aids I want. They made me go to two new sleep studies, but once they got the results of those - they stopped complaining and started believing! After that, they started prescribing me anything I damned well wanted.

In my first sleep study, I slept for 0 minutes - over the course of 48 hours. The test was only supposed to be for 24 hours, but they extended it 'cause I wasn't sleeping.

They thought I was faking it and forcing myself to stay awake. So, they turned off everything and made the room very dark - and asked me to keep my eyes closed. Which, I was happy enough to do, though that was kinda boring. They'd come check on me and I'd appear to be sleeping - and the machines they have said that I was pretty close to sleeping - but not sleeping. Physiologically, I was sleeping - except my brain waves, to keep it brief.

So, they realized I was not sleeping and just hanging out doing what they told me to do. Which was lay in the dark and with my eyes closed. I just mostly meditated and played with my imagination for a while. It was pretty dull.

Then, they brought me back in for a second test.

They had themselves a plan!

They were gonna see exactly how much it took to put me to sleep.

It's a very long story, but it actually took 'em coming in with an anesthetist who oversaw my vitals during the process. I know damned well that he had the tools to put me to sleep - but they wanted me to test with things that are available from the pharmacy and, you know, don't require anesthesia.

They packed me right full of drugs.

They'd give me drugs and then wait 30 minutes. They'd give me more drugs, and wait 30 minutes. It took several employee shifts before I finally fell asleep!

I get 2 to 5 hours most nights maybe. I was asleep last night be 01:00, maybe a little sooner. I was awake at 04:12 - 'cause I always look at the clock when I wake up. Always. That's about average.


Have an early morning novella!

crazy_eyes ago

I dont have that problem

TheBuddha ago

It has benefits!

I'm pretty damned productive. Those hours I'd have spent sleeping get used for something else. Sweet!

I'm so used to it that I find the idea of sleeping 1/3 of my life away to be almost terrifying. Even if I lose a few years at the end of my life, I'll have made up for it with the hours I haven't slept! Damned right!

crazy_eyes ago

I can stay up late but if I try to wake up before at lest 5 or 6 hours went bye I am not going to be functional

TheBuddha ago

Dunno? I've adjusted. It does sometimes suck - and I'll periodically sleep for extended sessions, but that's pretty rare. It's also much more rare that I don't do nearly as many drugs as I used to. I'd sometimes come off a binge and sleep for 24 to 30 hours - without even needing to use the bathroom.

I haven't had a giant conk-out sleep session like that in a lot of years.

crazy_eyes ago

I have to set an alarm or I will easily sleep for 10 to 12 hours before I wake up every day

TheBuddha ago

It's weird. I can tell myself to wake up at a certain time and I just kinda do.

To pay for my education, I into the Marines shortly after high school. Since then, I wake up really, really easily. It often means I can't go back to sleep, which is sometimes pretty shitty.

Meh... I try to put those hours to good use.

What's awesome is this thread is still going - though only a few responses (to me) today. I have absolutely no idea if anyone else is still chatting! It'd be awesome if they were, but I'm too damned lazy to check.

I just had an awesome jam session with EH. She makes me proud! She makes herself proud!

I kinda like the kid.

cynicaloldfart ago

While you're here, I was wondering if you might have some time, some day when you're bored with nothing to do (yes, that's a joke) to write up Stormy Monday for the site. You've already done most of the research and it's one of my favorites. There's several versions and I haven't heard one yet I didn't thoroughly enjoy. You could even link back to the article on for a little cross-site exposure. I wouldn't mind doing it but I thought it might be refreshing for the people who do read MFU to get a change of pace. Obviously you're a much more entertaining writer than I will ever be. But, by all means, don't feel compelled. I know how busy you are.

TheBuddha ago

LOL Ha! I almost started an article for MFU earlier tonight - but that wasn't the subject. I forgot what the subject was, but I left myself a note!

That's right. I took fucking notes!

I'm already sorta ahead of you. I'll add that to the list - and there will be some new material soon.

We're gonna talk about a little something called rock and roll! Now, if I could only remember what the hell the subject was. It's a damned good thing I took notes.

I know my thought process started with King Crimson. It went back to Chuck Berry. There's a connection there - and I made a note of it. Then, I smoked pot and continued doing what I was doing, 'cause that'd have distracted me for quite a while.

And, yeah... It's busy as all hell. I think I'm done for the night - and need to decide if I want to stay up and poke around at some luxuries, or if I should sleep.

LOL Don't be too surprised to find me typing away on the MFU site later tonight. It depends. I've had a pretty productive night. I can afford some luxuries. Writing an article for MFU might just make today the best day ever! We'll see... Lemme finish catching up on emails and comment replies. I'm also trying to avoid typing a chicken story. That's pretty tough competition for being the best day ever.

Fuck 'em... I don't know 'em well enough to tell 'em a chicken story. I probably don't even like 'em! I'm gonna write something for MFU - I can't guarantee that it'll be Stormy Monday, but I put that on a different note! (I'm a veritable sticky pad machine today.)

cynicaloldfart ago

Most excellent. But rest assured I'll do whatever I can on the site to free up your time. It's the only thing I can do to help. Pace yourself and enjoy the slow parts of life too.

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty sure my note is a cryptic note that says, "MFU ARTICLES RIFF HISTORY"

It'll be in all caps so I can actually read it - but the question is will I actually remember where I was going with that. I'm pretty sure I can make a well-reasoned article that King Crimson is pretty much where music went horribly wrong.

I blame King Crimson for a lot of things, when we get right down to it!

So, I think I was going to go on about riffs and how they're an essential part of what we know as rock and roll. They're guitar, but they're articles (potentially a series of 'em) that discuss riffs as they progress through the birth years of rock roll.

I figured they'd be better on that site - and why not?

At least I'm pretty sure that's what I was thinking in my note to myself.

They'll very much be about the birth of rock - but they'll be specifically about riffs. Guitar riffs. First, we gotta define 'em - and then we can examine them objectively!

I bet it'd be pretty fun.

Thoughts? Want me to run with it?

cynicaloldfart ago

Sounds amazing. I'm sure people will love it. My stuff is pretty dry, but educational. You'll bring some humour and life to the joint. As well as edumacating, it'll be like a new paint job. I have the passion, but not the skill to present the stuff in an entertaining way like you do. But I'll do what I can, and it does appear a few people visit each day. As I've said before, all I can do is put out what I find interesting and let others decide on the value to them. We both have grown kids and although our intentions are still there, we know they'll listen then do whatever the hell they want.

I'm not even going to peek at the site tonight. It'll make something to look forward to over coffee tomorrow. Remember to get your beauty sleep though, I hear you need it.

TheBuddha ago

Oh, please do peak.

There's a rough draft in there. View it and let me know what you think of some more typing, please. Public is fine. Email is fine. Whatever.

crazy_eyes ago

aha, all right, i should just go look instead,

verle says WOW 😲 holy shit 💩 lol

TheBuddha ago

Kindred spirits, Verle... Kindred spirits.

crazy_eyes ago

Verle says I hear as him about, kindred spirit

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty sure Verle would make an excellent rock star.

Can he do a heavy metal pig growl?

crazy_eyes ago

Verle says Not sure what that is

crazy_eyes ago

Verls says A shit 💩 lol

crazy_eyes ago

I bet he could

TheBuddha ago


crazy_eyes ago

Hell Yeah!!!!

TheBuddha ago

This thread may interest you:

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty sure Verle and I are kindred spirits!

The show was good. It was kind of funny in a few parts but I'm kinda shitfaced and not sure I want to type it all.

I typed it all out last night, but it needs to be edited and I haven't slept - plus I'm kinda shitfaced. So, it's not happening. Occupational hazard!

Got any specific things you want to hear about? Don't say "all of it." No. I'm kinda shitfaced. I ain't typing that.

crazy_eyes ago

Did the EH kill it? The funny stuff at least. What songs go over the best with the crowd? Did you stay and party with them after? That kind of stuff

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, it seems really unlikely that I'm typing that out today.

I will give you a bit of a sneak preview - of the article that I'm so not fucking editing today.

The eldest hoodlum told the drummer he sucked.

Not only did she tell him that he sucked - she said it into all of our earpieces - during the show.

He was having technical difficulties and, clear as a bell, we heard her tell the drummer that he sucked.

She cues us up and we were waiting on him - making her start the cue process before we were ready. His sucking made her look bad. She told him he sucked - for everyone to hear.

I'd have laughed my ass off if she'd used the wrong switch and sent it out over the amps, for the whole audience to hear. That'd have been funnier than hell.

If there was any protestations from the drummer - we heard none. After all, she also controls his microphone. She was having none of his shit last night.

It was funner than hell. It's also a good thing. It means she's comfortable - and the drummer took it well. In fact, he was sucking. We had to wait for him several times.

crazy_eyes ago

What the fuck was the drummer doing that he made you wait for him? Is jacking off back there?

TheBuddha ago

Trouble with the still-fairly-new tablets. Instead of his old method of sheet music, and notes, he uses a tablet. The hoodlum actually cues it up, but he can swipe and select what he wants and change the display rate and things like that.

He was fucking that all up. If they made a Fisher-Price model tablet that did the same thing, I'd get him one.

If he had verified and practiced, this would not have been a problem.

We also tried a new feature - and it went well.

We put the roadies to work and they use cameras to put a display through the projector and onto a large screen behind us.

They're unskilled labor! Nah, they did alright. It's a little annoying, but it's something we'll continue to investigate. It was a bit 'big' for this show, but we figured we'd use this show as a chance to put it out there, it's our first week doing it.

I'm pretty sure the audience could see my nostrils, many times. They do stupid shit like lay down in front of you, between you and your monitor - they crawl all over the place and stuff a camera in your fucking face. It kind of sucks. I don't really like it.

MrHarryReems ago

He uses sheets on stage?!?!! Say it isn't so!!

TheBuddha ago

Oh, fuck yeah. We kinda have to. I can't remember all that shit - and I'm positive the drummer can't!

Also, I have to approach an article about the differences required to play at loud volume levels. I haven't found a plan for it, yet.

crazy_eyes ago

you need to tell those guys with the cameras that they do not have to get right in your face the cameras have some sort of zoom feature, and that they can use that, they really should never be seen by the audience, you got to figure out a routine for them so they dont avoid you, where to be when on which song, somewhere unobtrusive, i hope you included shots of the crowd, Thats what i would use the screen for, to include the crowd in the show! I would think people would love to see themselves on the big screen, woudn't that be the best day ever!!!

TheBuddha ago

Oh, they ran around with cameras.

I'd like to get to the point where I can maybe hand out cameras to some of the audience members. They're pretty expensive, however. It'd have to be only at venues with good security presence.

And, it's pretty hard to get the pictures they need from other places - they're in the right spot. I told 'em to go there. I'm just not happy about it. It's the right thing to do. They stay mostly out of the audience's way - that's why they're laying down on the damned floor and shooting pictures of my nostrils.

crazy_eyes ago

all right, maybe i misunderstood a bit. get some remote controlled cameras mounted at strategic locations maybe

TheBuddha ago

I might make it an app they can download and use their cell phone. The effects can throw parts of it on the screen. Maybe...

I dunno... They're usually drunk.

crazy_eyes ago

use the audience cell phones camera and broadcast that on your big screen? is that what you mean?

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, just make an app that synchronizes with our wireless, based on a shared key. It can even be time limited.

