maxoverdrive ago

Those faggots are such fucking asshats. I called them out on an obvious "and they all clapped" story and they banned me immediately, despite the comments I made and the true stories I told them. They so fucking mangina that anything that challenges their precious narrative, no matter how obviously fake it is, must be absolutely and utterly shut down before their delusional mind-set can be challenged.

They're just a bunch of filthy fucking redditor swine; they're just here on Voat. Don't pretend they're us, because they sure as shit aren't, and they've proved it time and time again on multiple occasions.

xx88 ago

The mostly peaceful coexistence of fatpeoplehate on voat is a true example of freedom of speech employed on a platform. And now that just gave me an idea to make a coexist sticker but out of different voat subverses....that'd be cool

freespeechisdead ago

wahhhh people are posting gross cartoony pictures in v/gaming! ban them, its against the sub rules!


hey guys, i posted something that doesnt belong in v/fatpeoplehate specifically to get a reaction, but dont worry its about jooz so its funny! huehue im such le troll.

xenoPsychologist ago

oh, yeah. fph-ers are pro white genocide. id forgotten because theyre so quiet.

eatstars ago

I hate hate fats of all varieties. Your post was just low quality.

cursedcrusader ago

It's always funny when I ask people if they know how Anne Frank died, because they never do. They all assume she died after they found them in the basement because of the book.

Windmill_of_Peace ago

This is still pretty funny. Well done!

QuickMafs ago

You sir deserve a medal

Peacethroughpower ago

Why are they even on this site?

freespeechisdead ago

because free speech doesnt only pertain to saying nigger and kike every five posts

Peacethroughpower ago

That's just like, your opinion

Subscribe2PewDiePie ago

No one else will take them. :(

bourbonexpert ago


imdrowning ago

are you fat?

truckboattruck ago

this does raise a serious question though.

why does fatpeoplehate turn into such faggots when you say nigger? they claim to be shitlords but holy shit they are cucks

BrapHogApologist ago

Ya, I'm down with hating fat fucks, but how can you hate fat people and not hate niggers? They're one and the same.

freespeechisdead ago

no they arent.

Gothamgirl ago

They're actually more unattractive then the fat people they make fun of..

YouAreASlave ago

Have some fucking respect. She invented the ball-point pen.

Sosacms ago

"Gerbil infested asshole."... That's not half bad.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Looks like @blacklightning might be on the wrong platform. Reddit might be more suited to his needs. Most of us realize, many on FPH have a fat fetish. They are closet pig fuckers, pretend that they don't jack off to fat rolls.

How fucking disgusting is that? Sick fuck. It got me dry heaving just thinking about it. Nasty.

HillBoulder ago

So mock fat people all day as long as long as they didn't die in the holycaust? Am I missing something?

MrPim ago

FPH doesn't allow racism. Only certain hate is ok.

xenoPsychologist ago

thats just a different way of spelling pro white genocide.

MrPim ago

I don't think that's their motivation but you go w that.

xenoPsychologist ago

you can think that if ya like. not my problem.

theyll still be whackin it to fatties while youre gettin killed by ooga boogas, though. while telling you to stop being so racist, no less.

MrPim ago

Does your tard wrangler know you access the computer?

xenoPsychologist ago

funny. you a funny guy.

HillBoulder ago

That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Time for fatniggerhate.

sinclair ago

slow clapping

winterdreams7 ago

I think posts like this deter from voat's credibility and add fuel to the enemies of voat.

YouAreASlave ago

I think you should fuck off, kike zombie account.

winterdreams7 ago

What are you 10? Not everyone that disagrees with you is Jewish. The best rebuttal you have is 'fuck off'? Again, this is the kind of shit that detracts from voat's credibility

Herkules97 ago

The site is about saying whatever you want, it's not about protecting people's feelings.

So how is it hurting voat's image? What you seek is Reddit, where they do protect feelings.

YouAreASlave ago

You've got reddit stank all over you still.

Blehblehbleh73 ago

Made a comment about fat women fuvking niggers over there the other day, and it got downvoated. Decided right then and there that it was not a place I wanted to be, since they like to get butthurt. This just reinforces that.

Its_over_9000 ago


Hey! He said don't do that meme anymore!

NosebergShekelman ago

haha That's a massive KEK right there.

WTF is wrong with you, goyim? Why do you persecute them so? Shaloms©✡️

voatusernamevoat ago

Pass, implies the jew hoax is real.

belrial ago

More like Amy Schumer.

0fsgivin ago

Actually I agree. And thats the best thing you can do for it. It's going to die and live a miserable life before hand. Fat shaming works. Mind you I think FPH is to over the top. But regardless they are more correct than fat acceptance.

