14462618? ago

sbbh too big to fail, the spam too big to ban? @Owlchemy @Cynabuns @AOU @Dfens

14462700? ago

sbbh is a complete failure and turned out to be a bunch of paid shills who can't even properly meme.

14450076? ago

SBBH and it's many alt forums has recently been outed as CIA/CGHQ although the CIA expressly and publicly denies this is the case and they say it is actually a Swedish Intelligence Service (SIS) honeytrap op run by feminists commies to identify Alt Right Nazi sympathizers, only pretending to be a CIA front.

JDIF dedicates a full battalion of it's forces to monitoring and interfering with the ongoing activities of the site. This keeps them from doing more important work elsewhere.

14447488? ago


Someone's gonna be really disappointed by the lack of a mention in your newest sticky.

(Also, you missed a few.)

14447097? ago

We troll the trolls.

14481183? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/AnonTalk/2786587/14445977 I haven't figured it out yet. I'm waiting for someone to ELI5 the whole SBBH thing.

14462625? ago

they got into a spam war with Q cult, sbbh got its ass kicked

14447061? ago

This submission was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @WhiteRonin.

Posted automatically (#3730) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

14446928? ago

In 1990 SBBH was founded

14446623? ago

Lol! How can I run reddit down if I was never a registered user there?

Oh how my dick must reach great lengths!

Interesting how this post comes about after v/protectqrv gets flooded because a brand new sub bans users from the start. The only reason why some of us found was because those who got banned mentioned it!

Remember the democrat playbook. Blame others for what you do!

14445971? ago

Soapboxbanhammer is a shitposting joke sub. Almost every user on Voat has modded it. If you would like to mod it, PM @heygeorge.

The siteadmin, @PuttItOut is friends with many of the users on SBBH. There is a dedicated group of shills who attack the site, the admin, and anyone who contributes a lot of content. This thread is a concern troll and many of the responses are part of the attack.

14448593? ago

Unless your name is @Butthole_Empress

I have been trying ot mod there with this acct and all my alts but they keep catching me. Oh well maybe someday!

At least I can mod v/SoapBoxOpenBorders and v/SoapDoxBanHammer

14319933? ago

check out my sidebar in /v/realProtectVoat

They are a long known group of shills who have ways to manipulate the entire site, but they mostly rely on slander and mass spam and pings. click SRS


14445424? ago

arab jew fags fucking around voat? posting disinfo ? @MartinMarpul8 @Pluviou5 @matthew-- @Zerowolf @Beast-mode-freak Every fucking time ... soap box ban hammer, blending in!

14446653? ago

You just pick some names out of a hat ?

15867236? ago

What it seems like. Or maybe he/she/it is throwing some shit at a wall to see what sticks.

14319560? ago

/v/soapboxbanhammer is a trading ground for encrypted communications between various CIA cells.

14318532? ago

Since voat is a place of free speech we don't put up with any commies. SBBH is the hero of voat. We are tired of faggots being able to spread Aids everywhere unchecked. SBBH defends every Americans right to stand against degeneracy. Ask my friends @gabara and @jokersmild will tell you that you are a faggot to make sure that you ass reading queers don't gain a foothold here. SBBH is nothing like SRS.

14317695? ago

The are homosexual hebrew people of color.

14445528? ago

eventually voat will be lost to them, some people here are fakes, the report spammers and protect voat subs are also fake listening to voat they now say try ? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol , https://saidit.net . https://8ch.net/pol , https://gab.ai/topics https://www.minds.com/newsfeed , https://poal.co/ , https://phuks.co/ , steemit.com , medium.com, https://bitchute.com , https://real.video , some online channels wearechange mike riveros what really happened . dailywire Breitbart, dailycaller, zerohedge , blogspot . dailymotion https://notabug.io Allsides.com

14448643? ago


14445343? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/askvoatanon/2786427/14444772 You're both SBBH you can't fool me

14316370? ago

They were originally redditors from the subreddit r/shitredditsays who squatted on subs to control them. It eventually morphed into them posting shit and registering alts.

14319588? ago

Hi @freshmeat. How's that penis injury?

14448656? ago

Now instead of penis stuff I just find farms and eat out the farm animals asses, then I find some jews and eat their poop.

14319834? ago

Penis enlargement surgery. Went well.

14314588? ago

No one runs the default (system) subs. What the fuck are you even on?

14445322? ago

Some of the Alt-Right aka alt-kike subs turned out to be fake also Canada is lost, Constitution, Democrats, Chicago is lost, Gunsarecool etc

14319950? ago

he might mean high-trafficked subs. They mod a lot of the right--wing places when they are larping SJWs

14314106? ago

Having much trouble pulling that reddit cock out of your arse?

v/soapboxbanhammer you fucktard.

14445462? ago

getting banned by soap box is an honor @L3D @twick @Alwaysmakingprogress @Doglegwarrior the sub is beyond retarded

14445523? ago

Give me your name and I ban you. For your honor of course.

14313131? ago

Just some dain bramaged shortbus incest babies suffering from all the time holding their breath with big ole faggot nigger dicks down their throats. On the upside though they have really shiny hair from their high protein diet.

14445900? ago

altright here is mostly fake and protect voat and real protect voat does nothing about sbbh, @Troll @Fambida @kevdude they are the ADL of voat, run a sbbh spam brigade

14446353? ago

Lol, I've been promoted!

14312894? ago

Ayyy babby u wan sum fuk

14445568? ago

banning these guys @WhiteRonin @hangry @friendshipistragic @ilikeskittles dont tell heygeorge, diseased niggers

14312831? ago

They are basically the bullies of voat

14445287? ago

they are the troll, sodomite, pot smoking, harassing spammer sodom and gomorrah fag arab mafia of tel aviv living within voat, by 5 pm tel aviv time they all about 99% all log off. Some are jews while some are homosexual islamics and post from tehran, qatar, and islamabad. TopMindofReddit kike and kebab stoner faggots. None of the ragheads post on a friday, reportspammers and protectvoat does jack shit to protect voat from spam. Recently a dude named HeyGeorge fucked them up by turning their sub inside out @Crensch @freshmeat @9-11 @Cynabuns islam Ragheads never post fridays, Shabbat and Yom Kippur are observed for two days outside the land of Israel, and Rosh Hashanah ... one user AOU became blackpill defeatist, said voat will go full faggot, full shit reddit says, said voat is already lost upvotes and spammers. AOU says voat is lost to these fags and moved to another platform, he mostly encourages people to quit voat now

14445760? ago

@AOU is a black pilled anti-theist that hates America worse than any Jew. Check out the "poalcast" for a cringe.

14446123? ago

get a life @gabara

14446150? ago

You singlehandedly ran poal into the ground. A non-starter.

14446321? ago

This isn't aou dipshit.

14312816? ago

It's basically the Illuminati.

14445383? ago

14672149? ago

I didn't down vote. I never do that, even if it's well deserved.

14664309? ago

Same old...

14450796? ago

We are not permitted to use that word (starts with Illumin). I've had posts removed and been removed myself from groups. I've been banned in social media groups because of using that forbidden word. One of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is something like this: They will be free to say anything we permit and nothing else. In other words, no freedom of speech at all, only what's allowed.