I'm pretty sure I could get someone in India to write that for like $200.

crazy_eyes ago

That would be cool as hell, thats a great idea

TheBuddha ago

Damned right!

crazy_eyes ago

Hell Yeah!

TheBuddha ago

I'm so gonna end up with dicks being posted to the projector.

crazy_eyes ago

hope you get tits instead of dicks

TheBuddha ago

Both seem likely.

crazy_eyes ago

at least you face away from it LOL

TheBuddha ago

Yup! I will, however, be held accountable for it.

crazy_eyes ago

Verle sometimes needs subtitles when I am in the same room looking at him talking directly to me.

That's Verle. He is a national treasure, as you well know

Nadeshda ago

Haha this makes sense... like in totally and I have never actually met him, lol.

crazy_eyes ago

Music changes your brain!

TheBuddha ago

I kind of figured. I suspect it doesn't get better when alcohol is added?

Man... Do you have any plans for January? It's fucking cold there, right? 'Snot like you're going to be outside. Have you got a hotel near your house?

(I'm still trying to figure out what I'll be able to do in January - we're talking the whole month off.)

MrHarryReems ago

Fly out here! I think I have both things going on in Jan: Jack and shit.

TheBuddha ago

It's still very, very up in the air. I do kinda want to get out there and hit up that studio to see what comes out of me.

I've still got this nagging urge to do something I can say, "My Magnum Opus! Done!"

I'm just not strictly sure I have a right to call it a magnum opus.

At the end of this year, I'll have been at this for five decades. There's still a shitton left to learn.

I'm not sure how to describe it, but it's like coloring with a box of 63 crayons. I probably don't need that puce crayon, but I won't know if I don't have it and see what it looks like.

Which might just be my worst analogy ever. Yay! Wine...

crazy_eyes ago

it would depend on what you are drawing

TheBuddha ago

It does - but I never know what the picture is gonna end up like.

I do have some lyrics that I've had a chunk of - for years.

I can't finish them and don't know what to do with them. I'm pretty sure it's actually meant to be an 80s hair metal song. Curiously, it was over a weekend in jail that this came out.

Pacing around like an animal locked in his cage
I've got no way to vent my undeniable rage
I've got nothing to and you've got even less to say.
Baby I think that I'm going insane!

You've got me all locked up (huh?)
Got nowhere to go and nothing to do with my time.

That last bit is the chorus and yes - the (huh?) is spoken.

Picture 80s hair metal. No, I'm not singing it for you right now.

I've gotta leave at like 15:00.

crazy_eyes ago

those lyrics are obviously written in jail, LoL. You've got me all locked up!!

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty sure that was after the cop punching episode.

Sometimes, I look back at my many, many bad choices and wonder how the fuck I got here.

crazy_eyes ago

So what is the deal with the small show today? I remember you telling me that you only wanted to do big shows back before you got started with the band. What gives?

TheBuddha ago

They pay the fee and we're not yet at the point where we can be completely picky.

This one is just about the minimum threshold for what I want. The place has a max capacity of something like 350 (IIRC - I can look). They're expecting "near full capacity" - so 300 to 350, probably.

I think...

I would have to double check the contract - it's in there under venue description.

This was also slotted in earlier in the year. I have to do it - or pay the penalties, and pay the band.

In theory, I could decide to not show up. That'd be really bad form.

crazy_eyes ago

You really dont want to get that kind of a reputation, Thats not professional. You drove through a freaking blizzard about a hundred thousand times to play a gig! why the hell would you not go to a gig today with nothing hindering you at all? Give those 350 people the greatest show they ever saw in their life tonight!

TheBuddha ago

Oh, I want to do this show. But, in theory, I could give 'em the finger and say, "Fuck you. I'm a rock star!" Then I could stay home and get completely trashed!

It'd be bad form, but I could do it!

crazy_eyes ago

You could!

TheBuddha ago

There'd be all sorts of people grumping at me! It'd be kinda funny.

'Snot like they can fire me!

But, no... I'm a professional. Showing up is what I do.

crazy_eyes ago

Sure doesnt sound like something that you would do. You not excited to play this show?

TheBuddha ago

I am! It's going to be the best day ever.

I was just responding to your comment about the size.

Would you like to know why today is still exciting and I'm still looking forward to it?

I'm gonna tell ya anyhow!

'Cause I can say, with almost absolute certainty, that this audience will be way too good to us.

crazy_eyes ago

I am sure that you will make them all shake their bootys in time to the music and earn their being too good to you all

TheBuddha ago

Damned right, we will.

I'm gonna cause some permanent hearing loss!

crazy_eyes ago

The only plans I have for January is to stay warm, 'cause its usually below zero degrees outside in January. and of course there are a plethora of hotels nearby, come party with us!

TheBuddha ago

Duly noted! No guarantees - but I'm sorta thinking about spending a couple of weeks driving around the country and then coming back to take the next couple of weeks to do nothing.

crazy_eyes ago

You don't have to promise anything but if you do get to driving anywhere near me swing on in, you are welcome anytime, bring beer!

TheBuddha ago

Damned right! Of course I'll bring beer - and lots of it. I might even bring some additional party favors, at least a few guitars, and I'll probably have at least two chicks with me!

Well, one's a minor and the other one is the missus - but they'll be with me! I doubt the youngest will want to join in on an adventure like that. I may use it as an excuse to get the RV out - which means I can cram a bunch of gear into it.

I'm a wee bit sad that the RV has so few miles on it.

crazy_eyes ago

You all would be welcome. I would have to get verle and chris over here and we could get all fucked up and laugh at each other and fucking jam out and laugh at each other some more and dance and drink and smoke and I have two teen age sons so there are always minors around here, so that's not an issue at all. She can jam out with us too. Hell she would probably be jamming the best of all of us by then especially since she wont be drink off her ass like the rest of us!

TheBuddha ago

LOL The damned hoodlum is having herself a glass of wine, as we speak!

(Just the one.)

cyclops1771 ago

LOL! That's great! Sounded like one fun night!

crazy_eyes ago

It is always a fun time when we all get together. Usually chemically enhanced LoL

cyclops1771 ago

Ha, nothing wrong with that!

crazy_eyes ago

If one is good, two has got to be better, right?

cyclops1771 ago

For everything but eyes, apparently.

crazy_eyes ago



MrHarryReems ago

Hearing Verle made me reach for the uisce beatha... I needed to channel his enthusiasm! And I wasn't planning on drinking tonight!

Speaking of, how's Chris holding out?

crazy_eyes ago

Verle is always so enthusiastic. Chris is holding out, he is still trying to stay sober. Mostly successfully, though there is something that isnt readily tested for in drug tests that we imbibed in a couple weeks back, you will hear some of that tonight.

cyclops1771 ago

So, just started playing this May when I picked up an old 70's Sigma acoustic guitar at a garage sale for $50, right around my 47th b-day.

Travel for work M-Thurs, so practice is not what I want it to be. I love playing, even though I know I suck.

So, here goes my virginity! Still having issues when I concentrate on left hand, my right fucks up, and vice versa. Also, timing is till an issue.

Had to cut the recording shot due to idiot dogs barking, but here it is! Any suggestions / criticisms are taken in the spirit of learning, so don't hold back, goats!

poptical-illusionist ago

Not bad at all for 4ish months in! I'm in total agreement here! If you can play all the chords in that song already then that's a great start, and getting the feel for the rhythm down is impressive.

nigger_plz ago

Hell man that's good. This recording will get others to show us what they got. That's a really good self accompaniment type song.

Nadeshda ago

Really enjoyed it! This song is just wonderful no matter how it’s played. It holds some memories for me dude! So glad you are playing, so glad... please continue you have good rhythm :)

cyclops1771 ago

Yeah, memories for me on that song, too. Was sitting at home one night in early 20's, watching a war begin on TV, buddy called, said, "Well, let's go out and grab some drinks, War is on." Still draftable age, didn't know how it was going to turn out, might as well go out and get fucked up.

Went to a place, had a beverage or seven, place had live musicians every night. We are about 3 beers in, and the guy started playing it. Sorta appropriate for that night. Stuck with me.

Thanks for listening!

Nadeshda ago

That is a memory indeed, did you get drafted in the end? Being curious here that’s all... hmm I guess for me the song follows me around and reminds me how misplaced I feel at times. When I hear it, a series of times that has become some sort of a collective overview of various circumstances and places come into my mind when I hear it.

Also the observations of just sitting back and watching life, seeing those lost souls in their fish bowl, year after year oh it has multiple levels and I am quite possibly rambling as I am tired, lol...

cyclops1771 ago

No, we ended up defeating Hussein in a coupel of weeks, but at the time all the new reports were "has the 4th largest army in the world", they were all "hardened veterans", etc. And at that time, the USA had lost Vietnam, we couldn;t even fly a helicopter through the sand , and the only thing we had done miltarily since was invade the island of Grenada.

I always thought of us as being the ones in the fishbowl or the cage, rather than the ones watching it. Sort of a lament of "doing nothing" with ones life, as in a sad look back by the aged, and a warning to the young to not just have the same old fears, year after year.

Nadeshda ago

This is rather deep and yes what you said and you said it very well indeed.

Further, ouch, I haven’t slept much my friend, so further thinking is hard and trying to explain it, egh anyway sometimes I remove myself completely from a situation/experience in a reflection and check things out from a birds eye view trying hard not to reflect my own perceptions on a thing but just see it, which is often impossible as we are so entangled with our own experiences and outlook on things but sometimes geez sometimes it actually does give another dimension or outlook that I had not previously considered or taken into consideration and then yes normally more thinking follows... lol

If this doesn’t make sense I don’t blame ya one bit... lol

cyclops1771 ago

Sorry i caused you pain! Get some sleep if you can! Or fight through and grab that second wind. Sometimes, sever tiredness can open your eyes to things.

I remember doing a 36 hour work session during a store opening. Everything slowed down, or at least, the volume was turned down. What would have caused me stress or excitement if "normal" simply barely registered as something to note, but not something to get worked up over. You can sort of shrug off the small things that normally would irk you, and yet, when you are sleep-deprived, you can simply ignore the noise. Just let it slide. I'd like to be able to bottle that ability to not GAF, but in a substance that I can use at work!

Camels-n-Miller ago

Keep playing! Glad you recorded and contributed!

MrHarryReems ago

Not bad at all for 4ish months in! You're making music!

I have to second both of @TheBuddha's comments in regards to a tuner and taking your guitar with you. I'm always packing when I travel, even work trips. I was just on the mainland for a week of work, and ended up in a killer session because I was packing!!

TheBuddha ago

Damned right! That's the great thing about an acoustic!

cyclops1771 ago

Nice, how did that session come about? Someone just saw your case and said, "hey, come on over and let's play?"

MrHarryReems ago

Actually, I reached out to a friend of mine that I've shared a stage with to see if he wanted to meet up, and it turns out another of our friends was also going to be in town. So, we crashed a trad session at an Irish pub in the area. That got us invited to another session in another town the following night, but I was putting in too many hours to make the second session.

NoTrueScotsman ago

Nice, thanks for sharing! The dogs just wanted to sing on your track, they wanted to get in on the spotlight.

cyclops1771 ago

Someone always horning in!

cynicaloldfart ago

Had to cut the recording shot due to idiot dogs barking

Reminded me of this occurring when The Penguins were recording Earth Angel:

“Earth Angel” was recorded as a literal garage demo—it was recorded in a home garage at the Los Angeles home of Ted Brinson (a relative of Dootsie Williams, who was a big band veteran and performs bass guitar on the track). The garage was used as the primary recording space of Dootsie Williams for all of his Dootone artists.

