17421289? ago

Interesting point made in a comment from this article at aanirfan.blogspot.com:

The alleged 'shooter manifesto' has some USA spelling, as a USA Yank or Israeli would use ... would not someone from Oz - NZ be using standard UK-type English?

17637853? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3118908/17633535 'You know I was around for SH and other events, I seen the crisis actors and the duping delight expressions that should never be people who have lost their loved ones. I didn't hear that with Chrischurch. I heard emotion, grief, and tremors in their voices, all makes me believe the event did happen. Real trauma happened to these people. Thats my 2 cents.'

17421268? ago

Interesting point made in a comment from this article at aanirfan.blogspot.com:

The alleged 'shooter manifesto' has some USA spelling, as a USA Yank or Israeli would use ... would not someone from Oz - NZ be using standard UK-type English?

17421257? ago

doesn't add up @GIIOST @Jabiluka @GizaDog @mrfetus https://voat.co/v/Conspiracy/3099466/17418207 'That's the 14 words and a futhark life rune. Tarrant is a white nationalist. Holy shit you are stupid.'

17421247? ago

Interesting point made in a comment from this article at aanirfan.blogspot.com:

The alleged 'shooter manifesto' has some USA spelling, as a USA Yank or Israeli would use ... would not someone from Oz - NZ be using standard UK-type English?

17419652? ago

This submission was linked from this v/anon comment by @17419649.

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17418340? ago

Whats with the Mason house? @SarMegahhikkitha @Conspirologist next to the River

17428671? ago

Lots of time with Turks, Bosnia, also with Pakis. How did he fund all that time overseas? ' https://www.voat.co/v/technology/3100168/17426958 Kek. This needs to become a case study in how governments censor the internet of people in other nations.

We should really sue the New Zealand government for this. '

17418206? ago

Can someone explain the time with Turkish, the Balkan trips, the Paki places @NeedleStack @LakotaPride ? @DirectPressure @Bumbalawski @klobos How is he overseas and hanging in jihad areas?

17431940? ago

Patriot, I suspect he is a DS BS FF puppet. they need to divide us now. as Q pointed out.

17618640? ago

New Zealand's Jewish Freemason Shooter Tarrant Brenton Admired Norwegian Freemason Shooter Anders Breivik Who Was Linked To Mossad By dacason https://voat.co/v/QRV/3117634

17619407? ago

Great dig Patriot, Thanks for posting, we have Adam Lanzas shrink in NZ, and allegedly he destroyed Adam Lanzas records before they were allowed to by law. things are starting to add up. and why Q stated Israel for last, because we are all dealing with the Deep state in all Countries.

17412973? ago

And now a Ministry of Troof Public Service Announcement:

False Flag = Staged event for effect, and people died Hoax = Staged event for effect, but people did not die.

We now take you back to your regularly scheduled "programming"

Enjoy the show. You are watching a movie. What makes a movie good? Great actors.

17412518? ago

won't work, and it was sloppy not well thought out as you think

17418044? ago

He was in Turkey a long time and North Korea and some jihad zone in Pakistan @carnold03 @Sw0rdofDamocles @Himfirst @Jimmycog glows in the dark or not? This Aussie who shoots Kiwi Mosque, why is he spending so much time with jihads?

17418364? ago

I suspect that event was staged for some nefarious purpose. The shooter's manifesto was illogical, rambling and nonsensical.

17412242? ago

I agree with many posts here. I watched this vid twice. It was a video game to me, and a bad one. A few things I noticed and repeats of posts here.

No bullet holes is walls, no glass broken at entrance, Save shooting through the vans windows.

Shoes on the worshippers.

I saw blood at the entrance after he left the building and returned inside.

The moaning I heard. As if the victims were silent.

Shooting the bodies up close after first round. No blood or blood splatter on clothes or walls. Only after about 12 minutes does the blood settle after death, so we're these victims were not maimed first? Did they pass out? Where's the screaming?

17411963? ago

Also, there's this: They are pushing for legislation that any photo, video or audio of "mass shootings" not be made available to the public:


a snippet:

TALLAHASSEE A Florida lawmaker wants to prevent the public from seeing photos and videos or listening to the audio of mass shootings like the one that happened in Parkland last year.

