kermitisarealboy ago

god I wish that were me

bulutyasin ago


HaiNiggaFunny ago

Fuck the censorship niggers!

robowriter ago

If Congress only would get off it's keister and pass those laws funded and backed by AIPAC, Silly Valley CEOs and retarded wealthy individuals, we could have pet marriage. We can sexually liberate animals.

Zoobanging in itself is legal in Japan (the country that invented tentacle porn to get censorship); Cuba (for lovers of donkeys); Russia but bears might mawl you if they find you unattractive, which probably means not hairy. Also in Romania and the Phillippines; you might some special farm for such things.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

It's a performance art piece representing the Voat immune system response!

MuslimPorn ago

Stop posting Muslim porn.

muffalettadiver ago


jamstands81 ago

I was about to come in here all hot, but omfg

gramman74 ago

Look at that nose. She is jewish

HiJoker ago

Let me guess, this is Suzie?

Ahh..why? Context, niggerfag. Context!

ShakklezthaKlown ago

you dumb niggers. even in your hatred of him, the Bright Lord still aides you. a True father does not abandon his children in their time of need, like YHVH does. keep appeasing the Jealous god and you will get shitballs in return.

CameraCode0 ago

Stunning and brave.

NiggerFaggot187 ago

We goats can dream....

We just need to spread that dream to the blue-pills

WolvenWargod ago

I smiled so hard I broke my face. Hurts, in a good way tho...

Splooge ago

Look at all those good kids.

CantBuySkills ago

I imagine they're all saying: Faaaaaaaag... in goat.

GassyMcGasface ago

You speak sand nigger?

pizza_mine ago

I like goats.

SurfinMindWaves ago

They have rectangular pupils. They see stuff. Strange stuff.

madhatter67 ago

it's like they have a black pill in each eye

Splooge ago

...that's a post for v/showerthoughts if I've ever seen one.

Well done.

allalie2000 ago

censorship is just a struggle by the faggots and niggers to be viewed as human

SubhumanTorch ago

It's only necessary if you are afraid of truth

Maggotbait88 ago

Git em goats!

theoldones ago

Git em goats!

why is it so easy to find you doing bad shit, and catching you in the act?

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/AntiPedoSquad comment by @TheGrandMaster.

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TheGrandMaster ago

Fuck you, you piece of shit pedophile. Why haven't you roped yourself yet? You will never be accepted in society, in fact there are those of us jumping for the chance to blow pedophile brains all over the streets. Suck on a shotgun shell you faggot.

Killeratlarge ago

kill yourself newfaggot

TheGrandMaster ago

You dumb (nigger)[]

Killeratlarge ago

A cartoon can't be underaged, I don't understand how you fail to comprehend logic. It's a drawing you moron blow your brains out. Why aren't you hunting real pedophiles if you care so much? Fucking faggot.

SurfinMindWaves ago

So, just because something is drawn means the subject matter has no meaning? Just trying to get my brain around this logic.

Killeratlarge ago

A pedophile is a kiddy diddler. This isnt a kid. The supreme court agrees.

TheGrandMaster ago

No, don't fall for this brigade of pedoniggers. Bunch of kikes trying to jew the place up.

SurfinMindWaves ago

I'm surely not "falling for" anything, I just don't understand the twisted logic. I recall years ago having an exchange with someone on rEdit, who claimed that there was nothing wrong with viewing child pornography because he wasn't the one who took the photos so he did nothing wrong. The fact that someone else did and a child was still being exploited and abused didn't matter, because he didn't do it himself. Now obviously a real life child isn't being abused in a drawing, but they don't seem willing to admit that feeding the monster (lusting after children) probably isn't a good thing to promote within themselves or encourage in others. It seems so obvious. I suppose anything taboo is the draw. "Garbage in/garbage out" people!

TheGrandMaster ago

It's all pedophile normalization, get real.

SurfinMindWaves ago

I didn't know I was being un-real. I'll get right on that.

In other conversations on this topic I've been told that exercising the imagination with cartoons or drawings allows these people to satisfy their desires without hurting anyone. I still think that FEEDING THE MONSTER only encourages it to grow. It isn't as if once exercised it all goes away. The need increases and it becomes a bottomless pit of insatiable desire, just like all addictions. Like most addicts, they won't know it is a problem until it becomes a problem, and then it's too late.

WolvenWargod ago

What he said

TheGrandMaster ago

Still getting mass downvoating for what I said, either this place is fucked or people are retarded

TheGrandMaster ago

Who says I'm not? You fucking kike. Unironically suck off a shotgun shell, you disgusting pedophile.

Killeratlarge ago

Jerking off to cartoons doesn't really get anywhere for me. From what I've seen v/antipedosquad is made of two faggots going bezerk over cartoon porn. How are you not ashamed?

TheGrandMaster ago

Haha, die in a fire, subhuman pedophile garbage.

Nosferatjew ago

Awww a lovers' quarrel. You guys are so cute.

TheGrandMaster ago

Piss off you pedokike

Nosferatjew ago

Hey now, where are your manners? When someone tells you you're cute, you say, "Thank you".

Killeratlarge ago


TheGrandMaster ago

Maroonsaint ago

Who are you talking to

pizza_mine ago

I think it’s Reddit. But you have to admire the devotion to the topic. TheGrandMaster is all in, I love shotguns too.