The drums were muffled with pillows so as to not overwhelm the vocals. A neighbor’s pet dog stopped many takes by barking. Everytime the dog barked next door, I’d have to go out and shut him up, and then we’d do another take.

You're in good company.

crazy_eyes ago

Cool! Hey man you're making progress. Thats cool as hell. I remember when playing the guitar sounded like that, it was frustrating, but just keep at it and it gets easier and easier!

cyclops1771 ago

Thanks! I will. I have so many things running through my head - do this, don't do that, pay attention to this, don't forget about that, what's the count again, wait, WTF is next? SCREW IT, just plow through the errors and FU's and shitty sounding strings.

I had SOME appreciation of guitarists before, now I have mad respect.

crazy_eyes ago

It looks a lot easier than it really is, doesn't it?

cyclops1771 ago

Ha, yeah. Everything else I have ever played (tuba, harmonica, even trombone) was so much easier. Blow, know your valves or positions, handled. So many things to coordinate! I guess that will make getting even close to respectable that much more worth it!

crazy_eyes ago

Just keep at it, it does get easier, I promise

chuckletrousers ago

Still having issues when I concentrate on left hand, my right fucks up, and vice versa. Also, timing is till an issue.

You and I are like the little kid who has just learned to tie his own shoes, he has to hold his tongue just right and think about it, but eventually it'll be automatic.

cyclops1771 ago

Haha! Right?

I played a lot of golf as a young 'un, and that was kind of the same way - you spend so much time thinking about about 'X' and 'Y' in your swing, you end up f'ing up everything else!

Just plugging away as best I can, having a blast doing it!

chuckletrousers ago

OTOH, there's the story about somebody asking a centipede how he coordinated all those legs. He got to thinking about it and as a result he was crippled the rest of his life.

cyclops1771 ago

oh, God, I'm fukt. Hell had to yank an eye out because seeing out of 2 was too difficult to manage!

chuckletrousers ago

Username checks out!

cyclops1771 ago

And I;m not even joking!

TheBuddha ago

Wait... What?

cyclops1771 ago

Well, I had a doctor do it...

TheBuddha ago

That's much less exciting than I'd hoped.

cyclops1771 ago

Story of my life...allegedly.

TheBuddha ago

So, why did they yank out an eyeball?

cyclops1771 ago

It all started one day back in the 1970's, where a young Cyclops had cataracts so bad that they removed his lens. This made the left eye "legally" blind - because it could't focus on anything very well. Shapes, colors, changes in light/dark, and recognize movement. Young Cy had a sense of humor even back then, so started going by Cyclops in his early teens.

Then, around 2010, poor Cyclops started getting headaches everyday. Assumed "hangover", but they would last a long time. Chewed Excedrin all day. Kept getting worse and worser and worserer. Was flying home from whatever place I was at, and actually got bumped to a First class seat (free booze!) for a 4 hour flight. Head hurt so bad that poor Cy put his coat over his head and just sat there curled up like the little bitch he is. This was Friday afternoon. Cy went to bed, didn't leave it until Sunday evening when he convinced Mrs. Cy to take him to ER. Did some tests, gave me some sweet, sweet drugs, The ER doctor tested the eye pressure, and the tester thing kept erroring out. Finally, called in specialist, who had better tester thingy. Eye pressure was 98 mm Hg. The normal tester couldn't read past 60 mm HG. (Normal eye pressure is in the 12-22 mm HG range). Used a syringe to slowly drain it. This started 18 months of lasers, needles, and other fun things.

Was sitting down in Puerto Rico at a bar in the Walgreens parking lot (I shit you not. Just a bar sitting square in the parking lot of a Walgreens. Was having a good time, when I felt this sharp pain the left eye. Whatever, it went away after a few seconds. Buddy said, "Cy, your left eye is turning bright red. Like bloody red." Uh-oh. No bueno.

Not going to Dr. in PR, so hightail it back to the continent and go see my super important specialist Dr. (One of benefits about living in Houston area - that medical Center thing is quite amazing in terms of bringing top talent to the area.) Apparently, I had a severely acute case of neo-vascual glaucoma. Somewhere, my body decided that it would be a really good idea to grow new retinal walls over and over again, especially the blood vessels to support it. Did some more laser stuff to seal the popped blood vessels, but that thing was doomed.

Did a few more trips to Boston, and it started getting more and more light sensitive, to the point I was wearing a baseball cap pulled down over my eyes (like how most girls wear them) .

Finally, Poor Cy's head started hurting so bad like that first day on the airplane, he went to bed. Tried to get int to Dr., but she was gone in China during a lecture tour for 10 days. Got a sweet concoction of ever increasingly powerful drugs. Finally got in, and she basically said, well, we can do X, Y, or Z. I said, "Doc, just fucking take it. Fuck this." I hadn't slept or eaten for 12 days. Couldn't even drink - just puked everything up immediately. This sucked.

So, a few hours later, I wake up with one eye and felt fucking amazing. Good times!

So, that's the nutshell story of "How Cyclops became a true Cyclops."

TheBuddha ago

I'm trying REALLY hard to think of a way to put that into an article on my site - with your permission, of course.

That's probably the best story I'm gonna read all day! It had it all! It had drama, excitement, intrigue, mystery, and a resolution!

Do you wear a patch?

cyclops1771 ago

Ha, yeah, I don't care. Use away - it's not a secret.

No patch, although I have a few in my Jeep glove box for when I go topless. See, I had a hand made, custom fit, painted prostheses made (at quite the pretty penny - insurance says it's just "cosmetic", so only pays for the fitting portion of the price tag - or about 10%.) It gets dry in the wind and the eyelid gets stuck either up or down - hopefully down, because when it is stuck in the "open" position, trying to blink is like the feeling of trying to enter a non-lubricated female (similar solution, too - spit on your hand and wipe it on.) Usually, shades work, but if it's dusty out, or super windy, I'll pop on the patch.

It's actually better looking now than before the surgery - in the past, the left eye would sort of wander off to the side at times (usually about 3 hours of drinking into the evening). Now, the socketball is sewed on straight and the prosthesis "suction cups" onto that ball tight enough, that is looks straight ahead, and moves with the other one, unless I'm looking side-eye at something, and then it gets off with the good eye, since it can't move to the extreme angles.

I'll tell you though, even though my left was legally blind almost sine birth, once I had it removed, I never realized how much sight I had until it was gone. Crowded plaes suck for me now - grocery stores, airports, stadiums and other venues with lots of people I don't know what's on my left, and I've had more than my share of "Excuse Me" 's for bumping into someone that I just plain didn't.

Once, a month or two after getting my prostheses installed, the socket was still "settling in", and the fake eye was getting loose. I was walking in the mall, and a bug or dust flew right into the corner of the left eye, and I went to wipe it, which caused the thing to fall out. It hit that hard mall floor and (no, it didn't shatter), BOUNCED LIKE A FUCKING SUPERBALL!!! BOING! BOING! BOING! SO, here is a grown ass man chasing after this bouncing thing screaming "My Eye! My Eye!" Finally caught up to it, looked around, and there is a young girl (maybe 5 or 6?) with her Mom, and they are just staring. That poor kid HAD to have gone home and asked Mommy, "Will MY eye fall out, too?" Poor kid is scarred for life. Your welcome, therapists. Enjoy that new Benz on me.,

cynicaloldfart ago

Thank you for sharing both stories. Reading all of that was a roller coaster of emotions. I'm glad you've adjusted so well to your life, many wouldn't have. You've found the secrets - humour and music.

cyclops1771 ago

You've found the secrets - humour and music.

You forgot beer. Sweet glorious beer. (In your best Homer Simpson impersonation.)

Yeah, this sub is a nice break from everything else in my life - work, travel, work again, all that shit I need to do around the house that I'll get to, I swear honey!

Speaking of, so I painted houses on the weekends and late afternoons while working way through college, so when I needed to get the house painted and I was quoted over $3k by two separate companies, I said F that. I can do this myself. So, $400 in paint and supplies, and $350 for a 28' ladder later, I'm scraping and caulking all day Saturday. Standing on the ladder, reaching over, stretching, etc. All my weight being balanced and held in place by my shin muscles (whatever they are called).

I was fine yesterday. Mowed lawn, smoked a brisket, swam in pool with (not of) beer and tequila - normal Sunday activities.

I can barely walk today. Every step is like fire in that whatever muscle - both legs. Oh god, why did I think I could do this still? And I only scraped and caulked about half the house. I still have the back to do, and then I get to paint it all.

cynicaloldfart ago

Thanks for that. I've been there, strangeley, for the exact same activity (in my younger years). Now it takes much less, as I've gotten really good at being retired. (Read re tired!). At least after all that life has handed you already, you're out there taking care of business (and family?). Kuddo's, Sir.

cyclops1771 ago

Well, if nothing else, I now have a 28' ladder. But I did learn to pace myself. 8 hours up and down a ladder is NOT an activity that I can do anymore. Maybe 3-4 hours. Over a weekend!

I just work too hard for my money to throw away $2500 of it for something I know how to do. I can;t pay someone to mow my lawn, but god I wish I could do it, because I hate lawn work more than anything. But, it's part of owning property, and you just do it.

The funny thing is, I have always been like this (in my mind, at least. I'm sure my dad has a different opinion!) I had a job on my 16th birthday. Before that I ran a paper route after afternoon starting in 6th grade.

I see the grandkids not do anything. (Teenagers.) I just don't get it. they ask, "Why do you weed the yard?" Because it looks better that way. Besides, who else is going to do it? "Why don't you hire Mexicans to do it?" (Live in Texas - it's ubiquitous - the Mexican lawn worker.) Why would I work just to make money to pay someone else to take care of my own property? The attitude AGAINST work is just anathema to me. I don't get it. I can;t wait until I am retired. Jealous, my friend!

cynicaloldfart ago

I probably complain more than I should. It's just I have always had to be busy most of the day. Now, I have a few responsibilities I address each day, but I'm so used to being driven by jobs and kids, I haven't yet learned to force myself to stay as active as I should. I may never achieve that,either. The longer I sits and thinks, the longer I just sits. I do have my music site to keep me interested, and it takes a lot more time each day than it would appear. There are days when the kids need stuff I can help with, but I try to give them space. Some have youngsters, all have jobs, and I made a commitment to not be in the way. Despite my parental skills, they all turned out educated and well-rounded people.

2 of my g-kids are pre-teen, 1 is just newly married, and 1 is working at a managerial level with a major national company. In his spare time he has a snake farm (boa's) which is doing well. But I do see the attitudes you described. While I am pretty cynical, I really want to believe our society is waking up and will return to a work ethic. I refuse to give up hope, as the future for all my kids is on the line. History has many examples of young people going through their time appearing all is lost, but things somehow always find a way of working out.

I didn't live an exemplary life in all regards, but I am at peace now with my past. I know I have earned some of this time of my life. I intend to make the best of it and enjoy what will come.

Of all he songs that mean a lot now, I listen to this one frequently. While it doesn't entirely reflect me, some of it does and I take other parts as a warning. Hard to believe he wrote that when he was 16, immense amount of wisdom for one so young.

cyclops1771 ago

Wow, that one is one his best.

