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crazy_eyes ago

Happy Friday Everybody!!! I got one here to share with you all that includes myself and my friends Verle and Chris, It's sort of an impromptu medley of three songs that I am sure never before and never again have been grouped together in a medley. Verle didn't know the words to the last song so he decided to try to be a beat box. Fucking Verle MoJo Blitz Nothing

TheBuddha ago

I fucking love Verle with the passion of a thousand fiery suns.

Tell him that I want to bear his children - or hear him play a harmonica - whichever he prefers!

Also, I see you figured out how to put text at the bottom of that.

Yes, Verle sometimes needs subtitles.

crazy_eyes ago

Verle wants to know if you're a chick, to bear his children.

How are you going to pull this off?

TheBuddha ago

I don't have a plan... Yet...

crazy_eyes ago

well what am i supposed to tell Verle. He asked me to ask you

TheBuddha ago

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Or, you could just play a harmonica."

crazy_eyes ago

I think he wants more kids

TheBuddha ago

Alright, but I insist on being married first.

We are gonna get drunk and throw the gayest wedding to ever gay wedding - you're invited! We're gonna have a fucking parade and even ring some bells!

crazy_eyes ago

wow. That will be the wedding of the year!!!!

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty sure there will be cocaine - and hookers.

It must be a place with a bell tower and bells set for 'change ringing.' I am starting to formulate a plan!

crazy_eyes ago

Verle is going to love this. I can't wait to tell him about it

How was the show last night anyways?

SearchVoat ago

Someone's talking about this!

'What happens when musicians break the rules?' was posted in v/guitar by @TheBuddha and includes this reply from @TheBuddha:

Long, tiring, good, exciting. I'm not really typing more than that today. I'm kinda shitfaced.

Thanks for asking! I might answer some short questions, if you have any. I'm just aware of how long it'd take me to truly answer that question - and I'm not doing that today. Nothing personal - so please don't take it personally.

This comment was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this cross-link notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

TheBuddha ago


SearchVoat ago

Thank you, very pleased to hear you like it!

TheBuddha ago

If you switch to opt-in, can I ask to be left as-is, that is opted in?

SearchVoat ago

So far I think the only control will be choosing to add a query to the link like so which suppresses the notification. Will look at opt-in/-out by user later maybe if there is demand, but not sure what the benefit would be. However I can suppress the ping you get from the notification - might look at doing that on user request.

TheBuddha ago

Goats - maybe the more active ones, might bitch if they get inundated with notifications and want it to be opt-in.

If it does swamp the active thread-linkers, they might have a valid complaint.

I'm merely throwing this out there. Personally, I like it - for now.

crazy_eyes ago

what just happened there?

TheBuddha ago

New feature from @searchvoat.

crazy_eyes ago

so if someone searched for something in a thread it shows you ?

TheBuddha ago

No, I linked to this conversation in a different conversation.

I'd declined to type more about last night's show and redirected them here. The bot notified the thread.

crazy_eyes ago

verle says he wants brain food

TheBuddha ago

There are tons and tons of mousetrap designs - some of them are fucking awesome, and remarkably effective.

crazy_eyes ago

Verls says Mm wow

TheBuddha ago

No, seriously!

Want me to show you one?!? It's fucking awesome!

crazy_eyes ago

Verle says I'm the cheese LOL 😁

TheBuddha ago

"Come in and welcome, said the spider to the fly!"

crazy_eyes ago

you are a serial killer as my son still maintains

TheBuddha ago

I'd say he's wrong, but that's exactly what a serial killer would say!

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah, it's a viscous circle

TheBuddha ago

I can accurately state that I only have the standard number of kidneys in my home, at this exact moment in time. Everyone here has the same kidneys they were born with and ONLY the kidneys they were born with.

crazy_eyes ago

You ate them all already?

TheBuddha ago

My lawyer has advised me to not answer that question!

crazy_eyes ago

That's why you're so smart, you assimilate all the wisdom of the victims when you eat them. Stranger in a strange land groked me that

TheBuddha ago

You're a Heinlien fan?

crazy_eyes ago

I read a whole lot of his books when i was in jail back some years ago

TheBuddha ago

Jail seems like a great place to read. If they let me access the Internet, and life were shittier, I'd consider it a retirement option.

The worse you behave, the more likely it is that they wait on you! If you're bad enough in jail, they'll bring your food right to your door! Fuck yeah!

crazy_eyes ago

yeah, they didnt give me internet access, but they had a lot of books, and half the time I was in there I was in the situation where they brought my food to my room and I was all by myself most of the time, so reading was a nice escape

TheBuddha ago

Add Internet, and it'd not be that bad.

crazy_eyes ago

I agree, If I had internet access I wouldnt really have minded at all.

TheBuddha ago

I'd expect the violence levels to drop.

Hmm... If I go to bed soon, I can get laid.

I'm kinda ready for bed.

crazy_eyes ago

Thats not going to happen, then they wouldnt be able to charge a dollar a minute for skype calls in the jail, they would lose too much money

I'd have been in bed already. It's one of my girlfriends birthday today and I am waiting for her to get home from her moms house so that we can celebrate like that!

