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Mustard_of_puppets ago

Evening Goats, Here's my contribution.


I like that one. I do not understand how people play like this with a pick maybe thats just because I'm still in the "You suck" Phase.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I can only use one type of pick(Dunlop Ultex Jazz III), literally if I don't have MY pick, I use my fingers, I use both depending on what I'm playing and if I want the clarity of a pick or the muddyness of my fingers.


This is why you are an expert and I am not. Maybe someday.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I'm not an expert, there's a reason my guitar only has 3 strings, I've just been playing like shit for such a long time I've learned how to fake it.

MrHarryReems ago

I love the fact that you're using a Cigar box!

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Yeh it makes my posts unique, I think I have only ever posted with the box, maybe my acoustic once. I can play and do have a 6 string electric and its one of a kind(I made it out of all the guitars I ever had and loved like a frankenstein)

Nadeshda ago

This just sounds wonderful; full of soul, care and love for being creative! What a special guitar indeed!

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Its the neck and tuners from my first guitar(a Charvel), the body is a Fender Fat Strat(H-S-S) hotwired so I have tone control over the middle pickup, I changed everything from the pickup guards to the input jack from white or chrome to black and reinstalled with sheet metal screws instead of round phillips. The Humbucker is from an ESP LTD guitar. It's an EMG of some kind. I'm thinkng of putting a vertical stacked humbucker in the neck to make it H-S-H, but im not too worried about it. It sounds great how it is.

Nadeshda ago

This is very interesting and it sounding great is certainly the main thing, you may appreciate this post too for its sheer uniqueness!