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ilovepussy ago

The way I see it, Ads by Sub-verse is about the only way this can work long term.

  1. Donations - Sure, donations can bring some revenue, but it is not consistent, and is pretty much totally dependent on the community. Only a fraction will donate, and then only once or twice. Some will do reoccurring, but not enough IMHO.

  2. Sell stuff - I'd buy a T-Shirt, a mug, maybe even a bumper sticker, but beyond that, I'm not going to be buying stuff every month. Plus, running a store is a pain in the ass, and @Atko or @Puttitout probably do not have the time to devote to a store.

  3. General Advertising. Front page, maybe, but only if @Atko and @Puttitout are willing to filter the front page, and that's where that other site ended up having major issues. I'm sure many advertisers are not interested in having @hecho posts or the MH101 trolls next to their products.

So this leaves Ads by Sub-verse. Let the advertisers decide which sub-verses they are willing to place ads, and lets the chips fall where they may. I could see Vivid wanting to have ads on the NSFW subs, and HP or Dell wanting ads in Technology subs.

Just my 2 cents

crashtestgenius ago

I think making some t-shirts for a few specific subverses or monthly designs would help to keep people buying. If you look at what tek syndicate does, they have a t-shirt of the month, plus they come out with new designs fairly often. If these were created by the community, that would make it even better.