anoncastillo ago

I've literally encountered multiple flat earthers who spout the "water always finds its level" line and it'd be hilarious if not for the fact that I'd be thrown in jail for slaughtering them like the mentally retarded cattle they are.

Vohnkar ago

The earth is flat, we've never been to the moon, the ISS is fake and gay. I love downvoats.

IAMthePie ago

😂😂😂😂 Another one who won't watch the video, because he knows if he does, he'll have to admit he might be wrong. He can't afford that. In psychology, it's called "sunk cost".... Once a person has too much invested, they will not give up on it. Like standing in a lineup trying to buy concert tickets. Once you've stood in line for an hour or two, you won't walk away now, because you've "already waited this long".... But the truth is, it doesn't matter if you walk away without the tickets. Why? Because even if you did something else besides stand in line, that time is gone forever. Flat earthers: Stop standing in line. Walk away.

Vohnkar ago

Perfect explanation of globe believers.

IAMthePie ago

Perfect non answer from a flat earther. Y'all never answer difficult questions that cannot be answered by your silly theory.

Like this one:

Where is the edge? Every flat object has edges all around it. Where is the edge on your flat earth? Why had no one, out of thousands of years of human roaming the Earth, and 7 BILLION people, why had no one ever stumbled upon the edge? I'll wait here. And don't say Antarctica, better a flat object has edges ALL AROUND it, not just in one place.

anoncastillo ago

Do you have any valid response to any of the arguments in the video?

jesus_is_lord ago

Vohnkar ago

Wait... I thought youtube was lies. You just said that in your last comment. Fucking boomers love their talmudvision.

anoncastillo ago

I didn't say youtube was lies in my last comment (some of it is, some of it isn't), so obviously you're retarded and worth no more of my time.

Vohnkar ago

White. New Balance. High tops. You are wearing them right now.

anoncastillo ago

I am white but you're wrong about the rest.

theoldguy2 ago

You love being retarded as well, apparently.

Vohnkar ago

Ok boomer

theoldguy2 ago

It is true that naive young people are much more likely to believe in flat earth.

Vohnkar ago

Is it true that boomers believe everything the government tells them?

theoldguy2 ago

No, but you believe everything youtube tells you. Critical thinking is key.

Vohnkar ago

Youtube? Try my own fucking eyes. Go to your nearest lake, find the furthest distance you can see. Lay down on the beach with a pair of binoculars. Can you see the opposite shore? Even at one mile, there would be an 8 inch hump blocking your view. My own observations with my own eyes disprove the globe. Sl

theoldguy2 ago

Lay down on the beach with a pair of binoculars. Can you see the opposite shore? Even at one mile, there would be an 8 inch hump blocking your view.

He mentioned this wildly inappropriate argument in the video, but am I to believe you can see 8 inches at a mile with binoculars? You might think you can, but I really doubt you've ever actually tried it.

Vohnkar ago

Everything you believe was told to you by the talmudvision.

theoldguy2 ago

No, I explain here what I've ACTUALLY seen and heard for myself. Can you do the same? No, you've never left your basement.

Vohnkar ago

Ok boomer. I don't give a shit what you believe. In fact, you probably made that video and are just trying to get clicks so you can fund you trip to Thailand to get your new wife.

theoldguy2 ago

And I don't give a shit about your superstition. In fact, I deplore it.

Vohnkar ago

Another link. I see your agenda now. Earth is flat as fuck.

theoldguy2 ago

And I've seen your stupidity from a mile off. No binoculars needed.

Vohnkar ago

You are a niggerfaggot.

theoldguy2 ago

You are a niggerfaggot.

Your logic is flawless. I bow to your superior intellect. /s

Vohnkar ago

Bud light

theoldguy2 ago

Well, think about it again when you sober up.

Vohnkar ago

Ok, I actually believe globe earth now. You convinced me for real. Holy shit, I can't believe I was so wrong. Thank you so much.

theoldguy2 ago

You're quite welcome.

Vohnkar ago

Does your RV have a flat screen?

theoldguy2 ago

I have a Crown Vic, and while it has plenty of flat surfaces such as the deck of the block, neither they nor TV's have anything to do with flat earth. Can't you think this stuff through before you embarrass yourself even further?

danjo_kandui ago

I tried to watch it. The first thing he goes on is gravity. He acts like flat Earthers don’t believe in gravity. That’s retarded. Hell, Tesla had different theories on gravity. He said that Einstein was wrong.

theoldguy2 ago

flat Earthers don’t believe in gravity.

