a_solo_tripper2 ago

Anyone with half a brain and eyesight can look at the moon during the day and see it isn't a solid object.

NASA No Stars

theoldguy2 ago

Anyone with half a brain and eyesight can look at the moon during the day and see it isn't a solid object.

I have an entire brain, sonny. Sorry for your defect. And what's with the NASA No Stars thing? Are you referring to the fact that cameras on the moon in raw sunlight can't capture the stars in the same picture? Take a flash of your retard buddies at night and see if you can see any stars in that picture.

Boocheus ago

Hey pro sciencetism slaves. Your flexing does not impress us.

theoldguy2 ago

Hey, dumbass luddites. Your Dunning Kruger Effect does not impress us. The "invade the science sub" to spout ancient delusions is beyond much I've ever seen on Voat. Pathetic.

Boocheus ago

Citing the dunning kruger effect is a libshit move. Lick more white coat boot, faggot.

theoldguy2 ago

What's a "libshit move"? Nigger slang for appropriate action?

Boocheus ago

( ͠° ͟ʖ ͠°)

Helena73 ago

We need to start planning projects to colonize Mars and Venus so we can get away from these fucking chimpouts.

WolfgangBlack ago

Can't, too many Africans working at NASA and one was even the director!

DickCaveat ago

"Say what you will about Elon Musk. But with his new plan to bring people to Mars, nobody is a more creative SERIAL KILLER."

- Norm MacDonald

Helena73 ago

That sounds like him.

DinoRider ago

I wouldn’t make any plans to colonize Venus, but it’s a great place to send people you don’t like. It would be a colony of baked and dissolved corpses.

theoldguy2 ago

No worries, they're way in the minority. Although they do make an unduly huge amount of noise.

Helena73 ago

Do you know how many times me and my family have had to move in the last 3 generations to get away from them? How much of your money goes to support them? You don’t pay taxes? I’ve had it.

theoldguy2 ago

Are you saying that all flat-earthers are niggers? White people can be devastatingly stupid too, although they don't get government handouts for saying the moon landing is a hoax.

Helena73 ago

No Im talking about the chimpout. I dont really mind the flat-earthers. Not enough to leave the planet! They dont typically burn down the city.

theoldguy2 ago

Oh, you're a little off topic then? But the white men with guns know how to aim instead of holding it sideways like in the movies.

Helena73 ago

Yeah a little.

Any thoughts on colonization? I think Venus is underrated and has a lot of potential.

theoldguy2 ago

Hot enough for the rocks to glow dimly red at night? No thanks. Mars has a really vanishingly small chance of having a colony on it someday, but the chances of an average citizen getting to go are practically zero.

Helena73 ago

Well something would have to be done about the atmosphere of Venus, obviously, but I dont know why we’ve ruled it out on that basis. Getting rid of atmosphere doesnt seem like as big a problem as adding mass, which is the Mars issue. I mean obviously the technology is several generations away.

dan_k ago


theoldguy2 ago

Typical response of 5 year old brat mentality..

dan_k ago

Hey at least i'm not dumb enough to think there is a little fucking car on the moon that guys was driving around half a century ago.

Insult me all you want, I will laugh in you stupid ass face.

theoldguy2 ago

And these pathetic excuses are why you and your crowd are the laughingstock of voat.

dan_k ago

I don't mind being laughed at. I only have one alt, and that is @fuct_use.

Do you really think I care what someone think, when that person also thinks the earth is spinning at 1000 mph? You're a fucking idiot.

fuct_use ago

You rang master? Oh ya, that guy is a fucking idiot.

theoldguy2 ago

the earth is spinning at 1000 mph?

Yep, it does! Also, it orbits the sun at 67,000 mph! But you can't imagine something moving so smoothly after riding in your clapped out Maverick bottoming out over the potholes in your trailer park.

dan_k ago

And also follows the sun around the galaxy at 448,000 mph, while rushing toward andromeda at millions of miles per hour.. Hahaha better hang on!

So we are moving in all those vectors at once, but you can't feel? Hahahaha fucking dumb ass.

theoldguy2 ago

you can't feel?

