Action_Bastard ago

Doesn't work anymore. They chimp out and cry racist and ruin 45 minutes of the movies while the police show up to remove them and the nigger side posses that stand up to support them. The theaters got tired of being sued and issuing refunds.

tsubaki ago

good way to apply race realism to practical situations

Hotbootyboi ago

I got an idea for a start up lads

agodgavemethisland ago

Meanwhile, there still stands a few of the surviving crew of the U.S.S. Liberty wondering when the fk you're going to give their story a listen.

BurqaFart ago

Sees a black enter: click click click click click

MassTooter ago

Said the man from Iowa. God. The stuff you guys get off on.

DintDoNothin ago

How would that work though because if you press a button and you're sitting next to someone who's being noisy it's not really Anonymous is it?

PuritySpiral ago

That would be pretty neat if there were any movies worth watching.

BarelySober ago

Last movie I seen was Johnny English, aka Mr Bean, was comfy, what ever the latest one was. I used to just sneak in my own beers, even vodka once, but I got trashed. Avatar killed movies, they jacked up the price and everything went 3-D or CGI, yes I can tell the difference between a real car crash and a computer simulation. Black Hawk down does CGI right, a few modest touches. Latest fade is orange and teal, every movie has the exact colour pallet. Not that there is any movie worth watching, but the torrents are top quality now, the D-Day landing film was a FILM, remember those.

I'll skip the latest 3hr cape-shit, or latest feminist movie. Why does a movie have to be 2hrs +, can't these fuckers edit. Plenty of classic film out there. What spider man 9 is out, no, the first three were really good, I don't need to watch another 6 films, with more groids inserted.

Also glad I skipped the SoyWars saga, the original film, did it perfect and yes it is a childrens adventure movie, nothing wrong about that. So Soy Wars 12 with ExTrEmE diversity, no I'll pass.

For those who miss watching movies, read books, you will no be disappointing.

Some of these references are 10 years old, but look at Transformers, first film had everything, 2nd was a CGI shit fest and was the third, I successfully slept in the theatre twice, subconciously I think I saved my self, but 60+mins of CGI fake just looks fake a film is suppose to have immersion, not hey that looks fake.

I stopped going to the theatre when I was about to watch my third Bruce Willis film in a row, that is too much for anyone.

Mel Gibson or Clint Eastwood, might make something which will get me to spend some pennies, but I have no interest in going to the cinema

end rant

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Excuse me sir! My girl was trying to jerk me off and you made her mess up and got come on those kids there. (hits big red button and says it was the big nose nigger with the big thing in between his legs).

jimibulgin ago

They keep niggers out by charging $35/seat in those places.

4saken ago

Alamo Draft House has these same rules. They banned Madonna for life. You get a lifetime ban for using a cellphone.

Heretohelpfats____ ago

I should take my friend there just to get her banned. Some people just can't learn.

PMmeforStalagEdition ago

Ah yes the theatre. Dont want to miss that latest (((blockbuster))).

Non issue. Id rather they have chimping niggers there, perhaps a generation of overweight, ungroomed neckbeards can finally realise what they are about to lose if they dont wake up. I say accelerate, give niggers free tickets to the (((cinema))). Give them all free fastfood chicken and koolaid with it as well. Make whites sit in the front row, reverse-Rosa you could call it. Chimps would eat it up.

Takes a docile fat fuck to ignore niggers ruining his good-boi superhero movie.

edistojim ago

I haven’t been to a movie in 25 years, this would be nice.

newoldwave ago

Nigger about that?

InternetUser ago

What happens when you anonymously report someone? A bouncer drags out the hooligan?

Jewed ago

It goes on their permanent record.

uvulectomy ago

Nogs usually go for Hi-Points

goblin_ghost ago

Nigga you'ze stupid, a Hi-Point IZ a Glawk Fotee.

fuckyourownface ago

Goddam I never really looked

Damnpasswords ago

Nogs use whatever they can steal/what their dealers get smuggled in if they live near the border/florida. So, the ones that live near blue collar whites use hipoints, which are very reliable if you test them on the range/maintain them/take advantage of their incredible warranty, which nogs don't, because even their legally bought ones are from straw purchases

AmazingFlightLizard ago

The good thing is that a lot of times they’ll put whatever size round generally fits in it. So if he’s got a .45, he might put 9mm in it because it’s all he can find AND he can put more in there.

edistojim ago

Hard to claim warranty on something you stole.

