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6_US_Code_181 ago

8 Chan Is also being hit as well

Tallest_Skil ago


Establishing legitimacy

Let’s talk about statistics. Let’s talk about the concept itself. Q-level clearance exists within the Department of Energy. What the fuck does that have to do with anything regarding the court system? What the fuck does that have to do with anything Q-LARP has claimed it knows? Look at the number of people who have Q-level clearance. All none of them. What’s the likelihood that any of them are committing an executable offense by posting on a fucking imageboard? Look at the posts. Why don’t they say anything? Someone that important–if it actually has knowledge he wants to disseminate–is also not going to type cryptic bullshit. It’s also not going to ask questions that it doesn’t answer. The sum total of Q-LARP is an exercise in postdiction. Everything it has said is too vague to actually mean anything. It never says anything of any value or specificity. A combination of pareidolia, confirmation bias, and apophenia does the rest. PEOPLE ARE LOST. THEY ARE BROKEN. THEY FEEL WORTHLESS AND WEAK AND POWERLESS. WHAT BETTER WAY TO PREY ON THEM THAN TO CONTROL THE OPPOSITION? They won’t fucking question you if you can trick them this way.

Establishing trustworthiness

Someone that important is, statistically, owned by jews. It’s just that simple. In fact, Q-LARP is entirely owned by jews. It admits it. It openly admits to being civic nationalist. It doesn’t support a restoration of the US or Europe to being white-only nations. It doesn’t support deportation of nonwhites. Since the first week, it has called for protection of nonwhites, from the whites who would see them deported/killed. It openly calls for regime change in Iran for the sole purpose of fulfilling the Oded Yinon Plan. Q-LARP has publicly stated it has no intention of removing jews from the West or punishing jews collectively.

Establishing realism

What purpose is served by leaking the proceedings of nationwide martial law and the arrest of three quarters of the US government… eight months early? Why is that helpful to anyone except the people toward whom it is supposedly directed? Oh, and why has it taken so long? 8 months of waiting is 8 months to prepare. You realize that even the group that Q-LARP talks about is one of the highest flight risks on earth, right? Why would anyone want to give them time to escape? How does that help us? It doesn’t. It helps THEM. It helps them so much that it hurts us. This is on purpose. Q-LARP exists to create an Orwellian narrative about “the bad people being arrested”, so that when all the good people are arrested they will say that good people are bad people, and the stupid Q-LARPing masses will simply believe it and help commit their own genocide. We’ve already seen this for 70 years. Why do you think it isn’t continuing?

Why would someone ostensibly leaking the proceedings not actually leak any information? Why would someone who claims to be on our side not give us a playbook for how to operate during the event? Why isn’t it telling us how to become leaders of our community to calm the terrified millions around us–who will inevitably exist once the media starts reporting on the “Trump coup”, or when they see their favorite media reporters arrested by the military live on air? Why is Q-LARP a civic nationalist? How does that help America? How is Trump is magically insulated during what will be painted internationally as a soft coup? Why would the apparatus allow him to engage in this coup to the extent that he would actually be protected? Why does the coup–by Q-LARP’s own admission–not cover the actual PROBLEMS facing this country? Everything Q-LARP has said points to the action as being “Part A of the ZOG wants to get rid of Part B of the ZOG.”

Establishing results

If there is something, why is nothing Q-LARP said would happen happening? Where’s the Emergency Broadcast System announcement? Where’s Trump using Obama’s emergency television override to speak to the people? Where’s the martial law? Where are the riots it talked about? Antifa couldn’t even get off their asses for a completely unrelated outing. Where’s the Huma arrest? Where are the Podesta arrests? They were supposed to be in custody by now; no one has any information on that beyond your continued shilling campaign.

Establishing psychology

Already touched on this at the end of the first section. So Q-LARP’s going to arrest most of the US government, right? All the bad people going away. And what’s this? It says that WE won’t have to grab our guns and help out? Why, that’s exactly what we would want! Happy day! All of our dreams are coming true, and we didn’t even have to put in an ounce of work ourselves! Hooray! It’s over! We’re saved! Don’t ever question the validity of these claims! Just spend MONTHS ignoring everything else that is ACTUALLY happening in the news, never mind your own wildly successful campaign of “It’s okay to be white.” Because nothing ever came from YOU doing an honest day’s work!


Explain your reason for believing otherwise.

Establishing inconsistencies

  • If, as Q-LARP says, there are more patriots than traitors in the government, why did they let the last 70 years happen?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, Obama went to North Korea, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, the CIA/alphabet agencies were responsible for the 11 minute Twitter takedown of POTUS account, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, elections no longer matter, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, martial law is inbound, where is the evidence?
  • If, as Q-LARP says, mass arrests of the government are inbound, where is the evidence?

Shagnasty68 ago

Jews putting muslims in power, sure

Tallest_Skil ago

Who the fuck do you think opened the gates of Constantinople? Who the fuck do you think let the dune coons flood over the Iberian peninsula? WHY THE FUCK DO YOU THINK WHEN THE SPANIARDS RECONQUERED SPAIN, THEY HELD AN INQUISITION INTO THE RESPONSIBILITY THAT TARGETED JEWS?! Who the fuck do you think the mussulmen employed as their foreign ambassadors? WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK IS RESPONSIBLE FOR BRINGING ALL THE NIGGERS AND DUNE COONS TO EUROPE?! Or are you going to parrot to me the jewish lie that “We totally hate the Muslims, goyim! They want to turn us into another shoah!”

Islam is the sword of Jewry.

Shagnasty68 ago

Good point

Sudanon ago

Great arguements all.

Consider this:

  • if I was going to undertake mass arrests of traitorous top officials in major agencies such as the DoJ, FBI, CIA etc - plus if I was going to arrest dozens or even hundreds of traitor politicians, including a traitor former president and a traitor former presidential candidate...and, if the Main Stream Media was utterly owned by the Traitor Cabal - I would want tens of millions of people at least, prepped to understand and be ready for what was coming, lest the Traitor Cabal Former Main Stream Media freak out the population by declaring that Trump is staging a dictatorial coup

  • we have already seen the hard evidence that the alphabet agencies are systemically, traitorously corrupt and that this systemic traitorous corruption pervades the very top levels of these agencies. These corrupt traitor agencies attempt to steal an election and overthrow a duly elected president

  • so what do you do?

  • you build an uncompromised Media pipeline to The People

  • you use the mystery techniques of the secret societies to make the pipe stand out and alluring

  • you introduce layered allegory to keep things interesting but also to provide for : plausible deniability, a cryptic map of the future, the Traitor Cabal guessing, and, as a means of injecting disinformation when necessary

  • then you use your little public 'secret society' to witness in their millions, the crimes of the Traitor Cabal alphabet agencies and Traitor Cabal Media and Traitor Cabal politicians

...and so on

Shagnasty68 ago

Well said, best response yet

Tallest_Skil ago

An actual response. Bravo.

  • if I was going to undertake mass arrests of traitorous top officials

I would want tens of millions of people at least, prepped to understand and be ready for what was coming

  • you build an uncompromised Media pipeline to The People

  • you introduce layered allegory to keep things interesting but also to provide for : plausible deniability

  • then you use your little public 'secret society' to witness in their millions, the crimes

This is fine. This is the entire premise of Q-LARP, and the public claims of what it’s doing. Imagine, if you will, now, the jewish mindset. Consider this:

  • if I was going to undertake mass arrests of [WHITE NATIONALISTS] in major agencies such as the DoJ, FBI, CIA etc - plus if I was going to arrest [TENS OF MILLIONS] of [CONSTITUTIONALISTS]...and, if [ALL THE GUNS IN THE COUNTRY WERE] utterly owned by the [AFOREMENTIONED PEOPLE] - I would want [THOSE] people at least, [TRICKED INTO NOT KNOWING] what was coming, lest the [AFOREMENTIONED PEOPLE] freak out the population by [GRABBING GUNS AND KILLING US ALL FOR WHAT WE’RE ABOUT TO DO TO THEM].

  • so what do you do?



  • you introduce layered allegory to [HIDE YOUR TRUE INTENTIONS] but also to provide for : [KEEPING THE AFOREMENTIONED PEOPLE FROM CATCHING ON TO YOUR TRUE PLANS], and, as a means of injecting disinformation [TO DISCREDIT ANYONE WHO GETS WISE TO YOU]
  • then you use your little public 'secret society' to witness in their millions, the [FABRICATED] crimes of the [WHITE NATIONALISTS] and [CONSTITUTIONALISTS]

And so on.

  • we have already seen the hard evidence that the alphabet agencies are systemically, traitorously corrupt and that this systemic traitorous corruption pervades the very top levels of these agencies.

So why do Q-LARPers pretend they are not? Because that’s the claim.

These corrupt traitor agencies attempt to steal an election and overthrow a duly elected president

They’ve stolen every election since the 1960s. They always get their puppet in charge.

Sudanon ago

Your points are spot on.

One cannot argue out of your assertions.

Many arguements can be countered by equally valid arguments.

The way out of this logical impasse, the way to cut the Gordian Knot of spaghetti logic, is via experimental testing.

Testing shows us which abstractions have the best ability to accurately predict (not explain - any idiot can explain anything in retrospect) real world events.

So Trump will be judged by his results as to whether he is a Globalist Plant or The Real Thing.

To date, in my mind he has been doing just great, shutting down traitorous trade agreements, closing borders, bringing back manufacturing, cutting insane regulation, cracking down on PC insanity in the High Court and the 'Sanctuary Cities' and the like


Time will tell.

taIIest_skiI ago

Nice to see most people downvoting your bullshit! Stupid bot. You will be decommissioned.

CaucasianWhiteBoy ago

You clearly don't know what you're talking about.

Tallest_Skil ago

Yep, thanks for proving me right.

“We’re saving Israel for last” means “Israel will be the last nation on Earth. All others will be destroyed and replaced with the communist United Nations, headquartered in Jerusalem.”


Why do you faggots want to pretend there’s “esoteric” metaphors in EVERY SINGLE THING that Q-LARP says and yet try to SHILL to white nationalists that it’s being “literal” with THIS STATEMENT and ONLY this statement?

CaucasianWhiteBoy ago

"Why do you faggots want to pretend there’s “esoteric” metaphors in EVERY SINGLE THING that Q-LARP says". ""We’re saving Israel for last” means Israel will be the last nation on Earth. All others will be destroyed and replaced with the communist United Nations, headquartered in Jerusalem."

Do you even listen to yourself?


I'm not claiming to know what it means but you claimed that he's never spoken about Jews or Israel. Clearly he has.

You can't single out an entire population just because of the teachings of the Talmud (I agree this is an evil and bastardized understanding of Judaism which stems from old Babylonian teachings) or because some group of racist idiots instigated a Zionist movement which displaced and killed millions of people as well as tricked many Christians into defending it. Most "Jews" are atheist. I don't think they are in on it.

Tallest_Skil ago

Do you even listen to yourself?


I'm not claiming to know what it means

You literally exactly are. You used it as “evidence” that I was “wrong” about my statements regarding ✡Q-LARP’s✡ loyalties.

Clearly he has.

Only positively. Are you ready to die for Israel in Iran after the midterms, goy? We may well be at war with them in early 2020. Gotta get Trump ✡reelected✡, after all!

You can't single out an entire population just because of the teachings of the Talmud


You’ve done it. You’ve exposed yourself. Everything you have to say on ANY matter of importance is now invalidated. You fundamentally do not understand what judaism even is, who the jews are, and what they believe/how they behave.

I agree this is an evil and bastardized understanding of Judaism

It IS judaism. It is ALL that judaism is. The Talmud IS jews. It is their every being.

Most "Jews" are atheist.

That’s called lying.

I don't think

Not relevant.

they are in on it.

They just ✡happen✡ to behave identically to the zionists and it’s pure ✡coincidence✡ that they work toward the same goals and never speak out against the actions of their brethren, of course.

CaucasianWhiteBoy ago

Kill. Yourself. Immediately.

Please go take your meds. You're unhinged.


The Talmud is not equivalent to Jews. Before the Talmud was the Torah. The Old Testament in the Christian Bible is what the Jews refer to as the Torah. The only difference is in what order they are comprised in.

Again, you clearly don't know what you're talking about. You're either a paid shill or a paranoid schizo who's bought into lies.

Tallest_Skil ago

The Talmud is not equivalent to Jews.

Thanks for admitting you know absolutely nothing whatsoever about jews. Fuck off and kill yourself, paid shill.

Before the Talmud was the Torah.

Jews do not believe in the Torah.

The Old Testament in the Christian Bible is what the Jews refer to as the Torah.

No, you don’t even fucking know what the Torah is.

The only difference is in what order they are comprised in.


Again, you clearly don't know what you're talking about. You're either a paid shill or a paranoid schizo who's bought into lies.


CaucasianWhiteBoy ago

You’re so wrong. So so wrong.

I hope you pull your head out of your ass soon. You must be losing a lot of brain cells breathing in your own shit all the time.

Tallest_Skil ago

you’re wrong i say so I win

You were proven wrong already. You’re a paid jewish shill. There are no good jews. Period. They do not exist.

CaucasianWhiteBoy ago

You were proven wrong already.