No, I can't, because the angular changes are way too small. Have you ever rode a train? Of course not, you're way too young and inexperienced at life, but when you noticed the train right next to you appearing to move, you had to pay attention to notice if it was your buttery smooth riding train taking off or if it was the other train moving.

blackguard19 ago

You can feel when a train turns, idiot. It’s called inertia. You don’t think an elliptical 67,000 mph orbit with a constant change in acceleration would cause detectable inertia? You are getting absolutely tooled right now.

theoldguy2 ago

Sure, there's a constant change in acceleration to keep the earth in its orbit. That same solar gravity is also pulling on your 5 foot 6 inch ftm body just as hard, so you don't notice it.

dan_k ago

Now do a train moving in 5 differant directions at once, at A MILLION mph..

theoldguy2 ago

Obviously you need some basic instruction on vectors, if you're smart enough to fathom it. I doubt you have the brains, but here you go

dan_k ago

"Look at my maths! SEE it's moving!" 🤣😂

theoldguy2 ago

Your savethechildren alt has repeatedly stated he has a degree in mathematics. Have him step up and disprove the math. If he can even grasp what a proof is, which his history brings into grave doubt.

dan_k ago

I have no idea who savethechildren is, like I said.

I am dan_k from columbus. I am a flat earther because I know everything is a fucking lie. You want to change my mind, YOU PROVE IT. The burden of proof is totally on YOU.

I couldn't give a shit what your maths point to. I have no obligation to prove or disprove anything to you. You can believe whatever you want to believe.

theoldguy2 ago

I have no idea who savethechildren is, like I said.

If you had more than two brain cells, you would. OTOH, you're just lying again. Too bad voat won't allow internet searches or comment history going back more than a couple of months.

dan_k ago

Whatever you say faggot.

theoldguy2 ago

Why, thank you for listening to reason. But now you have to prove I'm a faggot before you're off the hook. Citing yourself will only throw the preponderance of evidence onto the idea that you're the faggot.

dan_k ago

I am here to laugh at the faggots, namely you.

theoldguy2 ago

You'd like me to be a faggot, wouldn't you? Try smokeratz, he's willing. Bend over for him.

dan_k ago

I ain't gay, sorry.

theoldguy2 ago

STC says everybody except him is a tranny, so what are you?

dan_k ago

Who is STC?

theoldguy2 ago

SaveTheChildren and his alts. Try to keep up here.

dan_k ago

oh, no. I'm not a tranny.

theoldguy2 ago

But we've conclusively proven you're dumb as a rock!

dan_k ago

We've conclusively proven you have zero humility.

theoldguy2 ago

Oh, sure, I have some humility. But not for raving idiots.

dan_k ago

Just because you bow to the preacher man in the white coat don't make me a raving idiot.

theoldguy2 ago

Just because you bow down to the superstitious charlatan in the black coat with a white collar makes you a raving idiot.

dan_k ago

I don't go to church, where did you get that?

blackguard19 ago

Reminder that you’re the one who thinks this is real.


How embarrassing.

theoldguy2 ago

Wow! I never saw that! Thanks!

Now how about some videos of the creation?

dan_k ago

The camera guy is still waiting for his ride home.

theoldguy2 ago

Tell the guy driving you home on the short bus to stop for him.

dan_k ago

Attacking my character? I am SO shocked. Who am I kidding you have nothing else.

theoldguy2 ago

dan_k ago

Ya, I am laughing at you. You think the earth is a spinning ball with water sticking to it. That is so hilarious.

theoldguy2 ago

And I'm laughing at you for thinking the earth is flat, with an infinite amount of rock underneath.

dan_k ago

I don't know if it's flat, but I can tell you what it's not.


theoldguy2 ago

I don't know if it's flat

You know very little indeed.

dan_k ago

You don't know either silly, You are just parroting what you have been told to parrot.

Admit that much, can you have the humility to just do that?

theoldguy2 ago

Nope, facts won't bow down to your fee-fees.

dan_k ago

FACT: If the earth was spinning at 1000 mph, it would be OBVIOUS.

theoldguy2 ago

FACT: If the earth was spinning at 1000 mph, it would be OBVIOUS.