No my problem is the cunts censor. And make no mistake those a feminists on Voat who make to a safe space from criticizism or mean things being said. They don't just block users or downvoat. The mods ban them and remove comments. Fuck em.

Rotteuxx ago

Time to post niggers to fph !

Pronebone45 ago

Why not just start contributing to v/fatniggerhate?

Rotteuxx ago

Because it ain't /v/fatwhitepeoplehate to begin with.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Pronebone45 ago

True, but it'll be appreciated more.

KrazyKlownKlub ago

I used to think FPH was a role playing sub and that introducing an antagonist into the mix would be par for the course. Seems like they'd get a little bit of sport out of having a residential punching bag, but then they just ban people. Seems like they take it seriously. If nothing else seeing the occasional fat person shame encourages me to not ever let myself go and become fat.

Soyboy69 ago

Ehh, shame doesn't matter much when everything you want has been made just about impossible to get regardless. And being surrounded by shitskin landwhales everytime you leave the house more than undoes the good that bit of shaming has done, as you already know that even if you let yourself go you're still miles better than all the pieces of shit you see walking around.

freespeechisdead ago

lmao. i always figured you were a fat fuck. yeah, guy, your failure with women has nothing to with you, just the jews that made you undesirable.

Soyboy69 ago

Not that fat, just a bit out of shape, and yes, it is the jews who have turned the sexual market into one based on appearance and short term pleasure rather than income and long term stability.

freespeechisdead ago

lmao. the jews invented human behavior.

Soyboy69 ago

The jews destroyed our civilization and turned things into a primitive cock carousel for women that wouldn't be able to occur naturally. Either the most powerful men will horde the women for themselves for their own pleasure or institute a method of ensuring stability via monogamy to keep the less desirable men content and thus pacified, the only situation that results in a woman having free choice is when a society has been completely subverted and sent on a path to destruction.

KrazyKlownKlub ago

That's true. Fat culture self-reinforces itself among the in crowd after a bit of shaming has occurred. Most fat people probably live a sheltered life without ridicule from their peers or elsewhere, but planting seeds of shame can stay with someone for a while. It works the same way as a red pill. It can eventually change someone's perspective which is where change truly begins.

Soyboy69 ago

Not so much of a culture rather than a declining average standard which lowers the goal posts for people who are interested in doing the least amount of work to reach the average. Not only that but having a wide variety of degeneracy shoved down your throat really makes it easier to ignore self improvement because comparatively you're still so much better than the average in most ways.

fattyfatigue ago

I'm all about equality as I hate everyone equally.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

I don't hate ant humans, but I do hate niggers and kikes

0fsgivin ago

It's not neckbeards.

It's boring women who have no personalities who found great pleasure in middle school and high school making fun of fat people and now as they age and become less and less relevant to men they regress back to the one thing that can make them feel superior.

The truth is young fat women still have more potential than those in their late 20's and early 30's. And they hate that fact the most of all.

This girl has more value to a man. Than This one

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

The first gurl isn't even that bad, though she could potentially roller coaster down into dangerous levels.

0fsgivin ago

She is a hambeast according to FPH. And your comment is cause for your banning and the removal of said comment.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

She might be chubby but I'd def stil smash

Soyboy69 ago

Neither of those have value to me, I'd want to pump and dump the second one and I'd want a mutual friend to keep an eye on the first if she ever loses enough weight.

turtlesarepureevil ago

Reproductive value, yes. You wouldn't want to start something with someone in their 40+s if you want healthy kids. OR supposed fat fuck youth who is only going to get fatter. All the worst qualities of women highly concentrated while worsening with age. If you aren't a fatass, just find a healthy sized woman, the kind unlikely to have gestational diabetes. There is no either or as they aren't the last two front holes in existence.

Soyboy69 ago

Ehh, the dating market iss hopeless for average dudes, which also results in reduced motivation to stay fit.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

It's really not that hard to get an Aryan waifu to give you children as long as you keep your standards high.

Of course maybe if you can't do that, Nature never intended you to pass on your genes.

Soyboy69 ago

Women are more than happy to spend their days riding the cock carrosel, only a small percentage of men are good enough for them to settle down with, if they do settle down they still aren't going to have enough kids to keep the birthrates up. By letting women have free choice you're sabatoging your own race, you need sub par men to keep the quantity up, and besides, having a class of men who are forced into celibacy is not the makings of a stable society as they will have nothing to lose and hatred for those above stealing his women.

0fsgivin ago

A woman that age will do what her husband tells her. If you're a weak pathetic fuck. Yea she'll get fatter if you're a man a value and a strong husband she won't.

bottom line....the old cunt is the one you have no idea when she will get fat. By that time she has half you're worth you've accumulated. And most importantly to my point. Most men would still rather fuck the first then the 2nd. That's what the middle aged whores in that sub can't stand.

