Nox2020 ago

He should have worn the brown pants.

crashing_this_thread ago

The Goat would say something along the lines of "Fuck off, nigger cuck". No one here is welcome.

numberonewebhandle ago

Holy shit i remember seeing some uninterpretable art when i was a kid and now i can gather a meaning

AOU ago

This will become the 2nd most upvoated post.

Marou ago

They came about their racism in a different way. The altright wants a white ethnostate, so do stormfags. However, mostly the altright doesn't hate other races, they just love their own. Their racism is based upon facts, statistics, and knowledge.

Stormfags are old-school racists. While some are surely decent there is a large contingent of low brow RACE WERR NOW, FUCK THE NIGGERS, and embedded shills from various government entities. They mostly think it's stupid because they don't understand memetics.

xster ago

I'm a little slow, what is that thing in the middle? A Jewish guy in a pile of Ash?

fuckfacemcgee ago

The "Welcome to vote" sounded very polite and upbeat in my head.

Grifter42 ago

I've already spoken to you about this multiple times. When I've given you examples, you've dismissed me, and the posts have coincidentally gotten about a dozen downvotes in as many minutes.

Putt is losing the trust of the average Voat member. I reckon that's why he's colluded to flood Voat with moderates who don't know any better.

Grifter42 ago

Fuck you, and Putt.

You pedophile tolerating pieces of shit.

I love the Voat community, but I despise Hecho, and his brigade squad, and you, Putt.

Crensch ago

You're still a fresh, wet turd to me, faggot!

noobftw ago

You could have taken out the guys logo so it didn't look like he is a racist anti-semite piece shit like youare and just signed your name and own up to you being the horrible human being who is an antisemite and copyright infringer.

Astupidname69 ago

God damnit who left the oven door open and let this kike out?

Le_Squish ago

Someone left the attic door unlock. The retarded children are escaping

Crensch ago

Found the kike.

Marijuana_Merlin ago

no. it's not. Stormfags hate Kekistan...

noobftw ago

Yeah let's be proud of this site being nothing but he worst of humanity.

Let this place fucking die... and all of you can die with it as far as I'm concerned.

Crensch ago

This kike wants his spot in the oven, and he doesn't want to wait for it.

noobftw ago

Oh aren't you clever. Or, no, you are just a racist piece of shit.

Nobody gives a fuck what you think.

AOU ago

18 hours old account nails it. Congrats!

Voat needs more voaters like you.

Firinmahlazer ago

Bahahahahaha. This is the fucking funniest Voat one yet.

Buckaroo ago

Nice. I'm going to have to keep coming here more often.

Thissandwich ago

I fucking love it.

sinjinsmythesback ago

Best part of all

nobslob ago

the shartstain is a nice touch

FeLpZ187 ago


TheLegend27 ago


b o i

littul_kitton ago

Greetings. This place's interests are a little ... lopsided, but we rarely delete comments because we are butthurt.

johnmclean ago


Artofchoke ago

LOL, thank you. :D Poor bubba made a poopie.

VoatIsForKikes ago


truckboattruck ago

thats brilliant

Jew_Hunter ago


Marijuana_Merlin ago

Welcome, friend.

Marijuana_Merlin ago

Im not a Nazi >_> I'm an Ethnic Kekistani.

MadWorld ago

Hahaha... Accurate!

Cheesebooger ago

bwhahahaha EPIC. Pure win. Easily one of the funniest things I've seen

Chimaira92 ago

That place hasn't felt the same in a long time now.

Like now T_D is proud of 400k members?

Now T_D users "have faith" in the middle east? Because Trump told them to keep their terrorists in check?

M3G4M4G4 ago

This is excellent. Good OC comics today!

NeedleStack ago


eongoat ago

Best submission I've seen all weekend!

Mad_Dog91 ago


ojai7865 ago

But, Voat has so many more red pills to show you.

malandric ago

Calm down 5 monther. You're still swallowing yourself.

MAGAbitches654 ago

The holocaust was faked, the jews run the world and everyones a nigger faggot. What have i missed?

individualin1984 ago

Wander over to v/pizzagate. That place turned my hair white.

DyingEurope ago

The biggest one is Fractional Reserve Banking, or as our ancestors called it, usury and interest-slavery.

ojai7865 ago

One thing I will give the muslims is that they are not allowed to have that shit.

malandric ago

That's a good starting point. But you gotta start bringing it to the often era now. Things like American political "royal" families, gynocentrism, war on men, college brainwashing, perception management(your gonna love this one), and the internal war currently with our government agency's.

MAGAbitches654 ago

The only ones i need to swallow are gynocentrism and perception management. I have an idea what each are not entirely sure. The others ive known about

malandric ago

Perception management is the key to understanding news narratives

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

The Jews are a cult that literally worship Satan.

neveragainfatty ago

Most other 'conspiracies' are true especially involving our governments.

Crensch ago

I'm still laughing at it. Fucking burst out before I even saw the pants-shitting in the third frame.