It is obvious. As a matter of fact, the horizon is rising in front of the sun right now here. We like to call it "nighttime".

dan_k ago

"Look up in the sky! SEE The earth is spinning!" You just don't get it do you boy?

theoldguy2 ago

So what's your take on where the sun goes at night? I see all those diagrams how it circles among the continents on those idiotic nutjob pages, but when I ask them why can't I see the sun all the time they say it's "too far away". Then they really get butthurt when I point out that the stars on their firmament are even farther away.

dan_k ago

"Look at those lights in the sky! Their billions and billion of miles away. See that big light? It's only 95 million miles away"

How did you come up with those numbers again? Oh that's right your master told you.

theoldguy2 ago

Well, no, I don't have friends across the globe to triangulate the parallax of nearby planets even if I did have a telescope good enough to do it. Neither do I have radar powerful enough to send a pulse to time the echo. I will tell you that I've seen the constellations change with a sufficient change in latitude, and I called my dad from Okinawa at local time 9 am and asked him if it was dark there already, and he replied "OF COURSE it's dark here! It's 9 PM here, what did you expect?" I've also seen huge aircraft carriers VERY OBVIOUSLY dip below the horizon a bit at a time due to the curvature of the earth. All that outweighs your superstitious fee-fees tremendously.

dan_k ago

Like I said, you are free to believe whatever you want, I am aware that my 'fee-fees' have no bearing on you whatsoever.

but this:

I've also seen huge aircraft carriers VERY OBVIOUSLY dip below the horizon a bit at a time due to the curvature of the earth.

You must not be keeping up the the rhetoric, the horizon is not the curve of the earth, as a matter of fact the current rhetoric is (thanks to the black swan) that the geometric horizon isn't even visible, whatever the hell that mean.. and that because of refraction (baaGAWK) the, get this, "horizon is looming over the horizon" and that is why the geometric horizon isn't able to be and has NEVER BEEN SEEN! HAHAHAHA you dumb ass parrots never fail to amaze me.

theoldguy2 ago

So you're saying we can't see the edge of the earth because of a mirage? Funny how every mirage I've seen makes things look like the concave inside of a bowl. OTOH, how far would you have to go up in the sky to see the edge? <crickets>

dan_k ago

So idiot, You (meaning your pretender clown priests) are saying we can't see the edge of the earth because of a mirage, "try to keep up"

smokratez ago

There is no point in talking to that guy. He's on drugs and he's dumb.

derram ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=ewV3dBgTa5w :

The Moon landing at 50: Debunking the conspiracy theories - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

blackguard19 ago

Imagine believing that men could go to the moon six times in four years with 1960s technology, when only half the cars on the road had air conditioning, but no nation would even go back and take a picture since that time.

And please, someone post the NASA LRO images and try to tell me those suffice as visual proof.

ardvarcus ago

We don't need people who are stupid enough to think the Earth is flat, or hollow, or who believe a mud flood wiped out an ancient worldwide civilization a couple of centuries ago, or who believe that white American Christian men never went to the moon. That kind of fucking moronic thinking belongs on the other side, with the soy boys and the snowflakes and the social justice warriors and the Jews. It won't get humored here.

blackguard19 ago

Except liberals and progressives buy into the NASA shit harder than any right-wingers. They’re the ones walking around in NASA shirts and constantly posting the video of psycho Buzz Aldrin punching Bart Sibrel on Reddit as though that proves the moon landings happened.

“We don’t have time for a meeting of the Flat Earth Society.” ~Barack Obama, and you

There’s no good reason to think man ever went to the moon. The hoax had an expiration date, and it’s passed. It hasn’t been demonstrated to have happened. Meanwhile there are books, websites, movies, and hours of videos exposing how obviously and painfully fake it was.

This is a “so-called science” sub. It’s not a critical thinking sub.

Helena73 ago

Barry said it happened, so there’s your proof it didn’t happen. Gotcha.

Umm the name of the subverse you are in is SCIENCE.

blackguard19 ago

Actually my proof it didn’t happen is contained in the mountain of books, photographic analysis, websites, movies, video, and scientific papers that dissect it from every angle and leave no doubt it was fake.