You haven't been here long, have you?

danjo_kandui ago

I’m just saying that’s his first argument. It’s dumb. Everyone believes in gravity. They might disagree on what gravity actually is. But non the less, people that make pretentious videos are gay as fuck. Anyone can pick retarded strawman points from an opposition and make a dumb video.

theoldguy2 ago

Wait until smokey shows up. Although he may ignore it, beings he gets his ass handed to him everytime he chimes in with me.

danjo_kandui ago

Sure thing buddy. Lol.

theoldguy2 ago

Oops! Just noticed I'd misspelled the @smokratez link above, so he hasn't had a chance to see it until now.

danjo_kandui ago

Cool. Glad to see you And your like have such passion.

theoldguy2 ago

Smokey posted a comment about an hour ago and hasn't shown up here, so here's a couple of links.
I'd only gotten the last 3 weeks before voat failed to load history.

danjo_kandui ago

I don’t get it. What the fuck does this guy have to do with flat earthers that believe in gravity?

theoldguy2 ago

Nothing, because flat earthers DON'T believe in gravity, as in the "mass attracted to mass" theory, because then the vast majority of places on flat earth would require leaning to one side when standing up.

danjo_kandui ago

That’s not true though. It’s like you only ever had a conversation with one guy and now you think you’ve met everybody that doesn’t subscribe to your globe theory.

I’m supposed to believe gravity exist on a ball flying through space and spinning at an enormous amount of speed. What if I believe gravity is something else. It makes more sense if the world was flat and gravity was just a magnetic relationship to the flat plain.

theoldguy2 ago

Magnets won't explain it either. Haven't you ever see what iron filings do in a magnetic field? Definitely not all in one direction.

danjo_kandui ago

I didn’t say magnets. Are use the word magnetic to explain an attraction. I’m saying there could be science to explain gravity itself. There is already people that disagree with Einstein‘s theory of relativity. Like Nikola Tesla. You don’t have a monopoly on theories.

theoldguy2 ago

First off, find an example of an attraction that doesn't have a source, which will pull objects in different directions according to where they are in relation to the attraction.

Second of all, Newtons laws work very well at the speeds we have in the solar system, and I'm pretty sure Tesla wasn't bitching about those, nor do I believe he'd fall for flat earth.

I don't have a monopoly on theories, but I do have an amazing preponderance of evidence on my side.

danjo_kandui ago

find an example of an attraction that doesn't have a source

The source for your attraction is a theory. The theory of relativity.

Newtons laws work very well at the speeds we have in the solar system

Newtons law is that there is a force that binds us to the ground. It’s an observation. Like an apple falling from a tree. Relatively is one theory used to explain that force.

I don't have a monopoly on theories

But other theories can’t exist because the theory of relativity does?

theoldguy2 ago

Theories are generally accepted explanations for observed phenomena, also check out "math theory". You wouldn't claim 2 + 2 not equal to 4 just because math is a theory, would you?
You're confusing theory with hypotheses, which uneducated people trip over all the time.

danjo_kandui ago

Theories are generally accepted

It’s still a theory no matter what.

You wouldn't claim 2 + 2 not equal to 4

This has nothing to do with that. If you’re going to use math as an example though think of it like doing that same problem using a different base number set. Math can have an infinite amount of Possibilities.

So 2+2 doesn’t always mean 4 necessarily.

theoldguy2 ago

Deflecting like a leftie now, I see how you are.

danjo_kandui ago

Yes. You were deflecting. Back to the point. The theory of relativity is a theory. Change my mind.

theoldguy2 ago

Of course it's a theory, and it wasn't accepted as a theory until it made accurate predictions. Either way, it's a hell of a lot better than some garbage written by stone age sheepherders from the Middle East.

danjo_kandui ago

You’re deflecting. I never mentioned anything about sheep herders from the Middle East.

theoldguy2 ago

You're an idiot, through and through. Why fight the overwhelming evidence for round earth and the universe unless you think there's a sky-daddy gonna bring you back to life after death? Talk about wishful thinking!

danjo_kandui ago

You sound like a good old sheep. Is that your final argument? Lol. Did you prove the theory of relativity? Did you crack the code on what anti-matter is? You know, that variable that had to be added to relativity because the math didn’t add up.

danjo_kandui ago

I’m not clicking on one of your dumb links without context.

theoldguy2 ago

Yeah, you're afraid of a lot of stuff.