The reason for the measure, said Sen. Tom Lee, a Republican from Thonotosassa, is that such material can be turned into profit, exploiting the victims of the tragedy in the process, **or it can be used for more nefarious purposes. **

nefarious purposes? like looking for evidence of false flags? hmmmm.

17428713? ago

? https://www.voat.co/v/news/3100158/17427885 'This mosque was also linked to child grooming. Surprise surprise'

17428689? ago

time to shut it down!? https://www.voat.co/v/whatever/3100151/17425498 'I am infact thinking about getting some.of my proclamations put into giant granite rocks around my property I've already written them on paper and in beautiful ink. The rocks will last 250,000 years. And so will we.'

17411756? ago

I read that he has been on a 24/7 watch list for some time. The story is he mad an ass of money on bitcoin...payed for his travels and guns...visited Pakistan and Turkey...and the UK. Had some business at "85 Albert Embankment, Vauxhall, London" in 2017. Also observed at "Temple Church",...(that old church between Fleet St and the river Thames)

17416530? ago

@HRCisDONE @TrishaUK Freemason House, Temple Church Fleet St river Thames @shadow332 @NiggerVirus @Oh_Well_ian

17416838? ago

What exactly are you saying here? Why anon? -NiggerVirus

17417072? ago

Anders Behring Breivik. The Freemason photos ? whats going on with these guys

17417092? ago

What ? Lol

17418284? ago

and Nigga Viruses what does voat know of ... @dundundunnnnn @madmalloy Freemason House, Temple Church Fleet St river Thames @RampancyLambentRaven @GlobalSouth ? https://www.voat.co/v/Conspiracy/3097436/17396974 'READ THE MANIFESTO'

17419029? ago

I read it and I still don't know what the hell you are saying. Are you saying I had something to do with this shooting because that is insane. I hate these riddles and I'm not good at them so speak to me in plain English please. Is this a joke of some sort? Some kind of hazing for us new people?

17416219? ago

@Factfinder2 @Mad_As_Helll @letsdothis3 Another Masonic House, Temple Church Fleet St river Thames @PolishBot @flyingcuttlefish

17411783? ago

Thanks for the info.

17416394? ago

@Blacksmith21 @Madwack A Stone Mason House, Temple Church Fleet St river Thames @letsdothis3 @carmencita @ASolo

17420218? ago

what about that "85 Albert Embankment, Vauxhall, London" address...pulls up MI6 ...!?

17411702? ago

Definitely a lefty false flag,but unlike Parkland and Sandy Hook,people actually died.

17589098? ago

This comment was linked from this v/QRV comment by @17589093.

Posted automatically (#29837) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

17421477? ago

its complicated /u/TheBuddha @TheBuddha

17414936? ago

Nope. Fake.

17411884? ago

How many died though? Maybe I saw an edited version but the video I watched look staged af. No bullet holes in walls, no blood spatter, relatively quiet so no hysteria.

The biggest thing for me is when he walks into that back room at the end of the hallway, it looks like there are piles of “bodies” already there that don’t move at all as he riddled them with bullets. No movement, no shrieking, nobody trying to get away or protect anyone else. Nothing about it seemed at all realistic.

17416685? ago

God,I wish I never sought out that video. That damned last kill fucked me up. After leaving the mosque ,he's walking down the sidewalk,shoots a woman in a burqa (or however you spell it) from kind of far away,you hear her saying "help me.....help me",he walks up and shoots her in the back and head.Christ,I hope he gets tortured for life.You didn't see movement of the bodies in conjunction with the shooting? You can clearly see they're being hit. Especially when he keeps walking back and forth to the 2 main piles of bodies in the first room.Did you not see the woman in the street get killed? (tHE ONE HE EVENTUALLY RAN OVER WITH HIS CAR AT THE END) ooPS,,,CAPSLOCK,SORRY

17417123? ago

Tbh I did not see the woman on the street. Maybe it’s because I’m watching on my phone & cant see the fine details but the hallway was the only thing that looked like it could be real to me. My SO and a few friends who’ve seen it all said the same.