TheBuddha ago

Yeah... It should just be free, paid for as a way to reduce violence and to help prevent recidivism - though I'd probably ask for supporting data before rolling it out universally. Maybe grant it for being well behaved. There's a local jail that gives inmates headphones and radios. They're not actually a rough jail, or anything. Still, it's a county lockup - just a small county. They might hold a few hundred, at max capacity - probably much less.

Tonight is not the night, but a long time ago, my MOS was as a transportation officer - I dealt with federal inmates, specifically military inmates. I was a 'chaser.' I worked at the brig, 'cause the Marines are a Dept. of the Navy.

crazy_eyes ago

i was in a jail years back that had for sale on their canteen transistor radios with earbuds. When i was in jail the talk between the inmates was what a waste of manpower, most of the guys would have like to have something productive to do all day other than sit around killing time. They could have chain gangs cleaning the roads or whatever and it would be better than sitting there doing nothing

TheBuddha ago

Most of those programs are for sentenced prisoners, for a variety of reasons such as security and propensity to make escape attempts. Strangely, more inmates try to escape pre-trial than after they've been sentenced. They do usually have 'trustee' types of things that will get you out of your cell, keep you busy, and enable you to make a few bucks moving contraband around the compound!

crazy_eyes ago

I never tried to escape but I thought about it a lot. One of the guards did ask me if I wanted to be something one day, I didn't know what he said so I said no, later I found out he was asking if I wanted to be a trustee, but since I refused that ship had sailed. That would have cut into my reading time. One thing I found surprising was the volume of romance novels in the book bins, it was something like 80% of the books in there were romance novels. I was not about to read that shit. The next most popular variety of book were Louis L'Amour books, so I read quite a few westerns.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, I also saw (remember, I did work in a prison) a lot of Remo Williams books, Mack Bolan books, and things like that.

Danielle Steel, the romance novelist, was also quite popular - as was the westerns that you mention. I'd expect jails to be similar reading material, with less concentration on good educational material. Prisons, and I suspect jails, also often have remarkably good law libraries. By rights, they must provide access and it's more secure to do it in the institution. I believe that's true with all Territories and States, an inalienable right.

crazy_eyes ago

There were some book bins that had such a poor choice of books that I sent a note to the chaplain and requested some Buddhism books. They would rotate the bins through the different pods once a week. There were a few Dean Koontz and Stephen King books, I found maybe ten Heinlen books. Yeah the people waiting for trial would be in the law books constantly, trying to find a loop hole to get themselves off

TheBuddha ago

Sounds about right. I've seldom made it much past holding. I've spent a while in holding.

crazy_eyes ago

Well they kept me there for five months once, and 45 days another time, that is the extent of my experience. I know they don't treat people right in those places. Afret about three months in I was sentenced and granted huber which I took advantage of for child care, I would go hang out with my kids for 12 hours a day five days a week. Well about two weeks into that, I was driving home from the jail in a terrible blizzard and it was a complete white out, i could barely tell where the road was. I'm driving down a two lane county highway about 15 miles per hour just a mile or two from home, and suddenly out of the snow directly in front of me a huge giant V-plow appears, it must have been 20 feet high, it is in my lane heading directly towards me. Fuck! So I attempted to turn and avoid the thing but it caught the passenger side of my car and flipped me upside down, in the process of flipping me the passenger side window was smashed out and my car became instantly filled with snow. So the snow held me in place in my seat. The next thing I knew, I was upside down in my car just encased in snow. I stuck my arm out to see if the drivers window was still there, there was no window, so i dug my way out and crawled out the window in the door, and the plow driver starts freaking out. "You're alive?" he says. "Fuck you" I said. "what the fuck are you driving down the wrong side of the road for? My car ended up in the oncoming traffic lane laying on its roof. The plow had to be in my lane to flip me off to the left and have me land in the opposite lane, if I were in the wrong lane i would have been thrown into the ditch. So here comes the police. They fill out the police report stating that I was in the oncoming traffic lane, they completely lied about the accident on the report. So now traffic is starting to come down the highway and the police decide that they need to direct traffic until a wrecker gets there and can remove my car. One cop was standing touching the front bumper of my car while the other one was standing touching the rear bumper of my car and the whiteout was so bad that they could not see each other from that distance. Finally the wrecker comes and demands 500 dollars to do anything, and he needs it now on the spot. Like I have 500 dollars on me coming from the jail. So they impound my car. Then the cop gives me a ride the rest of the way home. I got a ride back to jail that night as my car was wrecked, and upon return to the jail they throw me in the hole because I was not driving the same car that I said I would drive when I got the huber. So I get to the cell and lay down and try to sleep, but my scapula is sending me terrible pains whenever I lay down on it. Fuck. I think I broke it in the accident. So I put in a request to see a doctor, explaining that I was in an accident and I believe that I may have a broken scapula. They denied my request saying that they have no record of me being in any accident. The jail is run by the county sheriff, the accident report was made by one of the county sheriffs deputies. So I send in another request saying that the jail is run by the sheriff and the sheriff deputies were on site of the accident and made a report, that they are both run by the sheriffs department and they should be able to communicate within the sheriffs department with no issues. They had no trouble finding out about the accident to throw me in the hole and take away my huber and my good time, but they had no record of an accident when i requested medical attention. This went on for six weeks. I put in a medical request every day for those six weeks and was rejected every day. How long does it generally take a bone to heal? About six weeks. So finally a full six weeks after the accident they bring me to see a nurse, and I tell the nurse what happened and they bring me for x-rays, wouldn't you know, the x-rays showed a fractured scapula that has healed, there is nothing they can do. I believe this was intentional. It is inhumane to treat people that way. So i got nothing for my car, the insurance says the accident was my fault, per the accident report that the cops lied on. I got to stay in jail an extra month cause my good time was taken away. And I got to suffer in pain for a month begging for medical attention but denied. I do not ever want to step foot in a fucking jail again