Pronebone45 ago

How so? Do you mean as far as child bearing? I honestly can't think of any other reason. I look at the two pics & figure the bottom one is older but fit. When I look at the top one I can't help but see her getting fatter & fatter as the years go on. So when she hits the same age as the blonde I figure she'd be far more useless as shes a fatty.

8_billion_eaters ago

11 down votes. That's 6 JPH (jews per hour)

Pronebone45 ago

Hmm. Seems the only people that would be concerned about trolling FPH would be fat fucks.
Fatties make it easy. Thanks for outing yourself.

AinzOown ago

If you hate reddit mods and censorship practices you hate FPH. They suck.

Subscribe2PewDiePie ago

By that logic you just outed all of v/FPH as lard asses. lol

Humansized ago

"Only fatasses troll fph" "By that logic all of fph is fat" You must be retarded.

Pronebone45 ago

I did laugh, but you're reaching. Which actually (for a fat) could be considered exercise. So good job getting your reps in this morning fatty.

Acerphoon ago

Nazis were actually in shape ... Unlike jews and the allies like Churchill, who was, in fact, fat.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

Imagine losing a war to a low self esteem cripple, a fat alcoholic with an abusive dad, and a paranoid wannabe Jew.

Pronebone45 ago

Oh, I know. Hugo Boss didn't fit fatties.

TestForScience ago

Something to note;
They are very good about sticking to their sub. They don't come out and try to fuck with other people/subs.
They may sit around staring at fat people all day, but you're antagonizing them for no reason.

andrew_jackson ago

Thank you for posting this. I had always disliked those guys, but you're making a valid point. I'll simply block them.

OrdinaryFaggot ago

Yeah, I hate fatties as much as the next guy, which is why I'm not going to go out of my way to look at them and gossip about them. I ended up blocking the sub to avoid the mental trauma associated with that shit. That they look at it for fun makes me suspect they're very dysfunctional people, which is sad.

0fsgivin ago

Fuck em...they ban users and remove comments.

If they were CCP restricted I'd leave me alone. But I see em on the Front page sometimes so they can eat shit and die.

fuckingmockies ago

It's almost like you give zero fucks.

0fsgivin ago

About you're stupidity? About your feelings? No...none what so ever. Fuck you. Really. Die.

About Truth? No I care a lot about that.

fuckingmockies ago

LMFAO I was making a joke about your username

andrew_jackson ago

lol trolled

0fsgivin ago

fine edited my comment.

turtlesarepureevil ago

There is a block button and there is going about wasting your time while there happen to be a handful of "racists" on fph. Maybe your may may just wasn't that funny.

0fsgivin ago

Yes. There was a block button on reddit as well wasn't there.

H3r0n ago

I like the sub, I don’t see a point in antagonizing them but whatever. It’s not like they can’t just block OPs retardation.

Germ22 ago

that was a good lough, thanks.

patrice_0neal88 ago

Faggot? Thats superhomophobic little jew

FH_Rileys_MaitreD ago

I don’t think of them as neckbeards. More like snarky twinks.

Soyboy69 ago

Ehh, most are women.

Acerphoon ago

This is wrong though. She wasn't killed. Anne Frank died of Typhus, like many other jews. - Even Kikepedia ADMITS this.

You shouldn't spread lies about the event of the holohoax. This only reinforces the jewish lies about the holocaust.

Agrianian_Javelineer ago

so she was killed by typhus?

mralexson ago

Most civilian causalities in war are due to disease and starvation

Tubesbestnoob ago

It may have happened though.

Cremation is a good way of removing typhus-ridden corpses.

pcdude ago

Germany didn’t have the coke, fuel, or time to deal with the dead ones, let alone the living ones.

Tubesbestnoob ago

Whether live or dead, they had at least 6 million fewer to deal with than holohoaxers claim. Dead bodies gotta go somewhere.

lexsird ago

I gave you an upvoat for being correct but you have to laugh because it's funny. It also triggers kikes which also is funny.

YouveSeenTheButcher ago

They're only triggered for the purpose being that their reaction fans the fires of the narraitive in the goyims mind. They don't really care, but they have to keep up appearances.

If you really want to offend the Jew - tell the truth and always make an account of them being Jewish and how their Jewish way of life is incompatible with Western principles and philosophies. They are strangers and foreigners in your land and their objective is to deceive you into believing they are no different than you. They know what they are doing and that they are strangers in a foreign land. You can use that knowledge to your advantage. The goal is to make them as stressed out, uncomfortable and confused, as possible.
Entertain their delusion without ever conceding to it or affirming them. Think of it and speak of it as it is: The simple imaginations and fantasies of a depraved mind.
Talk about how great Jesus is and how much you love him - even if you don't believe. It's like taking a hot needle and slowly driving it into their flesh.