cyclops1771 ago

Sorry for the late entry. Had flight issues, so did not sleep Thursday night, and was basically a zombie on Friday.

Anyways, I picked up a new instrument (it arrived Sunday evening around 7PM, so I didn't get to play it until today.)

Banshee the Catahoula made a vocal appearance , and then ran out from under my feet, making me lose count, but hey, that's part of the fun of live music, right?

I decided to recreate last weeks, so that can compare to the orignal.

So, here is OLD INSTRUMENT - 72 SIgma, beat up POS from a garage sale and here is same song on NEW INSTRUMENT - cheap Yamaha FG800.

cynicaloldfart ago

Sweet. Happy for your newborn. Even I can hear the improved tone.

Heard Banshee at the first and was hoping for a Seamus.

cyclops1771 ago

HA! Still don't know how they got those hounds to howl in Pompeii. Must have had a dog whistle person blowing a horrible sound to them.

I do have a Great Pyrenees who howls back at the freight trains that pass nearby.

It was so hard to not giggle like a school girl when she did that bark/growl. It was too perfect to leave out!

TheBuddha ago

S'not just about tone - playability plays a huge, huge part.

Did you enjoy playing it more and did you have an easier time getting the tones out of it that you wanted to hear?

(It does sound significantly better, I think.)

cyclops1771 ago

Much easier to play. The other thing is that I now know if the FU is ME making a mistake, and not just a defect in the instrument. Much easier to fix the issues now, and practice doing it correctly!!

TheBuddha ago

My first guitar was (is, as I still have it) a Yamaha GC. I've had it since 1968. It still sounds lovely. Many hours have been devoted to making that specific instrument sound as nice as it can.

NoTrueScotsman ago

I'm a day later than I wanted, but here's Scots Wha Hae on the bagpipe.

@Nadeshda @MrHarryReems @clamhurt_legbeard

cynicaloldfart ago

Does your hubby also squeeze your squeaky bags? (So sorry for that, the animals here are infecting me). But really, does he also play, or any instrument?

NoTrueScotsman ago


He is the bass drummer for our pipe band. He also dabbles with violin, ukulele sometimes.

TheBuddha ago

Late is good!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

i like the part where its like

scots wha hae wi wallace bled

scots wham bruce has aften led

welcome to your gory bed

or to victory

NoTrueScotsman ago

Me, too!

MrHarryReems ago

That's an important tune! I recorded it once myself!

NoTrueScotsman ago

It was the first tune I heard from you here :P

crazy_eyes ago

So it turns out that the song chris wanted me to learn fits perfetly with this riff that i been fucking stuck in my head. So here they are together, cocaineSoundCloud

TheBuddha ago



Can anyone play funky cold medina?

TheBuddha ago

Wow... Not in years - but probably. I won't have time to do it this coming week, as I'll need to read the tab and play through it a couple of times. I haven't played that in years.



TheBuddha ago


While things were being wonky at the house - for a few minutes DSL was acting weird and wired connections were dropping out entirely (probably a voltage issue) and we figured we'd record another one for you.

In just a half hour, EH turns 16.

This is her birthday gift to you - though she wanted me to do the lead.

This is Simon and Garfunkel Mrs. Robinson.

She did the mixing and editing and the rhythm. The guitars are two Martin D-28s. The one for the rhythm is a little newer, but the lead is about 35 years old now. So, it's in good shape. I think she did a good job mixing.

So, happy birthday from EH! This is her gift to you guitar goats!

"Please tell Fartman that he should download it so that he can see the meta."

@cynicaloldfart - there's meta tags embedded in the music, I'm assuming there's something in there she wants you to read. Obviously it's not a secret, 'cause she just had me type it into the main site.

MrHarryReems ago

Happiest of Birthdays EH! May it be full of music and mayhem!!

TheBuddha ago

"Thank you! We had a great day, so far." (I added the comma!) "One of you goats sent flowers!"

I am pretty sure that I've typed almost as much on her behalf as I have on my own. That's okay, I get plenty of attention. Kid needs her own damned account but her joining Voat is not a realistic option.

Also, I can only make @crazy_eyes a janitor, and not a mod. I'm not an (O), so I can't do that, as it turns out. I actually have no idea if that means he's able to sticky posts. Not a clue.

MrHarryReems ago

If he's in for it, I'll upgrade him.

TheBuddha ago

Dunno? I am gonna guess he's okay with it, either way - so long as he can sticky stuff, which is actually the main concern. I suspect he can, so I'm not gonna worry about it too much. If it turns out he can't, he'll say something! Eventually...

It's Saturday. I'm gonna guess he isn't around to test to see if he can sticky/unsticky stuff. I'm gonna guess that he's out with a lady friend and possibly on a grand adventure involving his guitar, a bunch of friends, and chicks. It seems like a good guess.

He'll be back and I'll get him to test to see if he can sticky stuff.

MrHarryReems ago

I removed him as janitor and re-invited him as a moderator. He should see the invite next time he logs in.

TheBuddha ago


The band is starting to show up, so I've got stuff to do. I'm sure he'll be awesome at it. I'll try to write up a formal(ish) welcoming post for 'em later.

crazy_eyes ago

Happy Birthday!!

TheBuddha ago

"Tell him I said thank you. We had a wonderful morning out and great lunch. One of you goats even sent me flowers, a card, and candy! Thank you!"

Her quote, of course.

nigger_plz ago

Man alive great guitar. You two are a great team. I tried to sing along with your track to see if I could. I didn't get it right, plus it's bad sound quality. But at least it's a guide vocal for a real singer. It's a great song. Mrs Robinson

TheBuddha ago

"Thank you! I'm calling that a birthday present!"

Nadeshda ago

So everyone is sleeping and I have to be quiet but I have sonething for EH as she is a super dooper young lady in the making :)


May it be the best day ever! :)

TheBuddha ago

She is gonna ride on my bike with me and we'll go find a fine eatery and then drive around the area to get back home,

Nadeshda ago

Sounds like a plan, I hope she has a wonderful day!

TheBuddha ago

"Thanks and I will. I hope you get things sorted on your end." (She could overhear some.)

Nadeshda ago

Thank you EH, look after @thebuddha my darling and I will try my best ! :) hugs

TheBuddha ago

"You're welcome. I hope you enjoy my musical gift to you goats. He's not too hard to take care of but he is sometimes picky."

Nadeshda ago

Aw I am super glad you are there EH andI loved your gift, the most special is just you being you, that is what is precious and wonderful in my sight and you are doing an amazing job at learning that instrument and managing your schooling. Keep it up, super proud!

TheBuddha ago

"thank you."

I'm headed to the couch with EH. We're gonna watch a documentary and then go to bed. Well, unless we fall asleep on the couch. She likes it when I hold her as she falls asleep on my shoulder. That was awkward for me at first, but I've grown to like it. It helped that my daughter used to have tons of friends and they were always at my house.

Nadeshda ago

Night night ya’ll...

TheBuddha ago

Oh, I'm still up. She is, too. I'm just not in the studio. I'm now on a tablet.

LegalPERSON ago

Happy birthday EH! I remember my 16th like it was 20 years ago lol. Enjoy that wine

TheBuddha ago

Thank you.

LegalPERSON ago

Get crunky lol

cynicaloldfart ago

My heart is touched. Thank you for thinking of me on your birthday. You are such a kind girl young woman. You crack me up with all my names :)

I don't know how to see this meta stuff. I downloaded it, and played it, but I don't know where to look to see anything. Help.

I'll have another message in , oh, about 15 mins.

TheBuddha ago

What media player did you open it with?

cynicaloldfart ago

VLC and my browser.

TheBuddha ago

Open VLC

Top - over on the right side


Media Information

(Read it all, your message is at the bottom it seems.)

cynicaloldfart ago

I had looked there before and didn't see it. I do now. Tell her thank you, and she's right, it was special.

I sent her a PM (to you).

