P8prclip ago

I still remember sitting in theory class and I asked my professor,"I know we are learning all of these rules for music... ....but... ...what's the final rule?" His answer was,"the last rule in music is... ...there are no rules!" I'm not sure that's what you're looking for but...

GranimalSnake ago

Another fun read my dude. Luckily, I've already learned my lessons on drugs the hard way. Lol

How did the show go?

ldsanon ago

An interviewer asked Frank Zappa once how he managed to afford to build his studio, which was filled with top-notch gear. He answered something to the effect that "It's easy. I don't do drugs." He was making the point that he could be creative without the drugs/alcohol trap and the money that it fritters away. In his case, staying sober meant having $$$ to spend on stuff to make music.

TheBuddha ago

Long, tiring, good, exciting. I'm not really typing more than that today. I'm kinda shitfaced.


Thanks for asking! I might answer some short questions, if you have any. I'm just aware of how long it'd take me to truly answer that question - and I'm not doing that today. Nothing personal - so please don't take it personally.

GranimalSnake ago

No worries my dude, drink water... sleep.

TheBuddha ago

No. I do what I want!