Buddha. I wanted to play this thing this week. I did. Man fuck family fuck people who hate me. Fuck it all I'll get it eventually. This week I'm in a bad way, but I still wanted to show up.

I wanted to play money for nothing.

cynicaloldfart ago

Thanks for stopping by. You need no apologies with a brand new kid. Focus on what really matters. Even though there are a few real people that care, you do matter here. When the time is right, we do want to hear your progress. It's so great to know another kid will hear real music in their life. Rock on, bro.

TheBuddha ago

When you're ready and able, we're here for you and want to hear it.

How's the kid's health?

cynicaloldfart ago

It doesn't always suck to have an evil tell-lie-vision. Tonight TCM had Hard Days Night, then Jailhouse Rock, and now Tommy is starting. Along with this thread, a lot of great tunes for me tonight.

TheBuddha ago

LOL neither of the two ladies knew that used to mean 'Turner Classic Movies.'

Neither of them understood my joke when I said, 'At least he's not watching Matlock reruns.' They don't know who Matlock is. They've also never seen Murder She Wrote.

Of the three, only J recognizes Tommy and she says she's never seen it. Man, have I got some work to do. I'm not putting the satellite dish back up.

cynicaloldfart ago

cue Doobie Bro's Hey Nineteen.

TheBuddha ago

LOL it's not just a generation gap. It's more like a two or three generation gap!

It's okay, tomorrow morning you'll still be older than I am!

cynicaloldfart ago

Wait...checking....It's alright now to start my spamming of GRANDPA on here frequently. And if we go by just a 2-digit indicator, Sunday you'll be catching up. Just remember you will be a Grand, but I'll still be a Great!

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, I doubt I'll live long enough to be great. That's because my children are too stupid to know how to make babies. I think A has figured it out now. She has the tiniest of baby bumps.

cynicaloldfart ago

Yeah, I doubt I'll live long enough to be great.

Well maybe if you start listening to all of us and take your time to heal properly you might. Seriously though, I know how frustrating it must be. But be python and always look on the bright side of life. You can still play, write, laugh, and you have 3 lovely ladies waiting on you. And it is winter when you have to stay in a little more than summer. Even the weather is trying to help by not making you look at unsmashed snowbanks. Hang in there, the best is yet to come.

TheBuddha ago

That's like another twenty years. LOL These old bones might not last that long. Hell, I'm surprised they've lasted this long!

TheBuddha ago

One more from my archives but not from your archives.

This is old. This is TheBuddha and friends. from a few years back. I'd forgotten all about this! LOL I can barely remember the recording!

I'm told to ping @cynicaloldfart.

EH says she noticed this because she remembers you asking about it? So, she and J edited it up (There was some mucking about and talking in front of it and laughing at the end. I am not entirely sure who the rest are, but it wasn't even recorded here (thus the redacted bit).

Anyhow, she says she remembers you mentioning the song and she's going through my storage (digital) and looking for tracks. She and J just edited it up and she says it's for you. Ii like how she gives away my music and takes credit for it! Sheesh... Elder abuse!

Err... I don't recollect you asking about the song, but she insists and her memory is better than my own.

crazy_eyes ago

That was awesome!

TheBuddha ago

Thanks. We were actually pretty shitfaced, as I recall. However, that was with a bunch of other professional musicians.

Do you still have your copy of you and Chris jamming on the Ripple track? I'm not sure EH has heard it.

cynicaloldfart ago

Is this the one?

It was in 3.9.18 archive.

crazy_eyes ago

It's so awesome that you remember that and can find it that fast.

cynicaloldfart ago

No, no. I just used the search function. I do remember a lot that I know I saw something, but no way I can remember when. Heck, it's the same on my MFU articles. I know I wrote something about somebody but damned if I can locate it without search. Thanks anywho.

crazy_eyes ago

How many ripples did you find before you found the right one?

cynicaloldfart ago

There are 5 on FNGT and they're all yours.

crazy_eyes ago

i think they are all a different performance of the same song

cynicaloldfart ago

Maybe, the one I posted was the first one found. here's what I saw

2018 Archives / 03.09.2018 FNGT Archive
« by COF on December 13, 2018, 09:14:44 PM »
...... of the Devil by crazy eyes Grateful Dead - Ripple Ripple by crazy eyes Whiskey Whiskey by Sleazy ......
2018 Archives / 03.23.2018 FNGT Archive
« by COF on December 12, 2018, 08:55:29 PM »
...... of the Devil by crazy eyes Grateful Dead - Ripple Ripple by crazy eyes @MrHarryReems Traditional ......
2018 Archives / 03.30.2018 FNGT Archive
« by COF on December 12, 2018, 12:33:25 PM »
...... . @crazy_eyes (and friends) Grateful Dead - Ripple Ripple by crazy eyes Grateful Dead - Ripple ......
2018 Archives / 06.01.2018 FNGT Archive
« by COF on November 29, 2018, 08:19:17 PM »
...... by Super Massive Unknown The Grateful Dead - Ripple Ripple @Nadeshda Stricken 02 stricken mp3 ......
2018 Archives / 08.24.2018 FNGT Archive
« by COF on November 29, 2018, 09:51:26 PM »
...... - The Weight The Weight by SMU Grateful Dead - Ripple Ripple George Gershwin - Summertime Summertime ......

Nadeshda ago

Thank you for all your hard work in archiving our songs. Hoping the New Year brings some new tunes to add to that growing list!

cynicaloldfart ago

I just hope you can get settled soon and able to share some more of your tunes with us. It's of great comfort that I know you are in His hands and all will progress in the fashion He has planned for you. Give the Nadettes a hug from me.

Nadeshda ago

Will do Sir and yes the journey is mapped out. May we walk with HIM all the days of our lives and may HE reveal HIS steps and plans for us.

Be blessed this day!

TheBuddha ago

@crazy_eyes found it. But, yes, that's the one.

I did dig the ripple one out for the archives, for ya. It'd been shared on vocaroo. I figure I'll TRY to remember what hasn't been properly archived and add them in slow threads. But, my memory isn't that good and EH wasn't always here or always paying attention. So, I may not know them all.

cynicaloldfart ago

I might get bored some day and go back through and make a list of all the vocaroo tracks everyone shared. But I've really got to get inspired to start doing some MFU articles again. I only have 4 or so already drafted there, so I need to get back in gear.

TheBuddha ago

I saw you published one in the middle of the night. I was confused.

But, yeah, keeping motivation is difficult. I need to get writing again. My plan is the new year. By then, I should be okay to sit for a few hours in one spot. Right now, I can do it but it's distracting and not really conducive to writing. That and opiates sap my creativity. I'm not sure if that's normal, but they do. I haven't been smoking much pot lately.

cynicaloldfart ago

I hit schedule instead of draft. I pulled it back and it's waiting.

I have missed PG. You've introduced me to some great guitarists I have missed. Maybe an easy warm-up would be to complete the list of Better Thans. You stopped at 20 being blank.