TheBuddha ago

She wanted you to be able to point to that and say, "She really wanted me to know this was for me too."

TheBuddha ago

Working on it... Lemme get VLC install - that has it. I just don't know where.

crazy_eyes ago

so since chris is here i get to fill another request of theBuddha

here is friend of the devilSoundCloud since chris is here, i havent even listenetd to ehis just hit record on the soundcluod app and this is what you get

TheBuddha ago

Thinks are back to normal - and that did not sound acoustic to me!

crazy_eyes ago

oh shit, that wasnt acoustic, I smoked a lot of pot tonight and forgot to make that one acoustic

TheBuddha ago

I can relate!

Nadeshda ago

Thanks Crazy! Chris’s mic was too quiet for me, grown rather used to his voice and curious what effect is that on the geetar?

crazy_eyes ago

there is no effects on the guitars at all, just plugged into the pa and turn it up

cynicaloldfart ago

Now that needs a Verle backing vocal. I tried to do it myself, but we all know there can be only one.

crazy_eyes ago

i agree about verle, and I would love to hear what you came up with

cynicaloldfart ago

Oh, I was just hollering to myself, imagining what he would sound like. It wasn't pretty.

crazy_eyes ago

i bet it was entertaining!

TheBuddha ago

LOL I'm on my tablet. Do you have a direct link to an mp3?

crazy_eyes ago


TheBuddha ago

It's okay - I got it. Check your PM!

alex_crow ago

Hello again friends. Here is a song that I wrote probably 15 years ago, but never bothered to record until recently. You'll notice near the end of the track that the tone of my guitar changes dramatically. I have no idea what caused it to do so, but I don't think it matters too much. Anyway, hope you like it:

poptical-illusionist ago

Great playing! I love this style. I'd like to hear you jamming with someone or multi-tracking, i think you could pull some great music together.

crazy_eyes ago

that sounds cool as hell man

alex_crow ago

Thank you sir. Much appreciated.

crazy_eyes ago

you're welcome

Nadeshda ago

Really cool, would sound awesome with a band, I forget are you in a band? I really enjoyed the sweeky cheeky highs... so nicely done man... :)

alex_crow ago

We're in flux right now, so really we're a band in name-only. Thanks for the kind words.

Nadeshda ago

Cool beans dude, keep rawking! :)

alex_crow ago

Glad you liked it. Will most certainly do.

MrHarryReems ago

Welcome back and well done!!!

alex_crow ago

Thank you sir. Good to be back.

cynicaloldfart ago

Appropriately named. A headbanger for sure (I think that what you kids called it back in the '80's).

Good show, chap.

alex_crow ago

Thank you kindly. Glad you enjoyed it.

TheBuddha ago

Nice and thanks for showing back up.

I'm having momentary issues with sound cloud, so I will give it a listen in a bit.

Camels-n-Miller ago

I'm going WAY back tonight. This is the first full song I ever wrote and recorded in 1993. Same Yamaha 4-track as most others in the past. I didn't have a bass, so I used the guitar and the de-tune effect on the DigiTech RP5 to get a bass.

My solo work is atrocious and sloppy, but I figure WTF, why not share. This was me trying to write something like "Alive" by Pearl Jam at the time. I knew it was in A, and tried to write in that key with some single-note stuff. Looking back I hear the 70's rock, and Billy Squire influence in my music.

YES that is a $30 Casio keyboard providing the drum effects.

This is a direct import 2-track stereo from the tape to Audacity. I did add a bass-cut in audacity as it was quite a hot cut on tape.

poptical-illusionist ago

Nice! It has a lot of energy and sounds pretty good for the equipment you used. I had one of those small Digitech RP-300 recently and ended up selling it off, because I had gotten used to my basic setup.

LegalPERSON ago

That was cool as shit. It totally reminds me of making recordings by overdubbing tapes thru my stereo as a kid. I didn’t have a keyboard for drums so I would have to beat box haha. That took me back

nigger_plz ago

Man I thought it was gonna break out into Hocus Pocus by Focus. Got that kind of feel. Good rock groove. Keep on rocking.

Camels-n-Miller ago

Thank you!

Nadeshda ago

Woot dude did you break something after? It’s such a rawking tune ! Don’t you think this needs to be resurrected? Just imagine what you can do now with it?

Shucks you are all over that guitar, very enjoyable :)

Camels-n-Miller ago

THANKS for liking it! I always am shy with this song because of my piss-poor playing.

Nadeshda ago

Geez shy, nope nothing to be shy about at all ! It was rawking! :)

cynicaloldfart ago

Rawking the hell out!! I can hear the Billy influence, though more like after someone slapped him, told him to take off the Lamé (spelled the same as lame) jumpsuit, and just play.


Camels-n-Miller ago

Thanks for enjoying it!

crazy_eyes ago

That reminded me of some 70 ted nugent man, kick ass rock n roll!

Camels-n-Miller ago

Thanks! I never was confident sharing because the solo was so bad and out of tune.

MrHarryReems ago

This is super cool! It actually reminds me of Fastway, who I used to love back in the 80's.

Nadeshda ago

Grrr, I made it and I am late and I am bit defeated... the recording of the vocals went blegh... I couldn't get it to work, actually I had it working then it stopped... then I spent 2hrs trying to get it to work, then gave up then recorded it on my phone... At least I got my piano hooked up, that was the only success out of all of this and I got into a stupid argument and started worrying about someones safety through it all praying and trying to fix it the darn dual recording thinga mabob... Not sure if you noticed but there are tornado's going off like firecrackers everywhere and blah, blah, blah...

Yip, I hear you @thebuddha

I hear you loud and clear...

Shut up and play us a song

I wanted it better... here is my poxy version of Winter that I taught myself yesterday, bleh with kitty cat litter mixed in...

Winter by Nadeshda

At times like these I am going to pour myself a glass of red and relax and listen to these wonderful people in the thread and try and forget of my stupid frustrations...

poptical-illusionist ago

Wow! Great music and singing!

Nadeshda ago

Thank you for your kind words Sir :)

crazy_eyes ago

so haunting. so beautiful. Have I told you lately that I love your voice?

Nadeshda ago

Thank you Crazy, so sweet. Have a great day!

NoTrueScotsman ago

I loved the song! Sorry things are so tough, complicated and busy right now. Good job getting a song up tonight, even though things weren't easy!

Nadeshda ago

Thank you m’lady for your kind words, I really appreciate it and needed to hear that...

NoTrueScotsman ago

I'm always sorry to hear you're having a hard time. I know you've been super busy for a while now, and I know how that wears one down.

You beat me today, I'm empty handed! I'll try to post something tomorrow, though. If not then, I'll definitely have something next week.

LegalPERSON ago

That was beautiful playing on piano. I can only play the basic chords and simple stuff. I’ve thought quite a bit about just buying a piano for my house. I know I’d play it if I had one... hmmmm. Beautiful song though!

Nadeshda ago

Yes, if you know chords you can do amazing stuff on it and you are so darn musical I would encourage you to get instruments and the kids will love it!

I would love to have a proper piano too but the Roland digital piano is great; now that I have figured it out for direct recording I cannot complain and playing at night with my headphones on while the kids sleep is a wonderful bonus. :)

Thank you, I have never sung it before yesterday and the same for playing, I want to add it to my set list so it’s gonna be practised a thousand times before then AND I will finish it, just worked it out last night and I ad lib and change stuff to make it my own, early days it will get better.

Thank you, see you are the kind one :p

I told ya...

LegalPERSON ago

My daughter has taken my little keyboard now that she’s in piano lessons, but I look forward to the day that she understands music a little better and we can start playing together. I just got my son his first ukulele for his birthday earlier this month, so we can be the new trio in a few years!

Nadeshda ago

Awesome fancy that, it sounds like a wonderful set up going on... lol, I bought me my son a uke this last weekend... he loves it... good times indeed...

