smokratez ago

I gave them the ability to see reality again. To have pride in their own race. To want to fight with their white brethren. I gave them back hope and the will to fight for their survival and the future of their children.

They didn't have any of this before. They were like you. Soulless npc jew puppets. I gave them back their life. That's how I saved the white race. What have you done again? Oh yeah, shill for Biden and wanting as many white people to die as possible. Great plan faggot.

smokratez ago

Because of idiots like you. lol

Splooge ago


smokratez ago

I don't click on links posted by faggots.

POST YOUR IQ, so I can laugh at how dumb you are.

smokratez ago

More copying my talking points. lol

What is your iq, faggot?

smokratez ago

You act like one, jew-wannabe.

You repeating lies doesn't make them true.

You shill for Biden. You want white people to be locked up in cages and killed. This point alone proves you are not fighting for the white race, but against it.

Right back at ya.

I've literally saved the white race. You are shilling for a satanic pedo puppet of the jews. lol

smokratez ago

More jew talking points instead of your own thoughts. The life of an atheist. Pathetic. lol

You copy my talking points. This is a fact. You wouldn't do that if they weren't intelligent. Basic logic. Go suck more Biden penis while pretending you are white and fighting for the white race. lol

smokratez ago

Have you a habit of stating uncertainties as fact?

I show you can't prove Trump isn't locking up jew pedos and saving the children. How mad does that make you?

being as dumb as you

You literally copy my talking points because I am genius. Again, your action told the truth, that the lies that come out of your mouth can't cover up.

On the contrary, most of that was pieced together from various posts I've made on the subjects in the past.

You got mad so you copied an extra amount of jew talking points. Which in your mind still is something positive. lol. What a dumb faggot.

We need to upgrade the intellectual sophistication of the average White Nationalist, starting with you if indeed you are White.

I am 140 iq. You?

SearchVoatBot ago

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smokratez ago

I see you're reading my posts. Imitation is the biggest form of flattery. You can't do anything but copy my talking points, because of how good and intelligent they are. lol.

Your actions prove you know I am a genius. Even though you can't admit it with your words.

smokratez ago

There is NO WAY it can be proven.

We've been here before. You have no way to prove Trump isn't locking up pedos.

Look how mad talking about Trump locking up pedos made you. lol

I so hope you're not white. I can't imagine a white guy being as dumb as you.

smokratez ago

A white guy fighting the jews. Gee, I wonder why you would be mad that I am on the side of the white guy fighting agains the jews and locking up pedos. Does Trump saving the children make you mad, you little mongoloid?

smokratez ago

You’re responding completely within the parameters of your paradigm, which is okay.

I am not. Again, that's only what it looks like to someone who's a dumb jew slave. You can't imagine I see all the things. Because you don't even know what all the things look like.

You do know atheism is a jew worship cult right? Or are you even too dumb to notice that?

smokratez ago

He’s not an idiot

He's the biggest idiot on voat. He works freely and willingly for the jews.

his own terms

Nope. He's a useful idiot of the jews. Their puppet, because he chooses to be that. lol.

So you conceiving of things from within the two-party paradigm, is fine, for what it is.

That is only your limited iq's perspective. Please don't put your mental limitations on me. That only makes you look dumber.

You do you; nobody is going to force you to do differently until somebody shows up at your place, and makes you do their bidding. Until then, just continue to be yourself.

You sound like an inbred nigger. You do you, fam. lol

I think

You thinking you think, instead of parrot jew talking points is the funniest thing I've read today.

smokratez ago

That's as true as that Trump is a jew puppet. You are too dumb to talk to.

I am not a jew. I am a white, white nationalist. I literally brought white nationalism to voat. I've redpilled thousands of white people on the jews.

What have you done for the white race? Shilling for Biden is not doing anything for the white race. That's doing something for the jews, and jews aren't white, so that doesn't count. Name one thing you have done to help the white race. I'm waiting.

smokratez ago

You shill for Biden. Case closed. lol

You are in a jew worship cult. Without realizing it.

You are the perfect useful idiot for the jews. Dumb enough to think you're smart.

smokratez ago

Nope, I've been shaming people who shill for Biden for the jews. I attack idiots like Sir Ebral who thinks that by working for the jews willingly for free he is somehow helping white people. lol

smokratez ago

I am not a jew. Sir Ebral is an atheist. Which is a jew worhip cult. He's too low iq to understand what is going on around on. He is working for jews for free. He's so dumb he's shilling for Biden, thinking that will help the white race. If he's white, it's embarassing for the whole race. Imagine helping the jews, because you are not smart enough to see through their tricks, yet thinking you got it all figured out. Couldn't be more pathetic.