Oh, there's Clapton playing now on Tommy with Townsend and Entwistle. What a weird looking bass John is playing.

TheBuddha ago

That explains it. And, good tunes. I like Tommy.

I'm now up the stairs and in bed. Well, I'm on the bed. I still have two lovely ladies keeping me company. I'd have three, but the missus didn't seem interested in moving and the dog was not interested in getting off her lap. It's a good thing I'm well behaved and the ladies are too young!

cynicaloldfart ago

I don't know about being too young, well certainly EH is, but just keep telling them and yourself "I'm old enough to be a GRANDPA". And there's certainly been enough ELDER abuse for one night!

TheBuddha ago

LOL J has meandered off to bed. But, yes... I'm old enough to be a grandfather! I'm not sure I'm mature enough, but we shall see!

cynicaloldfart ago

I'm not sure I'm mature enough

Keep that attitude. A won't like it, but your grandkid certainly will. That kid is going to be soooooooo spoiled, and that's great!

TheBuddha ago

Oh, she'll like it. She's already accustomed to me! She constantly tells me to never grow up. In fact, she tells me that I was worse while I was pretending to be an adult.

It's a quirky family, I suppose. I love 'em.

cynicaloldfart ago

You know, thinking about it, with a mother virtually an expert in kids specially trained to deal with both medical and emotional aspects and a GRANDPA with your knowledge and artistic passion, that kid is sure to be an outstanding person. This world surely needs a family such as yours, even though they don't deserve it.

TheBuddha ago

The kid will be just fine, I'm sure of it. I've instilled good values in the family. The kid will be mentally healthy, productive, and hopefully physically healthy and happy. Their education is already paid for, but they'll still need to work for a living. We have our familial standards.

I was the first to go to college and get a degree in my family. I'd like to believe that this will start a foundation where academic achievement is valued, be it formal or otherwise. I can leave a lot to the future generations, but I will not leave them in a position where they can be physically or intellectually lazy. I'm reconsidering some choices, but they are too long to type on a tablet.

Also, it's a good thing people trust me. LOL EH has fallen asleep in the bed. I ain't even gonna wake her up.

cynicaloldfart ago

There's no worry, on anyone's part. You're a man of honor. No one needs to trust you, you trust yourself. And the Bear knows you, or else she wouldn't be there. Integrity isn't limited to your music, it is a part of your nature. I'm sure EH is in the best place to go through this period in her life, history included, and adding J into the mix can only be a plus. Personal worth and values are taught, and she has a great teachers.

TheBuddha ago

She's already a good person.

LOL She has seen me pee. She was in the hospital room with me and pretty much impossible to budge. More than once she returned to the room only to see my struggling to hold myself sorta on my side so I could piss in the urinal jug thing. She's even emptied it!

It was that or a catheter. A catheter was NOT an option. So, I peed in a jug. I kept peeing in a jug at night, 'cause getting out of bed was an ordeal.

She's a strong one. She will do alright.

cynicaloldfart ago

Well, maybe now you and her can understand why blackbird is my interpretation of the whole situation. I sense how much potential she had, as a caring, giving, loving soul just waiting for the chance to express it. Just waiting for this moment to arise. I tend to view it in my context and attribute to a something more than human happenchance. However it happened it is truly the best, and exact, situation for her to be in. I am so happy for the both of you. These are the values that make life worthwhile.

TheBuddha ago

She is delightful, even if she flops around and snores.

crazy_eyes ago

TheBuddha ago

Thanks. Listening now.

EH: "Ha! They're out of tune! The timing got better." (It was a bit off at the start and I was actually playing my part a little quickly.)

J: "His voice has potential. Does he have any formal training?" She then giggled and asked if he was cute. I told her that you might not be the best judge of that.

Thanks for re-sharing it. EH had not heard it. She adds that it was fun to listen to and that you two sounded 'serious.'

crazy_eyes ago

He does not have any formal training. Verle says hes cute

TheBuddha ago

She said, "So when are we driving out there?"

I told her I have no idea and that she can just invite herself. You've seen her pic.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL, get in the car!

TheBuddha ago

J know I'm pretty fond of her and she's comfortable here. She can invite herself and she knows I'll let her be a part.

crazy_eyes ago

Of course

TheBuddha ago

She's staying here until at least summer. That's good. EH can use the companionship and the two practice together a great deal.

crazy_eyes ago

Thats great!

TheBuddha ago

We think so. After my injury, I bought a used Jeep with an automatic transmission. I still can't even drive that. She's only got to be in Augusta three days a week, so that will get her there.

If the roads are too bad, she can stay at the missus' house which is like five miles from the campus. So that is taken care of.

There is enough labor to be done around here. She can take EH to driver's education, which starts in January. I can't drive her. The house cleaner retired and hasn't been replaced. So, there's enough work for her to do. In return, I'll pay for her semester at university, keep her topped up with fuel for the Jeep, and she already makes money with the band. So, she won't have any expenses or anything.

We will see how it goes, but I'm sure it'll be fine. LOL She's finally wandering off to bed. It's down to just EH and I. We're both fading quickly.

crazy_eyes ago

Sounds like a great arrangement! Im sure she loves being there

TheBuddha ago

Most everyone does. It's a nice house, beautiful view, remote, and the people here are pretty good people. People that visit almost always end up staying as long as they can, returning when they can, and lamenting that they have to leave. This is not my first time having someone stay for months and months. It was easier when the old house was still available, but that currently has people living in it.

We are also pretty welcoming, so that has a lot to do with it. There's always enough food for an extra plate or three, just in case someone stops by. The door is seldom locked and many people know where the key is. There are alarms and cameras, but they're seldom even turned on. It's not like there's any crime here.

crazy_eyes ago

sounds like a great place to be

TheBuddha ago

It is. That's why I'm here! It's really idyllic. I truly appreciate it.

crazy_eyes ago

Thats awesome. I love my place too, nobody bothers me here. Maybe some day in the future I will get away from the town, but for now this works out perfectly for me

TheBuddha ago

It sounds not too bad for a suburb, actually. I'm kinda surprised.

crazy_eyes ago

My place is not the normal place, most houses are surrounded by other houses and you have to be quiet at night and thats definitely not for me

TheBuddha ago

I like being able to have hundreds of people on my lawn, big lights, and loud music. If a neighbor could hear it, they'd just wander over and join us. The closest is the farm, and they can't hear us when they're inside, even when they have their windows open. I'll fix that next year, by putting our show gear on the stage! They'll hear us then!

crazy_eyes ago

That would be great, I dont have enough room for that many people

TheBuddha ago

It's pretty sweet! What's even more awesome is there's nobody around to complain.

crazy_eyes ago

That is awesome!

