satisfyinghump ago

I really like that it's becoming more common to describe what Netflix does, by talking about tv shows and movies with a diverse gay/transgender goal.

Charliethebum ago

Netflix anime is an angry mentally ill man?

GassyMcGasface ago

You're racist. Nexflix only casts black people niggers.

DannyRand ago

OP, where is your DD214?

i_scream_trucks ago

Cartoon, same cartoon, not a cartoon.

worlddownunder682 ago

The netflix adaptation is wrong. They would of made her a nigger

juicedidwtc ago

*xer, use the right pronoun or go to jail biggot!

mudbear ago

Does he want mandroid 18 showing him what a 'sir' really is?

oioiiooi ago

The token transgendered gay sex scene sideshow has become the main event.

kobold ago

soros owns netflix

Holonomic ago

The last one should be a Fagbama and Trannybama.

Nords ago

BakedMofoBread ago

That’s clearly Mandroid 18 on the right. Hir brister Guynoid 17 is off trying to be a park ranger.

HeavyBrain ago

We post it under funny, but they will or they already did with the Dragon ball live action. no Japanese nor whites, just brown people.

TheTrigger ago

Did they really? I know they tried a live-action DBZ, like, years ago. I think before netflix streaming was even a thing. It's as hilariously bad as you can possibly imagine.

HeavyBrain ago

We propably mean the same thing.

mudbear ago

whut... This has such powerful meme potential how come im only seeing it now?

DeadBeatNigger ago

NO, NO, NO! You just gave NetFlix a new idea snd gave PMS Man a job!

HeavyBrain ago

You really think gamstop Sir can shoot more than on scene before he becomes offended again about some bullshit?

BillyLuath ago

I laughed.

TheTrigger ago

Wow, and in /v/funny at that. What are the odds.

Gigglestick ago

Should’ve made her black too.

BlueDrache ago

Was going to say, there's not nearly enough niggars in this goddamn Netflix adaptation.

cthulhu69 ago

Op is not funny, he's reddit cancer;

smokratez ago

He went against Crensch and they tried doxxing him already. Are you sure he's cancer?

insectacide ago

went to see if you were right and looks like you are right. that's pretty low. @Crensch I don't know you but if that's true, you're the biggest fucking queer bag on this website hands down. check LGH's comment history. the guy seems alright.

srayzie ago

[–] smokratez -1 points (+3|-4) 4.2 hours ago

He went against Crensch and they tried doxxing him already. Are you sure he's cancer?

You coming to the rescue...

went to see if you were right and looks like you are right. that's pretty low. @Crensch I don't know you but if that's true, you're the biggest fucking queer bag on this website hands down.

Where is your proof?

insectacide ago

an actual doxx attempt. since these mongoloids decided to start attacking me because I got sick of the spam from LGH and the other guys, I wanted to see what it was all about. then I find this

Shawn_Lepore ago

You can't dox a business dumbass!

srayzie ago

I reported it

Mumbleberry ago

And lgh's alt account

Crensch ago

4 days 48ccp

Sock puppet account.

@kevdude @argosciv @ srayzie

insectacide ago

you guys really are insane. I call you guys out this morning for spamming all the threads I'm looking at, because all of you fags are in every single one, and then when you get called out you accuse people of being "sock puppet" accounts whatever that means and a bunch of other stuff. don't quit your day job.

Crensch ago

4 days. 48ccp.

smokratez ago

Are you going to down vote brigade him now?

SearchVoatBot ago

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Crensch ago

Are you going to keep sucking nigger cock?

smokratez ago

Lol. Is that what mossad does? You sit around watching nigger porn all day?

Crensch ago

Is this what a retard does? Not understanding why I was begging the question?

smokratez ago

You can beg all you want nigger. lol.

Crensch ago

Literally too stupid to both self-reflect, and follow the conversation.

@srayzie @kevdude @Vindicator @clamhurt_legbeard

smokratez ago

I'm mocking how dumb you are, and you are too dumb to notice.

Crensch ago

You don't even know what begging the question is. You're too stupid to know how stupid you are. You're too stupid to let either of those you're too stupid for either of the previous two sentences to sink in.

zyklon_b ago

visit /v/pmsmokratezthings and read stickied thread

Crensch ago

Top comment here is the best part

smokratez ago

Thanks for showing me that. Did you like the new message?

Crensch ago

Did you like the semen?

zyklon_b ago

its golden

Crensch ago

Crensch ago

Oh. He's a faggot. Kek.


argosciv ago

In response to smokratez, no less.

