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mamwad ago

@smokratez prefers inserting vegetables into his anus.

PM_SmokratezCumButts ago

@smokratez loves butts filled with cum

smokratez ago

It's well documented that I hate gays. Why have you been talking about you wanting me to be gay for the past two hours? I hope it's not a sexual fantasy. That would be disgusting.

PM_SmokratezCumButts ago

You admitted that you used to be gay, and that you got cured. How did you get cured, did you pray it away? It's okay to be gay bro, no one cares. Be yourself #notjudging

smokratez ago

Jews are the incels.

ashekchum ago

Wait, if you've never had sex with a guy, how do you know you are not gay? You never know until you try.

smokratez ago

You are saying you could be a pedo then? Because you never had sex with a child, so how do you know you aren't one?

ashekchum ago

A good retort. As such I shall offer some insight on your situation, ignore it if you want.

The reason people are questioning if you are gay or not is that your response seems to be highly defensive and it send your getting more irritated by it than an average person would. Plus it appears, based on the limited stuff I read, you have adopted a sort of hyper masculine personality which could be seen as a defensive move to hide that you are gay. Whether or not you actually are does not matter to me, but if you are the internet could be a good way to discuss it anonymously without repercussions irl.

Tldr: If you ignore it they will stop, getting defensive as you have will only lead to more.

smokratez ago

The reason people are questioning if you are gay

No one is doing that.

Tldr: If you ignore it they will stop, getting defensive as you have will only lead to more.

I haven't been defensive. I've pointed out that they have been talking about my dick for six hours. Who's the gay one then? I've never talked about another man's dick for six hours in a row.

PM_SmokratezCumButts ago

I am, I'm questioning if you are gay. You seem like the biggest Faggit I've ever met.

ashekchum ago

It's responses like this that make you seem defensive.

Who's the gay one then? I've never talked about another man's dick for six hours in a row.

smokratez ago

Not at all. It shows that the girls who have been talking about my dick for six hours are obsessed with my penis.

ashekchum ago

You made a classic redirect accusation, that's being defensive 101.

and we don't even know if it's a nice penis

smokratez ago

I didn't make any accusation. You guys have literally talked about my penis all day. I was laughing the whole time.

ashekchum ago

You accused your accusers if being gay, but whatever.

smokratez ago

They were sending me pm with gay porn and beetlejuice told me I could suck his dick and wanted to fuck my ass. That's not gay to you? On top of that they are talking about my dick for 7 hours. That's a lot gay to me.

ashekchum ago

Well that is definitely a little extreme on there part. Though you could be flattered about beetlejuices proposition, I would recommend asking for a dick pic before you commit to anything. Dick pics hold power over people, use then when you can; (but legally not in a blackmail way).

smokratez ago

Yeah, I am done with you guys. All going on the block list.

ashekchum ago

Well ok, don't think I've really made anyone's list before, cool

PM_SmokratezCumButts ago

There is no point in trying to talk sense to smokratez, he is full autist

ashekchum ago

He did give me a good intiall response, though really it seemed as though something was off

PM_SmokratezCumButts ago

There is a lot off with him, he has autistically argued with about a dozen people today that he is not gay, like 8 hours straight. He is Amalek level retarded, which he may actually be.

lord_nougat ago

What a maroon.

A faggy, faggy maroon.

ashekchum ago

Yes I saw, he also coundn't seem to get over that he was being defesive about it, and that he should just chill. Really he may have problems with understanding the perspective of others

theoldguy ago

eating more food with testosterone

You'd just digest it like any other food. That's why the weight lifters have to inject it. Science.

smokratez ago

I know that from eating it is a minimal effect. Anything helps is what I figured. Plus foods like cabbage actively remove estrogen, which further improves the hormone balance.

lord_nougat ago

You eat foods with testosterone?

The rest of us just call that semen.

PM_SmokratezCumButts ago

My fucking sides, this is hilarious

smokratez ago

You eat foods with testosterone?

Of course. It's important for every guy to have diet low in estrogen and high in testosterone.

The rest of us just call that semen.

The rest of you eat semen. Some how I am not surprised. Thank you for admitting that. I had my suspicions already. This removes any doubt there could have been. Are you sure the others are ok with you talking about eating semen?

lord_nougat ago

Other people's opinions are of little interest to me.

Except for yours. Your latent homosexual fabulousness makes your opinion exceptionalally valuable.

smokratez ago

I am not gay though. What do you think it accomplishes to repeat a lie for 5 hours?

lord_nougat ago

Stop trying to seduce me with your wily homosexual tricks!

smokratez ago

Asking you why you are being a child is how gays usually flirt with you? You guys are a fucked up bunch.

lord_nougat ago

You're not very good at flirting, it is true, but we still love you anyway.

smokratez ago

You are not good at understanding what flirting is. Me calling you guys srs is not flirting.

lord_nougat ago

Aww, that's so adorable!

RumpRangerRick ago

I've never had sex with a dude

How many dicks have you sucked ?

smokratez ago

Jews are pedos.

RumpRangerRick ago

How many dicks have you sucked then?

About two dozen, give or take a few.

smokratez ago

Dang. Wish I hadn't asked. But why are you asking me if I sucked dicks?