TheBuddha ago

I do not ever want to step foot in a fucking jail again

There exist people on Voat who'd say that's justification enough for your ill-treatment at the hands of the Sheriff or their official representatives.

I personally think you can tell a lot about a society by the way they treat their condemned and infirm.

crazy_eyes ago

Those people exist everywhere. Shouldn't do the crime if you dont want to live in those conditions. They say. Little do they know, if you piss off the wrong person they can railroad you through the system so fast theres no escape. Like in my case. Never one single time did anybody at all ever ask me what happened, they didn't care what my side of the story was or even if I had a side of a story. It was ridiculous. The accusations were a bunch of made up bullshit that the DA and the judges just believed verbatim. Even when it was not even physically possible for me to have done it. That didn't matter at all. All that mattered was they wanted their pound of flesh. I was charged with battery to a judge. There was no judge present at 3AM when I was arrested, there was no judge anywhere that I had any contact with except for in a courtroom. And I certainly did not commit batter to a judge in court. I did not commit battery to a judge anywhere. Yet still I was charged, they convened a grand jury, and found evidence to hold me for trial, all based on one cops lies. That was quite an education in the the justice system. Not to be trusted. At all

TheBuddha ago

I confess, I've been guilty of every crime accused formally by the State - and then some!

I have, so far, never been falsely (formally) accused by the State. In fact, they tend to charge me with significantly less than they would have if they'd known the truth of the situation.

However, I can appreciate what it's like to be falsely accused in a court of law.

I can not understand it. I've never experienced it. It'd be grossly unfair for me to say that I understand.

I've had lots of false accusations! Just never in a court of law. I've been on the narrowed down suspect list, way too many times! (My lawyer would suggest I not give details!)

Oh, fuck... The list of shit they could charge me with is endless! They'd probably be right, too! 'Snot like I spent my life cleaning up evidence. No, I left my DNA pretty much all across the goddamned world. But, most of my shit has been pretty harmless and/or victimless. Most of it... (Snip. I'll edit that out. My lawyer would not approve.)

crazy_eyes ago

Let me tell you it sucks. I rationalized it as I'm just getting punished for all of the things that I did not get caught for, that kept me from holding on to that anger letting it eat away at me

TheBuddha ago

Oh, I'd be right pissed. I'm not actually sure how I'd end up dealing with it.

I do keep myself pretty well insulted, these days. I figure my luck is bound to eventually run out.

If I want drugs, for example... Well, let's just say that they get delivered. I don't go seeking them out, travel with large quantities, or anything like that. I keep things pretty well insulated and have some things done on my behalf. It's worth the additional expense.

I probably shouldn't type that into a public forum, but fuck 'em. Nothing I do is really a felony, just possession more or less.

crazy_eyes ago

And who is going to read the Friday night guitar thread on Monday anyways?

cynicaloldfart ago

Well, Roy Orbison did have that song "Only the Lonely". And people who need a distraction from their own problems, so there's that.

crazy_eyes ago

Thats awesome, do you listen through all the songs again too?

cynicaloldfart ago

All of yours because some are damned fine tunes, and the others because they just get funnier each time. Just 1 or 2 parties like yours would, for the rest of us mere mortals, be memories of a lifetime.You 3 seem to do it more than any one sane could stand. Of course TB and EH are required listening for the sheer talent they bring. Harry is a professional that I would love to be able to see live. His genre and ballads are not something I get to hear much, and the historical import is something I value.

I find all of the tunes of interest as we get so much variety of styles. Since my passion and writing on the MFU site keeps me somewhat locked into that period and genre, I like getting exposed to all the variety since modern commercial crap is unlistenable.

Add in the fact that since my performing and playing days are long over, it helps me to re-live those days, the best of my life. Cue Babs Streisand "They way we were". Sigh.

crazy_eyes ago

Sometimes it seems to me as though the exploits of Verle, Chris and myself, and our friends has become some kind of serial radio show of sorts. And none of us has ever claimed to be sane, so you don't have to worry about that. I think it's just awesome as hell that other people get to laugh at us and along with us. I laugh every time I hear a lot of the party time stuff with Verle. That shit cracks me up. It makes my day to know that you enjoy listening in

TheBuddha ago

Surprisingly a couple of people - including that Cyclops fella.

cynicaloldfart ago

I'm always watching! No one is safe.

TheBuddha ago

LOL See, @crazy_eyes!

