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argosciv ago

Y'know what? This attempt at an earnest response kind of reminds me of a parrot:

A bunch of repetition, wing flapping (hand waving) and shitting all over the place.

But let's go over it point by point...

I'm actually inclined to agree with you now on the ES connection. There is also a dial connection, an rPV connection

And how long have I been pointing this out? Months to a year or more.

Didn't want to listen to my research then, but now, now that I and others point out the inconsistency and/or ignorance, now you agree? Is this like how you somehow didn't know what kind of shitbag hojuruku is?

Let's not play pretend here, Kev. You know there's another reason why I know that you should have understood the ES connection before this past couple of weeks -- it's not something to be discussed aloud, but you know why that is too.

and at this point a crensch connection because he is being assisted by the very people who attacked srayzie to begin with.

Really? This is the direction you want to take your response? You know that is absolute horseshit. Don't pretend you don't know what "playing both sides" looks like.

"But, #CrenschManBad! Subversives be attempting to malign, must be that they being truthful, #CrenschManBad!"

  1. Mods should evenly enforce clearly worded SUBMISSION guidelines to keep the sub on topic.
  2. Mods should ban users that have repeatedly broken rules in the sub (either auto ban, single warning, 3 strikes - whatever the sub agrees on).
  3. Mods should not delete comments for speech content.
  1. Mods are allowed to enforce rules on comments too. The rules functionality explicitly allows for this.
  2. Srayzie followed this to a tee, barring a few exceptions after she was poked and prodded by a proverbial army with a clear agenda being pushed by subversive, controlling interests who hide under a guise of "shitposting" and insulate themselves with those less-thinking individuals who join the bandwagon without question.
  3. This is about the only agreeable point. But it, still, does not mean that moderators/owners cannot apply their subverse rules to comments and take action they deem appropriate.

If I am not going after a small shitpost sub, it is mainly because in most cases it is fucking pointless. 9/10 times it is one or two people with like 5-6 alts each. Zyklon would create subs with 8-10 socks, delete a comment with one and cry to PV with another.

PV isn't "me".

I did not say for you to go after their sub(s), in fact I explicitly stated that you (in reference to v/ProtectVoat and yourself) have no right to engage in that with regard to non-system subverses.

The shitposters exploit the free speech environment because they want to provoke mods and users to where the users will accept "justified censorship". They want the slippery slope to start. Because they are playing the long game. Once that environment is there they get alts modded then they control the site. For me it's about all users. What can be done to the shitposters by a mod will eventually be done to everyone. Just like reddit.

See this is where you're twisting shit around to make your position and giving of free passes tenable.

They are not trying to provoke mods into getting their users to "accept "justified censorship"", the agenda is quite clear here. They themselves just seek to exert control and have subverses demolished in general or at least disband the moderation teams of said subverses.

Sometimes they do it for no particular reason, but looking at the targeting of pizzagate, GreatAwakening and QRV, well, anyone with open eyes can put together the common factors these subverses' concepts/themes share, notice the common links between those on the attack and discern the agenda and who is most likely the subversive controller type, and who is just jumping on the bandwagon -- except you, apparently. No, somehow you have great difficulty in keeping up -- even with the oodles of research myself and others have shared with you.

Who the fuck are you to hand out "assignments" when you, clearly, don't even fucking listen to anything that might be shared with you?

What is it with you and attempting to weaponize/scapegoat your mods in the wake of this shitstorm?

Is there some other reason you try to send people on these assignments? You're not just trying to get a feel for what others are putting together so you can get ahead of the narrative when suspicion shifts in your direction, are you?

Whatever you think of me personally the whole thrust of the attack has NOTHING to do with srayzie.

Correction, it has plenty to do with srayzie AND a host of other reasons. Are you seriously pretending that there hasn't been an overarching agenda against srayzie, @Vindicator, @Crensch, myself, other users, v/pizzagate, v/GreatAwakening and v/QRV? Are you that far isolated in your ivory tower and throne room? Or are you just playing dumb?

In fact crensch agrees with someone labeling the whole thing "chick drama" and then proceeds to explain that this is more about how the users shouldn't have a say in what mods do.

I disagree with anyone who tries to paint this as a matter of gender, I have not upvoted any comment which takes that approach (to my recollection) even if I agree with other statements in it. There's plenty of things that Crensch and I disagree on, but if you think you're going to make me suddenly dislike him or believe that he's being "assisted" by the malicious party...

From the comment you linked, this is what Crensch said:

The "chick drama" was nothing more than the sneeze that started the tempest on the other side of the world.

