lovehate123 ago

It probably means America is about to get into a big war in the middle east to keep the Chinese away from all of that oil.

Get_Stronger ago

Means protecting Israel until the end of whatever..

Wheatstone ago

If Q and POTUS where legitimately saving the USA they would have stopped the gangstalking programs!

They didn't!!!

These pedo tactic using scum are still getting government funded paycheques and pensions to destroy truthers for the last four years.

And now we are all being subjected to this narcissistic abuse game with a fake pandemic and the destruction of our rights and economy.

Anyone believing Zion Don at this point is a moron.

WreckfulZebu ago

Exactly, which is where the kalergi plan and the protocols of the elders of zion and other things like that come into play.

Get_Stronger ago

Then.. Israel openly attacks the US.

great fucking plan.
Whats the sense of an "ally" that has the intentions of destroying us?

They have no interest in helping the US.
In fact, they always seem to do the opposite.
Why help them at all? Weaker the better for the US.

Clearly this foreign policy goes against the US's public best interests.
It cant be justified.