Damn it... We're busted!

What's kinda awesome is the thread's active - on Monday. That's a very, very rare thing.

crazy_eyes ago

well damn, here i thought when we conversed in these aged threads that nobody would ever see what we were talking about LoL, I guess I was totally wrong, which never happens to me

TheBuddha ago

LOL When I finally got to the computer today, there were two new replies in this thread.

crazy_eyes ago

The ones I posted?

TheBuddha ago

Only one was you. There have since been more.

The thread is huge.

crazy_eyes ago

Finding one new comment in here is like finding a needle in a haystack!

TheBuddha ago

Yup. Was not advising you to go look. No, don't fucking do that - unless you're bored.

Going to look for them is a horrible idea - and will consume a lot of time.

crazy_eyes ago

What the hell. I got a distinctly weird vibe from that like there was something that you don't want someone to see. Odd

TheBuddha ago

Oh, no... It's just huge and will eat up time. You've already seen the most damning of my posts!

I'm also having a hurricane conversation. Sorta.

crazy_eyes ago

I figured I seen most of it. There were two new comments from people that weren't you to me in here yesterday, and I was notified of those.

I haven't got to read the play guitar thread today yet. I been kind of obsessed with this fucking riff that I made up a week ago got some reason. I can't get it out of my head and keep adding notes to it. It was hard to play when I made it up. Now I'm adding 16th notes and I like it even better which then I have to go figure out how to play them. So I just spent the day figuring out what those fucking notes are in my head and learning how to play them and practicing. My fingers don't usually have so fucking many notes to play like this but the more I do the better it sounds so I got to go play it again before I forget

TheBuddha ago

Damned right!

crazy_eyes ago

Im not sure what im right about but I'll take it

TheBuddha ago

I sometimes think a good test for music is if it can be played satisfactorily on an acoustic.

If it can't be reasonably emulated on an acoustic, maybe it's just not that good?

Dunno if that will help.

crazy_eyes ago

you tell me,

its riddles with mistakes as i try to play it, its not even in the right order exactly but you get the jist, i think its awesome

TheBuddha ago

It's about god damned time!

It reminds me of a jangle of riffs and my critique would be to narrow that down to some chunks you like and then connect them melodically. This has potential.

It's your best yet - in my opinion. We need to get your guitar's output dirty. Do you have a good distortion pedal? That'd give it a different tone, that I think would suit it well.

There are some parts that reminded me very much of Red Hot Chili Peppers, who are actually kinda adept. I like it.

crazy_eyes ago

Thanks, I like to work out the notes and learn it straight clean before I put any effects to it. Kind of like what you said about playing on an acoustic earlier. I will play it wilt a hundred different effects to find what sounds the best when i get it down. theres going to be singing over most of it, and I kind of have an idea of ordering it, depending on how the words work out, i was thinking maybe using my dads words that were in the envelope, they kind of fit, at least what i remember. i got to find it, but it will be like a bitching guitar solo going on through the whole song when im done. Its fucking hard for me to play man . but the only way i get to listen to it is if o play it, so here i go again

TheBuddha ago

I often write to take advantage of certain effects.

Notably: Do not count on me for expertise with regards to composition. I am not an expert. I don't do many originals, remember?

crazy_eyes ago

I like to see how the effects change the music when i play it. As far as composition, I just follow my ears, the next note is in my head and i just got to find it on the guitar.

TheBuddha ago

I can't tell you what is right or wrong.

I can only tell you my perspective. This one is just so personal, that I don't even always like opining on these types of matters - which is kinda silly considering I do, in fact, have responsibility to the very thread where people ask that question - or imply the question!

I don't like telling someone their work sucks. I can almost always find something nice to say about it.

So, it's hard to be objective in these threads/conversations.

I fully expect that you ask because you value my opinions. I furthermore expect that you know where statements of opinions end and statements of facts begin.

Which is to say, I interpreted your sharing as you wanting my true opinion and not just me to say something nice!

It was a very long way, but you're used to that!

I like it. I really do. I'd knock it down into 4 riffs and check to find a more melodic route up through to the keys to move between them.

Right now, it sounds like you just said, "I'm gonna write the most bitchin'est collection of riffs and cram 'em all into something so awesome that it makes heads explode and girls orgasm from 500' away!"

I highly recommend against trying that. It just makes things needlessly complicated and difficult for you to replicate. There's some wonderful melodies and transitions in there - and they're lost in the noise. I like the runs, but I'd define them more by using fewer total riffs - aiming for a consistency that someone wants to hum when they walk away.

That's just me - and probably why I fucking hate (as a general rule) doing my own compositions.

It also depends on who you're writing it for. I can't answer that question, or offer any opinion on how you answer that. 'Snot my box of crayons.

crazy_eyes ago

I write it for myself, first and foremost, plus the woman that it's about. And yeah it's really not going to be like what I showed you. That was mostly me practicing playing those parts that might just appear once in the song to add a bit of variety. It's going to mostly be that main riff part and a chorus, what I sent you just a jumbled mess of me trying to play some of the variations on the riff that might appear just once.

TheBuddha ago

I do like it, regardless and legitimately. You're one of the few people in these threads that I'd come right out and say, "That kinda sucked."

