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uvulectomy ago


2. If the "angel" defaulted on their contract, NAME AND SHAME THEM.

3. LET. THE. PEOPLE. DONATE. Seriously, bitcoin, dogecoin, etherium, money order, envelopes with cash, whatever. Allow the users to anonymously donate in order to keep this place running, because we need it now more than ever. Don't let the fucking kikes win.

@PuttItOut @Atko

anoncastillo ago

This is why we need a backup. A friend of mine created this sub on 9chan a few months ago just in case something like this happened:

RiverWind ago

9chan could be bought or censored just like Voat. We need a new protocol for a new platform, not a new website. The best solution I know is Aether:

anoncastillo ago

Windows says it's scary (which doesn't mean much). What's aether like?

RiverWind ago

I have used Aether well over a year without problem. It is actively developed and just had a big new release. The client is well designed. You ought to go into the settings and set some settings like whether you want to allow it to show you thumbnails and subscribe to some NSFW subs. The people are tech nerds. Launch the client and let it run. It takes a while to connect to the network, maybe a couple of minutes. Lots more lurkers than posters.

Aether is technically brilliant and just what the Voat community needs at this time. It is just a case of people becomning familiar with it, and you will only hear about it from Aether users, as it doesn't advertise. Aether is released under the GPL.

cantaloupe6 ago

What temporary site could be use presently?

RiverWind ago

Download and install the client and get going. This is by far the best solution.

The second best choice is probably


The Voat community will look at the options and make a choice. Hopefully it will be based on which is the best engineered solution and most likely to provide free speech for the long term and help the community survive. If those are the grounds used, then Aether is the best option. If the decision is based on "what is popular right now" or "am i familiar with it", then people will likely go elsewhere.