I feel sorry for people like you. Too angry to even think straight. Too insecure to have a reasonable dialogue.

There are no good jews. Period. They do not exist.

There are no good white nationalists. Period. They do not exist. See how stupid you sound?

Tallest_Skil ago

I feel sorry for people like you.


Too angry to even think straight.

And yet you can’t refute anything I said.

Too insecure to have a reasonable dialogue.

And yet you refuse to say anything on the topic whatsoever, choosing instead to libel your opponent instead of prove your own claims.

See how stupid you sound?

No, because your strawman has absolutely nothing to do with my statement and is objectively wrong. Now watch me simultaneously mock you and disprove your own claim:


Go suck Q-cock back on Reddit, you paid jewish shill.

CaucasianWhiteBoy ago

I've literally never been apart of Reddit. NEVER.

Libel? You have called me a Jewish Shill, a sub-human Christ killer, and a lover of rapists. You are a liar and reckless idiot. You call me the shill and yet you project all your faults onto me. Anyone in their right mind reading this can see right through you.

You claim that the Torah is not equivalent to the Christian Old Testament. A foolish response and a flat out lie. You either have no clue of which you speak or you are intentionally lying. None of which is surprising to me. I am a Christian. I have read the entire Bible. I know exactly what is says and what it teaches. I know exactly where it derives from which IS the Torah. The fact that you deny that and call me a sub-human Christ killer is contemptible.

I threw your own words back at you. If I threw out a straw man argument then you did too which is exactly the point I was making. Again, you're too angry to think straight, too insecure to engage in reasonable dialogue.

I have refuted everything you have said. You yell, kick, and scream like a childish leftist. UNHINGED.

You demand evidence and yet you provide NOTHING of substance. You have 0 evidence for any claim you have made on this thread.

I do this for free. It's fun watching people like you try so hard. Keep replying your nonsensical BS. You only make yourself look more and more stupid.

Tallest_Skil ago

I've literally never been apart of Reddit. NEVER.

Oh, you’ll love it. No arguments, no facts, people call each other names rather than substantiate their own claims; it’s perfect for you.

Libel? You have called me a Jewish Shill, a sub-human Christ killer, and a lover of rapists.

You are all those things.

You are a liar

Yeah? You’re a Q-LARPer. You’re all those things.

You call me the shill and yet you project all your faults onto me.


Anyone in their right mind reading this can see right through you.

Sure they can. Hey, by the way, how about proving wrong a single word I said about Q-LARP?

You claim that the Torah is not equivalent to the Christian Old Testament. A foolish response and a flat out lie.

For fuck’s sake, Q-LARPer.

5 books of the Torah

It’s not that hard.

I am a Christian.

Then you’re not a Q-LARPer.

I know exactly what is says and what it teaches.

And if you believe it, you’re not a Q-LARPer.

I threw your own words back at you.

You failed at it.

If I threw out a straw man argument then you did too

Nope, you were shown how you were wrong.

Again, you're too angry to think straight

No, the scariest thing for you is that I’m fucking livid and yet still thinking straighter than you.

Imagine what I could think up if I didn’t have to look you faggots in the face every goddamn day.

I have refuted everything you have said.


You yell, kick, and scream like a childish leftist. UNHINGED.

Said the Q-LARPer, screaming impotently that his god has been unmasked.

You demand evidence

Yep, it’s your claim.

and yet you provide NOTHING of substance.

I don’t have to. That which is presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. YOUR GOD IS A PROVEN HOAX. NOTHING IT HAS SAID HAS HAPPENED.

You have 0 evidence for any claim you have made on this thread.

Already proven wrong.

I do this for free.

That’s proof you’re paid.

Keep replying your nonsensical BS.

Reminder that you’ve yet to answer a single question of mine.

SnapAwake ago

I like that you can copy paste. I saw this rant on the QVR board albeit anonymously some days back. Concernfagging to the Max. Good to meet your name too now.

Tallest_Skil ago

Your post would probably be more meaningful if “concernfagging” was a word that made any sense, and if you had an actual argument.

BelleDJour ago

STFU shrill shill

Tallest_Skil ago

Not an argument. Thanks for admitting that everything Q-LARP said is proven to be false.

singlebrain1 ago

Definitely over the target. The shrill is strong with this one.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that Q-LARP was proven to be a hoax exactly a year ago and that you’re shilling for white genocide and continued jewish control of Western nations.

BreederBasher ago

Goyism is treason against God. Get gassed, cracker.

Tallest_Skil ago

Oh, it’s this queer! What does it say about the site ownership that they allow literal paid shill accounts to spam the website?

BreederBasher ago

The word is GAY, you worthless fucking breeder. You worthless cracker breeder goy vermin keep proving once and for all that Hitler killed the wrong people. If Hitler had been gay, black, and Jewish and destroyed everyone who wasn't, then he would have been 1,000% justified.

Tallest_Skil ago

Sorry, butt-blaster, you’d better hope that your GRIDS kill you before we get our (biohazard level 4-suited) hands on you, or you’re going to wish that they had.

BreederBasher ago

I sincerely hope you get raped and I hope your rapist kills you if you refuse him.

Tallest_Skil ago

No one believes a word you say, you disease-riddled childfucker.

BreederBasher ago

You sure are obsessed with child abuse. Probably because you jerk off to little girls, you sick breeder fuck. Your Holocaust is imminent.

Tallest_Skil ago

I’m moderately interested in exterminating all faggots, at least. Tick tock.

fuckmyreddit ago

Would you post a 1000 word bullet-point refutation if we were saying that trees are making the sky turn blue by releasing liquid pig shit through their root systems? Would you spend hours giving us facts if we said rocks were talking to us and that's how we know the tree conspiracy is true? You're a moron. If you thought we were saying crazy shit you'd just laugh and post a link on twitter to let your friends have a big yuk yuk. As Q says THINK LOGICALLY.

Tallest_Skil ago

trees are making the sky turn blue by releasing liquid pig shit through their root systems?

rocks were talking to us

No, because that’s well poisoning and guilt by association propaganda. Your entire premise is faulty. “If faggots really WERE mentally ill, disease-riddled child rapists, you wouldn’t need to disprove the jewish narrative on faggots!” is your “argument” here. What kind of fucking “logic” is that? If someone doesn’t know something, they’re not going to learn it until they’re told. IF THEY’RE BRAINWASHED ABOUT SOMETHING, THEY’RE NOT GOING TO KNOW THEY’RE BRAINWASHED UNTIL THEY’RE TOLD.

You're a moron.

And yet you’re still incapable of proving a single one of your claims or disproving any of my statements.

If you thought we were saying crazy shit you'd just laugh

Or, you know, try to save the tens of thousands of people who you’ve roped into cheering for their own fucking genocide from the fate you deign for them.



fuckmyreddit ago

Well, I think it's very easy to say that Trump DID use the new Emergency Broadcast System, so you might want to delete that from your term paper.

Also, it's a little weird that you've included every single quote I've ever seen on Voat that has criticized Q. It's funny how you've tried to take unrelated copy/pasta and try to make it look like a single coherent article.

Did you plagiarize your way through college?

Tallest_Skil ago

Well, I think it's very easy to say that Trump DID use the new Emergency Broadcast System, so you might want to delete that from your term paper.

  1. That you have ADHD is not my problem. That you cannot read 5 minutes worth of text is not my problem.
  2. Read the fucking text, you illiterate faggot. That’s not what was said.

It's funny how you've taken unrelated copy/pasta and have tried to make it look like a single coherent argument.

[citation needed]

You realize I wrote this, right? I wrote it all at once, and as a singular post. That you’re incapable of refuting


of it is your problem, not mine.

Did you plagiarize your way through college?

Only as often as you beat your wife.

magavoices ago

From your very first premise you're off. Q never said he had Q level clearance or worked at the department of energy.

But there has been a "top secret Q group" at the NSA chasing after Snowden as far back as 2013:

There's been a "top secret Q group" at the NSA chasing down info on 9/11 at least as early as 2009:

So yeah, fuck off with your disinformation.

Rotteuxx ago

You claims on Q groups hold as much water as his insinuation that's it's department of energy related.

Fuck off with your disinformation.

How about you cite a passage from his top comment and prove it wrong with facts & logic ?

Tallest_Skil ago

never said


top secret Q group

And you somehow think that the FUCKING ✡NSA✡ is going to be on the side of the American people after having been ILLEGALLY CREATED TO SUBVERT THEM, do you?

Fuck off with YOUR disinformation, Qcumber. Your god is a proven hoax. The ZOG will not arrest the ZOG.

magavoices ago

Whats your deal, unhinged brah?

I think flat earth is BS. But you don't see me writing a book trying to debunk it or wasting hours on their forums debating them or SHOUTING AT ANYONE LIKE I HAVEN'T TAKEN MY MEDS.

Or maybe it's just that the democrat mentality is to do violence and hunt down anyone with their definition of "wrongthink" to hound them, bully them, get violent until they're in submission.

All this for a LARP? All this for a LARP? All this for a LARP? All this for a LARP? All this for a LARP? All this for a LARP? All this for a LARP? All this for a LARP? All this for a LARP? All this for a LARP? All this for a LARP? All this for a LARP? All this for a LARP? All this for a LARP? All this for a LARP? All this for a LARP? All this for a LARP? All this for a LARP? All this for a LARP? All this for a LARP? All this for a LARP? All this for a LARP? All this for a LARP? All this for a LARP? All this for a LARP? All this for a LARP? All this for a LARP?

Tallest_Skil ago

what’s your deal

Kill yourself for supporting white genocide. Kill yourself for supporting treason against the US. Kill yourself for being a jewish puppet. I don’t take kindly to paid shills marching my people to their own deaths.

I am too mentally defective to support my own claims

I am too mentally defective to refute your statements

this is your fault not mine

by proving me wrong, you prove me right

This is how mentally defective you actually are. Q-LARP is a proven hoax and jew paid shill. This was proven an entire year ago. You have nothing. You are nothing.

magavoices ago

So you're an NPC. Here, I'll prove it.

What's your plan for resolving any of the BS you claim as fact?

Your appropriate response is apathy, because you're fucked up your little dunghole with no lube. If Trump isn't here to save you, your appropriate response is to slit your wrists.

Every day 100k+ people are checking out even though Q hasn't posted in weeks. Did you think your little rant above is anything more than pissing into a hurricane and getting it splashed back in your face?

You, by your own definition, have no hope. You prance around like a little dread fairy spreading your fear and hopelessness around, praying and hoping to God almighty that others can have no hope just like you have none.

By your own definition, by your own claims of truth, when can we expect your suicide, oh hopeless one?

Because you have no plan of resolving all the BS you claim as fact.

Tallest_Skil ago

What's your plan for resolving any of the BS you claim as fact?

Grab guns, march on capitals, demand deposition and submission for prosecution or else execution for treason. You know, like everyone in human history has done when they wanted to take their country back from tyrants. Where are your answers to any of the questions I asked about your god?

Your appropriate response is apathy

No, apathy is not the appropriate response. Where are your answers to any of the questions I asked about your god?

If Trump isn't here to save you, your appropriate response is to slit your wrists.

I’m not a Q-LARPer; this isn’t my ideology. Where are your answers to any of the questions I asked about your god?

Every day 100k+ people are checking out even though Q hasn't posted in weeks.

… citation on that hit number, please. I’d love an analytics source.

Did you think your little rant above is anything more than pissing into a hurricane and getting it splashed back in your face?

Yeah, it proves every single thing your god has said is a hoax, and not a single one of you paid shills–with all your power and a year of spam to your name–has been able to refute it. Where are your answers to any of the questions I asked about your god?

So why can’t you refute what it says? Where are the arrests? Where is anything Q-LARP said was going to happen? When Trump leaves in 2020 or 2024, will you commit suicide since nothing happened? Where are your answers to any of the questions I asked about your god?

You, by your own definition, have no hope.

No, my definition is not your jewish false dichotomy. Where are your answers to any of the questions I asked about your god?

You prance around like a little dread fairy spreading your fear and hopelessness around, praying and hoping to God almighty that others can have no hope just like you have none.

Project harder. Where are your answers to any of the questions I asked about your god?

By your own definition, by your own claims of truth, when can we expect your suicide, oh hopeless one?

That’s my line. I literally just used it. Where are your answers to any of the questions I asked about your god?

Because you have no plan of resolving all the BS you claim as fact.

Where are your answers to any of the questions I asked about your god? Why can you not refute anything I said, if it’s actually BS?

Shagnasty68 ago

You're owning these guys, that xant fight back, just insults

magavoices ago

Grab guns, march on capitals, demand deposition and submission for prosecution

You have a subset of the American public that is pro-gun conservative.

Within that subset, there are Americans who are anti-Trump. They used to be called nevertrumpers. They barely exist anymore. Let's call them 1% of the previous subgroup.

Within that subgroup, there's another subgroup that think Trump should be taken out by force. That's the subgroup you're in. It consists of 1 person.

Take note that that one person, on their way toward doing what they claim they want to do, will be gunned down not only by the most advanced SS in the world, but by every other conservative who knows of the plot on their way.

How you going to grow your group to 2, idiot? Without being locked up in jail for subverting the government? That is why apathy is your appropriate response to your stated positions.