My daughter gets frustrated with the work involved with piano... I guess I need to chill out about, we are taking a break and reviewing things. She always wants to play more when she sees me play so I need to become more committed to it and it will just flow better... there was a time I never touched a piano for like 12 yrs, I am glad I started again.

Your trio sounds just wonderful !

You have seen this right?

MrHarryReems ago

I will always maintain that piano is one of the most difficult instruments to play. I struggle with splitting my mind in two and reading and playing a different line of music in each hand. I don't practice it nearly enough.

LegalPERSON ago

Oh man that was great! I’ve never seen it before. Thank you for sharing it :) I worry about piano lessons making my daughter feel like it is a chore instead of fun. It seems like lately she only practices for 15 minutes because that’s what her teacher wants at a minimum. When I got my first guitar around 9-10 years old you couldn’t find me without it. I hope they fall in love with music like I did; but we shall see

Nadeshda ago

Yip, I hope my children do too... I taught myself guitar and it was great, it too went with me everywhere, it had to as I travelled across continents and a stinking piano couldn’t fit on my back, lol

Well I keep telling myself I have to lead by example so if I want my child to commit to an instrument then I need to... it’s a painful truth of parenthood to realise that we have to actually practise what we preach ... lol

LegalPERSON ago

This is truth. They see and remember everything!

Nadeshda ago

It’s a hard truth... I pray they remember all that is good, pure and true!

Night night legalese...

LegalPERSON ago

Good night ;)

MrHarryReems ago

Ahh, that piano is so nice... Your voice has a real Sandra Jill Alikas vibe in this recording. I loved her work. One of my all time favorite female singers.

Nadeshda ago

Aw Mister you, thank you... so I got a mixer, Behringer 802USB, a mic, a speaker and now I am finally at a point where I will be looking closer at your recording videos you sent me...

Got my piano hooked up yesterday, downloaded the sheet music, played for a bit, quick record this morning as a sample just using Audacity and have to learn how to multi track now, it played the music fine through the speaker including my mic but would not for the life of me record directly onto the pc... :/ it was ubber frustrating to say the least under a tense environment. Lol but I made it in the end will work on it more.

Thanks I can make my voice sound that way, really chuffed you like it. Thank you so much for the kind words...

cynicaloldfart ago

Are you sure you're not channeling Joni? That sounds a whole lot like something she would do and sound like. Probably my fav of yours so far.

Nadeshda ago

I had to look her up, lol. I don’t know I can just change my voice... I am happy my frustrated attempt brought a smile to your face sir, makes it all worth it in the end... I am going to do this song and I am going get it right eventually...

cynicaloldfart ago

Instantly reminded of River (strangely about wintertime also,coincidence?) or even maybe in the style of Woodstock (which she wrote). Listen to those and see if you agree.

nigger_plz ago

It reminded me of the same song but this is really excellent also. I put it on the same level as the Joni Mitchell song.

This is really excellent. The piano/vocal combination is just right. The work you put into it really shows. You sing good girl.

Nadeshda ago

Aw thank you and I am going to keep trying to iron out the nuances. It bugs me that it bugs me so much that I can’t get it to sound the way I want it!

I just have to chip away at it, one day, hopefully the recording and the skill can be at a semi good level and this would make me happy indeed... :)

cynicaloldfart ago

@Nadeshda, this is for you really ^^^

Nadeshda ago

Thanks for the ping Sir!

Nadeshda ago

Oh Wow, that is a beautiful song... I could do that for sure... I an gong to give it try...

Actually I bet you could put a cracking song list together for me... piano and guitar

This was beautiful Sir! You blessed me with this more then you know...

cynicaloldfart ago

It was supposedly about her breakup with Graham Nash. I'll never have someone write a song like that for me (sad face).

Nadeshda ago

Lol, that’s maybe a good thing Sir, just saying...

TheBuddha ago

I can still hear through the messy recording. Sweet!

Nadeshda ago

Ah... flanks sooo much, I will do this song and I will get it right... darnit I was soooo mad about it all... yikes and this is what keeps us humble in the end... lol

TheBuddha ago

I have faith!

Though my DSL keeps dropping. I suspect some drunk hit a pole, but no rescue callout on the scanner.

Nadeshda ago

:) how’s the weather in your parts?

TheBuddha ago

Cold. I guess some drunk just went off the road and took out my DSL but not completely - which explains the grid going down and my limited connectivity. So, I'm fine now. I'm still on my own power, but my DSL is working correctly again.

Nadeshda ago

Crazy storms are hitting the North... I hope @gabara is okay?

TheBuddha ago

Just rain - I'm typing with a guitar in my lap. LOL I'm going to try to get one more out tonight. We're going to do a quick take when she's done setting the mics up. We ran through it a couple of times while reading the thread.

You may get two in in thread!

Nadeshda ago

Woo nearly like the early days... them were good days... heck even today is very good day in many ways...

TheBuddha ago

I am lost?

Nadeshda ago

Remember the early days of this thread where you would sneak in like 5 of your songs for us to listen? Member?

TheBuddha ago

LOL Don't need to, now. Now, they do it or me. ;-)

Mission accomplished.

Nadeshda ago


Best day ever and a birthday too!!! 🍰 🎁 🎂

What’s EH’s favorite cake?

TheBuddha ago

"Chocolate with peanut butter frosting."

Nadeshda ago

She’s my kinda girl, right there... :)

TheBuddha ago

She was too skinny when she moved in, but that's been fixed. She's 16 now, so I shan't say her weight. She's still pretty tiny in stature but the work and calories have filled her out nicely.

Yup... It's a good thing I'm trustworthy. I am gonna have a cute 16 year old girl sleeping on my shoulder. The missus isn't even home. We have the whole place to ourselves.

cynicaloldfart ago

Are you getting the Devil Winds? We got the rain, no 'naders. Almost like spring again.

Now, let's discuss the ramifications of clim........screw that.

Nadeshda ago

Well personally not getting any devil winds but there are people I know who are and that is unsettling, but they are safe, praise the LORD!

crazy_eyes ago

So theBuddha requested I play friend of the devil on acoustic guitar, but I play that one with chris and im going to save that one to do with him plus i dont really know the words so i played something entirely different but keeping with theBuddha doing zepplin tonight I did too, heres Over the hills and far awaySoundCloud on acoustic guitar by yours truly just a moment ago.

poptical-illusionist ago

Wow! That's a great song and a decent cover too. Page was another great one who pushed the limits playing and writing.


good one, I enjoyed it.

Nadeshda ago

Sweet! Really enjoyable dude!

Camels-n-Miller ago

I'll Tone Loc this, and bust a move soon on my rendition once I'm more sober.

MrHarryReems ago

Haven't heard that one in a good long while. Thanks for bringing back some nice memories!

crazy_eyes ago

you're welcome!!

cyclops1771 ago

Wow, that sounds like some tricky fingering. Nice one!

crazy_eyes ago


cynicaloldfart ago

I broke a stick playing my air drums on that one. Sweet.

crazy_eyes ago

awesome, dont forget to toss the broken sticks to the audience, they love that shit!!!

cynicaloldfart ago

I got hit by one of Keith Moon's sticks in '68 on their first tour. Maybe 300-500 people there. They played at an amusement park on the roof of the swimming pool pavillion. It was his 22nd birthday (Aug 23rd) as a matter of fact. He was given a cake onstage, which of course he grabbed handfuls of and tossed at the audience.

Being in Great Plains state, after the concert Daltrey wanted to meet an honest-to-goodness Indian. There weren't any working at the park so they conned a Mexican guy to pretend he was. Daltrey never knew.

crazy_eyes ago

thats totally fucking awesome man! did they destroy their gear at the end of the show?

cynicaloldfart ago

Sure did. Moon dumped his kit off the building onto us. My buddy broke his finger trying to catch it, but the roadies pulled it back up. Townsend had a spare guitar he used to ram into his speakers and then destroyed it. During all this a roadie was crouched down behind a PA stack with some regular fireworks-stand smoke bombs. It as windy and they just had a little stream that didn't do much. At least try tried.

