Actually demographics show flaws in your arguments.
Technically the consumers of welfare tend to all skew dramatically YOUNG, not old. Furthermore the people that vote for Free Gibs me Dat in elections dramatically are young democrats.
Boomers are anyone born before 1963 back to 1946. They all vote conservative and low low low taxes and less spending... unless they are jewish.
Boomers vote for gibs for themselves (social security, medicare) and most of those young people on welfare would even be in this country if it wasn't for boomer immigration policy.
zit ago
2020: Reeeeeeee ! Trump stole the election AGAIN using Russia! And also there's not an equal number of TRANNY TOILETS!
WhoreOfBabylon ago
zit ago
Actually demographics show flaws in your arguments.
Technically the consumers of welfare tend to all skew dramatically YOUNG, not old. Furthermore the people that vote for Free Gibs me Dat in elections dramatically are young democrats.
Boomers are anyone born before 1963 back to 1946. They all vote conservative and low low low taxes and less spending... unless they are jewish.
RedditSureDoesSuck ago
This is his idea of a good post:
Daddy didn't give more millennial enough hugs.
WhoreOfBabylon ago
Boomers vote for gibs for themselves (social security, medicare) and most of those young people on welfare would even be in this country if it wasn't for boomer immigration policy.