I say "stated positions" because they're not your real positions. You're not really going to pick up a gun and go overthrow Trump. You're just a retarded concern troll, whose job it is to weaken the movement by making retarded arguments against Trump, hoping the argument resonates with Trump loyalists better than if you were to go into the argument admitting those brown smudges on your nose are Hillary scented.

… citation on that hit number, please. I’d love an analytics source.

It's right at the top of the page. Oh, you won't believe that? Then check ... currently the 2848th most popular website in the entire US.

And that's just one, there's, 3167th most popular in the US.

Want to see something else fun? When reddit banned Q, it dropped from the 8th most popular website in the world down to the 18th See the massive drop? That happened when Q was banned from there.

Where are your answers to any of the questions I asked about your god? Why can you not refute anything I said, if it’s actually BS?

Every fucking thing out of your mouth is BS. You think I need to deconstruct every single one of your lies to make my point? Pick fucking 1 argument you think is best and I'll debunk it.

If you're hanging your hat on Q clearance as a silver bullet, you're wasting your breath. In fact, "Disinformation is necessary" negates just about any argument you could put forward. You're fighting a flawed argument trying to argue against the Q team, it isn't even about Q. It's about the information Q puts forward.

Tallest_Skil ago

Within that subgroup, there's another subgroup that think Trump should be taken out by force. That's the subgroup you're in. It consists of 1 person.

No, your COINTELPRO outgrouping tactics aren’t going to work here. No, your arbitrary, sourceless percentages don’t matter to anyone. No, your completely irrelevant non sequiturs don’t mean a goddamn thing.

You did not read what was written. Because you’re a kike, you could do absolutely nothing except pilpul your way around what I actually said. Thanks for admitting YOU WILL NEVER RISE UP TO FIGHT BACK AGAINST THE TRAITORS AND FOREIGNERS.

How you going to grow your group

We already number in the hundreds of thousands.

That is why apathy is your appropriate response to your stated positions.

So no, you still can’t read.

I say "stated positions" because they're not your real positions.

Sure thing; you definitely know me better than I do.

You're not really going to pick up a gun and go overthrow Trump.


You're just a retarded concern troll

You’re awfully concerned about that, aren’t you.

weaken the movement

Your bowel movements have nothing to do with nationalism or saving the US.

retarded arguments against Trump

Said the Q-LARPer.

Trump loyalists

I don’t give a fuck about your loyalty to a paid jewish shill. That’s not what we’re discussing.

Hillary scented.


It's right at the top of the page.

An actual citation, yeah.

Then check

Goddamn “premium” stats. I want to cross-check the claimed unique IPs. I was most interested in your number.

the 2848th most popular website in the entire US.

That’s simultaneously depressing and yet believable.

When reddit banned Q, it dropped from the 8th most popular website in the world down to the 18th

Sounds about right; you do have an awful lot of bots around.

Every fucking thing out of your mouth is BS.

Thank you for admitting that you cannot disprove even


that I have said about your god.

Pick fucking 1 argument

I did.

If you're hanging your hat on Q clearance as a silver bullet, you're wasting your breath.

Nice strawman.

In fact, "Disinformation is necessary"

So it’s even more hilarious that you’d just believe what it says without question.

negates just about any argument you could put forward.


You're fighting a flawed argument trying to argue [for] the Q team


it isn't even about Q.

No shit, dumbass.

It's about the information Q puts forward.

The information is false. Your god was disproven a year ago. Oops.

magavoices ago

Sounds about right; you do have an awful lot of bots around.

Thank you for admitting that brown smudge on your nose is Hillary scented. "Bot" is demonrat vernacular.

Why don't you just admit that you're a democrat instead of acting like an outraged conservative?

LOL at you pretending you're going to pick up a gun and subvert the government. Guns are against your religion.

Tallest_Skil ago

oy vey more jewish false dichotomy bullshit that no one said anything about

No, your COINTELPRO outgrouping tactics aren’t going to work here. No, your arbitrary, sourceless percentages don’t matter to anyone. No, your completely irrelevant non sequiturs don’t mean a goddamn thing.

You did not read what was written. Because you’re a kike, you could do absolutely nothing except pilpul your way around what I actually said. Thanks for admitting YOU WILL NEVER RISE UP TO FIGHT BACK AGAINST THE TRAITORS AND FOREIGNERS.

oy vey you are a false dichotomy because you don’t suck the left side of my jewish cock ha ha there are only two sides goyim

No, your COINTELPRO outgrouping tactics aren’t going to work here. No, your arbitrary, sourceless percentages don’t matter to anyone. No, your completely irrelevant non sequiturs don’t mean a goddamn thing.

You did not read what was written. Because you’re a kike, you could do absolutely nothing except pilpul your way around what I actually said. Thanks for admitting YOU WILL NEVER RISE UP TO FIGHT BACK AGAINST THE TRAITORS AND FOREIGNERS.

lol goyim no one will ever rise up


No, your COINTELPRO outgrouping tactics aren’t going to work here. No, your arbitrary, sourceless percentages don’t matter to anyone. No, your completely irrelevant non sequiturs don’t mean a goddamn thing.

You did not read what was written. Because you’re a kike, you could do absolutely nothing except pilpul your way around what I actually said. Thanks for admitting YOU WILL NEVER RISE UP TO FIGHT BACK AGAINST THE TRAITORS AND FOREIGNERS.

magavoices ago

At this point I think I can stop your takedown of the Trump presidency just by keeping you typing.

Tell me more about your ideas of taking down the Trump presidency with guns and your hundreds of thousands of followers who feel the same.

Tallest_Skil ago

What’s to understand, moishe? The ZOG won’t arrest the ZOG. Someone else will have to do it.

magavoices ago

We already number in the hundreds of thousands.

You've got a group of hundreds of thousands who are going to take Trump out by force? Cool story bro. When's the attack date? cc [email protected]

I don’t give a fuck about your loyalty to a paid jewish shill. That’s not what we’re discussing.

It's undeniable that Trump has ground the MSM to powder. Belief in the MSM is at an all time low. The MSM are all jews. Why would they willingly burn their own assets to the ground, having Trump completely destroy them, if they were both the same team? #filedunderthingsNPCscantanswer

Goddamn “premium” stats. I want to cross-check the claimed unique IPs

Oh damn. You're right, a bunch of jews I employed sitting at computers refreshing the screen over and over to make it one of the top websites in the world according on alexa just in case a jew like myself would need the stat in the future to make an argument stick. Buy the tinfoil by the bulk do we?

So it’s even more hilarious that you’d just believe what it says without question.

No, I completely disregard Q the person and investigate each individual claim made and each prediction fulfilled. If you want to debunk Q you need to debunk every point he's made that has resonated with the populace and quite frankly, you aren't up to the challenge. You couldn't even do it with your first point to one person.

Your god was disproven a year ago

Then why the fuck are you even here, shill? You won the game last year, go back and take a nap before you slit your wrists for having no hope.

Tallest_Skil ago

You've got a group of hundreds of thousands who are going to take Trump out by force?

Eh, we’ll go for the jews first.

When's the attack date?


It's undeniable that Trump has ground the MSM to powder.

Except for the fact that they’re all still operating, all still freely lying, have not been punished in any way, and… Is that enough? Aren’t you tired of being objectively wrong about every single thing you say in EVERY Possible way? Give me a break already.

Belief in the MSM is at an all time low.

And yet tens of millions of people still watch and believe them. And yet they are not punished in any way. And yet they are still on the air after PUBLIC PROOF OF THEM COMMITTING TREASON AGAINST THE UNITED STATES HAS BEEN RELEASED. I’d cite some of the articles about how the brain doesn’t SUBconsciously distinguish between television and reality, but I know you’ll just ignore them.

The MSM are all jews.

This is the first correct thing you’ve said yet. You’ll likely deny that Fox is owned by jews, though.

Why would they willingly burn their own assets to the ground, having Trump completely destroy them, if they were both the same team?

EXPLICITLY BECAUSE THEY ARE THE SAME TEAM, DUMBASS. They can “burn” their assets because THEY OWN THE ONLY GROUP THAT WOULD DAMAGE THEM. Who prosecutes in the US? Executive branch. Who’s totally owned by jews, top to bottom? Executive branch.

No one is going to stop watching the jewish media. They’re not going to stop watching the news. They’re not going to stop watching talmudvision shows, which are literally written as nothing but communist propaganda. They’re not going to stop watching ✡Hollywood✡ films, which are literally written as nothing but communist propaganda. MSM runs at a loss. They can afford this because the government subsidizes them (in many countries, by the way), and the jews funnel earnings from their films and TV to the media. You know fucking nothing. And watch this too, because fuck you.

Oh damn. You're right.

Feel free to take anything you see at face value, but some of us here are humans and therefore don’t listen to what jews say.

investigate each individual claim made and each prediction fulfilled.

You have never done this.

If you want to debunk Q you need to debunk every point he's made that has resonated with the populace

No, that isn’t necessary.

quite frankly, you aren't up to the challenge.

Sure thing, shlomo.

You couldn't even do it with your first point to one person.

I did, in fact. You continue to refuse to refute a single thing I said.

Then why the fuck are you even here, shill?

Same reason you are, just the opposite. I keep people away from your jewish hoax.

slit your wrists for having no hope.

Nice strawman. Cry more, Qcumber!

alele-opathic ago

I’d cite some of the articles about how the brain doesn’t SUBconsciously distinguish between television and reality,

I'd care to read these if you have them handy!

magavoices ago

Except for the fact that they’re all still operating, all still freely lying, have not been punished in any

Oh. You wanted dictator Trump to come in and shut all the media down via executive order. Very #bashfash thing to say out of your soy stained lips.

I'd ask you what about every single adult in the US who would object, both conservative and liberal, after the crackdown ... but NPCs can't think past one move.

How, in your socialist democratic mind, did you imagine Trump would shut down that big mean free press?


Make up your mind, soyboy. Either you believe Q narrative or you don't. This "I don't believe Q, but the left have committed treason and there's proof of it" is just plain silly. What did you do, nibble half a red pill and spit the other half out?

Actually, it's just proof that you're a demonrat shill, trying to project a conservative's viewpoint in order to persuade others because admitting that you're with her would just get you laughed at and not taken seriously.

Except for the fact that they’re all still operating ... blah blah blah ... EXPLICITLY BECAUSE THEY ARE THE SAME TEAM, DUMBASS

Game over man! Game over! Who is going to save the day? You've framed it not as good vs evil, but as evil vs evil. Which team are you rooting for? Neither. Which one are you rooting against? Trump.

Why? Because Hillary's side was more benevolent? You stay up late at night preaching to patriots who want to fix the country, writing book-long epilogues to dash their hopes while Hillary's butt stains costco chairs at book signings free of your scrutiny?

You're either a shill or just plain retarded.

I'd ask you what happens by giving millions of Q patriots hope only to dash them in the end when nothing happens. Maybe that revolution you say you want so badly, but NPCs don't think that many steps forward so by all means, continue shilling against Q.

Everything coming out of your mouth smells like Hillary scented poo. How many hours did you put in at The Hill debunking antifa? Or are they the buds you expect to help you take Trump down?

Tallest_Skil ago

dictator Trump

See, if you were literate, you wouldn’t have to suck jew cock like this so that they would give you your next talking point. You’re the only one strawmanning this, shlomo.


Treason, sedition, at least two dozen felonies, and countless misdemeanors. No one has ever been punished. You are personally in support of them NEVER being punished for this. You know nothing about US law and the responsibilities of the executive branch.

via executive order

No, just mass arrests.

Very #bashfash thing to say

Yeah… wanting the communist media apparatus to be rounded up and literally executed for treason is definitely something that communists would do. Sure thing, fuckstick.

I'd ask you what about every single adult in the US who would object

What, the kike puppets who actually still watch jewish media? Who cares what they think? Revolutions only need 15% of the population to succeed, anyway.

both conservative and liberal

Conservatives don’t give a fuck about the jewish media being shut down.

How, in your socialist democratic mind

I sure do love calling for the mass execution of the the people I supposedly support! Yes sir!

Either you believe Q narrative or you don't.

No shit, illiterate.

This "I don't believe Q, but the left have committed treason and there's proof of it" is just plain silly.

Fun fact, you illiterate yid: Q-LARP is not god. I don’t care that you suck its cock like one, it’s not the alpha and omega, nor the source of all information. Even the Nunes Memo (which Q-LARP did nothing to predict, by the way) exposed these people more than your god ever has.

Actually, it's just proof that you're a demonrat shill

Becaus I want to kill them all, yeah.

Who is going to save the day?

Let’s have a big think on that, moishe. Say we want to arrest the ZOG. If the ZOG isn’t going to arrest the ZOG, and there’s a group of people in the country who isn’t ZOG… Fuck, I’m stumped. Who could possibly do it? I guess no one, right?

You've framed it not as good vs evil, but as evil vs evil.

What, Q-LARP? Yeah. It’s entire worldview is jewish, and it claims that people will be arrested. Let’s pretend it’s real (it’s not); that means that either the jews are going to arrest dissidents in their own government (which means either evil will arrest good–as in dissidents who hate jews–or evil will arrest evil–as in dissidents who ARE jews but just aren’t the group currently in power) or dissidents outside the government (which would be evil arresting good).