I always get it when this one comes up - and just think it is such a multi-geneerational song - it hits grandfather, father and son all with equal weight and meaning.

Both are kind of the look back, what did my life mean? sentimentality.

IF they live close, you're being around to help, etc. ins't a hindrance or getting in their way or being in their space. The times with my great grandfather were so special that he is my personal hero. Here's a story about how much you mean as a G-dad.

My wife's bio-dad died recently. He ran out on Mom and the kids when wife was ~2 years old. Refused to speak or acknowledge them. When wife was 18, she reached out to her "dad", he treated her like shit, told her to go away, find someone who wants to be her dad, because he doesn't" - anything to make her go away, because he had a new family and he kept it a secret that he had a previous marriage and previous kids. (another day, I'll tell you how that story unraveled!).

Anyways (I'm a terrible rambler, so you need to kick me back on track now and then. Since you didn't, it's therefore your fault, and you offend me! SHUN!

See? That's twice you failed me. Where was I going with this?

SO, back to the story. So, Daughter lives in same town as dead old dad. Read the paper's obits. Lists his two kids with wife #2, just said "Survived by [WIFE} and [WIFE SISTER} and their kids and grandkids." Wife said, Well, he denied my for my whole life, why would he not in his death." She was past it. Really.

But, the daughter was not so pleased. Mind you, daughter had never met dead old dad before outside of toddler-hood, when she tried to introduce her to him. She was ranting. That SOB this, that MFCSFFAH that. Why bother? Just right fuck off and leave us the fuck out of it. Never seen her so incensed.

And then it hit me. This asshole had denied not just his own daughter, but his granddaughter his entire life. They were non-entities to him. They didn't even matter enough to just say their names once. And, even though he had no role or part of her life, IT STILL MATTERED. All she asked for was a single mention, once time. Imagine what that would have done for her.

And then imagine what dinner once a week, and an afternoon ballgame would do once a month for those grandkids. Forget the kids, they already dealt with you for 18+ years!

TheBuddha ago

I used to have a buddy we called "Hootie the One Eyed Wonderfuck."

First, he hooted - like an owl.

Second, he had a fake eye.

Third, he somehow got laid - all the time.

Playing softball, he got hit in the back of the head with the softball. Out popped his eyeball and we went on a merry hunt for it.

I am so gonna figure out how to turn this into an article. Trust me, I'm a doctor!

cyclops1771 ago

Well, good luck with that! I need to meet this Hootie guy. Us one-eyes got to stick together.

TheBuddha ago

I typed out like 1,000 words to respond to that.

I realized it'd take about another 1,000.

It was a long weekend. I'm stoned. I'll do it - but I also don't want to be seen as a 'story topper.'

These threads aren't about me.

I have a big audience. I have tons of audiences.

It's about giving you an audience, and that includes more than just for your work with, or interest in, music and musicianship.

I am pretty stoned. I'll type you a story if you want. It'll even be true!

See, Hootie is probably long-since departed, shuffled off this mortal coil - perhaps with great defiance on the way out. He was quite a character. I've had a pretty transient life, and it's been rather successful - but only because I've largely had fortunate results from a series of bad choices.

Hootie was just a non-player character, along a rather absurd trail that's been weird.

So, I'm pretty sure he's dead. He'd have to be like 75 years old and there's one thing about him that I suspect to be true - and that is that he wasn't long for the world and it was a miracle he'd survived as long as he had. He was just a series of bad choices.

LOL Want a story?

cyclops1771 ago

Love a good story - it's not about "topping", it's about sharing. And if you don't share a Hootie the One Eyed Wonderfuck story, (and especially if Hootie has checked out) than Hootie truly dies. Each time a Hootie story is told, he becomes a little bit more immortal.

Take your time, I'm in California this week (again!) so I'm only on late at night in your neck of the woods. This whole "It's legal in California" thing is interesting, to say the least. It's a bit pricey, but it's still interesting. So I won't see anything until about 11:30PM - midnight EDT.

TheBuddha ago

LOL Maine has legal weed and has for a long time. Maine decriminalized before California and actually, technically, voted it for medical use first - though I'm told the legislation found a way to fuck the citizens out of it, so they had another referendum and the residents made 'em.

I'm an import, and not from Maine. I retired here.

It's now too late to type said story - but you're so gonna get one.

cyclops1771 ago

Sure wish Texas had it during that whole your eye is trying to kill you episode.

And I figured out why they prescribe it for glaucoma. IT has nothing to do with the eye pressure - the pills they give you to fuck with the eye pressure make you hate eating. Every bite you swallow, your stomach sort of rejects it, sending it back up, but only about halfway. You feel like a cow chewing its cud. My parents took me to my favorite breakfast place for their pecan (it's PEE-cahn, you heathens) pancakes and biscuits with homemade blackberry preserves like my great grandfather used to make us as kids. (He is the greatest man I have ever known. I've talked about him before on here. So, he's pretty much my hero, and going to this place reminds me of him, so I kind of like going there!)

Anyways, I'd take a bite, chew, swallow, and wait. Start salivating, ACK, like a hiccup, but the food you just swallowed, hit your stomach acids, and pulled a mini Eyjafallajokull. Swallow that back down, UCK. OK ,take another bite to cover the taste! Uh, oh, it's graduated to a Vesuvius! No worries, sip of water. That will fix it. OK, ready for another bite. Swallow, oh, that tastes so good! NomNom! Oh oh. Oh, I'm FUKT! It's gone full Krakatoa! 3 full bites, plus stomach juice, and you got to re-swallow it again. And now you;re done eating for the day. But, you smoke some green, it makes the reaction a little suppressed, and the flavor of the food is so much more enticing, you'll fight through the bad stuff and actually get some nutrition, otherwise you;d be Tom Hanks in Philadelphia.

TheBuddha ago

That has to suck. I can't say I relate.

cyclops1771 ago

Something something, "training class in Colorado" yadda yadda.

TheBuddha ago

LOL It's midnight and I'm still working. It's after midnight.

Don't ever retire. It's way more work than just working a real job - either that or I fucking suck at being retired.

I'm prepping a music history series, for a different site.

A few more tokes from my Bowl of Magic Inspiration and I'll be teaching people about what a guitar riff really is - and it's not what many people think of when they think of a riff.

Well, we're going to (series of articles) track the historical changes that mark the riff, specifically the guitar riff, as it moved through the birth years of rock and roll - and I'll take it up to probably about rock's teen years.

That's what I'm working on.

I fucking suck at being retired. Just a few minutes ago, I'd prepared to settle down and even moved to a different room. It has been a long, long day!

cyclops1771 ago

Kind of like the "History of the guitar chordophone" one on the PlayGuitar blog?

Or a continuation of that one?

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, kinda like it - but not a continuation.

No, those articles come and go as they please. There's a bunch of 'em. They aren't very good - but there are a lot.

People seem to like them. People seem to like my writing. So, I write them.

I'm not actually a writer. I suck at writing.

People somehow like it. They have no taste. None.

cyclops1771 ago

Nah, people like to hear opinions. Bot positive and negative. Just state a claim, and then react to that. Being creative in a vacuum is hard! But reacting to something is easier. Something else starts off the thinking process.

Everyone sucks at writing. I suck at writing, but my groups scribe for all love my writings. It is not good writing, but it is ENTERTAINING writing, Who cares if it is GOOD, as long as it is entertaining!!!

TheBuddha ago

LOL I mostly try to inform and educate, while trying to be mildly amusing.

I'm told I'm frequently successful at it.

To elaborate, I'm actually good at writing. I've got writing figured out! Sure, my grammar and whatnot can use some work - but, I got writing figured out!

My problem is stopping. I'll happily meander off into whole other subjects, only tangentially related - sometimes having forgotten the first topic. Then, I just keep adding words. Lots and lots of words.

In pretty much 4 months, I wrote over 200,000 words - just for the site. Yup... 5 novels worth of words, according to Wikipedia.

chuckletrousers ago

He said he's NOT EVEN JOKING! Turn your volume down.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, that needs some elaboration.

I can't just leave that alone. I must know.

chuckletrousers ago

He was cross-eyed so they fixed it by giving him a Red Ryder BB gun for xmas. Try to keep up here.

TheBuddha ago

I admit, I was drinking and I am drinking. I have no memory of such a post!

chuckletrousers ago

I haven't had a beer in two days and just smoked my last cigarette an hour ago. How about sharing some of that?

TheBuddha ago

It's a bit of a drive - 'cause I'm not coming to you!

The missus smokes Camels and I smoke cigars. As I'm already drinking (no sleep), I'll be drinking until I sleep!

Hurry up! If you stop at the store, grab a case or two! I'll even pay you back for it! I only picked up a six pack, 'cause I figure I'll move to something heavier.

chuckletrousers ago

If you stop at the store, grab a case or two!

No stores open, not even the one store with power since 9:20 last night

TheBuddha ago

You're supposed to drive here.

I'm in no shape to drive.

chuckletrousers ago

I didn't have cell service for a day or two. Some convenience stores have had power for 48 hours now but they don't open for business. My roomie has nagged me into wasting all my gas because he "just knows" this store or that store is open, so I'm going to wait until I know damn good and well a nearby store is up and running. He's hating me now but a little self sacrafice would do him a world of good.

TheBuddha ago

Nice. Well, soon enough you will (hopefully) be back to normal.

I hope you at least have an acoustic guitar to keep you company.

chuckletrousers ago

I hope you at least have an acoustic guitar to keep you company.

Nah. This electric was way too quiet to play acoustically over the roar of the wind, and after the wind abated the guitar neck felt nasty and greasy because of the humidity. I couldn't even go back and smoke the butts out of the ashtray because they turned damp, brown and soggy and they weren't even under the leak caused by the tree down on the roof!

But now the powers back on, trying to dry out, waited 6 hours to see if the desktop computer, microwave oven and roomies oxygen machine would work in drier air but no.

TheBuddha ago

LOL You smoke around an 'oxygen machine' of some type?

Your impending doom is gonna be spectacular!

I have a pretty early memory of playing guitar in a hurricane - at the top of a hill and pretty far from the coast, but still within the wind and rain area of the storm. The eye even passed directly overhead.

We were wasted, including spending the peak of the storm on acid, and the amp I had was a Pignose - and that's held a dear place in my heart ever since. I think that might have been in like 1972, maybe later.

We were in an old camp, atop a mountain, and I'd later get a better understanding of the reasons for it.

The pressure differences between the atmosphere inside the house and outside were so different, that I touched a single pane window and the glass blew straight out.

I could only get one more to break and I assume that was 'cause the pressure had equalized enough.

I'm not even terribly sorry for breaking the windows. We replaced 'em!

I don't remember much in the way of humidity issues - and the cabin didn't have any electricity to begin with.

Figured I'd share that with ya.

chuckletrousers ago

You smoke around an 'oxygen machine' of some type?

He says he caught his beard on fire one time when he had the cigarette in his mouth when lighting it.

TheBuddha ago

Well, at least your impending doom will make the nightly news.

chuckletrousers ago

Nah. You think we're pillars of the community or something?

TheBuddha ago

Nope. Just the opposite.

I expect it to be spectacular.

chuckletrousers ago

OBOYOBOYOBYO! A store opened and i have smokes, beer and gas now!