Catfishbelly ago

I did my part

SearchVoatBot ago

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The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

@JohnCStevenson has some competition it would seem.

Chempergrill ago

Fuck, he stickied it. Its one of the Qtard mods.

@badg0y1m @FastJack @msdia80_dll - Y'all are kike shit.

GumbyTM ago

Qtards are the perfect allegory for niggers.


We tolerated qtards because we believe in free speech and thought it was the right thing to do even though they clearly did not share our values as a result they have drug this place down in ways that can't be calculated.

America tolerated niggers after slavery because 'we' believed in freedom and thought it was the right thing to do even though they clearly did not share our values, as a result they have drug us down in ways that can't be calculated.

The lesson here is that it's ok to believe in free speech and yet banish those who refuse to accept the same. A group must hold true to core tenets and resist infiltrators or it will be diluted and not survive.

RabbiPuttitout ago

Well said.

chrimony ago

Free speech is fine, even with the Qtards. They are getting bashed the fuck out in the comments. It's only through censorship that they can control the narrative.

voats4goats ago

Whoa didn't know the odometer rolled that far back. Kek

Acerphoon ago

The kike is mad that a pedophile got killed. Imagine my shock.

olinneserpona ago

You are right, he would be dead if he did not shoot, but the problem you are happily overlooking is the fact he did not belong there in the first place.

Isn't there something in Americas national anthem or something that says "Untied States of America, one nation under God". As long as he was in the Untied states of America ha had every right to be there? You burgers don't need passport/ID to cross state lines, right?

PewterKey ago

Any law Kyle Broke was broken by the rioters around him as well. I'm not sure about Wisconsin law, but in many places in America, instigating a crime makes any additional crimes that result from that action the instigator's fault. Robbing a store can result in a murder charge, because someone else killed them. The fact Kyle is on film running away from the pedo manlet makes it likely, legally speaking, a suicide (he murdered himself by picking the fight). The other conflicts are similarly poised on the criminal actions of the manlet and the man that fired a handgun at the start of the conflict.

You can't blame Kyle and not blame the dozens of other people around that created the dangerous situation. Particularly when they were felons in possession of firearms and weapons trying to kill a child.

I also feel like people are focusing on him being a child, but don't understand he will be tried as an adult. Making any argument for underage firearm handling / transporting moot.

olinneserpona ago

Thanks for this.

slwsnowman40 ago

You burgers don't need passport/ID to cross state lines, right?

Not yet. But things seem to be trending that way because of a stupid virus that has everybody's panties in a knot as well as sand in their clits.

skittlesforhair ago

I would be ok with this for Colorado though. Send the Californians back! You fucked up your state, don't come here and fuck up mine!

AlwaysBWhitePositive ago


SearchVoatBot ago

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Ocelot ago

Yeah, click the title

smokratez ago

That was a jew, not a q follower.

Chempergrill ago

Its the mod of QRV... Not saying he ain't jewish, but definitely involved with Q shit.

lokilokipanic ago

and OP is a shill.

Dishsoap ago

Shut the fuck up, faggot. Not everything is "reeee muh shills"

smokratez ago

Gass yourself jew faggot.

rndmvar ago

And all the downvoats in the thread can be used as a jew headcount for the sub, maybe even this whole site.
They're outnumbered, and they know it.

HappyMealBullshit ago

Is there a difference? Both groups are intolerable whiny alarmists with a victim complex.

smokratez ago

You are an anti Trump faggot huh. Vote for Joe the pedo Biden. lol

HappyMealBullshit ago

I love how retards are incapable of comprehending the idea that people hold more than two different opinions. Just because you are stuck being a mindless drone does not mean we all are.

smokratez ago

So you aren't a retard who thinks Trump is a jew puppet? I was wrong? I highly doubt that. I am a genius. You are not even 100 iq. I bet you think you can fly to the moon and the dinos existed.

lokilokipanic ago

psh LoL ok, retard

Splooge ago


Imagine expending this much effort to give the impression you don't care

HappyMealBullshit ago

Qtard says what?

buckhorn ago

I'll grant him this: a few years ago, this wouldn't have been considered 'normal'.

Well, welcome to the new normal. People like Kyle didn't start this shit but it's not wrong for them to respond by trying to contain it. Open carry should already have been a thing and it's certainly not wrong to defend yourself once attacked.

kreepyasskraker ago

That just might be the most hated post on here ever. I'm impressed 👏

DillHoleBagHands ago

Whole lot of AIDS in that post.

lostinapes ago

Btfo like that Jew niggers arm.