I hate when people complain about me simply having fun

TheBuddha ago

Damned right! It really sucks to turn the party down.

crazy_eyes ago

man I was sitting in Verles back yard jamming with some guy named Lorne and the cops showed up and told us to shut it down. At like 9:30 PM. That pissed me off

TheBuddha ago

I'd straight up giggle if a cop showed up here and told me to shut it down.

crazy_eyes ago

Here too, I'd be like nope

TheBuddha ago

At my large gathering, I'm sure there are quite a few lawyers attending. Good luck officer, talk to them.

crazy_eyes ago

and get the fuck off my property

TheBuddha ago

Maybe after my drunken lawyer buddies have had their fun.

crazy_eyes ago

I dont have any friends who are lawyers, so I prefer to keep the police as far from me as possible. They have fucked me over enough in the past and I dont want to even give them an opportunity to do it again

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, that's a good choice. I'd not even talk to them, except to tell 'em to talk to my lawyer. When they ask, I'll also tell them to pick one. I'm pretty sure at least two will be walking over by then.

crazy_eyes ago

make 'em take a ride with your lawyer!

TheBuddha ago

I'm not sure I can do that.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL Well, no, probably not, but man that would be so awesome

TheBuddha ago

It's gonna be quite some time before he can drive again.

crazy_eyes ago

Too bad for him. Good for his passengers

TheBuddha ago

That was his first serious wreck, he tells me.

crazy_eyes ago

Hopefully his last

TheBuddha ago

I'd like to hope so. I've seen him very little over the past couple of weeks. That's not a complaint.

crazy_eyes ago

I do remember you mentioning that he had been coming around often, so thats a good thing

TheBuddha ago

Inevitably, he wants to tell me how sorry he is. That gets old fast.

crazy_eyes ago

yeah, im sorry, but i have to leave, sorry LoL

TheBuddha ago

It's worse.

He wants to sit there and tell me how sorry he is. He can't seem to help it. I'm pretty sure he's more traumatized than I am.

crazy_eyes ago

LoL I really did leave. LoL

he's feeling guilty and he should

TheBuddha ago

Oh, I thought you were saying what my lawyer would say!


I'm on a cigar smoke break.

cynicaloldfart ago

Um...uh...yeah, of course I remember. What do you think I am some old geezer? They are sorta handy to have around. Tell them Thank You for remembering and doing this. I'm going to have to email her in a few days (if I don't forget), so have her check once in a while.

TheBuddha ago

She's on her second, maybe third, glass of wine and is particularly pleased that you're grateful.

They invested like 5 minutes to edit it. They want all the credit!

cynicaloldfart ago

We've been over this, just tonight even. WOMENFOLK! And they're deadliest when they're young and pretty as those two. Well, I know for sure J is but am still lacking a pic of EH. Tell her I'll trade pics (an actual recent one) if she promises not to be too disappointed.

TheBuddha ago

"I still haven't picked out good ones to send. I'm on vacation."

"Just send him any, you're beautiful."

"No, I'm not."

Then they kept gabbing. I had no part in that conversation. I'm pretty sure this is elder abuse!

The house is strangely quiet and I guess they're going to stay at a hotel as there is only one sober driver and there are two cars. It's also sleeting in the village and snowing up here.

cynicaloldfart ago

Welcome @Zinnsee. We get notified when anyone signs up. Glad you're onboard.

Had 2 other newbies recently, but I don't think they're on Voat. Maybe, but didn't recognize the names.

TheBuddha ago

I saw that. And, those are probably just spam bots. However, they can't spam automatically, so they've not posted anything. If they do it manually, delete and bans are in order.

cynicaloldfart ago

I did notice they both had cute little backstories, which nobody else did. But they're fancy bots if so, they filled in what instruments they played. Bears watching, and strangers do stick out in a familiar crowd.

TheBuddha ago

I hadn't dug that deep. I just figured I'd wait to see what they posted. I did do a quick check of the IP addresses. Those struck me as a bit odd.

Meh... We'll see...

And, I want to make a bad joke about how the bear's not actually watching. She pays no attention to the site!

cynicaloldfart ago

That's probably for the best. I have a feeling you'd be in a lot more trouble and a few more grumpy photo's.

TheBuddha ago

She's almost certainly asleep in her chair right now. I haven't left the room for hours, but the house is mostly empty. I suspect she's sleeping and the dog has sneaked into her lap.

TheBuddha ago

The young ladies say you're all pretty boring tonight. LOL

I'm not sure I've heard Voat called boring before.

crazy_eyes ago

You can all listen to a bunch of drunks try to play a song that they dont really know how to play. Motel Kalifornia

TheBuddha ago

Listening now. I do believe I've heard this one before?

Hmm... Have you heard the band do this?

She's just singing something. Does not appear to care what the words are, or even if it's a song. She could possibly have a nice voice. She could also be eating the mic, I'm not sure.

Ah, there goes Chris. The drummer quit. The lyrics just quit, as well.

Yup, there was some booze consumed that night!

The dog knows the lyrics better than the people.

That timing is horrible! ;-) I like how Chris just says fuck it and gets raunchy with it.

Hmm... The bass player (probably you) just kinda keeps playing something. Why not?

LOL I've renamed your cover "Cotel Halifornia."

crazy_eyes ago

Yeah, I have heard your band do this one, you guys do it great! And yeah I was playing bass, just trying to keep it going somehow. I dont really know how to play this one. maybe i should learn it. I was just winging it

cynicaloldfart ago

Yep, you need to hear that version. I may prefer it over the regular version. At least it's a version you haven't heard still everyday on the radio. His guitar part stands out a little more and seems a little more complex. And yes, my mother is one of his oldest fans. Of course the classical and softer ones, but even a few light rockers. Two of my daughters, and both have guitar-playing husbands, also want to hear the new ones as he, and EH, posts them. We're a southern fan club mini-chapter.

TheBuddha ago

We tried a really special version, but the audience didn't really recognize it at first and then didn't really appreciate it that much. I have a rough studio copy, if you want to hear that via PM?

LOL COF's mom likes it!

crazy_eyes ago

Hell yeah! I would love to hear it!

TheBuddha ago

You have a PM. No need to respond to it, unless you feel compelled to do so. Don't need compliments. I know we're good. ;-)

50 years, crazy! I've been playing guitar for 50 years now! (I'm pretty excited to be able to say that. It has been a whole lot of practice for a whole lot of years.)

crazy_eyes ago

Where the hell is everyone?

TheBuddha ago

COF says they're on vacation. I dropped an older track AND a new track that is old but you've never heard it before.

cynicaloldfart ago

Tell them everybody's on vacation.

TheBuddha ago

They think only they are entitled to vacations. In their defense, they have been working hard. EH truly impresses me with her work ethic.

cynicaloldfart ago

...she was only waiting for this moment to arise.

She's already a legend!

TheBuddha ago

And she tells me to add, "It's okay! My butt is still bigger than my head!"

She found this uproariously funny. I suspect that's the wine.

cynicaloldfart ago

Went over my head. May be time for 'last call'.

TheBuddha ago

You said she was already a legend. I said something (didn't type it out) about her head getting too big. Thus her reply that her head was still smaller than her butt, which she found quite amusing. Tonight, she's allowed to have her fill. There's nobody here, it's still festive, and she's on vacation. We're still celebrating the holidays.