TheBuddha ago


And... Now that I think of it, you didn't stock up on smokes?

chuckletrousers ago

What, before the storm hit? I went out Wednesday to stock up when the storm wasn't due to hit until another 30 hours had passed, but everything was already shut down even though it was only 25% cloudy or so. I guess it's the habitual cheapness of living hand to mouth most of the time that I put it off so long, hoping it'd turn early.

TheBuddha ago

Yes, before the storm, and that makes more sense now.

TheBuddha ago

First suggestion:

Your phone has a microphone and there are free tuner applications for it. Martin makes a wonderful tuner that is both free and doesn't spy on you. I believe it's available for every major phone OS.

Second, you seem to have a good sense of timing, but you don't start off with it. My hunch would be that you started playing and recording intending to share and that had some impact on your confidence - as that's what really seems to improve towards the end.

It's not a competition. (That's my second tip.)

We all sucked, even worse than your example. Like, well and truly sucked - and some of us are old enough that tuners weren't readily available. I kinda pity the people I forced and conned into listening to me.

Lighten up on yourself. The only way to get good is by putting your hours in and, if you're putting in as few hours as you say, you're coming along nicely.

Final tip:

Take your guitar with you. It'll open many doors, expose you to many people, and will give you the chance to play anywhere. That's one of the great things about an acoustic - you can chuck it on your back and don't have to lug heavy shit with you!

Thanks for sharing and please don't let this be the only time!

cyclops1771 ago

LOL, yeah, I have an electronic tuner, but that thing gets out of tune so fast, I have to retune every 10-15 minutes or so. Also, the frets between 2nd and 3rd, and 3rd and 4th are so worn down that even holding it down right still results in a twang. Focusing on shape and form at the moment, getting a bit of hesitation still when changing. I assume that is just practice and confidence.

Good hunch - I was the bass player of the orchestra in grade and high school (tuba guy). Of course, playing more than one or two notes per measure is WEIRD. Pretty sure only did it 1-2 times in my life (Anchors Aweigh or something). But, I was trying to count, hit the notes, think what is next, nervous, etc. so kind of jacked it.

I have thought about it taking with, but I fly. My BIL who encouraged me suggested one of those 3/4th size ones so I can throw into the overhead bin.

Edit: thanks for the suggestions!

TheBuddha ago

Are you aware that you can get a brand new acoustic guitar that's actually very, very playable and not a whole lot of money?

If you're interested in fixing it - going out of tune rapidly would mean my first stop to investigate would be somewhere in the tuning heads - lose pegs, worn gears, etc...

It could be other things - from the nut to the pegs in the bridge. As it's losing its tune, it makes me think (conclude, really) that there's motion in the system that shouldn't be there. The first suspect would be in the tuning mechanism itself.

cyclops1771 ago

Yeah, I'm a cheap mofo. I need to pick up a real instrument, was going to wait until the new year, but was thinking about hitting a local music shop where I travel to, and get one there, and leave it there in the work trailer, so I'd have it an extra 3 nights a week.

I don't think there is much worth in restoring it, as it needs new frets, too.

TheBuddha ago

It's a 70s Sigma.

I'm not even gonna pretend that it's worth restoring, UNLESS you have sentimental value attached to it.

New guitars are really, really inexpensive these days. They've come a long ways and make some brilliant guitars that aren't expensive.

cyclops1771 ago

It's a 70s Sigma.

Exactly. No sentimental value, it was a garage sale pickup just to see if I would stick with it long enough to actually get a real one.

I believe you mentioned Yamaha as a nice (cheap) starter instrument before in one of your ramblings super interesting blog posts?

TheBuddha ago

Absolutely. Yamaha - any model acoustic that you are comfortable affording.

I don't even need to know the model number. I'm that comfortable saying yes.

MrHarryReems ago

I'd have no qualms about hopping up on a stage with a low end Yamaha FG series guitar. It's usually what I recommend to my students. You can get an FG800 with a hard shell case for about $240.

cyclops1771 ago

Thanks, y;all, ordered! Might even be here before I fly out Monday!

MrHarryReems ago

Excellent! May it give you many years of enjoyment!

cyclops1771 ago

Now, to figure out how to string it!

Any tricks or tips?

crazy_eyes ago

get yourself one of those stringwinder tools

MrHarryReems ago

It should come with a set of strings on it. Stringing guitars isn't difficult, just time consuming.

TheBuddha ago

I can't think of a single Yamaha that I've ever played that wasn't worth the asking price.

I'm pretty sure that's a compliment.

alex_crow ago

Hey everyone, it's been a few weeks since I've last posted. Here's a little tune I came up with a few weeks ago. Like all the others I've posted, it's pretty rough. I should start using a metronome or click-track when I play, but it's whatever. Also, the djent-y portions of the song sound better when tuned lower to something like C or B#, instead of standard E, but I think you'll get the picture. Hope you enjoy:

poptical-illusionist ago

Great playing and creativity! It has a raw sound to it, but depending on the song, I like it that way. I like it on the edge, but still under control, I only want the feedback when I make it happen. I'll be looking forward to, and going back for, some more your stuff!

alex_crow ago

Hey, thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoyed it. The raw sound isn't entirely on purpose - I just suck at mixing/mastering and all that audio engineering stuff, and don't really have an interest in learning how to do it properly. Hopefully though, someday I'll find a way to get proper recordings down with a full band.

poptical-illusionist ago

Yeah, that was great stuff! I'm going to get back to some of the older stuff people have posted, just to get familiar with their material. Sunday I stay pretty busy screening music for the radio station, so maybe tomorrow.

alex_crow ago

Their stuff? Whose stuff?

poptical-illusionist ago

Just any regular contributors to the Friday Night Guitar thread. It will be helpful to get familiar with what they have posted in the past threads. I have probably missed out on hearing some good music, coming in late. :)

Romanium ago

This is awesome!

alex_crow ago

Hey, thank you very much. Much appreciated.

Nadeshda ago

Very cool to listen to man... May I share it with my gun sub v/TheGunClub?

We play all gun related music and the Gunfight at the Grand Hotel ticks all the boxes :D

alex_crow ago

Sure, have at it.

Nadeshda ago

Righty yo :)

cyclops1771 ago

That was killer! I listened to it 2x in a row!

alex_crow ago

Glad you liked me my dude.

Camels-n-Miller ago

You have some talent I can't replicate. I'm not nearly as technically capable. Great work, and I love the track! I can hear in my head some major harmonized guitar backing tracks kind of like Dream Theater.

alex_crow ago

Thank you for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

crazy_eyes ago

This sounds really fucking cool man. Nice riffs!

TheBuddha ago

It kinda has an early Ministry feel to it. I think it has room for a pretty bitchin' lead over parts of it. Are you going to drop a second guitar over it or do you plan on playing it with someone?

poptical-illusionist ago

Ah, yeah. Looks like I have some of their stuff I've been screening for the radio, although I'm not familiar enough with it yet to use it as a comparison. I like their style. It's not the same worn out metal riffin'.

TheBuddha ago

I used to cover them, back in the late 80s and early 90s.

alex_crow ago

I'm not familiar with MInistry, but I'll probably check them out soon. I reckon I'll play with a lead guitarist at some point while I do rhythm and vocals.

TheBuddha ago

I highly recommend Ministry - Thieves.

MrHarryReems ago


A week of lifting heavy stuff on the mainland gave a late start on this week's track. I just finished tracking the bass part a few minutes ago, and I still have a bit more flute melody to track, as well as all of the harmonies left to do... That means you get it next week. :)

So, I'll drop a repeat this week with an added twist: We've been working on a music video for this one, and it's now released, so you can have the video.

poptical-illusionist ago

Great quality on the sound, song writing, and video shoot/production! It's much different than what I had been exposed to previously, yet quite enjoyable.

MrHarryReems ago

Thank you very much! We've been working on our video production. It's a long road!

guitarchump ago

The flute sounds great!

MrHarryReems ago

Thank you!

Nadeshda ago

That is so good to watch and listen to! Your music is always so calming and relaxing... like having a nice relaxing bath... lol... I am possibly just tired here... :)

cynicaloldfart ago

Just you being here makes the whole thread so much more...warm and fuzzy.

Nadeshda ago

Ah that is adorable to hear, my brain feels a bit warm and fuzzy, maybe that’s why. :)

Sorry I brought no singing, it’s been one of those weeks but it’s okay though I enjoy you all and realise often what it all means to me so there is that.

Erm... what was I saying? Lol...

MrHarryReems ago

Thank you @Nadeshda! As always, you are very kind!

Nadeshda ago

No u! :p

NoTrueScotsman ago

I love it! Cool video, featuring a bottle of Lagavulin hahaha

crazy_eyes ago

Welcome back Mr Harry! I remember hearing this one before. Great video, I don't know how you did that, very interesting. Great song!

MrHarryReems ago

Thanky sir! Most of it was filmed on location at Scully's Pub, where I do my weekly session.

crazy_eyes ago

That's what I was assuming, that's the musical group at the pub in the video with you isnt it?

MrHarryReems ago

That's actually all friends and students at the pub. I do, however, play quite a bit with the lovely young lady on the bodhran. She came with us to Ireland.

crazy_eyes ago

Thats awesome that you included your students in the video. It sure looks like they had a great time with it.

TheBuddha ago

I like it! There's some pretty awesome hats in that video.

MrHarryReems ago

Haha! Thanks! The lass in the green hat made and felted that one herself. She's a crafty one.

TheBuddha ago

Hmm... When I get to it, this thread's pretty busy, I have a question or two for you AND I have an awesome magic green hat to share a picture of (if I can find either a picture or the hat).

It's more magical than my nipple! It's an alpaca wool hat that's felted. It's pretty damned sweet!

My question!

When you hear "cuts" or "strikes" - with regards SPECIFICALLY to Celtic fiddle, what does that mean to you?

MrHarryReems ago

Generally, I believe that would be where the bow is lifted from the string and the strings are then hit with the bow to make a chunky stacatto sort of note. I'll see if I can find an example and post it up.

TheBuddha ago

I saw them and I had no idea what they were referring to. I was like, "I know just the guy to ask!"

I've had that cut/pasted since like Tuesday!

MrHarryReems ago

It gets interesting because classical violinists will also refer to any bowing or even pizzicato technique as a cut or strike... There is actually one where you strike the strings with the bow that I frequently see in Celtic music.

TheBuddha ago

I don't actually have the foggiest what they're on about. I encountered it while I was debating an article about harmonics and fundamentals, as well as blue notes.

apatt ago

Here's my shitty version of lonely people by America

Nadeshda ago

This was good whatever are you on about? Lol, thoroughly enjoyed, gee so excited about you sharing... very nice indeed!

Camels-n-Miller ago

I'm sorry I can't get it to play :(

guitarchump ago

Great rhythm and feel man!

crazy_eyes ago

If thats shitty I would really like to hear a good version, sounds great to me

NoTrueScotsman ago

Nice! I agree that the vocals could be a bit louder.

cynicaloldfart ago

Very nice. Assuming you didn't mix this down ona console, is the stereo panning from you just moving your guitar away from the recording device/phone? Whether accidentally or on purpose, it gave a nice effect. Please become a regular here, would love to hear more.

apatt ago

I only have one mic (Blue Yeti) so guitar and vocals were just one track. As far as the panning I'm not sure. The pattern on my mic is set to stereo and while recording I was standing where the guitar was closer than my head so that's why the vocals are quiet. Plus I had to compress the file to 11025Hz to get it under 15mb (if you know a way to decrease the file size without a huge drop in quality plz let me know). I'm a novice at audio editing and haven't done my homework on EQ and compression. The effect I think you're talking about may just be some unintentional extra notes that get thrown in because I'm fingerpicking. And thank you for the feedback I will certainly try to get some recordings. I've got more polished stuff I'd like to post here but I'd to figure out how to make it sound good with my 1 mic and Audacity first.

cynicaloldfart ago

See the reply to my comment.

cynicaloldfart ago

For expertise with recording, I'm going to page @MrHarryReems for that. He has a vast wealth of knowledge on that very subject.