17417212? ago

Yeah,just giving you a heads-up. I've seen all kinds of killings/beheadings etc...That one I mentioned ruined me. Literally teared up and couldn't speak trying to explain it to someone.Hearing someone yelling for help.Fuck!!!

17420057? ago

You're lying like a dog on a rug. Literally teared up, hahahaha yeah sure faggot.

17436578? ago

Says the faggot that would get his ass beat on the street. Don't worry. You're safe at home behind your keyboard. XD

17413226? ago

The first video I saw sounds NOTHING like what other are describing. Cannot find it now. Fuckery afoot.

17417176? ago

You’re the second person to say that so it makes me really want to see the original for comparison.

17417313? ago

Was just talking about it with spouse Anon, and we think maybe they intentionally did that so the type people to jump on it first would sound stupid when a different video became more known. They are trying to gaslight us, or maybe were counting on a pridictable calling of bullshit, then did a switcheroo. Can anyone think of another explanation. No way anyone was shot in the footage I viewed. It was a 7and change minute video. Haven't seen the one folks are talking about now, but I know they say it's longer. Anyone have a still working link?

17411490? ago

Look arround - no (or very few) images of 50 corpses or blood. That kind of carnage would leave alot of nasty stuff behind. No - starting to look like another Sandy Hook Hoax.

17411566? ago

I did see blood in the video. I'm still not convinced that the shooting was 100%, but I'll have to look more at the video.

17413793? ago

You saw a little blood when he returned from getting another rifle. Not nearly as much as there should have been, and obviously the little blood could have been staged while the camera was absent.

17411488? ago

Don't forget the Parkland shooting "victims" recently visited that Mosque.

ok that was something I wasn't aware of.

17411731? ago

Just edited the post. Couldn't find it either. Thank you.

17411327? ago

It's obvious there is going to be a purposeful push to take down 8ch, Q's only method of comm.

17411416? ago

Agreed. With attacks on Voat and the chans, it seems free speech on the internet might cease to exist for a time.

17412570? ago

like we have free speech now on the internet besides a few mud puddles

17412060? ago

Q did say for us to archive offline.

17411260? ago

The post would be very instructive if it included links which back up even a few of its claims. Instead we are asked not to forget numerous things about which we were never informed.

17417971? ago

Real or Fake guys? @Sihsol @lollo9990 whats up with the news and censorship @Agrianian_Javelineer @MortonLoothorKodos @Lateknighttt ?? rabbit hole goes deep ... a little more to the story of an Aus dude in NZ ...

17427148? ago

He has a dark curly jewfro in a high school photo

17419000? ago

The rabbit hole doesn't go deep at all its just some retarded Qtard boomer LARPing on the internet

He had Cyrillic inscriptions and the Serbian shit on the rifles because of "Remove Kebab" meme so that's one of this retard's theories busted already.

t. agri

17419437? ago

the media says there is nothing deeper, there are no layers they say yet he is missing for what 6 + years of his life. A blonde looking Aussie dude white as snow in a foreign land, no job yet traveling around Turkey, India, Bosnia, hangs out with certain Arabs, Pakis, Iranians? Whats he doing in the Balkans, what is the Hotel in Pakistan? goes to NZ and shoots up a Mosque @Black_Phillip @herrhaller1990 @lanre @Bastionof_freespeech ... how was he funding these trips? Turkey btw released footage of him, mainstream news might talk of it tomorrow, if they are allowed

17424595? ago

um, you got a source for that sweaty?

17419583? ago

It seems like he made a fortune off bitcoin/e-currency and that funded his travels.

17411369? ago

You can verify/disprove each of the claims for yourself. Would love to hear what you find. Unfortunately I have not the time to spoonfeed you. Honestly wish I did though. Wish I had a platform and resources to speak freely. Have a blessed day.

17520928? ago

I don't have time to spoonfeed you

Translated: I made an assertion but I can't back it up. You prove me wrong

17520957? ago

it's all out there now. You can find the sources. Is there a particular claim you are suspicious of or can't find a source for?

