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CameraCode ago

Step 4 to step 5 is a HUGE leap. Stop conflating loli porn and actual child porn as being the same thing or close to the same thing. They are not. In no way am I defending loli porn. Saying the two are even CLOSE to similar delegitimizes how bad child porn actually is. A real child is victimized and sexualized.

You know real child porn has been posted to Voat, right? It was deleted soon after it was posted, as it should be. This site is still up. Thinking that anyone would defend actual pornography of children is absolutely absurd.

theoldones ago

we have hard proof of him posting real CP.

we know he's capable of going that far.

CantBuySkills ago

Where is the proof? If you have proof, come forward now... we will all get behind the ban then. Get that shit to @puttitout asap so we can rid ourselves of @aged.

CantBuySkills ago

Ok... so you're proving he posted SOMETHING... what's the picture?

theoldones ago

this is the type of link you ask for.

follow it if you dare.

Apexbreed ago

As gay and pedo as that pic is in the link, it is far away from being CP. There would need to be a sexual act or focus on genitals for it to qualify under the law.

theoldones ago

There would need to be a sexual act or focus on genitals for it to qualify under the law.

he said, casually suddenly hiding behind legal definitions.

give me one good reason why these photos don't exist to be jacked off to.

Apexbreed ago

The discussion is in regards to the law since it's about getting Voat shut down by the cops. We both know the images exist for faggot pedos to beat off to. That isn't the point. The point is that it isn't illegal or porn, so it isn't child porn.

theoldones ago

We both know the images exist for faggot pedos to beat off to.

... isn't child porn.

pick one.

Apexbreed ago

Pedos can beat off to family photos of kids, but that doesn't make it CP. Again, we are on the topic of banning someone for breaking rules, which they aren't. I don't need to pick one, because they aren't mutually exclusive. Porn is porn. Shit that pedos beat off to isn't automatically turned into porn.

theoldones ago

Pedos can beat off to family photos of kids, but that doesn't make it CP.

WTF kind of family did you grow up in?

do you realize the words you just uttered?

get help.

Apexbreed ago

The words I uttered are about pedos being able to beat off to normal every day pictures, because they are sick in the brain. You know, normal family photos. Good job making it personal and losing all credibility.

theoldones ago

i'm not the one who brought up family photos you sicko.

YOU made it personal. how the fuck did your brain jump to that?

Apexbreed ago

I made it personal by bringing up something that had nothing to do with you personally? You've become so emotional, you aren't even making sense. Just attacking me over your made up feelings. Try again.

theoldones ago

and you brought up family first.

a suspicious man might wonder whether or not you were in the habit of jacking off to family photos.

Apexbreed ago

Nice try. No one's buying your bullshit. You just objectively lost the argument and have nothing else but to resort to personal attacks. It just shows your weakness. You should talk to someone about the things you are feeling. I mean that sincerely. Unresolved issues will eat you alive.

theoldones ago

and you're trying to claim its normal for a pedo to jack off to family pictures and i'm trying to not throw up right now.

Apexbreed ago

Sweet lie bro. Keep it up. It won't change anything.

theoldones ago

The words I uttered are about pedos being able to beat off to normal every day pictures, because they are sick in the brain. You know, normal family photos. Good job making it personal and losing all credibility.

You know, normal family photos

this is what you said. normal photos for you apparently involve jacking off. wtf.

Apexbreed ago

Still not working. Try lying and twisting my words some more. See if anyone will buy your bullshit. You failed.

theoldones ago

why in the fuck did you bring up family photos then.

Apexbreed ago

If you're seriously asking; to prove the point that pedos can jerk off to any photo of children, because they are sick in the brain. It doesn't take porn, of even suggestive photos to activate their sickness. It's a deviant compulsion.

theoldones ago

which you seem to know a lot about.


Apexbreed ago

Keep projecting...

Obrez ago

Stop replying to him, he's actually retarded, this guys posts hundreds of times per day complaining about this shit with no logic, reason, or argumentation. He creates lists of users who have wronged him by disagreeing with his personal (retarded schizoid) definitions of things and he intentionally ignores the facts to strike out at people on his shit list.

I have never seen a person drag a single comment chain with him out so long, he's impervious to logic, he only responds to massive public condemnation or public condemnation from authority figures. This is my exposé on his retarded shit and in the comments I link another user's exposé, remember his usrname and when you see him doing this shit downvoat and link people to that submission so they know what he is too.