The next week they had Herman's Hermits there. I did not attend that, but heard they had even more people for that. I fart in their general direction.

crazy_eyes ago

you made the right choice to go see the who over the hermits

MrHarryReems ago

Here's my half-assed, half-hour mix of a tune I've been working on. I have a friend who is currently in college for music tech trying her hand at mixing this one, so if she gets it to me by the end of the weekend, I'll post up her mix. The missus is off on the mainland this week, so as you can imagine, things have been deteriorating quite nicely around here... You can only have so much steak and whiskey in one week.. That is, before you run out.

Anyhow, here's Spancil Hill

poptical-illusionist ago

Great! I hope the next mix has a little louder vocal, but the song and music are awesome! I like hearing these, it's so much different than what I subject myself to during most my waking hours.

MrHarryReems ago

Thanks! I mixed this one down in about 30 mins, as I figured this mix would be a throwaway...

poptical-illusionist ago

Right, I know what you mean there. it still sounds great!

crazy_eyes ago

That sounds great as usual MrHarry, always a treat to hear your music every week.

MrHarryReems ago

Thanky Mr. crazy_eyes!

LegalPERSON ago

The layout of this website is a bit hard to follow so I just found this post; but well done! That was very impressive work.

MrHarryReems ago

Thank you! It's kind of a PITA, but I generally refresh the thread and drill down into every comment. I wish there was an 'expand all' button. :(

crazy_eyes ago

sometimes in this guitar thread it helps to sort by new at the top of the comments

Nadeshda ago

Lovely as per usual very enjoyable as I float away in the lyrics and consider a different story to my own. Very nice Sir, I would love to apprentice with you on learning the ropes on how to record... I will watch the vidja’s as my first assignment Sir!

MrHarryReems ago

Thank you for your kindness, ma'am! The videos seem daunting because there are so many of them, but I feel like they're an essential starting point to get a solid understanding. Let me know how things are going in regards to getting your interface setup. I can probably help you with that if needed. I want to get started on the walkthrough of recording a track soon, and you'll need that!

Nadeshda ago

Very excited, ping me, mail me, shout at me when you do, okay :)

Camels-n-Miller ago

I love these old folk tunes. Did you synth or live play the flutes and stuff?

MrHarryReems ago

I generally play all of the instruments on the tracks except the drums, where I usually use my Beat Buddy. I don't have room here at the house for my drum kit, so I keep it at the studio where my band recorded our last EP. They're using it as the house kit there at the moment.

NoTrueScotsman ago

Nice, thanks for sharing. I always loved these songs, and the flute in particular.

MrHarryReems ago

Thank you! I love recording the flute parts. While I'm more comfortable with the guitar, I think I enjoy the flute a bit more.

TheBuddha ago


I'm having weird power issues and even my phone is being weird. My grid power is offline but I have days of battery capacity.

cynicaloldfart ago

You're definitely an old-school troubadour. It's an age-old tradition and I'm really glad you're keeping that alive, and doing it so well.

MrHarryReems ago

Thank you, sir! I love these old tunes. The history and the storytelling really strikes something for me.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Evening Goats, Here's my contribution.

poptical-illusionist ago

Sweet! That's a great tone for blues and the playing is awesome.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Thank you, next week I'm going to plug my 6 string into it and show how it really sounds, the cigar box has a unique sound of it's own and doesn't truly show the amps character.

poptical-illusionist ago

Sounds good, I look forward to hearing that.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I don't think I've played a 6 string for you guys yet, I still have to figure out what to play. Any requests? The amp is a clean tone I'd rather showcase that, but I do have an overdive + gain distortion pedal and a looper pedal. I'm thinking of trying Cemetary gates by pantera just the clean intro riff and the intro solo. to showcase just the amp and some kind of distortion setting(I still have to learn the pedal and find a tone), or maybe say it ain't so by weezer, I can probably do all the vital riffs fills and the solo on that one by friday. Or santeria by sublime.

crazy_eyes ago

nice blues jamming there mustard man

Nadeshda ago

Really chill and groovy and a wonderful listen!!! Sweet man, how’s your weather?

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Fucking cold rainy and windy, were getting the frosen front end of the hurricane I think, went out trout fishing last night had lke 2 bites but no hard takes, fish weren't even active or jumping, I think they sensed the storm today coming in, they won't be biting until they adjust to it. IT's supposed to be cold and rainy for like a week too. calling for frost and snow the whole works and I have outdoor weed plants growing in my yard. Better not freeze yet.

Nadeshda ago

Geez just take of yourself, crazy weather up there at the mo and it’s tearing some places up pretty badly...


I like that one. I do not understand how people play like this with a pick maybe thats just because I'm still in the "You suck" Phase.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I can only use one type of pick(Dunlop Ultex Jazz III), literally if I don't have MY pick, I use my fingers, I use both depending on what I'm playing and if I want the clarity of a pick or the muddyness of my fingers.


This is why you are an expert and I am not. Maybe someday.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I'm not an expert, there's a reason my guitar only has 3 strings, I've just been playing like shit for such a long time I've learned how to fake it.

Nadeshda ago

I use a pocket knife to sharpen my picks

Pretty rawk and roll and plum cool... @thebuddha is this a thing?

TheBuddha ago

People do all sorts of zany things to picks. Picks are also available in many, many different styles, sizes, shapes, and thicknesses.

Nadeshda ago

This is cool and news to me, I just tend to loose them and that’s that, lol.

TheBuddha ago

We all lose them. He's gonna try not to.

MrHarryReems ago

I've been on the same tin of Snarling Dog picks for going on 7 years now! They're running low, but I think it's a record!

TheBuddha ago

LOL I recently had a similar conversation and my last order was this spring. It was 12 boxes of 72 picks each. So, 720 + 144 = 864. Those packs are more than half gone - but I give a lot of them away in a single show. If I have any left in my stash, I'll fill my pockets up again before the encore and toss even more of them out.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

If it's not a thing people are tossing away too many ultex picks. I'll even do a tutorial sometime on sharpening guitar picks and post it on youtube and make it a thing.

Nadeshda ago

Cool I like this idea, a lot!


Wow I might need to look into those picks. I only have the first two that came with my guitar. @TheBuddha says I will lose the first one I have managed to wear the name off but I am determined to not lose it. I Know exactly where it is right now its sitting on the left side of my desk in my office. It almost has a throne there now.

Nadeshda ago

Ah this is very sweet :) also thanks for commenting on the guitar site. My youngest did a thing tried to log on several times and it locked me out for a while then life got in the way. Thought I would let you know, I really appreciated your comment and had no idea you sang in choirs, that’s cool and I can’t wait to hear your voice :D


Well I'm glad to hear you saw my comment. I don't know that you'll ever hear my voice, well unless you log onto the mumble server when I've had a few. I did sing chicken fried one night a couple weeks ago, My wife even joined in it was a good time. I'm pretty sure I'll never record anything I'm just not that great a singer anymore, my voice changed since I was in choir. I can do a decent long black train but thats all I would say I'm decent at anymore.

Nadeshda ago

It’s pretty cool you are here and I am super excited that you are playing guitar, it’s wonderful! :)


Yeah I am pretty motivated to learn. I'm not progressing as fast as I'd like but I don't have any quit in me. Like I said you might catch me singing on mumble but that is like winning the lottery.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Learning guitar is hard, I've been playing forever and still struggle, my advice is learn your basic open chords first. specifically G, Em, A and Am, C, D, (F an B[power/ barre chords]), learn to pick them and strum them and chanc between them all flawlessly.


@TheBuddha told me to learn scales first

TheBuddha ago

Indeed, learn to get your fingers to go were you want them to go - and, because that gets boring, throw some more time on the various chords.

