"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her" (hooktube.com)
submitted 5.7 years ago by argosciv
derram 5.7 years ago
https://invidio.us/watch?v=Z9irdrSZ9Ys :
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argosciv 5.7 years ago
In This Moment - Natural Born Sinner lyrics: https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/inthismoment/naturalbornsinner.html
Listen closely, to what I'm about to say I think I've heard just about enough of your hypocritical ways Don't try and stop me now Don't you make a sound You build yourself up oh so high just to tear me down I'm so tired of you telling me How to live and what I should not be And I'm so tired of you telling me What to do and what I don't believe I'm so over you telling me Why I should hate and only you can see And I'm so sick of you telling me That I will burn, I will not be free This is my song My red crusade What will I say? What will I do? Maybe it's fear that leads your rage Maybe you're me and I am you So go ahead and point your finger Tell me who to love is it him or her? ~
Listen closely, to what I'm about to say
I think I've heard just about enough of your hypocritical ways
Don't try and stop me now
Don't you make a sound
You build yourself up oh so high just to tear me down
I'm so tired of you telling me
How to live and what I should not be
And I'm so tired of you telling me
What to do and what I don't believe
I'm so over you telling me
Why I should hate and only you can see
And I'm so sick of you telling me
That I will burn, I will not be free
This is my song
My red crusade
What will I say?
What will I do?
Maybe it's fear that leads your rage
Maybe you're me and I am you
So go ahead and point your finger
Tell me who to love is it him or her?
derram ago
https://invidio.us/watch?v=Z9irdrSZ9Ys :
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argosciv ago
In This Moment - Natural Born Sinner lyrics: https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/inthismoment/naturalbornsinner.html