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fuckconservatives ago

does anyone know of a decent voat alternative?

CVT ago and are two that I'm aware of.

StopTheEvilAgenda ago

Ruqqus is becoming a bit too reddit-esque for its own good but still allows free speech generally speaking. Not sure about moderation on Poal but other than being a bit quiet and lacking a nice interface, it would seem like the natural choice for a migration from here.

YearoftheSear ago

Yeah I joined Ruqqus awhile back and now there is a lot of dumb drama, pranks on communities and bans apparently pretty regularly. It's definitely a lower quality site, with mostly memes and anime porn. Never heard of Poal until now.

Acerphoon ago

That's because the userbase isn't that big. With enough voat users, the community will become a voat family.