Notice how the chords he mentioned are the same ones I have mentioned? So, when you tire of scales for a practice session, throw some chords in there - and get them to ring clean, then work on moving between them. They missed the E chord You'll want that


I'll try some today when I get home.

TheBuddha ago

Many people frown on the rhythm guitarist - as though they're not any good. (Chords are, more often than not, used for the rhythm.) But, they're actually the ones that drive the song - along with the drum providing the back end.


Once I learn this guitar thing maybe I'll get back into drums.

TheBuddha ago

Percussion was my first love. I have a kit mic'ed up in the music room but it doesn't get nearly enough attention.


You have to stop tempting me. I already told you I would come out and see you why do you keep tempting me so.

TheBuddha ago

LOL I was just sharing the information. It will be played this afternoon. We have band practice this afternoon.


you have encouraged me and deterred me you are playing games with my heart at this point as I'm pretty invested in my guitar stop playing my heart buddha. I have children, don't you want their father to be happy!

TheBuddha ago

LOL Are you drinkin' already today?


Nope I wish I was. I just went and shaved off my beard. I am updating my resume. I am getting ready to rejoin the workforce. I should start smoking weed again now that I think about it.

TheBuddha ago

I have people coming, sometime soon. I may end up having a drink or two.


I like drinking I really do, it’s fun. Honestly now that I think about it I like drugs I’m pretty sure it was you who told me humanity has used drugs for most of human history and why shouldn’t we? Drinking is fun doing weed can be fun, I’d really like to try some hallucinegenics I hear that’s fun. And why shouldn’t people. As long as you take care of what needs to get done.

TheBuddha ago

We've been getting fucked up throughout the history of our species. I suspect we'll continue doing so, indeed.


Well then as soon as I get home from all this non sense I’ll say cheers.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Go on amazon and you can get a lifetime supply for 10$(24 picks)


24 should be enough for a lifetime for me. Since I AM NEVER LOSING THEM I don't care what @TheBuddha says.

TheBuddha ago

LOL You will see!


NEVER! I Will keep my picks forever! The God of the picks can pry them from my cold dead hands!

TheBuddha ago

You shall see!

Don't say I didn't warn you.

Ask anyone in this thread if they still have their first guitar pick. Any one of 'em...

MrHarryReems ago

I love the fact that you're using a Cigar box!

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Yeh it makes my posts unique, I think I have only ever posted with the box, maybe my acoustic once. I can play and do have a 6 string electric and its one of a kind(I made it out of all the guitars I ever had and loved like a frankenstein)

Nadeshda ago

This just sounds wonderful; full of soul, care and love for being creative! What a special guitar indeed!

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Its the neck and tuners from my first guitar(a Charvel), the body is a Fender Fat Strat(H-S-S) hotwired so I have tone control over the middle pickup, I changed everything from the pickup guards to the input jack from white or chrome to black and reinstalled with sheet metal screws instead of round phillips. The Humbucker is from an ESP LTD guitar. It's an EMG of some kind. I'm thinkng of putting a vertical stacked humbucker in the neck to make it H-S-H, but im not too worried about it. It sounds great how it is.

Nadeshda ago

This is very interesting and it sounding great is certainly the main thing, you may appreciate this post too for its sheer uniqueness!

Camels-n-Miller ago

I agree that's a great solo tone. Great playing!

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Thanks that's just the amp and cigar box's natural tones at low volume.

MrHarryReems ago

Pretty cool and chill. Tell us about the bass! I have a Dean 5 string acoustic bass that I adore.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

It's a Dean, Playmate very simple bass, I bought it on Ebay for 30$ on auction, the postage said a church so I think it was from a church band estate sale. Anyways it's a simple bass it's got one Humbucker and a Volume and Tone knob. It's all I need and it plays great.

MrHarryReems ago

It'd be interesting to see @TheBuddha do an article on the history of Dean guitars. They are a different company than they used to be. My brother still has an 80's Dean Elite Deluxe that he'll never play, and never part with.

TheBuddha ago

I still have to do one on PRS. I'll add Dean to the list. I know a bit if their history already, so it's a good idea. And PRS might take two articles.

TheBuddha ago


cynicaloldfart ago

That tone is great. Did you use a looper for the bass, or multitrack?

Have you had a chance to do any research on the amp?

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I have a Ditto pedal by TC Electronics, all it does it loop, and have a volume level knob, step on it and it loops until you step on it again, step and hold to erase, that all I figured out about it. it's really cool but I need to get my step timing down, I fucked the loop up by a millisecond.

There's not much info about it, it was made in the 60's sometime, probably an early one because it doesn't have a light, date code on the speaker says 1960 but from my research they started in the mid 60's Legal persons found me a schematic, but mines slightly more basic then the schematic. It's made my PepCo Pine Electronic Products Company.

Nadeshda ago

I need to get one of these loopers...

MrHarryReems ago

If you're going to look at a looper, I strongly recommend a looper with an auto-start feature at the very least. There was a day when I used to do a lot of looping, and the auto start was the one feature I felt was critical. What that feature does is start recording the loop when you actually start playing and the looper detects a signal.

Nadeshda ago

Thank you this is valuable information here...

Mustard_of_puppets ago

There are bargain brand clones out too, mines TC Electronics, look for a simple looper that only has a stomp button and a level knob. I'm pretty sure I read it does almost infinite multi track loops too I just dont know how and am not prepared for that yet. but it's a true blue looper pedal, no cheating no bullshit, true bypass to the amp itself. My goal for now is to master the intro and intro solo for cemetary gates by pantera with the looping pedal. After that I'm free to explore it for other things.

Nadeshda ago

Man this is helpful... also nice little goal there, looking forward to hearing it... :)

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Honestly I'd look for a clone that holds a 9V battery, these days clones are just as good, same parts and curcuits, mine is a micro pedal and needs to be plugged in. That's it's only downside.

MrHarryReems ago

That's why loopers with auto-start and midi sync exist! Now, if my looper could only sync to 6/8...

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I've never used pedals in my life before, I appreciate the simplicity of this, I also bought a Behringer overdrive/distortion pedal thats a Boss clone. I need to take some time and learn the nuances of it still before breaking it out on a friday night session.

MyNameIsMud ago

What other website do you use to upload audio clips? The one you posted won't upload my files for some reason even though they are properly formatted and within the alloted file size.

TheBuddha ago

crazy_eyes ago

you can try

LegalPERSON ago

I finally got around to getting my own DAW and laptop and monitors and.... so this is my first recording like that. I’ve done a few albums in studios but I have always been on the performance side of the glass. I chose this song from my discussion with Buddha last week haha. I’m using my old Weissenborn style 2 with an acoustic soundhole pickup by Lace.

poptical-illusionist ago

Wow, you're doing great! I'd like to hear a little louder vocal in the mix, but not a lot more. That was great playing and recording.

I had to look up DAW, because I'm a cheap fucker who doesn't like to pay for software if I can help it. I love recording this way, but for me it's Ubuntu and Audacity to achieve the process.

LegalPERSON ago

I agree on the vocals. I think I need a bit of compression on the guitar. Those acoustic instruments can really amplify certain parts as you play, so it’s easy to bury the vocals in some spots, while it sits well in others. I’ll get it figured out though at some point. Thanks for checking it out!

Nadeshda ago

Vedy vedy nice Sir... awesome sound and it came out really good!

LegalPERSON ago

You’re too kind :)

Nadeshda ago

Naw u mate !

Camels-n-Miller ago

Beautiful playing, and great song!

LegalPERSON ago

Thanks for checking it out!

MrHarryReems ago

Very nice! Has a sweet lazy feel to it and is very well played! Your voice totally fits! Love it!

LegalPERSON ago

Yeah it’s a total chill, slack type tune. It just has that “pack of camels and a bottle of cheap whisky” kind of vibe going.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

You got a Sam Chatmon vibe to your playing, love it. I wish I could play like that or even sing at all.