Hell, I'm gonna send J for another bottle in a minute. In about an hour, I suspect I'll head to the tablet and a prone position. Maybe sooner.

cynicaloldfart ago

Carefully and slowly please.

TheBuddha ago

But of course.

"We promise we'll get him up the stairs safely!" Followed by a stiffled giggle. I've only had a few glasses and my chug straight from the bottle.

I'm saving my bad decision making for Sunday, after my daughter leaves!

cynicaloldfart ago

I give up

I don't care (your suggestion).


TheBuddha ago

Pffft... I don't believe you!

TheBuddha ago

LOL In a decade or two, she'll be truly good! ;-)

crazy_eyes ago

I will share one more with you all tonight, this one is from a year ago as well, and it includes Verle. This is a song Verle had written some years back and he taught me how to play it so I threw some music together and had him sing it a couple times one night when he was over here having a few beers with me. Here's Livin' a Lie

C_Corax ago

I do realize how obnoxious requests can be, but I desperately want to hear Verle crooning 'Stand by me'. As raw, simplistic and in full on theater mode as only Verle can do it. I'd love to hear that :)

crazy_eyes ago

I think I am going to go by Verle's place tonight for a while. I am going to learn the notes for that song before I go there and talk him into it

C_Corax ago

Sweet :D

And a Happy New Year to you my dude :)

crazy_eyes ago

I will see what i can do

cynicaloldfart ago

That does sound like something that should be done. Verle needs to realise he belongs to the FNGT world now and it would just be selfish to deny us his artistry.

crazy_eyes ago

I forwarded this message to Verle.

cynicaloldfart ago

Great. Whatever it takes to get him singing/talking/being Verle again.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, I've heard that before. I wasn't sure, at first!

Also, does Verle ever have just a 'few' beers? When people say a few, I think 3 to 4. I'm not picturing Verle drinking just 3 or 4 beers.

crazy_eyes ago

Only if thats all thats in the fridge and he either doesnt have the money for more or doesnt have a ride to the liquor store

TheBuddha ago

Alright, that makes more sense!

Note to self: Look for beer in packs of 30. Get two. Plan on returning to the store.

crazy_eyes ago

We know of the thirty pack, thats whats running the bar in Verles bedroom

TheBuddha ago

Why is the beer in his bedroom?

crazy_eyes ago

The bar is in his bedroom, the beer is in the fridge in the kitchen

TheBuddha ago

I'm not sure I want to know the answer, but why is the bar in his bedroom?

crazy_eyes ago

Well, he took on a roommate for some extra money, and he was living with the owner of that bar that Chris and I had played at. The bar got shut down and they broke up so he basically moved the bar into his bedroom in verles place. Hes got a bar in there and decorated it all up with the stuff from that bar that was shut down so its like walking into a bar

TheBuddha ago

I want to say that's awesome. However, that's a TERRIBLE idea.

That idea is so bad, I like it!

It's also sounds like the perfect location for a coke party! Coke parties always end up in a bedroom (not necessarily for sex) or in the bathroom. I've never figured out why, but they almost always do. I've done mountains of coke in bedrooms and bathrooms.

crazy_eyes ago

Im sure theres been a mountain through that bedroom

TheBuddha ago

The thread is slow and I haven't anything really dug out from the archives.

This is me noodling Grateful Dead's song Ripple. It is not actually 'correct' in that I'm not following the tab or anything. It's a bit of a rarity and COF hasn't archived it, 'cause it wasn't shared when I used, so it's not in the archives.

I'm more or less trying to play both guitar parts and being pretty fancy. Yup, it's a rare track for me to release in public.

What? I don't always play exact replications!

crazy_eyes ago

I remember when you shared this one before and Chris and I played along with you. I love this song. Great version of it!

TheBuddha ago

Thanks, glad ya liked it.

cynicaloldfart ago

Wonder where @MrHarryReems has been. Probably busy with holiday shows I imagine. I was hoping he would show up with some audio of the gig he had a couple weeks ago. He'll show up eventually and maybe can show off his new bassist.

TheBuddha ago

I think he only had the one and he posted at FNGT just a day ago. So, he's not dead. I asked him how his show went, but he didn't tell me.

He did say the audition went too well, that the artist is a multi-instrumentalist and exceptionally skilled.

I saw @nadeshda earlier today, but she was at work and is very, very occupied with real life stuff of some importance. I hope she'll make it, even if it's just to chat for a few.

Nadeshda ago

Sorry I didn’t make it, it was pretty hard last night to get anywhere. Hope you had a good evening?

TheBuddha ago

It was lovely but only a few of us showed up.

Nadeshda ago

I was in between residences and when I finally sat down my phone was dead and I plugged it in and passed out. I will work through the thread this weekend if possible but this is the final moving weekend so it may prove difficult!

TheBuddha ago

That is quite understandable. There's some good music.

Nadeshda ago

There always is!!! You guys and gals rawk, this is true!

TheBuddha ago

I had two ladies accompany me.

Nadeshda ago

I did make the effort to sign and upvoat the thread then read the La Bamba post but had no time to listen.

I see they got you to do all work.

I could very much just switch off now and just chat and listen to some tunes but I really need to get on with stuff.

Aargh moving sucks :/

TheBuddha ago

I will never move again.

cynicaloldfart ago

She's also been on my mind a lot lately. You two are sure hard on my knees (figuratively).

TheBuddha ago

Well, you could just stop caring! ;-)

cynicaloldfart ago

It's a lousy job but someone has to do it. Besides, it's not up to me.

TheBuddha ago

You'd not be the same without your trait of caring for certain people. It's what you do!

PraiseIPU ago

Guitars ar dum.

Real men play banjos

TheBuddha ago

So, play one for us. We'll wait.

PraiseIPU ago

Im not a real man

Also ive only had it a week.

C_Corax ago

I still haven't shared anything so whom am I to speak, but you have the fortune to be able to share your progress with us. Play something for us even if you think you sound terrible. Maybe we can give you some advice on how to improve, but most importantly you'll have something to look back at in a few months time when you'll surely have improved immensely.

PraiseIPU ago

Meh. Nobody wants to hears my shitty primus covers on banjo

cynicaloldfart ago

Not with that attitude, mister! JK, this is exactly the place to share your stuff. Everyone here was just starting out at some point. The whole idea of this thread is to share whatever you are doing at the moment and knowing it will be appreciated. We aren't critical reviewers or interested in the level of achievement, it's all about the enjoyment of music and sharing in each others pursuit of that. Rock on dude, and come back every Friday night.

C_Corax ago

Yes we do. If you feel like sharing of course. You don't have to, but there will be an audience if you do share :)

cynicaloldfart ago

We'll be watching for a tune or two soon, please.

TheBuddha ago

My suggestion is to learn tab and consider taking some few months, at least, of formal lessons.

