Omgaar ago

Saying "This is what a socialist said" is not "I support socialism." Campus reform, your third link, is very critical of the modern left.

draaaak ago


MrBunnyVest ago

Yeah, they're hitting pretty hard today, I would expect it to get worse for the next few days. Check out the comments here.

draaaak ago

Eh, should die down a little during the sabbath.

draaaak ago

All I see are retard Q posts.. have any examples?

TheWorstImaginable ago

It's your fault for not blocking them

draaaak ago

Blocking accomplishes nothing. I downvoat.

TheWorstImaginable ago

so you tolerate 90% of the content you see on voat being some autistic larp? I blocked 2 or 3 subs and I barely see them. I downvoat when they come out of their designated area.

draaaak ago

I don't normally waste my time browsing v/all. I've been here so long that I'm already subbed to all the subs I care about. So, my front page isn't littered with Qgarbage.

TheWorstImaginable ago

makes sense.. I thought you were one of those people who complains about it but doesn't block it. Kind of like people who don't block youtube ads and then complain. It's so easy!

7e62ce85 ago

You don't need to block ads on youtube if all you ever watch is demonitized content ;)

TheWorstImaginable ago

monetized is the way to go until you have a following large enough to source your own in video advertising. Youtube has allowed a lot of people to make content by paying them for people dumb enough to watch ads.

7e62ce85 ago

The joke was that I only watch controversial videos so I never get ads.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I watch a few mountain bikers channels, and some pewdiepie. but pewds himself mocks how stale his channel is. Ive been trying to tell him to make his own website and find his own advertising, but if all he wants to do is gatekeep memes and youtube content maybe he should just stay on youtube. I saw the other day he was advertising in one of his videos, so at least he's proactive about the possibility of being demonetized.