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fuckconservatives ago

does anyone know of a decent voat alternative?

CVT ago and are two that I'm aware of.

MarauderShields ago


AlwaysBWhitePositive ago

From Ruqqus

It isn't about right or left. It's about common decency among people. And Voatfags will put the leftists and right wingers of Ruqqus together against their filth. There's a reason we don't want that subhuman trash coming here. We don't want EVERY thread for EVERY possible topic in EVERY guild on the website to be spammed with how it's the Jews fault or something derogatory about black people.

HeavyBrain ago

Well too bad, we are the rapfugees now and they are Merkel.

kneo24 ago

I didn't just laugh, I cackled. That's too funny.

Firevine ago

What a bunch of jewniggers

Yogus ago


Francewhoa1905151045 ago

I Do NOT Trust

Why? Because:

  • Poal has weak security. Because its software code is not publicly published for both review and contributions.
  • It is too risky that Poal value money above people. Because Poal is own by a for-profit organization Phuks LLC.
  • The above means that Poal has weaker privacy and weaker free speech than Gab

My review of poal at

Feel really free to use Poal is it matches your present needs. Thanks but NO thank you for me.

Gab Groups As An Alternative To Voat


TheBuddha ago

Please tell your Qtard buddies that. Let them all know that Poal is horrible and not to be trusted, thanks!

MrPim ago

Be aware that Ruqqus is hosted on AWS. So far that hasn't seemed to affect any of the free speech. I wouldn't count on that lasting though

StopTheEvilAgenda ago

Ruqqus is becoming a bit too reddit-esque for its own good but still allows free speech generally speaking. Not sure about moderation on Poal but other than being a bit quiet and lacking a nice interface, it would seem like the natural choice for a migration from here.

YearoftheSear ago

Yeah I joined Ruqqus awhile back and now there is a lot of dumb drama, pranks on communities and bans apparently pretty regularly. It's definitely a lower quality site, with mostly memes and anime porn. Never heard of Poal until now.

Acerphoon ago

That's because the userbase isn't that big. With enough voat users, the community will become a voat family.