LegalPERSON ago

Thanks Bro, just practice singing with really easy chord changes and you’ll be doing great

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I have a voice more meant for yelling at children and scaring bears away then for singing, I can probably do the Tom Waits thing.

Have you ever tried a Cigar Box Guitar? I think you'd have fun with one.

MrHarryReems ago

I have a voice more meant for yelling at children and scaring bears away then for singing, I can probably do the Tom Waits thing.

Have you heard Verle? We'll take whatever you've got!

LegalPERSON ago

I haven’t but you’re right, I’m sure I’d dig it

Mustard_of_puppets ago

It forces you to think differently, it's all I've ever really sumbitted with yet and I built mine myself. It's a fun way to force yourself to think differently and simplify things, it's really fun. Check out this youtube channel This guys pretty much the man at modern day roots music. shovel guitars cigar boxes, oil cans license plates even jammedmon a skateboard.

LegalPERSON ago

I have watched a few of his videos in the past actually. I didn’t recognize the name until I went to the channel. Those cigar boxes are pretty dope

Mustard_of_puppets ago

He is amazing, his playing is amazing and his teaching style is amazing. Creativity and talent is off the charts.

LegalPERSON ago

Nice I’ll check that out for sure

crazy_eyes ago

Thats cool as all hell. Love that slide blues playing that you do, that sounds so cool. I was talking to my friend Chris and he told me that he just wrote his own version of that song, excellent guitar playing man.

LegalPERSON ago

Excellent! You guys better get to making a recording of it!

crazy_eyes ago

actually chris just called and hes on his way here now

LegalPERSON ago

Excellent! Now drop your shrooms and hit record hahaha

crazy_eyes ago

hereSoundCloud you go, minus the shrooms

LegalPERSON ago

Sounds great! It’s a very sorrowful rendition which fits it really well

crazy_eyes ago

Oh hell yeah!

TheBuddha ago

Nice! Was that Cash's song, originally? I seem to recall a few other artists doing it, but I'm not sure if it was them covering him or the other way around.

And... What kinda slide is that, what material is it made out of?

Finally, I can relate! I too have actually only recently (I've been at this for nearly five decades, so 'recent' is in the past 2 to 2.5 years - I think) started recording myself. I've done tons of studio work. If I wanted to be recorded, someone else was taking care of it. So, I'm slowly learning. Slowly. I still fuck up the lingo. LOL I can mostly use the buttons - but I actually have the hoodlum do my editing for me lately. She's already faster at it, sort of, than I am.

She's faster at doing what she wants to do - but slower than I am 'cause she does more with it and tries lots of things. I just snip out the white space and call it good!

Anyhow, I like it.

LegalPERSON ago

The most famous version (closest to this rendition) was done by Keith Richards. The earliest version I know of was done by Luke Jordan. It sounds nothing like this, but he did have another record that was much closer to this sound and had a few lines in it. Not sure how it morphed from there or how many have recorded it since.

The slide bar was hand crafted for me out of stainless steel by Mr. Tim Sheerhorn. It’s one of those pieces of gear that I’ll have for life.

I really need to learn all the editing stuff. It was basically like my crappy videos because I couldn’t figure out how to edit a little part without accidentally deleting everything haha. Oh well, I’ll get better at it in time.

Nadeshda ago

Shucks dude, I thought it to be rather excellent and you have a wonderful voice!

TheBuddha ago

Audacity. I love it. Pros use it but idiots like me can make it mostly work.

LegalPERSON ago

I’m using Reaper, well trying to. I’ll mess with it over the week and hopefully the next recording comes out better. My bitchute account isn’t letting me post videos for some reason so I need to be able to record if I want to keep contributing each Friday!


I think we all need to know what exactly crunky means. I thought I was still young enough to know the lingo. Apparently not.

TheBuddha ago

"It means 'crunky.' You know, like 'crunky music?'"

No, I don't know... @cynicaloldfart seems to know - but the song we submitted today is 'crunky.' So isn't Slash. Anything from Slash, that she knows of, is 'crunky.'

"That's why I love my Paul." (She means Les Paul.) "I wanted it because it is CRUNKY!" (Which was a loud exclamation. If she'd train that voice, she'd have some projection.)

cynicaloldfart ago

It can't be explained, it is just known. You have played crunky countless times over the years. In fact, I propose you add that as a criteria for The List. It's a vital part of rock. It's not limited to just a bitchin' solo, or a riff ( I peeked), or a bridge. It's an attitude, and EH has it innately (boy, does she).

I also need to ping @Mustard_of_puppets. He has another Paul to talk about.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I'm here, Me and Paul got something a little crunky and clunky tonight. Just uploading it right now.

cynicaloldfart ago

Be sure and tell everyone about your Paul because they might rightfully assume it's a guitar.

TheBuddha ago

"Crunky is a sound, a type of sound. It says a lot more about the person playing it than the music." (Not even really paraphrased! I'm a horrible influence.)

Which is seemingly as close to defining it as she can.

cynicaloldfart ago

She can't just tell you, that's not the way to learn something (as you well know). Study hard and she will guide you. :)

Don't try to phone it in either. She'll just hand it back and ask you to do it the right way.

TheBuddha ago

I'm pretty sure 'crunky' changes definitions every ten minutes. At the very least, when I finally think I have a handle on it, she says something entirely different is crunky.

cynicaloldfart ago

Such is the case with ephemerals.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, she's in a mood. It's addorable.

For some odd reason, my power is out and it should never go out. The modem is up. If I disappear, aliens finally got me.


I do not know, is this close?

TheBuddha ago

"No. That is close. Crunky is a sound, you know?"


I do not know, I guess this is it I’m no longer hip, I guess I’m old now.

TheBuddha ago

I have no idea and she's not exactly being helpful. I'm pretty sure she hasn't been drinking or smoking my weed.

Man, she cracks me up. She does, too.

crazy_eyes ago

is it like how evh always talked about the brown sound? is crunky brown?

TheBuddha ago


See? Not helpful.

TheBuddha ago

Cruncky has no color.

I may lose my telephone service. But the power is back on. I think we had a lightning strike.


no I think that is a different sound.

cynicaloldfart ago

It's ok, EH will continue to demonstrate it. She just knows, and will hopefully show the rest of us.


We can only hope.

Nadeshda ago



Not to try and advertise but me and the wife are on most of the time now days. You'd be more than welcome on traditionalwives over there and I'm sure she would like to see you.

Nadeshda ago

Thank you for your invite Sir. I am so busy right now that I don’t know how to split my time anywhere else at the moment and that’s the truth but who knows what tomorrow brings so there is that to take into consideration :)


No pressure. None intended at all. The only pressure I would send your way is if you want to win that lottery and hear me sing. Hell maybe I'll get ballsy and do it here one night for all of you to make fun of. Who knows what the future brings. Enough tequila and who knows what could happen.

Nadeshda ago

Well have a song especially for choo and get some of this song... :)

Dew it!!! :)


maybe someday

Nadeshda ago



well that server is mumble is the app. Check it out if you get a chance.

Nadeshda ago

Thanks I have not ventured onto poal and for explaining what mumble is, I had no idea.

I did think it was some app and personally I hate installing apps and try to stay clear as their privacy policies are whack... but at least I know where to find you :)


someday I'll get its web interface to work properly.... someday fucking nginx reverse proxys man I'm telling you they are a pain in the ass.

crazy_eyes ago

Happy happy Friday night everybody. I dont got no new news as I havent seen Verle or Christopher over the past week. Busy with all them women, and my kids and everything else apparently. But I do have a few songs that you all have not heard before just for such an occasion. This first one was from when me and chris were shrooming one time and this is what happens when you play a sad song on shrooms when you are feeling happy, I have shared the sad version of this song before with you all, now here is the happy version of in the pinesSoundCloud

Nadeshda ago

Ooooh so nice indeed... really wonderful dude, really cool!

Camels-n-Miller ago

I usually don't like Nirvana, but this is their best recorded song.

Great job playing and singing with it.