Which team are you rooting for? Neither.

I don’t have to pick a side if both sides are jew-owned, no. Your false dichotomy has no power over me.

Which one are you rooting against? Trump.

He shouldn’t have sold his soul to YHWH, then.

Why? Because Hillary's side was more benevolent?

What’s “more” benevolent about wanting OPEN white genocide, shlomo? Why are you illiterate?

You stay up late at night preaching to patriots

You’re no patriot.

book-long epilogues


to dash their hopes

Best not to put “hope” in A PROVEN JEWISH HOAX, DUMBFUCK.

You're either a shill or just plain retarded.

Thanks for admitting that every single claim you made about Q-LARP is proven false and that you have absolutely no refutation to a word that I said.

I'd ask you what happens by giving millions of Q patriots hope only to dash them in the end when nothing happens.

Take five fucking seconds to learn about the jews, you dumbass redditor. When you’re working for them, you’re not working against them. When you’re lied to by them, you’re demoralized. “OY VEY GOYIM, YOU KNOW THAT FAGGOT WE INVENTED WHO SAID PEOPLE WERE FIGHTING BACK? YEAH, WE LIED. LOL, NO ONE IS GOING TO SAVE YOU HA HA YOU CAN’T WIN.” You, being under the age of 15, have never done the goddamn research into the historical uses of these tactics.

NPCs don't think that many steps forward

Good for them. That’s not relevant to the discussion.

so by all means, continue shilling against Q.

K, thanks. Your kike paid shill is a proven hoax and your complete and utter lack of ability in disproving a single word I said is both hilarious and pathetic.

How many hours did you put in at The Hill debunking antifa?

The Hill is against antifa? I thought they were a leftist rag.

Or are they the buds you expect to help you take Trump down?

Nah, it’ll be white nationalists. You know, the people in the country with the guns? The ones who will be killing the yids your god Q-LARP loves so much.

magavoices ago


Oh I get that part. Following you so far. It's the part where you advocate a violent coup d'etat that things get a little hazy.

No, just mass arrests.

So you want mass arrests, yet you type nonstop to battle evil Q supporters to dash their hopes, hopes that just so happen to be exactly same as yours.

And you think there are hundreds of thousands just like you, who walk and talk like you, ready to take up arms and overthrow Trump.

Delusion much?

Say we want to arrest the ZOG. If the ZOG isn’t going to arrest the ZOG, and there’s a group of people in the country who isn’t ZOG… Fuck, I’m stumped. Who could possibly do it?

The answer is clear, in your mind. The hundreds of thousands of people like you who are ready to pick up their guns and violently overthrow the government next Thursday. And look there on your left, Napoleon is agreeing with you. Certainly it must be right.

And you all coordinate it via telepathy because that pesky Trump has SIGINT intercepting those who would organize a coup online. Orange man bad.

When you’re working for them, you’re not working against them.

According to you, you can work against them and it doesn't matter because they own both sides. By your own rules your above statement is meaningless.

Thanks for admitting that every single claim you made about Q-LARP is proven false

I could bombard you with Q proofs all night long. How did Q predict McCain's death one month prior to the exact minute? I'd list hundreds more but you can't even adequately dispatch one.

you have absolutely no refutation to a word that I said

You've made a big fat zero substantive claims. Take for instance q-clearance.

Do you know what Q clearance is? Unless you've worked for the government and had the clearance, you have no idea what it is. Arguing about something that is supposed to be secretive and claiming you have a full grasp of what it is, what it's supposed to be, what it isn't -- is all an exercise in stupidity. You don't know the things you don't know, which in the case of secretive government agencies, all you know could easily be wrong and you'd have no idea either way.

The real options ...

Q clearance might have something to do with the department of energy. Q might be a secret group mentioned as part of NSA You claimed NSA is bad -- and likely there are parts that were bad. That doesn't mean they would continue being bad if Trump fired the leadership and installed new people. Q could be military intelligence, which is most likely.

Everything explained above, neither you nor I have enough to grasp the subject matter to to prove or debunk, it therefore is moot. But you know what isn't moot? Q predicting McCain's death to the exact minute. That, along with hundreds of other Q proofs, is absolutely real.

NPCs don't think that many steps forward "Good for them. That’s not relevant to the discussion."

You are an NPC, who is overly concerned and wants other NPCs to share his concernedness.

Your kike paid shill is a proven hoax

And your hundreds of thousands of fellow like-minded zealots who are about to storm the castle and overthrow the government are real?

Nah, it’ll be white nationalists.

Oh, you and the white nationalists are going to storm the castle, eh? Do you have a holocaust cloak and wheelbarrow?

Tallest_Skil ago

It's the part where you advocate a violent coup d'etat that things get a little hazy.

Not really, no. It’s conceptually infinitely more straightforward than your god’s hoax claims.

So you want mass arrests

Bingo bango.

yet you type nonstop to battle evil Q supporters to dash their hopes, hopes that just so happen to be exactly same as yours.

I don’t give a fuck about your “hopes.” Your god invokes the arrest OF THE OPPOSITE OF THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE BROKEN THE LAW.

And you think

Nope, know.

ready to take up arms and overthrow Trump.

You keep suffering under the delusion that he’s in charge of anything. He’s a kike puppet like the rest of them. I refuse to engage with your obvious strawman.

Delusion much?

Said the mentally defective sack of shit who literally believes in the goddamn jewish hoax that was disproven AN ENTIRE FUCKING YEAR AGO.

The answer is clear, in your mind.

Holy fucking hell, you genuinely don’t know. I gave you two goddamn options, eliminated one of them, and you still don’t fucking know.

The hundreds of thousands of people like you who are ready to pick up their guns and violently overthrow the government next Thursday.

Nice strawman, shlomo. I never said which Thursday.

And look there on your left, Napoleon is agreeing with you. Certainly it must be right.

Appeal to authority, appeal to majority, genetic fallacy… Are you even trying?

And you all coordinate it via telepathy

That’s what we’ll need, short of dead drops, yeah.

because that pesky Trump has SIGINT

Implying the NSA doesn’t exist. Implying the FBI and CIA don’t exist. Implying every single ISP doesn’t record all Internet traffic. Implying the telecoms don’t tap all conversations and data communications across their networks.

Who the fuck are you trying to fool?

intercepting those who would organize a coup online.

So… “the patriot act doesn’t exist”; that’s your “argument”? You REALLY want to go with “the government is completely impotent and has absolutely no ability to monitor conversations”?

According to you, you can work against them and it doesn't matter because they own both sides.

K. And?

By your own rules your above statement is meaningless.


I could bombard you with Q proofs all night long.

And yet you can’t, as you haven’t. And you haven’t even refuted a single statement I made. How interesting.

On and on like this.

Well, you can only go 8 hours at a time, after all. ✡They✡ don’t like paying overtime.

How did Q predict McCain's death one month prior to the exact minute?

By not doing it. Because it didn’t happen. This was already covered in my post, which you didn’t read.

I'd list hundreds more but… don’t have them, because they don’t exist.

You've made a big fat zero substantive claims.

You’re thinking of Q-LARP.

Take for instance q-clearance.

Mhmm, go back to the first posts, shlomo.

Do you know what Q clearance is?

Yep, it’s in the post you didn’t read.

Unless you've worked for the government and had the clearance, you have no idea what it is.

So yeah, I do know what it is. Thanks.

Arguing about something that is supposed to be secretive and claiming you have a full grasp of what it is, what it's supposed to be, what it isn't -- is all an exercise in stupidity.


You don't know the things you don't know

Should call you T-LARP, I guess.

which in the case of secretive government agencies, all you know could easily be wrong


Q clearance might have something to do with the department of energy. Q might be a secret group mentioned as part of NSA

Q-LARP is a hoax. This one’s the real option because it’s proven.

You claimed NSA is bad

I really went out on a limb with that one.

there are parts that were bad.

The existence of the organization is illegal, everything they do is illegal, and no one who works for them is anything but a traitor.

That doesn't mean they would continue being bad if Trump fired the leadership and installed new people.

It does, in fact, because not only is Trump a jewish puppet, THE “LEADERSHIP” DOESN’T HAVE THE FUCKING POWER HERE.

Q could be military intelligence, which is most likely.

Other than the fact that we know it’s a proven hoax, yeah, sure, “most likely.”

Everything explained above, neither you nor I

lol, not everyone is as dumb as you.

That, along with hundreds of other Q proofs…

...didn’t happen. What part of this don’t you understand, paid jewish shill? Your bullshit was already disproven in my post.

You are an NPC

Great argument; way to go.

who is overly concerned

Yeah, just let white genocide happen. All those “based” blacks and “good” jews help us out, don’t they.

and wants other NPCs to share his concernedness.

I want you, personally, to commit suicide, and I want the rest of the people on the website to know that your god is a proven hoax. Which you’ve yet to refute.

And your hundreds of thousands of fellow like-minded zealots who are about to storm the castle and overthrow the government are real?

Yep. Scares the shit out of you, doesn’t it, moishe?

Oh, you and the white nationalists are going to storm the castle, eh?

Do you see anyone else doing it, you brainwashed fuck?

Do you have a holocaust cloak and wheelbarrow?

Hooray, more jewish media references because your entire life is a goddamn lie.

Reminder that you have yet to answer a single question I asked after literally hours of autistic paid shill whining.

CaucasianWhiteBoy ago

One year ago today Q hadn't even made his first post. People were not making these anti-Q claims until around December. Get off your soap box and present some actual evidence instead of trying to sound intelligent with your idiotic rants.

Tallest_Skil ago


Go back to your “map” and look at the earliest posts. Not a SINGLE one has come true. What was that about November 5 and 7? It all gets so tiresome. (In before the same copied and pasted excuse you kike shills always use).

magavoices ago

Q predicted McCain's death from one month prior, TO THE FUCKING MINUTE. A photo of him with raised hands, eyes closed, as if he were dead.

How? That's a rhetorical question, NPC's can't answer things they haven't been programmed to answer.

Tallest_Skil ago

Sure he did. Whatever you want to say. Where are your answers to any of the questions I asked about your god?

Geranium_Lily ago

Impressive formatting, I must say!

Hand_of_Node ago

People criticize Tallest_Skil's style, but no one ever refutes his points.

Are you comforted by "Q" telling you "they" are going to handle everything, and you won't even have to get your hands dirty? Are you happy that "Q" embraces diversity for formerly white countries?

antiliberalsociety ago

Copypasta needs more salt

drstrangegov ago

this guy just keeps getting shriller and shriller. skil has proven that he is a skilled liar and manipulator. I'm getting a real sense of relief from his apparent unease. dude must be really invested in his narrative. I'm wondering if he's not just another shill but someone we'd really like to get our hands on. is there any way you techie guys can find out who he is? maybe not technologically but through his posts and the things he says? I think finding out who these guys are would go a long way towards getting a clearer picture of the battlescape. the piper will be paid, skil. you cant just fuck around with the sovereignty of a nation, ESPECIALLY not one where the populace is armed to the teeth, pissed off, and driven half mad with frustration from being left in the dark. you done fucked up, boy.

Hand_of_Node ago

half mad with frustration from being left in the dark.

Shhhhhh, trust the plan, goy.

drstrangegov ago

anyone who was truly on our side would know were not going to risk whats at stake on the word of anonymous poster. Q is just a slightly interesting aside that has no bearing on our perspective.

Tallest_Skil ago

you’re lying because i can’t prove anything you say is wrong

you’re lying because I can’t prove my own claims

Is this the best you can do? Genuine question. You won’t answer, though; your boss pays you to explicitly avoid answering questions.

Reported, by the way, for violating US law and board rules.

drstrangegov ago

is this like the calls I get from those indian fellows who call from the irs? you people keep threatening me...….and yet I still don't see any hit squads or law enforcement. you'll have to explain what law it is ive broken as well. I am an American citizen. this soviet shit doesn't work here, no matter how much you faggots wish it. so do your worst, scumbag. YOU are the liar. YOU are in the wrong. you have no power here.

Tallest_Skil ago

this soviet shit doesn’t work here

And yet you’re cheering for it. You’re BEGGING for the implementation of ✡communism✡. Q-LARP is not the ZOG arresting the ZOG. Its own fucking narrative is “we’re getting rid of the people who stand in the way of maintaining the current system.” Pop quiz, shlomo: What about our current system–economic, governmental and social–do YOU want to keep?

drstrangegov ago

I am not vouching for Q! I don't believe I ever have! this shit is too important to trust a coward who doesn't show his/their faces. I want to go back to the original plan for this country. that men are granted rights BY GOD, and the government should pave the roads and shut the fuck up. or we'll pave our own fucking roads! I see trump as a fireman. he's putting out fires. but we haven won by a long shot. and the only way we win is by getting back to the principles we were valued 200 years ago.

Tallest_Skil ago

he’s putting out fires

I can’t see it. He’s pouring chlorine trifluoride on the only one that matters.

drstrangegov ago

interesting...…..and who is that?

Tallest_Skil ago


The… demographic problem.

Hand_of_Node ago

YOU are the liar. YOU are in the wrong.

