smokratez ago

Added homo for the block list.

smokratez ago

You are talking to a strange man online about gay sex. That makes you seem gay. Then I say I want to become muslim to throw gays of a building and you say thank God that was decriminalized in Mozambique.

So what are you?

smokratez ago

Wait what? You are talking to a stranger online about his sexuality and then you are are happy muslims are allowed to kill gays?

You are a confused gay muslim?

smokratez ago

Makes me want to convert to islam and throw them off a building. Did you know that's legal in a ton of countries?

smokratez ago

I am not scared of gays. I hate them because they are diseased and disgusting. You don't understand the difference between hate and fear?

lord_nougat ago

Also by eating semen.

lord_nougat ago

Fuck, I must have missed that hard-hitting investigation!

Make sure you use a bitchen Camaro!

lord_nougat ago

Joke's on you, man. His house is a 1974 Ford Econoline van parked down by the river. He'd just drive it under the closest underpass where weird gross gay orgies frequently happen, and be relatively safe from your diabolical airplane attack!

Motoko ago

I met a guy at my last job who had lived in orphanages until he was 18. He was also very willing to tell everybody about how shit his parents/family was. He was also the most socially retarded person I have ever met. Grow up dude.

lord_nougat ago

Innocent babies? Foetus kebabs? Mor dicks?

lord_nougat ago

At least it'll make your semen taste kind of cabbagey, I guess. We'll have to eat a ton of cabbage, invite smokkie over, and ask him.

smokratez ago

I don't rape babies. Nor am I gay. I haven't pm you for pictures either. All I did was call you out for being srs. Which you have proven by telling lies about me all day.

smokratez ago

I've never messed with children. Nor am I gay. Nor did I pm you asking for pictures. All I did is call you srs and look what happened. A group of you has been harassing me all day. What doe that look like to you?

lord_nougat ago

Damn dude, now you've done it. You'll never ever get rid of him now! He'll be at your house waiting for you to get home from work just to fuck him in the ass some more!

Biplane ago

I'm not meta enough to understand what's going on here...

PM_SmokratezCumButts ago

Smokratez is generally a hate filled cunt, who harasses users who don't share his world view. He claims to have personally turned voat right wing. The thing is, he finally pissed off a load of shit posters, and is now being called out. Don't mind him saying its srs, only in his own mind would he be brigaded by reddit. This is due to him being a cunt to half the users on this site.

He also said he used to be gay, but ate healthy and took testosterone, and that cured him.

Biplane ago

Is there a specific thing he did to light the power keg?

PM_SmokratezCumButts ago

Honestly, he stalked me for a couple of days, posting shit in every thread I made, simultaneously pissing off other users. He can't or won't be reasoned with, so now he is being trolled by SBBH users. I'm not sure what he did to @xbeatlejuicex. Like I said, this guy goes full retard with a lot of users. If you want to join in with the shitposting, v/PMsmokratezthings

Biplane ago

I can see how hes a jerk in his history but comon

he stalked me for a couple of days

Your account is a parody of him.....unless it was an alt you have.

PM_SmokratezCumButts ago

Ye, this account is a parody, not my main account. He has since blocked my main, so I won't have to deal with him in the future. I guess it's job done, but he is still a jerk. He picks on a lot of people, I wouldn't waste an iota of your sympathy on him

Biplane ago

I'll definitely keep that in mind. Fight the fight that you think should be fought.

smokratez ago

These are a group of people called srs. They have been trying to turn voat into reddit for at least a year, and have failed miserably. Occosionally they try to troll outspoken conservatives off of voat. Today they thought they would accomplish this by calling me gay for 7 hours, pm-ing me gay porn and at the end even saying I am a pedo.

All they managed to do is prove that my accusation of them being srs is correct.

Biplane ago

Hmmm...ok, if this is true. Then what is your favorite vegetable? to eat that is.

smokratez ago

I don't like vegetables much. I guess tomato. Although that's a fruit right. Onions? I like those. I can eat em raw.

Biplane ago

Onions? Sautéed? Fried?

smokratez ago

I put em in soup. Raw in salads. Raw on burgers. I put em raw in mashed potatoes. I haven't used my fryer in a year. I was trying to eat healthier. Have never had fried onions. Always wanted to try fried onion rings. I will one day. I'm hungry but too tired to make food today. I have some yogurt. Cool.

How about you? What do you like to eat?

