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rwbj ago

So $5k a month. That works out to about $166 per day. Here's a really simple idea: for $10 you get to create a post up to 'x' words that's displayed on the sidebar and visible to every single person on Voat - for one hour. Self promotion, subverse promotion, rants, and amateurism in general obviously fully encouraged. Basically you're making a post that everybody will see. That's cheap enough that I think you'd have no trouble whatsoever filling it out and may even have to turn down people who want to buy up too many hours. A full month's booking works out to be $7,200 in revenue for Voat.

Keep it fun and simple. So no special rates relative to display time for instance. If somebody gets stuck at 4am (relative to voat primetime) sorry - buy another slot, it's only $10! And only display what time the ad will be shown once the person has paid. The touchy issue would be what's allowed content wise. The racist folk would line up from here until next year to be able to have a racist rant viewed by every single voater at $10/hour, so you'll have to make some decisions that are going to end up with people upset either way you go - but aside from that this seems like a simple and all but guaranteed way to keep Voat a truckin and even make a few bucks for you guys that started the show.

Gill6150 ago

by far my favorite here, I think if racist comments get up. They get taken down, with no refund. They lose out on their hour plus the 10 bucks.

frankenmine ago

Voat is dedicated to free speech. I think you are looking for safespace dot com.

Gill6150 ago

Racism should not fall under free speech.

frankenmine ago

Unfortunately for you, it does, and it will continue to for as long as we all live. Get used to it.

Gill6150 ago

I didn't mean that's what the first amendment says. That's my personal opinion. If you're okay with racism in any form, you are a terrible person. (Not saying you directly, just saying in general.)

frankenmine ago

You made a universal statement. That is more than personal opinion. It is a claim of fact and it is wrong.

You are against arguably the most fundamental human right there is, the right to free speech. You are a terrible person. Saying you directly.

Gill6150 ago

I made a statement about my opinion.

frankenmine ago

No, you didn't. Your statement is right up there. We can all see it. And you are still lying about it. Holy fuck, you're shameless.

Gill6150 ago

My statement does not say anything to suggest one way or another. No way for you to know my intent on the subject. I told you, then you call me a liar. I'm not sure what you mean.