You're a big boy. You can handle it.

I like that it showed an effort at complexity and difficulty. I like that it is a challenge that puts you out there and able to risk making mistakes. I like it that you incorporated some single note runs and made some pretty sweet tones.

I really do think it has potential. It almost sounds like you jumbled enough for a half dozen songs in there. If there was a consistent theme, or really 'grove', then I was unable to find it.

I'm really liking what I heard in this one. It's the most impressive piece you've shown me so far, from my perspective. It shows a significant effort and almost like it did have a vision - something to say legitimately with the music. It has the potential to be emotionally evocative, but those neurons are most triggered when music behaves with certain patterns.

Think of a riot.

Ever notice how the chants are, more or less, in unison - across all those people? Those are our basic 'lizard brains' exposing themselves - and it holds true in music. A clear cadence and varied degrees of repetition appeal to our base urges.

Here's a little secret... Shh!

It's actually the rhythm guitar that mostly drives a song. It's the rhythm guitar that people hum when they think back on a song.

So, I'd want to put that in there - and make great use of it. A clear beat marker, an audio clue, can help that significantly.

And, again, these are very personal things and this is not, by any means, saying what the correct choices are. You're not writing it for me. I don't get a say.

crazy_eyes ago

I don't think I mentioned but the basic rythim guitar part plays in my head and it's simple enough that Christopher can play it. Most of my songs are too much for him to play along with me for him but this one I just tell him and he can play it, no problem. That was in my mind when I sat down to write this. Make something easy for Chris to play along with.

TheBuddha ago

See? Helpful information! I can't wait to hear the finished product. Got lyrics?

crazy_eyes ago

I have a couple of ideas for lyrics but nothing written down yet

TheBuddha ago

I hope it includes, "It's a good day to smoke crack and worship Satan!"

crazy_eyes ago

Umm. That really wasn't what I had in mind for the lyrics. Holy moley. I might be able to work that in

TheBuddha ago

"I hope your nipple starts a forest fire!"

crazy_eyes ago

now thats some imagery

TheBuddha ago

I like to think I'm a big helper!

crazy_eyes ago

The first line I think I could squeeze in there somewhere but Iam not sure how I would ever get that last line into a song

TheBuddha ago

I bet Verle would be a big helper for that!

crazy_eyes ago

i sent a version of that song to verle and told him it needs words, he has hard drives full of lyrics he comes up with, he writes lines down every single day

TheBuddha ago

I am not even remotely surprised and was not really kidding when I said I bet Verle could help! Verle's got enough extra creativity to share!

crazy_eyes ago

I was talking to Chris last night and he told me he wrote a song and he's going to show me wednesday when he comes over. That should be interesting, its called cocaine. Thats all i know

TheBuddha ago

If it becomes a hit, little girls are going to run around telling people, "I love Cocaine!"


crazy_eyes ago

im not sure little girls listen to his style of music

TheBuddha ago

They do in my imagination, crazy_eyes. Yes, they do.

crazy_eyes ago

I told chris about you wanting to bear verles children and he said maybe Verle can just get some chick pregnant and buddah can carry her around for 9 months

TheBuddha ago

That's brilliant!

Except I'm lazy and not very strong. I'm not sure how long I can carry her.

crazy_eyes ago

find a skinny midget woman for verle

TheBuddha ago

I'm permanently banned from contacting again. They told me to stop emailing them.

It's a long story.

crazy_eyes ago

what did you do to those little people?

TheBuddha ago

Nothing! I pretty much just asked for some quotes to rent some midgets... While shitfaced.

They stripped an innocent man of his liberty to rent midgets, depriving me of the glory that is surely rented midgets.

I can't think of a single damned situation that wouldn't benefit from adding rented midgets. I shared some of my brilliant rented midget ideas and they told me to never contact them again. Didn't even take very long, just two emails as I recall!

It's a fucking injustice.

Now, I will never know the joys of rented midgets. This is a hole in my life. I'm pretty sure rented midgets turn an ordinary day into the best day ever, but I'll never know. I torched that bridge and danced in the ashes. I regret that choice but I still think they're a little harsh!

They never even sent me one single quote for my requested services, either! Bastards.

crazy_eyes ago

about 25 years ago a good friend of mine rented a midget for a party and ended up putting the midget on his album cover

TheBuddha ago


I knew you'd understand my plight. Fuck, dude... Even the simple task of mowing the lawn gets made awesome by adding singing and dancing rented midgets doing slapstick!

crazy_eyes ago

I honestly do not know exactly even how that came about, but there that midget is on the wall of my studio

TheBuddha ago

That's pretty sweet!

I don't have any good midget stories. That's not really my fault. They just won't rent me midgets!

crazy_eyes ago

I remember seeing a Kid Rock concert back 20 years ago and he had that midget Joe C and four strippers on stage with him that was pretty cool

TheBuddha ago

See? A goddamned rented midget.

They even have a KISS tribute rented midget band, that wears the complete makeup and itty bitty outfits!

I'll never know those joys, crazy eyes. That's just not okay.

crazy_eyes ago

there has got to be more than one midget rental company

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty sure they're a cabal. Like a midget mafia. I did find some midgets to rent in Australia.

