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CameraCode ago

Step 4 to step 5 is a HUGE leap. Stop conflating loli porn and actual child porn as being the same thing or close to the same thing. They are not. In no way am I defending loli porn. Saying the two are even CLOSE to similar delegitimizes how bad child porn actually is. A real child is victimized and sexualized.

You know real child porn has been posted to Voat, right? It was deleted soon after it was posted, as it should be. This site is still up. Thinking that anyone would defend actual pornography of children is absolutely absurd.

theoldones ago

we have hard proof of him posting real CP.

we know he's capable of going that far.

CameraCode ago

What is your definition of child pornography?

theoldones ago

oh what an interesting question this topic turned into.

its almost like we're circling the drain of something and you're not willing to directly name it...

Decidueye ago

Quit dodging the question, or I'll assume your definition of CP is very malleable, stretching as you see fit. That would be no different than how SJWs redefine racism for their own ends.

theoldones ago

"jailbatanon" and "youngladies" seems pretty damn close.

i'm willing to hear alternative explanations for what either of these things imply.

Decidueye ago

Give an actual definition instead of deploying smoke and mirrors evasive maneuvers and flipping it on me, malevolent nigger.





theoldones ago


young ladies, which in this context are provably children


look up the dictionary reading for jailbait. i'll wait.

boom. i just answered all your questions.

Decidueye ago

Still dodging, huh? You were asked a very specific question, dotard. Instead you try defining a different term lazily and don't even bother defining the next in order to imply you answered the question. Manipulative piece of shit.

slang for a young woman, or young women collectively, considered in sexual terms but under the age of consent

Now define CP directly for me and state the differences between those definitions. Since you're aggravating me, you're going to pay the asshole tax by doing more work.

theoldones ago

you answered your own question.

explain what'S done with this "young woman, or young women collectively, considered in sexual terms but under the age of consent".

seems to me like instead of being eye candy she gets FUCKED.

Decidueye ago

Answer what defines CP and state the differences between both.

theoldones ago

CP is images of fucking a kid.

jailbait is a kid pedos fuck.

the only difference is whether or not a camera is recording the whole thing.

Decidueye ago

You've already redefined jailbait and your definition of CP is lacking coverage. There's more to defining it.

theoldones ago

"lacking coverage"

what the fuck even do you mean by that

Decidueye ago

The definition of CP covers a lot more than you stated.

Obrez ago

Just stop replying to him dude this is a ploy to get you to say a short comment he can take out of the larger context to "out" you as a "pedo" or "bot" on v/protectvoat or one of his subverses or in an anon-sub.

He's done this before and it's looking like he's up to his old tricks: in the comments I link another user's complaint of his misconduct which has other details.

This guy makes maybe hundreds of posts a day getting into internet slap fights where he says absolutely nothing correct or of value just like he's done with you here, learn his username, downvoat him when you see him and expect that he will try some underhanded tactics to target you or harass you for disagreeing with him, he actually keeps lists of users who have pissed him off and is actively vying for moderator-ship across voat, he wont hesitate to ban you if given the chance so share that submission exposing him whenever you see him roping somebody in to a comment chain like this, your are maybe the fifth person he's done this with in just this comment section and I haven't finished reading it.

Decidueye ago

I've probably pushed his buttons further than most in just one day. A smear campaign by that insane asshole doesn't intimidate me, and I'm keeping a record of just how insane he is for when he tries that shit.

theoldones ago


you fucking defend a thing but wont goddamn do it yourself when challenged to. fucking says a lot, that!