I also suggest contributing weekly so we can enjoy hearing you progress!

crazy_eyes ago

Here is another one from a while back, this one includes my buddy Chris, here is him and I playing Mr Bojangles

TheBuddha ago

LOL You shared that one not long ago. That's okay, I'll listen again and I liked it the first time.

If I ever make it out that way, Chris is gonna have to come sing for me. I'll play - and even lead him in with a nod to show him when to start the vocals for tricky timing songs. We're gonna do some wonderful songs.

crazy_eyes ago

That would be so awesome. We could spend days jamming with you, wouldnt even want to stop to sleep, maybe to take a leak cause im sure there will be drinking involved, but theres a sink right there where we jam, if necessary. Or a door to the outside right next to the sink

TheBuddha ago

Don't you live in the suburbs?

crazy_eyes ago

kind of, where i live theres really nobody around except the cars that drive past on the road. I have on neighbor, he dont give a shit what we do. Across the street is a huge cemetery and theres a couple acres of woods behind me and on one side, theres city all round in a mile in every direction except toward the water but its a little secluded spot in between at the end of a commercial area so theres no noise ordinance and we can jam loud all night if we want to

TheBuddha ago

That's not nearly as bad as I was picturing.


You can piss right off my porch, if you want. I also have ample bathrooms. The bathroom next to the game room has a urinal, even. Yup, it's got a real urinal! (I planned ahead!)

Shit, you can shoot firearms off my porch. Ain't nobody gonna notice.

LOL I can see me making a trip in the RV, so I can bring a couple of amps and some equipment. We'll see if your neighbor still likes you after that!

crazy_eyes ago

I dont know if he likes me or not. Hes never complained. When I moved in here a couple years ago I went over and introduced myself one day and asked him if the loud music bothered him and he said he's never noticed it inside his house, as long as its not drowning out his porn he's all right, and he's never come around to complain about anything, we wave to each other once in a while. I dont know what he thinks of whats going on here. There always a lot of people coming and going

TheBuddha ago

That seems so foreign to me now.

LOL I used to live similarly but I've changed. Maine has changed me. I know every neighbor quite well. I see them very regularly. We stop in and visit. If one of us is going into the village, we may call a few other neighbors and ask if they need anything - or if they want to come with us.

Maine has changed me significantly. I really only notice when I contrast it with other people.

crazy_eyes ago

I think its more just we dont really have anything in common, and we really havent spent any time together. I usually have things going on, but I usually know my neighbors, I always have in the past. I think its more like there in that respect here than it is in a lot of other places.

TheBuddha ago

It's so different than the way I live now. Ah well.

cynicaloldfart ago

I'm pretty sure they've seen plenty with that crew around.

TheBuddha ago

That does seem likely, but they haven't seen TheBuddha on a bender!

cynicaloldfart ago

What's up with Verle. We haven't had a good dose of him in ages. Hope he is well.

crazy_eyes ago

yeah he is well. His room mate put a bar in his bedroom now so he's been drinking a lot. The bar they used to hang out got shut down so now he just goes to the bedroom. Last time I was over there I tried to get him to sing something for us all but he declined said he was too drunk. I'm going to have to get over there one of these days soon. Maybe for new years eve

cynicaloldfart ago

Woohoo, it's good night. A Hard Days Night is on TCM so I get to listen to all those great songs, and then when they start acting goofy I mute them and listen here. They just did And I Love Her. The girls may want to listen to that, sounds like something they could do without too much effort.

TheBuddha ago

"Who's that?"


I have a whole lot of work ahead of me.

cynicaloldfart ago

I can imagine "That's pretty but it's not very crunky, meh".

nigger_plz ago

Beatles were so good. Their songs are so well arranged with the chord progressions. They're so perfect. They had two greatest hits albums. The red one and blue one. I had both of them and wore them out. Then they came out on CD and I just bought the red one. That's the one with the first songs. Man those songs are so well crafted. I never get sick of them. The blue one is the one with all the production like I Am The Walrus, but man I'll take Love Me Do, All My Loving, Girl and all those get-it-done songs over the real good production type like Sgt. Peppers.

Beatles songs are so good for learning guitar and singing along because they're so well crafted.

And I Love Her

cynicaloldfart ago

That's pretty sweet. Would you please consider re-uploading this to or soundcloud, because vocaroo will auto delete this after awhile and the I can't archive it. Since you went to the trouble of recording it, we would love to have it available for posteriors. Re-submit the link here if you choose to do so.

cynicaloldfart ago

Yes sir, I totally agree. Their songwriting was so good and the harmonies were outta sight on those early songs. Such infectious tunes, and just the thing for young guys at the time. The free-love wave had yet to appear and they spoke to us at that time of innocence and young love. That feeling when a girl totally rocked your world and she was all you could think about, but were too shy to even talk to her. Sure they were totally pop commercialism, but Epstein and especially Sir George Martin were geniuses that guided the young kids into music history. Those days are so meaningful, right before the '70's consumed us with drugs and hippies and angst. The last hurrah of good clean innocence.

TheBuddha ago

They are not big Beatles fans. No, no they are not.

I'm also not a huge fan, but they are historically significant. They didn't show much musical skill until later in their careers. Which ever record is the one with Rocky Raccoon (from the white album - two records) is one of the albums I can listen to entirely - except it's only half of it that I can listen to in its entirety.

cynicaloldfart ago

They were very commercial pop at first, for sure. I remember those songs in context of the times, and my age then. I firmly remember music becoming my "destiny" that first Sunday night I heard Ed say

Ladies and Gentlemen, The Beatles

My sister and I went out the next day and bought their first album the next day and played it solid for a couple weeks. And the next ones as they came out, but then I found the Stones and the Who and Pink Floyd's first album and the rest is a blurry history. Got my first drum kit a few months later and played along with all them. Then, holy crap, Zeppelin and Bonham appeared and I knew what I would be doing for the next 20 years or so.

TheBuddha ago

I try to avoid saying "should."

I'm going to make an exception.

You should get some drums. Even a pair of bongos will be a good start. It's good exercise and good for the soul. Maybe you can borrow that electronic drum set for a few days?

There's listening and appreciating, and then there's creating and appreciating. When was the last time you busted out a round of paradiddles? It'd be good for you - even if you don't share.

cynicaloldfart ago

I've thought about that. And still am. The thing that keeps me away so far is that I know how rusty I am and how much time would be required to get back to a level that I would expect of myself. I wouldn't start unless I had the commitment to see it through. I know it would be good for me if I did convince myself I would have the time and energy. The idea is rather inviting, I must admit. Definitely might be a good thing when my current duties are no longer required, to fill my time.