Soundcloud started playing the next track, your cover of "Over the Hills and Far Away" I'll do that one myself, as I consider it my best actual cover of Zep some day soon. I can ROCK that ;)

crazy_eyes ago

Let's hear it?!

Camels-n-Miller ago

I'll record me playing it someday. Right now I'm too lit to record anything bro.

crazy_eyes ago

well when you sober up play it to a mic

MrHarryReems ago

I adore the intro. '..shit.'

I can't even imagine you guys playing on shrooms. This song made me happy. I could use it this week.

crazy_eyes ago

Thanks MrHarry! I will share some happy songs tonight for you then!

TheBuddha ago

Is Chris familiar with Nirvana's version of this song?

crazy_eyes ago

yes, that is kind of how we did it the other time we shared that song with you all, hereSoundCloud its different chords than the one earlier thats kind of like what nirvanna did i think

TheBuddha ago

Ah - good. Then, I'd like to point out that it's acoustic (though I think there's some live versions on an electric, but I don't have their whole body of work memorized).


LOL I'm trying to con you into mic'ing that acoustic up and playing a song!

crazy_eyes ago

hmm what to do what to do

i could try to play something on an acoustic for you, chris isnt here so Im not sure about singing, do you want to hear singing? Or just me playing? What to play?

TheBuddha ago

Hmm... Do you know Friend of the Devil?

crazy_eyes ago

yeah chris sings that one

TheBuddha ago

Hmm... I shall hope to hear a version. The Dead did it like hundreds of different ways, so there's lots of room for you to play and still even be close to the Dead!

When in doubt, just say something like, "Yeah, I'm covering their show in October of '78 when they were in Ohio." (Nobody will check or know the difference!)

cyclops1771 ago

I probably would, because I'm an asshole like that.

crazy_eyes ago

havent i shared a verion of that with chris singing it with you before?

TheBuddha ago

Maybe? I don't remember. I smoke a lot of pot and hear a whole lot of tunes. ;-)

cynicaloldfart ago

Not even them!

TheBuddha ago

Sounds about right! Gotta link to send you this weekend - it might be something you can find an angle on.

cynicaloldfart ago

This comes from 2 old Appalachian folk songs as far as back as 1870's. Bill Monroe and Leadbelly have covered it.

crazy_eyes ago

this is an old old song

TheBuddha ago

Good evening and greetings from the mountains of NW Maine. Once again, it's time for the Weekly Guitar Thread and, like normal, I'll go ahead and get you started.

This hasn't been a long week - it's been a short week! I'm pretty sure I missed a day or two, 'cause I was pretty damned busy this week. I'm far busier than I expected, just 10 months ago. That's okay. It's a busy that I enjoy and it has been very satisfying. If it had been a long week, I'd have had more time!

Last week's thread was fantastic! It was so huge that I eventually lost track of all the comments - and there are some that I'm pretty sure I didn't see. The numbers involved are staggering!

That makes us pretty happy and we absolutely welcome new contributions. It doesn't matter if you're good - this isn't a competition. It's just an excuse to share music.

This thread has motivated people and changed lives. Sweet! We've been at this for over a year, actually. Well, the early threads weren't weekly - but even that has been going on for quite a while.

Anyhow, this week's song...

EH did not play lead. She was initially going to, but decided to say to hell with that and figured it'd end up taking her too long to learn it. However, in her effort to be instructive, she has happily informed me that this song is 'crunky.'

She would like production credit, and she did do the work. So, she gets credit.

I'm told to introduce us like I did last week. I just do what I'm told. She's meaner than you, so she gets to decide.

Ladies and gentlemen, lets put those hands together and welcome The Eldest Hoodlum and TheBuddha Band, bringing you a lovely song called Communication Breakdown, from one English band known as Led Zeppelin. Give it up for the Eldest Hoodlum and TheBuddha Band!

"That's 'crunky!' Get it?"

No, no I really don't - but I'm gonna run with it.

poptical-illusionist ago

That's the first lead I've heard and it was amazing! This was a great recording and both parts were awesome.

TheBuddha ago

Awesome! Glad ya liked it! My main goal is faithful reproduction and, to teach, that's the goal EH is also after. She can learn to be an artist on her own time. My job is to teach her to play the guitar. ;-)

Nadeshda ago

Awesome! :D really BIG SMILE! And you know it!!!! Crunky, clean, dirty, darn precise, driven, racing quality music and even though this day had ewe moments, the rawking solo just fixed ALL that... schweeet!!! :)

TheBuddha ago

She couldn't quite get the faster parts down in time for recording this afternoon - she's still pretty new. So, she didn't.

She's uploading a new one.

Camels-n-Miller ago

She did GREAT on the rhythm guitar, and you 'crunked' the solo!

MrHarryReems ago

Now, that is straight crunky!! Cheers to EH. I'm drinking Aqua Vitae, she gets a soda!

TheBuddha ago


She's wanting a glass of wine at midnight. She turns 16 in just about 2 3/4 hours.

LegalPERSON ago

Nothing like a little Zeppelin to kick start a Friday evening! Great job you two

TheBuddha ago

"Thank you. Crunky!" (Edit: She was saying crunky, and not calling you crunky. You might be crunky, that's unknown.)

And, from myself, thanks! Glad ya liked it. She'd initially set out to learn the lead, guitar #1 if you have the tab, but decided against it. She was doing okay, but there's some pretty quick fingering that needs to be done and she's not able to learn it in just a week - yet.

Yup... She learned 'em at the rate of one a week. We'll pick next week's song tonight and she'll start working on it tonight. It'll be ready for next Friday - usually. I won't be here next Friday, but @crazy_eyes will open the thread. I'll try to get a track done so that he can share it on our behalf.

Anyhow, I'm positive she could have learned the lead - but it would have taken her a while longer to build up the speed needed. At this stage in her education, doing it in just a week is pretty unlikely - but she did try to tackle it. She then switched, which was a bit easier as the lead also doubles the rhythm for parts of the song, so she'd already learned most of that.

Nadeshda ago

Wow all this crunky words flowing around I saw that crunky_eyes was opening the thread next week and thought to myself, who is that? Geez tell that yound lady she has influence...

TheBuddha ago

LOL Half my typing in the guitar threads and a few other places is on her behalf! Kid gets more attention than I do!

Which, really, is a good thing. I get plenty and she can use it.

LegalPERSON ago

Well if I am crunky, hopefully that’s a good thing haha

TheBuddha ago

I don't think this is helpful but...

"Tell him it needs distortion."

"Umm... You're on a distortion kick today."

"Distortion. Tell him. Do it."

She's in a mood tonight. So, well... She says it needs distortion - all of it. All the distortion, I guess.

I dunno. I think she wants you to stack pedals or something. I really have no idea what crunky actually means.

LegalPERSON ago

Here just for EH is my metal band. All the distortion she could ever want lol

Nadeshda ago

Pretty intense dude, woah I still need song lyrics to even try listen to this type of singing... geez you should start another band on the side with you singing, for real... lol

LegalPERSON ago

Haha I just play guitar in the metal band. I do play in a trio as the singer/guitar and that vocalist plays bass, and the same drummer.

Nadeshda ago


TheBuddha ago

"thanks but not really my style"

I asked what her style was, she said crunky, again...

LegalPERSON ago

Lol. Careful what you wish for!

TheBuddha ago

I believe she wanted you to distort the hell out of Cocaine Blues, but she's meandered off to get me a beer and her a cup of tea. She can have a glass of wine, but has to wait until midnight.

LegalPERSON ago

If she wants to crank up that mark V and Les Paul to do a track then I’ll do the vocals for it :)

cynicaloldfart ago

Heck yes it is a good thing. Your audience will be gobsmacked when they hear it.

crazy_eyes ago

I was wondering who was playing the lead and i rewinded and listened to the lead twice. I was thinking damn that girl is a better lead player than me already, i really should practice more, but then i saw it was you and it all made sense. I would love to hear her play it !!!