Pinging the @srayzie because you goofed :P

smokratez ago

Yeah to me. Why are you acting as if that is significant?

insectacide ago

you fags are in this thread too! jesus fucking christ. can I not go into a thread today and not see you idiots? @cthulhu69 @lets_get_hyyerr @heygeorge you're ALL faggot dick sucking mongoloids. for the last time. no one gives a single shit about the baby drama you have going on. how hard is that to understand. faggots

heygeorge ago

no one gives a single shit yet I care enough to make a butthrt comment


insectacide ago

because every thread I have come into this morning, you degenerates have been in there bickering about shit no one gives a fuck about. all I want to do is drink some coffee and shitpost while its the morning lul of quietness. excuse me if your garbage spam all over voat is annoying.

heygeorge ago

I’m not garbage spamming all over Voat. Kindly stop being part of the problem with your whinging.

insectacide ago

what the fuck is this shit? you ARE spamming. all 3 of you jews are spamming every new post

insectacide ago


nice to know you can't spell.

once again, there zero people that give a shit about your baby mama drama. you, lets get hyyerr and ctthulhu69 are gigantic fucking queers who deserve to be hung by the necks for being this gay.

have a great day

Mayhawk ago


Typing is not spelling.

gerund or present participle: whinging
complain persistently and in a peevish or irritating way. "stop whingeing and get on with it!"

Read more.

TheTrigger ago

Wow, I almost rustled a jimmy over this. Goddamned, dude. lol

heygeorge ago

Stolen valor is a hefty accusation.

zyklon_b ago

veterans are like dumb kikes need special protection

lets_get_hyyerr ago

there's literally zero "stolen valor" here by anyone. he's raging on about me because I fucked his mother last night and she decided to divorce his father and marry me instead.

In reality though, he's having a hissy fit because I mentioned I was in the military at one point. When asked to provide proof, I did (to multiple people actually) but he's behaving like your average millennial and while being faced with factual evidence, they are choosing to ignore it because it doesn't fit with their narrative. I have an abundance of proof but whatever.

he has a narrative right now. my proof doesn't fit with his narrative

heygeorge ago

He did mention it wasn’t actually stolen valor. What is the narrative? I saw something about your story not matching up to reality, but I didn’t serve so I don’t know much about t.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Aside from just being triggered at this point and repeating himself in his comments like a senile old man, it's an attempt to smear my username as much as possible in order to prevent me from being a trusted member of voat.

in reality, this is all petty bullshit from all sides that accomplishes nothing and is absolutely insignificant in life for everyone

heygeorge ago

Taking a glance at what you have going on... You do quack like a rebbitor. You also have a recent gap in your short submission history, then a very long one. So it does seem odd that you’re suddenly all about Voat and whinging about being a “trusted member”.

You’re also wrong about dial/diesel yet spouting bull as fact.

Rather suspect.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

let me add you to the list of people totally out of the loop and making assumptions based upon 0 knowledge of the topic at hand.

heygeorge ago

Ohhhhh! A list maker!

Lol. You just made a post directly snapped from rebbit. You really reek of shit-stirrer.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

hey its me, not an alt account I'm using

niggers gunna nig. surf /pol/ more faggot and you might recognize something.

middle_path ago

In reality though, he's having a hissy fit because I mentioned I was in the military at one point. When asked to provide proof, I did (to multiple people actually)

Why? Why even prove it? It's a stranger on the internet, not a job interview.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Why? Why even prove it?

Because when I approached @kevdude offering my help with whatever he needed, I was asked to provide some proof of what I was saying. Which I did. It doesn't harm me at all and doesn't affect me personally IRL.

I also did it as a "gotcha" to everyone who kept saying I was lying because why not? its fun to shut people down sometimes. especially when it makes them look like an ass.

middle_path ago

I hear ya, but it clearly didn't shut him down for long. Idiots gonna idiot.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

true about that. he's the only one who is still triggered by the whole thing and its incredibly ironic to see someone behave like a liberal sjw and ignore the proof simply because it doesn't fit the narrative.

idiots gunna idiots for sure.

GuantanamObama ago


cthulhu69 ago

He's not profiting from it, so technically it's not "stolen valor", just sleezy.

Donky_punch ago

Yeah i figured most of these non political memes are from reddit. All they do is shitpost, some are bound to be funny

insectacide ago

I'm going to guess you've never heard of 4chan or 8chan

Donky_punch ago

Who, the hacker?

TheTrigger ago

I'm also willing to bet that the same people make these post to multiple sites. There's been plenty of OC shitposting on voat, thankyouverymuch.

Donky_punch ago

Oh for sure, not to discount all the oc shitposting you offer