17026437? ago


16981641? ago

The protect voat faggots @sguevar @Mumbleberry @truthwoke33

16626593? ago

HenryCorp has an LLC on Twitter, and it seems like he is paid to spam a leftist agenda.

16883916? ago

The @Mumbleberry @truthwoke33 are more of the same, a mirror of henry corp, one are leftwing shills, the other fascist shills

16884450? ago

This is the gayest shit I've ever seen.

16585409? ago

the porn degenerates @dman69 and smut merchants, they need to fuck off home to their fag friends at reddit

16673580? ago

add the anime faggots to the list, weakest invasion ever or is voat's immune system getting stronger?

16579903? ago

anyone peddling christ is suspect. @LoveArchive would be the biggest. the dude literally runs around collecting survey information

17346938? ago

i'm a nihilist you fucking retard. also no i do not work for the feds -- the information i collected is useless for any kind of purpose, it's questions like "do you feel guilty for holding these views" -- and i told people to use fucking tor if they were paranoid about google. someone like curt doolittle is more likely, he actually has a history of working for the feds. the survey was in response to ryan faulk's claims that the emotional resistance to white nationalism have been removed and i thought they hadn't. you're a fucking retard, go kill yourself

16583279? ago

shut the fuck up faggot.


16583917? ago

alright alright then, nigger. i gave you a chance to speak for yourself, didn't i?

16588717? ago

Yeah so shut the fuck up

16583398? ago


16586934? ago

Thanks Dad

16577533? ago

nigger jew stoners @KatHarzso @friendshipistragic those fags

16580039? ago

@katharzso needs to off herself already

16560718? ago

16584963? ago

user @kevdude finally turns on arabjew fags of SBBH https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3016513 news on @Dial_Indicator - the faggot who still won't leave!! Also TheBuddha likes nig beats. @BentAxel @King_Leopold_II himself and gabara were gayass lovers?

16585097? ago

it okay Inaminit i understand your sexual fustrastions.... Have you tried tried masturbation?


16585039? ago

something about of @techius btw voat is for da gayz

16577556? ago

? @bdmthrfkr @ilikeskittles two arabain niggers, oil drilling

16586672? ago

Why thank you. It’s nice to be appreciated.

16585031? ago

what trash nigga @kevdude was expecting help from protectvoat, dude must have a brain the size of a fucking peanut

16555371? ago

@gabara has been pushing his rubber prosthetic for at least 2 years. I don't think anyone has accepted his offer yet, but it's huuuuge.

16585165? ago

Biggest supporters of proposed subvesion tools, did anyone doubt it would be the likes of crenschdude and peaceseeker? LMAO https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3010536

16543114? ago

Doesn't voracious equate to CONSUMING? HOW can a CONTRIBUTOR be CONSUMING?

16673556? ago

Soap box ban hammer were originally angry Bernie faggot transexuals and a group from /r/ChapoTrapHouse/ they still run a soap box ban hammer sub at reddit

16552869? ago

.... and what is soap box?

16548936? ago

I'd hope anon's aren't really stupid enough to believe this, Srayzie. Good to know you've never stopped being so assmad that I continually prove how hilariously impotent and silly you are.

16560649? ago

nope wrong dude

16562473? ago

1990 eh?

16542958? ago

16546456? ago

OMG! Does this mean I'm famous now?

Do... do you want an autograph?

16560625? ago

No thanks, I'll give you a free arm tattoo though if you like.

16570017? ago

Why do you think i'm a shill?

16553034? ago

the alt-right are shills or whatever you call the particular idiot one time posting crap on reddit to finally get himself banned... fuck them, a lot of them are shills, there i said it @drstrangegov @PeaceSeeker fuck them, voat has got worse because of them and is losing some libertarian values @freshmeat @JJNova @WhiteRonin

16553261? ago

Why did you ping me?

16584813? ago

soap box knows you

16587529? ago

Eveybody and nobody knows me.

