1Icemonkey ago

Anne Frankly, I did NAZI this coming.......

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

Interesting name, blacklightning, it's like whenever a woman is raped or your car is stolen, blacklightning has struck! ⚡⚡🤣

Blacklightning ago

Take your racist bullshit and shove it up your gerbil infested asshole, you retarded faggot.

White_Collar_Crimnal ago

Take your nigger bullshit and shove it in whatever you stole from white people today.

IStealYourCookies ago

OP is obviously just a kid trying way too hard to be an edgy troll.

Acerphoon ago


anoncastillo ago

being 2% of the population, Jews make up 35% of the billionaires and the chair of the Federal Reserve has been Jewish for 50% of its history.

waucka ago

Do you have a source for that 35% figure? I thought it was 48%.

waucka ago

I don't have a source, it's just what I heard. Thanks for the hard data.

Subscribe2PewDiePie ago