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i_scream_trucks ago

/me stands up and salutes


neuro2b ago

Morant and Handcock were executed by the British after fighting to the death on behalf of England...apropo

boekanier ago

Kneeling there makes a lot of sense.

Doglegwarrior ago

being irish decent. i wish i had died in that line of legends rather then live in this age of cowards

Ocelot ago

Would be funnier without the quotes

xenoPsychologist ago

let me know when we stop being all talk around here.

Helena73 ago


OldCoot9292 ago

Men of Harlech, stop your dreaming,

Can't you see their spearpoints gleaming,

See their warrior pennants streaming,

To this battle field!

Men of Harlech stand ye steady,

It can not be ever said ye,

For the battle were not ready,

Welshmen never yield!

From the hills rebounding,

Let this war cry sounding,

Summon all at Cambria's call,

The mighty force surrounding!

Men of Harlech on to glory,

This will ever be your story,

Keep these burning words before ye,

Welshmen will not yield!

Sedatedinsomniac ago

Slosh them with martinis.

undertheshills ago

These guys theme song.

beefartist ago

This kind of humour is boorish! I mean Boer-ish

AntiMason ago

Ok glownigger.

con77 ago


ninjajunkie ago

Slotting floppies and helicopter rides; sounds like a weekend for the ages.

Does it count extra if you throw them out over their own protests?

HiJoker ago

You get lots of extra points if you strap bombs to them when you do.

ShineShooter ago

Barrel bellied barrel bombs

we_kill_creativity ago


Not sure how this hasn't been a suggested movie yet.

Broc_Lia ago

It has been, I suggested it several times but no one voted for it.

Sernie_Banders ago

what is the name of the movie?

I_forgot ago

Zulu, with Michael Caine

Sernie_Banders ago

lol, Amazon bent the knee, the movie is "not available to watching in your location", which is wherever I want it because of VPN.

Broc_Lia ago

Watch "Zulu Dawn" first. It's about the battle of Isandlwana where the british army suffered a massive and unexpected defeat at the hands of the zulus.

"Zulu" is the chronological sequel where the british rearguard were besieged by a detachment of the Zulu army shortly after Idandlwana and managed to hold out against impossible odds. Originally this movie was released first, but it makes more sense to watch them in the chronological order.

jthun2 ago

All looks fine until you realize the British Empire at that point was ruled by the Jewish banking and merchant elite.

Acen ago

We took over them, so they could take over us.

videocodec ago

The Brits should never have been there. The Boer could have handled the Zulus just fine by themselves.

TerryB ago

Zulus attack! Fight back to back! Show them no mercy and fire at will! Kill or be killed! ----Sabaton 'Rorke's Drift'

rejectedfromreddit ago

A damn fine film.

FireCrackLover ago

Just over 150 British and colonial troops defended the station against attacks by 3,000 to 4,000 Zulu warriors. The massive but piecemeal attacks by the Zulu on Rorke's Drift came very close to defeating the much smaller garrison, but were consistently repelled. Eleven Victoria Crosses were awarded to the defenders, along with a number of other decorations and honours.

honk_atcha_boi ago

Facing! Awaiting! A hostile spear, a new frontier, the end is near

Theres no surrender

The lines must hold, their story told, Rorke’s Drift controlled

HiJoker ago

I've shot one of those rifles they used. It's a monster round and it would go through multiple niggers. If it joyously comes down to shooting niggers, I want to go get that rifle and use it. Think of it as an homage to an old nigger killing rifle to use it again once more in glorious nigger shooting combat. It makes me happy inside to consider that.


Those are very deep words...kinda get's me all emotional. You are proof that VOAT GOATS have as big a heart as they do intellect.

Mt_Wannahockaloogie ago

That the gun where there's a compilation of people getting knocked over after firing it?

tony2shirts ago

No the zulu one is a Martini-Henry .577/450... the elephant gun from those videos is a .700 Nitro Express.

Mt_Wannahockaloogie ago


glassuser ago

... ouch.

And that's just from shooting it.

LettItBurn ago

"Pick your targets. Wait for the order."

"Pick your targets. Wait for the order."

"At one hundred yards, volley fire on my command! .......1st rank... FIRE! 2nd rank... FIRE!"

lol... GREAT movie.