I don't want a midget show. I want to rent them to do the activities that I request, like chasing my chickens for 8 hours straight. I bet that'd be a merry day!

crazy_eyes ago

that sounds like fun

TheBuddha ago

Damned right!!

crazy_eyes ago

you know an anagram of theBuddha is bathed duh

TheBuddha ago

LOL Well, I do shower an awful lot. I sometimes take four to six quick showers in a day. Most days, I take two or three showers.

Yes, it's weird. Yes, I'm okay with it. It takes like five minutes and I feel delightful afterwards! I don't primp and preen, I just give a quick toweling of my hair instead of actually doing anything with it. I may not even brush it. In the winter, my hair sometimes freezes when I go outside - it's kinda awesome feeling.

crazy_eyes ago

I know, thats why I brought it up, thats funny

TheBuddha ago

Was it you that didn't know the anagram trivia with Mr. Mojo Risson?

I think that was this thread. I love me some Doors!

crazy_eyes ago

that was me that was this thread. I looked at anagrams for all my girlfriends and they are all descriptive

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, our lizard brains are good at finding patterns. It's what helped us survive and evolve! It's pretty sweet!

It's much like the cadence and rhythm thing I was typing about earlier.

crazy_eyes ago

i like it a lot better when i dream the whole song in my sleep, its a lot easier on me that way, my subconscious does all the hard work when im asleep. and i dont have to entertain all these thoughts i feel like something aint right with me sometimes

TheBuddha ago

I've never experienced that.

crazy_eyes ago

I experience it with women and with music

TheBuddha ago

If I dream, I seldom remember it.

crazy_eyes ago

yeah i dont remember very many anymore, its rare

TheBuddha ago

I'd say that I don't dream - but I'm told that everyone does and we do so pretty much every time we fall asleep.

Except, 'cause of reasons, I don't really enter and remain in deep sleep long - or even always get there. I've been to a number of sleep studies and they offer me a ton of different drugs to aid with my sleeping. This is compounded by sleep apnea. Except sleep apnea is not actually the cause, it's just annoying. I have a CPAP machine but I don't ever use it. It does no good.

The only thing that helps is drugs.

The drugs that work, that the doctor gives me, make me feel murky and tired the following day. I'm currently prescribed monster doses of both Ambien and Seroquil (for sleep - sadly, I'm not crazy, so they don't give me crazy pills).

I don't usually take either. Low doses don't work. Medium doses work for like three days before my tolerance kicks in. High doses work for like a week or two - but they make me groggy as fuck, and pretty much useless the following day. Then, I have to not take any ('cause taking them is a waste) for a week or two - and then I can take 'em again! I get revolved around, if I want.

I'm afraid you might get the wrong impression from this.

No, no...

I don't actually mind this.

The idea of sleeping 8 hours a day means that I'd have spent 1/3 of my life asleep! At 60 years, that'd mean I'd fucking have slept for 20 fucking years!

Fuck that! Not sleeping well has made me very, very productive over the course of my life. My insomnia is pretty much my best fucking feature! I can stay awake for days, Even without drugs, I can stay awake! Drugs just help pass the time better!

I just like the drugs that they give me. I don't actually much care if I sleep. If I could realistically have spent my life awake, I'd possibly have tried it - and slept very little.

They do, too... They load me right up with whatever sleep aids I want. They made me go to two new sleep studies, but once they got the results of those - they stopped complaining and started believing! After that, they started prescribing me anything I damned well wanted.

In my first sleep study, I slept for 0 minutes - over the course of 48 hours. The test was only supposed to be for 24 hours, but they extended it 'cause I wasn't sleeping.

They thought I was faking it and forcing myself to stay awake. So, they turned off everything and made the room very dark - and asked me to keep my eyes closed. Which, I was happy enough to do, though that was kinda boring. They'd come check on me and I'd appear to be sleeping - and the machines they have said that I was pretty close to sleeping - but not sleeping. Physiologically, I was sleeping - except my brain waves, to keep it brief.

So, they realized I was not sleeping and just hanging out doing what they told me to do. Which was lay in the dark and with my eyes closed. I just mostly meditated and played with my imagination for a while. It was pretty dull.

Then, they brought me back in for a second test.

They had themselves a plan!

They were gonna see exactly how much it took to put me to sleep.

It's a very long story, but it actually took 'em coming in with an anesthetist who oversaw my vitals during the process. I know damned well that he had the tools to put me to sleep - but they wanted me to test with things that are available from the pharmacy and, you know, don't require anesthesia.

They packed me right full of drugs.

They'd give me drugs and then wait 30 minutes. They'd give me more drugs, and wait 30 minutes. It took several employee shifts before I finally fell asleep!

I get 2 to 5 hours most nights maybe. I was asleep last night be 01:00, maybe a little sooner. I was awake at 04:12 - 'cause I always look at the clock when I wake up. Always. That's about average.


Have an early morning novella!

crazy_eyes ago

I dont have that problem

TheBuddha ago

It has benefits!

I'm pretty damned productive. Those hours I'd have spent sleeping get used for something else. Sweet!