Your proof that it did happen is grainy video of goofballs hopping around a studio floor.

Helena73 ago

theoldguy2 ago

the mountain of books, photographic analysis, websites, movies, video, and scientific papers that dissect it from every angle and leave no doubt it was fake.

Where is this mountain? How about a picture of it? Oh, it doesn't exist.

Your proof that it did happen is grainy video of goofballs hopping around a studio floor.

Can you point out the buildings in the background? No? Didn't think so. So why should we believe you now, after the thousands of lies you and your alts posted?

blackguard19 ago

I can pull from the mountain of evidence at any time. I can link at least two full books online for free, as well as all the other media I mentioned. If you weren’t too much of a tit to debate me, I would do precisely that. The question is, are you interested in evidence or do you want to cling to an adult fairy tale?

“I fucking love science” types are the ones who love to use phrases such as “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.” Well, except where the moon landings are concerned. One of the most extraordinary claims to ever be made by mankind, but all that’s required to prove it is some cheap puppetry from 1969.

100100011001 ago

I would like to see links to these books.

blackguard19 ago

NASA Mooned America! by Ralph Rene

Wagging the Moondoggie by Dave McGowan (better)

The third one I was thinking of is We Never Went to the Moon by Bill Kaysing, but I can’t find the text online.

100100011001 ago

Thank you. When asked for evidence, you produced. Can't believe you're getting downvotes.

blackguard19 ago

It’s the science sub, downvotes are expected when challenging their fairy tales.

theoldguy2 ago

I can pull from the mountain of evidence at any time. I can link at least two full books online for free

Well you can pull the xian bible off the internet for free, and as I've already shown, it's full of bullshit that stone age sheepherders thought they could get away with. Did you even watch the video? Of course not, because you won't let facts get in the way of your delusions.

theoldguy2 ago

men could go to the moon six times in four years with 1960s technology, when only half the cars on the road had air conditioning

What does one have to do with the other? Your staggeringly stupid bullshit is beyond the pale.

blackguard19 ago

Ok, show me the photographic evidence of the moon landings that was captured after 1972. Oh wait, there is none.

theoldguy2 ago

Because it wasn't necessary, since we'd BEEN THERE and DONE THAT! You're a little slow on the uptake, aren't you?

Oh, wait, so now you're admitting there WAS photographic evidence of moon landings before 1972? Good job! <pats blackguard19 on the head>

blackguard19 ago

So you’re saying there’s no reason to go to the moon? Because that’s 100% antithetical to what NASA says. Because every President since 1972 has said we should go back. NASA’s website has a page about how we have to go back. Astronaut Don Pettit said it’s the “next logical step” in space exploration. I’m watching the NASA channel right now and a spokesman just said that they would eventually go back to the moon and then to Mars.

So “there’s no reason to go back” is a stupid and easily disproven statement, nevertheless you just made it.

And obviously all photographic “proof” before 1972 was contained in the fake missions themselves and obviously isn’t sufficient third-party objective visual confirmation. Dumbass.

theoldguy2 ago

every President since 1972 has said we should go back.

Well, we should, but that'd leave less money to pay for democratic votes. How long have you been around on voat and not gotten a clue yet?

blackguard19 ago

Oh yeah but there’s no money to possibly be made there. No one would even watch it on tv I bet. 😂👌🏼

And you think money wasn’t an issue when they sent ten missions during the fucking Vietnam War.

theoldguy2 ago

Sure it was an issue, that's why there were so many people bitching about it, but the powers that be wanted to show up Russia and get there first.

blackguard19 ago

So they went five more times? Why? And why didn’t Russia go after that to complete their mission?

theoldguy2 ago

<sigh> If the Russians could have shown that the US didn't go to the moon, don't you think they'd have done exactly that?

blackguard19 ago

No, because all their missions are fake too. They participate in the fake ISS.

We’re talking about the fantasy world you’re in where men actually rode dune buggies on the moon. Why wouldn’t Russia complete that amazing achievement after they had beaten the US to every other milestone? Do some more mental gymnastics now.

theoldguy2 ago

I gotta take a nap before I go to work, so I'll continue making you look foolish after my nap or after work. Don't cry too hard now!