SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @Dial_Indicator.

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16665162? ago

Yea cuz I can totally see you downvoting a new subverse and user. /s

16665030? ago

You're a hypocrite.

You support censorship. Quick go help that new faggot with his animeme sub. Poor fella been asking for up votes like a good kike and the evil mean voats immune system has kicked in. Go protect those who wish to do harm!

16663016? ago

Senior citizens.

16663000? ago

Just like you fucking asked me about v/aww - why the fuck do you care so much about v/whitebeauty?

I still agree with @kevdude about a lot of things. And no, it's not cuz he is capable of manipulating me but because I use my own brain (I know, hard concept a woman, a WHITE WOMAN, having a brain that knows how to think) to make up my own mind.

You "upvote brigade" people who censor. That makes you someone who supports censorship. I'm sure you've downvoted a lot of people into oblivion for having the "gall to disagreeattack you"?

zyklon_b ago

ok I call

zyklon_b ago

been so busy I just found out bout this post today

zyklon_b ago


zyklon_b ago

i aint going into details in public forums but yeah....i still want her and shit just not the way it was before.

zyklon_b ago

naw dude I dumped her and kicked her out

zyklon_b ago

thanks bro. they underestimate your powers and connections. I am single again and back home so will be voating more

zyklon_b ago

thanks buddy

zyklon_b ago

what happend

King_Leopold_II ago


Does not belong in v/science and results in

we dont like you"

King_Leopold_II ago

Kevdude doesn't have to lie about shit. In our conversation, you have twice admited to upvoating yourself.

Why are you so concerned about your fucking Internet points that you have to make multiple accounts, instead of looking in the mirror and saying "I'm the problem, not the other goats"?

King_Leopold_II ago

When kevdude made his thread asking for goats sick of you, I thought I'd see what his axe to grind with you was.

King_Leopold_II ago

I really doubt that. At least half of all your submissions or comments have some form of spelling or grammatical error.

Or do you really like looking stupid?

King_Leopold_II ago


Doglegwarrior types better than you.

King_Leopold_II ago

i do simply so i wont go negative

All your shit should be locked simply because of this.

King_Leopold_II ago

because everything kevdude says about me is a lie

I'm capable of my own observations.

I actually think puttitout likes me a little bit.

Why would he? You ping him all the time with useless dribble, he even said the other day that you're at an 11, and to tone it down to a 6.

dont use my alts abusively

Yes you do. In that thread kevdude made about your "I will quit voat," you said you had to upvoat yourself because of the downvoats. That is an abuse of the system put in place. At the end of the day they're just internet points, but again, you're abusing the system.

I've said in the past that you, or one of your alts have made good/funny points. But the fact remains that you already upvoat yourself, so I will not. Furthermore I recognize your right to say what you will, but if you're an honest to goodness goat, it doesn't mean you have to flood shit with your ramblings.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Worst user is an understatement.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/askvoatanon comment by @16584963.

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SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/askvoatanon comment by @16584891.

Posted automatically (#22310) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

I'd rather not, but I'll take your word for it. He reminds me of sanegoat based on this thread alone. Same guy?

Inaminit ago

CognitiveDissident5 ago

And a degenerate alcoholic

Inaminit ago

Inaminit ago

Inaminit ago

Inaminit ago

Inaminit ago

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Do you have any proof that this is happening (in this case, the only proof you would be able to reasonably provide which would be satisfactory would be an admission by the perp)?

I don't doubt it really, but witch hunts just waste everyone's time, so I would rather not advocate admin intervention most of the time (especially when I'm out of the loop, like now apparently).

King_Leopold_II ago

Here you go, he admits to using alts, therefore abusing the system.

BentAxel ago

I hate this faggot shit. Fuck this nigger.

Sabino ago

Every other race other than blacks can be attractive with the added benefit of not looking like a worn out hag by 30.

Sabino ago

I'm not wrong tho. They lose their looks so quickly.

Sabino ago

White women age like dogs.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Is that against Voat rules? Admittedly, I haven't read them in a while, and I don't feel like doing so now.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Good lord, how much have you had to drink today?

ThisIsMyRealName ago

Why should he though?

draaaak ago

Deserves a little taste of his own medicine...

CognitiveDissident5 ago


SaveTheChiIdren ago

What's most important is knowing that we have each other.

Boy on boy, soy on soy.

SaveTheChiIdren ago

You need to find your phone to take moar pics of your sexy soy body to send me.

SaveTheChiIdren ago

Send me moar pics!

SaveTheChiIdren ago

Sorry @kevdude but you've got @Dial_Indicator all wrong.

@Dial_Indicator is all soy and as everyone knows, I go crazy for soyboys. He PMs me dick pics on occasion as well so I'd appreciate it if you'd lay off him because he's all mine

CognitiveDissident5 ago

He's all yours :-) Surprised he can get it up to send you a pic of his circumcised penis, since we know what effect alcohol has in that respect. Did you see the selfie it posted the other day?

TeddyJackson ago

Trannys started first wave feminism

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever submission by @King_Leopold_II.

Posted automatically (#22267) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Gabaras_rectum ago

You this fucked up after what I'm assuming is basically 48 hours without sleep? Are you drunk too?

TheBuddha ago

They work for me.

TheBuddha ago

I think so. Whenever he threatens to ruin me, I keep daring him to do so and telling him he hasn't got the balls.

I kinda like 'em.

Gabaras_rectum ago

What the fuck

King_Leopold_II ago

Why doesn't puttitout do something about his alts and upvoating himself? I know they just Internet points but is he not a using the system?

TheBuddha ago

I take a psych drug to sleep. They give me a monster dose of Seroquel.

TheBuddha ago

He will be under your protection within a month.

TheBuddha ago

I've seen this.

TheBuddha ago

"... as always."

That's what he does. You aren't used to it yet? He likes getting drunk and pissing people off. He will tucker eventually.

TheBuddha ago

I think you underestimate the iron fist's chi.

He can destroy you!

Gabaras_rectum ago

This is, without a doubt, the gayest shit I've ever seen. And I'm a faggot's asshole.

TheBuddha ago


Gabaras_rectum ago

No prob, homie.