I'm so used to it that I find the idea of sleeping 1/3 of my life away to be almost terrifying. Even if I lose a few years at the end of my life, I'll have made up for it with the hours I haven't slept! Damned right!

crazy_eyes ago

I can stay up late but if I try to wake up before at lest 5 or 6 hours went bye I am not going to be functional

TheBuddha ago

Dunno? I've adjusted. It does sometimes suck - and I'll periodically sleep for extended sessions, but that's pretty rare. It's also much more rare that I don't do nearly as many drugs as I used to. I'd sometimes come off a binge and sleep for 24 to 30 hours - without even needing to use the bathroom.

I haven't had a giant conk-out sleep session like that in a lot of years.

crazy_eyes ago

I have to set an alarm or I will easily sleep for 10 to 12 hours before I wake up every day

TheBuddha ago

It's weird. I can tell myself to wake up at a certain time and I just kinda do.

To pay for my education, I into the Marines shortly after high school. Since then, I wake up really, really easily. It often means I can't go back to sleep, which is sometimes pretty shitty.

Meh... I try to put those hours to good use.

What's awesome is this thread is still going - though only a few responses (to me) today. I have absolutely no idea if anyone else is still chatting! It'd be awesome if they were, but I'm too damned lazy to check.

I just had an awesome jam session with EH. She makes me proud! She makes herself proud!

I kinda like the kid.

cynicaloldfart ago

While you're here, I was wondering if you might have some time, some day when you're bored with nothing to do (yes, that's a joke) to write up Stormy Monday for the site. You've already done most of the research and it's one of my favorites. There's several versions and I haven't heard one yet I didn't thoroughly enjoy. You could even link back to the article on for a little cross-site exposure. I wouldn't mind doing it but I thought it might be refreshing for the people who do read MFU to get a change of pace. Obviously you're a much more entertaining writer than I will ever be. But, by all means, don't feel compelled. I know how busy you are.

TheBuddha ago

LOL Ha! I almost started an article for MFU earlier tonight - but that wasn't the subject. I forgot what the subject was, but I left myself a note!

That's right. I took fucking notes!

I'm already sorta ahead of you. I'll add that to the list - and there will be some new material soon.

We're gonna talk about a little something called rock and roll! Now, if I could only remember what the hell the subject was. It's a damned good thing I took notes.

I know my thought process started with King Crimson. It went back to Chuck Berry. There's a connection there - and I made a note of it. Then, I smoked pot and continued doing what I was doing, 'cause that'd have distracted me for quite a while.

And, yeah... It's busy as all hell. I think I'm done for the night - and need to decide if I want to stay up and poke around at some luxuries, or if I should sleep.

LOL Don't be too surprised to find me typing away on the MFU site later tonight. It depends. I've had a pretty productive night. I can afford some luxuries. Writing an article for MFU might just make today the best day ever! We'll see... Lemme finish catching up on emails and comment replies. I'm also trying to avoid typing a chicken story. That's pretty tough competition for being the best day ever.

Fuck 'em... I don't know 'em well enough to tell 'em a chicken story. I probably don't even like 'em! I'm gonna write something for MFU - I can't guarantee that it'll be Stormy Monday, but I put that on a different note! (I'm a veritable sticky pad machine today.)

cynicaloldfart ago

Most excellent. But rest assured I'll do whatever I can on the site to free up your time. It's the only thing I can do to help. Pace yourself and enjoy the slow parts of life too.

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty sure my note is a cryptic note that says, "MFU ARTICLES RIFF HISTORY"

It'll be in all caps so I can actually read it - but the question is will I actually remember where I was going with that. I'm pretty sure I can make a well-reasoned article that King Crimson is pretty much where music went horribly wrong.

I blame King Crimson for a lot of things, when we get right down to it!

So, I think I was going to go on about riffs and how they're an essential part of what we know as rock and roll. They're guitar, but they're articles (potentially a series of 'em) that discuss riffs as they progress through the birth years of rock roll.

I figured they'd be better on that site - and why not?

At least I'm pretty sure that's what I was thinking in my note to myself.

They'll very much be about the birth of rock - but they'll be specifically about riffs. Guitar riffs. First, we gotta define 'em - and then we can examine them objectively!

I bet it'd be pretty fun.

Thoughts? Want me to run with it?

cynicaloldfart ago

Sounds amazing. I'm sure people will love it. My stuff is pretty dry, but educational. You'll bring some humour and life to the joint. As well as edumacating, it'll be like a new paint job. I have the passion, but not the skill to present the stuff in an entertaining way like you do. But I'll do what I can, and it does appear a few people visit each day. As I've said before, all I can do is put out what I find interesting and let others decide on the value to them. We both have grown kids and although our intentions are still there, we know they'll listen then do whatever the hell they want.

I'm not even going to peek at the site tonight. It'll make something to look forward to over coffee tomorrow. Remember to get your beauty sleep though, I hear you need it.

TheBuddha ago

Oh, please do peak.