TheBuddha ago

You could try playing for enjoyment and not for perfection. ;-)

crazy_eyes ago

Hello everybody! This week has been way too busy and I have not got to play anything at all, I wanted to re-record this song, get the drums right and make it sound better, but I never even got through the drums, and thats where I like to start. So i decided to just share the old version of it that i did a year ago. I still dont have any lyrics for this one, but it still sounds cool to me without words. So without further adieu, here is fuck it

cynicaloldfart ago

I remember this. One of my favorites of yours. I think I said last time the same as Buddha, that it sounded very Gilmourish. Not just the guitar sound, but the construction of the whole piece starting off slow and mellow and transitioning into a rocker. And then the ending, back to a reprieve. Very, very nice.

crazy_eyes ago

Thanks cof! Im going to get it re-recorded and add some lyrics some day

C_Corax ago

Around that 2:20 mark when you decide to kick it up a notch. That's beautiful my dude:P

You may also have nicked that riff from somewhere which name escapes me right now. But hey, why not recycle a good riff? :)

TheBuddha ago

It sounds like Blackmore, something from Deep Purple - maybe a piece of Highway Star. That's what it reminded me of.

crazy_eyes ago

I think it may be inspired by something, I'm not even sure what, it has a familiar quality, but I dont think its quite like this in anything else, at least that I know of.

C_Corax ago

It has this.. I dunno Randy Rhoads vibe mixed in with something I can't quite place. Love it though :)

crazy_eyes ago

Thanks C_C!

TheBuddha ago

Some Blackmore influence later.

crazy_eyes ago

This one has been in my head for a lot of years, so it very well could be. I finally got this recording of it done a year ago, but I know I could play it better

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, I'm quite positive I heard it before. I remember the Blackmore influence and the eerie part.

We do share a lot of music with each other!

Oh, and my Silent Night has an obscene number of listens! I posted it in v/Music for the holiday. It's like nearly 500. That's a record for my online sharing at Voat and only Voat.

It's not nearly the same as SoundCloud and is much, much lower trafficked and people can't comment and don't really search there. I'm pretty pleased that that many folks enjoyed it.

crazy_eyes ago

Me and Chris playing We wish You A Merry Christmas got 700 plays over the weekend, from me spamming it all over voat.

TheBuddha ago

Nice! That's impressive! I didn't feel like spamming it - and didn't have much time. I was pretty busy, too busy actually.

I re-injured my leg by being on it more than I should have. It's going to be fine, but it's like a week without being able to use it and I'm not allowed to do PT with weights. I'm to do as little weight bearing as is reasonable and to remain off it for a few days. I've got a consult on Monday.

crazy_eyes ago

You are going to need more patience with walking

TheBuddha ago

They said I could walk as tolerated. I could tolerate the pain - then. I still can, but now it's REALLY sore and it feels funny, like it wiggles. It turns out, it's just bone bruising - but bad enough that they can see the bruising in an x-ray.

crazy_eyes ago

Just going to have to stay on your ass for a while more

cynicaloldfart ago

I have asked, commanded, directed, chided, pleaded, and threatened him for weeks now to take it easy. Does he listen? No, nope, none, ever. And I know the girls have been doing it all along. He's just a stubborn old fart. I'll bet he crutches through the house yelling "coming through!" (his famous almost-last words).

crazy_eyes ago

I have tried to warn him myself, i almost expected something like this to happen to him

cynicaloldfart ago

It must be very frustrating, I'm sure. I, and all of us, are so fortunate he didn't break his arms or hands. At least he can still follow his main passion. Can you imagine 50 years of dedication? The only thing I'm sure I've done for that long is breathe. It at least is comforting he now has 3 ladies to tend to him, and they do that very well.

crazy_eyes ago

I never even thought about that, how much worse it could be

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, but it's damned frustrating at times. I really, really miss my mobility. I was so happy to be allowed to walk.

TheBuddha ago

I've got it. I just used a soundcloud rip site. LOL

Hmm... I like it. I think I've heard this before? It's eerie sounding.

And, without further adieu means without further goodbyes. It's more correctly without further ado. ;-)

Yeah, I kinda like it. In a way, it reminds me of Gilmore without the bends.

crazy_eyes ago

you can just click download on the songs on soundcloud if that makes it easier!

TheBuddha ago

No, you can't. It wants you to sign in with Facebook or Google, or register. I'm unwilling to do any of those.

crazy_eyes ago

really? i thought i set the permission that anyone could download, those bastards

TheBuddha ago

It wanted me to log in. I declined and typed "rip soundcloud" into Google, hit the first link, and just played it that way. ;-)

crazy_eyes ago

hey if it works!

TheBuddha ago

Damned right!!

TheBuddha ago

I am using an alternative browser and it hates SoundCloud, or so it seems. Let me try a real browser. My laptop is misbehaving and it's a hardware issue. It's covered under warranty, but this just started a couple of days ago. I'll have to grab another older one and use it while they repair this one.

iamthecircus ago

My sister's and I have been working hard on becoming better musicians/producers. I think they have true song writing talent. Please don't judge too hard. It's our first track

crazy_eyes ago

are you for real?


TheBuddha ago

LOL No, they're not. That song is from like 1968.

crazy_eyes ago

That picture looked like something from the 60s too

cynicaloldfart ago

And with a bitchin' drum solo!

TheBuddha ago

I chuckled. I remember them.

TheBuddha ago

Hello and greetings! You know damned well what day and time it is. I ain't gotta explain it again! Like normal, I'll even go ahead and get you started.


You have 7 days to register at - after that point in time, you will require an invitation to register. This is what the community voted on and this is the results of that vote taking place.

Each month, each individual will get 3 invitation codes to give away. Admins can give you more codes if there's ever a reason to do so. The decision is final and the system is already in place. Assuming nothing goes wrong, the change will take effect in 7 days. The decision is not mine. I abstained from voting in the thread, as no tie-breaker was required.

Moving on...

So, I had nothing prepared for this week. I figured EH had nothing prepared and that's closer to the truth than I expected! Allow me to share a conversation with you.

Me: Did you do any prep for this week's guitar thread?
EH: Yup! J and I learned to play La Bamba!
Me: Really? That's impressive. That song is a bitch to play and there's like six guitar parts! I'm so impressed!
EH: Oh, no. We saved the hard parts for you!

I'm not even kidding. They did exactly that! The lazy bastards learned parts #1 and #2. They saved parts 3, 4, 5, and 6 for me. Their excuse? "We're not that good and we're on vacation!"

They did hardly anything at all! Yet, they still want their name on it! EH did do the mixing and editing, while J hung out and gave her encouragement.

While I played the difficult parts, they gave me moral support. That's it... No help, really. Just moral support and some giggles.

So, listen to TheBuddha do all the work!

Oh, wait... Sorry... I've now been told to edit this and Her Highness wants me to say:

Ladies and gentlemen, introducing The Eldest Hoodlum and TheBuddha Band, with special guest, for your pleasure as they play La Bamba for your enjoyment! Put your hands together and give them a warm welcome and appreciation for their hard work and attention to detail!


You see the shit I have to put up with?!?

Moving on...