MrHarryReems ago

I did a couple of articles that should get you started at Start from the bottom up. I'll be continuing that series shortly. I have a plan to work through the process over a few weeks and see if I can get folks to do the exercises and post up what they've done.

Nadeshda ago

This sounds like an excellent idea!

TheBuddha ago

Don't be so hard on yourself and welcome to the best kept secret on Voat (of course, I'm kinda biased).

What kinda guitar is that?

We like new people!

apatt ago

Fender DG-60, got it free as a promotion with my Tele from guitar center a few years ago. Turns out the free one is my guitar of choice, been my daily driver for a few years now. What kind of guitars are you into?

TheBuddha ago


You like a Fender acoustic?

Also, it's a long story. It's a very long story.

I did pretty well in life and, as such, I sold my business and retired when I was just 49. I played music as a source of income, both as a studio musician and as a live performer - often doing short-term gigs where I'd either help a band get started, help them into the studio, or help them keep playing while they found a guitarist who could be their regular guitarist.

That's most of my musical career and, no... No, I was never very famous.

But, it became a habit and I kept doing it - even after I'd graduated from college and started my business. I did it long after I didn't need the money.

Technically, I'm a classical guitarist by training - but nobody throws horns or screams out for Fúr Elise. So, I played a variety of genres - but pretty much everything but classical music.

My thing is 'faithful replication.' When you hear my guitar tracks, they should sound very close to what you'd hear from the studio as done by the original recording artist.

That's my "art." I really enjoy it.

As such, I have many guitars. I have different tools for different jobs.

It was after retirement that I went full straight-up retarded.

I decided I was going to start a guitar collection - above and beyond what I have now. I sometimes post pics.

I'm the owner of and I post a ton of shit there - none of it very good, but you get what you get!


I told you this was long!

I now have an obscene number of guitars and a huge variety of equipment. I have more guitars (and maybe more amp and amp heads - and probably more pedals) than your local music store.

I have my own studio in my house. It's pretty sweet! If you're ever in Maine, and you're a good person, you can drop by and record something with me! You won't be the first person from Voat to visit me. You won't even be close to the first person from the Internet to come visit me! (It's how I support my kidney harvesting operation!)

But, I have tons of guitars. I have more in storage and I have a triple digit number of guitars in my home.

My favorite acoustic guitar is the Martin D-28.

My favorite electric guitar is the Gibson Les Paul (probably a Standard, but it depends on the year).

I can go on! I try to not hog the space or to be the center of attention.

I'm no longer retired and I get plenty of attention - as I've returned to the stage.

This thread is about you, more than it is about me. It's about giving you an audience, a place to share, and a place to talk about music - not just guitar. We actually all know each other, at least online, so we do digress into personal subjects.

Stick it out and you'll get to know us and you'll fit right in. We're pretty welcoming.

But, really? A Fender acoustic? Eww!

I love me some Fender guitars - I've never met a Fender acoustic that I liked - and I've played many of them! But, to each their own - though I may give you shit about it.

To me, the Fender acoustics are about as bad as the Martin electrics. It's just a horrible idea and doesn't work out very well. There are some models that are better than other models, but it's not really worth my time to find them amidst all the garbage they slap a Fender name on.

I do love their electric guitars - even though Leo Fender is directly responsible for the whole "tremolo" fiasco. That is entirely his fault.

apatt ago

I understand where you're coming from with the Fender acoustics based on guitars 2 of my friends have that are almost identical to mine except for one's a slightly different finish and one is a more expensive American made model. For some reason I don't like either one of them.

I only like MY Fender acoustic. I've played it for so long now that it's just what I like to play, can't explain it. The neck fits in my hand like it was custom made for me and has smooth action but not too smooth and the strings are spaced apart just right and it's my Preciousssss.

But I did want to ask you why Martin is your favorite acoustic? I hear the pros say that all the time and from what I just read you seem to know your guitars. But when I go into a guitar store and play around with a few models it always seems to me the Taylors play and sound the best. Those or Takamine. The guy I took guitar lessons from for a few years had an amazing sounding Takamine that I wouldn't mind having. The only reason I haven't gotten one yet is because the ones I want are a bit too pricy. But eventually I'll step up to something like that.

And on electrics. I don't like my Tele. But don't tell her that. Too small for my hands and I'm not a giant I'm 5'11. I just keep it in the case because I know I'm gonna trade it eventually. I got the Tele because at the time I thought I wanted to do country and some melodic John Mayer type stuff but turns out on an electric I just want to crank up the fuzz and the overdrive and rock out. What electrics have the most meat on their bones?

MrHarryReems ago

Everyone has their thing... Personally, I've never played a Martin that struck a chord with me... (see what I did there?!?) I do love my Taylors, and my Larrivee sees a lot of stages. Ultimately, it's what works best for you. Guitar choices are fairly personal things. As long as you enjoy playing it and it gives you a sound that you like... Also that it's not such a POS that it's hard to play and impedes your progress... Really, it's about finding the one that fits you.

TheBuddha ago

You don't buy a Martin because it sounds good today. You buy a Martin because it will also sound just as good (and maybe better) in 20 years.

I love the rich tones that a D-28 gives me. I love the style. I love the feel of the neck. I love the booming volume that's available. I love how it can be played delicately - and still convey the warmth. I love the endless bass that it just projects into a room.

For an electric, I love the Les Paul models. Even the lower-end Epihones are very playable. I love the bite and growl. I love that they have such versatility in tone. I love that I can roll my signal in the dirt and come out on the other end with a sound that's just going to grab you by the back of the neck and smash your face into the pavement - or I can be very intimate with it and do long and lonely ballads.

With an electric, it's possible to get many similar sounds from many different models, but the versatility of the GLP is my favorite affordable electric guitar. They're able to take a lot of abuse, they hold up to stage abuses well, and they really keep their nature intact, for a lot of years - even with hard, hard playing.

(I'm also a huge fan of some of the PRS stuff, specifically out of their Private Stock lineup, but those aren't really affordable to most people and they're not something I subject to stage abuses.)

MrHarryReems ago

First thing I noticed was the bright sound of the acoustic. Me digs. The vox could come up a bit.. You sing well, love to hear more!!

Nadeshda ago

Good evening all! Still wrapping up stuff hoping to join y’all later. Hope you are all well? :)

TheBuddha ago

I can only vouch for here and we are all well here. Tired, but well.

Nadeshda ago

PS: EDIT good stamp if approval on Sweetwater, I pretty much think the same too. Going to a proper guitar store tomorrow though to see if I can get some deals just like you said though...

TheBuddha ago

Print out your PDF and bring it in to 'em! That may help.

Nadeshda ago

Yip me so tired too, got 1 hr sleep last night... woot still kicking, I think, hehe. :p

TheBuddha ago

Excellent! Tired usually means you were productive!

I hope things settle down for you and that you're able to join us soon!

Nadeshda ago

bbl, don’t break nothing while I am gone :)

TheBuddha ago


I can't promise anything, actually? I mean, I can try not to.

TheBuddha ago

Important Notice

Ol' @PuttItOut is gonna be doing some work around here and the site will have some downtime.

I approached him and asked when this was going to be, and he assures me that we have tonight (and into tomorrow) to hold our thread. I asked specifically about the hours of 20:00 to 02:00.

So, we may not have much access tomorrow or on Sunday, but we have tonight.

Thanks Putt!

Finally, I will not be here tomorrow (gig), so it won't matter to me if it's down! Ha!

But, the thread is open as long as it is stickied - which means it's open until the following Friday.

poptical-illusionist ago

Well damn, I was hoping to do my listening tomorrow. I liked the stuff I heard and read last week, so I decided Saturday fit my schedule. An Introduction then: I run a one person Internet radio where I wrap up most my "work" on Fridays. I have no old material and I'm disabled, so I probably won't get any new material recorded either.

What I do have is over 35 years of musical experience, playing various genres in bands that have performed in different types of venues. I have recorded demos in some nice studios and have set up the old 4-track among a few friends at home also. I played bass, rhythm, and lead guitar and had some regional success and made some money. I had a few beginning - intermediate students over the years because I love music and sharing the fun.

So I'll be back tomorrow or the next day I'm able to log on to the main site!

Camels-n-Miller ago

Thanks for coming and listening. Any thoughts you have on my stuff is appreciated!

crazy_eyes ago

hello and welcome to our thing. I'm glad you found us, the more the merrier around here. I look forward to hearing what you like or dont, hope you can make it back every week

MrHarryReems ago

Glad to have you! We're here every Friday night!

TheBuddha ago

Welcome and we aren't picky - you can share anything you want! I'm not even kidding!

You can bang on pots and pans with wooden spoons - and I'm positive people will listen. I think we'd actually be pretty pleased with ourselves if we ever convinced someone to do this!

So long as it's passionate and you're having fun, we don't have high standards. Which is to say, we'd love to hear you - in any capacity.

You're also damned welcome to just chill, comment, ask questions, answer questions, or call @crazy_eyes random names! (I might be on my fourth glass of wine.)

What do you think of the various recordings from the goats?

poptical-illusionist ago

I haven't heard any recordings from today, but I loved the ones I listened to last Friday. To me it's inspiring when I listen to others play. Maybe one day I'll slap new strings on the Fender acoustic and repossess the Ibenez electric from the son.

Until then I'll be around to lend an ear and some words.

TheBuddha ago

All of those offered things are very welcome.

Strangely, I'm gonna just go on a hunch and ping @cynicaloldfart to this sub-thread and also point you in the direction of - which seems like it might actually be something you're interested in. It's a bit of a project we've been working on for a while. Caution, it's a bit addictive.

cynicaloldfart ago

@poptical-illusionist, Oh yeah, please stop by. Read the "About This Project" page and if it rings a bell with you, we welcome and encourage guest articles. You can register there and submit, or get them to either of us here. Welcome, and "Ya'all come back now, hear?"

poptical-illusionist ago

Sounds good. I book marked it so I can check it out tomorrow, as I'm restricted to the mobile now. The meds will knock me out shortly and sleeping at the computer is highly frowned upon here.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, it seems like something he may be interested in! I was like, "Huh. I'll let cynical know and also give 'em the URL."

TheBuddha ago

Once again, it's time for the weekly guitar thread - as brought to you by the musicians of Voat! Everyone put your hands together and give them a welcoming round of the clap!

On a more serious note, and like always, I'll go ahead and get you started.

For those that don't recall last week's thread, EH decided she was going to push her limits and play something even more difficult this week. As we picked a song, I knew that she'd pushed the envelope on what she'd be able to play for you with just a week to learn it.

I knew that there was no reasonable amount of time that would afford her the chance to learn this song. For example, she still has trouble getting harmonics to ring true and to be of consistent volumes. This also has some pretty good jumps up the fingerboard and the patterns change drastically during that movement.