Biplane ago

If we talk salads, its a bunch of spinach leaves, a dash of romaine, a sprtiz of Italian dressing and sharp cheddar cheese, as many fudgin cherry tomatoes as i want (those tasty bastards) a couple of croutons... well there you have it

smokratez ago

I haven't done that. Nor am I crying. You are giving me free entertainment.

smokratez ago

I already told you I am not gay though. Why are you still talking about my penis? Don't you get bored of it?

smokratez ago

So calling me gay was not enough? It took you guys 7 hours to call me a pedo too now? At least you came up with a new lie. That's something I guess.

lord_nougat ago

I keep trying really hard not to be judgmental of him, but this may be almost too much!

smokratez ago

You don't live in Oregon anymore like you said earlier?

lord_nougat ago

What, have your forbid him from travelling?

lord_nougat ago

Ass Trump lovers?

That's my fetish!

smokratez ago

You voted for Hillary? Would make sense you being a cuck and all.

lord_nougat ago

Why do you homosexuals love hillary so much?!

smokratez ago

You commented to the wrong reply. It's beatlejuice who is the cuck that voted for Hillary.

lord_nougat ago

That liar, he told you that?! He told me he voted for Crystal Pepsi!

smokratez ago

He is a liar. Glad you agree. On the block list you go.

lord_nougat ago

LOL! You use the block list!

Faggotry PROVEN!

lord_nougat ago

Whoah whoah whoah there man! You realise if you do that, TRUMP WILL WIN!

lord_nougat ago

I'll try, but the humourlessness of that autist is gradually becoming less entertaining.

My blood alcohol levels must be getting critically low.

lord_nougat ago

That was an isolated incident, a freak accident! I was hanging a picture!

lord_nougat ago

Omfg, I had hash browns with breakfast, and now I am POTATO!

lord_nougat ago

He has a house?

I am pretty sure he lives in a van down by the river.

But he loves to do super gay homosexuality things in that van. And that's okay!

smokratez ago

You live in your mom's basement and are an embarrassment and disappointment to your whole family.

lord_nougat ago

...also morbidly obese.

smokratez ago

Everyone knows I am straight. Why is my sexuality this important to you? Do you do this to other guys as well?

lord_nougat ago

He eats things with testosterone.

You know. Like semen.

smokratez ago

You label yourself as a troll all the time. It's more than only claims. I am straight as an arrow.

Everyone knows I am not gay. Which is why you saying I am gay for five hours is this preposterous.

smokratez ago

We are reaching the five hour mark of you calling me gay. What do you think that makes you?

What do you think your parents would say if they saw you saying you want to drive someone to suicide?

lord_nougat ago

You don't have to hide your intense overwhelming homosexuality from us, faggot.

smokratez ago

You do realize that every sbdh guy that joins in on calling me gay is adding credibility to my claim that you are srs and are trying to troll conservatives of this site, right?

lord_nougat ago

Troll conservatives?

Preposterous. We only troll closet faggots!

smokratez ago

Not at all. That is what srs does.

You call calling someone gay for 5 hours trolling? That is the weakest attempt at trolling ever then. How sad.

lord_nougat ago

Nice try, homo.

I don't swing that way on Tuesdays.

smokratez ago

What? Is your new tactic lack of reading comprehension and rambling? Wow, you guys are even dumber than I thought.

lord_nougat ago

I don't have a tactic lack, new or otherwise. I'm not even sure what a new tactic lack is.

RumpRangerRick ago

Why does being called "gay" trigger you so much, faggot ?

smokratez ago

It doesn't trigger me at all. Why is it important to you guys to talk about the sexuality of strangers online?

RumpRangerRick ago

Why is it important to you guys to talk about the sexuality of strangers online?

Because it's amusing.

smokratez ago

How though? All you have been doing is repeat a lie for five hours. That's more childish than a 5 year old.

RumpRangerRick ago

You are welcome to stop replying at any time.

smokratez ago

I am aware of that.

RumpRangerRick ago


smokratez ago

That was it? You guys realized how dumb it was what you were doing?

RumpRangerRick ago

I know you are, but what am I ?

smokratez ago

A five year old?

RumpRangerRick ago


lord_nougat ago


smokratez ago

Why are you pinging me? I'm not one of your trolling buddies. Go play with them.

smokratez ago

I am not gay though. Do you often tell people you want to drive them to suicide?