Y'see, Kev, there's a huge difference between Crensch's comments on the relevance/non-relevance of gender in this, versus what you're doing.

Crensch has his opinions, and has pointed out glaring, inescapable hypocrisy from the malicious party -- but he has not used it as a vector of attack to pile on to the smearing of srayzie being spearheaded by zyklon and co., unlike you. If you aren't with the malicious party and otherwise have a single shred of decency in you, you'll take a fucking step back and evaluate the bile you've spewed and the truths you've omitted and capitalized upon.

Crensch clearly thinks he is better than others. Great quality for someone with the power to delete opinions and ban users:

Are you implying that you and others haven't, at some point or time, behaved in exactly the same matter (hell, even I have, you gonna hang it over me?)? You're just latching on to it because he states it explicitly.

Do you really think this is going to sell your #CrenschManBad narrative? Crensch has indeed consistently destroyed many deserving users and you know it and have had no discernible problem with it until now -- now, Crensch is your new Bogeyman because he dared to challenge you/PV and dared to make a move which woke everyone up to how ridiculous this situation is getting.

Can the entirety of his actions be defended? Not necessarily, but the sum total of what he is doing is absolutely justified if it exposes the hypocrisy and hunger for power that has been festering away unchallenged around here for months going on years.

Also thinks the average Voat user is stupid

Did he say that? Or did he say that he is not the average bear and that "far more" users are stupid than he first thought? Nice conflation there, Kev.

But y'know what? Even if he were to explicitly state that the average Voat user is stupid, he would not be wrong.

Very weak sales pitch for #CrenschManBad, Kev.

Crensch was perfectly fine with the PV mission while it suited him.

And he has stated in no uncertain terms why he too has become disillusioned with it and instead went with his heart and principles when it became clear to him what PV has become, if not what it was the whole time.

But now that he is in charge of BOTH v/pizzagate and [v/greatawakening] he is moving to say "mods should have the right to censor discussion by deleting comments based on speech and banning users who have broken no posted rules because trolls and because DAE kevdude isn't a good person?"

Has he, in any way, said that or encouraged it? Stop with the spinning, Kev. It's laughable.

He fought others who had power, but now that he has it he wants to use it. And he wants to build a clique of mods that control the site.

Fucking KEK. You just described PV, SBBH and rPV. Not Crensch, v/GreatAwakening or v/pizzagate.

He used PV to overthrow the clique that was here 4 years ago and now he wants a new clique in its place with him in charge..

Riiiight. Yes, that must be why the modlist there is losing people who are becoming critical/suspicious of you. They actually want to overthrow it and seize power for themselves.

The ONLY thing in his way is PV.

Kek. No. PV isn't in his way. Even you aren't.

This is a power grab, pure and simple.

Mmmmm nice one, Kev. Speaking of power plays/grabs after I question the apparent power play by you, which you have not dissuaded by suspicion about.

Ask him whether he thinks there should be mods in the defaults with the authority to curate discussion.

How about you do it? I'm fairly confident that he has no intent or desire to see this place become reddit at all -- no matter how much you want to make it look like that's the case.

Just in time for 2020.

#MuhLogs! #CrenschManBad!


Imagine my shock when I saw that your attempt at an earnest response was a steaming pile of deflection...

SearchVoatBot ago

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Vindicator ago

This attempt at an earnest response kind of reminds me of a parrot: A bunch of repetition, wing flapping (hand waving) and shitting all over the place

That about sums it up!

Crensch ago

God damn, well said.

Dismember ago

@argosciv says:

How about you do it? I'm fairly confident that he has no intent or desire to see this place become reddit at all -- no matter how much you want to make it look like that's the case.

Do you think there should be mods in the defaults with the authority to curate discussion?

argosciv ago

Uh, no, kev said that.

Dismember ago

Ah, my bad messed it up, I'll edit. Either way @Crensch hasn't answered yet. I hope he does because I think there's a way forward in this and If I hear him say that, I'll take his word for it and then go from there.

argosciv ago

Ah, my bad messed it up, I'll edit.


I think there's a way forward in this

Yeah I want to believe that too, but so long as the smearing of srayzie and others continues, I don't see it.

With that in mind, I've had my say for the time being and although I'm going to remain suspicious of what's going on, I'm open to seeing things move toward a neutral, if not positive, direction.

Dismember ago

I'm not sure neutral will work but if the system subs aren't a target, then the solution might just be easier than everyone thinks.

Crensch ago

Would my answer change your mind about anything?

Dismember ago

My mind isn't set on anything so far regarding the relevant events here on Voat.