Stubbabubba ago

If only. I'd love to be able to know o have countrymen who feel the same way. These days every white feels like they owe something to non whites. Faggots

honk_atcha_boi ago

Nah. You don't owe me shit. Feel free to be cordial and polite or whatever, but you don't owe me anything same as I don't owe you anything.

Stubbabubba ago

So you're non white? What race are you?

honk_atcha_boi ago

If you search my post history you will see that I am a black man.

Stubbabubba ago

So how do you feel about how goats feel about blacks? How do you feel, as a black man, about what is going on in this country? I won't try to hide it, I hate black people. I do not think blacks are worth having around and I do not think having mixed races is good. I am willing to have a discussion and be truthful. I am not saying these things to be hateful hit to simply tell you how I feel. I did not always feel this way, growing up I had plenty of black friends. As a child I did notice the differences between the races but was assured by society these differences were simply superficial. I now see that we cannot live in harmony and think that separation is the way to go. What do you think?

honk_atcha_boi ago

So think about all the reasons you have for hating black people. All the interactions you've had with them, the crimes you've seen, the rioters you see.

Now imagine growing up surrounded by that shit, and in your late teens have a long conversation with your father (which no one else around had.. I was incredibly lucky) where he explains to you that VALUES and CULTURE are the reason white people have it better. Where your eyes are opened to the atrocity next door, and the freedom across town.

I understand the hatred. I think a lot of it is deserved, particularly when these useless fucks all have devices in their pockets with the entire world's information at their fingertips, and they use it to video tape each other fighting, yelling "WORLDSTAR". How do I feel about it? Well I just hope that if you and I were to cross paths in the real world, you'd be just as willing as I am to have a conversation about how we can fight our countries ills together.

I'm sorry you don't think I'm worth having around. I can only strive to be the best person I can be.

I don't appreciate race mixing, but at the same time I've never found a black woman I'm sexually attracted to. Lets admit it, white women are just better looking than any other women.

I think that separation is a good idea. My problem is I have a very particular circle of black friends and family, who I know can be assimilated into white culture, and I don't think it would be beneficial to remove us. Maybe there could be a sort of test, and those who pass can stay.

I think, as far as the nation goes, if the population percentages of blacks, jews, latino and native were to combine for less than 5%, the country would see the longest period of peace that any country has seen before.

Stubbabubba ago

See the old me from maybe less than a year ago would have been ok with trying to mend relations between races. At this point, it is my opinion, that the handful of black people who aren't animals just aren't worth the trouble of having around. There isn't anything you could bring to my race that we couldn't do for ourselves. I'm not against every race having thier own land and being allowed to exist, that's why I think seperating is the only way. I just really prefer to be around my own kind and I think that's a natural way to go. Trying to force people to get along has never and will never work, long term. As you said you are attracted to other races and then you would have kids who don't truly belong this creating a whole new problem. It's just not sustainable.

honk_atcha_boi ago

I've never said I would have kids. I've maintained a childfree existence for 35 years, and don't expect it to change.

I really just don't want to live in a place ruled by and surrounded by my own kind. They're not good.

Stubbabubba ago

I said you but I meant people like you. I do think blacks can be better if guided but with jews around that's not going to happen. Young black need to ditch this fake vulture that was created for them with all the gangster/thug shit.

honk_atcha_boi ago

You're not wrong.

The glorification of violence, law breaking, and drug culture that has run rampant through black communities has done more harm than any bullshit racism myth they're been led to believe. Not to mention encouraging black women to reproduce without a present father.

jthun2 ago

Oh, they owe something alright. Violent purges and impalings.

Nosferatjew ago

lol love that movie. The message I got from it was simple: black lives don't matter.

christophoros ago

everyone knows that

MuzzieJuice ago

Should I watch 1914 Rorke's drift or 1964 Zulu?

Broc_Lia ago

Watch Zulu Dawn first, then Zulu.

Nosferatjew ago

Never heard of the first one, but you should definitely watch the second one.

MuzzieJuice ago

Well, I just finished Sabaton's Rorke's Droft. That song is awesome. I'll give Zulu a watch later tonight

Nosferatjew ago

It's a slow build, but you're in for a real treat. You'll see :)

LettItBurn ago

Naturally, the missionary that considered Cetshwayo, the Zulu king, to be a member of his congregation was a fucking Swede. Natural born race traitors.