@argosciv highlights @kevdude's inconsistencies with his moderator witchhunts, and his dishonest deflection of argosciv's genuine complaints - OWNER OF PROTECTVOAT RESPONDING LIKE A JEW (voat.co)
submitted 5.7 years ago by Crensch
Crensch 5.7 years ago
@Vindicator @Argosciv @sandhog @cognitivedissident5 @Peaceseeker
argosciv 5.7 years ago
Mfw I step out to go to the shops for about and hour and come back to see my inbox has 'sploded:
Just a heads up, pings in submission titles do notify the user; no need for a follow up comment ping.
Apologies. Copy-pasted the relevant ones.
No worries. Certainly got my attention lol.
Crensch ago
@Vindicator @Argosciv @sandhog @cognitivedissident5 @Peaceseeker
argosciv ago
Mfw I step out to go to the shops for about and hour and come back to see my inbox has 'sploded:
Just a heads up, pings in submission titles do notify the user; no need for a follow up comment ping.
Crensch ago
Apologies. Copy-pasted the relevant ones.
argosciv ago
No worries. Certainly got my attention lol.