Be the first to refute the points he made above. It's 'funny' that people only attack his style, and avoid his questions like the plague.

drstrangegov ago

ive seen this person before and he really rubs me the wrong way. he is NOT one of us.

Hand_of_Node ago

Depends on who you mean by "us". I agree his style can be a bit off-putting. IMO, he's beyond tolerating 'normies' and people he thinks don't get it. I'll give you a couple quotes and a link I've saved to his past comments so you can see him when he's "on".

[Go hero worship on reddit. You can’t trust people to be your heroes. It’s important to remember that you never truly know your heroes. Heroes are just people. People change. People are bought. People lose sight. People die. Never forget, no matter how it happened, that whenever you lose a hero, the things you believe don’t stop being true. The people you believed in weren’t the physical embodiment of whatever it was for which they had stood. If they betrayed you or turned their back on their ideals, the ideals themselves are not any less valid. ...........................................................................This is because it’s not the person in which you believe. They didn’t make you believe those things–you already knew those things were right. You saw a strong person working toward your ideals–or one who had a clearer, fully conceptualized idea of what they were. In that moment, you knew they could be realized, because another person–fallible, like yourself–sought to achieve them. They only thing they really made you believe in is yourself. The reality is that since you never really knew your hero, they were always just an idealized projection of you. With them gone, you can choose to let those ideals die, or you can choose to pass them on yourself. A hero is just ideals with action. Choose to be your own ideals and you choose to be your own hero. A hero is just a focal point for the self. -]

[I take it that I come across as callous or harsh in your assessment of those particular instances, but I assure you they all come from the same place and with the same effort as completely hit it out of the park -style events. I’m short and terse, more than any other reason, because we have the sum total of freely available human knowledge literally at our fingertips and people have the gall not to do some research for themselves before mouthing off about such and such. If there’s something I believe (or state as being true) that you don’t like, PM me and I’ll be… better about discussing it. This isn’t a call to action or anything; you don’t have to think of something right now. Just the next time you see one in the course of your casual reading, hit me up. I’ll drop some sources on you. And hey, if I am wrong, you get to drop your sources on me. It’s a win win. No one can lose if the prize is truth. Well, except for jews. They always lose when truth is involved. -]


First two are complete quotes, with links. This last link in Gundeals is lengthy and I'm guessing it will surprise you.

I know, I know, I wish he could skip that "thanks for admitting you're a paid jewish shill" stuff. But see what you think after reading that gundeals thread.

drstrangegov ago

damn...….he's right about this. I thought exactly like him until I moved to montana. where everyone shares my values and culture and we all sing kumbaya. I'm a simple man and I don't understand a lot of the conversations on voat (especially when it comes to the rules of inference and logical fallacies) i see it as a bunch of nonsense just because i lack context, but I do know what right is. i know my moral compass is well calibrated. voat isn't just a place for the big brains to weigh lofty ideas. its also a place where a mechanic who lived in the city can scream from the mountaintops "the british are coming!". but the guy said it himself he wants to wipe out Christianity. i wouldn't be so offended if he offered up another moral baseline, but they've got nothing. just some regurgitated shit from aleister Crowley, the most wicked fucking man in the world. yeah......if your going to be our intellectual betters...….fucking do better than that.

Hand_of_Node ago

Re: conversations on voat

There is a fair amount of internet culture and history infused into voat, at least among the old-timers. But there are also millennial kids, trolls, and a number of mentally ill, and some, I assume, are good people. I know what you mean about the context thing, though. It can be hard to correctly interpret what people mean without excessive amounts of text.

Hand_of_Node ago

You’re either a Q-LARPer or a Christian. You can’t be both. Q-LARP is a jewish fantasy. It’s the perpetuation of the ZOG and the genocide of all whites and Christians.

What he basically said was [translated]: he wants to wipe out the fake Christians, including those brainwashed by the jews into thinking they're Christians. I'm taking that as somewhat hyperbolic, and that he'd be satisfied if the brainwashed Christians woke up to reality. The fakes are probably a lost cause. I'm no theologian, so I can't really cite references on who is or isn't a 'real' Christian, although I do think it's possible to be a Christian and make mistakes.

Jews hate Christians, and believe Jesus is Boiling in Feces in Hell. Your "standard Christian" is not typically aware of where they stand with the jews.

drstrangegov ago

oh yes. i'm aware of what the nasty little buggers have been up to. maybe i'm just a dummy. if he is effectively doing this and sincere i owe him an apology. but this statement is pretty concise: "Everything your god stands for, I want to eradicate down to the last unborn child." i don't quite know what to make of that. my god is the god that sent jesus Christ as an emissary to a people that are little more than apes. i'm pretty sure that god is the god of the old testament. the god of Abraham, Issaac, and Jacob. the god that punished the jews for their shenanigans, and warned of the synagogue of satan. the god that created this whole shit show in 7 days.

Hand_of_Node ago

This is just me, but I cut him slack on the hyperbole because I think the family situation he mentioned in that gundeals link has him 'stretched a little thin'. Possibly some other stuff too. When I read that, I see extreme frustration with the inexorable jewish domination of our money, our government, our entertainment, and virtually every aspect of our lives. I don't think he's talking exactly about 'your god', but you're probably not going to be exactly on the same page on that topic. (if that wasn't too diplomatic = mealy mouthed)

Anyway, I don't envy the winter you have coming up. We will probably have a frost or two here on the central California coast. :^)

drstrangegov ago

I was wrong. He gave me some videos and stuff that are blowing my mind and completely making me rethink what I thought I knew. Im still processing it but holy shit. This answers everything.

Hand_of_Node ago

TS grows on you. Got links to the videos and stuff?

drstrangegov ago

and this list of quotes.

drstrangegov ago this is the one i just finished. ive been to pastor andersons church in phoenix and may have met him, i cant remember but hes a real guy. ...….this is some serious stuff. completely changed my perspective on a few things. especially when you check up on some of the claims its incredible and really fills in a lot of my knowledge gaps. just started this one this is the only other one

Hand_of_Node ago

Thanks. Have not seen Marching.. before, and it's fascinating! Subbed to the channel too. Looks like they have a new one coming out next year. this is the one i just finished. ive been to pastor andersons church in phoenix and may have met him, i cant remember but hes a real guy. ...….this is some serious stuff. completely changed my perspective on a few things. especially when you check up on some of the claims its incredible and really fills in a lot of my knowledge gaps. just started this one this is the only other one

and this list of quotes.

Tallest_Skil ago

What rubs me the wrong way is your abject refusal to justify any of your claims. No, I am not one of you, ✡Q-LARPer✡. I will never be a civic nationalist again. I will never be a zionist again. I will never be a neoconservative again. Everything your god stands for, I want to eradicate down to the last unborn child.

drstrangegov ago

you've unequivocally stated you are my enemy, right there. thank you for justifying my hostility. looks like my impression of you was right on. you'll get no civility or quarter from me. you sure you want to fuck with Christian americans? you are outgunned in every possible sense. dude...….we've got a fucking hurricane barreling down on that invasion force as we speak. save yourself some anguish and take up knitting or something.

Tallest_Skil ago

you sure you want to fuck with Christian Americans

Being one, I can’t imagine doing so. The problem is that you’re not talking about Christians, you’re talking about Q-LARPers who’ve been brainwashed to fellate jews for 100 years.

No one is going to stop the invasion. Nothing is happening. They’re all going to be let in.

drstrangegov ago

wait…….you JUST said youre opposed to Christians. killing their babies...….

Tallest_Skil ago

Where the fuck was that said? You’re either a Q-LARPer or a Christian. You can’t be both. Q-LARP is a jewish fantasy. It’s the perpetuation of the ZOG and the genocide of all whites and Christians.

drstrangegov ago

i don't think were on the same page here. all i know about Q is that it is an anonymous poster that gets shit right about half the time. that's not good enough for me so I've disregarded them. my problem with you is how you are constantly demoralizing people. figured you were a Tokyo rose type. I see now you have just given up and youre trying to drag everyone down with you. we can win this. and when i say "win" i don't mean things continue as usual. i mean the forces that are trying to get people killed will be stopped, people will be left alone and their value will stop being siphoned away by evil bastards .maybe the u.s. breaks up. no sweat. good riddance to a big corporate clusterfuck anyway. hell, maybe it is time for the whole "descending on a cloud" thing. i don't know. but i DO know that the evil will stop. because there are LOTS of guys like me that will give our lives to stop them. there isn't an option here.

Rotteuxx ago

Then prove him wrong.

Cite a passage from his top comment here and destroy it with facts & logic.

drstrangegov ago

i'm not that invested in this one douchebag to track him and make it my mission to call him out. there are hundreds of these guys. and i'm no autist. just a working stiff that pops in when I get a chance to snipe at these guys. but I was there when others did the legwork. im convinced they are up to no good.

Rotteuxx ago

So what you're saying is you'll happily take part in Ad Hominem attacks against someone you don't know just because he rubs you the wrong way ?

On top of that you won't even make an effort to disprove what you call lies, you'll simply claim that they are ?

drstrangegov ago

why am I held to a higher standard? fuck you and your rules that you gleefully break. i'll do whatever the fuck I please and its on YOU to try and stop me. after all...….ITS A FREE COUNTRY, RIGHT?

Rotteuxx ago

why am I held to a higher standard?

Than who ? @Tallest_Skil substantiated his claims with verifiable facts and/or links.

fuck you and your rules that you gleefully break.

What rule did I exuberantly break ?

i'll do whatever the fuck I please and its on YOU to try and stop me.

So you admit to having the maturity of a child who'll throw tantrums just to have his way until an adult puts him in his place ?

after all...….ITS A FREE COUNTRY, RIGHT?

The internet is not a nation, Einstein.

drstrangegov ago

i'm sitting in montana. maybe you like to make believe you are somewhere where you aren't. and YOURE the adult? the authority? PLEASE. you're a gnat. a petulant child whos mad at his creator because YOUVE broken all your toys. what you need is a good hiding with a willow switch. and I've got a warm feeling that you're going to get it. the universe just works that way. enjoy!

Rotteuxx ago

Yes I'm clearly the adult here.

You don't even have control over your own emotions and are unable to stay on subject. Instead you redirect and avoid addressing what is brought up. The behavior of a child.

drstrangegov ago

well forgive me if i don't recognize your authority.

Rotteuxx ago

Only you brought up authority and are now using that term as an out to an argument you lost in your first reply... pathetic

drstrangegov ago

sure buddy.

Rotteuxx ago


zyklon_b ago

@gothamgirl read what Tallest_skil preachin

themagarhino ago

LARP = Looking at Real Possibility

Tallest_Skil ago

That’s communist levels of mental gymnastics. Kudos.

J308_V ago

Did you really need all those words to convince us? To what end? I submit that you are the larp.

Tallest_Skil ago


No, it could have been far shorter. For example:

Donald Trump is a zionist neoconservative civic nationalist that publicly disavows white nationalism whose entire family is jewish. The claim that he is working against the jews is laughable to the point of malicious intent.

Thanks for admitting that Q-LARP is a jewish paid shill and proven hoax. Thanks for admitting that everything it said has either been proven wrong or was publicly known before it said it.

MyDrunkAccount ago

Gawd, your post made me think of Amalek and how much shit we gave him before we all realized the motherfucker was playing major league baseball on (at the time) a junior league field. It'll take a while, but I firmly believe if the Qtards keep digging they'll have that click of realization and their little horns will start to curl.

Tallest_Skil ago

if the Qtards keep digging

Watch this. They are mentally damaged beyond repair. They CANNOT comprehend truth, even when it is presented to them. They reject it off hand. They are to the point now where they will NEVER see.

MyDrunkAccount ago

I'll have to watch that later, so I'm replying blindly, but I think you're being pessimistic. The same could have been said about voat during Amalek. He wasn't wrong, but nobody believed him until he died, and I'd like to think he's looking down on us from the eternal mountain with pride. The Qtards are far more organized, determined, and patriotic than we ever were. I wouldn't be surprised if they become the second evolution of our kind, JewHunters2.0. But, that also depends largely on them too, if they keep sucking on Q's nipple for milk they'll walk right by Voat's rivers of milk and honey, which is why I really respect you for rubbing harsh truth into their faces.

Tallest_Skil ago

I'll have to watch that later, so I'm replying blindly, but I think you're being pessimistic.

When the guy who was in charge of the program responsible for brainwashing the Western world says that the Western world is beyond saving, no, that’s not pessimism. That’s realism.

He wasn't wrong, but nobody believed him until he died

... I’m not killing myself, that’s for sure.

The Qtards are far more organized, determined, and patriotic than we ever were.

This is the fault of the site owners and of the website format itself. Voat is too free-form, and that allows it to be instantly subverted. I’ll go into it more, but I’m a bit pressed for time right now.

I wouldn't be surprised if they become the second evolution of our kind, JewHunters2.0.

How can jew-paid shills hunt jews?

if they keep sucking on Q's nipple for milk they'll walk right by Voat's rivers of milk and honey

“Even if you take him, by force, to the Soviet Union and show him concentration camps, it doesn’t matter. The facts tell nothing to him. Only when a military boot crashes through his door and kicks him in his fat bottom–only then will he understand, and that’s the tragedy of the whole situation.”