I was correct.

She spent an unreasonable amount of time learning this song.

And, I do mean unreasonable. I'm not kidding - entirely unreasonable. (Which makes me exceedingly happy and kinda unreasonably proud!)

Importantly, you'll get to hear her new guitar! Her new guitar is a lovely Gibson Les Paul Standard, in cherry sunburst. She's very, very happy with her new guitar and is very excited. If I don't mention it, she'll bug me until I do. It's what she does. I know, I told you all about it last week. She's insisting I tell you about it again. She also wants me to tell you that it's beautiful and (her exact words) "gets crunky when I tell it to." (I'm not actually sure what that means?)

This really, really pushed the envelope and this took a very, very significant amount of work.

Sadly, she's not yet reached the point where I can lay down a track and she can play something atop it. She's getting there, but she still needs to see what's going on and still needs me to add the visual cues.

Which means I've played this song so many, many times... I ain't even keeping count - but it was many.

This required many takes and she's still learning to play through her bigger mistakes. She's worried that other people will notice them and it will (quite probably) be a while longer before she gets comfortable enough to play through her mistakes. That's one of the ways I describe myself. "I'm a professional because I play through my mistakes."

We all make mistakes and this has some, but there aren't many and they're pretty minor. I doubt that anyone will really notice them.

She also insists on production credit. Her quote, "I did the work." I'm pretty sure she's just fishing for extra compliments! ;-)

Anyhow, this week you get a song that you probably all know and recognize! What's important is that you recognize it - it means she did a great job replicating the work.

She is on "Guitar #2" (if you have the tab). I'm doing "Guitar #1" which is actually just the simple part. For you non-guitarists, that means everywhere it sounds fancy is actually her and her lovely Les Paul.

I think she did a fantastic job, though we didn't finish this until just a few hours ago! It took sooooooooo many, many takes.


I have been told to "Introduce us as the Eldest Hoodlum and TheBuddha Band." Don't blame me! I just follow directions and she's pretty proud of this week's work.

Ladies and gentlmen, give it up for The Eldest Hoodlum and TheBuddha Band, with Tom Petty and The Heartbreaker's "Mary Jane's Last Dance!"

;-) Yeah, that's my girl!

That's my student understudy, in whom I am well pleased!

poptical-illusionist ago

Wow! What really stands out besides the great execution of the guitar parts, is the dynamics of the loud and soft parts. There is "space" for the vocalist (If you added one) to sing without being drowned out and then jumps to a good yet not overbearing volume for the featured guitar leads.

TheBuddha ago

Thanks! My thing is faithful replication.

nigger_plz ago

Well she's an American girl raised on promises. Good stuff man. Your girl is a perfectionist. Great sounding guitar she got herself there. Gonna download, burn, play in my vehicle and singalong with this.

TheBuddha ago

Alright, but this is Mary Jane's Last Dance - not American Girl! ;-)

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I love how your initials together pretty much spell A to B. Seems like a great match up.

TheBuddha ago

Gotta admit, I'm kinda confused by that!

In my defense, wine...

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I'm on the whisky so I might not be explaining it as much as your not understanding it. The W boozes hit hard.

MrHarryReems ago

Aqua Vitae!!! What are you drinking? I'm on Jameson's tonight.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Gibsons Finest Bold, it's an 8 year old Canadian Rye bottled at 46%(92 proof), She's strong but she's good.

MrHarryReems ago

Rye's are tasty, but it's one type of whiskey I sadly can't drink. Makes my arthritis flare up.

TheBuddha ago

Yay! We'll have conversations that make no sense to anyone!

I like that idea!

LegalPERSON ago

Well, to EH, I’m very impressed. You did the song justice and the new Paul sounds great recorded.

I just got home with nothing prepared to share. I’ll see about doing something real quick, otherwise I can’t wait to hear what everyone else is sharing!

TheBuddha ago

"Tell them I said thank you and to shut up and play us a song!"

Then she giggled. She spent insane amounts of energy learning this and playing it. Like you, I'm very impressed with her results and her effort.

LegalPERSON ago

Haha! Well I did just that, but I’m waiting for the video to upload on Bitchute...

NoTrueScotsman ago

That's awesome! I like that song, brings back memories.

TheBuddha ago

LOL I'm pretty sure this is the third or fourth week in a row that I've typed more for her than I've typed for myself. Alas, she's not interested in her own Voat account and I'm pretty grateful for that.


"Thank you piper!" Then she giggled. I'm pretty sure she's overtired and stuffed with ego 'cause of all the compliments. (That, of course, got me the nose wrinkle thing. I dunno why she does that.)

She then added something about how she wanted to try to play guitar along with your piping at some point and has started asking me questions about that. I don't actually know all those answers - 'cause I've not yet read the damned books!

NoTrueScotsman ago

I don't know much about other instruments, but we've talked before about how the bagpipe tuning is a problem for most instruments. I will be getting a set of Fagerstrom Technopipes for my birthday soon, and those have adjustable pitch, so maybe I could figure something out with help there.

TheBuddha ago

We've got guitars. We can tune 'em any damned way we want!

It's also not hard to play in a specific key. We can even cheat and use a capo, which gives us quite a bit of freedom.

NoTrueScotsman ago

Hmm, that makes sense.

guitarchump ago

Like the evenness in the volume of the notes

TheBuddha ago

"Thank you! I worked hard on it."

She's actually a new student, fairly new, but it's a bit unfair to say that. She lives here and I've been playing for almost fifty years - many of them professionally. So, she has a distinct advantage when it comes to resources available for her.

"Four months and three weeks."

That's how long she says she's been playing now.

She had issues getting consistency with the harmonics and there's quite a bit of hand movement in the 2nd guitar part, as you probably know.

I'm glad to see you made it, by the way. It looks like this is shaping up to be a good thread for you to experience first.

crazy_eyes ago

Tell the EH that her new guitar sounds awesome, and the only reason for that would be the person that is playing it. I am not even going to mention the one mistake I heard because you played right through it like a pro! Tom Petty was resurrected there for a few moments. Great job!

TheBuddha ago

"Thank you, crazy!" She then added, "Tell him any mistakes were your doing."

I suspect she's overtired and exhausted. She put in a long, long week and that song took her many hours to learn. Not counting regular practice, that was well over an additional 20 hours of learning.

Why do I suspect that? 'Cause she followed it up with a giggle.

Ooops... She wants me to add, "Wait until next week." Then, for no reason that I understand, she giggled and said "Crunky" again. She still hasn't told me what "crunky" means. "You know, crunky."

crazy_eyes ago


Of course the mistakes were theBuddha! Who else's would they be?

Just keep at it and she soon will be replaceing theBuddha as the lead guitar in the band!

TheBuddha ago

"I'm going to perform tomorrow!"

It's a smaller affair, just a few hundred people at the most. Still, she'll get to perform and is looking forward to it.

crazy_eyes ago

Is she like me and all excited about it? Does she get overloaded with adrenaline? I do when I get to perform. I love it

MrHarryReems ago

I used to fear and hate the stage due to trauma from my first band... Now I can never get enough of it!

crazy_eyes ago

Trauma from your first band? What the hell did they do to you? I need to know more. You have piqued my curiosity

MrHarryReems ago

Well, my first band experience was at the ripe old age of 12. Our first show was the Jr. High school talent show, and we totally rocked it. People actually thought we were faking it, because they didn't figure a few 12 year old kids could pull that off. We thought we were superstars. The school later asked us to play for the jogathon. That was a complete shit show. Our drummer, who also had singing duties, refused to play through a song! He would just quit playing mid song and laugh at our dismay. Today, I'd just shrug and play on without him. Then, I was a traumatized 12 year old.

crazy_eyes ago

you should have beat him with his own drum sticks for that kind of nonsense

cynicaloldfart ago

Here, I have a doll that he can point on if it makes telling the story easier.

MrHarryReems ago

Hahaha!! I may need it. cries a silent tear...

TheBuddha ago

Oh, she gets very excited and tends to have some outlandish antics on stage - things that don't quite match what anyone is expecting. She's done everything from appear to be a pogo stick to acting like she was a headbanger and putting a bizarre choice of solos into a song that really called for a different type of solo.

But, more importantly, she has fun AND the audiences seem to really appreciate it.

I introduce her, explain that she's new, and she then wows them 'cause she sounds much better than they're expecting a new player to sound.

crazy_eyes ago

That's tremendous to hear. I just love it when people are excited about what they are doing. That is probably because I get so super excited about things. if its something that I really want and it's happening it's like I just mainlined an 8 ball. I get so super wired, people think I am on something when I am stone sober. That's just me. I think that is probably the reason I get to have so many girlfriends cause I am distinctly twitterpated and it shows. Very clearly

TheBuddha ago

One of the reasons that I love playing guitar is that it exposes me to so many people who are truly passionate about what they do.

Nobody actually sticks with the guitar unless they're passionate. It's not financially rewarding. It takes time. It's hard. It isolates you until you get good enough to jam with people. The list goes on.

It's inspiring to see her passion and dedication. It really does drive me to be just a little better than I was yesterday, to know more than I did a minute ago, and to take the time to share it.

cynicaloldfart ago

EH, you're swinging that ax like a lumberjack, Sweetie. You've definitely earned one of my highest accolades - Gobsmacked!!! yes, with 3 exclamation marks. Here, you deserve a couple more !!.

Starting out with the harmonics, the middle lead part, the recurring hooks, and then building to a bitchin' climax (sorry, hope that's not a little too "adult" there). It just kept getting better and better. I'm sure Mike Campbell would nod approvingly. That ending was absolutely "crunky".

This got downloaded and, with your permission, will be shared with some of my guitar-playing kids. I won't tell them this is a 16 y/o girl in her first few months of playing until after I ask what they think. I expect a few dropped jaws.

So, as I said - GOBSMACKED!!!!!

I also want to take this time to officially tell you - HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Here's a song in celebration:

I think these lines remind me of EH, not accurately but in attitude. Although the song is about a girl who is wanting to go see some stars, you're the star people already are coming to see. In the future, make sure you schedule my city on your tour (I demand front row center tickets).

Sweet Little Sixteen
She's got the grown up blues
Tight dress and lipstick
She's sportin' high heel shoes
Oh, but tomorrow morning
She'll have to change her trend
And be sweet sixteen
And back in class again

TheBuddha ago

"Thank you Old Fart!" (I'm not sure if that gets capitalized - and it probably deserves more punctuation.)

"That means a lot coming from you!" (Which also should have had more punctuation - but she kinda ran it together and I'm going for ambiance here! "Next week, I'm going to try something harder." (Which was not quite so eager sounding, as this week has been pretty daunting for her - that was not easy for her to play.)

Finally, "Share away! Crunky! Ha!!!"

Which, I'm still not sure what that means but she seems pretty pleased with the word. My remark has made her do that weird nose wrinkle thing again.

But, yes - do please let us know how they react - both before and after they find out that it's a 16 year old girl. Well, not quite officially 16. She's got a while longer before it's official but I'm pretty sure I couldn't have made her wait that long to open her shipment from the music store.

Side note: She sent them a handwritten thank-you note today.

Damn it... She says, "Tell 'em I said it."

I said, "Said what?"

"Tell Old Fart that I said, 'Fuck you. I'm a rock star.'"

I said that language wasn't appropriate. She did the nose wrinkle thing and said, "Fuck you. I'm a rock star." Then we giggled.