17522072? ago

I don't necessarily disagree with your opinion. It's fine to have an opinion, of course.

But to respond to a challenge with "no u figure it out yourself!" is weak

17534078? ago

At least I made the post, faggot. I did what I could. Not gonna do everything for you, you weak fuck

17534289? ago

This is the level of discourse I expect from qtards. Well done!

17410917? ago

So Trump is covering it up eh? Why would he lie and do that if it's "false flag"???? God you people are fucking stupid!

17414441? ago

I dont think hes saying President Trump is covering it up. The deep state. This is right up their alley

17413454? ago

It would be an ongoing investigation.

Don't give away what you know.


17411793? ago

think it through

17411184? ago

Peace be with you.

17410785? ago

It's not even convincing.

No muzzle blast. No casings. No bullet holes. No structural damage. No smoke blast. Sand Niggers wearing shoes in their mosque. Complete bullshit.

17413571? ago

I watched it 3 times.

Didn't seem real to me.

17421142? ago

How many rounds in a magazine? Seems like he had about 40+ each. Do they make magazines with that many? And why did he pick up a spent one on the floor and insert it and get another 40+ out of it? Also, why did the windshield not even crack when he shot through it?

IMO, this is fake AF. A CGI video game. That technology does exist.

17412073? ago


False flag doesn’t mean people didn’t die. Idiots like you discredit our movement! Just like the 9/11 truthers who claim the planes were added in with computer graphics! Or claim that the world is flat and we are being lied to about the moon landing happening.

17418127? ago

Are fucking serious? Basically, you're saying you believe what you want to believe and we should all do the same.

Dumbest comment award goes to....... You!


17420043? ago

Basically not.

You’re very low IQ if you don’t see how things like that damage a movement. Ask Alex Jones. He’s great at it.

Now go play in traffic you fucking faggot.


17420421? ago

You’re very low IQ


Facts are facts, you sound like a liberal screaming "muhhh orange man bad" and "muhhh Russia!"

17411809? ago

hadn't noticed the shoes...good call

17413172? ago

Me neither. Anons are on it.

17411634? ago

If you didn't think it was real when he killed the woman on the street then you're retarded.What a fine job the special effects did moving the bodies in conjunction with the shots fired.Idiot.

17418602? ago

It was not real. As he exits the mosque you see the two people slowly trying to exit that gate, perfectly timed for dramatic effect, he fires at them, as he exits the mosque gates you will notice a white pickup van, directly behind it is another identical pickup van, this was a very big scene for their FF so they needed a test run during the live stream, you will notice the cone in the road is now also knocked over pointing backwards, as the white vechile passes he turns and looks behind him, just like he needs to do during the next run, the second vechile is still stationary in the middle of the road, it begins to move and instantly the arms of the body begin to move in a very robotic way until they join, either remote or pulled using string or something, but as the arms connect together he looks away as done in the test run and when he looks back the body has rolled over, look carefully and you will notice the arms are still attached to each other, the first shot he takes looks like it hits the head or back but strangely enough guess what explodes? Yes the connected arms... the blood too does not look real. The body was also perfectly placed for a dramatic exit so as he drives away he drives over the body. The body was also placed in line with the red vechile, if you watch from the beginning you will notice he always looks at the red vechile almost as if it's a sign of he must do next, at one point he pulls over to the side of the road and waits, a man walk past wearing??? Yes a red shirt with something flashing on it, after that he turns his weapons flashing light on an drives again, as you see red cars again he slows down as he is at the mosque, a man dressed in red again walks past where he needs to park the vechile. Once he enters the main room of the mosque you will notice before even firing in the direction of the left ,the dead man under the chairs with the grey shirt is already dead, in actual fact it looks like most of them are already dead with one or two actors running around, anyway once he leaves the mosque to go get the second gun once he returns the dead guy with the grey shirt is now under a different chair???? How did that happen? Also a few more things to look at.....

17436817? ago

Explain the woman on the street getting shot. (the one in the burqa saying "help me, help me", great effects, eh? You DO realize how tempered glass breaks? No? No.

17414922? ago

It's not.

17410823? ago

Interesting points, thx