evidence megapost - @Dortex/@maggotbait88 AKA dorktex/faggotbait (AntiPedoSquad)
submitted 5.7 years ago by theoldones
due to a very dumb thing this user did, these posts are getting fused, but the originals will still exist for record-keeping. the user in question and his friends all just tried to hijack v/pizzagate
a slip of the tongue from maggotbait proving these 2 accounts are linked: https://i.imgtc.ws/QDir62e.png
wants the age of consent to be 13 and younger: https://web.archive.org/web/20190611051457/https://voat.co/v/whatever/3270549/
Throughout history men have married women younger than themselves. Only recently have feminists implemented and continually raised the age of consent with the help of Jews. This protects feminists who want to ride the cock carousel and fulfills the Jews desire to exterminate white people by narrowing potential mates for men to only washed up hags. If you support a higher AOC you are anti-white
then says it ought to be even younger: https://archive.fo/3zVSb
That's a good point it could be lower
NSFL pedophilic text copypasta: https://archive.fo/IjUPB
more pedo proof: https://files.catbox.moe/ycuzqr.png
profile info: https://archive.fo/TQU9U
116 submissions to SFWLoli, 85 submissions to SFWLolicon, 34 submissions to loli.
(he also moderates a loli sub for posting porn of cartoon kids. v/SFWLoli)
example of one of his loli posts: https://archive.fo/iNsBs
an even more fucked up example of his loli posts: https://archive.fo/QKjDg
here's Dortex saying he'd "fuck again" the "sexiest 6 year old of 2017": https://archive.fo/T4265
literally loli incest: https://archive.fo/LvZct#selection-4019.0-4107.7 https://archive.fo/28v3J
when another proven pedo (who later got exposed and fled the site) posted a fetish video of a child being raped to a porn sub, dortex defended the sicko: https://web.archive.org/web/20190625014504/https://voat.co/v/ideasforvoat/3212165/18556699/
admits to liking loli subs: https://archive.fo/koGqJ
any further evidence will be added as it's discovered and posted.
EXTRA SECTION: his other bad behaviour
brigading: https://archive.fo/EMiHs https://archive.fo/eeM42
brownnosing voat admin to get his critics banned: http://archive.fo/Wfi7w
dishonest, gaslighting, hostile pingspam: https://voat.co/v/ReportSpammers/3241879/
how bad was his pingspam? he broke one of the sites bots: https://voat.co/v/voatdev/3242113/
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TheGrandMaster 5.7 years ago
And in this thread it appears he has no problem using alts/buddies to downvoat and argue with me. Fucking disgusting pedoniggers
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TheGrandMaster ago
And in this thread it appears he has no problem using alts/buddies to downvoat and argue with me. Fucking disgusting pedoniggers