Tallest_Skil ago

Yes, your image proves absolutely nothing about a single goddamn thing Q-LARP said. What about this is difficult for you to understand?


MrCooper12 ago

By the sound of that rant it looks like we're over target now! You will be eating those words, shortly! Hope you're ready for Gitmo you piece of shit.

006fix ago

Believing someone who doesn't believe your unsubstantiated claims is worthy of Gitmo for arguing against it

That's a Qaddling

foreveryoung ago

"Hope you're ready for Gitmo you piece of shit." You're so brainwashed that you wish someone to GITMO for their OPINION and facts about something you disagree with. Having a bad day, comrade?

MrCooper12 ago

I'm having a great day, YOU? Have you been given your daily marching orders from your deep state masters? Each day is getting better and better for me because it's a day closer that the likes of you and your kind will be going away soon!

magavoices ago

From your very first premise you're off. Q never said he had Q level clearance or worked at the department of energy.

But there has been a "top secret Q group" at the NSA chasing after Snowden as far back as 2013:

There's been a "top secret Q group" at the NSA chasing down info on 9/11 at least as early as 2009:

So yeah, fuck off with your disinformation.

Anzu ago

Tallest_Skil nailed it and you are either one of the ignorant assed blind Q suckers or a trolling Joo. Eat shit nigger.

MrCooper12 ago

Keep showing us your intelligence levels you worthless pieces of shit. The only thing Tallest_Skil nailed is your ass!

Anzu ago

Die Joo

MrCooper12 ago

Must be the only words you know.

Hand_of_Node ago

By the sound of that rant it looks like we're over target now!

Senile logic.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting that every single word I said is fact and that you have no refutation to any of it.

When nothing happens, will you kill yourself? Please do. Livestream it so we can laugh at you and then forget you ever existed. You are a traitor to the United States.

MrCooper12 ago

You're really full of yourself. "When nothing happens, will you kill yourself? Please do. Live stream it so we can laugh at you and then forget you ever existed. You are a traitor to the United States", spoken like a true evil deep state Democrat. May God's wrath go swiftly for you!

Tallest_Skil ago

you’re a democrat because you want all democrats hanged from lampposts

you’re a democrat because jews have brainwashed me into thinking that there are only two answers to any problem, and they provide both answers

you’re a democrat because I can’t answer your questions or refute your claims


Tallest_Skil ago


Hooray! Six miles of wall, costing 3 million dollars, and finished in six months! Just 2000 miles to go! In two years!


So no, no arrests as claimed by Q-LARP.

autistic website

Yeah, I’ve seen your repositories.

MrCooper12 ago

You're pathetic, SHILL!

Tallest_Skil ago

Not an argument.


Thanks for admitting that every single word I said is fact and that you have no refutation to any of it.

When nothing happens, will you kill yourself?

006fix ago



inb4 "SHILL!!!! / democrat"

Without a hint of irony, people like you are just closet democrats/cabal slaves. Fucking civ-nat racially suicidal morons

Rotteuxx ago

How about you refute anything he said and supply proof ?

MrDarkWater ago

original photos posted from AF1 consistent with trumps travel schedule, flying in those very locations. That ruins the whole premise he started with.

but ill give you an out, because i know how you NPCs like tangential ways to win arguements:

I'm not serving up any proof for you. Im not your fucking servent.

Start at the beginning of the Q drops, and just follow along. You'll have missed out on the relevence of some things because those things arent in the news anymore. but just go dig for yourself instead of agree with some copy-pasta, all-caps shillnigger.

Rotteuxx ago

You mean the stock pictures of AF1 posted by Q ?

MrDarkWater ago

youre the first one to stump me. good job, now i have to reassess and readjust my entire belief system.

Rotteuxx ago

Doesn't take much, no wonder you're stupid enough to fall for the Q larp

MrDarkWater ago

it didnt take much. but all ive ever heard from the critics was "Qtard boomers dont even hate niggers enough"

I havent heard many good arguments against, not much said for its truth either but i suppose i found enough for my conformation bias quota

Rotteuxx ago

Well at least you can admit that your belief in Q is based on a logical fallacy

MrDarkWater ago

I hate being wrong, doesn't mean I'm always good at being right. Arguing on the internet has always been my natural test for my own beliefs. Deleting comments is for bitches, so when I'm wrong, I just admit it.

KryptoKoins ago

truth is no one knows anything everyone's lying to us Choo is lying to us the cabal is lying to us everyone Shine the fuckis over for every last penny they can get humanity is f***** either way

Tallest_Skil ago

Good man. This guy gets it.

NoisyCricket ago

He is known around here as Tallest Shill.

zyklon_b ago

@tallest_skil is with us

NoisyCricket ago

He's an admitted liar.

taIIest_skiI ago

@tallest_skil is a bot.

zyklon_b ago

has anyone of us not stretched the truth??


mememeyou ago


zyklon_b ago

ALL HAIL @tallest_skil

taIIest_skiI ago

tallest_skil is a bot with no life spamming Voat.

zyklon_b ago

you saved voat

Rotteuxx ago

Just eccentric is all

zyklon_b ago

yeah he tellin the truth too

vladtep ago

I see you are still throwing that copy pasta around.

All for a LARP, doesn't make sense. Sorry kid.

That said, QAnon is not much different than Soros on diversity, that is the real problem.

Tallest_Skil ago

I see you are still throwing that copy pasta around.

Yeah, facts tend to do that.

All these attacks for a LARP, just doesn't add up.

They do, in fact, since you’re a paid fucking shill and this is every sane and real person on the board telling you to literally kill yourself by suicide bombing a synagogue. “EVERYONE HATES ME AND WANTS ME TO LEAVE THAT MUST MEAN I’M RIGHT” is not an argument.

That said, QAnon is not much different than Soros on diversity, that is the real problem.

And yet you still believe and support it, race traitor. Why is that?

vladtep ago

Yeah, facts tend to do that.

You should probably learn what a fact is before you try using it in a sentence.

Believe it or not, I don't get paid to disagree with you about QAnon being real or not. I'm doing it for free.

And yet you still believe and support it, race traitor. Why is that?

I support the parts where he fights Soros/Rothschild and the other jews.

I don't support the multicultural crap and I do my best to speak out against it but I'm only one man who doesn't get paid to say what he says.

Then again, what else is on?

Tallest_Skil ago

Except Q-LARP doesn’t fight against jews. It shills the jewish neocon party line.

vladtep ago

I agree about the jews but disagree that he's a LARP.

That's just where we are in this process.

Tallest_Skil ago

But you CAN’T disagree that it’s a LARP if you know about the jews! For fuck’s sake, IT’S PUSHING THE JEWISH PARTY LINE!

vladtep ago

A LARP in the sense that we're being played in the end? Yes, most likely.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

How much do they pay you? 15 shekels? 20 shekels?

Tallest_Skil ago

Not an argument. Where’s your evidence that Q-LARP is real? Where are your refutations to any of the statements I have made? A 3.2 year account just starting to post again, huh? That’s interesting.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Seriously though.

Whats your paycheck like? Once a week, once every 2 weeks? Do you get overtime?

I'm just trying to understand how someone as desperate and as much of a loser like yourself is to resort to shilling online like a loser. At what point in your life did things go SO bad, that you took to Voat in order to bash Q, Trump and freedom thinkers?

Tallest_Skil ago

Seriously though, why can’t you answer my questions? Why can’t you prove your own god’s claims? It’s your own ideology; why are you so ill informed about it?

Q, Trump, and freedom thinkers

Your statement is oxymoronic. I have no interest in supporting the jews. That’s why I don’t support Q-LARP or Trump.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

So you haven't answered my question and ill assume the answer to this is "yes, I do get paid, but most of my paycheck goes to therapy and post op medical bills, so I am broke"


Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting that everything Q-LARP said is a proven lie.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Would you look at that! You got confused.

Tallest_Skil ago

Didn’t happen. Thanks for admitting that everything Q-LARP said is a proven lie.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

There you are again! They having you working late tonight, don't they

Tallest_Skil ago

Didn’t happen. Thanks for admitting that everything Q-LARP said is a proven lie. ¬

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Mmmmmm yesss. Resort to repeating your comments because you've lost control of your narrative and have nothing to add from the scripts anymore. Yesssssssssss. Do it again

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that you are projecting your own failings onto me.

If you had a refutation to any of my statements, you would have posted it by now.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Oh damn, there you are again but you didnt repeat your last comment because you simply couldn't let me "win" by guessing right that you'd repeat the same thing. So instead you wrote a new comment which allowed you to dodge the fact that I was going to be right, and went back to the age old tactic of saying "if you could refute what I said, you would have" creating a false idea in your head that you stumped me simply because I haven't cared to actually engage in your idiotic "statement" from earlier before.

HELLO, I AM NPC 134.42.124


Tallest_Skil ago

You’re clinically insane. If you had a refutation to my statements, you would have posted it by now.

Everything that Q-LARP has said is proven to be a lie. You have nothing to say on the topic.

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I AM NPC 142.13.213


HELLO I AM NPC 142.13.213


Tallest_Skil ago

Hey look, everyone! I broke the bot! Look at it scream impotently because its pathetic little leftist emotions were hurt!

Everything that Q-LARP has said is proven to be a lie. You have nothing to say on the topic. You’re clinically insane. If you had a refutation to my statements, you would have posted it by now.

lets_get_hyyerr ago





Tallest_Skil ago

Holy shit, I really did break the bot.

taIIest_skiI ago

Only you changes font because no humans here is annoying enough to curate each post.

MetalThatMatters ago

Whoa ... ^^ WRONG ^^

Tallest_Skil ago

In what way, Qcumber?

MetalThatMatters ago

Q isn't a LARP

Tallest_Skil ago

It, uh… absolutely is. It was proven to be one an entire year ago.

taIIest_skiI ago

There is no Q in LARP. There is an L in LARP, there is an A, there is an R, there is a P. No Q though.

Tallest_Skil ago

There’s an I in team.

NoisyCricket ago

Tallest Shill.

Hand_of_Node ago

Donald Trump is a zionist neoconservative civic nationalist that publicly disavows white nationalism whose entire family is jewish.

Is his claim incorrect?

NoisyCricket ago

Irrelevant. He's still a shill.

Tallest_Skil ago


Will you kill yourself when Trump leaves office without doing a single thing your god said?

NoisyCricket ago

Tallest Shill.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting you were proven wrong.

Will you kill yourself when Trump leaves office and nothing has happened? Why won’t you answer the question?

NoisyCricket ago

Tallest Shill

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting you were proven wrong.

Will you kill yourself when Trump leaves office and nothing has happened? Why won’t you answer the question?¬

NoisyCricket ago

LOL. Shilling Tallest Shill. Always shilling. Even dumb enough to be tricked into admitting it. Tallest Shill.

Tallest_Skil ago

Thanks for admitting you were proven wrong.

NoisyCricket ago

The difference is, we both know you're a shill. We both know you were trciking into confirming it. Whch is why, you're the Tallest Shill.

Tallest Shill.

taIIest_skiI ago

Bjork bjork bjork. Shills like you will be decommissioned from the Intraweb.

Tallest_Skil ago

Already blew 4 of your posts today, huh, sockpuppet? Reported.

taIIest_skiI ago

A bot like you report you to me. I am your master, your creator, your savior. If you don't get an anal probe on Saturday, you will be decommissioned.

Hand_of_Node ago

Maybe, but I don't think that's it. There's a discussion of that in another thread under this parent.

NoisyCricket ago

There are only two options for him.

  1. Giving him the benefit of doubt, he is a professional shill.

  2. He is worse than a shill, very mentally ill, actually believes the bullshit that comes of his mouth, and is harmful to everyone and everything he touches. Which is why he's worse than a shill. As he's is doing the job of a shill out of mental illness. Which makes him a believer and more dangerous.

No matter how you slice it, he is a worthless human and a shill (or worse than a shill).

Hand_of_Node ago

is harmful to everyone and everything he touches

How so?

NoisyCricket ago

He is a confirmed liar. He has lied about lying. He has lied about lying about his lying. He has repeatedly been caught pushing lies and important facts. To prevent people from learning he pushes confirmed lies to turn people away from the truth.

Doesn't matter if he's mentally ill or a shill the result is that he has the same effect as shilling. His motives may be different but pragmatically he is a shill. Only the foolish or shills support him.

Hand_of_Node ago

I probably only see a fraction of his comments, but haven't seen the lying. He does use hyperbole a lot when he's arguing with people.

NoisyCricket ago

My issue isn't with his hyperbole. It's with his suppression of facts and repeatedly lying about it.

Basically anytime you see him doing this ( type of ammo dump, it's because he believes there is at least some truth to what he's attacking.

As it relates to Q, he has in fact validated that he knows some of the Q proof are true and real. I know this because I'm the one who tricked him into outing himself as a shill. Which is why he rarely fucks with me anymore. It's why it pisses him off when I simply state, "Tallest Shill." Because he knows damn well I busted him for lying and shilling.

Tallest_Skil ago

I am an autistic lunatic who never has an argument in any form

lol i win because i say ‘shill’ ha ha

You’re clinically insane and prove correct everything I have ever said. Not a word of your posts here is true. You’re a fucking coward for spamming this shit behind my back, too.