As of the 24th of December, I can officially say that I've been playing guitar for five decades. I got my first guitar for Christmas of 1968. It's been a lot of years, but the guitar has been good to me and I'm glad to have spent that much time learning. I might even go so far as to say I've gotten good! It's been 50 years. I can now say that. I might even stroke my ego and say I've mastered the instrument. ;-)

Finally, and this is a long one, I may not be here very late tonight. I'll try to, but there's a combination of things that are likely to inhibit that. I have guests and I have re-injured my leg but that injury is not significant. Don't be alarmed. It simply is bone bruising and I should be back doing my regularly scheduled healing in a week. I do have a consult with the surgical team on Monday, but we're not expecting them to go back in for anything at this time. Sunday is my birthday, so it's quite possible that I get intoxicated and cause significant damage on that day!

Alright, this is long enough. Rock on, goats! Rock on!

cynicaloldfart ago

Had to go check. Yep, with castanets around a sombrero.

TheBuddha ago

LOL I didn't pick the song. They really did pick the two easy parts.

Oh, wait... EH just told me what that referenced. This I gotta see.

crazy_eyes ago

At first, while i was reading that, I thought, just make them learn two of the hard parts, and you do two. Since they already know two easy parts. Then I started listening. Hmm this doesnt sound too hard to play. Then a little later, oh. I get it. theres the hard part. Sounds great, all of you! Yay Buddha! You nailed it!

TheBuddha ago

Thanks! And, yeah, there's some difficult bits in there. Earlier in the song, you can hear EH slap the strings hard enough to hit the frets and pull off quickly. She did that well!

Seriously, they're slackers this week!

And, in damned near unison they repeat they're on vacation.

crazy_eyes ago

Love being on vacation!

TheBuddha ago

They are enjoying it. J spent her vacation here and has actually agreed to come live here, commute to school, and do some work that I need doing in exchange.

It'll also give me time to teach her more.

I'm telling everyone that I'm building a harem.

crazy_eyes ago

when I was a teenage kid I always used to tell my friends that I wanted a harem someday!

TheBuddha ago

You sorta gotta let them live with you for it to be a harem. Though you can build an outbuilding and stash them in there. They tend to plot in there, so you have been warned!

I've been pondering building a real studio, not attached to the house, this summer. I've not spoken about it online because I'm not sure I really want the expense. But, a full studio with three sound booths and a central engineering section? That strikes my fancy. I've already got the design in my head, but that's not even final.

Anyway, my point is, I'm going to call it The Harem. If the ladies give me shit, they can go sleep in the studio.

Which just got me slapped by EH. It wasn't hard and was playful. Still. I'm pretty sure that's elder abuse!

crazy_eyes ago

Man, with the amount of angry women I have had to deal with this week I dont think I would ever want them to all love here. I need a reprieve sometimes!

TheBuddha ago

Yeah... I have six women in my house right now - sort of. 3 of them have gone off to bowl and drink, except one won't be drinking.


crazy_eyes ago

I'll play along, why is she not drinking?

TheBuddha ago

My daughter is pregnant!

I'm going to get a baby!

@clamhurt_legbeard @nadeshda @zyklon_b

(@CynicalOldFart already knows. This is the first time I've mentioned it on Voat.)

Nadeshda ago


That is wonderful news! BIG HUGS grandpa!

cynicaloldfart ago

No, no. It's GRANDPA. And he needs to be addressed as such frequently and often. We also can include remarks of aged, elder, and old too. Maybe we can get it through his thick skull to take it a little easier and accept he's frail, in poor health, and decrepit. As long as he and EH can keep playing, all will be good. I can only imagine how fantastic that kid will be with a mother and GRANDPA such as these.

Nadeshda ago

Lol.. sure we can but it doesn’t mean it will be of any effect. You know he wants to run again, right. We have an uphill struggle still ahead but we will get there in the end. :)

TheBuddha ago

I'm not a grandpa yet, but soon!

Nadeshda ago

Best day ever!

TheBuddha ago

Damned right!!!!

zyklon_b ago

haha congrats komrade!!! dude babies are the best like puppies but better!!!

TheBuddha ago

That was what I wanted to tell you, but didn't want to say only once.

The guitar thread was slow, so I figured I'd do it here. This way the important goats can see it. The goats I want to see it will now know and I needn't type a dozen different threads for it.

I'm pretty damned excited! I am sooooooooooooo going to spoil this child beyond belief.

Why? My daughter once stole my car and totaled it. She was 14. She then convinced me to not call the cops. I remember that...

I remember when she shaved the dog.

I remember when she mixed flour and water, to make pancakes, and I had to literally replace most of a kitchen - including flooring.

I remember when she cut her hair - and her brother's hair, much to his delight.

And, I remember more...

I will get revenge!

zyklon_b ago

haha. man babies are like pure joy and happiness.

TheBuddha ago

I hope it's a girl. I'm gonna get her a dirt bike!

zyklon_b ago

doesn't matter as long as is healthy. but yeah girls are fun but so are boys. teaching the kids to hunt is some of my best memories

TheBuddha ago

They are awesome. Due date is end of July.

zyklon_b ago

when she gets big enough to play and shit like 2 to 5 are really fucking fun years. i was in prison all of 1st year of daughter but got my nephew as an infant given to me,.

congrats brother

TheBuddha ago

Thanks. It's gonna be awesome.

zyklon_b ago

yes it is. probably be one of best times you rememeber before you die will be times with that baby

TheBuddha ago

I suspect I'll have good times.

zyklon_b ago

even changing shitty diapers is fun cause the baby makes you feel needed and important in my experience

TheBuddha ago

I'm not changing a single diaper.

zyklon_b ago

if i had a maid or nanny id never changed one either but after you do it it aint as bad as it seems cause the baby cannot help itself. I love kids they are the best. this nigger that works with my pa and has been dropping his baby like 6 weeks or 2 months old over with me when he runs errands and that little monkey brings me so much joy in the hour or so i get to keep her

TheBuddha ago

That's their mother's job. My job is to spoil the baby and send it back when I'm done.

zyklon_b ago

dude this gonna be great!!!!!!

TheBuddha ago

Yup. I've waited a long time for this. She's in her thirties.

zyklon_b ago

why she wait so long?

TheBuddha ago

She didn't want one earlier.

zyklon_b ago

sucks for you but will be made right soon

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty excited!

zyklon_b ago

i know. its obvious youwill be proud good grandpa

TheBuddha ago

I'm sure I will be! I am pretty excited!

zyklon_b ago

score Demerol 50 mg

TheBuddha ago

That'll knock your dick in the dirt.

zyklon_b ago

I read snorted is more bioavailable than oral so despite my loathing of pill snorters I tried it/. 20 minutes gone by and pupils a lot smaller. the effects are stimulant type but I feel a heavy opiod experience may be in store

TheBuddha ago

Snorting is a waste.

zyklon_b ago

I know

TheBuddha ago

LOL I have to go back out to the family. I'll get back on later.

zyklon_b ago

im high but not real high

TheBuddha ago

You could have broken it in half and eaten half of it and waited 30 minutes. Dem is pretty good and has great bioavailability orally. Shooting it would be even better, but that's dumb.

zyklon_b ago

I aint shooting anything but mefff or h. anything else I aint comfortable doin

TheBuddha ago

Shooting pills is fucking stupid.

