Fancy451 ago

50 degrees? Well that's just work harder temperature son.

HarryVonZell ago

I know right?

KikesDidJFK ago

Bathhouse Barry can instantly empty a high school gym. No one wants to become his next "hotdog".

HarryVonZell ago

Haven't you heard, Bathhouse Barry is racist now? Now we call him Bareback Obama. Don't be racist. The dude's a fag. I'm surprised he's pregnant by now.

hankylanky ago

Seriously, this only proves that Trump fans are so stupid they'll hang out in a cornfield in 50º drizzle. And then, only to hear the most profoundly ignorant politician in history lie to them for an hour.

Seaknee ago

Lefties can't even see a real revolution when it's staring them in the face. Member when Madonna yelled after Donald Trump won the election "We need a revolution", Sorry honey we just had one and your side lost., member that ? Look at the pictures, that my friend is a revolution. Better yet, go to a Trump rally and talk to his supporters, most of them are intelligent and ready to civilly debate the actual issues that are being addressed by the governmental process at this time in history. Try to stay on the subject and not get too emotional or violent and nobody will harm you, we can review the issues being discussed with you if you don't know what they are

BagofLies ago

Washington 4th District incumbent Matt Shea realeases manifesto...

BumFightChamp ago

27,000 Winter Soldiers

fattyfatigue ago

I was there! I got there at 9am and waited all day in piss poor weather to see our prez. I got pretty close to the podium since I waited all day. Would love to meet fellow voaters from this area. Or am I the only one???

Seaknee ago


undertheshills ago

They should cancel his secret service no one would even bother to off his useless ass

slevin_kelevra ago

President Trump. Have some respect nigger lover.

Onlio ago

Can I just say that he looks like a complete badass pulling up to the rally in Air Force One

Seaknee ago

That's because he is, he's also a pretty decent chess player

qwertyanon ago

Obama sells out his country - not stadiums

fuckmyreddit ago

I've seen things like this in the 1960s-1970s where people parked along the street for miles out by a farm. It was for hippie festivals. Trump. Is. Santana. Jimi. Zep. All of them. Trump. Is. An. American. Rockstar!

LettItBurn ago

I hope he puts all those traitors on public display in a... (ahem) ...wood stock.

Seaknee ago

Member when the govt spooks under Nixon infiltrated the hippie movement and did all the usual shit, paid protesters, staged events, drug overdoses, plane crashes, car crashes, member that ? President Trump does have some serious chops though man, can you dig it ?

Rawrination ago

What did 0bama ever do against Kenya ?

edistojim ago

Being born there for starters.

belrial ago


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thebearfromstartrack ago

Anyone see "Tigers from Trump" signs last night's rally in Missouri? I wonder what that means? I mentioned "kicking a tiger" and "the tiger is awakened" here on voat in several anti lib threads in the past. Maybe Trump (staff) is lurking on voat? Sending us a message? One of the Tiger sign holders was VERY short looking though.

MrShekelstein ago

I've never felt cold at a trump rally.

It's much too high energy.

Mogumbo ago

Damn bradah

Humanicide ago

I believe it's already been established that America has an abundance of idiots. So Trump filling any venue is not a difficult task. But hey if numbers make the man Justin Bieber must be a giant among men.

ProgNaziGator ago

Difficult task for Obama, Hillary, Bernie, Kamala, and Warren.

belrial ago

Slow down, NPC’s don’t process facts, they only execute code.

dalik ago

This sort of shit is intellectually dishonest.

Obama isn't the President and has little value right now. Trump is the President and has a lot of value right now.

Once Trump is no longer the President he will also have the same problem Obama has.

edistojim ago

Tell us one more time about the upcoming Blue Wave……………..BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

kushtian ago

wave of porta potty water

the_magic_man ago

Same thing was said during the election and Hillary still got millions more votes

edistojim ago

No she didn't. You only say that because some other dumbass liberal told you so. Figure in election fraud and voter fraud and the bitch was lucky she got ANY votes. You stupid fuckers can't even win a rigged election.

the_magic_man ago

Hillary won the popular vote dumbass. She got almost 3 million more votes than trump. They're the official results. If you know otherwise, present your evidence. Here's mine (pdf):

the_magic_man ago

That link literally says hillary won the popular vote.

Circling back to Clinton, she leads Trump 48/46 in the popular vote right now.

Holy fuck, did you even read your own "proof"? It confirms exactly what I said, thank you for proving me right

edistojim ago

You really are that stupid aren't you.

Figure in election fraud and voter fraud and the bitch was lucky she got ANY votes. You stupid fuckers can't even win a rigged election.

the_magic_man ago

So your proof is your own previous post?

edistojim ago

I'll put it to you this way dipshit: Trump won the only votes that count. Think about that.

