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realpatrickstewart ago

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, Focus more on keeping the site alive than Freedom of Speech. (WHAT? WHAT?! No, hear me out.)

You have what matters, a dedication to Freedom of Speech, at the core of your being. All policies flow out of that.

You need to worry more about the money side of keeping it alive. Get enough revenue to hire at least one full-time staff and pay for bandwidth. If possible, have the hired hand also perform marketing. Have him/her post about Voat on other social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Twitch, Reddit, Slashdot, etc.) in their time not being spent on technical issues. You have a "reputation" for being full of racists and pedophiles. That's OBVIOUSLY not true but you need someone actively (but politely) pushing against the lies.

Also have your hire work to get advertisers. If a YouTube channel with 10,000 subscribers can get ads, then surely a website with more users can get ads, deals, sponserships. Look into gaming and other sponsorships that focus on "viral marketing to kids". They're more willing to try non-standard venues like YouTube.

If you have to get rid of the .00001% of super toxic people, to keep the lights on. Do it. Super toxic people go where ever they can. (I'm NOT calling normal people toxic like some SJW.)

You CAN have your cake and eat it too. You just have to not eat the whole thing. You CAN have plenty of reasonable, normal, advertisers around somewhat controversial content. Just make sure you're not bending over backwards to please people who go out of their way to have the most controversial, niche content that angers 99.999% of the world.

Even then, holding onto 100% inclusion, there ARE options out there. You could even go as far as to distinguish super controversial subverses from the "normal" ones. So you have your "normal" Voat with 99.9% of content that ads show up on. And the "dark" Voat where ads don't show up so advertisers don't get angry seeing their brand next to sick shit.