Scine ago

Listen up, I'm an IT Manager by trade, and things like this are always needed. Putting together a world class site like you guys have, for free, is difficult and time consuming. You take all the time you need, as I can shit post on in the mean time. Love you fuckers!

CRKT_M16Z ago

Whew, it's back up!

brandon816 ago


DearestTrudeau ago

Since Atko resigned, who is "we"?

Tor1 ago

General guide to contributing to an open source project that uses GitHub. Check your project's README for specifics.

Fork the project & clone locally.

Create an upstream remote and sync your local copy before you branch.

Branch for each separate piece of work.

Do the work, write good commit messages, and read the CONTRIBUTING file if there is one.

Push to your origin repository.

Create a new PR in GitHub.

Respond to any code review feedback.

redditsuckz ago

Changes good or bad...all thanks to v/pizzagate

bourbonexpert ago

Well... I guess I can try to jack off 6 times as opposed to 3 times today

AlwaysInService ago

Did you seriously delete your previous two comments and copy paste this one? Wow

lbruiser ago

Do you have access to the voat Twitter? That way if something (finger crossed doesn't) go wrong we can find out there?

PuttItOut ago

I should, but we have a full rollback strategy in place should something malfunction.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

give voat back to @atko

you are the fucking worst thing that happend to voat. shills suck, but can be dealt with with community awareness NOT CENSORSHIP

you fucking stupid nigger.

you literally fell into the slippery slope or you were an sjw all along

fuck tard.

roll back you.

get the fuck outta voat.

remove ALL shill coders.

roll back all this code. no greyboxing, no -ccp restrictions. more community involvement.

you're trash for doing this. niggardly sjw reddit trash, and you deserve the death of voat for what you've done.

i no longer believe this will be the front page of the internet.

8002430? ago

Lord_spartacus taking a pause from spamming while you are busy spamming. Weird coincidence, huh?

Rotteuxx ago




...Rinse & repeat much ?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

fallacy fallacy fallcy


shill confirmed

not even worth the purple text that was soooo fuckiiiing weeeeeak

SaneGoatiSwear ago

uh, close,

the going theory is that conde nast did a hostile takeover of voat, inc.

so in theory, they're not competitors, just two subsidiaries of the same parent corp.

do you know who you're talking to?

i spend more time on voat than anyone else.

and you think i don't know voat, inc, is a corporation registered in delaware?


play dumb

openly posts googlecanceraids links

shill detected. capping logging and archiving for possible shill.

Rotteuxx ago

Our very own cancer mod @Sanegoatiswear who banned me from /v/TIL for a post with 100+ upvoats & 60+ comments that didn't break any rules by a longshot.

@Sanegoatiswear is here to destroy voat, he will claim the opposite in virtue signaling displays.

@Sanegoatiswear is a spammer dedicated to getting the best of his farmed upvoats.

There is no cabal on Voat out to get @Sanegoatiswear, only caring users sick & tired of his bullshit.

@Sanegoatiswear is the scourge of our userbase, his huffing & puffing about canaries is plain old shit disturbing.

Fuck you @Sanegoatiswear, I am a criminal shill awaiting your lawsuit in Delaware.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you assaulted me, harassed me, and attempt in an organized fashion with other abusers of voat to assassinate my character in public

you are a criminal shill, 100% proven.

most likely paid.

there is no cabal

there are 2 at least. srs (watch the voat burn) and sjws (control the narrative and silence dissent.)

Rotteuxx ago


Harassed : who ping spammed who first, buddy 'ol boy ?

Assassinate you character: You did that yourself buddy, remember when you threatened to dox @Fuzzywords ? And Spam/Delete/Spam comments ? Or call everybody who disagrees with you shills ?

You've never proven shit to anybody, empty claims all the time.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

Fyi, I read voat's code on git, and there ABSOLUTELY IS A READ ONLY MODE. But it leaves a bad taste in people's mouths. They now have that; see how putt said he's doing update in sandbox naow. ok you say something a lil different. you're completely ignoring the fact that for years, voat always had community discussion about big changes, and atko and putt would acquiese to what the community wanted. now we're not even allowed to know in advance?