danjo_kandui ago

Lol. You suck at this.

theoldguy2 ago

Your Dunning Kruger Syndrome is showing.

danjo_kandui ago

You’ve turned this into a fagg show now. Typical internet twat behavior. Why don’t you go make some more posts about how dumb flat earthers are. I guess that’s what smart people are up to. Lol.

theoldguy2 ago

Yes, I will. But why is it a "fagg" show? Because it doesn't allow for your feelings over facts?

danjo_kandui ago

Because you couldn’t stay on point and prove relatively is more than a theory and resorted to faggotry. By the way, that was a joke about what smart people are up to. I doubt they give enough fucks to make a post.

theoldguy2 ago

Ok, clue me in and tell me what IS "more than a theory". <crickets>

danjo_kandui ago

Facts. It is a fact that an apple will fall from a tree. That is a law. There are multiple THEORIES on why that law is so. One theory would be relativity. That theory falls short of being a law because an unknown variable we call anti-matter has to be added to the equation for the math to check out. There is no proof that anti-matter exists other than the fact E would not equal MC Square without it.

theoldguy2 ago

There is no proof that anti-matter exists other than the fact E would not equal MC Square without it.

I've read about E = mc^2 many many times and I've never seen anything saying antimatter is necessary. How about a link, if you can? Oh, wait, you have the xian agenda, never mind, it's a waste of time.

danjo_kandui ago

E equals MC squared gives you a variable. That variable will not work with reality unless the variable for antimatter is added. That’s how you would chart a course in space. Clearly you haven’t read that much about it.

theoldguy2 ago

Energy = mass * speed of light squared... I don't see any mention of anti matter. And charting a course in space? If you went a significant fraction of the speed of light, maybe. Nothing we've done so far came anywhere close. And you're an "electrical engineer"? Do you look at the insulators on power line poles with binoculars to achieve such an impressive title?

danjo_kandui ago

If you were going to travel through space you would need E equals MC Square. You would then make equations based off of different Astral objects based on that variable. Adding all these different tangible variables together does not explain the movement of objects in space. The only explanation is to add another mysterious variable called antimatter. It’s basically the unexplainable difference in the space time equation.

theoldguy2 ago

"Blah, blah blah" said the ignorant retard. Big words do not an argument make.

danjo_kandui ago

There you go again. Do you think you win arguments by doing that?

theoldguy2 ago

You don't have an argument, you have nothing.

danjo_kandui ago

That’s an idiot’s argument when they have nothing to say.

theoldguy2 ago

Oh, wait, I'm confusing you with @AntiMason, who deleted all his comments because he doesn't have a leg to stand on. Neither do you, I'd suggest deleting all your @danjo_kandui comments as well to avoid the shame.

AntiMason ago

Im sorry, what comments have I deleted?

danjo_kandui ago

Why would I delete them? It’s the internet. For one, who really gives a fuck? And two, you sound like a retard. You‘re way too hung up on winning at voat. Lol.

theoldguy2 ago

I'm way too hung up on fighting the forces of darkness and mysticism, which you subscribe to because of your fee-fees.

danjo_kandui ago

Lol. Yea. That’s why you make dumb pretentious posts about how much smarter you are than everyone. Fighting the man are you? You’re such a warrior.

theoldguy2 ago

That’s why you make dumb pretentious posts about how much smarter you are than everyone.

Not everyone. Just the flattards.

danjo_kandui ago

You’ll go down in history as a hero soldier. 🐑

theoldguy2 ago

No I won't. I might reduce the number of slow people who fall for your bullshit, though. That's enough for me.

danjo_kandui ago

You keep waking people up by telling them everything is what they were told it is. You’re really sticking your neck out there. Lol. Keep going for it though. You definitely don’t have an insecurity problem and make your posts because you are convinced you’re right and think flat earthers are a low hanging fruit to make yourself feel better. You’re obviously a person that would challenge themselves by having intellectual conversations instead of debates with people you deem are stupid. Right? Or is this all you do?

theoldguy2 ago

You're embarrassing yourself again. At least to people with more than two brain cells.

danjo_kandui ago

Dude. Nobody cares. You’re delusional.

theoldguy2 ago

STC cares. Smokey cares. You care, too, if you're honest with yourself, otherwise why are you responding at all?

danjo_kandui ago

Maybe enough to wast a second responding to dumb shit. Not enough to post it though. That’s another level. Shit post away but don’t pretend like you’re smart because of it. Lol.