LettItBurn ago

I'm beginning to think Obama was the best thing to happen to America in the last 50 years. He woke up a sleeping giant and filled us with a terrible resolve. Our FIRST shot back at these scumbag commies was electing the GEOTUS. It'll only get better from here on.

lipids ago

This is why I'm an accelerationist.

the_magic_man ago

Is america great yet?

LettItBurn ago

Not yet. We have 100 years of the federal reserve and 50 years of diversity / equality to undo.

edistojim ago

But getting greater because of Trump and the elimination of the nigger.

CosmicNeo ago

As if that's what MAGA is about. Trump said our blood bleeds red, white and blue. Trump isn't a racist, but you are. Stop trying to stop the Trump train with your phony Trump supporter disguise. We can all see through it, Obama.

edistojim ago

I don't care if Trump is a racist or not, makes no difference whatsoever. I also don't care if you think I'm a racist, it simply doesn't matter what you think. The word "race realist" comes to mind……………..and you are not.

CosmicNeo ago

Do you think your racist comment helps Trump's cause to MAGA? Divide and conquer, that's Lucifer's strategy.

LettItBurn ago

Your understanding of the word racism means "White people and Only White people who are bad and think or say mean things about everyone who is not an evil White person." I don't blame you for being stupid, it's just the way you've been conditioned to think since you were a child.

What racism really means is a preference to be around people like yourself. It's not only human nature, but it's an instinctual trait intrinsic to every living thing on the planet. Everyone is racist. To deny it is to deny reality. Stop being brainwashed by the electric jew. And for heavens sake, don't believe in (((their))) lies about equality.

CosmicNeo ago

Lucifer's blood flows through each one of us. Yes, everyone is racist because our character was inherited from fallen Lucifer. Being Christian, we should strive to overcome our fallen nature, not embrace it. The fact that America strives to do that is the reason God has blessed America. Take that away and we're just another shithole country destined for the trash heap of history.

LettItBurn ago

I hear you.

I'm just tired of being told that Whites are evil because we are racists when the truth is just the opposite. Whites have been the most tolerant race of people to ever exist; the closest race to the tenants taught by Jesus, ...and still we are vilified as being the only people in the world who are intolerant.

We have gone from a 90% White country in 1960 to, within one generation, 56% White and quite frankly, I'm fed up with tolerance.

CosmicNeo ago

It's not an easy problem to dissect. So many factors are involved. If you dig deep enough, you'll find that all these drastic changes in America were caused by deliberate social engineering. But who exactly is behind this social engineering? Who deliberately wants to destroy America from within? On first look, it's appears to be the work of Marxists and people like Hillary's and Obama's mentor, Saul Alinsky. But who created the Marxists and people like Saul Alinsky?

The problem is complicated because there's been a global conspiracy going on for hundreds of years -- if not thousands of years. Everybody is caught in this global conspiracy. Your wanting to blame the Blacks or Jews for America's mess is the result of deliberate programming. You have to dig deeper if you really want to understand what's going on.

I hope to provide more information in the coming days. So stay tuned. Because WWG1WGA.

LettItBurn ago

I blame the jews because they are the most vocal group of hypocrites on the planet. One the one hand, they promote diversity and multiculturism for all white nations and on the other, they demand Israel remain strictly for jews. (Sephardic and Ashkenazi jews... they don't want African jews living among them). This is nothing new. They've been doing it for, like you said, hundreds if not thousands of years and as a result of their contemptible behavior, they've been thrown out of every country they've ever tried to destroy.

...I look forward to any further information you can provide to disprove the fact that the jews are the enemy of the white race.

CosmicNeo ago

...I look forward to any further information you can provide to disprove the fact that the jews are the enemy of the white race.

For starters, John 3:16 says that "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." That doesn't mean he loved everyone except the Jews. It means there's hope for all of us. It's just a matter of educating the Jews about the mission of Jesus. It can be done. And the best people to do it are Jews who have become Christian like Sid Roth and Jonathan Cahn. So I have hope. But I know it's not going to happen unless we show them our love and forgive them. Rejecting them and condemning them isn't going to win them over. History already shows how ineffective that is. Have you ever read Dale Carnegie's "How To Win Friends And Influence People?"

Anyway, now that I have over ten CCPs I can begin disproving your belief that the Jews are the enemy of the white race. I look forward to it as it's the Covenant of the Jews and the Covenant of the Christians that will make America and the World great again. (Cain and Abel)

LettItBurn ago

I was born and raised into a Catholic family. Communion. Confirmation. Christianity teaches all that you've said. John 3:16. It's a great religion. Christianity is a religion of peace, brotherhood and forgiveness. It is the best religion in the world and the world would be a much better place if only everyone believed in the Gospel of Christ.

..but they don't.

Moslims and Jews HATE Jesus. They scorn His teachings. When you are confronted with enemies like that, your only choice, your obligation is to be slaughtered by the unbelievers. You may even be so devout that you request to be crucified upside down because you are not worthy of dying the same death as your Lord and Savior. ...the unbelievers will gladly accommodate you.