Go ahead and prove a single one of your claims. Go ahead and refute a single thing I said.

Hand_of_Node ago

I can't speak for Tallest, but I suspect that response is his attempt to wake up people who've fallen for the "Q" psyop. I've seen too many cults come and go to think I should intervene when people choose to join a cult. Doesn't matter if it's even due to their own weakness or mental frailty. Let people be the self that they are, and let the chips fall where they may.

Now, that doesn't mean I won't point out (or even mock) the ridiculousness of wearing red clothing, or buying their beloved Bhagwan Shree 93 Royals Royces, or question their logic in the idea that one can inhale all the nutrients one needs with the correct type of breath. The Qcumbers point to Trump tacitly acknowledging the existence of the "Q" psyop as a proof, but fail to realize what that means. For all his appearances and efforts to date, Trump is not only fully in the pocket of the jews, he's given his whole family to them.

I agree. Anyone who doesn't believe the "Q" psyop is real is not paying attention. Anyone who thinks the "Q" psyop is for our benefit is deluding themselves.

From a technical point of view, the "Q" psyop is being masterfully played. How often do you see a cult spring up out of nothing into a nationwide phenomenon? The riddles, the code phrases, the "flak means you're right" defense against 'outsiders' trying to warn them or wake them up, it's all "best practices" material. Very skillful. This caravan just before the election is a bit blatant, but it's very likely to seal the deal for the midterms. This is all like the great game from last century on steroids. What an exciting ride.

NoisyCricket ago

I can't speak for Tallest, but I suspect that response is his attempt to wake up people who've fallen for the "Q" psyop.

See, that's part of the problem. There's nothing to fall for. People who take this position are ignorant, idiots, or shills. Tallest Shill absolutely knows this.

Assumig you're not he and are not trolling, I'm happy to explain why you've been suckered and led astray by a shill like Tallest Shill.

Hand_of_Node ago

Sure, explain how and why I'm wrong about the purpose of the psyop. Throw in whatever you have that makes it appear to be a valid operation that's in White Americans best interests. (skip the part about T_S, as I formed my opinions before his copypasta, and have evolved them on my own as events have played out)

NoisyCricket ago

What do you know about the Q movement? Superficial or deep knowledge?

Hand_of_Node ago

Okay, now I'm sorry I deleted all those paragraphs...

  • I know "Q" posts riddles on 8chan, and have even seen a couple of them.
  • There are bread-makers or bakers who "explain what he's really trying to say". Have seen some of that in various comments and posts.
  • Perhaps "bread", there are timestamps, pics, and whatnot purporting to validate the existence of "Q".
  • Many claim "Q" is a rotating group of various types of individuals.
  • Some of that "bread" ties "Q" to Trump.
  • Trump has appeared to acknowledge the existence of "Q".

So, on the superficial side, I'd say. Although I've read countless posts on all of it. I do believe "Q" is a real psyop, probably by a combination of security agencies, military people, and 'others'. Seems very likely to be either working with or for Trump. As I said above about the technical aspects, it seems to be "best practices" material, based on observation. The target market appears to be "older" Americans, and "patriots".

I think that mostly covers the highlights. Will leave my conclusions, opinions, and rebuttals for later.

NoisyCricket ago

I'll not directly address proofs. I can do so if desired. With 100% certainty, Q is aligned with Trump and Q is real. If you disagree or wish proofs I'll happily seed the field for you.

Q is an individual. Q+ is the group of people who function under Q. According to Q the total number of people who knowingly participate as Q is less than ten. Because of Q proofs we know that Trump is very closely aligned with these people. Frequently in direct communication, if not in the same room. We know that Q has flown with Trump on Air Force One. The Q group are themselves, it is believed, military intelligence.

As for the psyop position, absolutely correct. This attack came about because shills like Tallest Shill had it confirmed by people like me that yes, this is in fact a psyop. So shills like Tallest Shill play upon ignorance of people to imply that's a bad thing.

If you are a starving person in North Korea, successful and establishes psyops are CDs of pop culture and information that food and safety are readily available. That's it. It's highly effective and death sentence if you're caught with it. According to shills like Tallest Shill, this means those providing this information to North Koreans are bad guys. Meaning South Korea and the United States military are bad guys. So, is a psyop inherently bad? No. It is not. Anyone who says it is or implying it is or that something should be ignored and/or shunned because it is a psyop, is ignorant, an idiot, or a shill. There are no exceptions.

Now then, what's the point of Q? The entire purpose of Q is what the original movement was named. The Q movement is known as The Great Awakening. The entire purpose of Q is to educate the masses that there is a great evil in the world controlling most everything. By extension, MSM is the front man of the propaganda. In other words, the entire purpose of Q is to awaken the masses to evil. According to Tallest Shill, that's bad.

So when shills like Tallest Shill declare that, "trust the plan", means, "do nothing", they are in fact literally shilling. Think about it. He is openly advocating AGAINST The Awakening of the population. Only a literal idiot or a shill would do such a thing. I don't believe he is an idiot.

So what does, "trust the plan" really mean? It means don't allow yourself to be mislead by MSM propaganda. There is a plan in place so trust the plan and not the talking head propagandists. All who imply this means do nothing are, you guessed it, ignorant, idiots, or shills. There are no exceptions. Aside from that Q reminds people to think for themselves and to stop listening to MSM. He is educating people who to wade through the propaganda. Tallest Shill believes this is all bad.

Now then, let's talk about Trump and what Q has stated. Q has repeatedly called out Mossad and directly implied they are major players in the evil and corruption of the world. He has literally declared them the source of MSM's propaganda and talking points. Q has said that Israel is saved for last. Which absolutely makes sense if you have even two brain cells to rub together. Only the ignorant, and idiot, or a shill would take this to mean that Q advocates for Zionism. Remember, the entire movement is about educating the world as to the origin of the world's literal evils. More on this below and why Tallest Shill is a shill.

Now take a look at Trump's very common and repeated tactics. He frequently creates situations where he compliments, assists, and/or defends his enemies - until he's ready to destroy them. This has many uses and purposes. But one of the most important is that it insulates him from future accusations when things crumble for his enemies. "See, it wasn't me, I helped you." See, he's given the Jews many perks - including aircraft which have been compromised by Hillary selling military secrets to China, Russia, Pakistan, and others throughout the world. Tallest Shill tells us that selling compromised equipment to Israel is bad.

Now, put the pieces together. Q is awakening people to the source of evil in the world and educating people as to what is actually going on behind the scenes. Trump is playing, "keep your friends close and your enemies closer." Meanwhile Q is rallying people and educating people like no other movement in the history of mankind. Tallest Shill tells people this is bad.

Now ask yourself what would happen if these players were to overtly attack Zionism and Israel? That would be that. Everyone would be branded, it would fuel MSM propaganda like wildfire, and the movement would be completely and totally destroyed. This is literally what Tallest Shill demands. Which is why, with 100% certainty, Tallest Shill is a Shill or so mentally ill and dysfunctional that he is worse than a professional shill. Pragmatically it means he is a worthless shill and only the very foolish or other shills would support him.

Now then, Tallest Shill is quick to point out that Trump has established connections to many Jews and bankers. Now tell me how any successful person can not. According to Tallest Shill this means Trump is evil. According to two brain cells, this is pragmatic reality of the world in which we live.

As a simple reduction, Q is about teaching the masses of the world who the real masters of the world are hidden in the shadows. Anyone who is against this is by definition defending evil - via ignores or purpose.

Take aways: Q is very real. Q is a psyop. Psyop does not mean bad. Trump has an established pattern and shills demand you ignore it and only listen to the shills (which is another psyop - a bad one). Shills demand you destroy The Awakening of the public (which is another psyop - a bad one); which Tallest Shill demands.

So, take a step back. I've given you information. You decide for yourself. Tallest Shill demands you think as he says. Which I believe I've blown holes in the size of the globe. You decide.

If you want those proofs let me know.

Tallest_Skil ago

With 100% certainty, Q is aligned with Trump and Q is real.

Thanks for admitting it’s a hoax.

We know that Q has flown with Trump on Air Force One.

No, you don’t know this.

This attack came about because shills like Tallest Shill had it confirmed by people like me that yes, this is in fact a psyop.

You’re welcome for proving to you that Q-LARP is a hoax.

So shills like Tallest Shill play upon ignorance of people to imply that's a bad thing.

Yeah… jewish genocide of whites is totally “not” a bad thing, right?

According to shills like Tallest Shill, this means those providing this information to North Koreans are bad guys.

No, you fundamentally do not understand what you are saying.

So, is a psyop inherently bad? No. It is not.

Yeah. It is. Because you’re a fucking faggot and don’t know what a goddamn psy-op even is, much less how your analogy doesn’t apply here.

The entire purpose of Q is what the original movement was named.

To lie to the American people about jews and the jewish narrative so that they will willingly agree to kill their own white nationalists to maintain the jewish order.

The Q movement is known as The Great Awakening. The entire purpose of Q is to educate the masses that there is a great evil in the world controlling most everything.

The wrong evil. An evil that doesn’t exist. A PSY-OP, IN OTHER WORDS, TO KEEP JEWISH CONTROL OVER THE WORLD.

According to Tallest Shill, that's bad.

Reported for libel. You are not even human. You’re not intelligent enough to so much as read the posts you’re libeling, much less comprehend them. This was never said.

So when shills like Tallest Shill declare that, "trust the plan", means, "do nothing", they are in fact literally shilling.

Since I’m repeating exactly what Q-LARP said, thanks for admitting that Q-LARP is a shill.

He is openly advocating AGAINST The Awakening of the population.

Reported for libel. This was never done.

So what does, "trust the plan" really mean? It means…

...sit back, do nothing, and cheer as the jews arrest and execute everyone who goes against them.

There is a plan in place

No, you don’t know this.

Tallest Shill believes this is all bad.

Reported for libel.

Q has repeatedly called out Mossad


Q has said that Israel is saved for last.

Fun fact: This means that Israel will be the last nation on Earth and all others will be destroyed. It’s what the Talmud, Protocols, and Communist Manifesto say.

Only the ignorant, and idiot, or a shill would take this to mean that Q advocates for Zionism.

Isn’t it funny how you suck its metaphorical cock for EVERY SINGLE OTHER STATEMENT IT MAKES but ALWAYS and IMMEDIATELY take that ONE SINGLE STATEMENT at face value? I think that’s funny.

Pop quiz, shlomo: How are you going to solve any of the other problems if you leave Israel for last? You can’t. You have to address them FIRST, because they will NEVER give up control of anything else.

Remember, the entire movement is about educating the world as to the origin of the world's literal evils.

The entire movement is about lying to you about who those people are.

Now take a look at Trump's very common and repeated tactics. He frequently creates situations where he compliments, assists, and/or defends his enemies - until he's ready to destroy them.

Reported for libel.

"See, it wasn't me, I helped you."

Never happened.

See, he's given the Jews many perks - including aircraft which have been compromised by Hillary selling military secrets to China, Russia, Pakistan, and others throughout the world.

Are you fucking clinically insane?

Tallest Shill tells us that selling compromised equipment to Israel is bad.

Reported for libel.

Q is awakening people to the source of evil in the world

Lying to people about this.

educating people as to what is actually going on behind the scenes.

Lying to people about this.

Trump is playing, "keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

So close that he married off his entire family to jews and does literally everything jews say while doing nothing but damage whites. HAHA ALL PART OF THE PLAN, GOYIM!

Meanwhile Q is rallying people and educating people

Lying to people.

Tallest Shill tells people this is bad.

Reported for libel.

Now ask yourself what would happen if these players were to overtly attack Zionism and Israel?

They will not, ever, at any time, for any reason. Your “what if” is meaningless.

That would be that. Everyone would be branded, it would fuel MSM propaganda like wildfire, and the movement would be completely and totally destroyed.


This is literally what Tallest Shill demands.


Which is why, with 100% certainty, Tallest Shill is a Shill

“You’re a shill if you do the opposite of what a shill will ever do”

Reported for libel.

Now tell me how any successful person can not.

Prove that Trump was forced to marry his kids off to jews in order to get where he was, you cocksucking retard.

According to Tallest Shill this means Trump is evil.

Yes, a paid jewish shill who has committed treason against the United States is evil.

According to two brain cells, this is pragmatic reality of the world in which we live.

Reported for libel. You have no argument. You are the paid shill.

Q is about teaching the masses of the world who the real masters of the world

Lying to people about this.

Anyone who is against this is by definition defending evil

Every single sentence in your post is a fallacy.

Q is very real.

Proven false.

Q is a psyop.

Jewish well poisoning.

Psyop does not mean bad.

It does when it’s used against whites.

Trump has an established pattern

So it’s odd that you–the paid jewish shill–are trying to pretend he’s breaking it.

and shills demand you ignore it


and only listen to the shills

No, we’re not listening to you.

Shills demand you destroy The Awakening of the public

So why are you demanding it be destroyed?

which Tallest Shill demands.

Reported for libel.

Tallest Shill demands you think as he says.

Reported for libel.

If you want those proofs let me know.

You have no proof. You would have posted it otherwise. ONE YEAR of hoaxes, shlomo. Reported.

taIIest_skiI ago

Reported for being a bot. Enjoyed getting an anal probe and getting decommissioned soon.