PuttItOut ago

ReadOnly mode is for updates and maintenance and is fully transparent to users. It is also a site setting and can not target individual users.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you aren't supposed to be talking to me, justin.

please re-start pretending not to talk to me.


are you going to end voat censorship and remove -ccp restrictions?

are you going to further restrict all users to stop a few?

are you going to add anti-bot tech to voat?

why are the users no longer allowed to have conversations about voat changes at all??

Atarian ago

Good luck chaps!

huntercel ago

When you say "not a bot or brigade problem" what you really mean is a "free speech problem", I am new here,but no one seems to want free speech dead more than you.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

categorically false.

if you haven't noticed i'm a pretty outspoken penguine.

i'm well hated by shills and fee-fee hurt reddit trash (which the world has plenty of.. ahem facebook twitter google more than a billion sheeple still theres)

TLDR: I NEEEED free speech.

and i have worked my ass off to stand up against those who destroyed reddit from destroying voat.

thanks for having a meaningful conversation

personal attack

huntercel ago

Do you not see people like you are why i left reddit. People like you are trying to destroy voat. Oh the hiprocrasy! You think free speech is freedom to control, how INSANE is that.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

fitting facts to alternate conclusions

personal attack

alice in wonderland

shill detected. capping logging and archiving for possible shill

huntercel ago

lulz, project much?

Rotteuxx ago

I see you're getting to know him. Any attempt to use logical arguments & reasoning will unfortunately be met by nonsensical replies & ping spam after you're added to his list of shills. Contradicting or rebutting his ideas is perceived as censorship against him.

I beleive you're 100% correct that Sane doesn't understand free speech. Imo he's forgotten that free expression comes with possible back lash & that spamming only serves to irritate goats. A lot of us are sick of him & that's why so many goats (not bots or organized groups) downvoat his ramblings so quickly.

AlwaysInService ago

(...)if other goats had not upvoat brigaded me.


it's not a brigade problem.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


it's a -ccp restriction problem

if there were no -ccp restrictions on speech, ie amount of posting and commenting is severely limited when in -ccp,

then i could be -10000 ccp and it would just show i'm INfamous, hated, etc.

and it wouldn't restrict my ability to speak freely

TLDR: let voats curate not censor. and then brigading doesn't matter.

@puttitout @atko

ChillyHellion ago

I appreciate your time and hard work!

Hey_Sunshine ago

Thanks putt, keep up the good work and get back to your server farm

NeedleStack ago

create a lower-than-designer mod position with 0 power other than the "official" person to point out disinformation tactics and fallacious speech in comments

Regular users can (and do) do that without being in a mod-like role. I've done it in some posts in whatever regarding upvoat-buying/botting accounts like with the HaHaBird case. Everyone's already free to do that.

instead of removing or banning shills, just shine the light of truth on their tactics

That accomplishes nothing (so far). For example, HaHaBird is still here and has the same level of power as before. Putt may change that in the future, who knows, but so far the shone light hasn't changed much of anything.

i would be at -2000 ccp simply for pointing out locke's reddit cancer and the partial list of confirmed shills

Yes, I know. I've told you in the past that I've not liked people downvoat brigading you in the past for speaking up and being a loudmouth about weirdness on the site. But this was before you resorted to upvoat-farming/botting tactics to keep your head above water. Two wrongs don't make a right sort of thing.

I don't know what the solution is. But garnering inorganic upvoats for yourself isn't the right way to go.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

so you won't continue to talk about the serious issue?

lol you gave up standing up for free speech because i exercised free speech and pissed all over a shill fake story garnering sympathy.

you know i'm still disappointed in you. kek.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


yeah it needs to be regular and complete, ex-batgoatgirl.

that accomplishes nothing

that's.. just like... your opinion, ex-batgoatgirl

you misunderstand me.


garnering inorganic upvoats

what the fuck are you talking about i haven't voated on voat in months.

consider a lower than designer mod position in major and default subs. the position would have no power, just the janitorial job of commenting to point out all fallacies and disinformation tactics in that sub's posts and comments.

that way there can be awareness of shilling (rendering them almost useless), without censorship.

but of course @puttitout won't let the community discuss this issue. nor are we allowed to even know what updates are coming let alone discuss them as a community, like we used to.

wtf happened, in your opinion?