MyHoaryHole ago

Yup... Voat users cheering for lower sources of funding which probably would enable their favorite squatting place to run for years...

Stupid fucking Voat Users.

jsac ago

member for 3 hours... hahha, fuck off back to eddit you nigger kike.

MadWorld ago

Say no to (((cancer)))...

MyHoaryHole ago

I think you've got your backasswards a little sideways... Cancer is something that you can't say no to...

MadWorld ago

Your body is your temple, you eat junk food and abuse your body, it will give you physical cancer. You feed your brain with poison and toxic waste, it will give you spiritual cancer. If you were born with Cancer, that only horshitscope can help you.

Crensch ago

Ioxvm ago

Nice. Have an upvoat.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

I've been away for a little while. Your post, very top mind you, broke me up. Spot on.

Spaceballs-1 ago

Today this wins the internet.

PillClintonIsARapper ago

I love these...

Marijuana_Merlin ago

I've been seeing a lot of stuff about the donald on here today, anybody mind giving a pothead some context?

TrueToPooh ago

T_D makes fun of safe spaces on Reddit.

T_D on Reddit goes private supposedly out of protest to special rules just for them and points people to ThePedes here.

Reddit people come here and get called nigger faggots.

T_D opens back up after 12 hours after getting exactly 0 of their demands met.

Most (many) T_D members go running back to their safe space screaming how awful voat is .

Voat regulars and some former redditors laugh their asses off at the hypocrisy.

Marijuana_Merlin ago

lol, now I have a good troll for them as I have a reddit account I use for exactly that. trolling. Use_VOAT_Instead.

Crensch ago

Oh wow. Uhm...

rEddit cuck admins did something a T_D mod didn't like. T_D mod, a Jewess, told T_D to come here with a stickied post. Jewess made /v/thepedes and started acting like a kike reddit mod here with deletions.

Kike whore got BTFO by Voat's immune system, along with most of the T_D faggots who came in like a whirlwind and almost fully left within ~25 hours. From what I understand, 24 of the 25 most upvoated submissions happened in the last 48 hours.

Most T_D were triggered to the point of shitting themselves about us wanting to gas the kikes, and hang the niggers high on the trees.

sinjinsmythesback ago

There are plenty of us American Jews on here that support your right to free speech.

Incidentally, there happen to be quite a few white Christian descendants with low IQs and meth teeth who need to be gassed as well.


UnButthurt Nigger Faggot Smythe

Crensch ago

There are plenty of us American Jews on here that support your right to free speech.

Don't care.

Incidentally, there happen to be quite a few white Christian descendants with low IQs and meth teeth who need to be gassed as well.

I agree.


UnButthurt Nigger Faggot Smythe

Destroy your race for the whites, then gas yourself.

sinjinsmythesback ago

How bout you go back to raping your sister Cletus and let the grown ups talk here, m'kay?

KosherHiveKicker ago

Are you seriously attempting to make a joke about inbreeding, as if Jews aren't known for shamelessly doing the same thing except they've been at it for over ~2,000 years?

Do I need to list the numerous known genetic diseases found in Ashkenazi, and Sephardi Jews that directly stem, and only present themselves from breeding within a close genetic circle on a systemic level?

Crensch ago

I love your comments. So deliciously thorough, like a nailgun to the testicle.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Thank you.

Research that topic for yourself and unload all that and more the next time an inbred, cousin-sister-aunt fucking kike attempts to even approach the topic.

Crensch ago

How 'bout you kill yourself so better races can start colonizing other planets? Nobody needs you parasites.

sinjinsmythesback ago

Better races

*proceeds to admit that he and his own are being subjugated and enslaved mentally and physically but still thinks his race is better.

Thanks for the laugh dipshit.

Crensch ago

*proceeds to admit that he and his own are being subjugated and enslaved mentally and physically

i thought kikes were smart. This never happened.

sinjinsmythesback ago

Then what are you aryan faggots complaining about?

Crensch ago

Parasitic species that build nothing and attempt to subvert everything. You'll get your day in the oven, don't worry.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Remind him how "Kikes got smart" again...

It was from cousin-sister-aunt-mother fucking on a systemic level for well over 2.000 years. The scale of the inbreeding to cause their known genetic diseases make even Appalachian Hillbillies blush.

Crensch ago

Yeah, not really sure, that's the rumor. I don't really think a species that couldn't support even their own country is all that smart, but apparently they're great at being parasitic scumbags.

Astronautilus ago

Majora isn't the only one regretting something today, amirite??

I'll see myself out...

TheLegend27 ago

lmao...Accurate representation tbh. Only thing I would add is a few pieces of shit on the floor representing ledditors that stayed.

Crensch ago

Oh shit that's fantastic.

NeedleStack ago

Did you make that? I need more please.

KazKoz ago

Best thing i've seen all day, thanks OP

BigFatDaddy ago

Love it!

OhBlindOne ago

heehee he made a mess in his pants.

Crensch ago

Took me the second time through to see that. was laughing too hard at the about-face of the snoofag.