Quirky things Singers do? (Guest article!) (playguitar.gq)
submitted 6.4 years ago by TheBuddha
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cynicaloldfart 6.4 years ago
@Nadeshda. Great article. Great knowledge, and your voice you always carry with you. Petty sang "Buy me a drink, sing me a song... . It's so personal when someone sings to you.
TheBuddha 6.4 years ago
LOL She gave me spare time! Sweet!
I read way too much of that damned manual.
Nadeshda 6.4 years ago
Bleep blop... :)
LOL I'm playing QRV Chess.
It's a brilliant game. I pretty much run Voat now. Piss me off and I unleash my army of crazy people.
I will get a parade, one way or the other.
Lol... you’re a trip... this is true!
They better get started on that parade. My demands will be met.
I have an army of crazy people. I do what I want!
You 5 year-old you :p
Your friends agree with you...
My parade should probably also have midgets. Valid point. My head might explode in sheer joy and pride, but it'd be worth it.
Would you like me to smite something with my army of crazies?
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cynicaloldfart ago
@Nadeshda. Great article. Great knowledge, and your voice you always carry with you. Petty sang "Buy me a drink, sing me a song... . It's so personal when someone sings to you.
TheBuddha ago
LOL She gave me spare time! Sweet!
I read way too much of that damned manual.
Nadeshda ago
Bleep blop... :)
TheBuddha ago
LOL I'm playing QRV Chess.
It's a brilliant game. I pretty much run Voat now. Piss me off and I unleash my army of crazy people.
I will get a parade, one way or the other.
Nadeshda ago
Lol... you’re a trip... this is true!
TheBuddha ago
They better get started on that parade. My demands will be met.
I have an army of crazy people. I do what I want!
Nadeshda ago
You 5 year-old you :p
Your friends agree with you...
TheBuddha ago
My parade should probably also have midgets. Valid point. My head might explode in sheer joy and pride, but it'd be worth it.
Would you like me to smite something with my army of crazies?