AlwaysInService ago

what the fuck are you talking about i haven't voated on voat in months.

He's talking about you using an upvoat brigade on your comments and posts, which you admit in another comment in this thread

spooz ago

Do we get a refund?

bikergang_accountant ago

Feel free to hang out at GVid if you want. Our comment system is shit but it does work.

Use a fake email address if that works best for you. I wouldn't care.

SocialJusticePanda ago


chmod ago

Who the hell is "we?"

PuttItOut ago

There are other users involved with testing these updates so it is a we thing.

I should get more people involved though so we can find more issues...

SaneGoatiSwear ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago

who are these users and why haven't you told us?

fuzzywords and the sjws? could you stop letting KNOWN anti-voat shills code voat?? thanks.

Tor1 ago

Probably some of these guys....

SaneGoatiSwear ago

only one other user than fuzzywords and puttitout have contributed code publicly (and correctly) to voat's git in the last 4 months.

overix or something.

Tor1 ago

If you're signed up on GitHub, I'll add you to GoatClub.

Tor1 ago

I have Github for Windows and extensive knowledge of Atari BASIC programming language.

Check out my progress so far...

chmod ago

I've told you before, you've got thousands that can help! Including me.

pr0nw4r ago

its the jews?

looking4truth ago

But I have no life

ShineShooter ago

Thanks for letting us know Putt.

Scrapco ago

Any work going on in the direction of making API keys a little more automated to get? It seems like the way now is to just ping somebody with a request, but that somebody has a life and a real job, and and... :)

PuttItOut ago

Right now app devs have priority. The API can be easily abused so we are being selective in these beginning stages of release.

Please email [email protected] if you need a key right now.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Scrapco ago

Makes sense. Thanks for the response, and no need to apologize! :) We can wait, I just always feel guilty since your inbox is probably like the BSD troll. RED INK FLOWS LIKE A RIVER OF BLOOD.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm going to go make more ammunition.

love_rape ago

Feature flags are awesome, but obviously the require work to setup the first time you deploy them. I've not looked at the site code, but I'd be surprised if they're present as most people don't seem to understand the appeal.

varialus ago

Please back everything up before making the changes.

PlasmaDistortion ago

I guess this is a good time to play some video games I have been ignoring.

8000572? ago

Who is we?

I thought you didn't have a wingman anymore.

Stavon ago

Looks like Putt has a girlfriend. Good for him.

Islamiscancer ago

You are alive..

What is happening with Niggers?

Hit me back, just a chat, truly yours, your biggest fan, this is Islamiscancer.

Helios-Apollo ago

What information did our servers have that could have led to the arrest of Hilary Clinton?!

SgtMattson ago

Ok thx

ScrewEdditCensorshit ago here I come!

Unable to fetch gps coordinates from Please wait a few seconds and reload the page.

D'OH! I've never been able to say anything, but it's fun to watch?

I suspect this has something to do with a certain decade which has recently become popular.

Don't worry about it, on my account.

I, like the majority of us, will be fapping during the outtage anyway.

Putzmiester ago

Are you going to make it so where when I am looking at messages and hit"parent" it will just pop up on the same page?

armday2day ago

I'll see ya'll in xyverse

porncounselor ago

Have you considered moving everything to SSD?

Every Guy Who Only Knows A Bit About Sysadmin Stuff

8000313? ago

Farewell, puttsy! I will miss you. )':

*dramatic swoon*

daskapitalist ago

Keep up the good work Putt!

8000288? ago

@PuttItOut you are the coolest thanks for featuring my sub!

Goater ago

If you've finally implemented bitcoin for adverts I'll send you a case of beer or a bottle of scotch.

