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TheBuddha ago

Hello and greetings! You know damned well what day and time it is. I ain't gotta explain it again! Like normal, I'll even go ahead and get you started.


You have 7 days to register at - after that point in time, you will require an invitation to register. This is what the community voted on and this is the results of that vote taking place.

Each month, each individual will get 3 invitation codes to give away. Admins can give you more codes if there's ever a reason to do so. The decision is final and the system is already in place. Assuming nothing goes wrong, the change will take effect in 7 days. The decision is not mine. I abstained from voting in the thread, as no tie-breaker was required.

Moving on...

So, I had nothing prepared for this week. I figured EH had nothing prepared and that's closer to the truth than I expected! Allow me to share a conversation with you.

Me: Did you do any prep for this week's guitar thread?
EH: Yup! J and I learned to play La Bamba!
Me: Really? That's impressive. That song is a bitch to play and there's like six guitar parts! I'm so impressed!
EH: Oh, no. We saved the hard parts for you!

I'm not even kidding. They did exactly that! The lazy bastards learned parts #1 and #2. They saved parts 3, 4, 5, and 6 for me. Their excuse? "We're not that good and we're on vacation!"

They did hardly anything at all! Yet, they still want their name on it! EH did do the mixing and editing, while J hung out and gave her encouragement.

While I played the difficult parts, they gave me moral support. That's it... No help, really. Just moral support and some giggles.

So, listen to TheBuddha do all the work!

Oh, wait... Sorry... I've now been told to edit this and Her Highness wants me to say:

Ladies and gentlemen, introducing The Eldest Hoodlum and TheBuddha Band, with special guest, for your pleasure as they play La Bamba for your enjoyment! Put your hands together and give them a warm welcome and appreciation for their hard work and attention to detail!


You see the shit I have to put up with?!?

Moving on...

As of the 24th of December, I can officially say that I've been playing guitar for five decades. I got my first guitar for Christmas of 1968. It's been a lot of years, but the guitar has been good to me and I'm glad to have spent that much time learning. I might even go so far as to say I've gotten good! It's been 50 years. I can now say that. I might even stroke my ego and say I've mastered the instrument. ;-)

Finally, and this is a long one, I may not be here very late tonight. I'll try to, but there's a combination of things that are likely to inhibit that. I have guests and I have re-injured my leg but that injury is not significant. Don't be alarmed. It simply is bone bruising and I should be back doing my regularly scheduled healing in a week. I do have a consult with the surgical team on Monday, but we're not expecting them to go back in for anything at this time. Sunday is my birthday, so it's quite possible that I get intoxicated and cause significant damage on that day!

Alright, this is long enough. Rock on, goats! Rock on!

crazy_eyes ago

At first, while i was reading that, I thought, just make them learn two of the hard parts, and you do two. Since they already know two easy parts. Then I started listening. Hmm this doesnt sound too hard to play. Then a little later, oh. I get it. theres the hard part. Sounds great, all of you! Yay Buddha! You nailed it!

TheBuddha ago

Thanks! And, yeah, there's some difficult bits in there. Earlier in the song, you can hear EH slap the strings hard enough to hit the frets and pull off quickly. She did that well!

Seriously, they're slackers this week!

And, in damned near unison they repeat they're on vacation.

crazy_eyes ago

Love being on vacation!

TheBuddha ago

They are enjoying it. J spent her vacation here and has actually agreed to come live here, commute to school, and do some work that I need doing in exchange.

It'll also give me time to teach her more.

I'm telling everyone that I'm building a harem.

crazy_eyes ago

when I was a teenage kid I always used to tell my friends that I wanted a harem someday!

TheBuddha ago

You sorta gotta let them live with you for it to be a harem. Though you can build an outbuilding and stash them in there. They tend to plot in there, so you have been warned!

I've been pondering building a real studio, not attached to the house, this summer. I've not spoken about it online because I'm not sure I really want the expense. But, a full studio with three sound booths and a central engineering section? That strikes my fancy. I've already got the design in my head, but that's not even final.

Anyway, my point is, I'm going to call it The Harem. If the ladies give me shit, they can go sleep in the studio.

Which just got me slapped by EH. It wasn't hard and was playful. Still. I'm pretty sure that's elder abuse!

crazy_eyes ago

Man, with the amount of angry women I have had to deal with this week I dont think I would ever want them to all love here. I need a reprieve sometimes!

TheBuddha ago

Yeah... I have six women in my house right now - sort of. 3 of them have gone off to bowl and drink, except one won't be drinking.


crazy_eyes ago

I'll play along, why is she not drinking?

TheBuddha ago

My daughter is pregnant!

I'm going to get a baby!

@clamhurt_legbeard @nadeshda @zyklon_b

(@CynicalOldFart already knows. This is the first time I've mentioned it on Voat.)

zyklon_b ago

haha congrats komrade!!! dude babies are the best like puppies but better!!!

TheBuddha ago

That was what I wanted to tell you, but didn't want to say only once.

The guitar thread was slow, so I figured I'd do it here. This way the important goats can see it. The goats I want to see it will now know and I needn't type a dozen different threads for it.

I'm pretty damned excited! I am sooooooooooooo going to spoil this child beyond belief.

Why? My daughter once stole my car and totaled it. She was 14. She then convinced me to not call the cops. I remember that...

I remember when she shaved the dog.

I remember when she mixed flour and water, to make pancakes, and I had to literally replace most of a kitchen - including flooring.