PM_SmokratezCumButts ago

It's done, also he already blocked Omar. Lol. Omar was pm'ing him gay porn :)

smokratez ago

You've been spreading lies about me for four hours. Got people or yourself to send me picture of naked gay men and have said that you want to drive me to suicide. You can try to hide behind it's just a prank bro, although your actions are too serious to only be taken as a joke.

why you tripping on bein gay dude lots of gay people have great lives.

Why are you obsessing over my sexuality? You don't seem healthy at this point.

PM_SmokratezCumButts ago

Archived and stickied. Lol

lord_nougat ago

Stickied, what like smokratez' butt? From all the semen?

PM_SmokratezCumButts ago

Lol, stickied on v/PMsmokratezthings

PM_SmokratezCumButts ago

We need to archive this and sticky it to our new sub, so he can't delete it

smokratez ago

No, you said want to drive me to suicide. Can I talk to the admins about that? Seems like a crime to want to do that to someone.

@atko. Is this a crime? He said he wants to drive me to suicide.

smokratez ago

i do think you might be gay it is obvious to everyone you are gay!

Four hours of repeating the same lie. Don't you feel silly at this point?

Eualos ago

Dude, they're trolling you. Stop feeding them.

smokratez ago

I am showing which accounts are all srs. They are not trolling me. All did they is repeat that I am gay for 9 hours. If that's the best trolling they can do, it also shows how dumb they are.

Eualos ago

You keep responding to them and arguing with them and apparently annoying them. From what I can tell it's just trolling you and the reason they aren't doing anything else is because it's working. But, what do I care you're clearly the smartest and strongest human to ever exist you obviously don't need my advice.

smokratez ago

They are srs. I was trying to get as many of their accounts to participate.

smokratez ago

Why do you think you are able to drive me to suicide? Why would you want people to commit suicide at all? See, I told you you are at least a sociopath.

PM_SmokratezCumButts ago

This is fucking comedy gold, my fucking sides!!!

smokratez ago

Dude, you admitted you hate gay and fat people today. How does that make your friends feel?

smokratez ago

I don't even have a working webcam. I am not gay, nor have I asked men to show me their bodies on cam.

You however admitted today you hate gay and fat people. How do your friends feel about that?

smokratez ago

That's not true. I used to think I might be gay, because of all the estrogen I was consuming through eating and drinking. Then I stopped eating and drinking the wrong things and started eating more food with testosterone in it and I no longer thought Will and Grace was funny, or that Ally McBeal is good television. I've never had sex with a dude, if that is what you hope.

I don't mind if you talk about me. Try not to misrepresent the truth though. Makes you seem ignorant at best, and willfully oblivious at worst.

I still don't get why you are obsessed with wanting me to be gay. I don't care either. It's weird at this point. Do you take medication for mental health issues?

smokratez ago

You keep repeating the lie that I am gay. For more than three hours already. That is what is making you seem like a psychopath.

takes a real tough man to berrate and belittle overweight peoples ( another sign that points to being homosexual as you hate your sexual preference so much you take it out on weak victims)

Lol. You just called fat people weak. What a day for you. You come out as hating gay and fat people on the same day. That's hilarious. I wonder what you will admit to hating next?

heygeorge ago

I think it's totally fine for @smokratez to get down with whatever he likes to get down with. I wish he enjoyed doing the podcast more so he would start it again. That is my only wish for smokratez.

HOLY SHITPOST, is smokratez supposed to be wordplay on Socrates?

smokratez ago

It's almost three hours now. Remember, at five hours of you wishing I was gay you are a confirmed psycho.

smokratez ago

I've never even pm-ed you, let alone sent any pictures. Why are you lying about me? You have nothing more important to do in your life than to want me to be gay? That's sad.

smokratez ago

I wonder how long you will keep this up. We've already established that you are a liar, and most likely a sociopath. You've been at this calling me gay shit for over 2 hours. How long until it confirms you are a psychopath? Three hours? Four? Let's see how long you can keep lying about me being gay then. I say if you do it for five hours you are definitely a psychopath. That seems reasonable, wouldn't you agree?

PM_SmokratezCumButts ago

He is into butts filled with cum, PM him any pics you may have.

smokratez ago

Fat people have no respect for themselves. That makes them subhumans.

Why are you spending hours of your life trying to convince a stranger on the internet that he is gay? Have you done that before? Has it ever worked? Why do you think it's important enough to waste your life on?