Even if you haven't, does anyone know how you can get stuff sent to someone without them revealing their address to you?

draegspir ago

Nope, addresses are the only way to send and receive bitcoins. Are you asking because they are having difficulty sending it, or because they don't want to reveal how much bitcoins they have...or?

Goater ago

Haha sorry bit of confusion there, I mean't as in to have physical product sent to his address (not wallet address) without me knowing his physical address for opsec, to thank him for his work.

I want to be able to purchase adverts using bitcoin, just so I can run a series of shitposts on the sidebar without identifying myself via credit card.

draegspir ago

Hah I see.

ZenAtheist ago

Ah shit. I may have to dive into the Reddit cesspit again. That place stinks like freedom got raped in the butt.

Chempergrill ago

I jiggled my mouse a bit to help speed things up.

8000210? ago

Why not do it at night?

Donbuster ago

Hate to bug you on something unrelated, but I have to bring it up. What's going on with /v/til and @sanegoatiswear

Are you aware of the issue?

Do you have plans to address it, or do you want to run its course?

Tangentally related, how are you going to address whatever means Sanegoat is using to quite obviously manipulate voats?

PuttItOut ago

I am fully aware of the situation and this update will address some of the major voting issues we have at Voat.

8002628? ago

Great news!

MinorLeakage ago

I hope you plan on looking at both sides. There has been clear brigading both for and against Sanegoat. I'm not on either side, I'm just a little tired of these SBBH guys chasing people off the site (yeah, I wouldn't miss Sanegoat either, it's more the principle).

PuttItOut ago

I see all sides and am remaining neutral. Vote manipulation will be stopped.

MinorLeakage ago

I very much appreciate your response. Thanks for all you do. You've never let us down yet.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i am fully within rule 1 in banning those organized abusers of v/til who were posting defamatory posts in a harassing way.

i am not manipulating voats.

i am also against further restrictions on speech (which includes voting, a form of self expression protected as speech in the u.s)

please do not alter voat without talking to the community first and getting a read on what the COMMUNITY wants, NOT WHAT THE SHILLS WANT. if you go with this tiny minority that is loud as fuck, you will alienate many good goats from voat.

the slippery slope is real

-ccp restrictions


the srs cabal's chilling effect

the sjws' narrative control and silencing of anyone who dissents.

the blatant criminal attacks.

users have broken u.s. law and you have done nothing.

(go to my list of shills, use the block function on all of them, and then go through voat. try that for a day to see what voat without shills looks like. you will see the truth.)

digitalentity1497 ago

Go suck on a cock some more and fuck off.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you need help, man.

mudcatca ago

Thank you.

ExpertShitposter ago

Hell yeha mane, post info on changes?

PuttItOut ago

Yes, we will post all changes in an announcement.

I feel guilty though because this reminds me of, "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it"

We have to push the update so that you can find out what is in it

In future we will have a milestone chart of what we are working on because right now we do not communicate this very well.

8001409? ago

This is better than that "we have to pass the bill so that we can know what is in it" because, unlike Congressional bills, site updates are entirely controlled by the admins, and aren't voted on by the users until after they are pushed out. If you want to know what a bad update looks like, you can't get much worse than the "Harassing subreddits" announcement over 18 months ago when r/FPH was banned.

We trust you, PuttItOut, just like we trust Atko. It's why we're here and not on some other site. You just do what you were planning on doing, and we'll give you feedback when it is in effect (probably very positive feedback if it helps solve the v/til situation).

SaneGoatiSwear ago

there is no v/til situation. users broke rule 1. they did it in an organized manner, and maliciously to continue the harassment and defamation attack that's lasted MONTHS because it wasn't working. this was all.. what's that term... gaslighting?

they abused a private sub, and got removed from it.

you keep trying to make this about me, shill,

but the actual problem is you shills.

Rotteuxx ago

You are a cancer mod.

You banned me for a post that did not break any of your unilaterally invoked new rules.

You must be destituded as /v/TIL head mod.

8001580? ago

the actual problem is you shills

Oh, you mean like your "10% complete" list that included PuttItOut (our one and only admin right now) as a shill?

