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SearchVoatBot ago

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B3bomber ago

Where is there free speech to go to?

toggafreggin ago

Your local church, hardware store, farmers market, gun range, grocery store...

B3bomber ago

Niggerville, niggers, don't have, definitely don't have, niggerville 2.

toggafreggin ago

Are your legs fuckin painted on boy? Get the fuck out of there! I hear Texas is nice.

B3bomber ago

Nerve damage, poor. That's why I'm not going to be among the fighting. I'm technically among the dying.

toggafreggin ago

That's what they told me 12 years ago. Naturopathic and Eastern medicine, Wim Hof method, and more gumption than is healthy, and I kick ass for a guy with spikes of bone stabbing into his brain stem and thyroid, blood pressure that makes nurses faint, blown out shoulders and knees, and a shitload of other old injuries that flare up everytime a cloud comes by.

Lack of money kind of poor is hard to fix without selling your soul. Lack of resources kind of poor is easy to fix by practicing gift economy. Share any excess of anything you have, even if it's just time, doing nice things for nice people, and you'll never have to worry about going without again.

B3bomber ago

All I have is knowledge.

A bonespur directly in my spine so I can relate to that. My blood pressure is the low kind that makes doctors pale along with a heart rate drops 50s and lower.

toggafreggin ago

Take a salt pill(possibly literally), pretend a tiger's chasing you, and walk it off.

They told me I'd be dead or paralyzed at any second, if I didn't get surgery, in 2010. I spent 6 years working when I could and recovering for days to months in between, and really started figuring out how to manage it over the last five years.

The book Mind Over Back Pain, by John Sarno didn't really apply to me because I can see the spurs in the imaging, and it definitely seemed like quackery, but when I got into archaeology and anthropology, I saw so many skeletons that were grossly disfigured by accidents and repetitive injury, but still lived long lives, despite the lack of healthcare and nutritional knowledge, that I made up my mind that I was either going to be fine, or go out with dignity trying, and from then on, I've been getting better and better.

Today, I lifted two 850 lb truck frame rails off the ground and onto sawhorses, and disassembled ten old school, rusty split rims. I might shit the couch and die at any second, but everyone can definitely say I went down swingin.

B3bomber ago

Heh. I did add more salt to my food after that. My nerve damage is my entire body (I figured out where that came from, it was caused by an external event and just happens to have degraded to the point it is noticeable). The doctors didn't really give me any kind of treatment or even mention surgery. I'm just supposed to die, without pain pills to top it off.

As for my heart, it really doesn't beat properly anymore. I can't fully feel the total damage because I've lost sensory and control functions to various degrees. If I overdo it, I know about it from the lovely sensation of going into shock and fighting to stay conscious.

I miss my workout.

toggafreggin ago

If you want to get better, I can't recommend the Wim Hof method enough. Just the breathing if the cold seems intolerable, but the cold is a big part of it.

If you do it religiously, and you want to get better, you will heal.

I can't get into all of the details and science here, but when my neck gets out of whack bad, and the inflammation gets bad enough that it gets stuck, I can have all night long seizures, arrythmia, heart stoppages for 5 minutes or more, uncontrollable dry heaving, incontinence.....litteral hell on Earth, and as long as I keep doing the breathing, I stay alive, pass out, the swelling goes down, I wake up, reset my atlas, take a few days to rest, and I'm back in the game.

B3bomber ago

I will look into that. Thanks.

toggafreggin ago

Best of luck with it.

B3bomber ago

It kinda sounds like how I breathe normally to an extent. There was a point when I lived at a higher elevation than where I am now.

toggafreggin ago

If you do it right, you'll see energy beings, in a good way.