I remember when she cut her hair - and her brother's hair, much to his delight.

And, I remember more...

I will get revenge!

zyklon_b ago

haha. man babies are like pure joy and happiness.

TheBuddha ago

I hope it's a girl. I'm gonna get her a dirt bike!

zyklon_b ago

doesn't matter as long as is healthy. but yeah girls are fun but so are boys. teaching the kids to hunt is some of my best memories

TheBuddha ago

They are awesome. Due date is end of July.

zyklon_b ago

when she gets big enough to play and shit like 2 to 5 are really fucking fun years. i was in prison all of 1st year of daughter but got my nephew as an infant given to me,.

congrats brother

TheBuddha ago

Thanks. It's gonna be awesome.

zyklon_b ago

yes it is. probably be one of best times you rememeber before you die will be times with that baby

TheBuddha ago

I suspect I'll have good times.

zyklon_b ago

even changing shitty diapers is fun cause the baby makes you feel needed and important in my experience

TheBuddha ago

I'm not changing a single diaper.

zyklon_b ago

if i had a maid or nanny id never changed one either but after you do it it aint as bad as it seems cause the baby cannot help itself. I love kids they are the best. this nigger that works with my pa and has been dropping his baby like 6 weeks or 2 months old over with me when he runs errands and that little monkey brings me so much joy in the hour or so i get to keep her

TheBuddha ago

That's their mother's job. My job is to spoil the baby and send it back when I'm done.

zyklon_b ago

dude this gonna be great!!!!!!

TheBuddha ago

Yup. I've waited a long time for this. She's in her thirties.

zyklon_b ago

why she wait so long?

TheBuddha ago

She didn't want one earlier.

zyklon_b ago

sucks for you but will be made right soon

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty excited!

zyklon_b ago

i know. its obvious youwill be proud good grandpa

TheBuddha ago

I'm sure I will be! I am pretty excited!

zyklon_b ago

score Demerol 50 mg

TheBuddha ago

That'll knock your dick in the dirt.

zyklon_b ago

I read snorted is more bioavailable than oral so despite my loathing of pill snorters I tried it/. 20 minutes gone by and pupils a lot smaller. the effects are stimulant type but I feel a heavy opiod experience may be in store

TheBuddha ago

Snorting is a waste.

zyklon_b ago

I know

TheBuddha ago

LOL I have to go back out to the family. I'll get back on later.

zyklon_b ago

im high but not real high

TheBuddha ago

You could have broken it in half and eaten half of it and waited 30 minutes. Dem is pretty good and has great bioavailability orally. Shooting it would be even better, but that's dumb.

zyklon_b ago

I aint shooting anything but mefff or h. anything else I aint comfortable doin

TheBuddha ago

Shooting pills is fucking stupid.

I know, I've done it.

zyklon_b ago

yeah I mean I guess if I was like trying to impress some young hot piece of ass id probably go against my rules but other than that I just aint that dude. (and I shoot meff so that tells u how bad iv pill is)

TheBuddha ago

I'd shoot pills before shooting street meth.

zyklon_b ago

I know its all subjective to the individual as to what they think "good drugs" is , me id shoot meth in a second if I had a slut and nothing to do (no obligations/48 hrs . other than that I aint shotting shit

TheBuddha ago

I know how they make it.

I ain't shooting that.

zyklon_b ago

i been in meth lsabs since a very esrly age

TheBuddha ago

Yup. I ain't shooting that shit. Also, good timing! LOL I'm back in my study for a few minutes. My daughter has gone to bed. She needs to be up early so she can spend some time with me on my birthday and then leave before noon. She has to go home and go back to work. I believe my son is also headed out, but he's just going to go visit some friends.

My daughter did not live here, nor grow up here. She was finishing high school when I sold the company and retired. My son was just barely entering middle school, which means he has lots of friends still in the area.

zyklon_b ago

i know by your kindness to a scumbag like mydelf that you have made up for the abscrnce a lot bro.

TheBuddha ago

I'm not sure I follow?

zyklon_b ago

I don't remember typing that nor what I meant. good morning

TheBuddha ago

LOL I'm as baffled as you are! G'day. Not much free time today, I'm afraid.

zyklon_b ago

surgery in the morning and I gotta be there at 10 am. so no food after midnight is gonna be rough

TheBuddha ago

That's kinda good. You'll get drugs!

What are they doing to it?

zyklon_b ago

I am not certain but may have it rebroken

TheBuddha ago

They didn't explain what they were going to do?

zyklon_b ago


TheBuddha ago

Hmm... They've always explained what they were going to do to me, quite carefully in fact. Usually, I make 'em tell me in great detail.

zyklon_b ago

all he said was clean it up and possibly using something looks like an ice pick to rebreak

TheBuddha ago

Good luck!

zyklon_b ago

they rebroke it with drill and cannot put any weight on it for 6 weeks. I got kicked outta hospital and banned permanently for calling the nurse a nigger

TheBuddha ago

Gotta be honest, that was kinda dumb.

cynicaloldfart ago

I'm trying to get everyone to frequently refer to him now as GRANDPA. Between this and his birthday I'm not letting him forget his advanced age. Old people, such as him, need to be chided often. It lets them know they aren't forgotten and useless, yet. ;-)

zyklon_b ago


cynicaloldfart ago

Yep, that works. GRAMPA!!

zyklon_b ago

he gonna make a good grampa