derram ago :

2019-01-17 | YouTube Says Tommy Robinson Will No Longer Be Able To Make Money From His Videos

'"We have suspended ads on Tommy Robinson’s YouTube channel as it breaches our advertising policies," a YouTube spokesperson told BuzzFeed News. '

'YouTube has moved to prevent far-right activist Tommy Robinson making money from his videos by suspending ads on his channel, BuzzFeed News can reveal. ', "On Thursday, YouTube told BuzzFeed News that it had suspended advertising on Robinson's channel — boasting more than 270,000 subscribers — for violating the company's advertising guidelines."

'Earlier this week, Robinson uploaded a photo of a computer screen to Instagram, which appeared to show YouTube taking action against a recent video. ', "The anti-Islam activist and founder of the English Defence League had been monetising his videos through YouTube's platform, which allows video-makers to collect money from advertisers."

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Rotteuxx ago

Awesome, thx for adding this feature.

@thebuddha, would it be fair to lovingly call you a dispariting old fart now ? Lol :p

TheBuddha ago

No, that's just one site. We will see.

Rotteuxx ago

Well he tried as well and it worked, we'll know soon enough.

TheBuddha ago

He seems to have found a library. I looked and didn't find one. My google fu is weaker than his.

Rotteuxx ago

Don't worry bud, if I bother teasing you it's because I like you. It's quite an honor you should feel proud of receiving, very few people get that special treatment.

TheBuddha ago

LOL I don't mind if you do. I'll point out that they did what I'd have done, though my google fu was week and I only spent three minutes or so. I even used 'date extractor programming library.'

Google gave me nothing useful! Bastards!

And that was all I was willing to invest.

derram ago

I'm lazy and use python, so if it fails I can just blame the module -w-

TheBuddha ago

Nice! I looked for a library and couldn't find one.