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dan_k ago


theoldguy2 ago

Typical response of 5 year old brat mentality..

dan_k ago

Hey at least i'm not dumb enough to think there is a little fucking car on the moon that guys was driving around half a century ago.

Insult me all you want, I will laugh in you stupid ass face.

theoldguy2 ago

And these pathetic excuses are why you and your crowd are the laughingstock of voat.

blackguard19 ago

Reminder that you’re the one who thinks this is real.

How embarrassing.

theoldguy2 ago

Wow! I never saw that! Thanks!

Now how about some videos of the creation?

dan_k ago

The camera guy is still waiting for his ride home.

theoldguy2 ago

Tell the guy driving you home on the short bus to stop for him.

dan_k ago

Attacking my character? I am SO shocked. Who am I kidding you have nothing else.

theoldguy2 ago

dan_k ago

Ya, I am laughing at you. You think the earth is a spinning ball with water sticking to it. That is so hilarious.

theoldguy2 ago

And I'm laughing at you for thinking the earth is flat, with an infinite amount of rock underneath.

dan_k ago

I don't know if it's flat, but I can tell you what it's not.


theoldguy2 ago

I don't know if it's flat

You know very little indeed.

dan_k ago

You don't know either silly, You are just parroting what you have been told to parrot.

Admit that much, can you have the humility to just do that?

theoldguy2 ago

Nope, facts won't bow down to your fee-fees.

dan_k ago

FACT: If the earth was spinning at 1000 mph, it would be OBVIOUS.

theoldguy2 ago

FACT: If the earth was spinning at 1000 mph, it would be OBVIOUS.

It is obvious. As a matter of fact, the horizon is rising in front of the sun right now here. We like to call it "nighttime".

dan_k ago

"Look up in the sky! SEE The earth is spinning!" You just don't get it do you boy?

theoldguy2 ago

So what's your take on where the sun goes at night? I see all those diagrams how it circles among the continents on those idiotic nutjob pages, but when I ask them why can't I see the sun all the time they say it's "too far away". Then they really get butthurt when I point out that the stars on their firmament are even farther away.

dan_k ago

"Look at those lights in the sky! Their billions and billion of miles away. See that big light? It's only 95 million miles away"

How did you come up with those numbers again? Oh that's right your master told you.

theoldguy2 ago

Well, no, I don't have friends across the globe to triangulate the parallax of nearby planets even if I did have a telescope good enough to do it. Neither do I have radar powerful enough to send a pulse to time the echo. I will tell you that I've seen the constellations change with a sufficient change in latitude, and I called my dad from Okinawa at local time 9 am and asked him if it was dark there already, and he replied "OF COURSE it's dark here! It's 9 PM here, what did you expect?" I've also seen huge aircraft carriers VERY OBVIOUSLY dip below the horizon a bit at a time due to the curvature of the earth. All that outweighs your superstitious fee-fees tremendously.

dan_k ago

Like I said, you are free to believe whatever you want, I am aware that my 'fee-fees' have no bearing on you whatsoever.

but this:

I've also seen huge aircraft carriers VERY OBVIOUSLY dip below the horizon a bit at a time due to the curvature of the earth.

You must not be keeping up the the rhetoric, the horizon is not the curve of the earth, as a matter of fact the current rhetoric is (thanks to the black swan) that the geometric horizon isn't even visible, whatever the hell that mean.. and that because of refraction (baaGAWK) the, get this, "horizon is looming over the horizon" and that is why the geometric horizon isn't able to be and has NEVER BEEN SEEN! HAHAHAHA you dumb ass parrots never fail to amaze me.

theoldguy2 ago

So you're saying we can't see the edge of the earth because of a mirage? Funny how every mirage I've seen makes things look like the concave inside of a bowl. OTOH, how far would you have to go up in the sky to see the edge? <crickets>

dan_k ago

So idiot, You (meaning your pretender clown priests) are saying we can't see the edge of the earth because of a mirage, "try to keep up"

smokratez ago

There is no point in talking to that guy. He's on drugs and he's dumb.