SilverBanana ago

I do not think he has enough money to afford it.

smokratez ago

so why do you keep callin people fat?

I call fat people fat. It's a descriptive word which conveys the meaning I want to express. Do you get upset by the use of the word fat? Oh, are you fat yourself?

dude you are VERY fucking gay!

I've told you I am straight. I don't understand what you think repeating a lie will accomplish. Are you perhaps gay yourself? Is that why you want me to be gay this badly?

aeschynanthus ago


RectalLeakage ago

Yes :(

smokratez ago

what are these morals you speak of?

I am talking about your lack of morals because you have no trouble with lying, as you admitted yourself. That would probably even make you a sociopath. Normal people feel remorse when lying.

morals coming from a gay who posts in FPH?

Buddy, I have told you I am not gay. I don't understand why you are obsessed with the idea of me being gay. You are not in love with me I hope.

I don't post in fph anymore and haven't for a long time. I have issues with their mods and blocked it months ago.

smokratez ago

lets ask all of them hey feggitz how do yall feel about the way i treat yalls?

We are not talking about how you treat them. I pointed out that you think gay is an insult. You are a liar, so I am sure you are nice to them in their face. I am talking about what you think though. You have shown through your actions that you think gay is an insult. There's no coming back from that.

what is so insulting about me telling everyone you asked me for dick pics?

It's an insult to the truth. It shows that you are a dishonest person. You are insulting yourself saying things that aren't true.

it aint offend me.

If lying doesn't offend yourself, that shows you have low moral values, if any to begin with.

RedditCEOEllenPao ago

@smokratez hey buuuuuuuuuuddy!

smokratez ago

Do I know you?

smokratez ago

You call me a dicksucker as if that is supposed to be an insult. You are the one who is using being gay as an insult.

I am not ashamed of my sexual preference. I am a happy straight man. There, now you no longer have to have the wrong impression.

It's a shame that you insult your gay friends like that though. I bet they didn't even know how you think about gays.

smokratez ago

Another one who thinks that being gay is an insult. Do your gay friends know how you feel about them? That what they are is insulting to you?

mamwad ago

@smokratez prefers inserting vegetables into his anus.

PM_SmokratezCumButts ago

@smokratez loves butts filled with cum

smokratez ago

It's well documented that I hate gays. Why have you been talking about you wanting me to be gay for the past two hours? I hope it's not a sexual fantasy. That would be disgusting.

PM_SmokratezCumButts ago

You admitted that you used to be gay, and that you got cured. How did you get cured, did you pray it away? It's okay to be gay bro, no one cares. Be yourself #notjudging

smokratez ago

Jews are the incels.

ashekchum ago

Wait, if you've never had sex with a guy, how do you know you are not gay? You never know until you try.

smokratez ago

You are saying you could be a pedo then? Because you never had sex with a child, so how do you know you aren't one?

ashekchum ago

A good retort. As such I shall offer some insight on your situation, ignore it if you want.

The reason people are questioning if you are gay or not is that your response seems to be highly defensive and it send your getting more irritated by it than an average person would. Plus it appears, based on the limited stuff I read, you have adopted a sort of hyper masculine personality which could be seen as a defensive move to hide that you are gay. Whether or not you actually are does not matter to me, but if you are the internet could be a good way to discuss it anonymously without repercussions irl.

Tldr: If you ignore it they will stop, getting defensive as you have will only lead to more.

smokratez ago

The reason people are questioning if you are gay

No one is doing that.

Tldr: If you ignore it they will stop, getting defensive as you have will only lead to more.

I haven't been defensive. I've pointed out that they have been talking about my dick for six hours. Who's the gay one then? I've never talked about another man's dick for six hours in a row.

PM_SmokratezCumButts ago

I am, I'm questioning if you are gay. You seem like the biggest Faggit I've ever met.

ashekchum ago

It's responses like this that make you seem defensive.