I'm an old man now and I've seen what Christianity has done. When America was a Christian country, we became the greatest nation on earth. We became so great that we welcomed into our land those other Abrahamic religions that scorn Jesus and His teachings. We were shocked when the jews killed our young president right before our eyes. We were shocked when the jews attacked us on 9-11. We 'turned the other cheek' and elected a nigger moslem as our president.

Christianity is a great religion, but only if everyone in your country follows the tenants of Christianity. When you open your borders... When you let Moslems in... When you let jews run your banks, media, education system and government..... Christianity is suicide.

Christians are Abel to get along in peace and brotherhood with everyone in the world, but those jews and moslems Cain and will kill us if we don't fight back.

jewlie ago

We're just waiting for the shot heard around the world.

belrial ago

+1 for the Yamamoto quote.

XSS1337 ago

Well that depends on the caravan status...... Ya know.... the illegals / criminals being bused by Jews and Soros

Doglegwarrior ago

Record numbers of young people.are voting.. we are about to get played i think... young = dumb and npc level thinking.. they are programmed morons who will vote democrat everytime.. the fact the house is going dem is enough to think thebworld is literaly going crazy

Gamio ago

There are also an awful lot of young people being woken up to leftism and globalism. They see precisely whats going on and whose doing it, they have used things like the internet to inform themselves and form independent thoughts not just confirm what the proto communist leaning twats say.

edistojim ago

I think the new media is playing the same game they played during the last big election, and we know how that turned out. Hillary was a 98% winner, remember?

Gamio ago

The same dumbasses who predicted a 80 to 95% win for Clinton are the ones claiming the "blue tsunami" is going to happen. Part of its disinformation directed at people who are on the fence "oh why bother, they will win" and susceptible red voters who'd not be 100% sure their candidate choices wouldn't win in their locality or broader government.

edistojim ago

I believe you to be correct. What the fake news media "feels" and reality are two very different things.

DryerBox ago

Based off of what? Early voting shows low turnout among young voters

Doglegwarrior ago

I might have got some propaganda.. i go toncnn tonsee how retarded shit is and thinks thats where i saw it

edistojim ago

And Hillary was supposed to win by a landslide too.

Doglegwarrior ago

Man i hope yall are right.

edistojim ago

Me too.

Mogumbo ago

Wa ha ha ha!!! - says don konichi - bleach anime

Kleemin ago

ask your dead grandparents and the illegals, they will explain it to you.

TrumpNPC021 ago

Trump let in 4 million people since he was elected by the rich jews.

Orange man good! (PBUH)!

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NPC_8946 ago



OrangeManGod ago

Yes this!

Orange man good!

ThoseFeels ago

Dude. Did Zionist trump really let in 4 million???

Link that or you're worthless.

Crackrocknigga ago

They can't and won't. Trump is ZOG, but these are cooridanted muzzies trolls spreading bullshit

TrueAmerican ago

Lets see a Trump rally happen in somewhere that matters (New York or California)...

Magonia ago

Didn’t 2016 teach you anything? Those states never mattered. Thank god for the electoral college.

TrueAmerican ago

Yeah, those 2 states keep America afloat economically. Without them, middle America would be a wasteland.

gentronseven ago

Trump will fill any venue in New York or California no problem.

TrueAmerican ago

And i would attend. Just saying id like to see him do one somewhere besides bumfuck Egypt...

cdglow ago

Yes Goy. The only places that matter are the ones overrun by Jews, Niggers, and Soy Males.

TrueAmerican ago

Plenty of Trumpland and supporters here in south OC CA... just cause you cant afford to live here...

uvulectomy ago

Still waiting on 'dem Peach Mints you promised us... Any day now, right?

TrueAmerican ago

I voted Trump

lord_nougat ago

I would LOVE to go to a Trump rally in California!

nrlftw ago

Sarcasm? I live in god forsaken Southern CA and would legit love to attend a rally.

lord_nougat ago

Sarcasm? Where?

Fuck off out of my part of California, commie.

nrlftw ago

I think we’re outnumbered when you count the LA’s and SF’s plus the +10m illegals here who are somehow allowed to vote.

If you were to delete LA and SF (praying every day for that) then the state would be as red as TX or any state in the union.

lord_nougat ago

SF is horrible and fucked, though. Fucking shame, it was a beautiful city once, and it has a magnificent bay.

lord_nougat ago

Well, at least in the coastal part of LA where we live people are kind of sane, by LA standards anyway. It's the illegal aliens and other criminals who seem to be hard left and are really shrill about it, as they all are. But then there are the weird old people who are senile and still think the democrats are great, so you may have a point. I sure do hope you're wrong, but even if you're right, it's only a matter of time until sanity returns to this place; it can't stay crazy forever!

edistojim ago

You don't think it matters? Ask the electoral college if it matters…………………stupid fuck.