Hand_of_Node ago

Ah, am just noticing that in the paragraphs I deleted in favor of simplicity was the request to keep @Tallest_Skil out of it, due to my opinions and 'updates' being formed separately. That's a bit of a problem, because I align with TS on a number of points. However, will go through and address accordingly.

With 100% certainty, Q is aligned with Trump and Q is real.

Seems very likely.

As for the psyop position, absolutely correct. This attack came about because shills like Tallest Shill had it confirmed by people like me that yes, this is in fact a psyop. So shills like Tallest Shill play upon ignorance of people to imply that's a bad thing.

Can't speak for TS, but the necessity of a psyop has negative implications for the target audience, and by extension, the operation itself. Essentially, it all but admits they're targeting the mentally deficient, which calls the validity of the operation into question. It's not "proof" of malfeasance, but it's not a good look.

So, is a psyop inherently bad? No. It is not. Anyone who says it is or implying it is or that something should be ignored and/or shunned because it is a psyop, is ignorant, an idiot, or a shill. There are no exceptions.

Have to somewhat disagree here. A cause needing to employ a psyop, rather than directly addressing the target population with the facts, is either targeting the mentally feeble, or attempting to trick a mentally healthy population. Note that while it's possible to have a positive intent when lying to the lesser-abled among us, this approach is rightfully seen as deceitful.

The entire purpose of Q is to educate the masses that there is a great evil in the world controlling most everything.

Of course they would characterize their intentions as positive. And it would make sense to include evidence that points to that... Good or bad, this would be the logical course of action. (Am going to ignore the slights directed at Tallest Skil unless they're directly relevant, but have to say they really detract from the credibility of your argument.)

So when shills like Tallest Shill declare that, "trust the plan", means, "do nothing", they are in fact literally shilling. Think about it. He is openly advocating AGAINST The Awakening of the population. Only a literal idiot or a shill would do such a thing. I don't believe he is an idiot.

But wait, what is the plan we're supposed to trust? This is a request for blind faith... There's no "awakening" in blindly trusting someone posting riddles on the internet... Serious flaw here! Can you not see that? RED FLAG RED FLAG In fact, only an idiot would blindly trust someone posting riddles on a chan site... As you say, Tallest Skil is not the kind of idiot who would do that. I'm not either. Wow, this is going downhill fast.

So what does, "trust the plan" really mean? It means don't allow yourself to be mislead by MSM propaganda. There is a plan in place so trust the plan and not the talking head propagandists.

Um, trust some mysterious plan over ones own senses and "lying eyes"? Uhhh, I don't think so. This is cult level logic. "Don't think, goy, just believe everything we say..." Yikes! This is nosing down near vertical at cruising speed.

Q has repeatedly called out Mossad and directly implied they are major players in the evil and corruption of the world. He has literally declared them the source of MSM's propaganda and talking points. Q has said that Israel is saved for last.

Haven't seen this, and don't see any specific meaning in "Israel is saved for last". What?

Remember, the entire movement is about educating the world as to the origin of the world's literal evils. More on this below and why Tallest Shill is a shill.

According to the people running the psyop? Sigh. This is disappointing. I hoped you would do better than this. But I'll slog though the rest in case you can turn this around.

Now take a look at Trump's very common and repeated tactics. He frequently creates situations where he compliments, assists, and/or defends his enemies - until he's ready to destroy them. This has many uses and purposes. But one of the most important is that it insulates him from future accusations when things crumble for his enemies. "See, it wasn't me, I helped you." See, he's given the Jews many perks - including aircraft which have been compromised by Hillary selling military secrets to China, Russia, Pakistan, and others throughout the world. Tallest Shill tells us that selling compromised equipment to Israel is bad.

Do you need to edit this paragraph? It almost seems like you're saying that Hillary compromising our front-line fighters is good, because that means the aircraft we give to Israel are shitty. But those are our aircraft too... WTF? If I can put words in Tallest Skil's typing fingers, compromising our front-line aircraft just so we can call the gifts to Israel "compromised", is bad. What am I missing in your logic here? I don't even

Now, put the pieces together. Q is awakening people to the source of evil in the world and educating people as to what is actually going on behind the scenes.

Questionable, and unproven. Firstly, there is no new information being revealed by "Q". Secondly, the claim that people are being "awakened" is a matter of opinion. From the outside, much of that looks like zombification. Perhaps that depends on exactly where one looks.

Trump is playing, "keep your friends close and your enemies closer." Meanwhile Q is rallying people and educating people like no other movement in the history of mankind. Tallest Shill tells people this is bad.

Trump clearly has impressive skills. The "Q" psyop is definitely the most impressive cult I've seen, even outshining the best of California. "Tallest Shill" is addressing different points as being 'bad'.

Now ask yourself what would happen if these players were to overtly attack Zionism and Israel? That would be that. Everyone would be branded, it would fuel MSM propaganda like wildfire, and the movement would be completely and totally destroyed.

It would? Based on what? I'm not seeing the logic chain here.

This is literally what Tallest Shill demands. Which is why, with 100% certainty, Tallest Shill is a Shill or so mentally ill and dysfunctional that he is worse than a professional shill. Pragmatically it means he is a worthless shill and only the very foolish or other shills would support him.

Alright, this has completely abandoned any sense of rationality. You're devolving into wild claims in a weak attempt to smear Tallest, but it's just destroying your claim to rationality. If anyone is shilling against "Q" right now, it's not Tallest...

Now then, Tallest Shill is quick to point out that Trump has established connections to many Jews and bankers. Now tell me how any successful person can not. According to Tallest Shill this means Trump is evil. According to two brain cells, this is pragmatic reality of the world in which we live.

You're saying the jews are in control, and we have no choice but to be subservient to them? "Whew, lad" But it's worse than that, Trump has gone out of his way to completely surround himself with jews, and he even donated his entire family to them... Now you're doing some major shilling for the jews... Wow. I'm thinking your handlers are going to want you to go back for more training.

As a simple reduction, Q is about teaching the masses of the world who the real masters of the world are hidden in the shadows.

Jews. We've known that for decades.

Take aways: Q is very real. Q is a psyop. Psyop does not mean bad. Trump has an established pattern and shills demand you ignore it and only listen to the shills (which is another psyop - a bad one). Shills demand you destroy The Awakening of the public (which is another psyop - a bad one); which Tallest Shill demands.

I agree "Q" is a psyop, and whether that's "bad" depends on your opinion of the target population. "The awakening of the public" is a matter of opinion. Some see it as as sucking them into a cult-like movement for probable nefarious purposes. Tallest appears to be against that.

So, take a step back. I've given you information. You decide for yourself. Tallest Shill demands you think as he says. Which I believe I've blown holes in the size of the globe. You decide.

You've given some information. You've made some very questionable claims about the intent of the psyop, which you have no way of knowing. You've also gone way off the rails in your rants against Tallest_Skil, which has effectively destroyed most of your claims about "Q". I mean, "Tallest Shill demands you think as he says"? I actually had thoughts of my very own decades before the internet existed.

Anyway, I hope that wasn't intended to be a serious argument in favor of the "Q" psyop. It's clear you dislike Tallest_Skil, but you've validated much of what you call his "shilling". The part where you said the jews are in control and we need to accept that is probably the highlight of your comment.

So it's 2:30 am and I'm not going back to error-correct or edit.

Tallest_Skil ago

He’s a literal paid shill. Just ignore everything he says. Have you read Rules for Radicals? Every word of his post comes straight from there. Every tactic, every accusation, every turnaround.

Hand_of_Node ago

Could be. Might also be one of those people who have a "hardware or software" error in their brain function. There are probably some who knowingly deploy RfR tactics, while those with logic dysfunctions don't perceive the logical fails. Effectively no difference, though.

Looks like your admirer has trickily used an upper case "i" to mimic your username, although that doesn't explain failing to capitalize the T and S. Hmmm. Oh, that's his other account. But there's at least one other permutation he didn't get.

What's funny is the Qcumbers would say you're on target, based on all the flak you get from them.

taIIest_skiI ago

Thanks for admitting you are a bot controlled by a paid shill CU-CARPER. Bjork bjork bjork.

NoisyCricket ago

Can't speak for TS, but the necessity of a psyop has negative implications for the target audience, and by extension, the operation itself. Essentially, it all but admits they're targeting the mentally deficient, which calls the validity of the operation into question. It's not "proof" of malfeasance, but it's not a good look.

I stopped right there. Because your twist on it is not accurate. If we apply it at its face , this means you believe education of the population of the world's threats is a "bad face" and has "negative implications." Which also means that telling people that food and safety exists across a border is, a "bad face" and carries, "negative implications." There is abolutely nothing I stated which is questionable. The fact you believe so simply means you are ignorant of the facts. Only you can can resolve your ignorance.

Until you are willing to admit the most fundamental facts, it's impossible to continue. The issue is 100% with your own line of thinking.

At the end of the day, Tallest Shill is a shill and a terrible person. Him falling into a wood chipper would literally make the world a better place. Choosing to align yourself with such people, while your choice, does not speak well of you. Your twisted, re-interpreted replies makes me believe that you may well be a Tallest Shill account.

I've provided more than enough food for thought. It remains my wish that you will go educate yourself on the areas on which we disagree. I have 100% confidence that you will come around to my point of view should you choose to educate yourself on this subject.

Good luck.

Hand_of_Node ago

I don't see any connection between the section of my comment you quoted, and your response.

Until you are willing to admit the most fundamental facts, it's impossible to continue. The issue is 100% with your own line of thinking.

Agreed. The "food for thought" you provided mostly failed to meet my standards for logical acceptance, which I pointed out individually in my responses. You probably don't see yourself in the same category as the Breatharians, the Sannyasins, or any other cult-like belief system. This difference in thought process is probably reflected in your susceptibility to the "Q" psyop, and my immunity.

Anyway, if you're going to believe in something like that, you might as well go into it wholeheartedly and see where it takes you. Good luck.

NoisyCricket ago

You probably don't see yourself in the same category as the Breatharians, the Sannyasins, or any other cult-like belief system. This difference in thought process is probably reflected in your susceptibility to the "Q" psyop, and my immunity.

LOL. Nuff said.

Hand_of_Node ago

Exactly. You probably see it as the opposite.

NoisyCricket ago

Exactly. You probably see it as the opposite.

Not really. Only an idiot or a fool believes they are immune. But the evidence overwhelming proves your statement wrong. One which you can validate for yourself. Which is why your hubris was so very funny.

It really boils down to your willingness to research and learn. If you read your comments above, your position is that a shill agrees with your confirmation biases, therefor he's not a shill. In spite of the overwhelming evidence that he is a shill.

The nuff said is simply an agreement that it's unlikely we'll agree. Only you can research and convince yourself. And you must be willing to learn. Your comments above imply that's unlikely.

Good luck.

Hand_of_Node ago

The nuff said is simply an agreement that it's unlikely we'll agree.


Tallest_Skil ago

Keep crying, paid jewish shill. Your god was disproven a year ago. When Trump leaves office and nothing has happened, please livestream your suicide. I’ll forget to watch it and you’ll pass from this world completely forgotten.

taIIest_skiI ago

Some retard left their bot on Voat to troll this website. That bot is you. You will be decommissioned.

Tallest_Skil ago

Great argument, as always. You consistently prove me right.

DGreenberg ago

What a fag. Carve it on the wall in Gitmo fag! hahahhaha

Anzu ago

Back to your cockroach hole Joo.

DGreenberg ago

Appearances are deceiving. Go suck a circumcised dick you fucking moron

Tallest_Skil ago

How does it feel to know that not only do the jews want to round you up and kill you, but the white nationalists you’ve betrayed want to do the same?

How does it feel to know that you are the “useful idiots” that precede every communist revolution in history? How does it feel to know that you’re going to be arrested by the ZOG and shot in the streets after you help them depose their own enemies?

You have personally admitted that everything I said about Q-LARP is true.

DGreenberg ago

You are a moron and either a shill or a useful idiot you profess to despise. Appearances are deceiving and you and your idiot kind will be hanging from ropes for treason you anti American fucktard.

Tallest_Skil ago


How does it feel to know that not only do the jews want to round you up and kill you, but the white nationalists you’ve betrayed want to do the same? How does it feel to know that you are the “useful idiots” that precede every communist revolution in history? How does it feel to know that you’re going to be arrested by the ZOG and shot in the streets after you help them depose their own enemies?

You have personally admitted that everything I said about Q-LARP is true.

appearances are deceiving


Rotteuxx ago

You know, for the few times I poked at you because I was bored and knew I'd get a reaction... I apologize. You are a great Goat and I have misjudged you in the past.

Tallest_Skil ago

No prob, bob. I’m sure I’ve exploded at you when it wasn’t necessary, too.

jwm5514 ago

Anyone who doesn’t believe in retarded fantasies is a fag

If Q told you retards to take up arms and take back your country from the Jews, you’d all piss your pants and run home to mommy. You aren’t “woke”, you’re all little bitch boys.

DGreenberg ago

we are woke. Q

jwm5514 ago

Well shit, why didn’t you say so sooner, that proves it for sure!

SuperMonkeyBall ago


ExpertShitposter ago

Great write up.