TheBuddha ago

She may learn it. I dunno? When I ask her, she just says "Crunky" and giggles.

Yes, she's completely sober - so far as I know.

She can sorta play it - just not at speed. She was just not going to get the speed that rapidly.

crazy_eyes ago

ok just let me get stoned and I will go play something acoustic for you

TheBuddha ago

Sounds like a plan!

cynicaloldfart ago

Hey girl [DON'T] stop what you're doin'!
Hey girl you'll drive me to ruin.
I don't know what it is that I like about you
But I like it a lot.

Spot on! Clean, clear, and didn't miss a beat. Very crunky (Don't worry EH, the old geezer will come to understand).

Oh yeah, Buddha, you were pretty good too. (pats on head).

TheBuddha ago

"Hi Farty! Thank you. Tell him we had burgers and fries and you're drinking gross beer."

I still have no clue what crunky means and I don't need compliments - I know I'm good! ;-)

cynicaloldfart ago

Damn right it's gross. Drugs including alcohol are bad, m'kay? He knows he's a bad influence.

TheBuddha ago

(nose winkle and giggle) "I turn 16 in a few hours. I'm going to have a glass of wine to celebrate."

Damned kid's a lush!

crazy_eyes ago

drugs and alcohol are bad for who what how when and why?

cynicaloldfart ago

You get a lifetime exception. We need your "activities" so the rest of us don't harm ourselves attempting them. You provide a vital service to humanity.

MrHarryReems ago

Damn right, he does!!

crazy_eyes ago

Some Led for my head. So I got this cranked and one of my sons friends stops what he's doing, starts headbanging to it and says I got to learn how to play guitar. I told him that was a 16 year old girl playing that and he says I'm going to go buy a guitar and he left.

Talk about changing lives, that was so awesome it inspired that kid to go buy a guitar!

Cant beat that with a stick

TheBuddha ago

I get so many PMs, crazy. So many! It's awesome to see the people it impacts and how it impacts them.

Shit, in the past year, I've convinced at least a half-dozen people to buy new guitars - never mind the ones that decided to pick it back up again or buy a used one.

crazy_eyes ago

super awesomeness!

TheBuddha ago

"Tell crazy that I turn 16 in a few hours and that we're going out for dinner tomorrow."

(Which is news to me, but apparently I'm going out to dinner tomorrow. Wanna come?)

crazy_eyes ago

I would love to, but its a far distance i am not sure i can cover in 24 hours

TheBuddha ago

LOL Well, I'll pay for your meal, if you make the drive. She wants me to take her to 'somewhere nice.' Dunno where, but I'll find something. The missus won't be back until tomorrow, so hopefully the weather will be nice and we can take the bike.

crazy_eyes ago

Thanks for the offer but I don't think I am going to be able to make it. Its like 36 hours from here to there driving according to google, so I wouldnt get there until sunday and i fucked up and broke something in my transmission on my car and i dont know what to do with it so i been just driving my bike for the past week or so. I guess Im going to have to go work some extra work to pay for a new transmission or something I wasnt planning on this breaking down, and Im not sure I feel like riding on my bike for 36 hours, i fucked up and shifted into drive when the car was still rolling backwards and it went kaklunk and it says stransmission fault and restricted mode now and its fucked up barely going i dont know what I did but I did it good

TheBuddha ago

Ah - it might be cheap. It may just have tossed itself into limp mode - no damage but to protect itself. Have you tried driving it since? You can possibly try clearing the faults with a standard OBDII reader and it may clear it up and save you Jag dealership labor costs.

crazy_eyes ago

I probably would just bring it to the transmission specialist down the street, but to me it seems broken bad, I have drove it since, when it rained a few times and my lady didnt want to ride the bike in the rain and it klunks once when i put it into forward gear very hard, and after that it doesnt do it again if I go from reverse to forward, but it only goes forward in second gear. every time i shut it off and start it i go through that klunk thing again when i put it in D. I can go in Reverse and it doesnt klunk. It is really bad, i dont know what the fuck , i seen some shit online that the A drum was bad in that car that they make better stronger ones for replacements, and im afraid thats what it is, and thats like 3 grand at the transmission shop, fucking sucks man

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, and it's a Jag... Ouch!

LOL If the transmission goes on my BMW, it's still under warranty. After that? If it goes, I'll tow that fucker to the dealership and trade it in. I'm not paying to fix it. 'Snot even remotely on my list of shit to do. It's also nearly time to trade it in already.

crazy_eyes ago

of course its got a mercedes sealed transmission so I cant even check the fluid level without a lift, how convenient, I dont have a lift

TheBuddha ago

LOL I don't have that problem - but I do have a lift! I've posted pics on Voat before but probably not in the guitar sub. I love my lift. I do a lot of my own work. Well, not lately - 'cause lately I don't have time for hobbies.

crazy_eyes ago

i just might put it up on jack stands and take a look maybe its low on fluid or something,

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, they are gonna charge you a fortune otherwise.

crazy_eyes ago

its a good thing my favorite girlfriend only lives a mile and a half away


Reset the ecu. Or better yet just pull the negative battery cable for 30 minutes. If your car is new enough to tell you transmission fault I have a hard time believing you fucked it up that bad could just be the computer needs to be reset. Full warning you may need an alarm code if your radio has one.

crazy_eyes ago

I might just try that, it cant hurt, though I do not know any alarm code for my radio, so my radio might not work anymore? thats no good


if your car isn't ancient any dealer(your make) can give you the code most do it for free, all you have to do is show them the registration with your name on it.

crazy_eyes ago

its 99, thats old but not aincent, only


Now that I think about it depending on what kind of 99 it is I can probably tell you how to get a transmission in good shape for pretty cheap.

crazy_eyes ago

jaguar vanden plas


okay well because I am without my guitar tonight and I am bored I just did a little bit of digging into your problem, looks like it could be a few things, and one of them is a transmission rebuild. The things I would check first specifically apparently your car has a trans module and if voltage drops to low it can cause the symptoms you are describing. So I'd slap a multimeter on your battery while the car is off and see what its sitting at should be no lower than 12 no higher than 14.5. Then I'd check it again with it running and make sure its in the 14.0 to 14.7 range. If all that checks out, then I'd change the transmission filter I don't know how mechanically inclined your are but if you get low pressure from the pump because the filter is clogged it can make it not want to change gears and clunk due to lack of fluid. All I'm saying is you might be okay you might not need a rebuild. Is it leaking fluid?

EDIT: I meant to add that filters are pretty cheap usually.

crazy_eyes ago

my battery is in need of replacement, its low


can you borrow a jump box from someone? That would be a good way to test. better than buying a battery for a car with a transmission problem.

crazy_eyes ago

i have one


Hook it up and set the hood on it that will at least tell if you the problem is voltage or not. Seems like you might know a thing or two about cars, so I apologize if I have been wasting your time with my attempts to help lol.

crazy_eyes ago

not a waste of time, where should i check the voltage at?

my battery is in my trunk


at the battery, if its in the trunk thats even more sensitive to bad batteries. Longer way for the electrons to go to get to all the electronics.


Yeah they would give you the code. What the hell kind of 99 has a transmission fault code? Did you get it scanned?

crazy_eyes ago

seriously, the fucker klunks super hard when it goes into drive and only goes into second gear, i think that its more than just the computer


Sounds like it could be some kind of limp mode to protect the transmission. I’m just trying to be helpful I have a bad habit of doing that. How fast were you rolling backwards?

crazy_eyes ago

ten or fifteen miles an hour there was a lot of traffic and i had to back out and go forward quickly


oh okay yeah that might have fucked something up. I thought you meant just rolling backwards. However I would still say resetting all the modules you have nothing too lose by trying it.

crazy_eyes ago

sometimes when i run it since then it shakes the car like its spinning out of balance


Is it misfiring?

crazy_eyes ago

no the engine is running just fine