You are a complete joke, and if you can't understand that, then you are also an utter moron.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

evidence was presented for each username.

puttitout used many fallacies and disinfo tactics talking to me a few weeks or so ago,

they're easily viewable in his comment history.

also findable in the multi-mega post i did re "10%"

yes, those are some of the users who were proven to be shilling.

personl attack

personal attack

shill shilling.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@greensmoke @thunderlark @atko

look at this shit.

voat used to be

"changes are discussed with the community"

now it's

we have to push the update so that you can find out what is in it


8001424? ago

"Sane", just shut up already. Your low-intelligence rants are probably one of the big reasons why Atko quit being the head admin in the first place.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

personal attack

personal attack

fitting facts to alternate conclusions

known shill shilling.

lol you're cute for a shill.

ExpertShitposter ago

Its ok, you're just implementing all the stuff we "The SBBH Cabal" demanded in the secret meeting. ;)


Donbuster ago

In future we will have a milestone chart of what we are working on because right now we do not communicate this very well.

This is a fantastic idea, just don't let it hinder further development on the site too too much. Regardless of how people like me might take it, its your site first.

PuttItOut ago

It's our site

SaneGoatiSwear ago

do you mean "we" as in the secret cabal of users coding voat NONE of whom make ANY commits on voat's github.

or do you mean we the users

because voat no longer allowed users to have any say on how voat changes. you stopped talking to us and the cabals don't allow us to organize on our own.

but "you see this" right?

ForgotMyName ago

Uhhh... Not sure what you're talking about. Commit history is right there. You can drill into the pull requests to see who submitted what. If you're implying that there is magic source code that's not actually a part of the source on GitHub, well, good luck with that kind of thing. Every pull request would have to be examined to make sure it didn't break your hidden code. It'd be a giant pain in the ass and it would only get worse as the code base and contributors grew.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

for the love of all that's awesome

atko said once that they don't always have time to put what they put into voat code into git.

i've been searching since you commented, i swear.

ffs did he edit it out?!

was it putt? no i remember it was atko, and i've commented on it a number of times... it's archived somewhere..

ForgotMyName ago

There is no way he is talking about actual code. Maybe he's talking about docs or something else. It would be insane to maintain two different source control repos and even more insane to have code that exists entirely outside of any kind of source control at all. This isn't just about normal practices, this is about the stupid amount of effort necessary to do this.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


Donbuster ago

Well yeah, I'm just kinda trying to forget the traitor that broke our hearts.

In all seriousness, you and Atko are the bomb. Thanks for all the effort you put in, so that we may shitpost.

DopeandDiamonds ago

I love it. "Our site." Has a good ring to it.

Tipman79 ago

So are you removing him from his mod status at V/TIL? It would seem this is a more severe situation than even @She

Edit: I know you're busy Putt, but an answer would be nice. I'm far from the only one wanting to know.

warthawg69 ago

Just hold on until after the update. Putt is a busy dude.

Tipman79 ago

Putt is a busy dude.

If only I was aware of that and acknowledged it in my comment...

warthawg69 ago

Yeah, sorry. I initially typed hold your horses but thought the comment I posted sounded better. Then I reread your comment and thought.... Fuck it I'm not going to edit it.

AlwaysInService ago

Glad to hear that!

stretched_girl ago

Thanks! I appreciate all the effort you put into the site.

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

Thanks for the heads up, I look forward to watching people yelling random nonsense at each other in that map chat thing.

VouvrayCabernet ago

Guess I'll..


...socialize with my peers.

piratse ago

I've been throwing up all day, i read your post and thought it said "penis". Made my day so much better

3rdTimestheCharm ago

read instead, that's what I'll be up to

ginx2666 ago

Hello friends! Would you like to talk about jews and their lies?

TheHolyGrail ago

I'm a Jew and I think I'm pretty honest, oh wait the internet psy-ops. Nevermind.

RectalLeakage ago

If you think that's unfeasable, you need new friends.

