17418282? ago

We’ve been watching our team get bombed truck of peaced stabbed raped and on and on.score one for our team.

17419649? ago

It's possible he worked for CIA Masonics Kebabs and turned wacky, went crazy, shoots the mosque? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3099074 Lots of time with Arabs, Turks, Pakis Temple Church Fleet St river Thames

17421174? ago

It doesn’t really matter where he went. every single Aussie I’ve met travels a lot in their twenties also he was still Under 30 yrs so he still thinks he’s invincible.honestley I just feel like a guy got black pilled and lost hope.plus the a-ok picture c’mon it’s legit imho

17417048? ago

Sorry your panties are ruffled sally

17417217? ago

Your use of the quote for a title is triggering niggerfaggots. It's interesting to see how hated voat is on other social media LOL

17417467? ago

Bro, I can see cut up heads of innocent and a bit ignorant girls on this site.... Disgusting.. this site has the worst of humanity along with freedom of speech advocates. I can see this site eventually shutting down sadly.

17419688? ago

if the Nordic girls had read a few voat comments it could have saved their life

17417673? ago

God forbid anyone take the red or gasp even black pill! Life is so beautiful and everyone is lovey dovey, I can't wait to go hitchiking across Morocco and the middle east to prove those racists wrong!

17417875? ago

That be simply dumb. Help or speak to a neighbor for fucks sake.