I know, I've done it.

zyklon_b ago

yeah I mean I guess if I was like trying to impress some young hot piece of ass id probably go against my rules but other than that I just aint that dude. (and I shoot meff so that tells u how bad iv pill is)

TheBuddha ago

I'd shoot pills before shooting street meth.

zyklon_b ago

I know its all subjective to the individual as to what they think "good drugs" is , me id shoot meth in a second if I had a slut and nothing to do (no obligations/48 hrs . other than that I aint shotting shit

TheBuddha ago

I know how they make it.

I ain't shooting that.

zyklon_b ago

i been in meth lsabs since a very esrly age

TheBuddha ago

Yup. I ain't shooting that shit. Also, good timing! LOL I'm back in my study for a few minutes. My daughter has gone to bed. She needs to be up early so she can spend some time with me on my birthday and then leave before noon. She has to go home and go back to work. I believe my son is also headed out, but he's just going to go visit some friends.

My daughter did not live here, nor grow up here. She was finishing high school when I sold the company and retired. My son was just barely entering middle school, which means he has lots of friends still in the area.

zyklon_b ago

i know by your kindness to a scumbag like mydelf that you have made up for the abscrnce a lot bro.

TheBuddha ago

I'm not sure I follow?

zyklon_b ago

I don't remember typing that nor what I meant. good morning

TheBuddha ago

LOL I'm as baffled as you are! G'day. Not much free time today, I'm afraid.

zyklon_b ago

surgery in the morning and I gotta be there at 10 am. so no food after midnight is gonna be rough

TheBuddha ago

That's kinda good. You'll get drugs!

What are they doing to it?

zyklon_b ago

I am not certain but may have it rebroken

TheBuddha ago

They didn't explain what they were going to do?

zyklon_b ago


TheBuddha ago

Hmm... They've always explained what they were going to do to me, quite carefully in fact. Usually, I make 'em tell me in great detail.

zyklon_b ago

all he said was clean it up and possibly using something looks like an ice pick to rebreak

TheBuddha ago

Good luck!

zyklon_b ago

they rebroke it with drill and cannot put any weight on it for 6 weeks. I got kicked outta hospital and banned permanently for calling the nurse a nigger

TheBuddha ago

Gotta be honest, that was kinda dumb.

cynicaloldfart ago

I'm trying to get everyone to frequently refer to him now as GRANDPA. Between this and his birthday I'm not letting him forget his advanced age. Old people, such as him, need to be chided often. It lets them know they aren't forgotten and useless, yet. ;-)

zyklon_b ago


cynicaloldfart ago

Yep, that works. GRAMPA!!

zyklon_b ago

he gonna make a good grampa

crazy_eyes ago

Awesome! Thats great! Congrats to her and her husband and you

TheBuddha ago

I'm getting a grandbaby! I've been on cloud 9 since. Poor COF has had to hear me tell him about the grandbaby like a dozen times already and I just learned about it on Sunday.


crazy_eyes ago

Best day ever!

TheBuddha ago

Goddamned right!

clamhurt_legbeard ago


congrats dude

congrats to them too lol

TheBuddha ago

I'm going to get the kid a drum kit, stereo, guitar, amps, firearms, a sports car, and firearms - doubly so if it's a female. She's definitely getting a children's dirt bike when she turns 5.

Retribution will finally be mine!

My daughter was a monster! That kid will have the noisiest and most annoying toys I can find. I will buy tickets to Disney, every year, and give them to the mother while the kid can see me. Every year... I will rent 'em a hotel inside the theme park and cover every single expense.

I'm gonna even try to get the kid to learn to fly a plane or at least jump out of one.

Payback... It's finally here!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

planes are a sickness

and all pilots are assholes

TheBuddha ago

They aren't universally assholes, except they try to get you to get your license and buy a plane. I have quite a few pilot buddies, though none are still active commercial pilots. I pilot a plane with some regularity, though not lately. Getting into a small plane would be quite difficult for me, currently.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

commercial pilots


anybody who flies for a living has it so bad they need somebody else to support their bad habit

TheBuddha ago

LOL I have been tempted a few times, but I really don't want to maintain a plane. I see what they put into it. They're not even all that expensive.

So, I don't even consider getting my license. I do enjoy poking the buttons and piloting the small planes. I can even land and take off, though I refuse to do so in bad weather. I can even, sort of, navigate. Sort of... I can navigate by visual reference and heading.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

i refuse to have an aircraft i am not allowed to maintain

that means i must build it

this is my plan

TheBuddha ago

Man, I hate doing preflight inspections. I'd die.

Sometime, I'll tell you about my buddy with the old Huey.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

oh god

i think ive seen you mention it lol

i dont mind preflighting a plane but i hate doing it on a car

luckily a car can coast to a stop lol

TheBuddha ago

I do usually walk around the car before driving it for the first time that day.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

meanwhile i preflight planes automatically

ill die if i dont

funny how that works

TheBuddha ago


cynicaloldfart ago

(cue Sting)

I know what you're up to just the same
I will listen hard to your tuition
You will see it come to its fruition
I'll be wrapped around your finger

And you love it. Can't blame you.

TheBuddha ago

I do indeed cherish every moment of it. And I played all my parts while reading the tab cold, just to show off.

They are both keeping me company, so that is nice.

cynicaloldfart ago

Hello Eh and J. Thanks for all you two do for the old codger. Hope you're having the best holidays ever.

TheBuddha ago


"Damned right!"

I'll let you figure out which was which.

One of them added that she saw you'd had a good holiday and to tell someone (not me) happy birthday.

cynicaloldfart ago

Yeah, I know who said what. Hang in there J, they've told you, and us, that they know they are bad influences. EH used to be a sweet, demure young lady just 6 months ago and look at her now. I still have Maines Child Welfare number around here somewhere.

Thank you for that, I will and it'll make her day.

TheBuddha ago


"They're both bad influences. [EH] just sent me to get us wine and glasses. Neither of us is 21."

To which EH giggles. They'd sure save me some time if they'd just type this themselves!

I've lost my guitar thread. I spend more time typing for EH and now J is ''helping!"

cynicaloldfart ago

You sound surprised. They are womenfolk, it's what they do. Resistance is futile.

TheBuddha ago

She only brought two glasses.

I'm pretty sure this qualifies as elder abuse. I took a chug out of the bottle and she's now gone to get me a glass. I told her she should probably bring a second bottle and a bowl of ice. If I'm gonna teach 'em, I'm gonna teach 'em right.

I have principles!

cynicaloldfart ago

See, EH sent J to get it. And you ordered a second bottle already. I'm telling you J, try to stand your ground for as long as possible. Oh who am I kidding, you're already a rock star and it won't be long before you're prefacing that in their style.

It's a damn good thing I have to remain here for my caretaking duties or I'd come up there and supervise. You'd be sorry then.

TheBuddha ago

They both agree that you should visit and giggle in the face of your supervision.