Goys-R-Us ago

held sideways my niggha

glassuser ago

Maybe, but if he hits the usher, it's because he was aiming at someone else.

Goys-R-Us ago

Of course. It's about spect and rep my niggah, not aim.

Whiteflourguy ago

If a Nigger ever did go and act up and if they are told they are being loud or whatever they would cause a bigger disturbance and also play the race card

NosebergShekelman ago

Yes, come and watch our movies, goys. ✡️

uvulectomy ago

My local theater was showing some of the classics. I took a Saturday and went in to see The Birth of a Nation (the 1915 original directed by D.W. Griffith). Then I went to lunch and ran some errands. I returned later in the evening for a showing of Triumph of the Will.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Not to doxx, but please where is this based movie theater?

JoeFacts ago

Icon theaters?

Anomalia ago

Find a drive-in cinema. Can bring your own food and drinks, privacy, no nogs unless they try to steal your car...

HonestBrah ago

Sure let me travel back to 1970.

LightningAndTheSun ago

>watching (((movies in theater)))

<"it's okay because we can report annoying people!

Peak goy

Don-Keyhote ago


Ocelot ago

Yeah welcome to /tv/.

Nice username by the way.

squishysquid ago

imagine having a box that just transmits propaganda.

Ocelot ago

Imagine if we were able to just post fliers of our own propaganda. Even with just fliers we'd bring over half the country in a few months.

Goys-R-Us ago

Until that one nog that gets axxed to quiet down pulls out his 9mm and aerates the usher.

TheTrigger ago


how have I never heard this, lmfao

Ozzsanity ago

Or you could just go to one of those movies they show at resort pools and cruises.

Don-Keyhote ago

going to the movies is a way I like to spend 3 hours and $20

Kill yourself

Korinthian ago

I'd ask what theater you know where you're only spending 20, but the answer doesn't matter. Neither the cost nor the product can be called anything but a joke anymore.

Grunge ago

that's one thing I don't miss about going to the movies. But I would never go to the movies again and haven't for over a decade. Fuck hollywood and all of those pedophiles involved with it.

Inaminit ago


CobraStallone ago

Not all movies in theaters are Hollywood productions to be fair. Though I also haven't gone to the movies in years, I hate crowds and their poor manners, I live in a mestizo majority country and that don't help for shit.

vtusr ago

Hijacking top comment to remind real users (not (((Q))) team members who have taken control of voat by the way; they control cloudflare) of the following.

Intrixina ago

Gonna need a source on that shit, rather than verbal masturbation on your part.

"Taken control of Voat"? Oh please - 4chan tried to invade here before and got scared off because we are basically them dialed up to 11. I'm pretty sure this so-called "Q team" would have no more success than the channers did.

Heretohelpfats____ ago

Less them dialed up to 11, than just pretty much the same but with accounts. I remember the various posts on both sites, and they added up to "meh."

sherlock_holmes ago

Thank you for the report, very troubling, keep us up to date on these "jews" and their activities.

Empire_of_the_mind ago


vtusr ago

Don't worry buddy, I will. Unless something like this happens -

autoencoder ago


I'd say they get off more by screwing the whole world in the ass - they got copyright infringement to be criminal, and provided an excuse for mass surveillance of everything uploaded online.

WD_Pelley ago

Niggers just can't help themselves. From talking to being on their phones, they always find a way to be rude and inconsiderate.

spaceman84 ago

It's probably just too expensive (for niggers)

BrokenCanary ago

No, I assure you. They find how to sell the food stamps to get the theater tickets.

Neongreen ago

I use to live in Tucson, AZ there is a white city to the north called Oro Valley. I use to visit the other theaters but had a bad run in with a Mexican girl who wouldn't shut her fucking mouth, then threw popcorn on me for the entire film, until I had her removed. Anyhow the point of this story is I would only go to the Oro Valley theater after and typically early in the day.

I just pirate everything now because of the obvious Jew Pedo shit.

Edit: I did see Queen in the theater, the audio mixing was killer but still a degenerate story...

Empire_of_the_mind ago

The solution is to only show movies that appeal to intelligent people. Blacks don't go to see European movies with subtitles, either.

BrokenCanary ago

Goddamn it, I'm a fucking nigger too.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Sorry you had to find out this way

BrokenCanary ago

I never understood why I have a propensity to steal. And rape. And ape-like punch folks.

Holly fuck. Am I the bad guy? This bullshit keeps getting worse for White folks that are the cause of all my aggression.