I don't mind well-placed vulgarities, but it is probably important to know how to speak both well and to know when a good chunk of vulgarity is appropriate. Her mother doesn't care and her brother swears like a trooper - but it's the inexperienced swearing where it's a kid saying 'fuck' just because he wants to be shocking.

I can't wait to teach him how to chew tobacco!

cynicaloldfart ago

Off to google "Maine Dept of Human Services". ;-0

TheBuddha ago

"Damned right! I need help!"

She cracks me up. She also wants a glass of wine. (She does have parental permission for this. It's also not illegal in Maine.)

I'm tempted - but I'm pretty damned low on blueberry wine and that's the only bottle I have open. Hmm... I suppose, she can celebrate her birthday and her success tonight - and she can get some work done on picking next week's song. Hopefully she picks one that has a more interesting part for me. I don't mind that she "steals the show." No, I mind that it's not really very complicated.

We'll figure something out. She's looking at a few interesting songs for next week.

cynicaloldfart ago

Would Layla be appropriate? I seem to remember you doing it, but could she?

TheBuddha ago

She could do some of the guitar parts - there's like four guitar parts to do it properly. I'm not sure she has the timing to lay a track atop another one but that's an interesting idea.

She's going to look. She decides (for the most part) what she'll do for the thread.

Damned kid has stolen my thread! LOL It's okay. I don't mind, not even a little. 'Tis an observation, not a real complaint.

cynicaloldfart ago

"Have sexual intercourse with yourself. She's an accomplished practitioner of a musical genre made popular in the 1960's".

And who do we have to blame for that? Hmm?

TheBuddha ago

I accept full responsibility for my actions.

I ain't scared!

LOL She did have a glass of wine - she's nursing it and pouring studiously over tomes. Tomes of music! (She's pawing through my absurd collection of printed material - but at least she's putting things back where she got them.)

I have to get her to an eye doctor. She squints a lot.

chuckletrousers ago

inexperienced swearing where it's a kid saying 'fuck' just because he wants to be shocking.

Old joke:

Couple kids trying to be grown up decide to start swearing. Their mom asks "What do you want for breakfast?" and the first kid says "Aw, hell, gimme some damn Cheerios" and mom instantly slaps him across the room.She glares at the other kid and asks "What do you want to eat?" and he stammers "I... I dunno, but it ain't gonna be none of those damned Cheerios!"

TheBuddha ago

LOL Yeah, I know that one as a Little Johnny Joke. I'll have to tell the hoodlum the whole thing.

MrHarryReems ago

Whoa! That's some sonic goodness there! You can tell EH that she did good. You're not the only one who's proud of her. All us goats are cheering her on!

TheBuddha ago

"Tell him that I said thanks and that I put so [probably with a bunch of trailing o's] much work into that!"

She's pretty pleased with herself and I'm not actually sure which one of us is happier about it. She started reading the tab last Friday night, while the thread was still going.

For a while, I kind of expected her to ask me to record some of the parts for her - as she was having major difficulties moving up to the 9th fret from an open position, but she managed to sort it out.

She's a very visual learner, I'm discovering. She likes to watch a few times and then will (frequently) disappear and come back a few hours later to show her progress.

It really, really makes a difference when one can just walk into a different room and ask questions or have a demonstration. This experience has explained why so many good musicians come from musical families. Not even my son took this much interest. He learned much slower and got to the point where he was satisfied with his playing - then he pretty much just stopped.

Nadeshda ago

This is excellent work! Her geetar sounds just bloomin luvly! :D

TheBuddha ago

"Can I?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Damned right!" She said.

Nadeshda ago

:D too cute ;)

TheBuddha ago

I'm a horrible influence.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

prove it

TheBuddha ago

Err... Prove what?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

well shit

you got me

MrHarryReems ago

What we don't seem to have is some sweet, sweet, violin...

Folks have been leaving instruments at my house lately. Someone left a violin this week. I think I might give it a try... It won't be pretty.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

im practicing my violin right now

do it faggot

Nadeshda ago

:) good job Clammy waiting to hear... :)

clamhurt_legbeard ago

gotta save it for later

but this makes me practice if i start posting

even if its shitposts

i still practice after making them

Nadeshda ago

Truth... real glad you are here...

chuckletrousers ago

It won't be pretty.

Did you ever hear Jack Benny play violin on his TV show?

MrHarryReems ago

I did not. ...heads to youtoob to search on Jack Benny violin

TheBuddha ago

LOL You just want the free upvotes, don't you?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

my hand hurts

from all this


TheBuddha ago

Shut up and play us a song!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

still practicing

ive been saying i was gonna do it for months but never started practicing

now im practicing this instead of what people are paying us to actually be performing tomorrow!


ill definitely post something

but it might not be violin lol

Nadeshda ago

instead of what people are paying us to actually be performing tomorrow!

Hmmm, you have me intrigued :) what performing you doing?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

im being very loud lol

It's not a ukulele tho

Nadeshda ago

Hmm I am getting confused now what are we talking about? Shooting of sorts, must be... share more :)

clamhurt_legbeard ago


not quite that loud

it is music

maybe ill post a pic if i remember

as a sneaky tease


Nadeshda ago

Lolol... yip a sneaky tease pic would be just fine, thank you :)

Nadeshda ago

Hmm this is a sneak preview indeed, good job on the subtle masking there ;) come on where did the big noise then come from? All those country flags, I am certainly intrigued by it, oh go arn tell me moar :)

Nadeshda ago

Hmmm I know the Scottish flag but the bottom one is throwing me a bit, reminds me of Ireland but different, the extra red circle is such a tease and the border too... you do like playing this game don’t you? ;)

I warn ya I may pass out but I will get there in the end... as I eye this with one eye closed...

Nadeshda ago

You are a piper or you are married to a piper? :)

clamhurt_legbeard ago

i am not a piper

but i go around making loud noises with them on the regular lol

Nadeshda ago

I want to reply more in boom about this but at work... too cool bro! You have some seriously talented wrists if it’s what I am thinking you be saying ;)

TheBuddha ago

We aren't picky. Record yourself practicing!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

ew gross lol

thatd spoil the surprise

no if nothing else there is always the ukulele

nobody can be unhappy with a ukulele around

and you dont even need to know how to play lol

TheBuddha ago

You knew damned well what to expect when you entered the thread.

Sing us the ingredients list on your box of cereal.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

this whole thing is a put on

i did it on purpose and i consider it successful

i practiced the secret project

not enough to share yet

but more progress than i did in a long time

in the meantime i offer you

screwing around with a ukulele

/u/nadeshda i did a thing lol

Nadeshda ago

Ah this is fantastic and I am seriously waiting for you to sing... oh go arn something sweet and mushy... hehe

:) AND that is how my brain feels at the moment too...

:D man you have no idea how broad my smile is, you should have done it twice now I have to listen it again... shucks a ukulele of all things... @thebuddha a blooming ukulele over here Sir!

TheBuddha ago

LOL We had another uke last week - we're being inundated with ukes! Quick, man the battle stations!

(I might be a wee bit tipsy at this point. This thread has been super busy - for hours.)

I'm pretty sure we shattered the previous record of about 50 posts per hour for 4 hours. We've had higher post counts, but those go on for days.

I think actually... Wait... We might have had one that was like 60 posts per hour - but I'm now drinking wine and I'm not sure. I should keep track of this stuff.

Nadeshda ago

It’s numerous we can go with that, shoot just thinking of having a glass of red and tucking myself into bed... I would very much like to taste the blueberry wine Sir. When does your next batch come in?

TheBuddha ago

Later this fall. They got the berries about 10 days ago. I'm not sure how far along they are. It doesn't get aged long, or anything like that.

My main concern is the legality of shipping alcohol. I've sorta pondered this and looking into it deeper is on my list of things to do.

My blueberry wine stash is running critically low. I'm pretty sure this is a national emergency.

Nadeshda ago

Lol National Emergency! Blueberry wine. It must be pretty good. Nope you’re right buying an airplane ticket is much easier then shipping alcohol, lol.

TheBuddha ago

I looked at some of the regulations. It might actually be easier. It may even be cheaper, as I'm not a licensed distributor.

Nadeshda ago

Do it !!!! Lololol... yip <-what she said ;)

TheBuddha ago

I'll ask my lawyer. That's the kinda shit he gets paid for.

Nadeshda ago

Hmmm, I may need to speak to your lawyer too if possible...

TheBuddha ago

You could, but he's gonna tell you to hire a lawyer that does that area of law and I kinda doubt he's passed the bar where you live.

MrHarryReems ago

Hmm. I've ordered bourbon online a couple of times. I think it's the destination state that matters most.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, I suspect I'll want to consult a lawyer.

NoTrueScotsman ago

It probably varies state to state. I ordered a fancy alcohol online once, and the box basically had all the warnings that would be on the bottle printed on it, and it instructed the mail carrier not to give it to me if they thought I was drunk.

TheBuddha ago

Hmm... I think I'll have to consult a lawyer.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

ukuleles are the best

you dont even have to know how to play them and it still makes people happy

its just a happy instrument

Nadeshda ago

Yip it made me happy, I need to get a ukulele, I do sometimes wear flowers in my hair and rather enjoy smiling. Secondly I should possibly make time to visit @Le_Squish so she can teach me the Island sway to make it all euthentic right... haha... just more sleep for me later, I see it now.

Le_Squish ago

If you want nice ukulele for reals I can get you the number of a nice shop or two.

February is cheapest time to fly to Hawaii. Wait to I finish building my house though.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

i bet you smile big all the time

my brother got me this at guitar center for like 40 bucks

its so small and cheap and simple you cant help but have fun

Nadeshda ago

Shoot don’t you go doxing me nau dude... :p

TheBuddha ago

Make your own damned new comment so that people will see it, clammy! If you respond to me with the link, not everyone will see it - just myself and nadeshda (and a few others who refresh the thread often and read all the comments).

Sheesh! It's not your first time here, clammy!

Someone played a uke last week. You two could get together and make a bitchin' uke jam session for us!

Hmm... Sounds like fun, actually.

Note: I have no idea how to really play a uke. You play a uke better than I do.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

its super easy

you look up chords on the internet and pick the four that are easiest for your fingers to reach lol

TheBuddha ago

I like that philosophy.

Hmm... You should sing us a merry tune with it!

NoTrueScotsman ago

Lol I think Clammy just likes to feel included.

TheBuddha ago

I have something for you!

Also, clammy has given us violin music before!

This is your piece from last week. It's sped up, by increasing the tempo and not changing the pitch. I've tossed on some distortion, some reverb, a small slice of phaser, and thrown in a silly drum intro that fades out as it fades in.

Your giant 8 minute track is now just a few minutes long and it sounds like you're playing bagpipes on crack! (I thought about throwing in a few guitar riffs and spicing it up, turning it into some metal thing, but then I realized the absurdity of this plan.) I didn't actually cut any of it - it's just an increased tempo. I also did some normalization work and used a bit of echo to make your tones a bit smoother.

NoTrueScotsman ago

I know he has, and I expect him to again!

Hahaha! You sort of lose the taorluaths and crunluaths at that speed, but it sounds pretty cool, in a sort of ambient alien attack way. :P

TheBuddha ago

I only have so much audio editing skill and that's pretty much the limit of it!

The good news is that it kept me amused and out of everyone's way - for like hours!