16553107? ago

You talking to me or referring to me?

16555350? ago

I get it weekly and it's always nonsensical. No references or anything, just pings. Someone has a hard-on for us. It's like being the most famous people on... well, voat I guess.

16555530? ago

Do you know who I am?! I'm kind of a big deal. @thebuddha

16556125? ago

Big deal, I'm @KatHarzso

16556246? ago

Oh no! Didn't mean to confuse things. I'm drstrangegov. Just messing with thebuddha because he's a dick.

16556300? ago

That's ok, I'm not really @puttsmom , I'm actually @thisistotallynotme

16542845? ago

16548496? ago


What exactly am I shilling?


16542835? ago

16548910? ago

This one is actually true. You'd be pretty surprised the extent this dude goes to in order to keep traffic here thinned, to keep other users from being well trusted, or to ensure Voat isn't a place capable of being well respected by anyone on the outside.

Although, I'm certain him or one of his friends tagged him here.

16560607? ago

Not a friend.

16496153? ago

Most of this dumb fucks are government shills.

"muh Trump, muh MAGA"

buncha dumb fucks love the jew Gov.

16534847? ago

sbbh they pretend to be innocent

16548950? ago

Ha I'm glad this is increasingly obvious to you guys.

16560640? ago

It's typical SRS style humor they have going on over there.

16492214? ago

If im nominated ill take it as a badge of honor.

16534859? ago

The kikes and kebabs

16493426? ago


16553056? ago

that guy @heygeorge is a shill but i'm not sure what he's shilling, Q-tips maybe?

16553141? ago

Drink CokeTM!

16968464? ago

poo wars @bloodguard @ratsmack the paki india and islamic street shitters now arrive from 4chan @pcdude @Jewed @HeavyBrain shill for as much as 2 dollars a week ... is 'Jewed' another kebab?

16492062? ago

@OtisT obviously tops the list

16566044? ago

Comment Quote

I have watched voat for years the stronger shills at the moment may be the Kebab types Turks, Pakis and Iranians who try to pass themselves as european whites and hate Israel, next you have the Kike commie globalist Jew type, henrycorp they spam porn weed politics only post 'neo-liberalism' stuff etc

....although kikes and kebabs seem to hate each other kill each other they are also allied against the West and both hate freedom of speech, the sub anonpolitics is absolute shite OtisT is scum, the Canada and Chicongo leftwing subs are also cancer just as they are on reddit. That is not to say all muslims will be bad but islam is bullshit horror rape and terror and zionism is also bullshit. Next the MAGA crowd, they are shills and they think Trump and 'Alt-Lite' movement is perfect, you could throw in the German free speech crowd, Australia recent Canucks for whatever reason perfer voat now ...facebook and reddit are done and many come here from around the world because of whatever Leftwing policy are happening back home, some of them they may be part of this larger Q movement.

Last types are the SoapBoxBan hammer spammers, they are a bunch of weed smoking alcoholic drugged out morons. They are nigger jew faggot trannies who came over during the Bernie years to spam filth on voat. Finally we get the scum of the earth the bots who spam domains, the Indian street shitters and vietnamese who try to spam and hack, literally paid up to attack voat and tried to kill voat when it was still an infant.


The Vietnamese aren't being paid to attack Voat They are merely too dumb to realize that despite Voat being an actual word in Vietnamese, this is not a Vietnamese website. There is another Voat which is a Vietnamese language site. Their bots are confusing the two sites.

The Indian spammers are just enormous assholes. They know what they are about.

Dial_Indicator has admitted to working for the JIDF, user XSS1337 did us a service by highlighting it. We should be looking closely at this fag and his faggot friends. Check out the kike shill's posts and messages; he seems to be engaged in a homo love affair with another ((goat)). They dedicate music vids to one another like goddamn teenage homos.


16534874? ago

india street shitters followed by hired vietnam borg and their spam bots