TherealScrable ago

Honestly... This reminds me of that report about Libya where ArmA 2 footage was used showing a Truck with a GAZ shooting down a Mh8...

Can't wait until CNN shows that as evidence.

tecnic1 ago

These just don't get old.

NorBdelta ago

Is there a template? I approve

Drain0 ago

What's that off in the distance? I think I see Hillary Clinton dodging sniper fire.

Codewow ago

I'm enjoying this CNN meme.

1moar ago

I don't care.

voteforfreedom ago

here in the field, we use universal USB installer to get an OS (tails) running on a simple 4gig UBS drive...the inhouse nerd has us get a 2gb pen drive

he then gets the TAILS.iso and uses Universal USB installer (free program) to install said iso to our pen drive

We then boot from said pendrive and we can surf without installing shit on our rig/field PC

Womb_Raider ago

Heh, you pretend your inhouse nerd does this, but you are the inhouse nerd. You know exactly what you're talking about... most people would simplify and say "he installed it to my flash drive", but you even specified that it is an ISO file.

A normie wouldn't know to make that distinction, imo

voteforfreedom ago

please, any info you young bucks can provide a roughneck petroleum engineer like me, I appreciate

On the rigs or in the field, we can use Tails-Tor to surf the net without installing on the PC the devil company provides for us

1moar ago

Show me a live CNN link with the same. Bi-planes, really?

Come on, I need some juice. Most here know I am not a shill, so humor me, with a real CNN link with this photo.

voteforfreedom ago

trolls only seek to open the mind

I got a tom sharpe novel in txt format for you to read

will make you fucked up minds have shaped the world

no need to tormail me, just read Tom Sharpe - Ancestral Vices ....

chmod ago

A biplane. Checks out.

voteforfreedom ago

I like your restraint as a fellow have chosen not to inject your righteous poison to kill the name of this foul brain washing tool

You are merciful , I enjoy that a peaceful light still exists in your golden mind...rattle your tail to warn the usurpers...

ExpertShitposter ago

Literally gold.

NeedleStack ago

I can't explain anything as I have no idea!

hunter4 ago

whats the funny part?

jinbnters ago

I believe this is a screenshot from a recently released game called Battlefield 1 on the map Sinai Desert. According to this battlefield 1 wiki:

It is set within the Sinai Peninsula during the Raid on Bir el Mazar

Which appears to be in Egypt somewhere.

gazillions ago

Somene also needs to tell the media consumers that rebel is a made up word for terrorists.

Cum_control ago

Fuck u op

SonOfRobin ago

"I can tell you what happened in the Desert because I was there. In the desert. It's not the same desert but it's close enough." --CNN producer

voteforfreedom ago

imagine all those poor kids who know this is in a home with parental guidance that still believes in the Church of Nefarious News

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

This, along with the Fallout meme from yesterday, is fucking gold. Fuck CNN and I hope Wikileaks does a gigantic shit on them.

WeekendBaker ago

Where does Voat come into play? I skimmed and did not see

cointelpro_shill ago

Ok, well, it doesn't really. I just mean, it's obvious he browsed here, look at that kid

pissed ago

Why are these 2 links "goof-ups"?

CRKT_M16Z ago

Gotta cap that D and G flag ASAP!

ilikeskittles ago


NeedleStack ago

Please, I ask all of you with twitter accounts to please tweet this to every big-time "news" anchor at CNN.

NeedleStack ago

Well, I can't say I'm not intrigued.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

don't trust my word. just stick around for tonight only, the world gets to see a blatant shill

who coded voat more than atko this past year.

NeedleStack ago

I'm not sure how you are defining shill though? Maybe we have different interpretations of the term (to me it's a marketer or a hack for/from some bigger organization).

I have read how atko has a job and entrusts a few people to work on the back-end of the site for him so I can understand why she may have coded more than he has (especially considering how infrequently he seems to visit these days) so I'm not sure how that meets the definition of "shill"? Anyway, I'll check back later for the developments.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

see merriam webster's second definition of the noun shill.

that is what i'm going off of.

no no

the shilling that was just done to me by dozens of users, fuzzywords was a big part of it.

that the user fuzzywords participates in brigades can't be proven as a user. that the user's comments and posts at and about me were defamation and defamation per se in delaware civil law are 100% proven. that she was making these defamatory character assassination attempts on me in service of silencing me for my speech on voat proves beyond a reasonable doubt she shills on voat for silence.

i now have something that ties it all together.

something so brutally hilarously sjw... lol

half an hour for fuzzywords to respond that she's on.

if no response, 1 hour from then, i will release the LINKS to the files on voat.