NeedleStack ago

Screw that. I'm going to stay inside and whimper while I hit refresh a large number of times. :)

TheHolyGrail ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago

edit: all v/til bans have been undone.

well while you fail the rest of voat, having given up on defending free speech

there are still good goats that are wondering

what @puttitout will do about the shills

this goat's firm suggestion is to create a lower-than-designer mod position with 0 power other than the "official" person to point out disinformation tactics and fallacious speech in comments. (which they must do regularly and completely)

that way, we can all stay abreast of who is really shilling here, without having to use any censorship methods to accomplish it.

instead of removing or banning shills, just shine the light of truth on their tactics, and they have no power.

this is a brutally effective idea if implemented by @puttitout. if @puttitout doesn't implement it, then these shills are free to brigade, silence, produce a chilling effect, and ultimately censor voat and control it's narrative.

for example: i would be at -2000 ccp simply for pointing out locke's reddit cancer and the partial list of confirmed shills, if other goats had not upvoat brigaded me.

if i do not use top comments to bring awarness to serious issues to the community, then none of my posts would ever be seen by anyone, because i am permanently downvoat brigaded upon posting. 24/7.

this isn't a bot problem. it's not a brigade problem. it's a problem of those with agendas to make voat die and to control voat and the narrative. the srs and the sjw agendas.

see: kevdude fuzzy words and the sjws hailing from CTR central: v/protectvoat and the srs cabal from v/soapboxbanhammer v/soapdoxbanhammer

8003480? ago

/u/SaneGoatISwear thinks that by maintaining half a dozen alt accounts he can create the appearance that Voat is suffering from some major issue, and the remedy will just so happen to involve an admin taking his claims seriously and giving him attention. Just like every previous time he's pestered the admins.

In reality, his tactic is obvious and he doesn't have the time nor ability to create the number of alts necessary to overrule the majority that are wise to him.

Hey SaneGoat, how's it feel to know that your reign of censorship on TIL is about to end? Now downvote me 8 times, you worthless fuck.

kammmmak ago

His CCP is tanking like some stock I see.

AlwaysInService ago

I'll have to socialize with my family... I heard they are nice people...

love_rape ago

Your mom is certainly very friendly ..

AlwaysInService ago

That made me chuckle. Good job

Tipman79 ago

User name checks out...

DependasaurusRex ago

I know... the horror...

Mad_Dog91 ago

Ok 😋

8000138? ago

Nice thanks for keeping us in the loop

NeedleStack ago

Would you please give us a heads up when the downtime is about to commence (when you know it)? Thank you!

PuttItOut ago

It will be in a few hours at the earliest as we are running this update against a sandbox environment now.

I'd estimate around 4-5 Pacific Time.

Mick ago

What's that in South Pacific time?

stretched_girl ago

LOLS, I'll be in bed for the evening :-)

NeedleStack ago

Great! Thank you!

protectdeeznuts ago

v/til needs looking at. There is a problem with the mod.

8000351? ago

Isn't that your job? You are supposed to protect the nuts. ): You need to open and run v/theinsaneasylum. And protect all the nuts. I could be your first (. . . Or second) patient! Pls.

whisky_cat ago

v/theinsaneasylum sounds like it'd have some sweet content if someone fired it up. could be internal/external content too.

whisky_cat ago

downvote is most likely for implication it becomes like SRS. I have no intention to do so.

8003234? ago

Ya know... I think you're right. I decided to make it myself. I'm not sure what will actually go into it (: Would you like a mod invite?

Anyone else want one? To apply, you have to have a history of mental health problems d; And a bit of a history here at Voat.

whisky_cat ago

sure. I killed a bunch of people once[0].

protectdeeznuts ago

I've been collecting rocks. I'll get to some things including you soon :)

therealsharpie ago

If I can survive 1-2 hours without Voat then this will be a much-appreciated update afterwards!

Le_Squish ago


tanukihat ago

So this is what it's like when @PuttItOut is in charge...

draegspir ago


tanukihat ago


draegspir ago

Upside-down A's. I like it.

common_sense ago