There's a rough draft in there. View it and let me know what you think of some more typing, please. Public is fine. Email is fine. Whatever.

crazy_eyes ago

aha, all right, i should just go look instead,

verle says WOW 😲 holy shit 💩 lol

TheBuddha ago

Kindred spirits, Verle... Kindred spirits.

crazy_eyes ago

Verle says I hear as him about, kindred spirit

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty sure Verle would make an excellent rock star.

Can he do a heavy metal pig growl?

crazy_eyes ago

Verle says Not sure what that is

crazy_eyes ago

Verls says A shit 💩 lol

crazy_eyes ago

I bet he could

TheBuddha ago


crazy_eyes ago

Hell Yeah!!!!

TheBuddha ago

This thread may interest you:

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty sure Verle and I are kindred spirits!

The show was good. It was kind of funny in a few parts but I'm kinda shitfaced and not sure I want to type it all.

I typed it all out last night, but it needs to be edited and I haven't slept - plus I'm kinda shitfaced. So, it's not happening. Occupational hazard!

Got any specific things you want to hear about? Don't say "all of it." No. I'm kinda shitfaced. I ain't typing that.

crazy_eyes ago

Did the EH kill it? The funny stuff at least. What songs go over the best with the crowd? Did you stay and party with them after? That kind of stuff

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, it seems really unlikely that I'm typing that out today.

I will give you a bit of a sneak preview - of the article that I'm so not fucking editing today.

The eldest hoodlum told the drummer he sucked.

Not only did she tell him that he sucked - she said it into all of our earpieces - during the show.

He was having technical difficulties and, clear as a bell, we heard her tell the drummer that he sucked.

She cues us up and we were waiting on him - making her start the cue process before we were ready. His sucking made her look bad. She told him he sucked - for everyone to hear.

I'd have laughed my ass off if she'd used the wrong switch and sent it out over the amps, for the whole audience to hear. That'd have been funnier than hell.

If there was any protestations from the drummer - we heard none. After all, she also controls his microphone. She was having none of his shit last night.

It was funner than hell. It's also a good thing. It means she's comfortable - and the drummer took it well. In fact, he was sucking. We had to wait for him several times.

crazy_eyes ago

What the fuck was the drummer doing that he made you wait for him? Is jacking off back there?

TheBuddha ago

Trouble with the still-fairly-new tablets. Instead of his old method of sheet music, and notes, he uses a tablet. The hoodlum actually cues it up, but he can swipe and select what he wants and change the display rate and things like that.

He was fucking that all up. If they made a Fisher-Price model tablet that did the same thing, I'd get him one.

If he had verified and practiced, this would not have been a problem.

We also tried a new feature - and it went well.

We put the roadies to work and they use cameras to put a display through the projector and onto a large screen behind us.

They're unskilled labor! Nah, they did alright. It's a little annoying, but it's something we'll continue to investigate. It was a bit 'big' for this show, but we figured we'd use this show as a chance to put it out there, it's our first week doing it.

I'm pretty sure the audience could see my nostrils, many times. They do stupid shit like lay down in front of you, between you and your monitor - they crawl all over the place and stuff a camera in your fucking face. It kind of sucks. I don't really like it.

MrHarryReems ago

He uses sheets on stage?!?!! Say it isn't so!!

TheBuddha ago

Oh, fuck yeah. We kinda have to. I can't remember all that shit - and I'm positive the drummer can't!

Also, I have to approach an article about the differences required to play at loud volume levels. I haven't found a plan for it, yet.

crazy_eyes ago

you need to tell those guys with the cameras that they do not have to get right in your face the cameras have some sort of zoom feature, and that they can use that, they really should never be seen by the audience, you got to figure out a routine for them so they dont avoid you, where to be when on which song, somewhere unobtrusive, i hope you included shots of the crowd, Thats what i would use the screen for, to include the crowd in the show! I would think people would love to see themselves on the big screen, woudn't that be the best day ever!!!

TheBuddha ago

Oh, they ran around with cameras.

I'd like to get to the point where I can maybe hand out cameras to some of the audience members. They're pretty expensive, however. It'd have to be only at venues with good security presence.

And, it's pretty hard to get the pictures they need from other places - they're in the right spot. I told 'em to go there. I'm just not happy about it. It's the right thing to do. They stay mostly out of the audience's way - that's why they're laying down on the damned floor and shooting pictures of my nostrils.

crazy_eyes ago

all right, maybe i misunderstood a bit. get some remote controlled cameras mounted at strategic locations maybe

TheBuddha ago

I might make it an app they can download and use their cell phone. The effects can throw parts of it on the screen. Maybe...

I dunno... They're usually drunk.

crazy_eyes ago

use the audience cell phones camera and broadcast that on your big screen? is that what you mean?

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, just make an app that synchronizes with our wireless, based on a shared key. It can even be time limited.

I'm pretty sure I could get someone in India to write that for like $200.

crazy_eyes ago

That would be cool as hell, thats a great idea

TheBuddha ago

Damned right!

crazy_eyes ago

Hell Yeah!

TheBuddha ago

I'm so gonna end up with dicks being posted to the projector.

crazy_eyes ago

hope you get tits instead of dicks

TheBuddha ago

Both seem likely.

crazy_eyes ago

at least you face away from it LOL

TheBuddha ago

Yup! I will, however, be held accountable for it.