Who's the gay one then? I've never talked about another man's dick for six hours in a row.

smokratez ago

Not at all. It shows that the girls who have been talking about my dick for six hours are obsessed with my penis.

ashekchum ago

You made a classic redirect accusation, that's being defensive 101.

and we don't even know if it's a nice penis

smokratez ago

I didn't make any accusation. You guys have literally talked about my penis all day. I was laughing the whole time.

ashekchum ago

You accused your accusers if being gay, but whatever.

smokratez ago

They were sending me pm with gay porn and beetlejuice told me I could suck his dick and wanted to fuck my ass. That's not gay to you? On top of that they are talking about my dick for 7 hours. That's a lot gay to me.

ashekchum ago

Well that is definitely a little extreme on there part. Though you could be flattered about beetlejuices proposition, I would recommend asking for a dick pic before you commit to anything. Dick pics hold power over people, use then when you can; (but legally not in a blackmail way).

smokratez ago

Yeah, I am done with you guys. All going on the block list.

ashekchum ago

Well ok, don't think I've really made anyone's list before, cool

PM_SmokratezCumButts ago

There is no point in trying to talk sense to smokratez, he is full autist

ashekchum ago

He did give me a good intiall response, though really it seemed as though something was off

PM_SmokratezCumButts ago

There is a lot off with him, he has autistically argued with about a dozen people today that he is not gay, like 8 hours straight. He is Amalek level retarded, which he may actually be.

lord_nougat ago

What a maroon.

A faggy, faggy maroon.

ashekchum ago

Yes I saw, he also coundn't seem to get over that he was being defesive about it, and that he should just chill. Really he may have problems with understanding the perspective of others

theoldguy ago

eating more food with testosterone

You'd just digest it like any other food. That's why the weight lifters have to inject it. Science.

smokratez ago

I know that from eating it is a minimal effect. Anything helps is what I figured. Plus foods like cabbage actively remove estrogen, which further improves the hormone balance.

lord_nougat ago

You eat foods with testosterone?

The rest of us just call that semen.

PM_SmokratezCumButts ago

My fucking sides, this is hilarious

smokratez ago

You eat foods with testosterone?

Of course. It's important for every guy to have diet low in estrogen and high in testosterone.

The rest of us just call that semen.

The rest of you eat semen. Some how I am not surprised. Thank you for admitting that. I had my suspicions already. This removes any doubt there could have been. Are you sure the others are ok with you talking about eating semen?

lord_nougat ago

Other people's opinions are of little interest to me.

Except for yours. Your latent homosexual fabulousness makes your opinion exceptionalally valuable.

smokratez ago

I am not gay though. What do you think it accomplishes to repeat a lie for 5 hours?

lord_nougat ago

Stop trying to seduce me with your wily homosexual tricks!

smokratez ago

Asking you why you are being a child is how gays usually flirt with you? You guys are a fucked up bunch.

lord_nougat ago

You're not very good at flirting, it is true, but we still love you anyway.

smokratez ago

You are not good at understanding what flirting is. Me calling you guys srs is not flirting.

lord_nougat ago

Aww, that's so adorable!

RumpRangerRick ago

I've never had sex with a dude

How many dicks have you sucked ?

smokratez ago

Jews are pedos.

RumpRangerRick ago

How many dicks have you sucked then?

About two dozen, give or take a few.

smokratez ago

Dang. Wish I hadn't asked. But why are you asking me if I sucked dicks?

smokratez ago

I am glad you are still talking about my anus. I am sure it holds a special place in your heart.

Alias_Unknown ago

Well, it is your best feature.

smokratez ago

What a weird thing to say. You have never even seen my anus. Is this national talk about my ass day? What is with all of you?

AOU ago

Which vegetable has your preference?

lord_nougat ago

I thought he preferred fruits!

mamwad ago


RumpRangerRick ago


smokratez ago

To eat?

AOU ago

That's your privacy.

smokratez ago

I am asking what it is you are asking. I would probably answer if I knew what you want to know.

If you want to ask if I shove things up my ass, then the answer is no, I do not. I am sorry to disappoint you. For some reason you guys can't stop talking about my ass today. It must be amazing to you. I never think about the ass of strangers I talk to on the internet, let alone find it that magnificent, that I ask that stranger things about his ass. Thank you for holding my ass in a special place in your heart, as weird as that is.

AOU ago

@highly_paid_orgy_pro We need the advice of an expert.

smokratez ago

Oh that user shoves things up his ass. It's what he is known for. I don't think you need to ask him if he does that. Why are you interested in my ass anyways? Is that your thing? You ask strangers about their ass?

AOU ago

I have never talked about your ass.

I just asked you which vegetable had your preference.

lord_nougat ago

He only eats vegetables with his ass.

smokratez ago

You are saying that you are asking which vegetable I prefer to eat then?

smokratez ago

He doesn't.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

why so defensive about it?

smokratez ago

Is giving an accurate answer being defensive these days?